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Abstract Garnet granulites from Sri Lanka preserve textural and chemical evidence for prograde equilibration at temperatures of at least 700–750°C and pressures in the vicinity of 6–8 kbar. Associated strain patterns suggest prograde metamorphism occurred during and immediately following an episode of crustal thickening, with the prograde P–T conditions probably reflecting a combination of the conductive and advective transport of heat at the mid-levels of tectonically thickened crust. The occurrence of prograde wollastonite provides evidence for internally buffered fluid compositions, or fluid absent conditions, during peak metamorphism and precludes pervasive advection of a CO2-rich fluid. The advective heat component is therefore likely to have been provided by the transport of silicate melt. Intricate symplectitic textures record partial re-equilibration of the garnet granulites to lower pressures (˜ 4–6 kbar) at high temperatures (600–750°C), and testify either to the erosional denudation of the overthick crust prior to significant cooling (i.e. quasi-isothermal decompression) or to a subsequent static heating possibly of early Palaeozoic age (Pan-African). The metamorphic history of the Sri Lankan granulites is compared with high grade terrains in the neighbouring fragments of Gondwana, with the emphasis on similarities with Proterozoic granulites of the East Antarctic craton.  相似文献   

Abstract Natural, pure CO2 inclusions in quartz and olivine (c. Fo90) were exposed to controlled fH2 conditions at T= 718–728°C and Ptotal= 2 kbar; their compositions were monitored (before and after exposures) by microsampling Raman spectroscopy (MRS) and microthermometry. In both minerals exposed at the graphite–methane buffer (fH2= 73 bar), fluid speciations record the diffusion of hydrogen into the inclusions. In quartz, room-temperature products in euhedral isolated (EI type) inclusions are carbonic phases with molar compositions of c. CO2(60) + CH4(40) plus graphite (Gr) and H2O, whereas anhedral inclusions along secondary fractures (AS type) are Gr-free and contain H2O plus carbonic phases with compositions in the range c. CO2(60) + CH4(40) to CO2(10) + CH4(90). EI type inclusions in olivine evolved to c. CO2(90–95) + CH4(5–10) without Gr, whereas AS type inclusions have a range of compositions from CO2(90) + CH4(10) ± Gr to CH4(50) + H2(50) ± Gr; neither H2O nor any hydrous species was detected by optical microscopy or MRS in the olivine-hosted products. Differences in composition between and among the texturally distinct populations of inclusions in both minerals probably arise from variations in initial fluid densities, as all inclusions apparently equilibrated with the ambient fH2. These relations suggest that compositional variability among inclusions in a given natural sample does not require the entrapment of multiple generations of fluids. In addition, the absence of H2O in the olivine-hosted inclusions would require the extraction of oxygen from the fluids, in which case re-equilibration mechanisms may be dependent on the composition and structure of the host mineral. Many of the same samples were re-exposed to identical P–T conditions using Ar as the pressure medium, yielding ambient fH2= 0.06 bar. In most inclusions, the carbonic fluids returned to pure CO2 and graphite persisted in the products. Reversal of the mechanisms from the prior exposure at fH2= 73 bar did not occur in any inclusions but the AS types in olivine, in which minor CO2 was produced at the expense of CH4 and/or graphite. The observed non-reversibility of previous mechanisms may be attributed to: (1) slower fluid–solid reactions compared to reactions in the homogeneous fluid phase; (2) depressed activities of graphite due to poor ordering; and/or (3) low ambient fO2 at the conditions of the second run.  相似文献   

Abstract Observations and microthermometric data on fluid inclusions from a terrane that underwent deformation following peak metamorphic conditions show that grain-boundary migration recrystallization favours the entrapment of carbonic inclusions whereas microfracturing during brittle deformation favours the infiltration and eventual entrapment of aqueous fluids. Our results imply that pure CO2 fluid inclusions in metamorphic rocks are likely to be the residue of deformation-recrystallization process rather than representing a primary metamorphic fluid.
Where the temperature of deformation can be deduced by other means, the densities of fluid inclusions trapped during recrystallization, which we call recrystallization-primary fluid inclusions, can be used to constrain the ambient pressure during deformation. Using these constraints, the data imply that the post-metamorphic Hercynian exhumation in Sardinia brought rocks at 300° C to within 3km of the surface. This conclusion is similar to that described for the rapidly uplifted Southern Alps in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Here we report the occurrence of garnet porphyroblasts that have overgrown alternating silica-saturated and silica deficient microdomains via different mineral reactions. The samples were collected from ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) metapelites in the Highland Complex, Sri Lanka. In some of the metapelites, garnet crystals have cores formed via a dehydration reaction, which had taken place at silica-saturated microdomains and mantle to rim areas formed via a dehydration reaction at silica-deficient microdomains. In contrast, some other garnets in the same rock cores had formed via a dehydration reaction which occurred at silica-deficient microdomains while mantle to rim areas formed via a dehydration reaction at silica-saturated microdomains. Based on the textural observations, we conclude that the studied garnets have grown across different effective bulk compositional microdomains during the prograde evolution. These microdomains could represent heterogeneous compositional layers (paleobedding/laminations) in the precursor sediments or differentiated crenulation cleavages that existed during prograde metamorphism. UHT metamorphism associated with strong ductile deformation, metamorphic differentiation and crystallization of locally produced melt may have obliterated the evidence for such microdomains in the matrix. The lack of significant compositional zoning in garnet probably due to self-diffusion during UHT metamorphism had left mineral inclusions as the sole evidence for earlier microdomains with contrasting chemistry.  相似文献   

CO2–CH4 fluid inclusions are present in anatectic layer-parallel leucosomes from graphite-bearing metasedimentary rocks in the Skagit migmatite complex, North Cascades, Washington. Petrological evidence and additional fluid inclusion observations indicate, however, that the Skagit Gneiss was infiltrated by a water-rich fluid during high-temperature metamorphism and migmatization. CO2-rich fluid inclusions have not been observed in Skagit metasedimentary mesosomes or melanosomes, meta-igneous migmatites, or unmigmatized rocks, and are absent from subsolidus leucosomes in metasedimentary migmatites. The observation that CO2-rich inclusions are present only in leucosomes interpreted to be anatectic based on independent mineralogical and chemical criteria suggests that their formation is related to migmatization by partial melting. Although some post-entrapment modification of fluid inclusion composition may have occurred during decompression and deformation, the generation of the CO2-rich fluid is attributed to water-saturated partial melting of graphitic metasedimentary rocks by a reaction such as biotite + plagioclase + quartz + graphite ± Al2SiO5+ water-rich fluid = garnet + melt + CO2–CH4. The presence of CO2-rich fluid inclusions in leucosomes may therefore be an indication that these leucosomes formed by anatexis. Based on the inferences that (1) an influx of fluid triggered partial melting, and (2) some episodes of fluid inclusion trapping are related to migmatization by anatexis, it is concluded that a free fluid was present at some time during high-temperature metamorphism. The infiltrating fluid was a water-rich fluid that may have been derived from nearby crystallizing plutons. Because partial melting took place at pressures of at least 5 kbar, abundant free fluid may have been present in the crust during orogenesis at depths of at least 15 km.  相似文献   

Abstract Nearly pure CO2 fluid inclusions are abundant in migmatites although H2O-rich fluids are predicted from the phase equilibria. Processes which may play a role in this observation include (1) the effects of decompression on melt, (2) generation of a CO2-bearing volatile phase by the reaction graphite + quartz + biotite + plagioclase = melt + orthopyroxene + CO2-rich vapour, (3) selective leakage of H2O from CO2+ H2O inclusions when the pressure in the inclusion exceeds the confining pressure during decompression, and (4) enrichment of grain-boundary vapour in CO2 by subsolidus retrograde hydration reactions.  相似文献   

Charnockitic alteration (arrested orthopyroxene formation in biotite- and amphibole-bearing rocks) occurs in high-grade terranes of all ages. Three criteria are used to show that this alteration was produced in many locations by a migrating fluid phase: (i) diffuseness of the alteration—the alteration zones are often quite unlike discrete migmatitic veins; (ii) relation to deformation—most occurrences show alteration closely associated with warping of foliation or dilation cracks; (iii) open-system alteration—whilst some occurrences represent nearly isochemical alteration, slight changes in bulk composition, often loss of mafic constituents and gain of Na and Si, are evident in detailed mass-balance analysis. Y and sometimes Rb are characteristically depleted. Partial melting sometimes accompanied volatile infiltration, as evidenced by more discrete veins and euhedral orthopyroxene. It is quite unlikely, however, that open-system alteration was produced by escape of viscous quartzo-feldspathic melts. Pervasive migration of low-T lamprophyric (mafic–alkaline, CO2-charged) interstitial liquids is a possibility by virtue of their extreme fluidity, but CO2 infiltration was needed to generate these liquids. Vapour-deficient dehydration melting is another feasible mechanism of orthopyroxene formation which may have operated in conjunction with CO2 infiltration. Characteristic development of charnockitic alteration in some prograde amphibolite to granulite facies transitions, as in the Dharwar Craton of South India, suggests that the alteration is a fundamental feature of the granulite facies metamorphism, implying active and causal participation of migrating fluids. In other high-grade terranes like the Adirondack Mountains of New York, this kind of alteration is rare, and fluid action does not seem to have been important in the metamorphism. A vapour phase participating in charnockitic metamorphism was necessarily one of relatively low H2O, therefore presumably rich in CO2. Consideration of possible large CO2 sources leads to the conclusion that emanations from volatile-rich basalts emplaced in the lower crust are the most probable source of charnockitizing fluids. The ultimate source would therefore be enriched subcontinental lithosphere or asthenosphere. The Rb-depleted pyroxene gneiss (charnockitic) terranes may be characteristic of zones of large-scale transcurrent or oblique-motion faults which tap such great depths.  相似文献   

SAJEEV  K.; OSANAI  Y. 《Journal of Petrology》2004,45(9):1821-1844
Mg- and Al-rich granulites of the central Highland Complex,Sri Lanka preserve a range of reaction textures indicative ofa multistage PT history following an ultrahigh-temperaturemetamorphic peak. The granulites contain a near-peak assemblageof sapphirine–garnet–orthopyroxene–sillimanite–quartz–K-feldspar,which was later overprinted by intergrowth, symplectite andcorona textures involving orthopyroxene, sapphirine, cordieriteand spinel. Biotite-rims, kornerupine and orthopyroxene-rimson biotite are considered to be late assemblages. Thermobarometriccalculations yield an estimated PT of at least 1100°Cand 12 kbar for the near-peak metamorphism. Isopleths of Al2O3in orthopyroxene are consistent with a peak temperature above1150°C. The PT path consists of four segments. Initialisobaric cooling after peak metamorphism (Segment A), whichproduced the garnet–sapphirine–quartz assemblage,was followed by near-isothermal decompression at ultrahigh temperature(Segment B), which produced the multiphase symplectites. Furtherisobaric cooling (Segment C) resulted in the formation of biotiteand kornerupine, and late isothermal decompression (SegmentD) formed orthopyroxene rims on biotite. This evolution canbe correlated with similar PT paths elsewhere, but thereare not yet sufficient geochronological and structural dataavailable from the Highland Complex to allow the tectonic implicationsto be fully assessed. KEY WORDS: central Highland Complex; granulites; multistage evolution; Sri Lanka; UHT metamorphism  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The metasedimentary sequence of the Deep Freeze Range (northern Victoria Land, Antarctica) experienced high-T/low-F metamorphism during the Cambro-Ordovician Ross orogeny. The reaction Bt + Sil + Qtz = Grt + Crd + Kfs + melt was responsible for the formation of migmatites. Peak conditions were c. 700–750° C, c. 3.5–5 kbar and xH2Oc. 0.5). Distribution of fluid inclusions is controlled by host rock type: (1) CO2-H2O fluid inclusions occur only in graphite-free leucosomes; (2) CO2–CH4± H2O fluid inclusions are the most common type in leucosomes, and in graphite-bearing mesosomes and gneiss; and (3) CO2–N2–CH4 fluid inclusions are observed only in the gneiss, and subordinately in mesosomes. CO2–H2O mixtures (41% CO2, 58% H2O, 1% Nad mol.%) are interpreted as remnants of a synmig-matization fluid; their composition and density are compatible P–T–aH2O conditions of migmatization (c. 750° C, c. 4 kbar, xH2Oc. 0.5). CO2-H2O fluid in graphite-free leucosomes cannot originate via partial melting of graphite-bearing mesosomes in a closed system; this would have produced a mixed CO2–CH4 fluid in the leucosomes by a reaction such as Bt + Sil + Qtz + C ± H2O = Grt + Crd + Kfs + L + CO2+ CH4. We conclude that an externally derived oxidizing CO2-H2O fluid was present in the middle crust and initiated anatexis. High-density CO2-rich fluid with traces of CH4 characterizes the retrograde evolution of these rocks at high temperatures and support isobaric cooling (P–T anticlockwise path). In unmigmatized gneiss, mixed CO2–N2–CH4 fluid yields isochores compatible with peak metamorphic conditions (c. 700–750° C, c. 4–4.5 kbar); they may represent a peak metamorphic fluid that pre-dated the migmatization.  相似文献   

The enderbites from Tromøy in the central, granulite facies part of the Proterozoic Bamble sector of southern Norway contain dominantly CO2 and N2 fluid inclusions. CO2 from fluid inclusions in quartz segregations in enderbites was extracted by mechanical (crushing) and thermal decrepitation and the δ13C measured. Measurement was also made on samples washed in 10% HCl, oxidized with CuO at high temperatures, and step-wise extracted with progressive heating. Results between the different techniques are systematic. The main results show δ13C of -4.5±1.5% for crushing and -7±2% for thermal decrepitation. δ13C is about constant for CO2 extracted at different temperatures and points to a homogeneous isotopic composition. Due to the presence of carbonate particles and/or induced contaminations for the extraction by thermal decrepitation, the results for the crushing experiments are assumed the most reliable for fluid-inclusion CO2. Very low values of δ13C have not been found in enderbite samples and δ13C combined with δ18O of the host quartzes (8-11%) indicates juvenile values. In addition, the fluid inclusions were examined by microthermometry and Raman analysis and host quartz by acoustic emission and cathodoluminescence. CO2 fluid inclusions have varying densities with a frequency maximum of 0.92 g cm-3 and generally do not concur with trapping densities at granulite conditions. Textures show that CO2 must have been trapped in fluid inclusions in one early event, but transformed to different extents during late isothermal uplift without important fractionation of isotope compositions. The present data support a model of intrusion and crystallization of a CO2-rich enderbitic magma at granuiite conditions.  相似文献   

V. Mathavan  G. W. A. R. Fernando   《Lithos》2001,59(4):217-232
Grossular–wollastonite–scapolite calc–silicate granulites from Maligawila in the Buttala klippe, which form part of the overthrusted rocks of the Highland Complex of Sri Lanka, preserve a number of spectacular coronas and replacement textures that could be effectively used to infer their P–T–fluid history. These textures include coronas of garnet, garnet–quartz, and garnet–quartz–calcite at the grain boundaries of wollastonite, scapolite, and calcite as well as calcite–plagioclase and calcite–quartz symplectites or finer grains after scapolite and wollastonite respectively. Other textures include a double rind of coronal scapolite and coronal garnet between matrix garnet and calcite. The reactions that produced these coronas and replacement textures, except those involving clinopyroxene, are modelled in the CaO–Al2O3–SiO2–CO2 system using the reduced activities. Calculated examples of TXCO2 and PXCO2 projections indicate that the peak metamorphic temperature of about 900–875 °C at a pressure of 9 kbar and the peak metamorphic fluid composition is constrained to be low in XCO2 (0.1<XCO2<0.30). Interpretation of the textural features on the basis of the partial grids revealed that the calc–silicate granulites underwent high-temperature isobaric cooling, from about 900–875 °C to a temperature below 675 °C, following the peak metamorphism. The late-stage cooling was accompanied by an influx of hydrous fluids. The calc–silicate granulites provide evidence for high-temperature isobaric cooling in the meta-sediments of the Highland Complex, earlier considered by some workers to be confined exclusively to the meta-igneous rocks. The coronal scapolite may have formed under open-system metasomatism.  相似文献   

Water samples collected from dug wells and tube wells from the Kurunegala District of Sri Lanka have been studied for their major hydrogeochemical parameters to understand the chemical quality of water in the terrain. The region is composed of Precambrian metamorphic rocks where groundwater is only available in the regolith and along weak structural discontinuities. The study of the major chemical constituents of groundwater revealed several relationships with the aquifer lithology. Groundwater from mafic rocks have high dissolved solids, while quartzose metaclastic rocks yield water with low dissolved solids. The study area displays very low SO4 2− contents of the groundwater. The chloride content is higher in the dry regions and in terrains underlain by pink granite and marble/calc gneiss while areas with marble, as expected, show high concentrations of Ca and Mg ions. The waters in the region can be classified into non-dominant cations to Na + K dominant and Cl and HCO3 dominant types. Water from charnockite-bearing areas tends to have non-dominant cations and more CO3 2− + HCO3 types. Effects such as soluble salts in the regolith, fracture intensity and climatic variations play a significant role in the behavior of the hydrogeochemistry in the area.  相似文献   

The equilibrium constant, K a, of the association reaction to form ion pairs from charged solute species in supercritical solutions can be calculated from a model based on published equations. Log K a at constant pressure is a linear function of the inverse in the dielectric constant of the fluid times temperature. The dielectric properties of H2O and CO2 at supercritical pressures and temperatures can also be evaluated using the Kirkwood equation. Using Looyenga mixing rules, the dielectric constant of H2O–CO2 mixtures can be obtained and the change in log K a with addition of CO2 in aqueous solutions evaluated. These changes in log K a with addition of CO2 are consistent with measured changes of log K a with addition of Ar in supercritical H2O–Ar solutions.
Log K a of KCl and NaCl increase to an increasing extent as the mole fraction of CO2 increases in H2O–CO2 solutions. For instance, at 2 kbar and constant temperature between 400 and 600° C, log K a of KCl increases by about two orders of magnitude whilst that of NaCl increases by over four orders of magnitude as the CO2 mole fraction increases from 0.0 to 0.35. Such changes in log K a will have dramatic effects on the solubility of minerals in CO2-rich environments.  相似文献   

Silica‐undersaturated, sapphirine‐bearing granulites occur in a large number of localities worldwide. Such rocks have historically been under‐utilized for estimating PT evolution histories because of limited experimental work, and a consequent poor understanding of the topology and PT location of silica‐undersaturated mineral equilibria. Here, a calculated PT projection for sapphirine‐bearing, silica‐undersaturated metapelitic rock compositions is constructed using THERMOCALC for the FeO‐MgO‐Al2O3‐SiO2 (FMAS) and KFMASH (+K2O + H2O) chemical systems, allowing quantitative analysis of silica‐undersaturated mineral assemblages. This study builds on that for KFMASH sapphirine + quartz equilibria [Kelsey et al. (2004) Journal of Metamorphic Geology, vol. 22, pp. 559–578]. FMAS equilibria are significantly displaced in PT space from silicate melt‐bearing KFMASH equilibria. The large number of univariant silica‐undersaturated KFMASH equilibria result in a PT projection that is topologically more complex than could be established on the basis of experiments and/or natural assemblages. Coexisting sapphirine and silicate melt (with or without corundum) occur down to c. 900 °C in KFMASH, some 100 °C lower than in silica‐saturated compositions, and from pressures of c.≤1 to ≥12 kbar. Mineral compositions and composition ranges for the calculated phases are consistent with natural examples. Bulk silica has a significant effect on the stability of sapphirine‐bearing assemblages at a given PT, resulting in a wide variety of possible granulite facies assemblages in silica‐undersaturated metapelites. Calculated pseudosections are able to reproduce many naturally occurring silica‐undersaturated assemblages, either within a single assemblage field or as the product of a PT trajectory crossing several fields. With an understanding of the importance of bulk composition on sapphirine stability and textural development, silica‐undersaturated assemblages may be utilized in a quantitative manner in the detailed metamorphic investigation of high‐grade terranes.  相似文献   

In this paper the first fluid-inclusion data are presented from Late Archaean Scourian granulites of the Lewisian complex of mainland northwest Scotland. Pure CO2 or CO2-dominated fluid inclusions are moderately abundant in pristine granulites. These inclusions show homogenization temperatures ranging from − 54 to + 10 °C with a very prominent histogram peak at − 16 to − 32 °C. Isochores corresponding to this main histogram peak agree with P-T estimates for granulite-facies recrystallization during the Badcallian (750–800 °C, 7–8 kbar) as well as with Inverian P-T conditions (550–600 °C, 5 kbar). The maximum densities encountered could correspond to fluids trapped during an early, higher P-T phase of the Badcallian metamorphism (900–1000 °C, 11–12 kbar). Homogenization temperatures substantially higher than the main histogram peak may represent Laxfordian reworking (≤ 500 °C, < 4 kbar). In the pristine granulites, aqueous fluid inclusions are of very subordinate importance and occur only along late secondary healed fractures. In rocks which have been retrograded to amphibolite facies from Inverian and/or Laxfordian shear zones, CO2 inclusions are conspicuously absent; only secondary aqueous inclusions are present, presumably related to post-granulite hydration processes. These data illustrate the importance of CO2-rich fluids for the petrogenesis of Late Archaean granulites, and demonstrate that early fluid inclusions may survive subsequent metamorphic processes as long as no new fluid is introduced into the system.  相似文献   

K. K. Podlesskii 《Petrology》2010,18(4):350-368
Consistent thermodynamic data on the properties of pure mineral end members and the mixing properties of solid solutions in the system FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 were employed to simulate phase relations of sapphirine, garnet, spinel, orthopyroxene, cordierite, quartz, Al silicates, and corundum. Compositional variations of the solid solutions with temperature notably modify the topology of the P-T diagrams, which differ from the petrogenetic grids widely used in the literature. It is worth noting that the evaluation of P-T metamorphic conditions based on reaction relations in sapphirine-bearing assemblages cannot be so far considered reliable enough. The lower stability limit of the sapphirine + quartz assemblage in the system in question is possibly located at much lower P-T parameters: at least 835°C and ∼6 kbar. The sapphirine + kyanite assemblage can be stable at temperatures below 860°C and a pressure of ∼11 kbar, and the stability field of the sapphirine + olivine assemblage is narrow and constrained to temperatures no higher than ∼800°C.  相似文献   

恰夏铜矿床位于新疆阿尔泰山南缘克兰火山-沉积盆地内,赋矿地层主要为下泥盆统康布铁堡组上亚组变质岩系.脉状铜矿化主要特征为:早期顺层石英脉,呈脉状或透镜状沿变质片理分布,有星点状黄铁矿产出;晚期含铜黄铁矿-石英脉,斜切变质围岩,黄铜矿以浸染状分布于石英脉裂隙中.石英脉中流体包裹体主要为富CO2包裹体,其次为水溶液包裹体,同时含有少量的碳质流体包裹体.显微测温研究表明,早期顺层石英中原生富CO2流体包裹体,CO2三相点温度(tm,CO2)集中在-61.5~-57.5℃,CO2部分均一温度(th,CO2)集中在25~27℃,完全均一温度(th,tot)集中于223~280℃,流体密度为0.82~0.90 g/cm3;含铜黄铁矿-石英脉中原生富CO2包裹体的tm,CO2集中于-61.5~-58.7℃,th,CO2集中在23.5~28.7℃,th,tot集中在230 ~ 310℃,流体密度0.81~0.86 g/cm3.成矿流体为中高温、中低盐度、富CO2的CO2-H2O-NaCl±CH4±N2体系.恰夏铜矿脉状铜矿化的成矿流体特征与造山型金矿床的流体包裹体特征类似,结合矿床产出的地质背景、控矿构造特征,认为脉状铜矿化的成因与造山-变质热液有关,是阿尔泰山南缘晚泥盆世一二叠纪造山-变质作用的产物.SRXRF测试富CO2流体包裹体中金属微量元素,显示其富集Au,可能表明富CO2流体对金的富集起到一定作用.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusion studies in rocks from the Lower Proterozoic granulites from western Hoggar (Algeria) provide new evidence for the hypothesis that a CO2-rich, H2O-poor fluid was present during the high-grade metamorphism. CO2 inclusions represent the main fluid trapped in the Ihouhaouene ultrahigh-temperature (over 1000 °C) and high-pressure (10 to 14 kbar) granulites. The microthermometric and Raman microspectrometric measurements indicate that the carbonic fluid is mainly composed of CO2 with minor amounts of CH4 and N2 detected in some inclusions (< 4 mol% CH4). Carbonic fluid densities range from 1.18 to 0.57 g/cm3. The highest densities are recorded in superdense carbonic inclusions presenting evidence of the earliest trapping and they correspond to the fluid densities expected for the P–T conditions of the peak of metamorphism in the area previously determined from mineral geothermobarometers. Lower densities of carbonic fluids mainly result from the reequilibration of earlier trapped fluid inclusions during retrograde metamorphism and final uplift of the metamorphic terrane, but a new influx of carbonic fluids during the retrograde event remains possible. Carbonic fluids can be produced in situ from decarbonation reactions in interlayered impure marbles during the prograde event or derived from CO2 flushing from underlying basic intrusions. The aqueous fluids present large variations of composition (0.5 to 30 wt.% NaCl equivalent) and densities (1.16 to 0.57 g/cm3). They clearly correspond to post-metamorphic fluids because they mainly occur along microfractures, they do not show any evidence of immiscibility with the carbonic fluids and mixed aquo-carbonic inclusions have not been observed. The percolation of aqueous fluids is related to the Pan-African tectonometamorphic event.  相似文献   

We present an approach for tracing the fate of anthropogenic CO2, compiling a large data set of stable organic carbon isotope ratios from surface sediments, plankton, and sinking matter in the Atlantic Ocean. The δ13C values of sinking matter are generally lower by 0.5–4.6‰ compared to the surface sediments. This difference increases with increasing latitude, which is explained by a stronger modern increase in surface water [CO2 (aq)] in the Southern Ocean relative to the Tropical/Subtropical Ocean. Preindustrial dissolved CO2 concentrations in Atlantic surface waters, estimated from the δ13Corg of surface sediments, are compared to recently measured surface water [CO2 (aq)] values taken from literature. We obtain only a slight increase in [CO2 (aq)] at lower latitudes but a significant change of about 7 ± 2 μ m in high latitudinal surface waters which we attribute to anthropogenic perturbation. Our results suggest that CO2 released by human activities has been stored in Southern Ocean surface waters.  相似文献   

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