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针对全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)卫星端相位小数周偏差(FCB)难以有效分离而导致模糊度固定较为困难的问题,该文通过构建基于原始频率观测值上的双频非组合FCB估计模型,实现了全球定位系统(GPS)、北斗二号(Beidou-2,BDS-2)和北斗三号(Beidou-3,BDS-3)卫星端FCB精确估计,并在此基础上实现了GPS、GPS/BDS-2和GPS/BDS-2/BDS-3不同系统融合的静态和动态非组合精密单点定位(PPP)模糊度固定解。结果表明,GPS FCB稳定性最优,BDS-3 FCB稳定性略差于BDS-2;相对于单GPS和GPS/BDS-2系统,GPS/BDS-2/BDS-3融合的PPP固定解在定位精度、收敛时间和模糊度固定率等方面得到显著改善。  相似文献   

星间单差法是常用的精密单点定位PPP模糊度固定方法,但是要面临基准星转换的问题。为此,提出了一种逐级模糊度固定模型,采用法国CNES发布的整数相位钟差产品,在PPP非差观测模型基础上逐一选取两颗卫星进行模糊度固定;得到多组单差模糊度固定解后,再以此构成约束条件进行滤波得到其他参数。实验选取了8个IGS站共48个观测时段进行模糊度固定实验。结果表明,模糊度成功固定后,位置三维误差平均值由5.60 cm减小到2.72 cm;位置误差标准差由3.64 cm减小到1.50 cm。仿动态条件下,模糊度固定后位置误差由6.02 cm降至4.75 cm。  相似文献   

利用区域GNSS参考网络进行宽巷及窄巷硬件延迟的估计,进而利用硬件延迟估计值对PPP模糊度进行固定。使用重庆CORS数据对该方法进行了实验分析。结果表明,宽巷及窄巷硬件延迟在一段时期内均比较稳定,宽巷及窄巷固定成功率分别达90%、85%左右。相对于浮点解,固定解精度在测站东方向上提高了30%左右。  相似文献   

与模糊度为浮点解的精密单点定位(precise point positioning,PPP)相比,PPP模糊度固定技术具有更快的收敛速度和更好的定位精度。但当GPS卫星数目少或几何构形不好时,需要较长时间实现GPS PPP模糊度的首次固定,通过加入GLONASS卫星可以有效缩短首次固定时间。推导了基于整数相位钟法的GPS/GLONASS组合PPP模型并进行了大量实验解算。40组静态模拟动态实验表明,GPS PPP模糊度首次固定平均需要50.2 min,但在GLONASS辅助下只需25.7 min,减少了48.8%,而且定位精度也有提高。车载动态实验表明,由于受观测条件限制,GPS PPP模糊度难以固定,但在GLONASS辅助下仍能实现GPS PPP模糊度固定。  相似文献   

精密单点定位非差模糊度解算和收敛时间是制约其应用和发展的主要因素。本文从基本观测模型出发,将消电离层模糊度分解为宽巷和窄巷分别固定,并对固定方法做了改进,削弱了初始历元相关性对收敛速度的影响;提出非差相位延迟估计(PDE)解算模型,在不利用区域或全球参考站的前提下解算卫星与接收机相位延迟。通过对中国6个IGS站数据处理结果显示,93%的模糊度可以在20 min内固定。固定后定位精度在E,N和U方向上分别提高了63%,53%和24%;定位精度可以达到毫米至厘米级。对于数据质量较好的站点(如上海站)平面精度可达3 mm,模糊度固定后精密单点定位有了很大提高。  相似文献   

刘帅  孙付平  郝万亮  刘婧  李海峰 《测绘学报》2014,43(12):1230-1237
精密单点定位(PPP)模糊度固定方法有3种:星间单差法、整数相位钟法和钟差解耦法,但目前仅法国CNES公开发布用于整数相位钟法PPP模糊度固定的产品,因此研究基于整数相位钟法的用户端PPP模糊度固定模型很有必要.本文分析了整数相位钟法PPP模糊度固定模型,着重指出该模型与传统浮点解PPP模型的区别;提出一种顾及质量控制的逐级模糊度固定策略用于具体实施PPP模糊度固定.大量动态PPP解算试验表明:与浮点解PPP相比,固定解PPP具有更快的收敛速度且定位精度和稳定性更好.  相似文献   

针对BDS单系统未校准相位延迟(UPD)估计以及不同时长精密单点定位(PPP)模糊度固定对定位精度影响的问题,该文选取56个测站估计UPD,利用未参与UPD计算的8个测站进行不同时长BDS静态PPP模糊度固定实验。结果表明:BDS星间单差宽巷和窄巷UPD在连续时段内具有一定的稳定性,其估计精度满足用于PPP模糊度固定要求。时长越短模糊度固定率越低。以IGS周解为参考值,不同时长模糊度固定解较浮点解三维定位精度均提高12%以上,时长越短模糊度固定解精度提高越显著。因此,模糊度固定是提高BDSPPP定位精度的重要手段。  相似文献   

袁运斌  刘帅  潭冰峰 《测绘学报》2022,51(8):1669-1679
精密单点定位模糊度固定可以显著提升定位精度,钟差解耦模型作为一种重要的模糊度固定模型,却鲜有文献对其进行研究。本文首先给出了基于钟差解耦模型的用于模糊度固定的产品估计策略,分析了传统的消电离层模型和钟差解耦模型钟差重构形式的差异,导出了提取卫星码偏差的钟差估计模型。然后,深入研究了钟差解耦模型在钟差估计收敛速度等方面的优势。不同于其他模型将宽巷模糊度偏差视为天内常数,钟差解耦模型逐历元估计该偏差项,基于此展开对宽巷模糊度偏差天内时变特性的研究。最后,评价了解耦钟差的精度,并利用解耦钟差产品进行精密单点定位模糊度固定试验。结果表明,相比于提取卫星码偏差的卫星钟差估计模型,钟差解耦模型在钟差估计中的收敛速度更快,钟差产品更加稳定;宽巷模糊度偏差在天内较为稳定;解耦钟差产品具有较高的精度,相比于传统消电离层组合模型,基于该产品的精密单点定位模糊度固定可显著提升定位精度。  相似文献   

随着Galileo卫星系统的全面建成,多频Galileo观测值提供了更低噪声和更长波长的观测值组合,从而为Galileo瞬时精密单点定位(precise point positioning,PPP)模糊度固定(ambiguity resolution,AR)提供良好的条件。从三频无电离层组合观测模型出发,重点分析了Galileo各个频点观测值组合的噪声放大因子,并基于15个MGEX(multi-GNSS experiment)测站10天的观测数据评估了不同频率组合的Galileo瞬时PPP-AR定位精度。结果表明:在位置精度衰减因子(position dilution of precision,PDOP)较差时(PDOP=2.3),采用Galileo E1/E5a/E6频率的瞬时PPP-AR在东、北和天方向的均方根(root mean square,RMS)分别为0.16 m、0.19 m和0.45 m,与Galileo E1/E5a/E5b瞬时PPP-AR定位解相比,在3个方向分别提高了约40%、38%和32%。以上结果表明,采用Galileo E1/E5a/E6组合对瞬时PPP-A...  相似文献   

探讨了精密单点定位的基本原理、处理方法、所涉及的误差改正及数据处理中的一些关键技术;采用直接内插IGS卫星精密星历的方法代替利用IGS跟踪站进行轨道精化方法计算卫星轨道参数,对现有精密单点定位计算方法进行了简化,使之更具有实用性。最后利用自主研发的精密非差单点定位软件计算和分析了实测数据。计算结果表明,经过大约15 min的初始化后,非差相位单历元的定位结果精确度在X,Y,Z方向上均优于20 cm。  相似文献   

Ambiguity resolved precise point positioning with GPS and BeiDou   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper focuses on the contribution of the global positioning system (GPS) and BeiDou navigation satellite system (BDS) observations to precise point positioning (PPP) ambiguity resolution (AR). A GPS + BDS fractional cycle bias (FCB) estimation method and a PPP AR model were developed using integrated GPS and BDS observations. For FCB estimation, the GPS + BDS combined PPP float solutions of the globally distributed IGS MGEX were first performed. When integrating GPS observations, the BDS ambiguities can be precisely estimated with less than four tracked BDS satellites. The FCBs of both GPS and BDS satellites can then be estimated from these precise ambiguities. For the GPS + BDS combined AR, one GPS and one BDS IGSO or MEO satellite were first chosen as the reference satellite for GPS and BDS, respectively, to form inner-system single-differenced ambiguities. The single-differenced GPS and BDS ambiguities were then fused by partial ambiguity resolution to increase the possibility of fixing a subset of decorrelated ambiguities with high confidence. To verify the correctness of the FCB estimation and the effectiveness of the GPS + BDS PPP AR, data recorded from about 75 IGS MGEX stations during the period of DOY 123-151 (May 3 to May 31) in 2015 were used for validation. Data were processed with three strategies: BDS-only AR, GPS-only AR and GPS + BDS AR. Numerous experimental results show that the time to first fix (TTFF) is longer than 6 h for the BDS AR in general and that the fixing rate is usually less than 35 % for both static and kinematic PPP. An average TTFF of 21.7 min and 33.6 min together with a fixing rate of 98.6 and 97.0 % in static and kinematic PPP, respectively, can be achieved for GPS-only ambiguity fixing. For the combined GPS + BDS AR, the average TTFF can be shortened to 16.9 min and 24.6 min and the fixing rate can be increased to 99.5 and 99.0 % in static and kinematic PPP, respectively. Results also show that GPS + BDS PPP AR outperforms single-system PPP AR in terms of convergence time and position accuracy.  相似文献   

周锋  徐天河 《测绘学报》2021,50(1):61-70
在精细考虑伪距和载波相位硬件偏差时变特性的基础上,导出了更为严谨的非差非组合观测方程,并给出了非组合模式下两类GNSS偏差的数学表达形式.基于此,本文详细研究了3种常用的三频精密单点定位(PPP),即无电离层两两组合IF1213、单个无电离层组合IF123与非组合UC123函数模型的独立参数化方法,系统分析了3种PPP...  相似文献   

Ambiguity resolution in precise point positioning with hourly data   总被引:19,自引:7,他引:12  
Precise point positioning (PPP) has become a powerful tool for the scientific analysis of Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements. Until recently, ambiguity resolution at a single station in PPP has been considered difficult, due to the receiver- and satellite-dependent uncalibrated hardware delays (UHD). However, recent studies show that if these UHD can be determined accurately in advance within a network of stations, then ambiguity resolution at a single station becomes possible. In this study, the method proposed by Ge et al. J Geod 82(7):389–399, 2007 is adopted with a refinement in which only one single-difference narrow-lane UHD between a pair of satellites is determined within each full pass over a regional network. This study uses the EUREF (European Reference Frame) Permanent Network (EPN) to determine the UHD from Day 245 to 251 in 2007. Then 12 International GNSS Service stations inside the EPN and 15 outside the EPN are used to conduct ambiguity resolution in hourly PPP. It is found that the mean positioning accuracy in all hourly solutions for the stations inside the EPN is improved from (3.8, 1.5, 2.8) centimeters to (0.5, 0.5, 1.4) centimeters for the East, North and Up components, respectively. For the stations outside the EPN, some of which are over 2,000 km away from the nearest EPN stations, the mean positioning accuracy in the East, North and Up directions still achieves (0.6, 0.6, 2.0) centimeters, respectively, when the EPN-based UHD are applied to these stations. These results demonstrate that ambiguity resolution at a single station can significantly improve the positioning accuracy in hourly PPP. Particularly, UHD can be even applied to a station which is up to thousands of kilometers from the UHD-determination network, potentially showing a great advantage over current network-based GPS augmentation systems. Therefore, it is feasible and beneficial for the operators of GPS regional networks and providers of PPP-based online services to provide these UHD estimates as an additional product.  相似文献   

At present, reliable ambiguity resolution in real-time GPS precise point positioning (PPP) can only be achieved after an initial observation period of a few tens of minutes. In this study, we propose a method where the incoming triple-frequency GPS signals are exploited to enable rapid convergences to ambiguity-fixed solutions in real-time PPP. Specifically, extra-wide-lane ambiguity resolution can be first achieved almost instantaneously with the Melbourne-Wübbena combination observable on L2 and L5. Then the resultant unambiguous extra-wide-lane carrier-phase is combined with the wide-lane carrier-phase on L1 and L2 to form an ionosphere-free observable with a wavelength of about 3.4 m. Although the noise of this observable is around 100 times the raw carrier-phase noise, its wide-lane ambiguity can still be resolved very efficiently, and the resultant ambiguity-fixed observable can assist much better than pseudorange in speeding up succeeding narrow-lane ambiguity resolution. To validate this method, we use an advanced hardware simulator to generate triple-frequency signals and a high-grade receiver to collect 1-Hz data. When the carrier-phase precisions on L1, L2 and L5 are as poor as 1.5, 6.3 and 1.5 mm, respectively, wide-lane ambiguity resolution can still reach a correctness rate of over 99 % within 20 s. As a result, the correctness rate of narrow-lane ambiguity resolution achieves 99 % within 65 s, in contrast to only 64 % within 150 s in dual-frequency PPP. In addition, we also simulate a multipath-contaminated data set and introduce new ambiguities for all satellites every 120 s. We find that when multipath effects are strong, ambiguity-fixed solutions are achieved at 78 % of all epochs in triple-frequency PPP whilst almost no ambiguities are resolved in dual-frequency PPP. Therefore, we demonstrate that triple-frequency PPP has the potential to achieve ambiguity-fixed solutions within a few minutes, or even shorter if raw carrier-phase precisions are around 1 mm. In either case, we conclude that the efficiency of ambiguity resolution in triple-frequency PPP is much higher than that in dual-frequency PPP.  相似文献   

GPS/GLONASS组合精密单点定位性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用IGS 5个站的观测数据分7个时段进行了GPS/GLONASS组合精密单点定位计算,与单独GPS精密单点定位的结果在精度和收敛时间方面进行了性能比较。结果表明,在当前GPS卫星数量充足的情况下,增加少量的GLONASS卫星对定位精度的提高帮助不大,但能显著改善滤波收敛的时间。  相似文献   

GPS静态精密单点定位算法精度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用精密轨道和钟差,利用Bernese软件解算得到亚洲地区13个IGS跟踪站的站坐标、对流层ZTD和接收机钟差,将解算的结果与CODE发布的结果对比发现:静态PPP算法解算的N方向收敛精度明显优于E方向和U方向,4~6 h后,坐标偏差在1 cm左右;NEU RMS均值分别为0.45、0.29、0.69 cm,ZTD RMS均值为0.85 cm,接收机钟差RMS均值为0.14 ns。试验表明:精密单点定位算法具有较高的精度和可靠性,可为实际工程测量及相关地球物理信号研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

多星座组合定位可以提升导航定位性能,但不同星座观测量组合时需要考虑合适的随机模型.传统方法是根据经验直接设定各系统的等价权重,但会导致随机模型确定不精确,从而影响组合系统的性能提升.将Helmert方差分量估计方法应用于GPS/GLONASS/BDS/Galileo组合精密单点定位(PPP)中,以自适应确定各系统间权比.采用国际GNSS服务(IGS)MGEX(Multi-GNSS Experiment)观测网的10个测站一周的观测数据进行静态和仿动态试验.结果表明:采用Helmert方差分量估计定权方法可显著提高GPS/GLONASS/BDS/Galileo组合PPP的收敛速度,与等权定权方案比较,静态模式下平均提高52%,仿动态模式下平均提高64%.因定位精度主要由载波相位观测值精度和误差修正水平决定,在静态和仿动态测试中Helmert方差分量估计方法对定位精度没有明显改善.  相似文献   

Modeling and assessment of combined GPS/GLONASS precise point positioning   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
A combination of GPS and GLONASS observations can offer improved reliability, availability and accuracy for precise point positioning (PPP). We present and analyze a combined GPS/GLONASS PPP model, including both functional and stochastic components. Numerical comparison and analysis are conducted with respect to PPP based on only GPS or GLONASS observations to demonstrate the benefits of the combined GPS/GLONASS PPP. The observation residuals are analyzed for more appropriate stochastic modeling for observations from different navigation systems. An analysis is also made using different precise orbit and clock products. The performance of the combined GPS/GLONASS PPP is assessed using both static and kinematic data. The results indicate that the convergence time can be significantly reduced with the addition of GLONASS data. The positioning accuracy, however, is not significantly improved by adding GLONASS data if there is a sufficient number of GPS satellites with good geometry.  相似文献   

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