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In light of the deteriorating state of coral reefs worldwide, the need to rehabilitate marine environments has greatly increased. Artificial reefs (ARs) have been suggested as a tool for reef conservation and rehabilitation. Although successions of AR communities have been thoroughly studied, current understanding of the interactions between artificial and natural reefs (NRs) is poor and a fundamental question still to be answered is that of whether AR communities can mimic adjacent NR communities. We suggest three alternative hypotheses: Neighboring ARs and NRs will (1) achieve a similar community structure given sufficient time; (2) be similar only if they possess similar structural features; (3) always differ, regardless of age or structural features. We examined these hypotheses by comparing the community structure on a 119-year old shipwreck to a neighboring NR. Fouling organisms, including stony and soft corals, sponges, tunicates, sea anemones and hydrozoans were recorded and measured along belt transects. The ahermatypic stony coral Tubastrea micrantha dominated vertical AR regions while the soft corals Nephthea sp. and Xenia sp. dominated both artificial and natural horizontal surfaces. Our results support the second hypothesis, indicating that even after a century an AR will mimic its adjacent NR communities only if it possesses structural features similar to those of the natural surroundings. However, if the two differ structurally, their communities will remain distinct.  相似文献   

Coral community structures at eleven fringing reef sites were investigated along the coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Estimated coverage of coral communities is examined by applying quantitative digital image analysis to the line transect method. Four coral community types were characterized by dominant genera and lifeforms: Acropora branching community, Montipora-Acropora community, Porites massive community, and Heliopora community. Live coral coverage in all study sites ranged from 17.9% to 68.6%. Most reefs were in “fair” condition while some reefs were shown to be in “poor” condition. Coral community structures among the study sites were divided into the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia with a dominant Porites massive lifeform, and the east coast with a variety of lifeform categories of Montipora and Acropora. Physical effects such as the monsoon wind regime and sedimentation are likely to influence the formation of dominant coral communities around Peninsular Malaysia.  相似文献   

Effective conservation requires knowledge of the effects of habitat on distribution and abundance of organisms. Although the structure of coral reef fish assemblages is strongly correlated with attributes of reef structure, data relating reef types to fish assemblages are scarce. In this study we describe the influence of gross habitat characteristics and seasonality on coral reef fish assemblages of fringing and patch reefs in Kenya. Results showed that total fish abundance was not significantly different between the reefs; however, the fringing reef had higher species diversity during both the northeast (42 spp.) and southeast (36 spp.) monsoon seasons when compared to the patch reef. The more fished species (e.g. Siganus sutor and Lethrinus mahsena) were more abundant on the patch reef in both seasons. Statistical analysis indicated common species between the reefs were more abundant on the fringing reef. Seasons affected abundance of the more vagile species (S. sutor), whereas the reef‐attached sky emperor, L. mahsena was affected more by reef type than by seasons. No significant interaction effects of habitat and seasons were found, indicating independence of habitat and environmental variability in affecting fish assemblages on the reefs. Smaller sized fish dominated the fringing reef more than the patch reef, whereas the skewness index (Sk) indicated a normal‐sized frequency distribution on the patch reef. Trophic structure of the fishes varied more within than between reefs, whereas fish assemblage structure was affected more by seasons on the fringing reef. These results suggest that conservation measures such as marine protected area (MPA) design and setting should consider effects of reef morphology and environmental variability on coral‐reef fish assemblage structure.  相似文献   

Whilst the fauna inhabiting hydrothermal vent structures in the Atlantic Ocean is reasonably well known, less is understood about the spatial distributions of the fauna in relation to abiotic and biotic factors. In this study, a major active hydrothermal edifice (Eiffel Tower, at 1690 m depth) on the Lucky Strike vent field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR)) was investigated. Video transects were carried out by ROV Victor 6000 and complete image coverage was acquired. Four distinct assemblages, ranging from dense larger-sized Bathymodiolus mussel beds to smaller-sized mussel clumps and alvinocaridid shrimps, and two types of substrata were defined based on high definition photographs and video imagery. To evaluate spatial variation, faunal distribution was mapped in three dimensions. A high degree of patchiness characterizes this 11 m high sulfide structure. The differences observed in assemblage and substratum distribution were related to habitat characteristics (fluid exits, depth and structure orientation). Gradients in community structure were observed, which coincided with an increasing distance from the fluid exits. A biological zonation model for the Eiffel Tower edifice was created in which faunal composition and distribution can be visually explained by the presence/absence of fluid exits.  相似文献   

Bioeroding sponges belong to the most dominant bioeroders, significantly contributing to the erosion of coral reefs. Some species are tolerant or even benefit from environmental conditions such as ocean warming, acidification, and eutrophication. In consequence, increases in sponge bioerosion have been observed on some coral reefs over the last decades. The Abrolhos Bank is the largest coral reef system in the South Atlantic. It has been affected by sedimentation, eutrophication, overfishing, and climate change, mainly affecting coastal reefs, and at lesser intensity outer ones as well. This study aimed to describe spatial and temporal patterns in bioeroding sponge distribution in carbonate substrates in the Abrolhos Bank. Photo‐quadrats were used to compare bioeroding sponge abundance between two shallow reefs: a coastal, Pedra de Leste (PL), and an outer reef, Parcel dos Abrolhos (PAB). Each individual was delimitated over the substrate by determining the sponge surface through a line connecting the outermost papillae. The study was conducted over 6 years in 2008–2009 and 2013–2016. Four species of bioeroding sponges were identified: Cliona carteri Ridley, 1881, C. delitrix Pang, 1973, C. cf. schmidtii Ridley, 1881, and Siphonodictyon coralliphagum Rützler, 1971. The distribution and abundance of species varied between the inner and outer reefs and across the years, and displayed certain selectivity for the calcareous substrates recorded. Crustose coralline algae (CCA) were the main substrate excavated by the most abundant bioeroding species, C. carteri, and represented 70% of the substrate types occupied by this sponge (CCA, coral overgrown by CCA and plain coral). The highest abundance of bioeroding sponges observed in photo‐quadrats was 21.3 individuals/m2 at the outer reefs (PAB) in 2014. The abundances or areal extents of bioeroding sponges were up to 10 times greater on the outer reefs than on the coastal ones, where sedimentation is higher and more strongly influenced by siliciclastic material. Moreover, a higher herbivorous fish biomass has been reported on outer reefs which could also influence the higher abundance of bioeroding sponges in outer reefs. During the study period of 6 years, an increase in bioeroding sponge abundance was observed at the outer reefs (PAB), with the sea surface temperature increase. As CCA have an important role in reefal cementation and carbonate production in the Abrolhos reefs, a bioerosion impact might be expected, in particular, on the outer reefs.  相似文献   

Bioerosion is a natural process in coral reefs. It is fundamental to the health of these ecosystems. In the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP) coral reefs, the most important bioeroders are sponges, bivalves, sea urchins and the fish Arothron meleagris. In the 1980s, El Niño caused high coral mortality and an increase in macroalgal growth. As a result, greater sea urchin bioerosion occurred. This weakened the reef framework. Considering the high vulnerability of the ETP coral reefs, the goal of this study was to determine the current bioerosion impact of the sea urchin Diadema mexicanum along the western coasts of Mexico, El Salvador, Costa Rica and Panamá. The balance between coral bioaccretion and sea urchin bioerosion was also calculated. Between 2009 and 2010, in 12 coral reefs localities, D. mexicanum density, bottom cover and rugosity were quantified along band transects. The daily bioerosion rate was obtained from the amount of carbonates evacuated by sea urchins per unit time. The rate of coral accretion was calculated by multiplying the coral growth rate of the dominant genus by the density of their skeleton and by their specific coral cover. The localities were dissimilar (R = 0.765, P < 0.001) in terms of live coral cover, crustose calcareous algae, turf cover, rugosity index, and density and size of D. mexicanum. At all sites, with the exception of Bahía Culebra (Costa Rica), coral bioerosion was less than coral bioaccretion. Diadema mexicanum plays a dominant role in the balance of carbonates in the ETP, but this depends on reef condition (protection, overfishing, eutrophication) and so the impacts can be either positive or negative.  相似文献   

Coral reefs which are an important resource to coastal communities and nation at large are adversely affected by rate of sediment flux to the reefs. However, there is little information on seasonal trend in sediment flux and its impact at the reefs off Zanzibar. Two years’ monthly data on sedimentation at Chumbe and Bawe reefs were used to assess seasonal variability in sediment flux and its implication on the coral status. Sediment flux to the Bawe reefs for the duration of the study ranged from 0.2 to 41.5 mg cm−2 d−1, while it ranged from 0.8 to 65.8 mg cm−2 d−1 at the Chumbe reefs. Sediment fluxes at Bawe reefs were highest between November and March, while they were highest between April and September at Chumbe reefs. Generally, sediment fluxes at Bawe reefs were low compared to those at Chumbe. The total sediment input to the reefs ranged from 4615 to 123,403 kg d−1 for Bawe reefs and 2750 to 79,636 kg d−1 for Chumbe reefs. High sediment fluxes at Bawe reefs between November and March; and the Chumbe reefs between April and September can be attributed to water currents and wind pattern in the east African region which are under the influence of the monsoons. The observed trend suggests that the period for coral transplant as a management option for the two sites should be different. Coral transplant can be undertaken in such a way that stress of the corals due to sedimentation can be felt after they have overcome stress from transplant process and temperature. The results from this study contribute to the much needed information for coral transplant, restoration, and management.  相似文献   

Much of coral reef ecology has focused on how human impacts change coral reefs to macroalgal reefs. However, macroalgae may not always be a good indicator of reef decline, especially on reefs with significant sea urchin populations, as found in Kenya and Hawaii. This study tests the effects of trophic interactions (i.e. herbivory by fishes and sea urchins) and spatial competition (between algae and coral) on algal community structure of reefs surrounding two Hawaiian Islands that vary in their level of human impacts. Reef‐building organisms (corals and crustose coralline algae) were less abundant and turf algae were more abundant on Maui as compared to Lanai, where human impacts are lower. In contrast to previous studies, we found no evidence that macroalgae increased with human impacts. Instead, low turf and macroalgal abundance were best explained by the interactive effects of coral cover and sea urchin abundance. Fishing sea urchin predators appeared to have cascading effects on the benthic community. The absence of sea urchin predators and high sea urchin densities correspond to a disproportionately high abundance of turf and crustose coralline algae. We propose that high turf algal abundance is a better indicator of reef decline in Hawaii than high macroalgal abundance because turf abundance was highest on reefs with low coral cover and few fish. The results of this study emphasize that understanding changes in community composition are context‐dependent and that not all degraded reefs look the same.  相似文献   

Sponges are sessile organisms capable of colonizing diverse substrata. In the Caribbean, coral reefs have suffered a drastic decline, and branching corals of the genus Acropora have been widely decimated. On dead coral skeletons and around surviving tissue the settling of sessile organisms can be observed, sponges being common. In order to investigate whether or not sponges have a preference for a particular species of coral, or for specific microhabitats of the colonies, we evaluated species composition, cover, richness and diversity of sponges colonizing the dead parts of still live colonies of the branching corals Acropora palmata and Acropora cervicornis in five locations of the Tayrona National Natural Park in the Colombian Caribbean. Ten colonies of Ac. palmata were quantified in each of the five locations, and eight Ac. cervicornis colonies in each of two locations. Quantification was carried out using video taken within 0.625‐m2 photoquadrats. Seventeen sponge species were found, 13 of them associated with Ac. palmata and seven with Ac. cervicornis. Desmapsamma anchorata, Clathria venosa and Scopalina rutzleri were found to be common to all Ac. palmata locations, while De. anchorata occurred in the two Ac. cervicornis locations. On Ac. palmata, encrusting sponges dominated, while on Ac. cervicornis branched and lobed sponges predominated. Significant differences in sponge cover were not found among locations but were observed in the sponge species present. On Ac. palmata the species with highest cover were D. anchorata and Cla. venosa, while on Ac. cervicornis it was De. anchorata. The richness and diversity of sponges were low for both coral species, and their varying distribution can be attributed to the differences in available substrate for attachment, given coral colony morphology; for Ac. palmata, sponges predominated on the underside of the branches, semi‐cryptic areas and colony bases, whereas for Ac. cervicornis, they were located over the entire area of the cylindrical branches. Surviving colonies of Ac. palmata and Ac. cervicornis that are still erect offer additional microhabitats for reef sponges, some of which can be found directly interacting with live coral tissue, further threatening their recovery.  相似文献   


Echinoderms play important ecological roles in the benthic community, but the processes that regulate their distribution are still poorly understood. The aim of this study was to describe the community structure in the shallow rocky reefs of the Wellington region of central New Zealand. Five sites from a harbour and an open coast were surveyed for adult echinoderm density and habitat composition. Additionally, artificial collectors were deployed to assess recruitment patterns. Five taxa were responsible for the assemblage variation within sites and their abundance was highly correlated with habitat composition. Patiriella regularis was highly abundant in all sites, while Coscinasterias muricata and Evechinus chloroticus were dominant in the Harbour. Echinoderm settlement showed interannual variations, as well as differences between locations. There was a significant pulse of C. muricata settlers, while ophiuroids were present in lower numbers but constantly during the studied period. E. chloroticus settlement was sporadic and the absence of a juvenile cohort in the open coast sites suggests that recruitment might not occur for up to 4 years. The present study provides insights on the echinoderm assemblage in the shallow rocky reefs of the Wellington region and contributes to a better understanding of recruitment patterns shaping population structure.  相似文献   

Sponges are one of the principal agents of bioerosion and sediment production in coral reefs. They generate small carbonate chips that can be found in the sediments, and we investigated whether these could provide a means for assessment of bioerosion applicable to reef monitoring. We tested this hypothesis on samples from 12 Mexican coral reefs distributed along the Pacific coast, where boring sponges were particularly abundant, and quantified the amount of chips in samples of superficial sediment in three grain‐size fractions: fine (<44 μm), medium (44–210 μm) and coarse (>210 μm). The grain‐size distribution varied among reefs, with the majority of the sediment of most reefs being composed of coarse sands, and the medium and fine fractions dominating only at La Entrega and Playa Blanca. All the reefs presented clear evidence of bioerosion by sponges, with the characteristic chips present in the sediment, although at most sites the percentage of chips was very low (from 1% to 3% of the total sediment). Only at La Entrega and Playa Blanca did they constitute a significant fraction of the total sediment (18% and 16%, respectively). While not statistically significant, there was an interesting trend between sponge chips versus sponge abundance that suggests that quantification of the chips in the sediment could be used as a proxy for sponge erosion of the entire community, which cannot be estimated in by laboratory experiments. However, while this methodology could provide an integrated approach to monitor sponge bioerosion, more studies are necessary due to the influence of environmental factors on the transport and deposition of these chips.  相似文献   

Submarine canyons are complex geomorphological features that have been suggested as potential hotspots for biodiversity. However, few canyons have been mapped and studied at high resolution (tens of m). In this study, the four main branches of Whittard Canyon, Northeast Atlantic, were mapped using multibeam and sidescan sonars to examine which environmental variables were most useful in predicting regions of higher biodiversity. The acoustic maps obtained were ground truthed by 13 remotely operated vehicle (ROV) video transects at depths ranging from 650 to 4000 m. Over 100 h of video were collected, and used to identify and georeference megabenthic invertebrate species present within specific areas of the canyon. Both general additive models (GAMs) and random forest (RF) were used to build predictive maps for megafaunal abundance, species richness and biodiversity. Vertical walls had the highest diversity of organisms, particularly when colonized by cold‐water corals such as Lophelia pertusa and Solenosmilia variabilis. GAMs and RF gave different predictive maps and external assessment of predictions indicated that the most adequate technique varied based on the response variable considered. By using ensemble mapping approaches, results from more than one model were combined to identify vertical walls most likely to harbour a high biodiversity of organisms or cold‐water corals. Such vertical structures were estimated to represent less than 0.1% of the canyon's surface. The approach developed provides a cost‐effective strategy to facilitate the location of rare biological communities of conservation importance and guide further sampling efforts to help ensure that appropriate monitoring can be implemented.  相似文献   

The early life history of Western Atlantic snappers from the Southern hemisphere is largely unknown. Habitat use of different life stages (i.e. size categories) of the dog snapper (Lutjanus jocu) was examined across the largest South Atlantic reef–estuarine complex (Abrolhos Shelf, Brazil, 16–19° S). Visual surveys were conducted in different habitats across the shelf (estuary, inner-shelf reefs and mid-shelf reefs). Lutjanus jocu showed higher densities on inner-shelf habitats, with a clear increase in fish size across the shelf. Individuals <7 cm were associated with both the estuary (mangrove and rocky habitats) and inner-shelf reefs (particularly shallow fore-reefs and tide pools). Individuals ranging 10–30 cm were broadly distributed, but consistently more abundant on inner-shelf reefs. Individuals between 30 and 40 cm were more common on mid-shelf reefs, while individuals >40 cm were recorded only on mid-shelf reefs. Literature data indicate that individuals ranging 70–80 cm are common on deep offshore reefs. This pattern suggests that the dog snapper performs ontogenetic cross-shelf migrations. Protecting portions of the different habitats used by the dog snapper during its post-settlement life cycle is highlighted as an important conservation and management measure.  相似文献   

Benthic structure of coral reefs determines the availability of refuges and food sources. Therefore, structural changes caused by natural and anthropogenic disturbances can have negative impacts on reef‐associated communities. During the 1990s, coral reefs from Bahía Culebra were considered among the most diverse ecosystems along the Pacific coast of Costa Rica; however, recently they have undergone severe deterioration as consequence of chronic stressors such as El Niño‐Southern Oscillation and harmful algal blooms. Reef fish populations in this area have also been intensely exploited. This study compared reef fish assemblages during two periods (1995–1996 and 2014–2016), to determine whether they have experienced changes as a result of natural and anthropogenic disturbances. For both periods, benthic composition and reef fish abundance were recorded using underwater visual censuses. Live coral cover (LCC) decreased from 43.09 ± 18.65% in 1995–1996 to 1.25 ± 2.42% in 2014–2016 (U = 36, p < 0.05). Macroalgal cover (%) in 2014–2016 was sixfold higher than mean values reported for the Eastern Tropical Pacific region. Mean (±SD) fish species richness in 1995–1996 (36.67 ± 14.20) was higher than in 2014–2016 (23.00 ± 9.14; U = 20, p < 0.05). Over 40% of reef fish orders observed in 1995–1996 were not detected in the 2014–2016 surveys, including large‐bodied predators. Reduction in abundance of fish predators such as sharks, grunts, and snappers is likely attributed to changes in habitat structure. Herbivorous such as parrotfishes and pufferfishes increased their abundance at sites with low LCC, probably in response to predators decline and increased algal cover. These findings revealed significant degradation and drastic loss of structural complexity in coral reefs from Bahía Culebra, which now are dominated by macroalgae. The large reduction in structural complexity of coral reefs has resulted in the loss of diversity and key ecological roles (e.g., predation and herbivory), thus potentially reducing the resilience of the entire ecosystem.  相似文献   

Benthic foraminifera are established indicators for Water Quality (WQ) in Florida and the Caribbean. However, nearshore coral reefs of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) and other Pacific regions are also subjected to increased nutrient and sediment loads. Here, we investigate the use of benthic foraminifera as indicators to assess status and trends of WQ on GBR reefs. We quantified several sediment parameters and the foraminiferan assemblage composition on 20 reefs in four geographic regions of the GBR, and along a water column nutrient and turbidity gradient. Twenty-seven easily recognisable benthic foraminiferan taxa (>63 μm) were distinguished. All four geographic regions differed significantly (p < 0.05, ANOSIM) in their assemblage composition, and a redundancy analysis (RDA) showed that sediment parameters only explained a small proportion of the variance in the assemblage composition. On nine reefs along a previously studied water quality gradient, foraminifera showed a distinct shift in assemblage composition towards larger symbiont-bearing taxa from turbid inner shelf towards clearer outer shelf reefs. A RDA separated symbiotic and aposymbiotic (heterotrophic) taxa. In addition, total suspended solid and water column chlorophyll a concentrations were negatively correlated, and optical depth and distance to the mainland were positively correlated, with the abundance of symbiont-bearing taxa. Several large foraminifera were identified as indicators for offshore, clear water conditions. In contrast, heterotrophic rotaliids and a species retaining plastids (Elphidium sp.) where highly characteristic for low light, higher nutrient conditions. Application of the FORAM index to GBR assemblage composition showed a significant increase in the value of this index with increased distance from the mainland in the Whitsunday region (r2 = 0.75, p < 0.001), and therefore with increasing light and decreased nutrient availability. We conclude that it will be possible to apply this index to GBR and possibly other Pacific reefs after some adaptations and additional experimental work on species-specific limiting factors.  相似文献   

We used a new experimental device called PASS (PArticle Sinking Simulator) during MedFlux to simulate changes in in situ hydrostatic pressure that particles experience sinking from mesopelagic to bathypelagic depths. Particles, largely fecal pellets, were collected at 200 m using a settling velocity NetTrap (SV NetTrap) in Ligurian Sea in April 2006 and incubated in high-pressure bottles (HPBs) of the PASS system under both atmospheric and continuously increasing pressure conditions, simulating the pressure change experienced at a sinking rate of 200 m d−1. Chemical changes over time were evaluated by measuring particulate organic carbon (POC), carbohydrates, transparent exopolymer particles (TEP), amino acids, lipids, and chloropigments, as well as dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved carbohydrates. Microbial changes were evaluated microscopically, using diamidinophenylindole (DAPI) stain for total cell counts and catalyzed reporter deposition-fluorescence in situ hybridization (CARD-FISH) for phylogenetic distinctions. Concentrations (normalized to POC) of particulate chloropigments, carbohydrates and TEP decreased under both sets of incubation conditions, although less under the increasing pressure regime than under atmospheric conditions. By contrast, dissolved carbohydrates (normalized to DOC) were higher after incubation and significantly higher under atmospheric conditions, suggesting they were produced at the expense of the particulate fraction. POC-normalized particulate wax/steryl esters increased only under pressure, suggesting biochemical responses of prokaryotes to the increasing pressure regime. The prokaryotic community initially consisted of 43% Bacteria, 12% Crenarchaea and 11% Euryarchaea. After incubation, Bacteria dominated (90%) the prokaryote community in all cases, with γ-Proteobacteria comprising the greatest fraction, followed by the Cytophaga–Flavobacter cluster and α-Proteobacteria group. Using the PASS system, we obtained chemical and microbial evidence that degradation by prokaryotes associated with fecal pellets sinking through mesopelagic waters is limited by the increasing pressure they experience.  相似文献   

The intertidal zone around Mar del Plata’s sewage discharge (38° S, 57° W) is characterized by the presence of the non-indigenous spionid polychaete Boccardia proboscidea. This species has been classified as tolerant to moderate and high levels of organic contamination. During early stages of colonization this species can reach very high densities without suffering from interspecific competition, building biogenic structures such as reef. The aim of this work was evaluate the recovery time of the reef to a small-scale experimental physical disturbance. Five independent rocks with B. proboscidea reefs on them were selected randomly and a small-scale disturbance was generated by corers (16 cm2). At the beginning of the experiment, six corers were collected in each reef to produce the disturbance. The original density of B. proboscidea in each reef was determined in these corers. The reefs with disturbed corer were sampled on successive days to assess the reef recovery time. The number of larvae, juveniles and adults was quantified. Polychaete reefs had very high densities before the disturbance (mean density: 1,021,250 ind m−2). Boccardia proboscidea reefs had a fast recovery rate after small-scale disturbance. Four days after disturbance the density reached about 50% of the original density and after 5 days the disturbed reefs could not be differentiated from the undisturbed reef. The initial recolonization of disturbed patches occurs as a result of migration which appears to be driven by larvae and juveniles. These reefs can not be seen as biodiversity hotspots and the presence of the species demonstrates great environmental deterioration.  相似文献   

Rapa (27°36′ S, 144°20′ W) is a small (~40 km2) volcanic island isolated in the Southern Austral Archipelago, where direct anthropogenic stressors are extremely limited. Here, we present the results of the first quantitative survey of coral community structure across habitats and depths around the island. Despite its geographical isolation in the depauperate South Central Pacific, its small size and unfavourable environmental conditions (competition with macroalgae, low sea surface temperatures, reduced reef accretion), the diversity of scleractinian corals at Rapa is particularly high (112 species from 32 genera, including 37 species of Acropora) in comparison to other French Polynesian islands and subtropical Pacific locations. Our results indicate that the abundance (>100 colonies per 10 m2 recorded at nine of the 17 sampling stations) and cover (>40% at four stations) of corals are relatively high for a marginal reef location. Strong spatial heterogeneity was found, with high variation in diversity, abundance, cover and community composition among stations. Variation in community composition was related to habitat types, with distinct assemblages among fringing reefs within bays, reef formations at bay entrances, and those on the submerged platform surrounding the island. On the platform, a depth gradient was detected, with generic richness, abundance and cover generally greater at deeper stations (18–20 m depth) compared with medium‐depth (10–12 m) and shallow (1–3 m) stations. A gradient was also recorded along bays, with increasing coral diversity and abundance from the bay heads to the bay entrances. The coral community at Rapa was characterized by the presence of several taxa not found in other French Polynesian archipelagos and the rarity of others that are common and abundant in the Society and the Tuamotu islands. Another distinctive feature of reef communities at Rapa is the high cover and dominance of macroalgae, particularly in the shallower parts of the surrounding platform, which probably explains the lower densities of coral colonies recorded there. These characteristics of the diversity and biogeographical composition of coral assemblages at Rapa provide considerable ecological grounds for its conservation.  相似文献   

The seasonal variability in fouling community recruitment on submerged artificial substratum was studied in Kudankulam coastal water, Gulf of Mannar, East coast of India for a period of two years, from May 2003 to April 2005. The results indicated that the fouling community recruitment occurred throughout the year with varying intensities. Barnacles, ascidians, polychaetes, bivalves and seaweeds were the major fouling groups observed from the test panels. Maximum fouling biomass of 9.17 g dm−2 was observed during August 2004 and a minimum value of 0.233 g dm−2 in February 2004. The biomass build-up on test panels was relatively high during the premonsoon season and low during the postmonsoon months. The number of barnacles settled on the panels varied from 1 to 4460 no. dm−2. The maximum percentage of the ascidian coverage (72%) on test panels was observed during March 2005. In general, July–December was the period of intense recruitment for barnacles and March–May was the period for ascidians.  相似文献   

Tissue degradation and resulting mortality are major threats to coral reefs around the world. Information on interactions of the major environmental factors that mediate tissue loss and mortality in coral reefs is of great importance. It is essential to understand the prevailing reef health conditions and to develop appropriate management actions. In the present study, a series of benthic surveys conducted in the Lakshadweep Islands revealed the interaction of major biological factors in causing tissue loss and mortality. Hierarchical regression analysis revealed interactions of various environmental scenarios. Tissue loss was prevalent in islands with high cover of massive corals (m = 20.91) and low in islands dominated by branching corals (m = 0.61). Hierarchical regression analysis revealed black band disease (β = .59; p < .001) and algal interactions (β = .48; p < .001) to be major factors responsible for coral mortality caused by tissue loss in the region.  相似文献   

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