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SummaryWork-Softening and Hardening Behaviour of Granular Rocks Experimental results from granular and dense rocks indicated that the plastic strain increment vector was inclined at a constant angle (approximately 70°) to the tangent of a curve fitted either to peak strength data or to strength data associated with a given value of axial or volumetric strain. The angle of inclination was independent of the direction of stress increment. When a small axial strain was exceeded changes of volumetric strain were found to be non-zero and had a linear relationship with the corresponding changes of axial strain. This applied for both work-softening and work-hardening behaviour. Close links between volumetric strain and microfacturing and between the ratios of stress and of strain increments were revealed. The role of confining pressure was predominant and the mode of deformation was cataclastic for granulated and intact marbles.With 11 Figures  相似文献   

Studies were made of the polymorphic form and the boron content of illites from variously metamorphosed carbonate rocks. The per cent of the 2 M polymorph in the illite from a given sample is used as an index of metamorphism. Some samples were reanalyzed for boron, after destruction of illite. The results show that increasing metamorphism causes (1) no significant change in the mean boron content (referred to illite) of insoluble residues and clay fractions, (2) an increase in the variance of individual values about the mean boron content of illite from a group of similarly metamorphosed samples, and the release of boron from the illite structure during the 1 Md-2 M transformation, with the concomitant generation, in situ, of magnesian tourmaline (dravite). The redistribution of boron appears to take place progressively with increasing metamorphism. Processes of polymorphic transformation and dravite formation are completed at greenschist facies metamorphic conditions.  相似文献   

The objective of the paper is to derive the strength and modulus properties of rockmass as a function of intact rock strength and joint factor. The joint factor reflects the combined effect of joint frequency, joint inclination and joint strength. A study for the strength and deformation characteristics of jointed rock is done by conducting standard laboratory tests on cylindrical specimens of plaster of Paris after introducing artificial joints. The specimens having one to four joints at different inclinations which vary from 0° to 90° were tested at different confining conditions. The test results were examined to understand the effect of joint frequency and joint inclination on the strength and deformation behaviour of rock mass. Empirical correlations were developed for prediction of the uniaxial compressive strength and elastic modulus of jointed rocks. Results are compared with the earlier work on jointed specimens covering a wide variety of rocks. So, knowing the intact rock properties and the joint factor, the jointed rock properties can be estimated. These relations can be used for developing an equivalent continuum model for rock mass for handling boundary value problems. A failure criterion as proposed by Ramamurthy (1993 Ramamurthy, T. 1993. “Strength and modulus response of anisotropic rocks”. In Comprehensive rock engineering, Edited by: Hudson, J.A. Vol. 1, 313329. Oxford: Pergamon Press.  [Google Scholar]) has been validated from these experimental results.  相似文献   

Failure and long‐term behaviour of oriented solids are studied. Transversely isotropic materials are considered and a mathematical formulation that respect the material symmetry is developed and applied to model the triaxial behaviour of sedimentary rocks. Two failure criteria and a viscoplastic constitutive model that describe, respectively, triaxial failure and triaxial creep tests are presented and discussed. The application of the developed models to describe the mechanical behaviour of Tournemire shale shows that theoretical predictions are in good agreement with the experimental data. In the present paper, the developed approach is applied to sedimentary rock materials, nevertheless, it can be generalized to any material that exhibits transverse isotropy. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通过研究红层软岩风化程度、完整性、饱和单轴抗压强度、结构灵敏性、分散性、胶结系数、崩解性、不同尺度结构类型等工程参数与岩土体结构的关系,提出了岩土"结构稳定性"的工程概念与分析思路,初步建立了由结构类型、风化系数、完整性系数、坚硬程度、崩解模式、结构灵敏度、分散度、胶结系数等工程参数组成的红层岩土结构稳定性综合判别标准,将红层岩土分为结构稳定性强、结构稳定性中等、结构稳定性差三类,为理解红层岩土工程性能、工程安全设计等提供了参考。  相似文献   

A hybrid discrete-continuum approach has been presented in this paper to simulate water flow in the near and far fields of deformable fractured rocks. In the near field, the discrete model is used; while in the far field, the equivalent continuum model is employed. The discrete element method (with the static relaxation algorithm) is used in the near field and the boundary integral equation method in the far field. Along the interface of these two domains, both mechanical and hydraulic compatibility conditions are satisfied. Fully coupled hydro-mechanical analysis can be conducted in the combined near and far fields. Application to a dam foundation problem has demonstrated the capability of the developed approach.  相似文献   

A micromechanics model for stress–strain behaviour of brittle rocks has been developed. Microcracking is the mechanism of the non-linear deformation behaviour for brittle rocks in the pre-peak stage. The non-linear behaviour in this stage is simulated by considering the local axial splitting of microcracks. The relationships between the compressive stresses, the growth of microcracks, and the fracture-induced deformation are analytically established. In the post-peak stage the shear faulting predominates the process of deformation, which is simulated by a damage model. This micromechanics model is helpful in understanding the failure process in brittle rocks. The model can be used to simulate the complete stress–strain behaviour of rock. The model simulations are consistent with experimental results.  相似文献   

The effects of pore water on the mechanical behaviour of Solnhofen Limestone and Carrara Marble at various temperatures and confining pressures at constant strain-rate have been experimentally investigated. It is shown that water affects the strength and ductility of calcite rocks through
(1) physico-chemical action at grain boundaries, and  相似文献   

Summary This brief review first describes typical swelling phenomena in underground openings and then discusses in detail the underlying swelling mechanisms. Mechanical, osmotic and intracrystalline swelling in argillaceous ground, as well as hydration of anhydrite are described. The fact that many of these mechanisms interact and, particularly, that swelling and squeezing may occur simultaneously is emphasized. The paper concludes with a few comments on implications on analysis, design and construction.  相似文献   

Irreversible thermodynamic theories with internal state variables can be used to derive a general constitutive law for both transient and steady-state behaviours of rocks. This constitutive law can represent the concepts of damage and damage evolution in either the fibre-bundle model or continuum damage mechanics. We have previously proposed an empirically based constitutive law for both the transient and steady-state behaviours of rocks ultimately derived from laboratory experimental data. We show here that this law is concordant with the general constitutive law derived from irreversible thermodynamic theories, and that the relaxation modulus has a temporal power–law that depends on a structural fractal property of rocks. Our constitutive law predicts forms for the cumulative Benioff strain-release for precursory seismic activations and the modified Omori's laws of aftershocks, both aspects of the temporal fractal properties of seismicity. These seismic properties can also be derived by the fibre-bundle model or continuum damage mechanics. Our model suggests that these time-scale invariant processes of seismicity may be regulated by the fractal structures of crustal rocks.  相似文献   

 A site specific evaluation of geological barriers is required for landfills and waste repositories. The waste-repository-rock system has to be taken into consideration for this. Since the geotechnical barrier in conjunction with geological barriers contributes considerably to long-term isolation of the harmful substances from the biosphere, it is absolutely necessary to use engineering geology and hydrogeological methods for a quantitative assessment of the barrier effect of the host rock and the geological environment. For a waste disposal mine, the load-bearing capacity of the rock, the protective properties of the surrounding rock formations and the geological stability of the area are important factors in a safety analysis, of which the geotechnical stability analysis is an important part. Such an analysis comprises an engineering geological study of the site, laboratory and in situ experiments and model calculations, long-term monitoring, and special geological and geochemical investigations. Existing geomechanical modelling techniques provide a useful tool to perform barrier integrity calculations and to design an underground disposal mine. As an example, the barrier performance of the rock salt of the Gorleben salt dome is demonstrated using various safety indicators. Received: 3 January 1997 · Accepted: 29 January 1997  相似文献   

The influence of degree of decomposition on the strength and elasticity of fresh to highly decomposed igneous rocks in Hong Kong is described and summarized. Assessments of degree of decomposition by rock grade, rock quality designation, apparent porosity, ultra-sonic velocity, and point load index are discussed from the point of view of estimating rock behaviour. For engineering purposes a sufficiently precise measure of decomposition could be based on the point load index, and a sufficiently reliable estimate of elastic modulus could be calculated from the ultra-sonic velocity.  相似文献   

考虑围岩软化特性和应力释放的圆形隧道黏弹塑性解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将围岩的塑性应变软化特性引入到考虑应力释放的圆形隧道黏弹塑性解中,并且在围岩的软化和残余强度阶段考虑围岩的塑性体积膨胀特性,提出了考虑塑性软化以及塑性体积膨胀和围岩应力释放的圆形隧道弹塑性解。当软化系数k = ∞、膨胀系数h = s时,该解转化为黏弹-脆塑性解;当k = 0、h = s时,则转化为黏弹-理想塑性解,进一步令h = s = 1,则转化为不考虑塑性体积膨胀的黏弹-理想塑性解。通过具体实例计算,分析了掌子面与研究断面间距x、围岩的软化系数k、膨胀系数h和s、支护结构等对围岩塑性区、破碎区半径和变形的影响。当开挖面与研究断面间距x在(0~4)D(D为隧道直径)范围内,随着时间增加塑性圈和破碎区迅速增大;超过4D,塑性区和破碎区半径增量逐渐变小,趋于稳定值;围岩中包含塑性区和破碎区时,二者半径的比值只取决于围岩的性质,与支护结构无关,但支护结构可以限制塑性区及破碎区的范围;考虑应变软化和塑性体积膨胀时,围岩径向位移和塑性区及破碎区半径均大于不考虑应变软化和塑性体积膨胀时的结果;软化系数k增大,围岩位移、塑性区和破碎区半径增加、塑性区半径和破碎区半径之间的比值变小。得到的结果对于隧道工程设计和施工具有一定的指导性和参考价值。  相似文献   

Salt rocks are geomaterials that exhibit several peculiarities, which require a particular approach in rock mechanics. In the field, those rocks are usually found in layered/bedded deposits and in domes or similar structures. Creep is one of the main deformation mechanisms associated with salt rocks, and this phenomenon is highly dependent on the stress state, temperature and mineralogy. Salt rock mechanics for engineering applications requires the definition of a powerful constitutive model and this is an ongoing challenge. Among the many available models, one of the most sophisticated physical constitutive models for salt rocks is the multi-mechanism deformation creep model (MD model). The main contribution of this work is to present a first effort in the use of the MD model for Brazilian salt rocks. Material-sensitive parameters have been calibrated for the Brazilian halite through two methodologies. Salt is modelled as an elasto-viscoplastic material. Numerical simulations using the finite element method have been carried out for triaxial creep tests, Pre-salt wellbore closure and mining gallery convergence in order to validate the parameter set and the methodologies. Excellent results have been observed in most of the applications for validation. Even so, validation efforts should continue to consolidate the parameters and identify possible limitations.  相似文献   

Uniaxial compression tests were performed on different categories of weathering of three lithological units: Malanjkhand granite; Nagpur basalt; and Delhi quartzite, occurring in central and northern parts of India. The deformational behaviour is studied in terms of variation in tangent modulus (Et50) and initial modulus (Ei) due to weathering. The power relationship between uniaxial compressive strength (σc) and Et50 shows strong correspondence for weathering sequence of common rock types. This relationship has been established by regression analysis and significant correlation parameter (coefficient of determination, r2=0.87) for crystalline rocks. It is shown that there is a systematic decrease in stiffness ratio, that is, ratio of tangent modulus and uniaxial compressive strength with increased weathering state. Comparison of Et50 and Ei values has shown that Et50 decreases more gradually than Ei, and reduction is more drastic for Ei values with an increased degree of weathering in all the three rock types. The mode of failure has been found to be influenced by weathering extent in rocks. A brief account is given of the intrinsic characteristics of fresh and weathered rocks and mineralogical changes produced by weathering investigated quantitatively. Correlation drawn between the petrographical and mechanical indices has shown that mechanical properties are apparently dependent on the intrinsic characteristics of weathered rocks.  相似文献   

For a rational and safer design of civil and mining engineering structures in or on rocks, a proper understanding of the quality of rock mass is required. To assess the rock mass quality, evaluation of physical and mechanical characteristics of the intact rocks is essential. Especially if the rock is anisotropic in nature, the genetic complexity associated with its petrofabric makes it more difficult to predict its behaviour. In this paper, a comprehensive study of the compositional, physical and geotechnical responses of four varieties of schists, i.e., quartzitic, chlorite, quartz mica and biotite schists obtained from two hydroelectrical project sites in the foot hills of Himalayas, India, has been presented.

Anisotropic strength behaviour of the schists has been brought out through the testing of specimens with varying orientation of schistosity with respect to the major principal stress under uniaxial and triaxial conditions. The significance of anisotropic response for consideration in the design is emphasized.  相似文献   

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