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数据空间磁异常模量三维反演   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
强剩磁的存在通常导致了总磁化强度方向未知,进而影响了磁异常的反演和解释.磁异常模量是一种受磁化方向影响小的转换量,可以在强剩磁条件下通过反演三维磁化强度大小分布来推测场源分布状态.我们提出了一种数据空间磁异常模量反演算法来减少剩磁的影响.与标准的模型空间L2范数正则化反演方法相比,我们的方法有两个优点:一是无需搜索正则化参数(需要反复求解非线性反演问题),因而可以减少计算时间;二是反演结果更加聚焦,深度分辨率更高,我们对此进行了原因分析.通过模型和实测数据测试证明了该算法的有效性和更好的反演效果.  相似文献   

Borehole radar velocity inversion using cokriging and cosimulation   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
A new radar velocity tomography method is presented based on slowness covariance modeling and cokriging of the slowness field using only measured travel time data. The proposed approach is compared to the classical LSQR algorithm using various synthetic models and a real data set. In each case, the proposed method provides comparable to or better results than LSQR. One advantage of this approach is that it is self-regularized and requires less a priori information. The covariance model also allows stochastic imaging of slowness fields by geostatistical simulations. Stable characteristics and uncertain features of the inverted models can then be easily identified.  相似文献   

磁异常△T三维相关成像   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文将重力和重力梯度数据三维相关成像方法推广到磁力勘探领域,推导并建立了磁异常△T的三维相关成像方法,同时提出了基于熵滤波分离异常的三维相关成像算法来提高成像分辨率.组合模型磁异常△T数据和实际磁测资料试验分析表明,本文方法能成像出地下地质体的空间赋存状态和等效磁性分布,具有良好的横向和纵向分辨率.  相似文献   

Inversion of gravity and/or magnetic data attempts to recover the density and/or magnetic susceptibility distribution in a 3D earth model for subsequent geological interpretation. This is a challenging problem for a number of reasons. First, airborne gravity and magnetic surveys are characterized by very large data volumes. Second, the 3D modelling of data from large‐scale surveys is a computationally challenging problem. Third, gravity and magnetic data are finite and noisy and their inversion is ill posed so regularization must be introduced for the recovery of the most geologically plausible solutions from an infinite number of mathematically equivalent solutions. These difficulties and how they can be addressed in terms of large‐scale 3D potential field inversion are discussed in this paper. Since potential fields are linear, they lend themselves to full parallelization with near‐linear scaling on modern parallel computers. Moreover, we exploit the fact that an instrument’s sensitivity (or footprint) is considerably smaller than the survey area. As multiple footprints superimpose themselves over the same 3D earth model, the sensitivity matrix for the entire earth model is constructed. We use the re‐weighted regularized conjugate gradient method for minimizing the objective functional and incorporate a wide variety of regularization options. We demonstrate our approach with the 3D inversion of 1743 line km of FALCON gravity gradiometry and magnetic data acquired over the Timmins district in Ontario, Canada. Our results are shown to be in good agreement with independent interpretations of the same data.  相似文献   

三维频率域航空电磁反演研究   总被引:3,自引:13,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
刘云鹤  殷长春 《地球物理学报》2013,56(12):4278-4287
航空电磁数据的三维解释由于数据量大需要有高效的反演算法作为支撑.本文利用两种目前主流的数值优化技术(非线性共轭梯度和有限内存的BFGS法)实现了三维频率域航空电磁反演,并进一步比较了两种方法的有效性和运算效率.在反演过程中,为了更好地反演异常体的空间位置,模型方差矩阵中的光滑系数在反演起始阶段取值较大;当数据拟合差下降趋于平缓时,再利用较小的光滑因子约束反演过程来实现聚焦和获得精确的反演结果.理论数据反演表明这两种优化策略具有相似的内存需求,但是有限内存的BFGS技术比非线性共轭梯度法在计算时间和模型反演分辨率上具有一定的优越性,因此有限内存BFGS法更适合于求解大规模三维反演问题. 模型试验进一步表明目前主流的迭代法求解技术不适合大规模航空电磁数据反演,未来移动平台多源电磁数据快速正反演可通过引入矩阵分解技术来实现.  相似文献   

冯杰  欧洋  赵勇  贾定宇  李洋  高文利 《地球物理学报》2019,62(10):3686-3698



大地电磁三维快速松弛反演并行算法研究(英文)   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
为了进一步提高大地电磁三维快速松弛反演的计算效率,在深入分析大地电磁三维快速松弛反演算法的基础上,结合MPI自身的优越性,确定了并行计算的思路,实现了三维快速松弛反演的并行计算。通过理论模型合成数据和实测数据对实现的三维快速松弛反演并行程序进行了试算,分析对比了在多种情况下程序的执行效率。测试结果表明,所实现的三维快速松弛反演并行程序运行结果正确,效率提高明显。此成果在普通微机上实现,推动了大地电磁三维反演技术的实用化,可为其它地球物理三维正反演研究所借鉴。  相似文献   

大地电磁野外实测数据目前大多为二维剖面数据.如何反演这些二维剖面数据获得较为接近实际地电情况的结果,是多数大地电磁工作者关心的问题.我们通过对理论模型的三维响应进行分析和对合成数据及实测资料的反演结果进行对比研究,讨论了利用三维反演的方法来获得大地电磁二维剖面附近三维电阻率结构的可行性.结果表明:可用三维反演的方法来解释二维剖面数据.对大地电磁二维剖面的张量数据进行三维反演,不仅可以沿剖面获得较好的二维断面结果,还能够得到二维反演所不能获得的剖面附近的三维电阻率结构信息.合成数据的反演算例表明:对二维剖面数据进行三维反演时,对角元素对于圈定剖面附近三维异常体的空间分布具有独特作用,应尽量反演所有的张量元素.  相似文献   




We present a new workflow for imaging damped three‐dimensional elastic wavefields in the Fourier domain. The workflow employs a multiscale imaging approach, in which offset lengths are laddered, where frequency content and damping of the data are changed cyclically. Thus, the inversion process is launched using short‐offset and low‐frequency data to recover the long spatial wavelength of the image at a shallow depth. Increasing frequency and offset length leads to the recovery of the fine‐scale features of the model at greater depths. For the fixed offset, we employ (in the imaging process) a few discrete frequencies with a set of Laplace damping parameters. The forward problem is solved with a finite‐difference frequency‐domain method based on a massively parallel iterative solver. The inversion code is based upon the solution of a least squares optimisation problem and is solved using a nonlinear gradient method. It is fully parallelised for distributed memory computational platforms. Our full‐waveform inversion workflow is applied to the 3D Marmousi‐2 and SEG/EAGE Salt models with long‐offset data. The maximum inverted frequencies are 6 Hz for the Marmousi model and 2 Hz for the SEG/EAGE Salt model. The detailed structures are imaged successfully up to the depth approximately equal to one‐third of the maximum offset length at a resolution consistent with the inverted frequencies.  相似文献   

SOTEM数据一维OCCAM反演及其应用于三维模型的效果   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文



New developments in mobile resistivity meter instrumentation have made it possible to survey large areas with dense data coverage. The mobile system usually has a limited number of electrodes attached to a cable that is pulled along behind an operator so that a large area can be covered within a short time. Such surveys can produce three-dimensional datasets with hundreds of thousands of electrodes positions and data points. Similarly, the inverse model used to interpret the data can have several hundred thousand cells. It is impractical to model such large datasets within a reasonable time on microcomputers used by many small companies employing standard inversion techniques. We describe a model segmentation technique that subdivides the finite-element mesh used to calculate the apparent resistivity and Jacobian matrix values into a number of smaller meshes. A fast technique that optimizes the calculation of the Jacobian matrix values for multi-channel systems was also developed. A one-dimensional wavelet transform method was then used to compress the storage of the Jacobian matrix, in turn reducing the computer time and memory required to solve the least-squares optimization equation to determine the inverse model resistivity values. The new techniques reduce the calculation time and memory required by more than 80% while producing models that differ by less than 1% from that obtained using the standard inversion technique with a single mesh. We present results using a synthetic model and a field dataset that illustrates the effectiveness of the proposed techniques.  相似文献   

三维反演解释是电磁法勘探发展的重要趋势,而如何提高三维反演的可靠性、稳定性和计算效率是算法开发者们目前的研究重点.本文实现了一种频率域可控源电磁(CSEM)三维反演算法.其中正演基于拟态有限体积法离散化,利用直接矩阵分解技术来求解大型线性系统方程,不仅准确、稳定,而且特别有利于含有大量发射场源位置的CSEM勘探情况;对目标函数的最优化采用高斯牛顿法(GN),具有近似二次的收敛性;使用预条件共轭梯度法(PCG)求解每次GN迭代所得到的法方程,避免了显式求解和存储灵敏度矩阵,减小了计算量.以上这些方法的结合应用,使得本文的三维反演算法准确、稳定且高效.通过陆地和海洋CSEM勘探场景中的典型理论模型的反演测试,验证了本文算法的有效性.  相似文献   

Dense profile-oriented resistivity data allows for 2D and 3D inversions. However, huge amounts of data make it practically impossible to do full 2D or 3D inversions on a routine basis. Therefore, a number of approximations have been suggested over the years to speed up computations. We suggest using a combination of Broyden's update on the Jacobian matrix with derivatives calculated using a 1D formulation on a parameterized 2D model of locally 1D layered models. The approximations bring down the effective number of 2D forward responses to a minimum, which again gives us the ability to invert very large sections. Broyden's update is not as useful with a parameterized problem as is the case with a smooth minimum structure problem that has been the usual application. 1D derivatives, however, seem to be very effective when initiating a full 2D solution with Broyden's update. We compare the different methods using two different kinds of data on two synthetic models and on two field examples. The most effective and reliable optimization combines 1D derivatives with a full 2D solution and Broyden's update. When using Broyden's update the Jacobian matrix needs to be reset every once in a while. We do this whenever the difference in data residual from the previous iteration is less than 5%. This combined inversion method reduces the computation time approximately a factor of 3 without losing model resolution.  相似文献   

频率域海洋可控源电磁垂直各向异性三维反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地层宏观电性各向异性会对可控源电磁响应产生重要影响.由于海底地层电性结构常表现为电导率各向异性,若仅对海洋可控源电磁(MCSEM)数据进行常规各向同性反演,有可能无法获得准确的反演解释结果,从而削弱MCSEM技术的可靠性.本文实现了电导率垂直各向异性(VTI)条件下频率域海洋可控源电磁数据三维反演算法.其中,三维正演采用基于二次场控制方程的交错网格有限体积法,并利用直接矩阵分解技术来求解离散所得的大型线性方程组,有利于快速计算多场源的响应.反演采用具有近似二次收敛性的高斯牛顿算法对目标函数进行最优化.最后,对具有VTI电性各向异性特征的盐丘构造模型的MCSEM合成数据分别进行了电导率各向同性和垂直各向异性三维反演,结果表明:各向同性三维反演算法无法对受VTI介质影响的MCSEM数据进行正确的反演解释,而垂直各向异性三维反演能够获得更为可靠的地下电阻率结构和异常体分布,展现出对海底电性各向异性结构更为优良的反演解释能力.  相似文献   




对于三维可控源电磁,反演计算效率、张量测量、旁侧效应以及阴影效应是目前研究的热点.本文正演采用基于库仑规范条件的耦合势有限体积算法,反演采用有限内存BFGS(L-BFGS)算法.合成数据反演结果表明:(1)有限内存BFGS法比非线性共轭梯度法,在反演计算效率上具有一定的优势,更适合求解大规模三维可控源电磁反演问题.(2)张量可控源电磁法相对于标量可控源电磁法,前者在模型分辨率上优于后者.(3)在某个区域无法布置测网的情况下,我们可利用旁侧效应在异常体周围布置测网进行三维反演,从而获得真实异常体的信息.同时,为避免阴影效应,我们应在测网外增加可控源电磁控制点,使得三维反演的数据更加完备.  相似文献   

An Open Source C++ inversion framework for magnetic interpretation, including UXO applications, has been developed. The point dipole model is used to approximate a small magnetic object. However, alternative object models can be easily accommodated. Input data can be presented in a variety of formats and physical units including, but not limited to, profiles of the total magnetic field, uniform data grids, random data points, magnetic gradients, and finite magnetic difference measurements. Well-established external numerical optimization software modules such as the SLATEC (Common Mathematical Library, Los Alamos National Laboratory) package are used to solve numerical problems. Other software modules can easily be incorporated as they become available. Some practical examples of the application of the framework using total field data and vertical total field gradient data from a UXO test range are presented. We have decided to “open-source” the toolkit. It can be downloaded without charge under GNU Public License via anonymous FTP from ftp://geom.geometrics.com/pub/mag/Software/magtoolkit-1.0.zip.  相似文献   

A ground magnetic study of Ustica Island was performed to provide new insights into subsurface tectonic and volcanic structures. The total-intensity anomaly field, obtained after a data-reduction procedure, shows the presence of a W–E-striking magnetic anomaly in the middle of the island and another two intense anomalies, which seem to continue offshore, in the southwestern and the northeastern sides, respectively. The detected anomalies were analyzed by a quadratic programming (QP) algorithm to obtain a 3D subsurface magnetization distribution. The volcano magnetization model reveals the presence of intensely magnetized volumes, interpreted as the feeding systems of the main eruptive centers of the island, which roughly follow the trend of the main regional structural lineaments. These findings highlight how regional tectonics has strongly affected the structural and magmatic evolution of the Ustica volcanic complex producing preferential ways for magma ascent.  相似文献   

Tikhonov正则化(TR)方法在重磁数据处理中发挥了重要的作用,本文在研究如何利用Tikhonov正则化方法方法解决重力数据3D反演的同时,深入讨论了可进一步提高拟合误差的Extrapolation Tikhonov正则化方法(EXTR)的原理,并就其参数选择方法及各参数对拟合误差、迭代次数及反演结果的影响进行研究。常密度及变密度组合模型试算结果表明,与TR方法相比,EXTR方法不仅可以达到解释人员设定的先验拟合误差水平,在计算时间及迭代次数相应增加的前提下有更高的拟合精度;同时其反演结果也更加紧致,进一步改善了TR反演结果的发散性;并且其反演数据范围更贴近预设模型参数范围,模型特征与预设模型密度分布吻合较好。  相似文献   

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