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本研究基于地面和高空资料,分析了阿克苏河流域1960—2015年的气候和水文变化特征,并探讨了高空气候变量在径流反演中的作用。结果表明,在全球变化背景下,阿克苏河流域地表温度呈显著升高趋势,线性倾向率为0.18℃/10a(-0.09~0.43℃/10a);流域降水总体呈增加趋势,增加速率为10.42 mm/10a(2.23~21.11 mm/10a)。阿拉木图、伊宁和库车3个高空探测站的0℃层高度总体呈上升趋势。相对于1960—1989年,1990—2015年3个站的0℃层高度分别增加了88.9 m、29.4 m和7.2 m。联合使用地面气温、降水和高空0°层高度资料,能显著提高阿克苏河流域夏季流量反演效果。  相似文献   

利用线性回归分析法、突变检验法等分析博斯腾湖流域1980~2018年的年均气温、年降水量、年蒸发量等气候因子变化趋势和突变现象及其对开都河径流量的影响.结果表明:1980~2018年博斯腾湖流域年均气温呈波动中上升趋势,其变化速率为0.15℃(10a)-1,年降水量则以0.765mm(10a)-1的速率增加,而年蒸发量...  相似文献   

基于开都河流域5个国家基本气象站1961—2020年的逐日气象资料,计算了年和季节为主要时间尺度的SPEI指数数据,并利用Morlet小波分析、Mann-Kendall检验、趋势归因等方法,研究该区域的干旱时空演变规律及其原因。结果表明:近60 a,除冬季外,其余时间尺度上的开都河流域均呈干旱化趋势。在空间分布上,流域的年和夏季变化一致,自北向南呈“偏湿—偏干”趋势;春季与秋季变化趋势相同,自西向东呈“偏干—偏湿”趋势;冬季则整体呈“偏湿”趋势。气温是开都河流域干旱变化的主导因素,但流域北部地区干旱变化以降水影响为主,南部地区则受气温影响为主;同时,和静与焉耆区域除冬季外,气温对干旱趋势的贡献均远高于降水贡献,表明该区域干旱化较为严重。开都河流域各时间尺度上的干旱均基本2~6 a一遇,干旱特征多以轻旱为主,中旱次之。其中,春季不仅是重旱事件发生最多时期,还是流域干旱事件发生的主要时期。  相似文献   

Much attention has recently been focused on the effects that climate variability and human activities have had on runoff. In this study, data from the Kaidu River Basin in the arid region of northwest China were analyzed to investigate changes in annual runoff during the period of 1960–2009. The nonparametric Mann–Kendall test and the Mann–Kendall–Sneyers test were used to identify trend and step change point in the annual runoff. It was found that the basin had a significant increasing trend in annual runoff. Step change point in annual runoff was identified in the basin, which occurred in the year around 1993 dividing the long-term runoff series into a natural period (1960–1993) and a human-induced period (1994–2009). Then, the hydrologic sensitivity analysis method was employed to evaluate the effects of climate variability and human activities on mean annual runoff for the human-induced period based on precipitation and potential evapotranspiration. In 1994–2009, climate variability was the main factor that increased runoff with contribution of 90.5 %, while the increasing percentage due to human activities only accounted for 9.5 %, showing that runoff in the Kaidu River Basin is more sensitive to climate variability than human activities. This study quantitatively distinguishes the effects between climate variability and human activities on runoff, which can do duty for a reference for regional water resources assessment and management.  相似文献   

用TRMM资料研究1998年长江流域暴雨   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
热带测雨卫星TRMM资料于1998年6月起向公众用户开放。本文使用了1998年7月20日世界时21:40分的TRMM资料对长江流域暴雨作了初步研究。TRMM导出的降水产品亦与雨量计,地面雷达观测以及数值模拟结果进行了比较。由此得出,TRMM资料非常适合于暴雨监测研究。此外,它们还有其他广泛得用途。  相似文献   

2020年6月,我国江淮区域出现大范围持续性强降水过程,并引发了洪涝灾害。利用ERA5再分析资料对江淮区域的水汽收支平衡进行分析,并利用HYSPLIT后向轨迹模式分析了其水汽源地。结果表明:(1)ERA5再分析资料能较好地描述本次过程中江淮区域的水汽收支特征,其中水汽辐合项为主要贡献项,对水汽汇有较好的指示作用,同时,降水和水汽汇之间保持了较好的一致性变化。(2)南海是江淮区域6月持续性降水最主要的水汽源地,约50%的水汽来自南海。(3)6月江淮区域降水分布与水汽的输送密切相关,而水汽输送主要取决于西太平洋副热带高压的位置及其与北侧冷涡活动的共同作用。  相似文献   

Theoretical and Applied Climatology - The community of climate change impact assessments and adaptations research needs regional high-resolution (spatial) meteorological data. This study produced...  相似文献   

用树木年轮重建博尔塔拉河流域的降水量序列   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
根据采自天山北坡西段博尔塔拉河流域18个采点的树木年轮样本,建立了每个采点的3种年表。通过相关普查分析,发现年表序列与上年10月至当年7月降水相关显著。用查干哈尔尕(t+1)、依和浑迪(t、t+1)、哈夏(t+2)4个树轮标准化年表序列可较好地重建该流域392a的该时段的降水量。分析重建结果发现:在这392a中,具有较明显的5个干期和6个湿期:有2a、3a、4a、12a、29a和43a的变化准周期:在1730,1753,1778和1831年发生突变。  相似文献   

Summary Using temperature and pressure records from Czech meteorological stations and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis series, we tested for the presence of detectable nonlinearity in univariate and multivariate climatic time series. The method of surrogate data was utilized for nonlinearity detection – results of nonlinear prediction for the original series were compared to the results for series whose nonlinear structure was randomized. The prediction was done by means of local linear models in the reconstructed phase space. None or very weak nonlinearity was found in the single (univariate) series, and pressure series generally exhibited stronger nonlinearity than series of temperature (daily mean, minimum or maximum). Distinct nonlinearity was found in all tested multivariate systems, especially when both temperatures and pressures were used simultaneously to form the phase space. Nonlinearity tests were carried out for 30-year and 10-year-long datasets and nonlinear behavior was generally more apparent in the longer versions. In addition, the tested systems showed more substantial nonlinearity when the success of short-range prediction was used as the discriminating statistic; with an increase of the prediction time, detectable nonlinearity became weaker and it disappeared completely for long-term prediction.  相似文献   

In order to gain further insights into stochastic behaviour of paleoclimate data, including timescales at and below Milankovitch forcing, three specific questions are discussed using δ 18O NGRIP and Vostok Deuterium content data. A comparison of ordinary and time-varying coefficients autoregressive (AR) models shows that both data sets are distinguishable from data generated by suitable low-order AR processes in contrast to earlier conclusions. A harmonic regression analysis clearly distinguishing between discrete and continuous spectra detects cycles corresponding to variations of eccentricity, obliquity and precession. Contribution of eccentricity to the total variance in the last 422,766-year Vostok data is close to, while the variance reduction delivered jointly by obliquity and precession is substantially smaller than a previous recent finding. A harmonic regression analysis with time-varying frequencies and amplitudes is also performed. This approach delivers a gain over the constant frequency model at any reasonable significance level. It is demonstrated that variations of frequencies are at least partly due to real variations and not merely to timescale uncertainties. In order to consider nonlinearity in paleoclimate data, threshold autoregressive (TAR) models are applied to time series examined. A bivariate TAR model describing simultaneous NGRIP and Vostok data exhibits three fix points and one limit cycle related to a part of Dansgaard–Oeschger events. The model selected suggests that Greenland has a primary role in the Greenland–Antarctica climate variation relationship.  相似文献   

This study addresses the dry spells observed in the La Plata Basin using daily data from 94 observation stations during sampling periods from 1900 to 2005. Dry days were defined as having less than 0.3?mm of accumulated precipitation. This definition allowed for the assessment of the dryness in the La Plata Basin and a comparison with other regions. The main purpose of this study was to analyse dry spells, especially extreme cases (meteorological droughts), and assess them on a daily basis. Trends and low frequency of droughts were analysed using a general framework to detect and compare properties of dry states based on daily and annual time scales. The trends were estimated using two different methods. Overall, the trends showed a decrease, especially in the eastern basin region during the period of 1972?C1996. The results showed sporadic decreases in dry events and events of extreme dryness (droughts). Spectral structure permits an inference of low-frequency maxima and confirmed an inter-annual 2- to 3-year period of variability in drought occurrence for most of the basin. Furthermore, probabilistic distribution functions of dry spells at basin stations were analysed to confirm that they followed a geometric?Cbinomial distribution. Additional tests were used to determine whether there was a second threshold, using the Weibull and gamma adjustment models. In order to study spatial homogeneity, the field of dry spell maxima in the basin was generated using a vector array based on the occurrence date and length of the maximum spell. Due to the dependence of spell length on the annual cycle, the longest spells were observed from April to the beginning of winter in the Argentine northwest region and in the northern and western regions of the basin. The intensity of droughts decreased in the Pampas and Mesopotamia regions. The drought of 1988 was considered to be the longest dry spell in the basin. The water deficits from this drought resulted in Argentinean economic losses of more than four billion US dollars during 1988.  相似文献   

根据1827年以来的统计资料进行分析,长江流域大洪水展示出极为显著的有序性.运用翁文波信息预测理论,构建长江大洪水二维平面和三维立体信息有序网络结构并进行综合分析和预测,结果表明:2014、2020、2030、2036、2051与2058年前后的汛期,长江流域将有可能发生大洪水.  相似文献   

以2003年6月29日-7月11日淮河流域梅雨期强降水为研究对象,采用ERAInterim再分析资料和站点降水资料,综合分析该期间慢降水时段水汽收支。结果表明:降水主要来自低层水汽辐合的贡献,而与低空急流相联系的水汽辐合具有显著的日变化,即后半夜至凌晨最大,午后最小,并由此造成了梅雨期强降水独特的日变化特征,最强降水出现在后半夜至凌晨;蒸发主要集中在白天,夜晚很小,数值约为降水量的15%,表明局地水循环的重要作用。针对淮河流域强降水区进行的水汽收支计算表明,水汽收支方程左、右两边数值在整个强降水时段具有较好的一致性,相关系数为0.77;对整个强降水期取时间平均,获得的水汽收支方程左、右两端数值的偏差为18%。  相似文献   

许建玉  王艳杰 《暴雨灾害》2013,32(4):324-329
以2003 年6 月29日—7 月11 日淮河流域梅雨期强降水为研究对象,采用ERA Interim 再分析资料和站点降水资料,综合分析该期间强降水时段水汽收支。结果表明: 降水主要来自低层水汽辐合的贡献,而与低空急流相联系的水汽辐合具有显著的日变化,即后半夜至凌晨最大,午后最小,并由此造成了梅雨期强降水独特的日变化特征,最强降水出现在后半夜至凌晨;蒸发主要集中在白天,夜晚很小,数值约为降水量的15%,表明局地水循环的重要作用。针对淮河流域强降水区进行的水汽收支计算表明,水汽收支方程左、右两边数值在整个强降水时段具有较好的一致性,相关系数为0.77;对整个强降水期取时间平均,获得的水汽收支方程左、右两端数值的偏差为18%。  相似文献   

为探讨中国再分析气象数据集CN05.1在流域水文模拟中的适用性潜力,以开都河流域为研究区,分别使用CN05.1数据集和传统气象站数据驱动SWAT水文模型,采用决定系数(R 2)、纳什效率系数(NSE)和相对误差(Re)等评价指标对二者模拟效果进行对比分析,以确定CN05.1数据的适用性;最后采用两种数据订正方法对CN05.1降水数据进行了订正,并以水文模拟效果进行评价。研究结果表明:(1) CN05.1气象数据在开都河流域的水文气象模拟中具有较强的适用性;(2) 基于SWAT模型的水文模拟显示,CN05.1数据驱动的水文模拟精度高于传统气象站数据,其率定期(1995—2005年)和验证期(2006—2016年)的R 2分别为0.81和0.73,NSE分别为0.81和0.72,Re分别为-0.97%和0.39%;(3)两种数据订正方法均能较好地再现流域径流变化过程,但基于空间关系订正法的径流模拟效果更好,R 2和NSE均在0.72以上,|Re|<1.7%。由此,订正后的CN05.1降水数据一方面弥补了传统气象站数据缺失的问题,另一方面补足了未订正CN05.1降水数据在径流模拟中峰值欠佳的问题。  相似文献   

Stated is an approach to the simulation of time series of storms and weather windows using the data on their frequency. Using the results of wind reanalysis for the Norwegian, Barents, and White seas for 1975–2002, the statistical relationships are obtained between the frequency of storms and the mean values of the number of storms and their continuous duration, as well as between the distribution functions of the number of storms and their continuous duration and the mean values. Based on the revealed regularities, the simulation model is constructed enabling to generate the time series of storms and weather channels. The model is verified by means of computing the residuals between the specified and simulated frequency of storm conditions for the set of 100 monthly series, as well as by means of comparing the results of the computation of weather channels based on the reanalysis and simulation data.  相似文献   

利用2000-2012年5-9月1 h降水加密观测资料,统计分析了沙澧河流域短时强降水的时空分布特征,结果表明:沙澧河流域短时强降水的空间分布呈自南向北、自东向西减少的趋势;强降水集中出现在6-8月,7月是最为频发月份。日变化呈双峰结构,子夜到凌晨(23时-次日05时)和傍晚前后(18-19时)为易发生时段。应用常规MICAPS地面和高空观测资料对沙澧河流域短时强降水个例天气系统和触发条件进行分析,总结出4种天气学概念模型,分别是有露点锋西南涡型、无露点锋西南涡型、有露点锋切变线型、无露点锋切变线型。其中西南涡型造成的强降水范围比较大,该类型强降水的落区一般位于西南涡移动方向的右前方或其前部切变线与沙澧河流域附近其他中小尺度系统交汇的区域内;切变线型造成的短时强降水范围相对要小,但局地性更强,该类强降水的产生与冷空气的侵入有很大的关系,强降水的落区产生在切变线移动过程中与沙澧河流域附近中尺度系统相交汇或包围的区域内;当有露点锋存在时,短时强降水更偏向于露点锋的两侧,或在露点锋与地面辐合系统相交汇的附近产生。  相似文献   

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