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介绍了一种液压驱动贯入式海底沉积声学原位测量系统的电路控制单元的研究实现过程,以及该控制单元在南海北部海底沉积声学调查中的应用。该电路控制单元以Cortex-A8处理器为核心,集成大容量FLASH存储器,与单片机接口控制板进行串口通讯,实现对声学发射采集单元和机械液压贯入单元的可视化控制和监测。基于该电路控制单元,海底底质声学原位测量系统兼具自容式和在线式两种工作模式,可自容记录或实时采集声学原位测量单元在海底的工作状态数据、海底沉积物声速和声衰减系数等声学特性数据。该声学原位测量系统的实验室联调及南海海试结果表明,使用该电路控制单元对海底底质声学测量过程的监测与控制是有效的,对精确获取海底底质的原位声学特性有重要作用,可以促进海底底质声学原位测量系统的产品化。  相似文献   

1.页首信息包括:题目、作者姓名与排序、作者工作单位、邮编、摘要、关键词、正文(包括必要的图表)和参考文献等。论文题目须中英文对照。在文稿首页脚注处标明基金项目名称及编号、获奖项目或重大课题。第一作者简介:姓名、性别、学位、职称、研究领域和电子信箱。提供联系人详细准确的通讯地址、电话、电子信箱等。  相似文献   

介绍吉学群主任医师运用针刺从督脉论治癫痫的临床经验。认为本病属本虚标实,因元神失用,风阳内动所致。病变脏腑涉及肝、脾、肾、心,病位在脑。治以补脑益肾,息风镇静。针刺从督脉论治取穴,主穴取百会、大椎、风府、身柱、神道、灵台、至阳、筋缩、中枢、命门、肾俞、后溪、太冲、间使,偏于风者加风池;偏于火者加劳宫;偏于痰者加丰隆。临床验之确有疗效。  相似文献   

MM。%e-theatgi A、二大。?、。左人产1八似。六。\。;。一丫othe Al]·\CI,1。;_。、,。L):3\。4一、。、’、”-③③ A。一:j]一、Al。、~:J_中法合作会议剪影  相似文献   

调查了苏鲁两省芦荡养鱼的部分单位。采用科学的管理,灌水和施肥措施,在芦荡内养鱼,芦苇和鱼都获丰收。一、年年获得丰收。由于在芦苇荡内养鱼能充分利用土地、光、热资源、鱼、芦年年获得丰收。二、芦苇荡内养鱼增产原因。 1.有水的芦苇荡是鱼栖息的好场所。 2.芦苇叶是鱼的好饲料。 3.鱼类是芦苇的好肥料。 4.通过挖养鱼沟改善了芦苇荡内的光照、温度和通风条件。三、芦苇荡内养鱼的技术。 1.挖集鱼沟。 2.选择鱼种。选草鱼、鳊、鲤、鲫、鲻、鲢等。 4.科学挖水。春天湿、夏天浅、秋天满、冬天干。  相似文献   

目的:基于古今医案云平台分析邵祖燕教授治疗便秘的用药规律,总结其临证经验及用药特色。方法:收集2018年1月至2019年12月邵教授治疗便秘的医案,将有效方剂录入古今医案云平台(V2.2.1),分析其药物使用频次、性味归经分布、药物功效分类,并进一步进行药物关联、聚类及复杂网络药物组方分析。结果:共纳入有效医案79则,患者40 例。中药使用频次>50次者的有炒白术、火麻仁、砂仁、厚朴、沉香、熟大黄、槟榔、甘草。药性以平、寒、温为主,药味以甘、苦、辛为多,归经以脾、胃、肺经为主。药物功效以润肠通便、温中健脾、行气止痛为主。药物关联规则分析发现其用药以炒白术-火麻仁、炒白术-砂仁、火麻仁-砂仁、厚朴-炒白术、火麻仁-厚朴等组合应用最频繁。聚类分析得出3个核心聚类群:桃仁、枳实、厚朴、熟大黄;甘草、沉香、砂仁、白术、火麻仁;党参、槟榔、鸡内金、豆蔻、瓜蒌。复杂网络分析得出其核心药物组合为厚朴、槟榔、甘草、砂仁、火麻仁、沉香、炒白术、熟大黄。结论:邵教授临证治疗便秘,认为其病机主要为脾失运化,肠腑气机失常;治疗以健脾益气、降气润肠为主。  相似文献   

9月16日上午,国家海洋局与教育部在北京大学举行签字仪式,合作共建北京大学、清华大学、北京师范大学、中国地质大学(北京)、天津大学、大连理工大学、上海交通大学、同济大学、南京大学、河海大学、浙江大学、厦门大学、中国海洋大学、武汉大学、中国地质大学(武汉)、武汉理工大学、中山大学17所高校。此举将有利于培养和造就一支规模宏大、素质优良的海洋人才队伍。国家海洋局局长孙志辉、教育部部长袁贵仁代表两部委签署协议。  相似文献   

刘克强 《海洋与湖沼》1995,26(S1):130-133
海藻、牡蛎于1993年6-8月采自青岛近海。经恒温水解、脱水浓缩、低温干燥等方法得到海藻、牡蛎提取物HLK。对HLK进行分析测定,结果表明,提取物含有丰富的氨基乙磺酸、多种维生素、多糖类、不饱和脂肪酸、低脂肪以及丰富而适量的钾。钙、锌、铁、铜、碘、硒等多种营养素和矿物质元素。为研制开发海藻、牡蛎保健食品提供科学依据。  相似文献   

1.页首信息包括:题目、作者姓名与排序、作者工作单位、邮编、摘要、关键词、正文(包括必要的图表)和参考文献等。论文题目须中英文对照。在文稿首页脚注处标明基金项目名称及编号、获奖项目或重大课题。第一作者简介:姓名、性别、学位、职称、研究领域和电子信箱。提供联系人详细准确的通讯地址、电话、电子信箱等。  相似文献   

目的:基于数据挖掘技术研究古籍医案中消渴的用药规律。方法:收集《中华医典》(第5版)中治疗消渴的医案,利用Micorosoft Excel 2019软件建立消渴医案数据库,使用古今医案云平台的数据挖掘功能对数据进行药物频次、药物属性、药物关联规则等分析。结果:共纳入治疗消渴的医案67则、涉及处方67首、中药131味。排前10位的高频出现症状是多饮、口干、多尿、消瘦、多食、小便浑浊、消谷易饥、神疲乏力、面赤、少食。排前10位的高频使用药物是麦冬、生地黄、茯苓、熟地黄、甘草、五味子、白芍、山药、人参、山茱萸。药性以平、微寒、寒性为主,药味以甘味为主,归经排前3位的是肺、肾、脾经。复杂网络分析得到治疗消渴的新方为:麦冬、生地黄、五味子、白芍、茯苓、牡蛎、黄连、山茱萸、山药、熟地黄、茯神、甘草、石膏、人参、天冬、天花粉、知母、泽泻、龙骨、牡丹皮、石斛、玉竹。结论:古代医家治疗消渴的原则,一是注重养阴清热、益肺生津、健脾补肾等治法,标本兼治;二是配伍药物以补阴药、清热药等为主。  相似文献   

Mechanics and control of swimming: a review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The bodies and brains of fish have evolved to achieve control objectives beyond the capabilities of current underwater vehicles. One route toward designing underwater vehicles with similar capabilities is to better understand fish physiological design and control strategies. This paper has two objectives: 1) to review clues to artificial swimmer design taken from fish physiology and 2) to formalize and review the control problems that must be solved by a robot fish. The goal is to exploit fish locomotion principles to address the truly difficult control challenges of station keeping under large perturbations, rapid maneuvering, power-efficient endurance swimming, and trajectory planning and tracking. The design and control of biomimetic swimming machines meeting these challenges will require state-of-the-art engineering and biology.  相似文献   

就水下彩色图像传输这一研究课题,提供了其调制和传输控制部分的DSP解决方案,详细分析了针对水声信道这一特殊传输介质,所采用的特殊调制方法和传输发送机理,并提供了硬件原理图及相应的软件算法流程。  相似文献   

This work presents techniques for addressing the various issues relevant to the implementation of an indirect adaptive control system. The sufficiency of these techniques is demonstrated by implementation onboard a small autonomous underwater vehicle. The control system is organized into two layers: the standard adaptive control algorithms and the supervisory logic. Modeling and implementation issues involved in the design of the basic adaptive control loop are described. The design of supervisory logic to address insufficiency of excitation, identification under low signal-to-noise ratio conditions, and guaranteeing appropriate control actions during periods when the parameter estimates are inaccurate is discussed. Results from in-water demonstrations are presented  相似文献   

K.D. Do 《Ocean Engineering》2010,37(13):1111-1119
This paper presents a design of global smooth controllers that achieve the practical stabilization of arbitrary reference trajectories, including fixed points and nonadmissible trajectories for underactuated ships. These ships do not have an independent actuator in the sway axis. The control design is based on several nonlinear coordinate changes, the transverse function approach, the back-stepping technique, the Lyapunov direct method, and utilization of the ship dynamics. Simulation results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control design.  相似文献   

In this paper, a hierarchical control framework with relevant algorithms is proposed to achieve autonomous navigation for an underactuated unmanned surface vehicle (USV) swarm. In order to implement automatic target tracking, obstacle avoidance and avoid collisions between group members, the control framework is divided into three layers based on task assignments: flocking strategy design, motion planning and control input design. The flocking strategy design transmits some basic orders to swarm members. Motion planning applies the potential function method and then improves it; thus, the issue of autonomous control is transformed into one of designing the velocity vector. In the last layer, the control inputs (surge force and yaw moment) are designed using the sliding mode method, and the problem of underactuation is handled synchronously. The proposed closed-loop controller is shown to be semi-asymptotically stable by applying Lyapunov stability theory, and the effectiveness of the proposed methodology is demonstrated via numeric simulations of a homogeneous USV swarm.  相似文献   

An efficient solution for the multivariable submarine control design at low-depth conditions under the influence of wave disturbances is presented. The analysis and control design process is carried out under the framework of individual channel analysis and design (ICAD), which is based on the multivariable structure function (MSF). Classical frequency-domain control techniques based on Bode and Nyquist plots are used. Robustness is stated in terms of gain and phase margins. The closed-loop system includes low-order diagonal controllers facilitating its implementation, assessment, and tuning. ICAD discloses new physical insights of the submarine dynamical behaviour. Previous designs based on diagonal controllers consider the input–output channels defined by pairing the bow hydroplane angle with the depth and the stern hydroplane angle with the pitch angle. The alternative input–output pairing leads to unstable closed-loop systems. This phenomenon is associated with hydroplane reverse control. Here it is shown that MSF-based diagonal controllers can be applied effectively for both sets of channel configurations. Emphasis is placed on satisfying design specifications aiming at maintaining the depth low. The solution presented is more feasible and clearer to apply in practice than those so far reported in the literature.  相似文献   

A real time kinematic (RTK), GPS-based, track-keeping control of a small boat is discussed in this paper. The internal model control (IMC) method is adopted in the autopilot design and the controller is recast in the PID controller format that is characterized by its simple structure and relative ease of implementation. The track-keeping mission is achieved through a sequence of course-changing maneuvers and the reference heading is computed with the line-of-sight (LOS) guidance law. Path planning based on Bezier curves to achieve obstacle avoidance is investigated. First, computer simulations are carried out to find the feasible controller design parameter that achieves satisfactory simulation results. Then the feasible controller design parameter is applied in the small-boat-based experiments to demonstrate the practical use of the proposed autopilot design method.  相似文献   

在海底热液pH值的探测过程中,探测电极的特性会随时间的推移而发生变化。为了实现长期的原位探测,需要一套流体控制系统对探测电极进行自校正与自维护。针对所设计的流体控制系统,遵循低功耗的设计原则,研制了其主控系统,包括硬件设计和软件开发。为了使控制系统能应用于海底热液环境,对其进行了耐压封装设计,并进行了高压水实验,实验结果表明系统在40 MPa的高压下能正常工作。各种测试指标亦表明系统能自动实现pH探测电极自校正与自维护的功能。  相似文献   

水下机器人-机械手系统构建与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了一水下机器人——机械手系统研究平台的搭建,详细介绍了三功能水下电动机械手的设计与实验,给出了载体分系统的设计结果,利用Matlab工具箱和M函数构建了系统仿真模型,可以有效地对系统规划和控制算法进行验证(包括分别对载体分系统和机械手分系统的控制),可为进一步的现场试验提供指导和方法验证。  相似文献   

Model simplification for AUV pitch-axis control design   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although the use of low-order equivalent models is common and extensively studied for control of aircraft systems, similar analysis has not been performed for submersible systems. Toward an improved understanding of the utility of low-order equivalent models for submersible systems, we examine control design for pitch-axis motion of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). Derived from first principles, the pitch-axis motion of a streamlined AUV is described by third-order dynamics. However, second-order approximate models are common for system identification and control design. In this work, we provide theoretical justification for both the use of and limitations of a second-order model, and we verify our results in practice via a series of case studies. We conclude that a second-order pitch-axis model should often be sufficient for system identification and control design.  相似文献   

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