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Late Pliocene–Pleistocene tectonic evolution of the Apennines is driven by progressive eastward migration of extensional downfaulting superposed onto the Late Miocene–Early Pliocene compressional thrust belt. This process has led to distinct structural domains that show decreasing transcrustal permeability from conditions of pervasive mixing between deep and surface fluids in the hinterland (west) to conditions of restricted fluid circulation and overpressuring in the foreland (east). At present, the highest rates of normal faulting and the strongest seismicity occur in the area bounded by stretched, highly permeable crust to the west and thick, poorly permeable crust to the east. In this area, the seismogenic sources of the largest earthquakes (5<Ms<7) are potentially related to mature normal faults that deeply penetrate thick brittle upper crust, and act as transient high-permeability channels during seismic activity. In this framework, it is plausible that domains of overpressuring govern progressive inception of normal faulting and fluid redistribution in the crust, leading to eastward migration of the belt of maximum seismicity with time.  相似文献   

Southern Italy is dominated by extensional tectonics that in the Calabrian arc and Eastern Sicily produced the development of the Siculo–Calabrian Rift Zone (SCRZ). This zone is represented by a ≈ 370 km-long fault belt consisting of 10 to 50 km long distinct fault segments which extend both offshore and on land being also responsible of the crustal seismicity of this region. The geological and morphological observations indicate that the active normal faults of the SCRZ are characterized by throw-rates ranging from 0.7 to 3.1 mm/a. They accommodate an almost uniform horizontal extension-rate of about 3.0 mm/a along a WNW–ESE regional extension direction. Based on our field observations and following empirical relationships between magnitude and surface rupture length connections between large crustal earthquakes and distinct fault segments of the SCRZ have been also tentatively tested. Our data indicate moreover that the magnitudes (M) of the historical and instrumental earthquakes are consistent with the estimated values and that the geometry and kinematics of the fault segments and the related different crustal features of the SCRZ control the different seismic behaviours of adjacent portions of the active rift zone.  相似文献   

We provide new field data from geologic mapping and bedrock structural geology along the western side of the Matese Mts in central Italy, a region of high seismicity, strain rates among the highest of the entire Apennines (4–5 mm/yr GPS-determined extension), and poorly constrained active faults. The existing knowledge on the Aquae Iuliae normal fault (AIF) was implemented with geometric and kinematic data that better constrain its total length (16.5 km), the minimum long-term throw rate (0.3–0.4 mm/yr, post-late glacial maximum, LGM), and the segmentation. For the first time, we provide evidence of post-350 ka and possibly late Quaternary activity of the Ailano – Piedimonte Matese normal fault (APMF). The APMF is 18 km long. It is composed of a main 11 km-long segment striking NW–SE and progressively bending to the E–W in its southern part, and a 7 km-long segment striking E–W to ENE-WSW with very poor evidence of recent activity. The available data suggest a possible post-LGM throw rate of the main segment of ≳0.15 mm/yr. There is no evidence of active linkage in the step-over zone between the AIF and APMF (Prata Sannita step-over).An original tectonic model is proposed by comparing structural and geodetic data. The AIF and APMF belong to two major, nearly parallel fault systems. One system runs at the core of the Matese Mts and is formed by the AIF and the faults of the Gallo-Letino-Matese Lake system. The other system runs along the western side of the Matese Mts and is formed by the APMF, linked to the SE with the Piedimonte Matese – Gioia Sannitica fault. The finite extension of the APMF might be transferred to the NW towards the San Pietro Infine fault. The nearly 2–3 mm/yr GPS-determined extension rate is probably partitioned between the two systems, with a ratio that is difficult to establish due to poor GPS coverage. The proposed model, though incomplete (several faults/transfer zones need further investigations), aids in the seismotectonic interpretation of poorly-known earthquakes (e.g., 346/355 AD earthquake on the Ailano – Piedimonte Matese – Gioia Sannitica fault system), and stimulates and further orients seismotectonic investigations aimed at constraining the segmentation pattern and seismogenic potential of the area.  相似文献   

Study of the glacial deposits and lacustrine sediments of Campo Felice (Apennines, central Italy) has enabled the glacial phases of the last 40 ka to be dated more precisely, and has demonstrated that the maximum glacial advance did not occur in correspondence with the last global glacial maximum and with the coldest and most arid phase suggested by the pollen, but in a period dated between about 33 and 27 ka, characterized by a less extreme climate. Furthermore, a glacial expansion took place also in the period prior to 35 ka. Correlation with the Alpine glacial variations has shown that the Apennine last glacial maximum occurred before that of the southern slope of the Alps. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role played by geomorphological and tectonic processes affecting a portion of an active mountain belt in causing the occurrence of different types of landslides developed in flysch bedrock. The adopted multidisciplinary approach (geomorphology, geology and geophysics) allowed to recognize in a portion of the Northern Apennines of Italy different types of landslides that developed in response to slope dynamics, in turn dependent on broader regional-scale tectonic processes. Sedimentary bed attitude, local tectonic discontinuities and lithology only partially influenced the type of landslides, which have been deeply affected by the activity of regional-scale antiform that controlled the hillslope geomorphic evolution in different ways. The growth of this structure and the tilting of its forelimb produced gently dipping slopes that approached the threshold angle that can cause the occurrence of (mainly) translational rockslides. Conversely, high-angle normal faulting parallel to the antiform axis (related to a later stage of activity of the antiform itself) strongly controlled the stream network evolution and caused the watercourses to deeply incise portions of their valleys. This incision produced younger steep valley slopes and caused the development of complex landslides (roto-translational slides-earth/debris flow). The results of the integrated study presented in this paper allowed to distinguish two main types of landslides whose development reflects the events that led to the geomorphological and geological evolution of the area. In this perspective, within the study area, landslides can be regarded and used as indicators of broader-scale recent tectonic processes.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(6):375-387
Information from surface and subsurface geology (boreholes and seismic reflection lines) are used to depict the geometry of the extensional structures (low-angle normal faults and related Tuscan Nappe megaboudins) affecting the Mt. Amiata geothermal area and developed during the early stage of the extensional tectonics which affected the inner Northern Apennines and Tyrrhenian Sea from the Early-Middle Miocene. Normal faulting involved the thickened middle-upper crust after the collisional stage and, in the Mt. Amiata region, took place over relatively short periods (5-7 Ma) characterised by rapid extensional strain rates. Normal faults showing articulated geometry (flat-ramp-flat) characterised by subhorizontal detachments (flats) and synthetic ramps, caused widespread megaboudinage mainly in the sedimentary tectonic units and particularly in the Tuscan Nappe. Evaporites occurring at the base of the Tuscan Nappe, the deepest sedimentary tectonic unit of the Northern Apennines, controlled the geometry of the faults, and rift-raft tectonics may be the style of this first extensional phase. Three Tuscan Nappe extensional horses (megaboudins) have been recognised in the subsurface of the Mt. Amiata area. They are characterised, in map view, by elliptical shapes and show a mean NNW-SSE lengthening. They are delimited at the base and at the top by east-dipping flats, while their western and eastern margins coincide with east-dipping ramps. On the whole, considering their geometrical features, these megaboudins correspond to extensional horses belonging to an asymmetrical east-dipping extensional duplex system.

Rollover anticlines deformed the western ramp of the megaboudins and rotated the uppermost flat as well as all the structures previously developed, which became steeply-dipping to the west.  相似文献   

The present paper refers to research conducted in the tectonic-karst depression of Campo Felice in the central Apennines (Italy), in which glacial, alluvial and lacustrine sediments have been preserved. Stratigraphic interpretations of sediments underlying the Campo Felice Plain are based on evidence obtained from nine continuous-core boreholes. The boreholes reach a depth of 120 m and provide evidence of five sedimentation cycles separated by erosion surfaces. Each cycle is interpreted as an initial response to a mainly warm stage, characterized by low-energy alluvial and colluvial deposition, pedogenesis, and limited episodes of marsh formation. In turn, a mainly cold stage follows during which a lake formed, and glaciers developed and expanded, leading to deposition of glacial and fluvioglacial deposits. The chronological framework is established by eleven accelerator mass spectrometer 14C ages and three 39Ar-40Ar ages on leucites from interbedded tephra layers. These age determinations indicate five glacial advances that respectively occurred during marine oxygen isotope stages 2, 3-4, 6, 10 and 14.  相似文献   


The definition of the active fault geometry and kinematics in young evolving orogens may be difficult owing to changes in the structural architecture which may occur with a frequence of few hundred thousand years. Cases from the central Apennines well illustrate this problem. The Avezzano-Bussi and Vallelonga-Salto Valley fault systems (65 and 85 km long, respectively) show clear evidence of Pliocene-early Pleistocene activity and have been responsible for the formation of intermontane basins. Available geological data, however, indicate that only minor segments (the Tre Monti and Trasacco faults, both 7 km long) of the mentioned faults have to be considered active during the late Pleistocene-Holocene, as faults accommodating minor deformations inside an intermontane basin. The L'Aquila fault system underwent significant geometrical and kinematic modifications during the Quaternary, with the reactivation of minor portions of parallel normal faults to draw a new system of en-echelon normal-oblique left-lateral faults. The Laga Mts. fault experienced an along-fault activity migration. The portion of the fault which was active earlier during the Quaternary shows a significant decrease or end of the activity while a portion previously not active displays impressive evidence of late Pleistocene-Holocene displacements. Structural changes in the intermontane basins bounded by the Colfiorito fault system also indicate that the intensity of the tectonic activity decreased during the Quaternary. Not defining the structural evolution in the above mentioned cases would imply wrong conclusions for both the fault geometry and kinematics which may be delivered for seismotectonics and seismic hazard assessment. This typically leads to overestimate the fault length and the expected magnitude or to the increase in the number of seismogenic sources affecting an area. Finally, the definition of the structural evolution permits to select between different geometrical options in terms of active faulting framework (e.g. a system of parallel normal faults vs. a system of en-echelon normal oblique faults as in the case of the L'Aquila fault system) related to different geometries at depth (detachment normal fault vs. high-angle oblique fault). © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   

Landslide triggers along volcanic rock slopes in eastern Sicily (Italy)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A new dataset of landslides, occurred in a tectonically active region, has been analysed in order to understand the causes of the slope instability. The landslides we have dealt with took place along the volcanic rock cliff of S. Caterina and S. Maria La Scala villages (eastern Sicily, Italy), a densely inhabited area located on the eastern margin of Mt. Etna, where some seismogenic faults, locally named Timpe system, slip during moderate local earthquakes and also move with aseismic creep mechanisms. The results show that landslides are triggered by heavy rainfalls, earthquakes and creep fault episodes. Indeed, they occur along discrete fault segments, exhibiting a combination of both brittle failure, indicated by the earthquake occurrence, and aseismic creep events. The analysis of seismicity occurred on the Timpe fault system has shown that the active Acireale fault, in its southernmost segment, is subject to an aseismic sliding, which increases after the stick–slip motion in the nearby faults. Therefore, aseismic creep seems to concur in the predisposition of a rock to fail, since strains can increase the jointing of rock masses leading to a modification in the slope stability. Understanding the factors concurring to the slope instability is a useful tool for future assessments of the landslide hazard in densely settled areas, located on a volcanic edifice, such as Etna that is slowly sliding seawards, and where active faults, seismicity and heavy rains affect the deeply fractured slopes.  相似文献   

阿穆尔板块西部边界在蒙古境内的空间位置尚不清楚,并且活动断层构造及其沿线地壳的应力状态研究较少。本文在沿此边界的三个区域——杭爱—肯特构造鞍部、布尔古特地块(鄂尔浑—土拉交汇处)和色楞格地块(包括色楞格凹陷和布伦—努鲁隆起),利用空间图像解译、地形起伏度分析、地质构造资料以及构造压裂和沿裂缝位移资料重建构造古应力,对活动断层进行研究。研究表明,活动断裂继承了古生代和中生代古构造的非均质性。这些断层沿着板块边界并不是单一的带,而是成簇的。它们的运动取决于走向:亚纬向断层是具有一定逆分量的左旋走滑断层,北西向断层是逆断层或逆冲断层,通常具有右旋走滑分量,海底断层是右旋走滑断层,北东向断层是正断层。位于色楞格凹陷和杭爱东部的断裂构造的活动始于上新世。逆断层和走滑断层与上新世情况不符,但多与更新世地貌相符,表明其活动年代较晚,为更新世时期。利用构造断裂和沿断裂的位移,重建活动断裂带变形末阶段的应力应变状态,结果表明断裂在最大挤压轴的北北东和北东方向上以压缩和走滑为主。只有在色楞格凹陷内,以扩张和走滑类型的应力张量为主,且在最小挤压轴的北西走向尤为显著。在南部,杭爱东部(鄂尔浑地堑)内有1个以扩张机制为主的局部区域,说明蒙古中部断裂在更新世—全新世阶段的活动以及现代地震活动主要受与印度斯坦和欧亚大陆汇聚过程相关的东北方向的附加水平挤压的控制。使研究区地壳产生走滑变形、贝加尔湖裂谷发散活动以及阿穆尔板块东南运动的另一个因素是东南方向软流圈流动对岩石圈底部的影响。阿穆尔板块和蒙古地块之间的边界在构造结构上是零碎的,代表了覆盖整个蒙古西部变形带的边缘部分。  相似文献   

The Schlinig fault at the western border of theÖtztal nappe (Eastern Alps), previously interpreted as a west-directed thrust, actually represents a Late Cretaceous, top-SE to -ESE normal fault, as indicated by sense-of-shear criteria found within cataclasites and greenschist-facies mylonites. Normal faulting postdated and offset an earlier, Cretaceous-age, west-directed thrust at the base of theÖtztal nappe. Shape fabric and crystallographic preferred orientation in completely recrystallized quartz layers in a mylonite from the Schlinig fault record a combination of (1) top-east-southeast simple shear during Late Cretaceous normal faulting, and (2) later north-northeast-directed shortening during the Early Tertiary, also recorded by open folds on the outcrop and map scale. Offset of the basal thrust of theÖtztal nappe across the Schlinig fault indicates a normal displacement of 17 km. The fault was initiated with a dip angle of 10° to 15° (low-angle normal fault). Domino-style extension of the competent Late Triassic Hauptdolomit in the footwall was kinematically linked to normal faulting.

The Schlinig fault belongs to a system of east- to southeast-dipping normal faults which accommodated severe stretching of the Alpine orogen during the Late Cretaceous. The slip direction of extensional faults often parallels the direction of earlier thrusting (top-W to top-NW), only the slip sense is reversed and the normal faults are slightly steeper than the thrusts. In the western Austroalpine nappes, extension started at about 80 Ma and was coeval with subduction of Piemont-Ligurian oceanic lithosphere and continental fragments farther west. The extensional episode led to the formation of Austroalpine Gosau basins with fluviatile to deep-marine sediments. West-directed rollback of an east-dipping Piemont-Ligurian subduction zone is proposed to have caused this stretching in the upper plate.  相似文献   

A multi‐method approach (palaeothermal and thermochronological analyses; thermal modelling) is applied to reconstruct the exhumation history of the Altotiberina Fault (ATF), a representative example of crustal‐scale active low‐angle normal faulting in the Northern Apennines (Italy). Thermal maturity and thermochronological data yield similar burial histories but different exhumation patterns for the sedimentary successions in the hangingwall and the footwall of the ATF. Since 3.8 Ma, the ATF footwall has exhumed at rates of 0.90 mm a?1. Exhumation led to bending and deactivation of the ATF uppermost portion as a result of tectonic unloading and isostatic adjustment, followed by migration of extension and the development of a set of domino‐like, east‐dipping normal faults, rooting on the buried portion of the ATF. ATF activity and isostatic rebound exhumed Triassic rock units from depths of about 4 km. We suggest that isostatic instability is accommodated at shallow crustal levels, in a similar way to what is observed on larger structures at mid‐low crustal levels.  相似文献   

This paper examines the morphotectonic and structural–geological characteristics of the Quaternary Martana Fault in the Umbria–Marche Apennines fold‐and‐thrust belt. This structure is more than 30 km long and comprises two segments: a N–NNW‐trending longer segment and a 100°N‐trending segment. After developing as a normal fault in Early Pleistocene times, the N–NNW Martana Fault segment experienced a phase of dextral faulting extending from the Early to Middle Pleistocene boundary until around 0.39 Ma, the absolute age of volcanics erupted in correspondence to releasing bends. The establishment of a stress field with a NE–ENE‐trending σ3 axis and NW–NNW σ1 axis in Late Pleistocene to Holocene times resulted in a strong component of sinistral faulting along N–NNW‐trending fault segments and almost pure normal faulting on newly formed NW–SE faults. Fresh fault scarps, the interaction of faulting with drainage systems and displacement of alluvial fan apexes provide evidence of the ongoing activity of this fault. The active left‐lateral kinematic along N–NNW‐trending fault segments is also revealed by the 1.8 m horizontal offset of the E–W‐trending Decumanus road, at the Roman town of Carsulae. We interpret the present‐day kinematics of the Martana Fault as consistent with a model connecting surface structures to the inferred north‐northwest trending lithospheric shear zone marking the western boundary of the Adria Plate. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We document phyllosilicates occurrence along five shallow (exhumed from depths < 3 km) carbonate-hosted extensional faults from the seismically-active domain of the central Apennines, Italy. The shallow portion of this domain is characterized by a sedimentary succession consisting of ∼5–6 km thick massive carbonate deposits overlain by ∼2 km thick phyllosilicate-rich deposits (marls and siliciclastic sandstones). We show that the phyllosilicates observed within the studied carbonate-hosted faults derived from the overlying phyllosilicate-rich sedimentary deposits and were involved in the faulting processes. We infer that, during fault zone evolution, the phyllosilicates downward injected into pull-aparts (i.e., dilational jogs) that were generated along staircase extensional faults. With further displacement accumulation, the clayey material was smeared and concentrated into localized layers along the carbonate-hosted fault surfaces. These layers are usually thin (a few centimeters to decimeters thick), but can reach also a few meters in thickness. We suggest that, even in tectonic settings dominated by high frictional strength rocks (e.g., carbonates), localized layers enriched in weak phyllosilicates can occur along shallow fault surfaces thus reducing the expected fault strength during earthquakes, possibly promoting co-seismic slip propagation up to the Earth's surface.  相似文献   

The April 3, 1998 Mw = 5.1 Gualdo Tadino earthquake (central Italy) was the last significant event in the 6-month-long Umbria–Marche seismic crisis. This event and its aftershocks occurred in an area where active faulting produces no striking geological and geomorphological effects. In this study, we investigated the ruptured fault using detailed seismological data and a re-processed and re-interpreted seismic reflection profile. Aftershock location and focal mechanisms were used to constrain the geometry and kinematics of the ruptured fault and a comparison was made with the subsurface image provided by the seismic profile. We found that the 1998 Gualdo Tadino earthquake occurred on a WSW-dipping, normal fault, with a length of about 8 km and a relatively gentle dip (30°–40°), confined between 3.5 and 7 km in depth. Kinematics of the mainshock and aftershocks revealed a NE-trending extension, in agreement with the regional stress field active in the Northern Apennines belt. The Mw = 5.1 earthquake originated above the top of the basement and ruptured within the sedimentary cover, which consists of an evaporites–carbonates multilayer. We hypothesised that the active fault does not reach the surface (blind normal fault).  相似文献   

Four nappes have been recognized in the Ligurian Apennines. In the Lavagna Nappe very low-grade metamorphism is combined with very large, originally W-facing isoclinal folds. In the other nappes, no evidence for metamorphism is found and all eutectonic folding was originally E- to NE-facing. Tectonic transport along the major nappe contacts was in an E- to NE-direction. A tectonic model is presented, which explains the generation of the large, originally W-facing folds as a result of originally E-inclined subduction within a young oceanic basin. Young oceanic lithosphere (maximum age approximately 25 Ma) subducted beneath oceanic lithosphere with a maximum age of approximately 40 Ma, under the influence of horizontally oriented compressional forces. Within the tectonic wedge, associated with the subduction, originally W-facing isoclinal folding and metamorphism occurred. Decrease and/or termination of compression resulted in the cessation of the subduction movements, followed by uplift of the region above the subducted plate by means of buoyancy. This uplift formed a slope from which sequences slid in an E- to NE-direction, causing E- to NE-facing folds. Ultimately, detachment and thrusting of gravitational nappes took place, by which process rock sequences of oceanic origin have been externally transported to attain ensialic (continental) domains. The Triassic-Early Oligocene tectonic events recognized in the Ligurian Apennines correlate quite well with the events that preceded the collision phase of the Alps.  相似文献   

Bio-alteration of basaltic glass in the oceanic crust has lately attained much attention. One of the many questions related to this topic is the depth at which bio-alteration presently takes place in the oceanic crust. For this purpose we have investigated samples from the deepest drill hole, i.e. Hole 540B at the Costa Rica Rift in the eastern equatorial Pacific. The glassy rim of pillow lava samples show alteration textures and δ13C values compatible with microbial activity throughout the upper 500 m part of the volcanic succession. The concentration and distribution patterns of carbon and potassium within the microbially altered parts, however, indicate that microbes presently interact with the fresh glass to depths of about 380 m into the volcanic basement, at temperatures up to ≈100 °C.  相似文献   

Re-examination of the outcrop of conjugate of strike-slip faults mapped by Roday et al. (1989) near forest rest house at Hirapur reveals that the main dextral strike-slip fault that strikes N35°E and is a manifestation of the earliest NE-SW trending subhorizontal σ1 that produced extensional reef system in the Bundelkhand massif. Although the change in the stress system though 90° rotation of the principal compressive stress σ1 and σ3 (with σ2 maintaining near vertically) is correct, another point of interest is that the σ1 for the system of faults bisects the obtuse angle between the two sets and not an acute one as required by the brittle failure criterion. The sinistral strike-slip faults were probably formed by rejuvenation of the initial dextral strike-slip faults that were generated when the maximum principal compressive stress was oriented NS. The reversal of fault displacement is seen on all scales in the Bundelkhand massif. The dextral strike-slip fault related to the late stress system was preferentially produced along pre-existing tensile fractures that were generated under NE-SW directed subhorizontal σ1. Some of these fractures were converted into sinistral strike-slip faults under NS directed maximum principal compression acting subhorizontally.  相似文献   

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