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X.T. Zhang  B.C. Khoo  J. Lou 《Ocean Engineering》2006,33(17-18):2310-2331
The problem of wave propagation in a fully nonlinear numerical wave tank is studied using desingularized boundary integral equation method coupled with mixed Eulerian–Lagrangian formulation. The present method is employed to solve the potential flow boundary value problem at each time step. The fourth-order predictor–corrector Adams–Bashforth–Moulton scheme is used for the time-stepping integration of the free surface boundary conditions. A damping layer near the end-wall of wave tank is added to absorb the outgoing waves with as little wave reflection back into the wave tank as possible. The saw-tooth instability is overcome via a five-point Chebyshev smoothing scheme. The model is applied to several wave propagations including solitary, irregular and random incident waves.  相似文献   

一个二维数值波浪水槽的改进   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对Drimer,Agnon及Segre研发的数值波浪水槽(简称DAS),首先通过修正DAS中某些积分计算的错误,建立了第一个修正模型(MDAS1),使得模型更加准确稳定。其次,将DAS模型自由表面线性元近似替换为更为合理准确的三阶元近似,建立了第二个修正模型(MDAS2),使得模型计算的波面更合理可靠。平底水槽中波群的生成及传播算例表明:与DAS结果相比,MDAS1对波面没有显著影响,而采用三阶元的MDAS2对波面有显著影响。与Hansen和Svendsen的实测资料相比较证实了两个修正模型的有效性。  相似文献   

基于高阶边界元的三维数值波浪港池--波浪破碎的模拟   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
在势流理论的框架内,采用高阶边界元方法和混合欧拉-拉格朗日法,实现了对三维波浪破碎过程的数值模拟.数值模型使用可调节时间步长的基于二阶显式泰勒展开的混合欧拉-拉格郎日时间步进来求解自由表面的演化过程.在所使用的边界元方法中,采用16节点三次滑移四边形单元来表示,这种单元在单元内具有高阶的精度同时在单元之间具有良好的连续性.给出了孤立波的传播和周期性非线性波浪沿缓坡传播的计算结果,表明数值模型具有良好的稳定性.  相似文献   

三维完全非线性波浪水槽的数值模拟   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用有限元求解拉普拉斯方程,建立了三维完全非线性数值波浪水槽.跟踪流体自由表面的方法为满足完全非线性自由表面条件的半拉格朗日法,对离散单元采用20节点的六面体二次等参数单元.并把数值计算结果与水面初始升高产生箱体内流体运动解析解和二阶斯托克斯波理论解进行了对比,结果表明该模型是稳定的、守恒的,能精确模拟非线性波浪的产生和传播.  相似文献   

基于高阶边界元的三维数值波浪港池   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
初步建立了一个基于高阶边界元的三维数值波浪港池,港池具有造波和消波功能。采用高阶边界元16节点四边形单元和基于二阶显式泰勒展开的混合欧拉-拉格朗日时间步进求解带自由表面的完全非线性势流方程。模型中对于影响数值精度的问题作了细致的处理。数值计算结果表明本港池可以用来模拟非线性波浪的传播,具有很高的数值精度和稳定性。  相似文献   

TheirregularbrokenwaveforcesonverticalwallLiYucheng,LiuDazhong,QiGuiping,SuXiaojun(ReceivedApril21,1997,acceptedJuly2,1997)Ab...  相似文献   

完全非线性深水波的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于势流理论,并结合深水波质点运动从水面向下呈e指数衰减的特性,建立了完全非线性数值变深水槽模型,通过实时模拟活塞式造波机运动来产生波浪.采用时域高阶边界元法进行模拟,利用混合欧拉-拉格朗日方法和四阶Runge-Kutta方法追踪流体瞬时水面,应用镜像格林函数消除了水槽两个侧面的积分,在水槽末端布置人工阻尼层来消除反射...  相似文献   

In the design of any floating or fixed marine structure, it is vital to test models in order to understand the fluid/structure interaction involved. A relatively inexpensive method, compared to physical model testing, of achieving this is to numerically model the structure and the wave conditions in a numerical wave tank. In this paper, a methodology for accurately replicating measured ocean waves in a numerical model at full scale is detailed. A Fourier analysis of the measured record allows the wave to be defined as a summation of linear waves and, therefore, Airy's linear wave theory may be used to input the wave elevation and associated water particle velocities. Furthermore, a structure is introduced into the model to display the ability of the model to accurately predict wave–structure interaction. A case study of three individual measured waves, which are recorded at the Atlantic marine energy test site, off the west coast of Ireland, is also presented. The accuracy of the model to replicate the measured waves and perform wave–structure interaction is found to be very high. Additionally, the absolute water particle velocity profile below the wave from the numerical model is compared to a filtered analytical approximation of the measured wave at a number of time-steps and is in very good agreement.  相似文献   

In actual sea states, damage to offshore floating structures is usually caused by a few extreme waves or wave groups in an irregular wave train. Accurate simulation of the irregular wave trains can lay a solid foundation for understanding the local flow field and impact loads that would potentially cause such damage. This paper describes how the generation of a single extreme wave was investigated. Determination of the wave-maker motion for generating specified irregular wave trains is the key to this work. First, an experimental irregular wave train was decomposed into a certain number of small-amplitude waves. Fourier series expansion was performed to determine the amplitude and the initial phase angle of each wave component. Then a hydrodynamic transfer function was used to calculate the amplitude of the wave-maker motion associated with each wave component. Superposition was made on all the wave components to get the final wave-maker motion. During the numerical simulation, calculated horizontal velocity profiles of the extreme wave at different moments were analyzed and compared with experimental results, and a satisfactory agreement was obtained. In the simulation, VOF method was employed to capture the free surface, and a dissipation zone was used to deal with wave reflection.  相似文献   

A semi-analytical nonlinear wavemaker model is derived to predict the generation and propagation of transient nonlinear waves in a wave flume. The solution is very efficient and is achieved by applying eigenfunction expansions and FFT. The model is applied to study the effect of the wavemaker and its motion on the generation and propagation of nonlinear waves. The results indicate that the linear wavemaker theory may be applied to predict only the generation of waves of low steepness for which the nonlinear terms in the kinematic wavemaker boundary condition and free-surface boundary conditions are of secondary importance. For waves of moderate steepness and steep waves these nonlinear terms have substantial effects on wave profile and wave spectrum just after the wavemaker. A wave spectrum corresponding to a sinusoidally moving wavemaker possesses a multi-peak form with substantial nonlinear components, which disturbs or may even exclude physical modeling in wave flumes. The analysis shows that the widely recognized weakly nonlinear wavemaker theory may only be applied to describe the generation and propagation of waves of low steepness. This is subject to further restrictions in shallow and deep waters because the kinematic wavemaker boundary condition as well as the nonlinear interaction of wave components and the evolution of wave energy spectrum is not properly described by weakly nonlinear wavemaker theory. Laboratory experiments were conducted in a wave flume to verify the nonlinear wavemaker model. The comparisons show a reasonable agreement between predicted and measured free-surface elevation and the corresponding amplitudes of Fourier series. A reasonable agreement between theoretical results and experimental data is observed even for fairly steep waves.  相似文献   

Nonlinear interactions between large waves and freely floating bodies are investigated by a 2D fully nonlinear numerical wave tank (NWT). The fully nonlinear 2D NWT is developed based on the potential theory, MEL/material-node time-marching approach, and boundary element method (BEM). A robust and stable 4th-order Runge–Kutta fully updated time-integration scheme is used with regriding (every time step) and smoothing (every five steps). A special φn-η type numerical beach on the free surface is developed to minimize wave reflection from end-wall and wave maker. The acceleration-potential formulation and direct mode-decomposition method are used for calculating the time derivative of velocity potential. The indirect mode-decomposition method is also independently developed for cross-checking. The present fully nonlinear simulations for a 2D freely floating barge are compared with the corresponding linear results, Nojiri and Murayama’s (Trans. West-Jpn. Soc. Nav. Archit. 51 (1975)) experimental results, and Tanizawa and Minami’s (Abstract for the 6th Symposium on Nonlinear and Free-surface Flow, 1998) fully nonlinear simulation results. It is shown that the fully nonlinear results converge to the corresponding linear results as incident wave heights decrease. A noticeable discrepancy between linear and fully nonlinear simulations is observed near the resonance area, where the second and third harmonic sway forces are even bigger than the first harmonic component causing highly nonlinear features in sway time series. The surprisingly large second harmonic heave forces in short waves are also successfully reproduced. The fully updated time-marching scheme is found to be much more robust than the frozen-coefficient method in fully nonlinear simulations with floating bodies. To compare the role of free-surface and body-surface nonlinearities, the body-nonlinear-only case with linearized free-surface condition was separately developed and simulated.  相似文献   

数值水槽内的阻尼消波和波浪变形计算   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
采用时域内对波面运动位置追踪的边界元方法,建立了一种非线性波浪变形计算的三维数值模式,并借助Spongelayer阻尼消波和Sommerfeld放射条件相匹配的处理方式,开发了一条三维非线性波的数值造波水槽,进而对水槽内的Stokes波进行了波浪变形计算。  相似文献   

任兴月  陶军  彭伟 《海洋工程》2018,36(4):78-87
为了研究斜向入射波浪,基于三维不可压缩两相流模型,开发了一套圆形数值波浪水池数值模型。在圆形波浪水池中,通过源项造波法成功生成了任意入射方向的波浪,并且利用人工摩擦项模拟阻尼区以数值耗散反射波浪。模型基于嵌入式多块网格体系,采用FVM法(finite volume method)离散Navier-Stokes方程,VOF法(volume of fluid)追踪自由水面。试验结果表明,斜向入射波浪的模拟结果与理论值基本一致,圆形波浪水池在模拟斜向入射波浪时,有效区域的面积较传统波浪水池显著增大,而且有效区域受波浪入射角度的影响也较小。同时,通过叠加多列斜向入射波浪,模拟出了多向交叉波列,并通过与理论结果对比,发现其具有较高的精度。  相似文献   

应用基于势流理论的时域高阶边界元方法,建立一个完全非线性的三维数值波浪水槽,通过实时模拟推板造波运动的方式产生波浪。通过混合欧拉-拉格朗日方法和四阶Runge-Kutta方法更新自由水面和造波板的瞬时位置。利用所建模型分别模拟了有限水深波和浅水波,与试验结果、相关文献结果和浅水理论结果吻合较好,且波浪能够稳定传播。系统地讨论造波板的运动圆频率、振幅和水深等对波浪传播和波浪特性的影响,并对波浪的非线性特性进行分析,研究发现造波板运动频率、运动振幅以及水深均将对波浪形态和波浪非线性产生显著影响。结果为真实水槽造波机的运动控制以及波浪生成试验提供了依据,便于实验室设置更合理的参数来准确模拟不同条件下的波浪。  相似文献   

Fully nonlinear interactions between water waves and vertical cylinder arrays in a numerical tank are studied based on a finite element method (FEM). The three-dimensional (3D) mesh is constructed through an extension of a 2D Delaunay surface grid along the vertical line. The velocity potential is obtained by solving a linear matrix system of FEM, and a difference scheme is then used to calculate the velocity on the free surface to track its movement. Waves and hydrodynamic forces are obtained for both bottom mounted and truncated cylinders. The simulations have provided many results to show the nature of mutual interference between cylinders in arrays and its effects on waves and forces at the nearly trapped mode frequency. The effect of the tank wall on waves and forces has been investigated, and the nonlinear features of waves and forces have also been discussed.  相似文献   

Hung-Jie Tang  Chai-Cheng Huang   《Ocean Engineering》2008,35(17-18):1800-1810
We investigated the phenomenon of Bragg reflection of submerged structures in a 2D fully nonlinear numerical wave tank (NWT) based on the boundary integral equation method (BIEM). This model was validated by comparing not only the free surface elevations with that of the analytic solution of Stokes’ second-order wave theory, but also the reflection coefficients of submerged bars with that from other sources. The results of the present model show that the free surface nonlinear effect on the reflection coefficient of the primary resonance reduces significantly for all of the submerged bars considered. Finally, a case study is presented to demonstrate the reflecting capacity and overall performance of various submerged bars. Results indicate that sinusoidal bar has the maximum reflection capacity at the primary resonance, but the trapezoidal submerged bar is suggested as the better option for the practical convenience of coastal underwater construction.  相似文献   

Based on the Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations, a three-dimensional (3-D) mathematical model for the hydrodynamics and structural dynamics of a floating point-absorbing wave energy converter (WEC) with a stroke control system in irregular and extreme waves is presented. The model is validated by a comparison of the numerical results with the wave tank experiment results of other researchers. The validated model is then utilized to examine the effect of wave height on structure displacements and connection rope tension. In the examined cases, the differences in WEC’s performance exhibited by an inviscid fluid and a viscous fluid can be neglected. Our results also reveal that the differences in behavior predicted by boundary element method (BEM) and the RANS-based method can be significant and vary considerably, depending on wave height.  相似文献   

The substructures of offshore wind turbines are subjected to extreme breaking irregular wave forces. The present study is focused on investigating breaking irregular wave forces on a monopile using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) based numerical model. The breaking irregular wave forces on a monopile mounted on a slope are investigated with a numerical wave tank. The experimental and numerical irregular free surface elevations are compared in the frequency-domain for the different locations in the vicinity of the cylinder. A numerical analysis is performed for different wave steepness cases to understand the influence of wave steepness on the breaking irregular wave loads. The wave height transformation and energy level evolution during the wave shoaling and wave breaking processes is investigated. The higher-frequency components generated during the wave breaking process are observed to play a significant role in initiating the secondary force peaks. The free surface elevation skewness and spectral bandwidth during the wave transformation process are analysed and an investigation is performed to establish a correlation of these parameters with the breaking irregular wave forces. The role of the horizontal wave-induced water particle velocity at the free surface and free surface pressure in determining the breaking wave loads is highlighted. The higher-frequency components in the velocity and pressure spectrum are observed to be significant in influencing the secondary peaks in the breaking wave force spectrum.  相似文献   

多向不规则波绕射的数值模拟   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
采用有限元求解Boussinesq方程数值计算模型,对单突堤和双突堤的波浪绕射进行了数值模拟,并与物模试验进行对比验证。模拟结果表明入射波浪的方向分布对波浪的绕射具有明显的影响,使防波堤后的波浪增大,开阔区域的浪浪减小,波浪的方向分布对港内波浪的分布具有一定的均化作用。  相似文献   

In this paper, motion response of a moored floating structure interacting with a large amplitude and steep incident wave field is studied using a coupled time domain solution scheme. Solution of the hydrodynamic boundary value problem is achieved using a three-dimensional numerical wave tank (3D NWT) approach based upon a form of Mixed-Eulerian–Lagrangian (MEL) scheme. In the developed method, nonlinearity arising due to incident wave as well as nonlinear hydrostatics is completely captured while the hydrodynamic interactions of radiation and diffraction are determined at every time step based on certain simplifying approximations. Mooring lines are modelled as linear as well as nonlinear springs. The horizontal tension for each individual mooring line is obtained from the nonlinear load-excursion plot of the lines computed using catenary theory, from which the linear and nonlinear line stiffness are determined. Motions of three realistic floating structures with different mooring systems are analyzed considering various combinations of linear and approximate nonlinear hydrodynamic load computations and linear/nonlinear mooring line stiffness. Results are discussed to bring out the influence and need for consideration of nonlinearities in the hydrodynamics and hydrostatics as well as the nonlinear modelling of the line stiffness.  相似文献   

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