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The toxic effects of benzo[α]pyrene (B[α]P) at different concentrations (0.1, 0.5, 1, 2.5 and 7.5 ugL-1) on scallop (Chla-mys farreri) immune system were studied. The results showed that B[a]P had significant toxic effects on the haemocyte counts, neu-tral red uptake, phagocytosis, bacteriolytic and antibacterial activity (P<0.05), while the seawater control and acetone control had no significant differences. The haemocyte counts, neutral red uptake, phagocytosis and bacteriolvtic activity in all B[α]P treatment groups as well as antibacterial activity, in groups of 0.5, 1, 2.5 and 7.5 ugL-1 B[α]P decreased significantly (P<0.05). Some of these indices tended to be stable on the sixth day and others on the ninth day, and the indices showed clear time- and concentra-tion-response to B[α]P. Bacteriolytic activity in 0.1ugL-1 B[α]P treatment group and antibacterial activity in 0.1 ugL-1 and 0.5 ugL-1 B[α]P treatment groups increased at the beginning of exposure and reached their peaks on day 1 and day 6, respectively. Following that, both activities decreased gradually and became stable after day 9. When all the indices reached stability, they were significantly lower than those in control group (P<0.05), except for antibacterial activity in 0.1 ugL-1 B[α]P treatment group (P<0.05). Thus, B[α]P has evident toxic effects on scallop immune system, which supports the view that a relationship exists between pollution and immu-nomodulation in aquatic organisms.  相似文献   

The toxic effects of benzo[α]pyrene (B[α]P) at different concentrations (0.1, 0.5, 1, 2.5 and 7.5 μgL^-1) on scallop (Chlamys farreri) immune system were studied. The results showed that B[α]P had significant toxic effects on the haemocyte counts, neutral red uptake, phagocytosis, bacteriolytic and antibacterial activity (P〈0.05), while the seawater control and acetone control had no significant differences. The haemocyte counts, neutral red uptake, phagocytosis and bacteriolytic activity in all B[α]P treatment groups as well as antibacterial activity in groups of 0.5, 1, 2.5 and 7.5 μgL^-1·B[α]P decreased significantly (P〈0.05). Some of these indices tended to be stable on the sixth day and others on the ninth day, and the indices showed clear time- and concentration-response to B[α]E Bactenolytic activity in 0.1 μgL^-1 B[α]P treatment group and antibacterial activity in 0.1 ggLl and 0.5 μgL^-1 B[α]P treatment groups increased at the beginning of exposure and reached their peaks on day 1 and day 6, respectively. Following that, both activities decreased gradually and became stable after day 9. When all the indices reached stability, they were significantly lower than those in control group (P〈0.05), except for antibacterial activity in 0.1 μgLl B[α]P treatment group (P〉0.05). Thus, B[α]P has evident toxic effects on scallop immune system, which supports the view that a relationship exists between pollution and lmmunomodulation in aquatic organisms.  相似文献   

Scallop Chlamys farreri was exposed to different concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) (0.5 μg/L, 1.0 μg/L, 10.0 μg/L and 50.0 μg/L) for 30 days in seawater. The 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) activity was significantly induced, and increased with the increasing BaP concentration. The glutathione-S-transferase (GST), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities increased in short time at low concentration of BaP, and was significantly depressed at high concentr...  相似文献   

In this study, two common pollutants (benzo[a]pyrene and methamidophos) in marine environment were tested by comet assay for their inducement of in vivo genotoxic effect to the blood cells of black porgy ( Acanthopagrus schlegeli). The fish was exposed to 2 μg/L of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) and methamidophos, and their mixture. The assay was performed on whole blood at 2 h, 5 h, 24 h and 96 h exposure intervals. A significant increase in DNA damage was observed in each treatment with the pollutants. Additive effect of BaP and methamidophos was also found in the experiment. However, the decrease ratios of DNA damage for 5 h and 96 h exposure interals compared with 2 h and 24 h exposure ones, respectively, were noticed. This phenomenon may be explained by the function of repairing process via enzyme cytochrome P450 in the animal. Evidence of the genotoxicity of organophosphorus pesticides (OPs) and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) on marine fish are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTION Since the first use in human genetic research in1966,allozyme has become the most popular genetic marker for population genetics studies for almost all groups of animals and plants(Lewontin and Hubby,1966;Murphy et al.,1996).In the past seve…  相似文献   

Free radical scavenging abilities of polypeptide from Chlamys farreri   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 INTRODUCTION Active oxygen free radicals can damage cell structure, even kill the cells, causing aging and cer- tain serious diseases (Bors et al., 1989). Usually, the production and scavenging of active oxygen free radicals are in balance in healthy hu…  相似文献   

Chinese and Japanese population of Chlamys farreri and their reciprocal hybrids were surveyed in isozyme variability at 13 loci by polyacrytamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). Isozyme banding patterns indicated these hybrids were diploid. Loci that were observed as being monomorphic in inbred populations of C. farreri were also found to be monomorphic in filial progeny; loci that observed to be polymorphic in parental type generations were also polymorphic in hybrid generations. Differences existed among allelic frequency of the four types of cross. Within the reciprocal hybrids the expression of malic enzyme (ME) isozyme was sufficient to distinguishing individual hybrids because of the band, Rf=0.38. However, there were no noticeable variations among all the samples to differentiate one from another. Inbreeding was likely to be the main problem in aquaculture. The introduction of new broodstock can improve the genetic diversity. Hybrid vigor has manifested to a certain extent in the present study.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Long-term exposure of the skin to ultraviolet (UV) radiation results in degenerative processes involved in photoaging and photocarcinogenesis (Differy, 1987). As UVC is absorbed entirely by the stratospheric ozone layer and does not reach the earth抯 surface, sunlight is composed of UVA (320 nm 400 nm) and UVB (290 nm 320 nm). Human skin is exposed constantly to both UVA and UVB radiation, it is, therefore, important to protect the skin against UVA and UVB-induce…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONSolarultraviolet(UV)radiationisknowntobeamajoretiologicalriskofphotoaging.AsUVC(2 0 0nm -2 90nm)isabsorbedentirelybythestratosphericozonelayer,sunlightontheearthsur faceiscomposedofUVA (3 2 0nm -4 0 0nm)andUVB (2 90nm -3 2 0nm)only.UVAradiationenergyaccountsformorethan 90 %ofsolarUV ;andpenetratesthebasallayerofepidermismoreefficientlythanUVB (Brulsetal.,1984) .However,atsimilardosages,UVBismuchmoremuta genicthanUVA (Drobetskyetal.,1995) .Furthermore ,humanskinisexp…  相似文献   

DAX 1,a member of nuclear receptor superfamily,has a function in the sex determination and gonadal differentiation of several vertebrate species.However,little information about DAX1 of invertebrates is available.Here we cloned a homolog of scallop (Chlamys farreri Jones and Preston 1904) dax1,Cf-dax1,and determined its expression characteristics at mRNA and protein levels.The cDNA sequence of Cf-dax1 was 2093 bp in length,including 1404 bp open reading frame (ORF) encoding 467 amino acids.Unlike those of vertebrates,no conserved LXXLL-related motif was found in the putative DNA binding region of Cf-DAX1.Fluorescence in situ hybridization showed that Cf-dax1 located on the short arm of a pair of subtelocentric chromosomes.Tissue distribution analysis using semi-quantitative RT-PCR revealed that Cf-dax1 expressed widely in adult scallop tissues,with the highest expression level found in adductor muscle,moderate level in mantle,gill and testis,and low level in kidney,ovary and hepatopancreas.The result of quantitative real-time PCR indicated that the expression of Cf-dax1 was significantly higher (P<0.05) in testis than in ovary at the same stage,showing a sex-dimorphic expression pattern.Furthermore,immunohistochemical detection found that Cf-DAX1 mainly located in spermatogonia and spermatocytes of testis and in oogonia and oocytes of ovary,implying that DAX1 may involve in gametogenesis of bivalves.  相似文献   

Effects of temperature on oxygen consumption rate (OCR) and ammonia—N excretion rate of scallopChlamys farreri (1.7–6.2 cm in shell height) were studied in laboratory from Dec. 30,1996 to Jan. 28,1997. Under the controlled conditions of ambient water temperature 10–31°C and salinity 32, the concentrations of dissolved oxygen and ammonia—N were determined by the Winkle method and the hypobromite method, respectively. Results showed that the OCR ranged from 1.20 mg/g (DW) · h to 5.76 mg/g (DW) · h. The OCR increased with temperature from 10°C to 23°C, but at 28°C the OCR of mature individuals decreased, and that of different size scallops reduced at 31°C. The ammonia—N excretion rate ranged from 113.03 μg NH4-N/g (DW) · h to 486.63 μg NH4-N/g (DW) · h, and increased with temperature from 10°C to 31°C. Contribution No.3180 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This work was supported by the National Commission of Science and Technology of China, Grant No.96-922-02-04.  相似文献   

The study on the effect of NO on the growth of Chaetoceros curvisetus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 INTRODUCTION As a recently recognized information molecule in campaign of the “Molecule of the Year” by Sci- ence magazine, nitric oxide (NO) has attracted much attention from biologists and many other field scien- tists, for its very important physio…  相似文献   

扇贝是我国的主要海水养殖品种之一。扇贝的闭壳肌干制品俗称“干贝”,是畅销的出口珍品,换汇率高。据国外最新研究报导,扇贝的医药价值更高,其韧带浸出物可治癌病,其卵巢对白血病有较高的疗效。  相似文献   

The effects of degraded porphyran (P1) and natural porphyran (P) on the lifespan and vitality of Drosophila melanogaster are studied. The porphyrans, added daily to the food medium at 0.2% and 1% concentrations, can significantly increase the lifespan in average of 55.79 and 58.23 d in 0.2% P1 diet females and 1% P1 diet males, extending by 12.29% and 8.60% over the corresponding controls, respectively. The effects of porphyrans on D. melanogaster in heat-stress condition were also examined, and found a remarkable increase in survival time. The results which are consistently associated with the use of porphyrans are related to their free radical scavenger action. Considerable increase in vitality demonstrated that vitalities of middle-aged fly (assessed by measuring their mating capacity) was observed after porphyrans addition. Therefore, porphyrans are effective in reducing the rate of aging, and P1 in low molecular weight is better than natural P.  相似文献   

Biofouling is an important factor that affects the bivalve farming industry. Fouling organisms may reduce growth and survival rate of the cultured species. Fouler are often filter feeders, so they are potential competitors for food resource with the cultured species. The present study was conducted to measure the impact of fouling on food uptake and nutrient release in April and June, 2006 in Daya Bay near Guangzhou, China. Results showed that fouling organisms had significant effect on food uptake and nutrient release. The chlorophyll a uptake rate of fouled scallops was 7.53Lh-1±1.416Lh-1 and 11.94Lh-1±2.497Lh-1 in April and June, respectively, significantly higher than those of cleaned scallops, i.e., 4.23 Lh-1 ±2.744Lh-1 and 2.57Lh-1± 1.832 Lh-1 respectively.The consumption of total particulate matter by fouled scallops in April and June was 5.52Lh-1±0.818Lh-1 and 3.07Lh-1±0.971 Lh-1,respectively; the corresponding results for cleaned scallops are 2.49Lh-1 ±0.614Lh-1 and 2.37± 1.214Lh-1, respectively. Fouling increased ammonia release significantly. The ammonia release rate of fouled scallops was 33.81Lh-1±7.699Lh-1 and 76.39Lh-1 ±9.251Lh-1 in April and June, while cleaned scallops released 2.46Lh-1± 0.5 1 1Lh-1 and 7.23Lh-1± 1.026Lh-1 ammonia, respectively. Phosphate release of fouled scallops was 22.72Lh-1 ± 9.978 Lh-1 in June and cleaned scallops released phosphate 6.01Lh-1 ±0.876 Lh-1 in April. Therefore, fouling contributed much to food reduction and concentration increase of ammonia and phosphate in water.  相似文献   

The effect of ocean wave breaking as a non-Bragg mechanism on backscattering cross-section and modulation transfer functions (MTF) of radar was investigated based on Bragg resonance theory and parametric method. The result showed that the additional effect of wave breaking on backscattering cross-section is not more than 20% except for the small incident angle of VV polarized electromagnetic (e.m.) wave but is significant for HH polarized e.m. wave. Breaking waves lead to increase in the modulus of tilt modulation MTF and the larger the wind speed, the faster the increase. For large incident angle, the modulus of tilt modulation MTF with wave breaking decreases quickly with incident angle for HH polarization and approach to that without wave breaking for VV polarization. The hydrodynamic MTF increases 30%-60% when considering wave breaking and the increase is larger for HH polarization than for VV polarization.  相似文献   

Endogenous levels of UVAC in different parts of matured gametophytic blades of Porphyra haitanensis and the effect of exogenous UVAC on sporangial branchlet formation are studied. The UVAC value in vegetative (36. 78 mg/g) and reproductive (29.25 mg/g) parts of female thallus is higher than their counterparts in male thallus (34.68 mg/g and 20.46 mg/g). The UVAC value of reproductive parts is higher than vegetative parts of same sexual thallus. The optimal UVAC concentration for sporangial branchlet formation is 0.1 mg/g.  相似文献   

The potential of 324 bacteria isolated from different habitats in polar oceans to produce a variety of extracellular enzymatic activities at low temperature was investigated. By plate assay, lipase, protease, amylase, gelatinase, agarase, chitinase or cellulase were detected. Lipases were generally present by bacteria living in polar oceans. Protease-producing bacteria held the second highest proportion in culturable isolates. Strains producing amylase kept a relative stable proportion of around 30% in different polar marine habitats. All 50 Arctic sea-ice bacteria producing proteases were cold-adapted strains, however, only 20% were psychrophilic. 98% of them could grow at 3% NaCl, and 56% could grow without NaCl. On the other hand, 98% of these sea-ice bacteria produced extracellular proteases with optimum temperature at or higher than 35℃, well above the upper temperature limit of cell growth. Extracellular enzymes including amylase, agarase, cellulase and lipase released by bacteria from seawater or sediment in polar oceans, most expressed maximum activities between 25 and 35℃. Among extracellular enzymes released by bacterial strain BSw20308, protease expressed maximum activity at 40℃, higher than 35℃ of polysaccharide hydrolases and 25℃ of lipase.  相似文献   

Qingchengzi ore concentration area in Liao-Ji rift is an important lead-zinc ore area of China,and the deep prospecting in this area has great prospects.Based on the spatial occurrence of ore bodies the Pb-Zn deposit can be divided into three types:layered,vein-shaped and pinnate.The deep geological conditions in this area are deduced by analyzing the tectonic evolution process and rock mass gravity inversion.The tectonic evolution of Liao-Ji rift can be divided into three stages:Paleoproterozoic extension period,Mesoproterozoic compression period and Mesozoic reactivation period.The magmatic activities in the Indosinian epoch led to the distribution pattern of the present deposits.According to the gravity inversion,Shuangdinggou-and Xinling rock masses on the north and south sides of the mining area are connected in the deep.The connected rock body might be distributed in the entire mining area.Xinling rock mass may be a branch extending from Shuangdinggou rock mass along the northeast trending fault,the connected rocks provide magmatic hydrothermal fluid for the final,folds and faults result in different types of ore body shapes.  相似文献   

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