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Monthly-mean winds and currents have been used to identify the driving mechanisms of seasonal coastal circulation in the North Indian Ocean. The main conclusions are: (i) the surface circulation off Arabia is typical of a wind-driven system with similar patterns of longshore current and wind stress; (ii) circulation off the west coast of India is consistent with the dynamics of a wind-driven eastern boundary current only during the southwest monsoon. During the northeast monsoon it is possible that the influence of the interior flow is important. (iii) There are at least three mechanisms that influence the surface circulation off the east coast of India: wind-stress, influence of fresh-water run off and contribution of the interior flow. It is difficult at present to assess the relative importance of these three processes.  相似文献   

利用2002年中国南极考察期间在东南极冰盖Princess Elizabeth地区钻取的LGB69冰芯, 对其海盐离子与大气环流的关系进行了分析. 结果表明: 冰芯主要化学离子的经验正交函数(EOF)分解的第一特征向量(EOF1)可以作为描述海盐气溶胶的传输强度的代用指标, 可用于表征南印度洋准定常低压带海平面气压(SLP)的变化. 冰芯最近23 a(1979-2001年)的记录与SLP和低层风场的相关模态反映了海平面气压场准半年振荡(SAO)和南极大陆边缘下降风的季节特征. LGB69冰芯很好地记录了1708-2001年间南半球环状模(SAM)的变化特征, Na+时间序列呈现的3.5 a周期变化与SAM的周期变化具有很好地一致性. 在1970年SAM转为正位相后, 其与Na+的相关关系也由负相关转为正相关. LGB69冰芯的海盐离子可以作为重建过去近300 a海平面气压场和SAM变化的代用指标.  相似文献   

Satellite-derived sea-ice extent in the Indian Ocean Sector during the period November 1978 to December 2006 was studied in relation to the atmospheric forcing and oceanic thermohaline structure. The study revealed that sea-ice extent increased when the ocean exhibited higher stability. Low sea-ice extent was observed during 1985 to 1993, when the zonal winds and latent flux was relatively weak and when the ocean exhibited strong vertical mixing facilitated by low stability thereby, deepening the mixed layer to ∼250 m. This was reflected in the ocean surface layer temperature, which was relatively warm (−0.3°C). Winds increased during 1996 to 2000, but due to higher oceanic stability mixed layer depth shallowed (< 200 m) leading to reduced vertical mixing of deep warmer layers with the surface water, leading to an enhancement in the sea-ice extent.  相似文献   

The net influx of the circumpolar water on the western (approximately along 10°E) and eastern (approximately 115°E) boundaries of the Indian Ocean, adopting the method of Montgomery and Stroup is computed on bivariate distribution of potential thermosteric anomaly and salinity to identify the characteristics of the flux. The zonal flux at both the boundaries indicates an alternate strong easterly and westerly flow between 36°S and 45°S, south of which the flow is mainly easterly but weak up to 56°S. At the western boundary the easterly flow is 146 Sv and westerly is 98.07 Sv, while at the eastern boundary (115°E) the corresponding fluxes are 123.46 Sv and 27.20 Sv respectively, indicating a net outflux of 48.33 Sv. This water should have been accounted by the melting of ice and influx of the Equatorial Pacific Ocean Water.  相似文献   

The hydrography and circulation of the Chubut River were investigated under exceptionally low river discharge. The frontal zone formed by the entrance of the tide in the estuary may be observed as far as 4.5 km from the mouth, showing that the salt intrusion due to tidal effects reaches further inland than during normal river discharge. Based on the classification of Hansen and Rattray (1966), the estuary corresponds to Type 1 with some vertical stratification observed on the seaward side of the frontal zone. A lateral salinity gradient was found, which was not the result of Coriolis force. The general morphology of the estuary and the consequent secondary circulation due to meanders and interchannel bars may explain the lateral variation. Wind effect is a major component of the circulation and mixing of this shallow estuary.  相似文献   

Literature pertaining to history of the Cenozoic glaciation in Antarctica and its influence on sedimentation in marginal areas of the continent and deep-water domains of the Southern Ocean are reviewed. Original data obtained by G.L. Leichenkov on seismostratigraphy of the East Antarctica margin are also used. Particular attention is paid to the history of silica accumulation, ice-rafted material deposition, and formation of contourites. The results make it possible to define the following main stages of Antarctic glaciation in the Cenozoic: (1) middle-late Eocene; (2) Oligocene; (3) early Miocene; (4) middle Miocene; (5) late Miocene-early Pliocene; and (6) late Pliocene-Holocene.  相似文献   

The distribution of temperature and salinity in the upper 500 m of the northwestern Bay of Bengal, adjoining the east coast of India, during the retreat of southwest monsoon (September) of 1983 is presented. This study reveals coastal upwelling (limited to the upper 40 m) induced by the local winds. Waters of higher surface salinity near the coast characterize the upwelling. The freshwater influx near the head of the Bay diluted the surface salinity to as low as 26.0 × 10−3. The surface circulation was weak and led to a net transport of 2.0 × 106m3.s−1 directed towards northeast.  相似文献   

An eddy-resolving coupled ocean sea-ice modelling is carried out in the Southern Ocean region (9\(^{\circ }\)–78\(^{\circ }\)E; 51\(^{\circ }\)–71\(^{\circ }\)S) using the MITgcm. The model domain incorporates the Indian Antarctic stations, Maitri (11.7\({^{\circ }}\)E; 70.7\({^{\circ }}\)S) and Bharati (76.1\({^{\circ }}\)E; 69.4\({^{\circ }}\)S). The realistic simulation of the surface variables, namely, sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface salinity (SSS), surface currents, sea ice concentration (SIC) and sea ice thickness (SIT) is presented for the period of 1997–2012. The horizontal resolution of the model varies between 6 and 10 km. The highest vertical resolution of 5 m is taken near the surface, which gradually increases with increasing depths. The seasonal variability of the SST, SSS, SIC and currents is compared with the available observations in the region of study. It is found that the SIC of the model domain is increasing at a rate of 0.09% per month (nearly 1% per year), whereas, the SIC near Maitri and Bharati regions is increasing at a rate of 0.14 and 0.03% per month, respectively. The variability of the drift of the sea-ice is also estimated over the period of simulation. It is also found that the sea ice volume of the region increases at the rate of 0.0004 \(\hbox {km}^{3}\) per month (nearly 0.005 \(\hbox {km}^{3}\) per year). Further, it is revealed that the accumulation of sea ice around Bharati station is more as compared to Maitri station.  相似文献   

The warm pool in the Indian Ocean   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The structure of the warm pool (region with temperature greater than 28°C) in the equatorial Indian Ocean is examined and compared with its counterpart in the Pacific Ocean using the climatology of Levitus. Though the Pacific warm pool is larger and warmer, a peculiarity of the pool in the Indian Ocean is its seasonal variation. The surface area of the pool changes from 24 × 106 km2 in April to 8 × 106 km2 in September due to interaction with the southwest monsoon. The annual cycles of sea surface temperature at locations covered by the pool during at least a part of the year show the following modes: (i) a cycle with no significant variation (observed in the western equatorial Pacific and central and eastern equatorial Indian Ocean), (ii) a single maximum/minimum (northern and southern part of the Pacific warm pool and the south Indian Ocean), (iii) two maxima/minima (Arabian Sea, western equatorial Indian Ocean and southern Bay of Bengal), and (iv) a rapid rise, a steady phase and a rapid fall (northern Bay of Bengal).  相似文献   

探讨了南印度洋海区总有机磷(TOP)、总有机氮(TON)以及溶解无机营养盐的分布规律。分析结果表明:研究海区内溶解无机营养盐受水体中生物活动和物理过程的综合影响,表层水体由于生物活动的消耗,其磷酸盐等无机营养元素的含量一般是采样水深范围内最低的;中深层水体由于生物活动的降低以及有机质矿化作用的影响,无机营养元素的变化范围较小。表层水体中TOP和TON含量占TP和TN的主要部分,说明表层水体中的氮和磷主要以有机态形式存在,且沿着37.8°S从西向东,TOP和TON的含量以及TOP/TP和TON/TN的比值呈降低的趋势。研究海区叶绿素a的分析结果表明,初级生产力的变化可能是控制研究海区TON和TOP空间分布的主要因素。不同形态氮、磷营养元素的相关分析表明,有机营养盐和无机营养盐之间互为补充,且表层水体中有机氮和磷是水体初级生产所需营养盐的重要来源,总氮、总磷的关系表明研究区初级生产力并不受氮、磷的限制。  相似文献   

Using the data collected during the International Indian Ocean Expedition, maps showing the distribution of depth, acceleration potential, salinity and oxyty were prepared for the northeast monsoon for the four potential thermosteric anomaly surfaces: 160, 120, 80 and 60 cl/t. Zonal components of current along 84°E were computed from the geopotential dynamic heights. From such an analysis, it became clear that low-salinity water from the Pacific intrudes into the western Indian Ocean through the Banda and Timor seas in the upper layers above 100 cl/t surface, while the North Indian Ocean Water penetrates towards the Eastern Archipelago below 100 cl/t surface. The South Equatorial Countercurrent and the Tropical Countercurrent are well depicted on the vertical section of zonal components as well as on the distribution of acceleration potential.  相似文献   

Fragments of continental structures in the Indian Ocean   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fragments of continental structures (microcontinents) composed of sialic rocks are widespread in the Indian Ocean, where they are located in its African, Australian, and Indian margins. The origin of these fragments is related to splitting off from continent margins along faults and further seaward motion driven by the tectonic flow of mantle masses.  相似文献   

热带印度洋环流动力研究对认识海盆尺度物质和水体交换、区域乃至全球气候变化具有重要意义,亦服务于人类的生产生活。回顾了近年来基于中国科学院南海海洋研究所热带印度洋观测取得的环流动力方面的研究进展,探讨提出海洋波动桥梁概念,即:赤道波通过水平传播、垂向传播和东边界反射,在赤道上混合层、次表层和中深层调制着赤道流系的生成与变化;随着波动能量在东边界以沿岸开尔文波和反射罗斯贝波的形式往外赤道传输,赤道动力过程亦调节着外赤道的环流结构变化。作为能量传输的十字路口,海洋东边界是环流变化的动力支点。在其支撑下,海洋波动成为环流间重要的能量纽带,贡献于环流的动力联系,是东印度洋环流多尺度变化的重要内因。基于观测,初步探讨了大尺度气候模态等外因对热带东印度洋环流的影响。凝练的海洋波动桥梁动力学框架,为进一步研究热带印度洋的环流的特征、变化及影响提供科学启示。  相似文献   

A seasonal reconstruction of the Indian Ocean during the last glacial maximum (18,000 yr B.P.) reveals that its surface circulation and sea surface temperature patterns were significantly different from the modern Indian Ocean. This reconstruction is based on the planktonic foraminiferal biogeography and estimated sea surface temperatures in 42 Indian Ocean samples. Compared to modern conditions, the polar front was 5° to 10° latitude further north during the last glacial maximum; the Subtropical Convergence was 2° to 5° latitude further north. The West Australian Current was more intense as part of the West Wind Drift was deflected northward along the coast of Australia. The Agulhas Current was cooler and weaker during the summer and more saline and subtropical during the winter. In general, the low latitudes underwent little temperature change. The western Arabian Sea was warmer which implies less upwelling and a weaker Southwest Monsoon. On the average, the Indian Ocean was 1.9°C cooler in February and 1.7°C cooler in August during the last glacial maximum.  相似文献   

The study of seamount parameters in the tectonically most-complicated and least-understood Indian Ocean assumes importance since their properties vary as a function of tectonic setting, physics of lithosphere, conduit geometry and chemical composition of magma. More than 100 such seamounts ranging in summit height (h) from 300 to 2870 m, are indentified in the oceanic crust between Indian continent and Mid-Indian Ridge (MIR) and South-East Indian Ridge (SEIR). Most of the minor seamounts (h > 1000) are found in the southern part of the study area. Major seamounts (h < 1000 m) are roughly distributed in two groups—the northern group on Cretaceous Oceanic Crust and southern group on Pliocene-Miocene Oceanic Crust. On an average northern group seamounts (SM 1 to 6) are taller, wider and flatter than those from the southern group. These seamounts appear to be the result of continuous growth from tapped, moving magma chamber while stress depleted magma and inconsistent Indian Plate movement during Mid-Tertiary are attributed to the origin of southern group of smaller seamounts. Distribution and morphology of seamounts as a whole indicate their formation either from Reunion hotspot or from two separate hotspots in the geological past.  相似文献   

Accurate prediction of ocean surface waves is a challenging task with many associated difficulties. Availability of good quality wind and wave information from satellite platforms inspired the scientific community to assimilate such data in various spectral wave models for enhancing the accuracy of prediction. Over the Indian Ocean, which is the region of interest for the present study, wave heights in extreme situation can go up to 12–14 m, thereby increasing the probability of coastal hazards. This region is further governed by the southern ocean swells that propagate thousands of kilometers. These are, in general, not well captured by the spectral wave models. Therefore, assimilation of altimeter data in open ocean wave model WAM has been attempted with the aim of enhancing the quality of prediction of significant wave height. Further, simulated wave spectra have been assimilated in a coastal wave model SWAN. This assimilation has been found to significantly improve the prediction of the height of wind waves as well as swell waves. V. Bhatt and S. Surendran are former students of Meteorology and Oceanography Group, Space Applications Centre, ISRO, Ahmedabad.  相似文献   

Tectonic types of deepwater basins in the Indian Ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Among 16 deepwater basins located in the central Indian Ocean and along its western, eastern, and southern margins, the central, perioceanic, and perispreading tectonic types are recognized. The Central, Cocos, Wharton, and Crozet basins belong to the first type. The second type comprises the Somalia, Mascarene, Madagascar, Mozambique, and Agulhas basins localized along the western margin of the ocean; the Argo, Gascoyne, Cuvier, and Perth basins that are situated along its eastern periphery; and the African-Antarctic Basin in the southern periphery. The South Australian and Australian-Antarctic basins pertain to the third type. Spatially and tectonically, the pericontinental basins are conjugated with continental blocks in the ocean (rises, plateaus, microcontinents). Together, they make up specific tectonic systems that extend parallel to the continents. The formation of such systems is controlled by horizontal movement of continental blocks and tectonic subsidence of the oceanic bottom.  相似文献   

西南印度洋构造地貌与构造过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文基于海底水深数据,制定了西南印度洋超慢速扩张脊新的海底构造地貌划分原则,将西南印度洋划分为7级构造地貌单元;并以该洋中脊中段的Discovery II和Gallieni转换断层之间及其邻区的海底构造地貌特征为依据,将其与该区断裂演化、分段性、分段拓展机制、中央裂谷形成过程、脊–柱相互作用和洋中脊跃迁进行综合分析。结果表明,该区洋中脊可以划分为4个三级构造地貌单元(即洋中脊的一级分段),从西向东被Andrew Bain和Prince Edwards、Discovery II以及Gallieni转换断层依次分割,分别反映为强热点–洋中脊相互作用的扩张脊、弱热点–洋中脊相互作用的扩张脊和正常超慢速扩张脊的地貌类型。每个三级分段可进一步划分为3~4个四级分段,本文仅侧重Discovery II和Gallieni转换断层间洋中脊四到七级的4个级别分段划分(即洋中脊的四级构造地貌单元再划分为3级)。其中,第七级构造地貌单元分别为侧列式裂谷(剪切带)、雁列式裂谷、横断层带等构造分割。该段洋中脊先后受Marion、Crozet、Madagascar等热点或海台的影响,经历了3次洋中脊跃迁,时间大致分别为80 Ma,60 Ma和40 Ma,该过程与冈瓦纳大陆裂解以来的大洋演化有关。最后,本文详细分析了20 Ma以来的西南印度洋洋中脊轴部的周期性拉分式断陷、多米诺式箕状断陷、地堑式断陷和海洋核杂岩等构造过程。  相似文献   

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