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风暴增水随机分析的过阈法及其统计计算模式 总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2
以青岛大港观测站 32年增水过程为例 ,探讨风暴增水工程设计参数的频率分析法 ,进行了不同阈值序列及各种理论线型的分布拟合。首次提出 Poisson- Pearson- III型分布模式 ,并将其用于工程计算 :对比分析 POT法与年极值法的计算结果 ;给出青岛大港站风暴增水多年一遇设计值 ,为进一步科学地确定海岸防潮工程设计水位奠定了基础。 相似文献
Surface elevation is the basic data for geo-science. It is difficult to retrieve tidal-flats’ elevation from single Remote Sensing (RS) image because of the complicated sediment dynamical environment and huge spatial difference in tidal-flats’ moisture content. A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) construction method for inconstant inter-tidal zone based on high tempo-resolution MODIS data set in a short period is proposed in a case study on the Dongsha Sandbank of the Jiangsu Radial Tidal Sand-ridges. In the present study, a batch-preprocessing method based on image partition to handle massive MODIS 1B images is developed and applied to 8163 scenes of MODIS images. The dataset of short-period and multi-temporal MODIS images for inter-tidal flats’ DEM inversion is selected and the usability of MODIS dataset is analyzed. Shorelines of the Dongsha Sandbank are extracted by use of batch supervised classification. In accord with tidal-level forecasted by the Chenjiawu Tidal Gauge Station at the overpass moment of each RS image, DEMs of inter-tidal flats in January and summer(Jul, Aug and Sept), 2003 were built under ArcGIS9.2. Studies show that: (1) The dataset of short-duration and multi-phase MODIS images can be used to retrieve the historical DEM of tidal-flats at changeful tidal flats. (2) Analysis on usability of MODIS images from Aqua and Terra indicates that there are more usable and high-quality MODIS images in spring, autumn and winter, but less in summer. Therefore, the period for building inter-tidal flats’ DEM is suggested to be one month in spring, autumn and winter and three months in summer. 相似文献
针对远离大陆的海岛礁地形测绘与高程基准转换困难的问题,基于ADS40航摄系统获取远离大陆的海岛礁区域遥感影像,按照GPS差分无地面控制点的空中三角测量模式实现海岛礁的地理定位,选择高精度的卫星测高模型实现海岛礁区域的高程基准转换。在某海域进行了ADS40测量作业与高程基准转换试验,结果表明,无地面控制点空中三角测量的平面精度达到0.587m;基于卫星测高模型进行垂直基准转换的精度与同步验潮水位观测法得到的高程传递精度相当。 相似文献