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近年来,国家提出大数据战略,并大力发展数字经济,时空大数据作为推动大数据智能化、数字经济发展的重要基础,对时空数据汇聚、快速更新、智能处理、多源融合、高性能服务、支撑多应用场景等方面都提出了更高的要求。本文围绕如何构建时空大数据资源,实现时空大数据智能化处理,提供时空大数据服务等多个方面提出了时空大数据平台的建设方法、模式及技术思路,并结合已开展的智慧应用,对新时代的时空大数据平台建设服务模式进行了探索。  相似文献   

李小卫 《北京测绘》2021,35(1):30-35
在数字嘉兴建设成果的基础上,本文结合"智慧嘉兴"时空大数据与云平台试点项目建设,探讨构建全市统一的智慧城市时空大数据与云平台,介绍了平台总体架构、技术路线设计、系统实现、示范应用及关键技术分析,根据运行实践证明,该平台能够为全市政府部门、企事业单位及社会公众提供权威、统一、可靠的智慧时空信息服务.  相似文献   

面向人工智能2.0时代,在分析测绘地理信息发展现状的基础上,研究推动测绘地理信息迈向智能2.0时代的驱动力,并提出了建设测绘地理信息2.0时代的重点任务.在基础理论方面,提出需在时空大数据孪生环境、时空信息知识图谱、真三维深度神经网络、时空大数据动态预测推理等理论方面展开攻关;在关键技术方面,强调大数据智能、跨媒体智能、群体智能、混合增强智能和自主无人系统五大智能技术与测绘地理信息进行融合的方法;在平台方面,强调了智能测绘地理信息软硬件平台的重要作用和构建方式;最后以自然资源智能监测和室内外一体化智能导航为典型案例,分析了相关的理论、技术和平台在测绘地理信息行业的实际应用.通过本文的论述,理清了人工智能赋能测绘地理信息的内涵、重点内容和路径,为测绘地理信息迈向智能化2.0新时代提供了一种思考.  相似文献   

本文针对政府和社会各界应对自然灾害、突发事件的测绘应急服务保障的实际需求,以分布式计算框架在时空大数据管理中的应用研究为基础,研究基于时空大数据的应急服务保障平台,确保平台拥有对海量时空数据的快速存储、快速提取、快速查询能力,基于该平台研发应急测绘数据处理子系统、应急测绘数据快速制图子系统、应急任务保障子系统、运维管理系统等业务支撑子系统,确保测绘应急机制的科学实现,达到应急测绘数据快速获取与更新、应急测绘成果快速出图等目标,为应急事件处置提供及时、科学的决策支撑。  相似文献   

以黄山市为例对智慧城市时空信息云平台进行了整体设计。构建了覆盖基础时空数据、公共专题数据以及实时智能感知数据的时空大数据库,研发了数据汇聚、挖掘和管理系统,建立了以知识服务和云服务为主要形式的时空信息云平台,支撑城市管理各行业的专业应用。  相似文献   

杨宏山  闫正龙  白穆 《测绘科学》2019,44(12):184-188
针对时空大数据环境下现有测绘地理信息管理及服务不足,陕西测绘地理信息局依托多年海量数据资源积淀,顺应现实需求与未来发展趋势,通过海量数据组织、资源目录体系管理、基础设施环境建设、混合存储体系架构设计、时空信息云平台构建等关键问题研究,完成了融结构化/半结构化/非结构化海量数据资源的组织管理、混合存储、云平台构建等众多功能为一体的时空大数据环境下的陕西测绘地理信息大数据资源体系构建;同时,基于所设计的资源体系架构,选取范围约2 700 000km~2内多源/多时相/多分辨率/多区域的海量影像开展数据处理,超2 200站的全国基准站网GNSS解算及陕西省域205 600km~2范围内的数据入库存储/镶嵌数据集构建等测试验证。实践结果表明,该时空大数据资源体系架构设计合理,作业效率大幅度提升,为充分发挥陕西测绘地理信息局海量数据资源沉淀与技术优势,以及更好地服务新时代下自然资源管理与社会公众应用提供了良好的数据及技术支撑。  相似文献   

时空信息云平台建设是智慧城市建设中测绘地理信息部门建设的核心和主要内容,是实现"地理信息+"的重要战略.针对街道信息化管理工作中系统建设、数据收集、数据管理、数据交换、数据更新等方面存在的信息孤岛、缺乏统一的标准等问题,充分考虑了街道现有平台及政务数据的特点,采用了地理信息大数据技术,研究了街道级时空信息云平台的建设方...  相似文献   

饶小康  黄声享  马瑞 《测绘通报》2022,(S2):297-302
水利数字孪生的建设对我国水工程、水资源、水环境、水安全的管控与治理具有重要意义,随着信息技术的高速发展,各类新兴智能测绘技术不断涌现,使智能测绘在水利数字孪生中的应用越来越广泛。本文论述了智能测绘在智慧水网、建设智慧管理、流域智慧管理、施工智慧管理和智能安全监测等水利孪生领域的建设背景、应用现状及发展趋势,研究了智能测绘在各孪生体中的感知手段、技术、方法及应用实例,并基于智能测绘构建水利孪生应用框架及平台。以南水北调中线雄安调蓄库工程智慧管理平台为例进行应用示范,针对工程建设数字孪生中的智能测绘和孪生应用进行论证研究。智能测绘在水利数字孪生中的应用研究可实现水利业务要素在孪生空间中的实时监测、诊断、模拟、分析与决策,可为智能测绘和智慧水利的结合提供一种新的解决思路,为水利数字孪生建设提供大数据、大算法、大平台及大服务。  相似文献   

根据《智慧城市时空大数据与云平台建设技术大纲》的要求,从资源汇聚、空间处理、数据引擎、管理分析等多个方面,对历史与现状的基础地理信息、历史与现状的公共专题、智能感知的实时数据、空间规划等智慧广州时空大数据进行了详细阐述。  相似文献   

自然资源综合管理职责的贯彻与推行,需要基础测绘部门提供技术支撑与信息服务。本文以新疆基础地理信息时空云平台建设为例,系统阐述省级时空信息云平台建设思路。通过整合各级基础地理信息数据,汇聚各类与空间位置相关的信息,建立动态地理空间数据库;依托政务网,研发开放、共享的省级时空云平台,推进新疆地理信息资源共享开放;建成全省统一、规范的空间信息基础设施,使地理空间数据最终成为省级大数据基础平台中一个基础性的、不可或缺的组成部分。最终实现地理空间数据在社会稳定和长治久安中的应用,为政府治理能力的全面提升提供测绘与地理信息支撑。  相似文献   

空间优化提供资源、实体等的高效配置与最佳空间组织方案,是地理学的重要研究领域。大数据背景下,各类蕴含时空信息的时空大数据能反映地表各要素的空间格局特征与演变过程,为空间优化提供强大的数据支撑。基于国内外时空大数据、空间优化研究成果,分析大数据发展历程、特征、定义及其影响,概括时空大数据的定义与特征,总结出对地观测、社会经济、物联网、互联网与社交网等5类时空大数据;在宏观(全国)、中观(省域)、微观(市县)3个尺度下,综述现有研究中的各种空间优化;将时空大数据在各类空间优化中的应用归纳为城市(镇)体系空间结构分析、自然生态环境监测、土地利用分析等7大类,并分别梳理了国内外的相关应用研究。该综述可为时空大数据、空间优化相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   


National spatial data infrastructures are key to achieving the Digital Earth vision. In many cases, national datasets are integrated from local datasets created and maintained by municipalities. Examples are address, building and topographic information. Integration of local datasets may result in a dataset satisfying the needs of users of national datasets, but is it productive for those who create and maintain the data? This article presents a stakeholder analysis of the Basisregistratie Adressen en Gebouwen (BAG), a collection of base information about addresses and buildings in the Netherlands. The information is captured and maintained by municipalities and integrated into a national base register by Kadaster, the Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency of the Netherlands. The stakeholder analysis identifies organisations involved in the BAG governance framework, describes their interests, rights, ownerships and responsibilities in the BAG, and maps the relationships between them. Analysis results indicate that Kadaster and the municipalities have the highest relative importance in the governance framework of the BAG. The study reveals challenges of setting up a governance framework that maintains the delicate balance between the interests of all stakeholders. The results provide guidance for SDI role players setting up governance frameworks for national or global datasets.  相似文献   


Linked Data is known as one of the best solutions for multisource and heterogeneous web data integration and discovery in this era of Big Data. However, data interlinking, which is the most valuable contribution of Linked Data, remains incomplete and inaccurate. This study proposes a multidimensional and quantitative interlinking approach for Linked Data in the geospatial domain. According to the characteristics and roles of geospatial data in data discovery, eight elementary data characteristics are adopted as data interlinking types. These elementary characteristics are further combined to form compound and overall data interlinking types. Each data interlinking type possesses one specific predicate to indicate the actual relationship of Linked Data and uses data similarity to represent the correlation degree quantitatively. Therefore, geospatial data interlinking can be expressed by a directed edge associated with a relation predicate and a similarity value. The approach transforms existing simple and qualitative geospatial data interlinking into complete and quantitative interlinking and promotes the establishment of high-quality and trusted Linked Geospatial Data. The approach is applied to build data intra-links in the Chinese National Earth System Scientific Data Sharing Network (NSTI-GEO) and data -links in NSTI-GEO with the Chinese Meteorological Data Network and National Population and Health Scientific Data Sharing Platform.  相似文献   


Open data are currently a hot topic and are associated with realising ambitions such as a more transparent and efficient government, solving societal problems, and increasing economic value. To describe and monitor the state of open data in countries and organisations, several open data assessment frameworks were developed. Despite high scores in these assessment frameworks, the actual (re)use of open government data (OGD) fails to live up to its expectations. Our review of existing open data assessment frameworks reveals that these only cover parts of the open data ecosystem. We have developed a framework, which assesses open data supply, open data governance, and open data user characteristics holistically. This holistic open data framework assesses the maturity of the open data ecosystem and proves to be a useful tool to indicate which aspects of the open data ecosystem are successful and which aspects require attention. Our initial assessment in the Netherlands indicates that the traditional geographical data perform significantly better than non-geographical data, such as healthcare data. Therefore, open geographical data policies in the Netherlands may provide useful cues for other OGD strategies.  相似文献   


The vision of a Digital Earth calls for more dynamic information systems, new sources of information, and stronger capabilities for their integration. Sensor networks have been identified as a major information source for the Digital Earth, while Semantic Web technologies have been proposed to facilitate integration. So far, sensor data are stored and published using the Observations & Measurements standard of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) as data model. With the advent of Volunteered Geographic Information and the Semantic Sensor Web, work on an ontological model gained importance within Sensor Web Enablement (SWE). In contrast to data models, an ontological approach abstracts from implementation details by focusing on modeling the physical world from the perspective of a particular domain. Ontologies restrict the interpretation of vocabularies toward their intended meaning. The ongoing paradigm shift to Linked Sensor Data complements this attempt. Two questions have to be addressed: (1) how to refer to changing and frequently updated data sets using Uniform Resource Identifiers, and (2) how to establish meaningful links between those data sets, that is, observations, sensors, features of interest, and observed properties? In this paper, we present a Linked Data model and a RESTful proxy for OGC's Sensor Observation Service to improve integration and inter-linkage of observation data for the Digital Earth.  相似文献   

We estimate spatiotemporal models of average neighborhood single family home prices to use in predicting individual property prices. Average home-price variations are explained in terms of changes in average neighborhood house attributes, spatial attributes, and temporal economic variables. Models adopting three different definitions of neighborhoods are estimated with quarterly cross-sectional data over the period 2000–2004 from four cities in Southern California. Heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation problems are detected and adjusted for via a sequential routine. Results of these models suggest that forecasts obtained using city neighborhood average price equations may have advantage over forecasts obtained using city aggregated price equations.   相似文献   

主要阐述了"天地图·新疆"自治区节点矢量数据与国家主节点矢量数据融合生成技术路线、技术要求,可为天地图其他省(自治区)级节点矢量电子地图数据融合工作提供参考。  相似文献   

市县两级管理模式下的城镇地籍管理信息系统开发及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐毅靖 《测绘科学》2007,32(Z1):70-73
系统地论述了市、县两级管理模式下的城镇地籍管理信息系统建设方法,提出了"集中式管理、分布式应用"的总体设计思路,以及围绕该总体设计思路如何在市、县两级管理体系中合理部署城镇地籍空间数据库和应用系统的具体方案。文章阐明了如何运用成熟的GIS平台和工作流技术来实现城镇地籍管理过程中的空间数据管理和土地登记发证、审批等业务要求,详细描述了包括数据采集、建库、输入输出、更新等环节基于GIS的城镇空间数据管理系统的建设内容和方法,以及基于城镇地籍空间数据库如何搭建城镇地籍业务审批系统的方法。最后,以广安市城镇地籍管理信息系统为例来阐述市、县两级国土资源管理部门在系统中的功能设定,通过剖析广安市城镇地籍数据的管理、业务审批与具体实现方法,进一步说明城镇地籍管理信息系统在市、县两级国土资源管理模式中的应用情况。  相似文献   


The current popularity of government open data platforms as a way to share geospatial data has created an opportunity for government to receive direct feedback and edits on this very same data. This research proposes four models that can define how government accepts direct edits and feedback on geospatial data. The four models are a “status quo” of open data provision, data curation, data mirroring, and crowdsourcing. These models are placed on a continuum of government control ranging from high levels of control over data creation to a low level of control. Each model is discussed, with relevant challenges highlighted. These four models present an initial suite of options for governments looking to accept direct edits from data end users and can be framed as a partial realization of many of the principles of open government. Despite the varied potential of these approaches, they generate a shift in locus of control away from government, creating several areas of risk for government. Of these models, near-term interest may focus on data curation and data mirroring as evolutionary, rather than revolutionary steps that expand on the simple provision of open data.  相似文献   

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