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The fish cage design requires accurate predictions of long-term extreme loads and responses. Compared with the time-consuming full long-term analysis method integrating all the probability distribution of the short-term extremes,the environmental contour method gains much attention in predicting the long-term extreme values due to the less computational effort. This paper investigates the long-term extreme response of a fish cage using the environmental contour method. The fish cage is numerically simulated based on the lumped-mass method and the curved beam theory. Based on the one-dimensional(1D) and two-dimensional(2D) environmental contour, the extreme responses,including the surge and heave motions, mooring force, and vertical bending of the floater, are predicted for different return periods and compared with the full long-term analysis results. Results indicate that the 1D method greatly underestimates the extreme values. The 2D environmental contour method with a higher percentile level, namely90%, provides reasonable estimations and seems to be suitable for the long-term value analysis. Sensitivity studies show that the mooring arrangement and the bending stiffness have great effects on the bending moment and the mooring force and the mooring line pre-tension has minor effects on the fish cage response.  相似文献   

利用砂土中扩底抗拔桩的模型试验,研究从开始加载到破坏时扩底抗拔桩地基动态变形全过程的承载特性.试验结果表明:半模试验得到的极限荷载和破坏面均略小于全模试验结果,采用半模试验测量地基变形过程与破坏模式有明显优势,用半模试验代替全模试验是可行的;随着桩顶荷载的增加,扩大头上方的土体由压缩变形逐渐发展为局部的压缩—剪切破坏;...  相似文献   

Theoretical Model and Dynamic Analysis of Soft Yoke Mooring System   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
As a popular solution for mooring an FPSO (Floating Production, Storage and Offloading) permanently in shallow water, the soft yoke mooring system has been widely used in ocean oil production activities in the Bohai Bay of China. In order to simulate the interaction mechanism and conduct dynamic analysis of the soft yoke mooring system, a theoretical model with basic dynamic equations is established. A numerical iteration algorithm based on error estimation is developed to solve the equations and calculate the dynanfic response of the mooring system due to FPSO motions. Validation is conducted by wave basin experimentation. It is shown that the numerical simulation takes only a few iteration times and the final errors are small. Furthermore, the calculated results of both the static and dynamic responses agree well with those ones obtained by the model test. It indicates that the efficiency, the precision, the reliability and the validity of the developed numerical algorithm and program are rather good. It is proposed to develop a real-time monitoring system to further monitor the dynamic performance of the FPSO with a soft yoke mooring system under various real sea environments.  相似文献   

变形系统是一个动态演变过程,任何变化都可视为系统的一个扰动或影响因子,系统对外界的干扰响应表现为其动力发展过程。通过对各影响因子的分析和定量化,建立模型,对变形系统的分析具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

一种适用于网箱耐流特性有限元分析的网目群化方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
养殖网箱耐流特性是网箱工程设计中的重要问题之一,探求对这一问题的数值解法在近几年得到了空前的重视。但是,由于深水抗风浪网箱箱体规模大,如果在有限元分析中单纯以网衣网目脚为单元进行数值计算,其计算量相当庞大。文中介绍1种可供网箱箱体有限元分析的网目群化方法,根据保持群化前后网衣水中重量和投影面积相等以保证网箱网衣总体水动力相同的原则,将若干个真实网目群化为1个虚拟的计算网目,以达到有效减少计算单元、提高运算效率和节省运算时间的目的。通过不同群化条件下数值例的计算结果与实验值的比较,验证网目群化方法的可行性。在一般条件下,8×8群化或6×6群化能够有效实现计算精度与计算效率的兼顾。  相似文献   

利用GPS对构筑物进行动态变形监测,获取构筑物的动态变形序列,通过卡尔曼滤波处理变形时间序列,从而削弱相关噪声的影响,提取真实的变形信号,并通过FFT处理变形信号,验证其滤波效果.在分析累积和算法的前提下,构建构筑物预警模型,分析了平均运行长度及预警阈值等相关参数的选取原则.经实测数据分析,模型能有效检测到变形发生时刻,该方法能够提高GPS进行动态变形预警的可靠性,特别是为微小变形提供一定研究指导意义.  相似文献   

GAO  Yufeng 《中国海洋工程》2001,(1):107-116
For evaluation of the permanent deformation of a sea embankment under stochastic earthquake excitation, a robust dynamic risk analytical method is presented based on conventional permanent deformation analysis and stochastic seismic response analysis. This method can predict not only the mean value of maximum permanent deformation but also the reliability corresponding to different deformation control standards. The earthquake motion is modelled as a stationary Gaussian filtered white noise random process. The predicted average maximum horizontal permanent displacement is in agreement with the conventional result. Further studied are the reliability of permanent deformation due to stochastic wave details at one seismic motion level and the risk of permanent deformation due to stochastic seismic strength, i. e., the maximum acceleration in a long period. Therefore, it is possible to make the optimal design in terms of safety and economy according to the importance of a sea embankment. It is suggested tha  相似文献   

利用元胞自动机探讨商业性CPUE与资源量之间的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
构造1个集鱼类资源增长、渔船捕捞及鱼群分布与渔船作业间相互作用的元胞自动机模型,以探讨鱼群探捕与渔船作业可能对商业性CPUE与资源量之间关系的影响.文中分别模拟了(1) 鱼群集中或随机分布,渔船随机分布;(2) 鱼群由随机逐渐集中,渔船通过捕捞数据也逐渐集中分布,同时规定每艘船的最大捕捞量;(3) 鱼群由分散到集中再到分散,而渔船集中在鱼群分布概率最大区;(4) 渔船从随机分布到逐渐集中分布,鱼群集中分布不变等4种渔业上客观存在的情形.在渔船随机分布的情形下,不管鱼群如何分布,商业性CPUE与资源量均呈线性关系;在鱼群分布逐渐集中、渔船由于渔民经验积累也随之逐渐集中的情形下,商业性CPUE与资源量能表现出高稳性和高贫化性的特点.由于鱼群的集散或渔船进入渔区的时间长短不一,会造成商业性CPUE与资源量负相关的现象.上述模拟情况说明,在渔业资源评估中需要关注模型应用的前提条件以及模型的完善.文中还探讨了元胞自动机在渔业资源评估中应用的可行性.  相似文献   

动力定位系统(DPS)是开发深海的一种较为有效的海上开发系统。由于DPS是一个较为复杂的系统,在进行模型试验时,每个Z型螺旋桨都设有计算机芯片以及遥控装置,用以接收PID系统发出的指令,为模型试验的模拟也带来了一定困难。本文讨论了动力定位系统的数学模型,模型试验中推力的分配及控制方程和试验中的一些要求。  相似文献   

基于改进的哈丁模型建立了结构海床耦合系统的等效线性化动力分析模型。等效阻尼比是对土体进行等效线性化分析的重要组成,论文着重对土体阻尼对结构海床耦合系统的影响效应进行了考察。接触面分离力是运用滑动库仑摩擦模型进行接触面效应模拟的重要参数,在以前的工作基础上,文中提出了新的结构-海床接触面分离力模型并进行了考察,使其更符合实际情况  相似文献   

任何渔业的重要生物特征是鱼类种群的变动.经典的鱼类种群动态模型是以稳定的种群行为为基础的.作者阐述了鱼类种群的行为,并划分为三种类型: (1)稳定型:种群在较稳定产量上维持较长时间(反应系数0.02).(2) 周期型:种群表现出周期性的高产量和低产量(反应系数0.22).(3) 不稳定型:种群产生高产量后无可挽回地崩溃了(反应系数0.3).在环境变化较大时,白色噪音水平(变动系数)增加至35%,稳定型种群变为不稳定型.在白色噪音水平(变动系数)增加至20%时,周期型种群变为不稳定型.  相似文献   

预警报警功能作为建(构)筑物变形监测信息管理系统中的重要功能,其可靠性和精确度显得尤为重要。建(构)筑物变形监测管理系统中所用到的灰色模型与回归分析模型具有良好的可靠性和稳定性,在模型基础上进一步延伸,提高其预测精度,针对多尺度时间序列各尺度单支预测与整合重构的基础上,对变形监测数据进行小波分解成各尺度的子序列,根据各子序列性质配置适合的回声状态网络并进行单支预测,预测子序列经过权值计算重构成预测的序列。实验表明:小波分解理论基础上的回声状态模型预测精度较高。  相似文献   

为了准确设计高压涡轮盘和叶尖间隙,从概率的角度进行了涡轮盘径向变形的分析。介绍了高精度高效率的非线性动态概率分析的极值响应面方法(Extremum Response Surface Method, ERSM),并建立了其数学模型。考虑材料属性和边界条件的非线性,以及热载荷和离心载荷的动态性,基于ERSM对涡轮盘径向变形进行了非线性动态概率分析,得到了输入输出参数的分布特征和影响涡轮盘径向动态变形的主要因素。最后,通过方法比较,验证了ERSM在保证计算精度的前提下能大大提高计算速度,节约计算时间,改善计算效率。为进行更有效的涡轮盘设计和优化,改善叶尖间隙设计和控制的合理性提供了有效依据。   相似文献   

设计了一种新型网箱浮架系统,利用SESAM对其进行了频域水动力分析以及考虑不规则波浪、风、流载荷和系泊共同作用的时域耦合分析,并与传统双浮管网箱浮架系统进行了分析对比,得到方形网箱与圆形网箱的水动力特性的差异以及各自的优缺点,对实际中网箱的开发设计有一定的借鉴意义;通过计算,证明新型网箱浮架系统在工作海况能正常工作,在极端海况下也能满足安全性的要求;最后对4种常见系泊方式进行了时域耦合分析,得到了四种系泊方式的系泊特性,对实际工程中系泊方式的选择有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

针对水产养殖中的精准投喂问题,以大西洋鲑(Salmo salar)为研究对象,提出一种基于鱼体运动特征和图像纹理特征的鱼群摄食活动强度量化方法,进行鱼类摄食行为识别研究。利用自适应背景差分及光流法得到运动鱼体的速度、转角,并通过信息熵统计速度和转角的分布,之后通过灰度共生矩阵提取能量、熵、对比度、相关性和逆差距5个图像纹理特征值。最后,结合鱼体运动特征及图像纹理特征,对鱼类摄食行为进行识别和检测。实验结果表明,该方法的识别准确率达到了94.17%,相较于单一特征检测本研究的检测精度更高。  相似文献   

A quasi-steady time domain method is developed for the prediction of dynamic behavior of amooring system under the environmental disturbances,such as regular or irregular waves,winds and cur-rents.The mooring forces are obtained in a static sense at each instant.The dynamic feature of the moor-ing cables can be obtained by incorporating the extended 3-D lumped-mass method with the known shipmotion history.Some nonlinear effects,such as the influence of the instantaneous change of the wettedhull surface on the hydrostatic restoring forces and Froude-Krylov forces,are included.Thecomputational results show a satisfactory agreement with the experimental ones.  相似文献   

In this article, the mechanical behavior of a Jiangsu marine clay was investigated by drained triaxial tests, traixial rheological tests, and one-dimensional compression and swelling tests. A visco-plastic model, the Bingham model combining two yield surfaces model, was proposed to describe the time-dependent deformation behaviors of the marine clay. The governing equation of Biot's consolidation theory for the visco-plastic soil is solved using a finite element code which incorporates the visco-plastic model. Using the finite element method, settlements of a typical embankment on the Lianxu expressway in China are calculated. Settlement calculations using the visco-plastic model are in agreement with the measured settlements in the field. The results demonstrate that the visco-plastic model is appropriate for calculating the visco-plastic deformations of Jiangsu marine clay. Theoretical and experimental studies show that the visco-plastic deformation of Jiangsu marine clay is substantial.  相似文献   

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