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Abstract. Two useful programs have been developed for the Hewlett Packard HP41CV programmable calculator. The THEIS program is designed to simulate a well pumping from a confined or unconfined aquifer. Drawdown, residual drawdown, t/t1 and t/r2 are calculated. The BOUN program is designed to solve for drawdown in a well pumping from an aquifer bounded by two parallel impermeable barriers. The programs can be used in aquifer pumping test design, pumping test analysis, and aquifer response predictions.  相似文献   

薛丁 《高原地震》2014,26(4):1-4
按照中国大陆及邻近地区活动地块和地震区带的研究成果,选择昆仑山地震亚区为研究单元,提取研究单元1970年以来半年极大值地震.该极值地震资料具有地质单元一致的特征,也代表研究单元地震趋势水平的变化.极值地震具正态分布特征,使用7阶高斯函数模型,对资料进行最佳逼近拟合,模型中参数用最小二乘法求取,递推未来1~2年时间进行地震趋势探讨.引用定量方法探讨有关研究单元的地震趋势值得深入研究.  相似文献   

1995年7月12日-1996年2月3日在云南及邻近地区曾发生过3次强震,形成了多次地震在短时间内接踵发生的现象,在这种情况下,各次地震的前兆场之间的相互叠加是不可避免的。用“层次法”对各次地震的前兆场进行了分离,并讨论了分离的原则。结果表明:(1)某些震源不同层次点在时间轴上相遇时,由于叠加作用使异常幅度特别大;(2)某些震源不同层次点时间相近时,形成前兆突跳群;(3)强震前兆和后效前兆明显,表明未来时段内有强震发生;(4)在多源系统发震的晚期阶段,前兆异常明显减弱,这意味着多源系统趋于解体。  相似文献   

大地电磁法三维交错采样有限差分数值模拟   总被引:29,自引:19,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
系统地论述了大地电磁三维交错采样有限差分数值模拟算法实现过程中交错网格剖分、积分公式离散化、边界条件、方程组求解、三维张量阻抗的计算等内容. 由于提出了简洁的边界条件,采用了解大型系数矩阵方程组的双共轭梯度稳定解法,所实现的三维交错采样有限差分数值模拟算法具有迭代收敛稳定、计算精度高、速度快等特点. 通过两个理论模型的计算结果检验了算法的正确性和计算精度. 所实现的三维交错采样有限差分数值模拟算法为研究三维反演问题奠定了基础.  相似文献   

邢灿飞 《地震研究》1991,14(1):65-72
本文采用数理统计方法,详细分析了HP—3808A激光测距仪近几年来积累的测量数据,求得仪器平均测距相对精度为1:70万。并且讨论了进一步提高测距精度的技术措施。  相似文献   

The absolute amplitude of the pressure pulse radiated by a marine seismic source is one of the prime criteria used in evaluating its performance. A technique for this measurement is proposed which is applicable to all sources which radiate a bubble pulse. The technique is described with reference to an air-gun array in which the pulse radiated from a single gun is compared with that radiated by the full array. The advantage of the method is that absolute values of pressure are obtained without any need for a calibrated hydrophone. In theory this may seem a trivial advantage but in practice sensitivity factors for the hydrophone channel cannot always be relied upon. The proposed technique is illustrated by an example.  相似文献   

探讨了在电偶源频率电磁测深中利用磁场比值定义的视电阻率ρzy的物理意义及与其相位间的频散关系,给出了在频散关系的基础上电视电阻率资料估算相位的方法,并证明所估算的相位与理论模型计算值是一致的研究了ρzy与ψzy联合反演问题,并研制出具有较好应用效果的实用化软件。  相似文献   

A series of experiments designed to study the separation of flow components from two large undisturbed cores under steady-state rainfall (downward) and return (upward) flows under near-saturated conditions is summarized. The experiments were conducted on soil columns collected from Lancaster University and the Slapton Wood catchment, Devon. The use of the relatively conservative tracers, potassium bromide, o-(trifluoromethyl)benzoic acid and 2,6-difluorobenzoic acid and a combination of application rates made it possible to quantify the different sources of water contributing to the discharge hydrographs. There is significant retention of tracer within the cores, despite the application of several pore volumes of water. The use of steady flow conditions allowed the determination of dispersion coefficients, dispersivity and proportion of ‘mobile’ water content parameters of the advection–dispersion equation. It was found that there were significant differences between the dispersivities at different flow-rates under upward and downward flux conditions and that in the undisturbed cores studied here the apparent proportions of mobile pore water ranged between 0.33 and 1.0, with an apparently complex relationship to flux rate. Prediction of transport in undisturbed soil remains problematic and tracer experiments will continue to be needed to provide a fundamental understanding of the complex flow processes involved.  相似文献   

岩石磁化率各向异性的频散现象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在磁化磁场为恒定磁场(无定向磁力仪─-A)与10kHz交变磁场(MiniseP旋转磁力仪─-M)的两种情况下,作岩样比测时发现,后者测得的主磁化率值к较小,而且沿磁性叶理面方向f的主磁化率值кmax与кint比沿其法线方向n上的кint减少得更多.作者以涡流磁滞机构对磁性载体材料的“磁屏蔽”作用发生了各向异性的影响来解释此现象;并推测磁化率各向异性存在频散现象.  相似文献   

Data from routine seismic surveys contain considerable information about the geo-acoustic properties of the seafloor. Waves are reflected at a wide range of angles of incidence from near-vertical reflections (higher multiples) to supercritical reflections (primary and lower multiples). The reflection coefficient is approximately constant for small angles of incidence (< 10°) but varies greatly for larger angles of incidence. Near-vertical reflections are used to determine the seafloor density. The P-velocity in the seafloor is determined in advance from the critical distance using the amplitude variation of the primary as well as the multiples. The Vp/VS ratio is determined by modeling the amplitude variation with the angle of incidence. The primary reflection from the seafloor and the first three multiples are included in the modeling. Seismic data obtained with both conventional and superlong airgun arrays have been modeled. Data collected from the Barents Sea show that even if the P-velocity is the same at different sites, the Vp/Vs ratio, density and Poisson's ratio vary significantly. The most extreme example shows that for a P-velocity of 2.80 km/s the Vp/Vs ratio varies between 1.9 and 6.0. The corresponding densities vary from 2.36 g/cm3 to 1.80 g/cm3 and the Poisson's ratio varies from 0.31 to 0.49. The acoustic modeling offers a method of assessing the mean geotechnical or mechanical properties of larger volumes of marine sediments in terms of incompressibility, shear modulus and Poisson's ratio.  相似文献   

贺绍英 《地球物理学报》1994,37(01):124-127
在磁化磁场为恒定磁场(无定向磁力仪─—A)与10kHz交变磁场(MiniseP旋转磁力仪─—M)的两种情况下,作岩样比测时发现,后者测得的主磁化率值кM较小,而且沿磁性叶理面方向f的主磁化率值кmax与кint比沿其法线方向n上的кint减少得更多.作者以涡流磁滞机构对磁性载体材料的“磁屏蔽”作用发生了各向异性的影响来解释此现象;并推测磁化率各向异性存在频散现象.  相似文献   

提出一种能同时重建多个二维良导体目标外形轮廓的新方法——连续编码遗传算法.将目标的横截面轮廓近似表达为三角级数形式,由边界条件得到一积分方程组,在此基础上将成像问题转化为约束优化问题,级数的各项系数为待优化量.积分方程组为约束条件,目标函数定义为实际测量的散射场与反演过程中得到的散射场之间的相对误差函数.采用连续编码遗传算法求解,优化过程通过选择、交叉、变异等遗传操作的选代而实现,待优化目标函数进行线性变换并采用模拟退火原理确定目标后表达为适应度函数,采用联赛选择与比例选择相结合的选择机制和单点交叉方式,变异操作通过对基因施加微小随机扰动实现.上一代中适应度最高的个体直接保留.数值模拟反演实验验证了方法的有效性.与其他反演方法相比,本法具有简单、通用、鲁棒性强等特点.  相似文献   

全息物理模型试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文提出了开展全息地震勘探研究的前期实验装置及处理方法。该装置是根据声全息原理,结合地震勘探的某些实际要求设计的,并以矿石作为物体,在消声水槽中进行成像试验,获得了全息图;再采用氦氖激光为光源,在平行光路系统中得到物体重建像;最后采用了PROM器件作为空间调制器,在实时相干光系统中进行边缘增强效应处理,获得了轮廓清晰的物体图。  相似文献   

提出一种能同时重建多个二维良导体目标外形轮廓的新方法——连续编码遗传算法.将目标的横截面轮廓近似表达为三角级数形式,由边界条件得到一积分方程组,在此基础上将成像问题转化为约束优化问题,级数的各项系数为待优化量.积分方程组为约束条件,目标函数定义为实际测量的散射场与反演过程中得到的散射场之间的相对误差函数.采用连续编码遗传算法求解,优化过程通过选择、交叉、变异等遗传操作的选代而实现,待优化目标函数进行线性变换并采用模拟退火原理确定目标后表达为适应度函数,采用联赛选择与比例选择相结合的选择机制和单点交叉方式,变异操作通过对基因施加微小随机扰动实现.上一代中适应度最高的个体直接保留.数值模拟反演实验验证了方法的有效性.与其他反演方法相比,本法具有简单、通用、鲁棒性强等特点.  相似文献   

本文提出了开展全息地震勘探研究的前期实验装置及处理方法。该装置是根据声全息原理,结合地震勘探的某些实际要求设计的,并以矿石作为物体,在消声水槽中进行成像试验,获得了全息图;再采用氦氖激光为光源,在平行光路系统中得到物体重建像;最后采用了PROM器件作为空间调制器,在实时相干光系统中进行边缘增强效应处理,获得了轮廓清晰的物体图。  相似文献   

Determination of thickness of sediments (usually of high conductivity) overlying a high-resistivity basement is one of the basic problems of electrical exploration methods. This paper proposes to determine horizontal electrical conductance on the basis of impedance calculated from electrical and magnetic fields of distant quasi-static (low-frequency) point sources. Using the proposed method, horizontal conductance of the sediments can be determined also from artificial quasi-static noise-impulses coming from sources of unknown position and intensity. The results of analogue modeling and field examples prove the potential of the proposed technique.  相似文献   

根据完全动力论理论,证明了可由简化漂移动力论方程求得动力Alfven波色散方程,即横向用磁流体力学方程,纵向用Vlasov方程,在初级近似下由此推导出适合于日冕和太阳风的色散关系和Landau阻尼,得到在性质上与MHD Alfven波完全不同的动力Alfven波,太阳风中Alfven湍流很容易由动力Alfven波演化而来。提出由动力Alfren波构筑太阳风高速流模型将更符合观测结果。  相似文献   

马石庄 《地球物理学报》1997,40(02):170-180
虚地磁极(VGP)的角离散携带着地磁场低阶非轴向偶极子分量空间变化的重要信息.重申地球主磁场定解问题的适定性,指出McFadden等模型G存在重复计入轴向偶极子分量的内在矛盾;作为模型G基础的VGP角离散的偶极族-四极族分解仅具有数据拟合意义.证明,如果地磁场的非轴向偶极子分量相对轴向偶极子分量为小量,那么VGP角离散的纬度变化主要由轴向偶极子Gauss系数约化的低阶Gauss系数的平方和决定.因此作出估计,在过去5Ma中,赤道偶极子和赤道四极子的Gauss系数的幅度大致相当,约为轴向偶极子Gauss系数的10%.  相似文献   

地壳物质重熔形成高喜马拉雅淡色花岗岩需要在中地壳深度20多百万年前达到650℃以上的温度,但如何解释冷的印度板块向欧亚大陆俯冲时会产生这样的高温是一个难题,单一因素的解释往往不能解释全部地质观测事实.本文通过有限单元法定量化计算,提出多种因素的综合作用的假说,认为较合理的估计包括逆掩断层的幕式活动和间歇、摩擦剪切生热、高放射性元素含量和低热导率岩石的存在、高抬升剥蚀速度等因素.这些因素的组合才造成高喜马拉雅淡色花岗岩既能成带,但又只是断续的出现.  相似文献   

A mathematical formulation for the electric potential from point current-sources coaxial with a metal casing has been obtained. The excitation caused by the axial point-sources will produce currents in the pipe. By assuming that the pipe can be divided into many cylindrical ring segments with constant axially-directed current, the solution of the fields inside and outside the pipe can be formulated in an integral form. The integral equation applied to the segmented pipe yields a set of simultaneous linear equations which are solved for the currents in the pipe; these are then used to calculate the potentials anywhere outside the pipe in the medium. This solution has been used to study the distribution of the potentials in a half-space for a single current-source at and beyond the bottom of a finite length of casing. For a casing 0.1 m in radius and 0.006 m in wall thickness with a conductivity of 106 S/m, in a half-space of 10-2 S/m, it was found that only in a region very near the pipe does the pipe exert substantial influence on the fields of a point-source 100 casing diameters beyond the end of the pipe. It appears that cross-hole resistivity surveys can be implemented without corrections for the casing if the source is located at least 50–100 casing diameters beyond the end of the casing. Hole-to-surface surveys are much more affected by the pipe. For a pipe-source separation of 100 casing diameters, the surface measurements must not be closer than a half pipe length for a 5% or less field distortion.  相似文献   

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