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The effect of the radius of the tube of open magnetic-field lines on the gamma-ray curvature radiation from the polar regions of a radio pulsar with a non-dipolar magnetic field is analyzed. The pulsar is considered in a polar-cap model with free electron emission from the neutron-star surface. The effect of the non-dipolar magnetic field on the radius of curvature of the field lines and the field intensity is taken into account. In connection with the creation of electron-positron pairs, we take into account only the birth of pairs by curvature radiation in the magnetic field. The small non-dipolarity of the field enables the radio pulsar not to turn off, even after a considerable decrease in the pulsar-tube radius. For instance, with a 20% non-dipolarity (ν = 0.2), a pulsar with B = 1013 G and P = 0.5 s can still operate even for a fivefold decrease in the pulsar-tube radius. A maximum is observed in the dependence of the electrostatic potential in the diode on the non-dipolarity parameter ν at ν ~ 0.5–0.7. The pulse profile in non-thermal X-ray emission for ν ~ 0.5–0.7 may look virtually the same as for ν ~ 0.1–0.2. Decreases in the pulsar-tube radius could be due to a structure of currents in the magnetosphere that results in the pulsar diode on the neutron-star surface occupying only a small fraction of the pulsar tube, with the remainder of the tube containing an outer annular gap. The pulsar-tube size is also affected by the presence of a circum-pulsar disk. A change in the pulsar-tube radius could also be due to an external magnetic field, associated with either a magnetic white dwarf or a circum-pulsar disk.  相似文献   

The influence of an axisymmetric magnetic field on the intensity, spectrum, and shape of a pulse of gamma-ray curvature radiation from the polar regions of a radio pulsar is investigated. The pulsar is considered in a Goldreich-Julian model with a free-electron emission from the neutron-star surface. The influence on the curvature radiation of variations of both the curvature of the magnetic field lines and the electric field due to the nondipolarity of the magnetic field are investigated. The presence of even modest nondipolarity (less than 10%) can lead to a sharp drop in the intensity of the gamma-ray curvature radiation, while the intensity of the X-ray curvature radiation (photon energies <100 keV) is affected only weakly.  相似文献   

Measurements of the broadening of pulsar pulses by scattering in the interstellar medium are presented for a complete sample of 100 pulsars with Galactic longitudes from 6° to 311° and distances to three kiloparsec. The dependences of the scattering on the dispersion measure (τ sc(DM) ∝ DMα), frequency (τ sc(v) ∝ v ?γ ), Galactic longitude, and distance to the pulsar are analyzed. The dependence of the scattering on the dispersion measure in the near-solar neighbourhood can be represented by the power law τ sc(DM) ∝ DM2.2±0.1). Measurements at the low frequencies 111, 60, and 40 MHz and literature data are used to derive the frequency dependence of the scattering (τ sc(v) ∝ V ?γ ) over a wide frequency interval (covering a range of less than 10: 1) with no fewer than five frequencies. The index for the frequency dependence, γ = 4.1 ± 0.3, corresponds to a normal distribution for inhomogeneities in the turbulence in the scattering medium. Based on an analysis of the dependence of the scattering on the distance to the pulsar and on Galactic longitude, on average, the turbulence level C n 2 is the same in all directions and at all distances out to about three kpc, testifying to the statistical homogeneity of the turbulence of the scattering medium in the near-solar region of the Galaxy.  相似文献   

Results of long-term (2002–2010) monitoring of giant radio pulses of the pulsar PSR B0531+21 in the Crab Nebula at ν = 44, 63, and 111 MHz are reported. The observations were conducted on the LPA and DKR-1000 radio telescopes of the Lebedev Physical Institute. The giant pulses were analyzed using specialized software for calculating the magnitude of the scattering τ sc , signal-to-noise ratio, and other required parameters by modeling the propagation of a pulse in the scattering interstellar medium. Three pronounced sharp increases in the scattering were recorded in 2002–2010. Analysis of the dependence between the variations of the scattering and dispersion measure (data of Jodrell Bank Observatory) shows a strong correlation at all frequencies, ≈0.9. During periods of anomalous increase in scattering and the dispersion measure, the index γ in the frequency dependence of the scattering in the Crab Nebula, τ sc (ν) ∝ ν γ , was smaller than the generally accepted values γ = 4.0 for a Gaussian and γ = 4.4 for a Kolmogorov distribution. This difference in combination with the piece-wise power-law spectrum may be due to the presence of a dense plasma structure with developed Langmuir turbulence in the nebula, along the pulsar’s line of sight. The magnetic field in the Crab Nebula estimated from measurements of the rotation measure toward the pulsar is 100 μG.  相似文献   

The frequency dependence of scattering of the radio emission from the Crab pulsar at the low frequencies 111, 63, and 44 MHz has been measured and analyzed during sporadic enhancements of scattering and dispersion measure in October–December 2006 and December 2008. The frequency dependence of the scattering differs from the generally accepted dependence, τ sc (ν) ∝ ν γ , where γ = −4.0 for Gaussian and γ = −4.4 for power-law Kolmogorov distributions of inhomogeneities of the scattering medium. In intervals of enhancement, the exponent of the frequency dependence γ decreased to −3.2(0.2) at the above frequencies. A model is proposed in which this is due to the presence of a dense plasma structure in the nebula in the line of sight toward the pulsar, in which scattering of the radio emission on turbulence differs from scattering in the interstellar medium. It is shown that the frequency dependence of scattering of the radio emission can be weaker in a dense plasma than in the rarefied interstellar medium.  相似文献   

We have measured the pulse broadening by scattering at 40, 60, and 111 MHz for the pulsars PSR B0809+74, B0950+08, B1919+21, and B2303+30. The frequency dependence of the scatter-broadening parameter is analyzed based on these measurements and data from the literature. The dependence obtained purely from the literature data is not consistent with the theory, and the scattering magnitudes differs considerably from the data of the catalog of 706 pulsars of Taylor et al. A two-component model for the frequency dependence of the scattering of the pulsar radio emission in the interstellar medium is proposed. Allowing for the presence of two scattering scales removes both inconsistencies between the observational data for these four pulsars and differences between the observed and theoretical frequency dependences for the scattering, as well as the need to invoke anomalous scattering magnitudes. The data of the catalog of Taylor et al. need to be corrected for the difference in the scattering magnitudes in the two branches of the frequency dependence.  相似文献   

The paper presents an analysis of dual-polarization observations of the Crab pulsar obtained on the 64-m Kalyazin radio telescope at 600 MHz with a time resolution of 250 ns. A lower limit for the intensities of giant pulses is estimated by assuming that the pulsar radio emission in the main pulse and interpulse consists entirely of giant radio pulses; this yields estimates of 100 and 35 Jy for the peak flux densities of giant pulses arising in the main pulse and interpulse, respectively. This assumes that the normal radio emission of the pulse occurs in the precursor pulse. In this case, the longitudes of the giant radio pulses relative to the profile of the normal radio emission turn out to be the same for the Crab pulsar and the millisecond pulsar B1937+21, namely, the giant pulses arise at the trailing edge of the profile of the normal radio emission. Analysis of the distribution of the degree of circular polarization for the giant pulses suggests that they can consist of a random mixture of nanopulses with 100% circular polarization of either sign, with, on average, hundreds of such nanopulses within a single giant pulse.  相似文献   

The pulse structure of the pulsar B1822-09 has been studied at 112, 62, and 42 MHz. The observations were conducted in 2010 on the Large Scanning Antenna and the DKR-1000 radio telescope of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory. The shape of the main pulse and interpulse undergo considerable changes at low radio frequencies. In the main pulse, the precursor disappears and is replaced by a new component that trails 50 ms behind the main component. At 62 MHz, the interpulse acquires a pronounced two-peaked shape. At 62 and 112 MHz, as well as at higher frequencies, the brighter second component of the interpulse follows the main pulse at 185° and has a relative amplitude of about 5%. The main pulse width changes with frequency according to the power law W 0.5ν −0.15 in the frequency range 42–4750-MHz. The interpulse width follows this law only in the range 325–4750 MHz; at 112, 102, and 62 MHz, the interpulse is almost a factor of three broader than themain pulse. The parameters of the pulse’s scattering on interstellar plasma inhomogeneities and the initial pulse width before it enters the scattering medium have been measured at 62 and 42 MHz. The frequency dependence of the characteristic scale for scattering of the pulses of B1822-09 corresponds to a Kolmogorov spectrum for the electron-density fluctuations in the interstellar medium in the direction toward this pulsar.  相似文献   

An approximate method for calculating the returning positron flux in the polar-cap regions of a radio pulsar is proposed. The pulsar is considered in the Goldreich-Julian model for a regime of free-electron emission from the neutron-star surface in the region of open lines of the dipolar magnetic field. Calculations have been done for the case when the dipolar magnetic moment is aligned with the star's rotational axis. The acceleration of primary electrons is assumed to occur near the neutron-star surface on scales comparable to the transverse radius of the tube of open field lines. The generation of electron-positron pairs by curvature radiation of the primary electrons is taken into account. A considerable contribution to the returning flux is made by the region where the electric field is screened by the electron-positron plasma.  相似文献   

Parameters of 100 radio pulsars detected outside the radio range (he pulsars) are compared with those of pulsars radiating only in the radio (n pulsars). The periods of he pulsars are, on average, appreciably shorter than those of n pulsars: 〈P〉 = 0.10 and 0.56 s, respectively. The distribution of the magnetic field at the light cylinder is shifted toward higher magnetic fields for the pulsars with high-energy radiation, compared to the distribution for pulsars radiating only in the radio. The magnetic fields at the light cylinder are 〈B lc〉 = 9×103 G for he radio pulsars, and 〈Blc〉 = 56 G formost purely radio pulsars. This suggests the generation of high-energy nonthermal radiation in radio pulsars at the peripheries of their magnetospheres. The distribution of the spin-energy loss rate dE/dt is uniform for he pulsars, and is characterized by a higher average value \(\left( {\left\langle {\log \frac{{dE}} {{dt}}} \right\rangle = 35.53} \right) \) , compared to n pulsars, \(\left( {\left\langle {\log \frac{{dE}} {{dt}}} \right\rangle = 32.60} \right) \) . The spatial distribution of he pulsars is nonuniform: they form two well separated clouds.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of pulsar observations carried out on two frequency channels at 1634 MHz and 1650 MHz with a time resolution of 62.5 ns on the 70-m radio telescope of the NASA Deep Space Network in Tidbinbilla. The data were recorded using the S2 system, intended primarily for VLBI observations. Microstructure with characteristic timescales of 270, 80, and 150 µs was detected in pulsars B0833-45, B1749-28, and B1933 + 16, respectively. The distribution of microstructure timescales for the Vela pulsar (B0833-45) is characterized by a gradual growth with decreasing timescale to 200 µs; the distribution has a maximum at 20–200 µs and falls off sharply for timescales below 20 µs. The statistical relation between the microstructure modulation index m and the corresponding timescale τµ can be approximated by the power law dependence Rτ 0.5 ; i.e., the intensity is higher for micropulses with longer durations. This contradicts the predictions of nonlinear models for the formation of micropulses by supercompact soliton wave packets. In all the pulsars studied, the time delays of the micropulses between the two frequency channels deviate from the expected dispersion laws for the interstellar plasma. In particular, the micropulses in the low-frequency channel arrive earlier than predicted by the dispersion measures derived previously from the mean pulse profiles. The deviation from the dispersion delay is determined most accurately for B0833-45, and is 4.9±0.2 µs. Such anomalous delays are probably associated with the effects of propagation of the radio emission within the pulsar magnetosphere.  相似文献   

The formation of cyclotron maser emission lines in a non-uniform (regular or random) magnetic field is studied. In the presence of sufficiently small inhomogeneity, the line shape can be described by a broadened Gaussian profile. In the case of stronger inhomogeneity, the initial Gaussian profile splits into two Gaussian components, which could be observationally perceived as “harmonics.” A relation between the distribution of local magnetic trap sizes and the distribution of the spectral widths of solar radio spikes is derived. Possible applications of the results to the interpretation of solar radio spikes and related problems are discussed.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of sunspot oscillations and related radio sources in the active regions AR 8949, AR 8951, and AR 8953 is carried out using SOHO MDI data and simultaneous observations with the Nobeyama Radioheliograph, with a one-minute time resolution on scales of tens to hundreds of minutes. The radio sources in the selected active regions are ~40 000–60 000 km away from the corresponding spots, with the periods of long-term oscillations of the radio sources being ~12% longer.  相似文献   

It is shown that small glitches in the rotation period of the pulsar B1822-09 can be explained by changes in the shape of the neutron star when the shape becomes inconsistent with the rotation axis, i.e., when the symmetry axis does not coincide with the instantaneous rotation axis. Due to variations of the angle between the rotation axis and the instantaneous dipole axis due to the decreasing momentum, the angle α between the rotation axis and the symmetry axis differs from zero. As a result of mechanical stress that develops in the neutron-star crust, this angle reaches its maximum value α ≈ 2 × 10?4, then returns to zero. This change in the shape of the neutron star is observed as a slow glitch in the frequency of the pulsar’s rotation.  相似文献   

The results of radio observations of the afterglow produced by a giant gamma-ray flare from the magnetar SGR 1806-20 on December 27, 2004 are reported. The observations were carried out on the 32-m radio telescope of the Zelenchuk Observatory of the Institute of Applied Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences, at a wavelength of 3.5 cm. The observations confirm the enhanced radio brightness of the nebula around the magnetar in the period from 25 to 31 days after the flare. A comparison of the Zelenchuk observations with other data have enabled us to estimate the magnetic-field intensity in the radio-afterglow region using a model of synchrotron radiation with self-absorption in a relativistic plasma. The kinetic energy of the blast wave produced by the giant explosion of the magnetar is estimated.  相似文献   

Assuming that the observed periodic variations of pulsar emission are due to the free precession of the spin axis, we investigate the evolution of the rotation of a two-layer neutron star using the Hamiltonian method of Getino. We model the dynamical characteristics of a rotating neutron star using the observed variations of the emission of seven pulsars. We estimate the dependence of the period of the Chandler wobble, the period of precession of the spin axis, and the dynamical ellipticity of a neutron star on the model used to describe the super-dense neutron matter and the mass of the star.  相似文献   

We present a model in which the nonthermal radio emission of binary systems containing Wolf-Rayet and O components is due to collisions between clouds belonging to dense phases of the wind of each star. The relativistic electrons are generated during the propagation of fast shock waves through the clouds and their subsequent de-excitation. The initial injection of superthermal particles is due to photoionization of the de-excited cold gas by hard radiation from the shock front. Therefore, the injection takes place in cloud regions fairly far from the front. Further, the superthermal electrons are accelerated by the betatron mechanism to relativistic energies during the isobaric compression of the cloud material, when most of the gas radiates its energy. Collisions between the clouds can occur far beyond the contact boundary between the rarefied wind components. Thus, the model avoids the problem of strong low-frequency absorption of the radiation.  相似文献   

The evolution of the angle between the magnetic moment and rotation axis of radio pulsars (inclination angle) is considered taking into account the presence of a non-dipolar magnetic field at the neutron-star surface and superfluid neutrons in the stellar interior. It is assumed that the total loss of angular momentum by the pulsar can be represented as a sum of magnetodipole and current losses. The neutron star is treated as a two-component system consisting of a charged component (including protons and electrons, as well as the crust, which is rigidly coupled with them, and normal neutrons) and a superfluid core. The components interact through scattering of degenerate electrons on magnetized Feynman-Onsager vortices. If a superfluid core is absent, then, in spite of the presence of stable equilibrium inclination angles, the rate with which these are reached is so slow that most pulsars do not have sufficient time to approach them during their lifetimes. The presence of superfluid neutrons results, first, in faster evolution of the inclination angle and, second, in the final stage of the evolution being either an orthogonal or a coaxial state. The proposed model fits the observations better in the case of small superfluid cores.  相似文献   

The variability of the radio source associated with the gamma-ray burst of May 8, 1997, detected using the VLA, is analyzed. This variability can be explained as weak scintillations at 4.86 and 8.46 GHz and the refractive component of saturated scintillations at 1.43 GHz. Possible distances for the source are discussed. The scintillation parameters are in best agreement with the observations if the source is at a cosmological distance and has an angular size ~2 microarcseconds (µas) at 4.86 GHz and an expansion speed of the order of 25 µas/year.  相似文献   

吴荣新  刘盛东  肖玉林  徐翀 《岩土力学》2010,31(Z1):435-440
为提高坑透数据解释效果,通过对工作面无线电波透视磁场强度的理论分析与公式推导,表明在正常煤层范围,场强值的变化主要受观测点几何位置控制;而在观测点场强路径穿过地质异常区时,主要影响因素为地质异常区内路径长及电磁波能量吸收系数值。将场强值H与观测点路径长R的乘积命名为M,则正常煤层段M可视为常量,而在地质异常存在范围,M值显著降低。将工作面划分为若干小单元,进行M值层析成像反演,可求取工作面各单元M值,再除以工作面平均宽度,得到各单元格场强值,从而获得工作面实测场强成像图。张集矿探测表明,该方法较好地反映了工作面内地质异常区的平面分布情况,回采验证探测结果可靠。作为新的解释手段,正在实际坑透探测中广泛应用。  相似文献   

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