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A special fine structure (slowly drifting chains of narrowband fiber bursts), firstly observed during the solar type-IV radio burst on April 24, 1985, is interpreted as the radio signature of whistler waves periodically excited by a switch-on/switch-off process of a loss-cone instability in a localized wave packet of the fast magnetoacoustic mode.  相似文献   

P. A. Robinson 《Solar physics》1991,134(2):299-314
A new model is developed for electron-cyclotron maser emission from flaring loops, which incorporates competition between driving of the instability and maser-induced relaxation, together with interactions between small neighboring regions of unstable plasma. This results in a picture in which radiation is emitted in bursts from regions whose length scale is determined self-consistently by previous bursts, while the unstable plasma fluctuates about the point, close to marginal stability, at which driving of the instability is balanced by relaxation due to maser-induced electron diffusion. Under the conditions applicable to flaring loops, time scales of fundamental x-mode (x1) driving and saturation are approximately equal at 1 ms, resolving a (104–106)-fold discrepancy in previous models and agreeing with the observed time scales of microwave spike bursts. Saturation effects are found to be especially effective in suppressing amplification of the most strongly growing modes. This suppression enables fundamental o-mode (o1) and second-harmonic x-mode (x2) emission to compete more effectively against x1 emission for the available free energy than has previously been estimated. Consideration of mode competition, burst time scales, suppression of growth due to overlap between amplification and absorption bands, and escape of radiation through absorption layers to the observer, implies that the observed radiation probably escapes from the corona principally in the o-mode, either emitted directly as o1 radiation or mode converted from x1 emission.  相似文献   

K X-ray line emission from S, Ar, Ca and Fe is calculated for conditions likely to exist in solar flares. We consider both the non-thermal and thermal phases of flares as indicated by X-ray observations. Impulsive non-thermal events seen at the onset of a flare at photon energies > 20 keV generally give rise to small K line fluxes (<250 photons cm-2 s-1) on the basis of data presented by Kane and Anderson. The amount of S K radiation in particular depends sensitively on the lower-energy bound of the non-thermal electron distribution giving rise to the impulsive burst, offering a possible means of determining this. Thermal K emission is significant for only Fe ions. For S, Ar and Ca, the temperatures required for a sizeable number of electrons with energies greater than the K-ionization potential will also strip these elements to ionization stages too high for K transitions to be possible. Comparison of thermal K emission from iron during an intense solar flare leads to a very high emission measure on the basis of these calculations, but such a value seems to be compatible with an analysis of the 1–3 Å continuum during the same event.NAS/NRC Resident Research Associate.Visiting Scientist, High Altitude Observatory, NCAR, Boulder, Colo. 80302.  相似文献   

We present statistics relating shock-associated (SA) kilometric bursts (Cane et al., 1981) to solar metric type II bursts. An SA burst is defined here to be any 1980 kHz emission temporally associated with a reported metric type II burst and not temporally associated with a reported metric type III burst. In this way we extend to lower flux densities and shorter durations the original SA concept of Cane et al. About one quarter of 316 metric type II bursts were not accompanied by any 1980 kHz emission, another quarter were accompanied by emission attributable to preceding or simultaneous type III bursts, and nearly half were associated with SA bursts. We have compared the time profiles of 32 SA bursts with Culgoora Observatory dynamic spectral records of metric type II bursts and find that the SA emission is associated with the most intense and structured part of the metric type II burst. On the other hand, the generally poor correlation found between SA burst profiles and Sagamore Hill Observatory 606 and 2695 MHz flux density profiles suggests that most SA emission is not due to energetic electrons escaping from the microwave emission region. These results support the interpretation that SA bursts are the long wavelength extension of type II burst herringbone emission, which is presumed due to the shock acceleration of electrons.Also: Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, U.S.A.  相似文献   

During the time period of November 1968 to March 1970, 259 15.4 GHz impulsive microwave bursts have been identified of which 147 had associated 2–12 Å soft X-ray bursts. Average durations, rise times, and decay times for the microwave bursts are 2.9 ± 2.4 min, 0.9 ± 0.8 min, and 2.2 ± 2.1 min, respectively.Total durations and decay times for the X-ray events display a wide range of values from a few minutes to several hours. Rise times for 50 % of the events fell in the range of 2 to 7 min. A significant fraction (32 %) of the X-ray events may exhibit a flux enhancement prior to the main outburst.For 85 % of the flare cases, the X-ray event begins simultaneously with or before the microwave event. In 91 % of the cases the X-ray event peaks later than the microwave event. The average delay is 3.0 ± 1.9 min with 50 % of cases in the range of 0 to 4 min.The X-ray flux increases are significantly correlated with the microwave flux, increases, having a correlation coefficient of 0.43 (> 99.9 % confident).This work was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research under contract NOOO14-68-A-0196-0009 and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration through grant NGL-16-001-002.  相似文献   

We report detailed observations of the herringbone (HB) fine structure on type II solar radio bursts. Data from the Culgoora radiospectrograph, radiometer and radioheliograph are analyzed. We determine the characteristic spectral profiles, frequency drift rates and exciter velocities, fluxes, source sizes, brightness temperatures, and polarizations of individual HB bursts. Correlations between individual bursts within the characteristic groups of bursts and the properties of the associated type II bursts are examined. Our data are compatible with HB bursts being radiation at multiples of the plasma frequency generated by electron streams accelerated by the type II shock. We conclude that HB bursts are physically distinct phenomena from type II and type III bursts, differing significantly in emission processes and/or source conditions; this conclusion indicates that many of the presently available theoretical ideas for HB bursts are incorrect.Now at: Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa, U.S.A.Now at Anglo-Australian Observatory, Sydney, Australia.  相似文献   

V. K. Verma 《Solar physics》1985,97(2):381-385
It is found that 20% solar surges are associated with microwave bursts (2800–15000 MHz) and also that solar surges are not associated with hard X-ray bursts (17–40 keV).  相似文献   

The theory of plasma emission is developed under the assumption that the Langmuir waves are generated by an isotropic distribution of fast electrons. Emission from inverse power-law distributions tend to favor emission at the second harmonic with brightness temperatures up to about 108 K at 100 MHz. The concept of a gap (in velocity space) distribution is developed. Very bright plasma emission can result from a gap distribution. For brightness temperatures between 109 K and 1011 K for the second harmonic the fundamental has a brightness temperature between 108 K and 109 K. For higher brightness temperatures the fundamental is amplified and can be very much brighter than the second harmonic. The maximum brightness temperatures for the fundamental and second harmonic at 100 MHz are about 1016 K and 1013 K respectively. Mechanisms by which a gap distribution might be formed are discussed and two effective mechanisms are identified. The theory is applied to the interpretation of radio bursts of types I, II, stationary IV and V. In each case the suggested mechanism appears to be favorable.  相似文献   

A study has been made of the relation of 19 GHz( = 1.58 cm) solar radio bursts to solar proton emission, with particular reference to the usefulness of relatively long duration bursts with intensities exceeding 50% of the quiet Sun flux (or exceeding 350 × 10–22 W m–2 Hz–1) as indicators of the occurrence of proton events during the four years from 1966–69. 76 to 88% of such bursts are directly associated with solar protons and 60 to 85% of the moderate to large proton events in the four year period could have been predicted from these bursts. The complete microwave spectra of the proton events have also been studied, and have been used to extend the results obtained at 19 GHz to other frequencies, particularly in the 5–20 GHz band. The widely used frequency of 2.8 GHz is not the optimum frequency for this purpose since proton events have a minimum of emission in this region. Most of the radio energy of proton events is at frequencies above 10 GHz. The radio spectra of proton events tend to peak at higher frequencies than most non-proton events, the overall range being 5 to 70 GHz, with a median of 10–12 GHz and a mean of 17 GHz.On leave from the Radio and Space Research Station, Slough, England, as 1969–1970 National Research Council-National Academy of Sciences Senior Post-Doctoral Research Associate at AFCRL.  相似文献   

The amount of circular polarization of the total solar radio emission at 7 GHz present permanent changes after the occurrence of certain radio bursts associated with larger flares. For isolated S-components, associated with such flares the changes of the polarization degree sranges between 0.004 to 0.1, and appears to be a function of the flare importance. A semi-qualitative interpretation associates swith magnetic field reductions at the S-component, agreeing fairly well with a flare mechanism based on collisionless dissipation of magnetic energy, corresponding to energies in the range of 1030 to 1032 ergs, assuming an average model for the coronal condensations.  相似文献   

Coherent synchrotron deceleration of 100 keV electrons is proposed as the mechanism by which type II and III solar radio bursts are generated. This mechanism directly excites the transverse electromagnetic radiation by a linear mechanism at the relativistic electron cyclotron frequency and at the first harmonic thereof if the energy spread of the exciting component is sufficiently narrow. Higher cyclotron harmonics are excluded by the energy spread in the 100 keV exciting electron component. This mechanism appears to fit the observational data concerning these emissions some-what better than the existing theory based on the non-linear interaction of electrostatic plasma waves.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis is used to determine the properties of metre-wavelength events which are associated with interplanetary type II bursts. It is found that the likelihood of an interplanetary type II burst is greatly increased if: (a) an associated metre-wavelength type II has a starting frequency less than 45 MHz; (b) a strong metre-wavelength continuum is present; (c) the type II contains herringbone fine structure; and (d) the metre-wavelength activity is accompanied by strong, long-lasting H and soft X-ray events.Visiting scientist at Division of Radiophysics, January 1983; previous address - NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland.  相似文献   

A theoretical model is proposed for interpreting the coherent emissionmechanism of solar radio moving type IV bursts. Energetic electrons produced in flares captured by an expanding and rising magnetic flux tube exhibit a beam-like distribution of velocities on the top of the flux tube. These excite beaming plasma instability and directly amplifies O-mode electromagnetic waves. The instability growth rate sensitively depends on the coronal plasma parameter, ƒpece and the beam-temperature Tb. This can qualitatively explain the high brightness temperature and high degree of polarization as well as the broad spectrum observed in this type of solar radio bursts.  相似文献   

The relationship between solar radio emissions and transient interplanetary phenomena is reviewed. It is believed that the most significant advance in recent years has come from coordinated studies of coronal mass ejections and moving type IV bursts, where the evidence appears to favour the Langmuir wave hypothesis as the emission mechanism. Type II bursts are not generally a signature of the main energetic particle acceleration in flares. They do, however, occasionally propagate to 1 AU, and beyond, where they are normally accompanied by protons in the 20 MeV region. Apart from the impulsive microwave burst, there is no reliable radio signature associated with energetic particle acceleration in flares, although many phenomena have high correlations with radio emissions. The exceptions suggest that such correlations may be incidental. Therefore, it is concluded that attention should also be given to events with a positive absence of radio emission in order to make progress in understanding solar processes.Proceedings of the Workshop on Radio Continua during Solar Flares, held at Duino (Trieste), Italy, 27–31 May, 1985.  相似文献   

J. C. Henoux 《Solar physics》1975,42(1):219-233
The effects of the Compton back-scattered X-ray flux from the photosphere on the directivity and polarization of flare X-rays between 15 keV and 150 keV are computed. The calculations are made with a thin target model for flares of De Jager-Kundu type with electrons spiralling downward around a vertical magnetic field and for an Isotropie source. The resulting polarization for an isotropic source is not higher than 4%. The resulting directivity of anisotropic sources is greatly reduced, particularly below 70 keV. The results of the statistical studies of the center-limb distribution of solar X-ray bursts are then compatible with the existing measures of polarization. The hypothesis for existence of De JagerKundu type flares is enforced.  相似文献   

D. McConnell 《Solar physics》1982,78(2):253-269
Observations of the solar radio spectrum have been made with high time and frequency resolution. Spectra were recorded over six 3-MHz bands between 30 and 82 MHz. The receivers used were capable of time and frequency resolutions of 1 ms and 2 kHz, respectively. A large number of radio bursts exhibiting a variety of find spectral structure were recorded.The bursts, referred to here as S bursts, were observed throughout the 30–82 MHz frequency range but were most numerous in the 33–44 MHz band and were very rare at 80 MHz. On a dynamic spectrum the bursts appeared as narrow sloping lines with the centre frequency of each burst decreasing with time. The rate of frequency drift was about 1/3 that of type III bursts. Most bursts were observed over only a limited frequency range (< 5 MHz) but some drifted for more than 10 MHz. The durations measured at a single frequency and the instantaneous bandwidths of S bursts were small; t = 49 ± 34 ms and f = 123 ± 56 kHz for bursts observed near 40 MHz. A significant number had t 20 ms. Flux densities of S burst sources were estimated to fall in the range 1023-5 × 1021 Wm–1 Hz–1.A small proportion (1–2%) of bursts showed a fine structure in which the burst source apparently only emitted at discrete, regularly spaced frequencies causing the spectrogram to exhibit a series of bands or fringes. The fringe spacing increased with wave frequency and was f - 90 kHz for fringes near 40 MHz. The bandwidths of fringes was narrow, often less than 30 kHz and in some cases down to 10–15 kHz.New address: Astronomy Program, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, U.S.A.  相似文献   

We have investigated spectral features of strong radio burst emission for the 21st cycle of solar activity. The maximum daily radio fluxes in 8 frequency ranges are analyzed. For every year, the classification of these daily spectra is obtained by the cluster analysis method.We have shown that strong bursts are characterized by the stable shape of the mean radio emission spectra. For these bursts the total level of radio emission does not depend on the phase of the solar 11-yr cycle and varies with the quasi-period of 4 yr.The basic features of burst spectra can be explained by the gyrosynchrotron radiation of nonthermal electrons and plasma radiation at the second harmonic of plasma frequency. We supposed that in the generation region of centimetric emission, if the strength of the magnetic field B 100 G, the number of microbursts can amount to (6–7) × 103. In the generation region of decimetric emission, the energy of Langmuir waves changes as W l n e 0.4.  相似文献   

Solar hard X-ray bursts (>10 keV) seem to show a centre-to-limb variation, while softer X-ray bursts show no directivity. This effect of hard X-ray bursts may be due to the directivity of the emission itself. As the cause of the directivity, two possibilities are suggested. One is the inverse Compton effect and the other is the bremsstrahlung from anisotropic electrons.  相似文献   

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