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Six silicic eruptive cycles have been recognized in the last 50 ka at Pantelleria. The products of each cycle exhibit a compositional variation from pantellerite to less peralkaline rhyolite or to trachyte. The relationships between the range of chemical variation, the erupted volume and the time of eruptions, allow us to estimate an average differentiation rate of 5% crystal fractionation per 1000 years and a constant long-term rate of magma discharge of 0.1 km3 per 1000 years. Pressure increase in the magma chamber caused by the addition of new magma, accumulation of highly-differentiated, volatile-rich magma in the roof zone and a concomitant build-up of a vapour phase, is postulated as a possible triggering mechanism for eruptions.  相似文献   

The island of Pantelleria is an active volcano located in the Sicily Channel (southern Italy), occurring in the middle of a continental rift system.Since the 1980's the island has been periodically surveyed by means of geodetic and geophysical methods to monitor the regional and local volcanic dynamics. Also, high-precision gravity measurements were started in 1990.The present paper is an analysis of the time-space gravity changes. Gravity measurements were carried out on a network presently formed by twenty stations. The gravity network was fully surveyed in June 1990 and June 1995 and partially surveyed in September 1993. Two absolute gravity stations were established in 1993 to provide a reference system and to check for long-term variations.The areal distribution of the gravity changes during the 1990–1995 time interval, obtained in the thirteen stations of the 1990 network, is strongly similar to the Bouguer anomaly field and to the large-scale features of the basement of the island. Otherwise, gravity changes are directly correlated with the Bouguer anomaly and inversely correlated with the altimetric variations. Comparison with the geological setting suggests that the present activity may be ascribed to the influence of the geodynamics of the Sicily Channel.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic, granulometric, and SEM grain texture studies have been carried out on pyroclastic deposits in the Biancavilla and Montalto areas on the lower SW flank of Etna. These studies support the interpretation that the deposits were emplaced as pyroclastic flows during the final stage of the Ellittico eruptive activity (14.18±26 ka). Based on the high percentage of juvenile components and granulometric characteristics, the deposits are classified as normal ignimbrite. Four separate flow units have been distinguished based on the presence of fine-grained basal layers. A multivariate G-mode statistical analysis has been used to discriminate particle morphology populations between flow units and infer temporal changes in the nature of the eruptive processes. The initial flow (I) was emplaced at a high temperature and involved a juvenile gas phase exolved from the magma. Subsequent flows (II, III, IV) exhibit evidence for the interaction of external water.  相似文献   

Detailed correlations of magnetostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy reveal that the basal Pliocene is equally complete in the Eraclea Minoa and Capo Rossello sections (Sicily) and the Singa section (Calabria), and that, in accordance with the model of the Pliocene flooding event in the Mediterranean, the deposition of the pelagic marls of the Trubi Formation started synchronously on Sicily and in adjacent Calabria. In addition, the data obtained from the Trubi in the Eraclea Minoa section allows the age of the Miocene-Pliocene boundary to be adjusted slightly from 4.83–4.84 [1] to 4.86 Ma because downward extrapolation of both sedimentation rate and average duration of small-scale sedimentary cycles in the Trubi yields this age for the boundary in this section. Linearly interpolated ages for the top of the Sphaeroidinellopsis acme and the first substantial increase in Globorotalia margaritae (the FOD of this species is non-existent in the Mediterranean Pliocene) at Eraclea Minoa arrive at 4.74 and 4.63 Ma respectively.Because of the detailed magnetostratigraphy and the very accurate dating of the Miocene-Pliocene boundary, it is preferable to select the Eraclea Minoa section as the boundary stratotype rather than the Capo Rossello section.Finally, this age of 4.86 Ma for the Miocene-Pliocene boundary suggests that the beginning of the Pliocene is connected with the termination of a series of latest Miocene glaciations and that the re-establishment of open marine conditions in the Mediterranean might be of glacio-eustatic origin.  相似文献   

The attenuation of P- and S-waves in Southeastern Sicily was estimated by applying two different methods in time and frequency domains. We analyzed waveforms from about 290 local events (0.6≤ML≤4.6) recorded at a three-component digital network.By applying the pulse broadening method to the first P-wave pulse, we found an average Qp value of ca. 140. The application of the frequency decay method provided a Qp value of ca. 120, in the low-frequency band (3-9 Hz). Conversely, in the high frequency range (16-27 Hz) the average Qp is significantly larger (ca. 640). The frequency decay method was also applied to S-waves spectra. In the low frequency range (2-5 Hz) the estimated average Qs is ca. 190. As for Qp, also Qs, in the high frequency range (16-27 Hz), is larger (ca. 700). These results evidenced a frequency dependence of both the quality factors Qp and Qs, as commonly observed in tectonically active zones characterized by high degree of heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Structural observations carried out on the volcanic Island of Pantelleria show that the tectonic setting is dominated by NNE trending normal faults and by NW-striking right-lateral strike-slip faults with normal component of motion controlled by a ≈N 100°E oriented extension. This mode of deformation also controls the development of the eruptive fissures, dykes and eruptive centres along NNE–SSW belts that may thus represent the surface response to crustal cracking with associated magma intrusions. Magmatic intrusions are also responsible for the impressive vertical deformations that affect during the Late Quaternary the south-eastern segment of the island and producing a large dome within the Pantelleria caldera complex. The results of the structural analysis carried out on the Island of Pantelleria also improves the general knowledge on the Late Quaternary tectonics of the entire Sicily Channel. ESE–WNW directed extension, responsible for both the tectonic and volcano-tectonic features of the Pantelleria Island, also characterizes, at a greater scale, the entire channel as shown by available geodetic and seismological data. This mode of extension reactivates the older NW–SE trending fault segments bounding the tectonic troughs of the Channel as right-lateral strike-slip faults and produces new NNE trending pure extensional features (normal faulting and cracking) that preferentially develop at the tip of the major strike-slip fault zones. We thus relate the Late Quaternary volcanism of the Pelagian Block magmatism to dilatational strain on the NNE-striking extensional features that develop on the pre-existing stretched area and propagate throughout the entire continental crust linking the already up-welled mantle with the surface.  相似文献   

In this paper a new kinematic and dynamic model on the Recent and active contractional deformation of the Catania region, eastern Sicily, is discussed. The study area represents one of the most seismically active region of the Mediterranean, located at the intersection between the front of the Sicily collision belt and the seismogenic Siculo-Calabrian Rift-Zone. The analysed contractional tectonics form an active triangle zone that originated from the tectonic inversion of a Lower-Middle Pleistocene extensional basin, which was located at the northern edge of the African foreland. The triangle zone consists of two antithetic ENE–WSW oriented thrust-ramps that show evidence of motion during the Holocene and bound a folded belt that involves alluvial deposits as young as 40 ka. These contractional structures represent the final product of the positive tectonic inversion of extensional features located, in the Hyblean Plateau in SE Sicily, along the flank of the active rift zone. The Late Quaternary motions along the inverted structures was accommodated to the west by a major N–S oriented left-lateral fault zone, which separates the active contractional domains from the adjacent sectors of the African margin. As a whole, the Late Quaternary contractional tectonics of SE Sicily have been related to a NW-verging crustal stacking, related to a Mantle intrusion beneath the Hyblean Plateau that developed as effect of the rift-flank deformation. The crustal lineaments, which compose the new kinematic model, represents potentially active seismogenic sources that might be considered in the frame of the seismotectonic picture of the Catania region.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of rainfall trends in Sicily (1921-2000)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The feared global climate change could have important effects on various environmental variables including rainfall in many countries around the world. Changes in precipitation regime directly affect water resources management, agriculture, hydrology and ecosystems. For this reason it is important to investigate the changes in the spatial and temporal rainfall pattern in order to improve water management strategies.In this study a non-parametric statistical method (Mann-Kendall rank correlation method) is employed in order to verify the existence of trend in annual, seasonal and monthly rainfall and the distribution of the rainfall during the year. This test is applied to about 250 rain gauge stations in Sicily (Italy) after a series of procedures finalized to the estimation of missing records and to the verification of data consistency.In order to understand the regional pattern of precipitation in Sicily, the detected trends are spatially interpolated using spatial analysis techniques in a GIS environment.The results show the existence of a generalized negative trend for the entire region.  相似文献   

The attenuation in Southeastern Sicily has been investigated using 40aftershocks of the December 13 1990, earthquake. The quality factor ofcoda waves (Qc) was estimated in the frequency range 1.5–24 Hz,applying three different methods in time and frequency domains. On thewhole, a clear dependence of Qc on frequency was observed,according to the general law Q = Q0(f/f0)n . Thefrequency dependence relationships obtained from the analysis of codawaves at three lapse time windows (10, 20 and 30 seconds) show that, forall methods, Q0 (Qc at 1 Hz) significantly increases with lapsetime. In particular, Q0 is approximately 20 at short lapse time (10s) and increases to about 70 at longer lapse time (30 s). This is attributedto the fact that larger lapse times involve deeper parts of the crust andupper lithosphere which may be characterized by larger quality factors.Moreover, the value of the exponent n decreases with increasing codalengths from about 1.3 to 0.9, suggesting a decrease in heterogeneity ofthe medium with depth.Finally, Qc-values here found are of the same order as thosereported from other tectonic regions like the Anatolian Highlands orSouthern Spain, while significantly higher than in the neighboring volcanicarea of Mt. Etna.  相似文献   

Chlorine and fluorine were measured from whole-rock samples from tholeiites (150,000 years old) to present-day hawaiites. The overall range of F content is from 240 to 985 ppm, with a slight decrease of F/Th and F/Cl ratios, from tholeiites to hawaiites. Chlorine is positively correlated with Th (Cl/Th=100) as well as K2O and P2O5, as the differentiation progresses, and, increases from 220 ppm in tholeiites to 2410 ppm in mugearites. Data obtained from present-day hawaiites indicate that Cl lost by degassing during eruption is limited. However, Cl contents of some whole-rock samples are inconsistent with previous results published for melt inclusions of phenocrysts from the same historic hawaiite samples and suggesting outgassing of Cl prior to the eruption. This implies that apparent correlation between Cl and Th can be considered as the result of superimposition of several petrogenetic processes. Results point out the richness of Etnean tholeiites in chlorine compared to M.A.R. basalts. Such a character could have been inherited from the mantle source or during the mantle source melting.  相似文献   

Although the oldest volcanic rocks exposed at Pantelleria (Strait of Sicily) are older than 300 ka, most of the island is covered by the 45–50 ka Green Tuff ignimbrite, thought to be related to the Cinque Denti caldera, and younger lavas and scoria cones. Pre-50 ka rocks (predominantly rheomorphic ignimbrites) are exposed at isolated sea cliffs, and their stratigraphy and chronology are not completely resolved. Based on volcanic stratigraphy and K/Ar dating, it has been proposed that the older La Vecchia caldera is related to ignimbrite Q (114 ka), and that ignimbrites F, D, and Z (106, 94, and 79 ka, respectively) were erupted after caldera formation. We report here the paleomagnetic directions obtained from 23 sites in ignimbrite P (133 ka) and four younger ignimbrites, and from an uncorrelated (and loosely dated) welded lithic breccia thought to record a caldera-forming eruption. The paleosecular variation of the geomagnetic field recorded by ignimbrites is used as correlative tool, with an estimated time resolution in the order of 100 years. We find that ignimbrites D and Z correspond, in good agreement with recent Ar/Ar ages constraining the D/Z eruption to 87 ka. The welded lithic breccia correlates with a thinner breccia lying just below ignimbrite P at another locality, implying that collapse of the La Vecchia caldera took place at ~130–160 ka. This caldera was subsequently buried by ignimbrites P, Q, F, and D/Z. Paleomagnetic data also show that the northern caldera margin underwent a ~10° west–northwest (outwards) tilting after emplacement of ignimbrite P, possibly recording magma resurgence in the crust.  相似文献   

Integrated geological, geodetic and marine geophysical data provide evidence of active deformation in south-western Sicily, in an area spatially coincident with the macroseismic zone of the destructive 1968 Belice earthquake sequence. Even though the sequence represents the strongest seismic event recorded in Western Sicily in historical times, focal solutions provided by different authors are inconclusive on possible faulting mechanism, which ranges from thrusting to transpression, and the seismogenic source is still undefined. Interferometric (DInSAR) observations reveal a differential ground motion on a SW–NE alignment between Campobello di Mazara and Castelvetrano (CCA), located just west of the maximum macroseismic sector. In addition, new GPS campaign-mode data acquired across the CCA alignment documents NW–SE contractional strain accumulation. Morphostructural analysis allowed to associate the alignment detected through geodetic measurements with a topographic offset of Pleistocene marine sediments. The on-land data were complemented by new high-resolution marine geophysical surveys, which indicate recent contraction on the offshore extension of the CCA alignment. The discovery of archaeological remains displaced by a thrust fault associated with the alignment provided the first likely surface evidence of coseismic and/or aseismic deformation related to a seismogenic source in the area. Results of the integrated study supports the contention that oblique thrusting and folding in response to NW–SE oriented contraction is still active. Although we are not able to associate the CCA alignment to the 1968 seismic sequence or to the historical earthquakes that destroyed the ancient Greek city of Selinunte, located on the nearby coastline, our result must be incorporated in the seismic hazard evaluation of this densely populated area of Sicily.  相似文献   

Spatial vent opening probability map of Etna volcano (Sicily, Italy)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We produce a spatial probability map of vent opening (susceptibility map) at Etna, using a statistical analysis of structural features of flank eruptions of the last 2?ky. We exploit a detailed knowledge of the volcano structures, including the modalities of shallow magma transfer deriving from dike and dike-fed fissure eruptions analysis on historical eruptions. Assuming the location of future vents will have the same causal factors as the past eruptions, we converted the geological and structural data in distinct and weighted probability density functions, which were included in a non-homogeneous Poisson process to obtain the susceptibility map. The highest probability of new eruptive vents opening falls within a N-S aligned area passing through the Summit Craters down to about 2,000?m?a.s.l. on the southern flank. Other zones of high probability follow the North-East, East-North-East, West, and South Rifts, the latter reaching low altitudes (~400?m). Less susceptible areas are found around the faults cutting the upper portions of Etna, including the western portion of the Pernicana fault and the northern extent of the Ragalna fault. This structural-based susceptibility map is a crucial step in forecasting lava flow hazards at Etna, providing a support tool for decision makers.  相似文献   

A comparison of the most used magnitude-intensity relations is carried out, with reference to a spatial window coinciding with Calabria and northeastern Sicily, evaluating their consistency with different data sets taken from several catalogues. M values indicated in the catalogues and the corresponding average value have been used choosing the relation to be adopted on the basis of the level of their adaptability to points, rather than prearranged models.  相似文献   

Concentrations of major ions and the δ13C composition of dissolved inorganic carbon in groundwater and submarine groundwater discharges in the area between Siracusa and Ragusa provinces, southeastern Sicily, representing coastal carbonate aquifers, are presented and discussed. Most of groundwater analysed belongs to calcium bicarbonate type, in agreement with the geological nature of carbonate host rocks. Carbonate groundwater acquires, besides the dissolution of carbonate minerals, dissolved carbon (and the relative isotopic composition) from the atmosphere and from soil biological activity. In fact, δ13C values and total dissolved inorganic carbon contents show that both these sources contribute to carbon dissolved species in the waters studied. Finally, mixing with seawater in the second main factor of groundwater mineralization Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The maximum entropy spectral analysis (MESA) method is applied to synthetic and observed tremor time series using autoregressive processes and recordings from the volcanoes Etna (Sicily) and Merapi (central Java). The MESA analysis can be used to estimate power spectra with sharp peaks from short data records. If the tremor source process can be modelled by an autoregressive process, the MESA method is well-suited for determining the coefficients of the underlying difference equations. As in the standard periodogram method of power spectrum estimation, a mesagram estimate using record segmentation and MESA spectrum averaging reduces the variance of the spectral estimator. In combination with periodogram estimates, mesagram estimates confirm that the tremor source may be modelled as an ensemble of randomly excited resonators. Used together, these estimates provide a valuable method for short-term monitoring of volcanic activity. In addition, they can be applied to the determination of new source parameters such as resonator frequencies, damping coefficients, excitation probabilities, correlation of exciting forces, and resonator coupling and in the pattern recognition of source types.  相似文献   

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