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The paper is based on autobiographical details of residential mobility for a small sample of New Zealand male career professionals collected in 1981. Classified by cohort and employment sector, the information is used to examine migration in the context of personal career development. Aspects explored include age of entry to the workforce, frequency of movement, migration and career promotion, and the spatial structure of migration. Also discussed, in conclusion, is the impact on career-related migration of the surge of national economic restructuring initiated in 1984.  相似文献   

降尘过程指示的沙尘循环过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 大气降尘过程受诸多因素的影响,如沙尘源区的性质、输送距离、降雨量等。利用甘肃省10个城市15 a间(1986—2000年)的降尘监测资料与气象资料,主要分析了沙漠戈壁区与黄土区降尘的差异及原因。结果表明:①西北干旱区的降尘量主要与沙尘事件频次有关;②沙漠戈壁区的大气降尘量大于黄土高原区;③降尘量在强沙尘源区,呈现出显著的高值中心。随着沙尘自西向东输送,降尘通量随输送距离的增加而减少。  相似文献   

吴水田  陈平平 《热带地理》2014,34(3):408-413
疍民人口迁移是疍民文化传播的主要载体,通过历史文献分析、实地调查等方法研究发现,在经济机会、生存条件、政治变革等因素的影响下,岭南疍民人口以珠江三角洲为核心,呈现辐射式和跳跃式的迁移规律,其主要迁移目的地为岭南沿海及东南亚等地,并在岭南各地形成不同规模的疍民人口板块。同时,疍民人口也呈现往城镇汇集的历史过程,其方向是从河流的上游往下游、从沿海到陆地、从农村到城市,其结果是疍民的人口分布呈现“板块状、带状、弧形状”的分布特点,同时文化个性也逐步消失,并朝与当地趋同的方向发展,这对疍民文化的传承和发展提出了严峻挑战。  相似文献   

水库移民中安置性移民与开发性移民的比较研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
建国以来, 中国水库移民安置经历了一个从安置性移民向开发性移民转变的过程。分析比较研究两类移民的本质差别, 有助于认识和掌握社会主义市场经济条件下开发性移民的基本规律性。遵循规律, 探讨问题, 促进开发性移民健康发展。  相似文献   

我国水循环的生物学过程研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
作为IGBP核心计划之一的水循环与生物圈相互作用(BAHC)研究一直是国际学术研究的前沿性热点课题。本文从森林水文生态、山坡水文学、防护林水土保持效益、水生生态系统净化作用等方面,综述了我国在水循环与生物圈相互作用研究方面的进展。并指出了从水循环的生物过程来分析我国的水资源安全、西部地区的生态环境建设和经济开发战略问题,探讨东西部协调发展模式和生态系统与水资源管理方略时必须解决的有关科学问题。  相似文献   

以广州市10村为例,采用因子分析法对郊区农民的迁移意愿进行分析.结果表明,在城市化进程中,郊区农民进城的意愿不强,小城镇和卫星城是主要的拟迁目的地.因子分析发现,农民愿意进城的主要动因是城乡预期收入、失地压力、城乡预期生活收益、养老和望子成龙的心理,而乡土情结和小农心理、城乡意识淡泊、预期就业风险和搬迁成本、预期生计成本、农村既得权益等则是阻碍农民进城的主要动因.推进城市化的政策制定应充分考虑影响农民迁移意愿的因素.  相似文献   

城市生命周期及其理论模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
纵观城市发展历程,很多城市在经历了兴起,发展的过程之后走向衰落,该文讨论工业化时代的城市生命周期理论,介绍并给出三种城市生命周期及其相关理论模型,大都市,中小城市,城市开发区,同时探讨城市生命周期理论在我国城市建设和管理中的应用。  相似文献   

 采用投入产出分析方法,估算了张掖市各部门产品中的虚拟水含量; 基于对各产品转化和流动的跟踪,系统研究了本地实体水资源与外地流入虚拟水资源在张掖市社会经济系统各环节中的流动与转化过程。结果表明,种植业部门的实体水转化与虚拟水流动构成了张掖市社会经济系统水循环的主体,外地流入的虚拟水量较少,且主要集中于水资源稀疏型产品; 经济生产对种植业产品较低的消耗水平导致了大量虚拟水的流出。认为增强种植业产品在社会经济系统中的循环强度是张掖市降低水资源流失以及提高水资源利用效率的有效手段。  相似文献   

省际人口迁移与制造业转移空间交互响应研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
王国霞  李曼 《地理科学》2019,39(2):183-194
基于2000年、2005年、2010年和2015年人口普查与1%人口抽样调查数据以及相关年度制造业统计数据,利用重心模型和地理探测器对2000年以来的不同类型制造业转移空间格局、人口流动空间格局及其二者相互作用关系进行分析。研究发现: 2000年以来特别是2005年之后中国制造业呈现出明显转移态势,但不同类型制造业转移幅度和空间区域具有明显差异,能源密集型、技术密集型、资本密集型制造业由东部向中西部转移的空间区域大,劳动密集型产业转移空间还十分有限,仍集中于东部地区。 虽然人口迁移的整体格局变化不大,仍是“中间低、周边高”的格局,但是人口迁移的空间特征正在趋于弱化,中西部地区分享的迁入人口份额在不断提高。 制造业重心与人口迁移重心变动轨迹呈现出“偏离-趋同”关系,人口迁移滞后于产业转移的效应已逐渐消失,人口与产业的空间匹配程度趋于提高。 地理探测器定量识别人口迁移与制造业转移之间的空间关系发现,人口迁移格局变化对制造业空间转移的响应程度较制造业转移对人口迁移格局变化的响应程度高。  相似文献   

This research investigates the interregional migration of partnered gays and lesbians between 1995 and 2000 as the first attempt at understanding the determinants of gay and lesbian migration using data from the Public Use Microdata Sample of the 2000 U.S. Census. Briefly, the findings are as follows. Both partnered gays and lesbians are regionally distributed throughout the United States consistent with the geographical distribution of the entire U.S. population. However, the shifting location of the partnered gay and lesbian population between 1995 and 2000 demonstrates significant variability. The general conclusion to be reached from models of the net migration of the partnered gay and lesbian population in that period is as follows: Partnered gay migration is directed toward moderate‐sized urban regions rich in natural amenities without regard for tolerance toward gay lifestyles or the absolute or relative size of the partnered gay community. Partnered lesbian migration is focused on less‐populous regions with a large, existing, partnered lesbian population. The role of natural amenities, the tolerance for lesbian lifestyles, and population density are not significant in determining partnered lesbian migration. The only trait partnered gay and lesbian migrations have in common is in their move toward less populous regions.  相似文献   

This paper provides an institutional analysis of the use of gender as an organizing principle for labor migration flows. Through a case study of the marketing and recruitment strategies of Philippine government and private institutions, I examine how gendered representations contribute to divergent patterns of male and female labor migrants from the Philippines. Representations, or controlling images, are used by institutions to provide explanations or justification of a policy. Findings indicate that the global marketing of workers is organized around specific gendered assumptions of male versus female occupations. Recruitment strategies are also influenced by gendered representations of occupations, locations, and workers. The use of gender by government and private institutions as an organizing device provides a gendered context in which migrants and their households must subsequently operate.  相似文献   

新高考背景下,生涯教育成为高中教育教学改革的热点之一。本文基于喀斯特地貌一节,以“天眼”选址为案例,以生涯人物为线索,在充分保持地理学科特色的基础上,探讨了高中地理教学与生涯教育的融合机制。  相似文献   

"This review presents a probabilistic formulation of the decision making process, leading to a rigorous treatment of migration behaviour for projection purposes....Aggregate-level models may be applied to migration flows for which the objectively measured characteristics of areas of department and destination act as subjectively measured characteristics and stimuli....Individual-level models use event history methods of analysis to introduce a great variety of characteristics of the subject on the decision to move. They lead to projections using microsimulation models. A further step is taken in integrating macro- and microbehavioural models. The use of aggregate and individual characteristics simultaneously leads to more efficient and sophisticated projection models: the factors affecting behaviour at the micro-level cannot be inferred from aggregate studies and conversely."  相似文献   

Studies of migration in geography have most often been based on quantitative research approaches. Such studies cannot adequately shed light on the contextuality of migration and the individual decision-making processes involved. Personal narratives express individual experiences within a social context. The story of “Amma,” a female rural migrant in Sri Lanka, shows the role of women in migration, the importance of family ties, the contextual causes of migration, and characteristics of the migration flow per se. Personal narratives have an underutilized potential of capturing the variety of migrants' experiences and the complexity of the decision to migrate.  相似文献   

茶园生态系统氟的生物地球化学循环   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据近年作者及相关研究成果,提出一般茶园(非F污染区,非高F地质背景区)生态系统F的生物地球化学循环模型,估算茶园生态系统各子系统F的库容和库之间的F流量,分析茶园生态系统F的生物地球化学特征.结果表明:1)茶园生态系统F的惰性库:调节库:活动库为239:4:1,活动库占总库容的比例高达0.41%,其比例是非常高的;2...  相似文献   

根据近年作者及国内相关研究数据,分析茶园生态系统中各子系统Al的库容、循环流量和速率,提出茶园生态系统Al的生物地球化学循环模型.生态系统Al的惰性库、调节库和活动库之比为10 000∶200∶1;Al的内外循环量都很大,分别达51.89 kg.hm-2.a-1和33.48kg.hm-2.a-1;调节库和活动库Al的周转速率非常快,年更新率分别达0.34%和55.48%,体现了其他生态系统所没有的特别高的Al循环特征;茶园Al循环导致了土壤的加速酸化、无机态Al向有机结合态Al的转化和生态系统中有机结合态  相似文献   

根据近年作者及国内相关研究数据,分析茶园生态系统中各子系统Al的库容、循环流量和速率,提出茶园生态系统Al的生物地球化学循环模型.生态系统Al的惰性库、调节库和活动库之比为10 000∶200∶1;Al的内外循环量都很大,分别达51.89 kg.hm-2.a-1和33.48kg.hm-2.a-1;调节库和活动库Al的周转速率非常快,年更新率分别达0.34%和55.48%,体现了其他生态系统所没有的特别高的Al循环特征;茶园Al循环导致了土壤的加速酸化、无机态Al向有机结合态Al的转化和生态系统中有机结合态Al的不断积聚.  相似文献   

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