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The Leventina Nappe represents one of the lowermost exposed units in the Alpine nappe stack and corresponds to a slice of the European margin that was entrained into the Alpine continental accretionary prism during the Tertiary tectonic event. This study yields details regarding the tectonic and metamorphic history of the Leventina Nappe, through detailed analysis of structures and shear zone patterns, and the examination of the Si-content of white mica along a north-south profile. The Leventina Nappe underwent three phases of ductile deformation. Foliation S1 is mostly sub-parallel to the regionally dominant structural fabric (the S2 foliation). S2 foliation is penetratively developed in the structurally higher portions of the Leventina Nappe toward the Simano Nappe, while it is only weakly developed in the core of the Leventina Nappe. A 50 to 200 m wide mylonite zone, with a D2 top-to-NW sense of shear marks the boundary to the Simano Nappe. Throughout the Leventina Nappe only small-scale D2 shear bands (mm to cm wide) are observed, showing a top-to-NW sense of shear. Deformation phase D3 locally generated a vertical axial plane foliation (S3) associated with the large-scale D3 Leventina antiform.Microtextural evidence and phengite geobarometry were used to constrain the temperature and pressure conditions of equilibration of the Leventina Gneisses. Highest Si (pfu) values are preserved in the core of phengitic micas and reflect pressure and temperature conditions of around 8 kbar at 550 °C and 10 kbar at 650 °C in the northern and southern parts of the Leventina Nappe, respectively. Lower Si (pfu) values from the rims of white micas correspond to a metamorphic pressure of ca. 5 kbar during the exhumation of the unit. These metamorphic conditions are related to the underthrusting of the thinned European margin into the continental accretionary prism during late Eocene time. These new data allow us to propose a kinematic model for the Leventina Nappe during the Tertiary Alpine tectonics.  相似文献   

The foliated and compositionally-banded granitic orthogneisses in the central core of the Maggia Nappe, a Lower Pennine basement nappe of the Central Swiss Alps, are shown to be the sheared equivalent of late-Hercynian age granitic intrusions. These ductile shear zones show mineral assemblages in amphibolite facies, are Alpine in age and form an anastomosing network enclosing remnant lozenge-shaped pods of relatively undeformed rock.The foliation developed within the shear zones concomitantly with a change in shape of quartz grain aggregates from initially equidimensional, through ‘tear-drop’ shapes, to ribbon-like aggregates. These shape changes occurred by intracrystalline glide together with intercrystalline slip on deformation-induced planar surfaces.  相似文献   

The eastern Central Alps consist of several Pennine nappes with different tectonometamorphic histories. The tectonically uppermost units (oceanic Avers Bündnerschiefer, continental Suretta and Tambo nappes, oceanic Vals Bündnerschiefer) show Cretaceous/early Tertiary W-directed thrusting with associated blueschist facies metamorphism related to subduction of the Pennine units beneath the Austroalpine continental crust. This event caused eclogite facies metamorphism in the underlying continental Adula nappe. The gross effect was crustal thickening. The tectonically lower, continental Simano nappe is devoid of any imprint from this event. In the course of continent-continent collision, high- T metamorphism and N-directed movements occurred. Both affected the whole nappe pile more or less continuously from amphibolite to greenschist facies conditions. Crustal thinning commenced during the regional temperature peak. A final phase is related to differential uplift under retrograde P–T conditions. Further thinning of the crust was accommodated by E- to NE-directed extensional deformation.  相似文献   

The Parpaillon Nappe is one of the two Helminthoid Flysch nappes emplaced on the external Dauphinois zone of the Western Alps. A structural analysis of the nappe is presented. Two superposed deformations D1 and D2 are described, that are mainly characterized by large-scale recumbent folds whose axes are quasi-orthogonal: NE-SW for D1 and NW-SE for D2. Their vergence is northwestward for D1 and southwestward for D2. During the D2 deformation, the nappe was separated into two units, one of these being thrusted over the other. An analysis of incremental strain using quartz and calcite fibre growth indicates that D2 follows D1 without discontinuity. Therefore the superposition of D1 and D2 structures is interpreted as a progressive deformation instead of two distinct phases of deformation. The emplacement of the nappe is discussed under two aspects, the relations between displacement and strain and the role of gravity. It is concluded that the translation has been twofold, first towards the NW and then towards the SW, and that the displacement result essentially from gravity forces. Kinematic implications for the Alpine collision are suggested.  相似文献   


The multiply deformed Upper Austro-Alpine nappe pile of the Graz area is built up of low-grade metamorphosed Paleozoic rocks which are discordantly overlain by sediments of Santonian (Late Cretaceous) age (“Gosau” formation). Slices of Permo-Mesozoic rocks are absent. Analyses of structures, microfabrics, strain and shear directions were used to decipher the kinematic history; geochronological investigations to date the age of thrusting. K/Ar and Rb/Sr ages of synkinematically grown mica suggest an eo-Alpine (Early Cretaceous) age for the major deformation D1. D1 is characterized by non-coaxial rock flow which caused SW- to W directed nappe imbrication. Incremental strain measurements indicate the progressive superposition of D2 over Dl. In the higher nappe (Rannach Nappe) nappe imbrication continued during D2 changing the direction of nappe transport from SW to NW. Enhanced flattening strain in the deeper nappe (Schöckel Nappe) led to recumbent folds in all scales during D2. This study emphasized two interpretations : (1) The Alpine deformation in the Upper Austro-Alpine nappe pile of the Paleozoic of Graz started in the Earliest Cretaceous (about 125 Ma.). (2) The emplacement of nappes followed a curved translation path in the studied area.  相似文献   

南天山造山带中段推覆体内部变形及其与逆冲构造的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
南天山造山带是古生代期间塔里木板块与伊犁—伊塞克湖板块对接、碰撞的产物 ,主体由向南逆冲的推覆体组成。推覆体内部变形构造在垂直于主断面方向上呈规律性变化。从推覆体底部向上 ,褶皱从 A型褶皱 ,紧闭、等斜的 B型褶皱 ,前翼褶皱经斜歪、倒转褶皱渐变为对称的尖棱或箱状 B型褶皱 ;构造面理从发育主断面近平行的 S-面理及剪切滑移的 C-面理渐变为只发育与主断面近垂直的 D-面理。据此 ,可把推覆体自下而上划分成为递进剪切、过渡和等轴挤压三个变形域。变形过程分析表明 ,存在水平挤压变形和随后的简单剪切变形两个变形阶段 ,前者发育于主断裂面形成之前 ,后者发育于主断裂面形成之后。这指示南天山造山带以变形扩展速率高于断裂扩展速率为特征  相似文献   

The basal unit of the Amadeus Basin sequence is the Heavitree Quartzite, and this formation usually forms a single east‐west ridge along the northern side of the MacDonnell Ranges. However, at Alice Springs there are two such ridges. Basement rocks crop out on the northern side of each ridge, and dolomite and shale of the Bitter Springs Formation crop out on their southern sides. The northern outcrop of dolomite and shale is tightly folded, and is separated from the southern outcrop of basement by a major fault. The bedding of the sediments, the axial plane of the fold, and the fault all dip south at about 45°. Inverted facings on parasitic folds indicate that the northern outcrop of quartzite and dolomite plus shale is an antiform in inverted rocks. Hence the southern outcrop of basement and quartzite is synformal, and is interpreted as the frontal part of a fold nappe. The nappe started as a recumbent anticline whose middle limb of quartzite sheared out as the anticline travelled several kilometres southwards relative to the dolomite and shale below, which formed a tight recumbent syncline. Later monoclinal uplift of the northern half of the area tilted the nappe into its present south‐dipping attitude, thus converting the recumbent anticline into a synform and the recumbent syncline into an antiform.  相似文献   

Magmatic rocks from the pre-Mesozoic basements of the Sambuco and Maggia nappes have been dated by U–Pb zircon ages with the LA-ICPMS technique. Several magmatic events have been identified in the Sambuco nappe. The mafic banded calc-alkaline suite of Scheggia is dated at 540 Ma, an age comparable to that of mafic rocks in the Austroalpine Silvretta nappe. The Sasso Nero peraluminous augengneiss has an age of 480–470 Ma, like many other “older orthogneisses” in Alpine basement units. It hosts a large proportion of inherited zircons, which were dated around 630 Ma, a Panafrican age indicating the Gondwanan affiliation of the Sambuco basement. The calc-alkaline Matorello pluton yielded ages around 300 Ma, similar to numerous Late Carboniferous intrusions in other basement units of the Lower Penninic (Monte Leone, Antigorio, Verampio) and Helvetic domains (Gotthard and other External Crystalline Massifs). Associated lamprophyric dykes are slightly younger (300–290 Ma), like similar dykes sampled in gneiss blocks included in the sedimentary cover of the underlying Antigorio nappe (290–285 Ma). The Cocco granodiorite and Rüscada leucogranite, both intruding the basement of the neighbouring Maggia nappe, yielded ages of ca. 300–310 Ma, identical within errors to the age of the Matorello pluton. They are significantly older than former age determinations. This age coincidence, coupled with remarkable petrologic similarities between the Cocco and Matorello granodiorites, strongly suggests paleogeographic proximity of the Sambuco and Maggia nappes in Late Carboniferous times. In recent publications these two nappes have been interpreted as belonging to distinct Mesozoic paleogeographic domains: “European” for Sambuco and “Briançonnais” for Maggia, separated by the “Valais” oceanic basin. In this case, the similarity of the Matorello and Cocco intrusions would demonstrate the absence of any significant transcurrent movement between these two continental domains. Alternatively, according to a more traditional view, Sambuco and Maggia might belong to a single large Alpine tectonic unit.  相似文献   

The Adula Nappe in the Central Alps comprises pre-Mesozoic basement and minor Mesozoic sediments, overprinted by Paleogene eclogite-facies metamorphism. Peak pressures increase southward from ca. 1.2 GPa to values over 3 GPa, which is interpreted to reflect exhumation from a south-dipping subduction zone. The over- and underlying nappes experienced much lower Alpine pressures. To the north, the Adula Nappe ends in a lobe surrounded by Mesozoic metasediments. The external shape of the lobe is simple but the internal structure highly complicated. The frontal boundary of the nappe represents a discontinuity in metamorphic peak temperatures, between higher T in the Adula Nappe and lower T outside. A shear zone with steeply dipping foliation and shallowly-plunging, WSW-ENE oriented, i.e. orogen-parallel stretching lineation overprinted the northernmost part of the Adula Nappe and the adjacent Mesozoic metasediments (Vals-Scaradra Shear Zone). It formed during the local Leis deformation phase. The shear sense in the Vals-Scaradra Shear Zone changes along strike; from sinistral in the W to dextral in the E. Quartz textures also vary along strike. In the W, they indicate sinistral shearing with a component of coaxial (flattening) strain. A texture from the middle part of the shear zone is symmetric and indicates coaxial flattening. Textures from the eastern part show strong, single c-axis maxima indicating dextral shearing. These relations reflect complex flow within the Adula Nappe during a late stage of its exhumation. The structures and reconstructed flow field indicate that the Adula basement protruded upward and northward into the surrounding metasediments, spread laterally, and expelled the metasediments in front towards west and east.  相似文献   

The Kola region in the northeastern Baltic Shield is characterized by diverse Paleoproterozoic collision processes. The Keivy Terrane is one of the major tectonic units in the northeastern foreland of the Paleoproterozoic Lapland-Kola Collisional Orogen, which markedly differs in a number of parameters from other tectonic units of the Kola region. The study of the Keivy Terrane allowed us to unravel one more basic difference: the large Paleoproterozoic sheath synform of the Serpovidny (Crescentic) Range localized in this terrane. Its core is occupied by volcanic and sedimentary rocks, which correlate with the fill of the Imandra-Varzuga Rift; the limbs are composed of metamorphosed mature sedimentary rocks known as Keivy paraschists of Neoarchean or Paleoproterozoic age. The lower limb of the Serpovidny Synform is strongly squeezed, whereas the upper limb consists of almost undeformed rocks. The deformed rocks underwent ductile flow under conditions of simple or general shear. In the degree of its asymmetry and main parameters, the Serpovidny Synform is similar to the plunging and recumbent anticlines in the Helvetic nappes of the Alps. It is concluded that the Paleoproterozoic core of the Serpovidny Sheath Synform, or plunging anticline, is a fragment of the almost completely eroded deep Serpovidny Nappe of the Helvetic type. During the collision related to the Lapland-Kola Orogeny (1.9–2.0 Ga), this nappe was pushed out northward from the Paleoproterozoic Imandra-Varzuga Rift, which is situated 50 km south of the Serpovidny structure, and thrust over the Keivy paraschists. The latter, together with underlying the Lebyazhka Gneiss, were folded in the process of thrusting and were involved in the structure of the Serpovidny Synform. The Keivy paraschists make up a para-autochthon or a separate nappe of the Pennine type. The Archean Lebyazhka metafelsic volcanics underlie the Keivy paraschists and overlie granitoids of the Archean basement that remained undeformed during thrusting. Most likely, they also belong to the para-autochthon; however, it cannot be ruled out that, like the Keivy paraschists, they occur as a Pennine-type nappe. The large sheath folds known in the Paleoproterozoic and Phanerozoic orogens are genetically related to deep-seated nappes or channel-flow tectonics. Paleoproterozoic and Phanerozoic orogens are similar in this respect.  相似文献   

The Lepontine dome represents a unique region in the arc of the Central and Western Alps, where complex fold structures of upper amphibolite facies grade of the deepest stage of the orogenic belt are exposed in a tectonic half-window. The NW-verging Mont Blanc, Aar und Gotthard basement folds and the Lower Penninic gneiss nappes of the Central Alps were formed by ductile detachment of the upper European crust during its Late Eocene–Early Oligocene SE-directed underthrust below the upper Penninic and Austroalpine thrusts and the Adriatic plate. Four underthrust zones are distinguished in the NW-verging stack of Alpine fold nappes and thrusts: the Canavese, Piemont, Valais and Adula zones. Up to three schistosities S1–S3, folds F1–F3 and a stretching lineation XI with top-to-NW shear indicators were developed in the F1–F3 fold nappes. Spectacular F4 transverse folds, the SW-verging Verzasca, Maggia, Ziccher, Alpe Bosa and Wandfluhhorn anticlines and synclines overprint the Alpine nappe stack. Their formation under amphibolite facies grade was related to late ductile folding of the southern nappe roots during dextral displacement of the Adriatic indenter. The transverse folding F4 was followed since 30 Ma by the pull-apart exhumation and erosion of the Lepontine dome. This occurred coevally with the formation of the dextral ductile Simplon shear zone, the S-verging backfolding F5 and the formation of the southern steep belt. Exhumation continued after 18 Ma with movement on the brittle Rhone-Simplon detachment, accompanied by the N-, NW- and W-directed Helvetic and Dauphiné thrusts. The dextral shear is dated by the 29–25 Ma crustal-derived aplite and pegmatite intrusions in the southern steep belt. The cooling by uplift and erosion of the Tertiary migmatites of the Bellinzona region occurred between 22 and 18 Ma followed by the exhumation of the Toce dome on the brittle Rhone–Simplon fault since 18 Ma.  相似文献   

Within the Çokkul synform, Caledonian metamorphic rocks of the Middle Köli Nappe Complex (MKNC) are in low-angle fault contact with the basement mylonites derived from the Precambrian Tysfjord granite-gneiss. In the synform, the MKNC is composed of four fault-bounded nappes each of which has a distinct tectonic stratigraphy composed of amphibolite-facies metamorphosed pelitic and psammitic schists with minor lensoidal bodies of mafic and ultramafic rocks. Pelitic rocks from the three structurally lowest nappes contain the low-variance AFM mineral assemblages gar + bio + staur and staur + ky + bio with mu + qtz + ilm, whereas staur and ky are absent from the highest nappe, the Kallakvare nappe. AFM mineral assemblages in the three lowest nappes indicate peak metamorphic temperatures of 610–660°C and peak pressures in excess of 600 MPa. Mineral assemblages from the Kallakvare nappe are not as diagnostic of metamorphic grade. However, rocks from that nappe contain coexisting plagioclases from both sides of the peristerite gap, suggesting lower-grade peak P–T conditions than those of the structurally lower nappes. In addition, biotite from the lower nappes is more Ti-rich than biotite from the Kallakvare nappe. However, gar–bio–mu–plag and gar–bio–ky–plag–qtz thermobarometry suggests that all four nappes equilibrated at approximately 525 ± 25°C and 700 ± 100 MPa. Gibbs method thermodynamic modelling of garnet zoning profiles suggests that the lower three nappes followed clockwise P–T paths that involved heating and compression to a metamorphic peak of approximately 575–625°C, 800 MPa followed by cooling and decompression to 525°C, 700 MPa. P–T paths calculated for the Kallakvare nappe show decompression and minor heating to a peak T of 500–525°C. In the lower nappes, staur and ky grew during the heating phase not seen by the highest nappe. The outer parts of the paths from all four nappes are approximately parallel, possibly recording the emplacement of the Kallakvare nappe onto the already stacked lower three nappes at some time following the metamorphic peak. These P–T paths suggest that the sole fault of the Kallakvare nappe is a normal fault. Garnet zonation thus appears to record a previously unrecognized phase of uplift and tectonic thinning of the MKNC. This event appears to be restricted to the MKNC and to have occurred prior to the emplacement of the MKNC onto the Tysfjord granite-gneiss basement of Baltoscandia under greenschist-facies conditions. It may have been responsible for the uplift and cooling of the MKNC from 25–30 km amphibolite-facies conditions prior to its emplacement onto Baltoscandia under 15–20 km greenschist-facies conditions. The deformation zone associated with this normal fault is relatively narrow, generally less than 1 m thick. If this is typical of other detachment faults in the metamorphic infrastructure of the Scandinavian Caledonides, they may be relatively common, but not often recognized due to the detailed study needed to document them.  相似文献   

GEOLOGY OF THE NORTHERN ARUN TECTONIC WINDOW1 BordetP .Recherchesg啨ologiquesdansl’HimalayaduN啨pal,r啨gionduMakalu[R].EditionsduCNRS ,Paris ,196 12 75 . 2 BordetP .G啨ologiedeladalleduTibet (Himalayacentral) [J].M啨moireshorss啨riedelaSociet啨g啨ologiquedeFrance,1977,8:2 35~ 2 5 0 . 3 BurcfielBC ,ChenZ ,HodgesKV ,etal.TheSouthTibetanDetachmentSystem ,Hima…  相似文献   


The Helvetic nappes in the Swiss Alps form a classic fold-and-thrust belt related to overall NNW-directed transport. In western Switzerland, the plunge of nappe fold axes and the regional distribution of units define a broad depression, the Rawil depression, between the culminations of Aiguilles Rouge massif to the SW and Aar massif to the NE. A compilation of data from the literature shows that, in addition to thrusts related to nappe stacking, the Rawil depression is cross-cut by four sets of brittle faults: (1) NE-SW striking normal faults, (2) NW-SE striking normal faults and joints, (3) ENE-WSW striking and (4) WNW-ESE striking normal plus dextral oblique-slip faults. Fault set 1 was probably initiated during sedimentation and reactivated during nappe stacking, whereas the other fault sets formed after emplacement of the Helvetic nappes. We studied in detail two well-exposed parallel fault zones from set 4, the Rezli fault zones (RFZ) in the Wildhorn Nappe. They are SW-dipping oblique-slip faults with a total displacement across the two fault zones of ~200 m vertically and ~680 m horizontally. The fault zones crosscut four different lithologies: limestone, intercalated marl and limestone, marl and sandstone. The internal architecture of the RFZ strongly depends on the lithology in which they developed. In the limestones, they consist of extension veins, stylolites, cataclasites and cemented gouge, in the intercalated marls and limestones of shear zones, brittle fractures and chaotic folds, in the marls of anastomosing shear zones, pressure solution seams and veins and in the sandstones of coarse breccia, brittle faults and extension veins. Sharp, discrete fault planes within the broader fault zones cross-cut all lithologies. Fossil fault zones in the Rezli area can act as a model for studying processes still occurring at deeper levels in this seismically active region.  相似文献   

The nappe pile presently cropping out in the central sector of the Ligurian Alps, is represented by some principal groups of tectonic units. Starting from the foreland, the outer and lower, weakly metamorphic (up to 0.3 GPa) Briançonnais units support the high-pressure (up to 1.3 GPa) ensemble of inner Briançonnais nappes, in turn overridden by the Prepiedmont units, sourced from the European continental margin. Prepiedmont units form two superposed groups. The lower is composed only of a pre-Namurian basement (Alpine metamorphism up to 0.6 GPa); and the upper is mainly composed of a slightly metamorphic (greenschist facies) post-Namurian cover. At the top lie the high-pressure metamorphosed (up to 0.8 GPa in the sector here considered) ophiolitic units. The group of the non-metamorphic Helminthoid Flysch nappes (original stratigraphic cover of the ophiolitic units) has travelled the greatest distance and is presently mainly set onto the outer part of the chain. Only events up to the stacking of the nappe pile are discussed, disregarding late-stage deformation. As the examined sector is located at a considerable distance from the collisional zone, late processes did not change the overall order of superposition formerly acquired. The model proposes the development of two major, subhorizontal detachment surfaces. The first, shallower one confines at the base a very thin-skinned set of nappes, nearly totally made up of Prepiedmont sedimentary covers that are bounded at their top by the Helminthoid Flysch units. Both these groups underwent a mainly horizontal outwards transport. In contrast, the underlying Prepiedmont crust and the adjoining Briançonnais inner sector (separated by the second, deeper major detachment surface) were progressively dragged into the subduction zone under the ophiolitic units and duplexes were generated. Exhumation of the metamorphic units occurred along the subduction channel, as did stacking of the nappe pile.  相似文献   

Abstract Two periods of garnet growth (Gt1 and Gt2) have been found in the Finnmarkian nappes of north Norway. In the Kolvik Nappe (the lowest nappe) Gt1 has preserved an S2 syntectonic spiral inclusion fabric; in the Olderfjord Nappe an earlier S1 fabric and an interkinematic inter-D1–D2 fabric have been preserved in Gt1 whilst only the S1 fabric has been found in Gt1 in the Brennsvik Nappe (the highest nappe). In each nappe Gt2 overgrew a penetrative fabric (S2) wrapped around Gt1. In the Kolvik Nappe inclusion fabrics may be continuous from Gt1 into Gt2 but in the higher nappes there is a distinct break. Gt2 may have been partially syntectonic with D3 in the Brennsvik Nappe. Chemically Gt1 in the Kolvik Nappe and in parts of the Olderfjord and Brennsvik Nappes has antithetic Fe-Mn zoning. In all nappes XCa and XMg are weakly zoned in Gt1; XMg increases outwards and is greater in the higher nappes in Gt1 suggesting higher nucleation temperatures. In the Olderfjord and Brennsvik Nappes Gt2 is marked by increasing XCa, probably due to changing garnet-plagioclase equilibria, although the Fe/Mg ratio remains constant. XMg is higher in Gt2 than Gt1. Basement rocks within the nappe pile have an early pre-Finnmarkian growth (Gt1) and a later Finnmarkian growth (GtH) correlated with Gt2 on the basis of chemical zoning patterns. The diachroneity of Gt1 is ascribed to progressively earlier (compared to the structural development) cessation of overstepping of garnet-forming reactions before peak metamorphism in the higher nappes, resulting in earlier structural events being preserved.  相似文献   

The Penninic oceanic sequence of the Glockner nappe and the foot-wall Penninic continental margin sequences exposed within the Tauern Window (eastern Alps) have been investigated in detail. Field data as well as structural and petrological data have been combined with data from the literature in order to constrain the geodynamic evolution of these units. Volcanic and sedimentary sequences document the evolution from a stable continent that was formed subsequent to the Variscan orogeny, to its disintegration associated with subsidence and rifting in the Triassic and Jurassic, the formation of the Glockner oceanic basin and its consumption during the Upper Cretaceous and the Paleogene. These units are incorporated into a nappe stack that was formed during the collision between a Penninic Zentralgneis block in the north and a southern Austroalpine block. The Venediger nappe and the Storz nappe are characterized by metamorphic Jurassic shelf deposits (Hochstegen group) and Cretaceous flysch sediments (Kaserer and Murtörl groups), the Eclogite Zone and the Rote Wand–Modereck nappe comprise Permian to Triassic clastic sequences (Wustkogel quartzite) and remnants of platform carbonates (Seidlwinkl group) as well as Jurassic volcanoclastic material and rift sediments (Brennkogel facies), covered by Cretaceous flyschoid sequences. Nappe stacking was contemporaneous to and postdated subduction-related (high-pressure) eclogite and blueschist facies metamorphism. Emplacement of the eclogite-bearing units of the Eclogite zone and the Glockner nappe onto Penninic continental units (Zentralgneis block) occurred subsequent to eclogite facies metamorphism. The Eclogite zone, a former extended continental margin, was subsequently overridden by a pile of basement-cover nappes (Rote Wand–Modereck nappe) along a ductile out-of-sequence thrust. Low-angle normal faults that have developed during the Jurassic extensional phase might have been inverted during nappe emplacement.  相似文献   

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