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Based on c. 1500 km reflection seismic profiles, the Quaternary formations and their pre-Quaternary substratum in the southeastern Kattegat are described and a geological interpretation is suggested. The major volume of Quaternary deposits is found in a broad north-northwest south-southeast trending topographic depression. The substratum consists of Upper Cretaceous limestone in the region north of the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone, and inside this zone older Mesozoic sedimentary rocks and Precambrian crystalline rocks are found. The Quaternary is divided into four seismic units. No direct stratigraphic control is available, but the units are assumed to represent a period ranging from Late Saalian to Holocene. The oldest unit (unit 3) is composed of deposits of supposed Late Saalian to Middle Weichselian age. This unit was severely eroded probably by the Late Weichselian ice sheets in a zone extending 40–50 km from the Swedish coast. Unit 2 represents the Late Weichselian till deposits. North and east of the island of Anholt unit 3 is cut by a system of channels eroded by glacial meltwater. By the erosion a relief up to c. 100 m was formed. After the recession of the Late Weichselian ice, an up to 100 m thick sequence of water-lain sediments (unit 1) was deposited in the erosional basin and channels. Holocene deposits (unit 0) of considerable thickness have only been identified in the channels in the northern part of the area.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results from stratigraphic and geomorphologic investigations in the Poolepynten area, Prins Karls Forland, western Svalbard. Field mapping, soil profile development and 14C dating reveal the existence of at least two generations of raised beach deposits. Well-developed raised beaches rise to the Late Weichselian marine limit at 36 m a.s.l. Discontinuous pre-Late Weichselian beach deposits rise from the Late Weichselian marine limit to approximately 65 m a.s.l. Expansion of local glaciers in the area during the Late Weichselian is indicated by a till that locally overlies pre-Late Weichselian raised beach deposits. Stratigraphic data from coastal sections reveal two shallow marine units deposited during part of oxygen isotope stage 5. The two shallow marine units are separated by a subglacially deposited till that indicates an ice advance from Prins Karls Forland into the Forlandsundet basin some time during the latter part of stage 5. Discontinuous glaciofluvial deposits and a cobble-boulder lag could relate to a Late Weichselian local glacial advance across the coastal site. Late Weichselian/early Holocene beach deposits cap the sedimentary succession. Palaeotemperature estimates derived from amino acid ratios in subfossil marine molluscs indicate that the area has not been submerged or covered by warm based glacier ice for significant periods of time during the time interval ca. 70 ka to 10 ka.  相似文献   

Deposits of Late Pleistocene age were investigated near the Fynselv river on the southwestern coast of Jameson Land. East Greenland. The deposits are of fluvial, deltaic shallow marine and glacigenic origin. Four stratigraphic units are recorded. Unit I consists of deltaic and shallow marine deposits reflecting a relative sea level of at least 20 m above the present. Elevated fluvial deposits represent the subaerial part of the depositional system. The system existed during full interglacial and subarctic conditions as indicated by remains or flora and Fauna and unit I is correlated with the Langelandselv interglaciation (isotopic substage 5e). Unit II consists of a till deposited by a glacier in the Scoresby Sund Fjord during the beginning of the Early Weichselian referred to as the Aucellaelv stade. The glacier probably melted in a marine environment. Unit III represents a marine delta system during the Hugin Sø interstade. and reveals a relative sea level of at least 62 m above the present. Unit IV consists of till and kame deposits assumed to be deposited by a glacier in the Scoresby Sund Fjord during the Flakkerhuk stade. probably a Late Weichselian glacier advance.  相似文献   

The lithostratigraphy of pre‐Late Weichselian sediments and OSL‐dating results from four localities in the Suupohja area of western Finland, adjacent to the centre of the former Scandinavian glaciations, are presented. The studied sections expose glacifluvial, quiet‐water, littoral and aeolian deposits overlain by Middle and/or Late Weichselian tills. Litho‐ and biostratigraphical results together with seven OSL age determinations on buried glacifluvial sediment at Rävåsen (94±15 ka) and on till‐covered littoral and aeolian sediments at Risåsen, Rävåsen, Jätinmäki and Kiviharju (79±10 to 54±8 ka), accompanied by previous datings and interpretations, suggest that the glacifluvial sediments at Risåsen were deposited at the end of the Saalian Stage (MIS 6) and those at Risåsen were deposited possibly in the Early Weichselian Substage (MIS 5d?). Palaeosol horizons and ice‐wedge casts together with the dated littoral and aeolian sediments between the Harrinkangas Formation (Saalian) and the overlying till(s) indicate that western Finland was ice‐free during most of the Weichselian time. Littoral deposits, dated to the Middle Weichselian (MIS 4–3), occur at altitudes of 50–90 m a.s.l., which indicates significant glacio‐isostatic depression. The depression resulted from expansion of the ice sheet in the west of Finland at that time.  相似文献   

The mandible of a polar bear (Ursus maritimus Phipps) found in about 1920 at Kjul Å, North Jutland, and described by Nordmann & Degerbol in 1930. has been l4C dated to 11.100 ± 160 B.P. It is so far the only find of polar bear in Denmark. Comparison with recent 14C datings of Swedish and Norwegian polar bears shows that the Danish specimen was a member of a southern Scandinavian Late Weichselian population. The contemporaneous Zirphaeu sea deposits can be regarded as the boreal-arctic shallow water equivalent of the arctic Upper Saxicava sand deposits from northern Jutland. The polar bear mandible, however, was deposited on land, as was the metacarpal bone of a brown bear ( Ursus arctos ) from the nearby Nr. Lyngby locality of Allerød age. The overall picture of the Late Weichselian mammal fauna in Denmark shows a mixed composition of different ecotypes. Their sympatric occurrence points at a unique environment not comparable to any now existing, and probably related to the very low latitude of the Weichselian ice sheet.  相似文献   

At Kap Herschell, in the outer fjord zone of central northeast Greenland, exposed sections in a Late Pleistocene ice-cored moraine revealed four major stratigraphic units deposited during the complex Kap Herschell Stade . All contain fragmented and redeposited marine shells that most likely belong to an Eemian or Early Weichselian marine episode. The oldest unit consists of buried ground ice with folded and sheared debris bands. Isotopic analyses show that the slope of the regression line for δ2H vs. δ18O of the ice is about 8.5. which suggests correlation with the Global Meteoric Water Line (GMWL). Data strongly suggest that the ground ice at Kap Herschell is a remnant of a Late Pleistocene glacier. It was probably generated at low altitudes (< 1000 m) in the inner fjord region or in the nunatak zone. The ground ice is unconformably overlain by all younger stratigraphic units, the oldest of which is a diamicton probably deposited as ablation till from the ice. A complex unit composed of mainly glaciolacustrine deposits and subordinate beds of fluvial and deltaic origin overlies the till and ground ice. Luminescence dating of the lacustrine sediments indicates maximum ages younger than 43 ka BP, suggesting deposition during isotope stages 3 or 2. The glaciolacustrine deposits suffered strongly from glaciotectonic deformation, caused by renewed glacier advance through the fjord. It reached the inner shelf and led to deposition of a discordant till at Kap Herschell, most probably during the Late Weichselian.  相似文献   

BOREAS Vorren, K.-D. 1978 03 01: Late and Middle Weichselian stratigraphy of Andøya, north Norway, Boreas, Vol. 7, pp. 19–38. Oslo. ISSN 0300–9483.
Bio-stratigraphy and 14C datings from Lake Endletvatn, 69o 44'N and 19o05'E, approx. 35 m above sea level, suggest that the lacustrine sedimentation started about 18,000 B.P. The Middle Weichselian vegetation was probably a dry arctic, partly barren, grassland type with abundant Draba spp. and perhaps also Braya spp. Two climatic ameliorations of this chronal substage, named Endletvatn thermomers 1 and 2 (ET 1 and 2), have been recorded. During ET 2, the beginning of which has been dated at about 15,000 B.P., a humid climate prevailed, with a July temperature probably not deviating much from the present one. The colonization by low alpine and subalpine species probably started in the Bølling Chronozone. During the early Allerød Chronozone, protocratic conditions with grasses RumexlOxyria, Papaver and Sagina of. saginoides prevailed. During the middle of the Allerød, stable soil and continuous vegetation was established at sheltered places. At the transition to the Younger Dryas Chronozone a climate favouring Artemisia changed this vegetational development. The middle of the Younger Dryas was cool and humid, probably with an upper low alpine vegetation. The end of this chronozone was characterized by a vegetation of low alpine heaths with Empetrum and Dryas.
Diatom analysis (Foged 1978) suggests that there has been no direct marine influence in the basin. The marginal moraine stratigraphy, the marine limit and the climatic development are discussed.  相似文献   

The history of postglacial emergence on the Murman coast, Kola Peninsula, is reconstructed based on twelve new radiocarbon ages from three marine sections and regional shoreline observations. Two pronounced shore levels are recognized below the Late Weichselian marine limit. The lower shoreline (11 -16 m a.s.l.) is associated with a transgression dated to 6200–6600 BP, correlative to the Tapes transgression on the Norwegian coastline. The upper shoreline (36–47 m a.s.l.) is not yet dated directly but probably correlates to the Main (Younger Dryas) shoreline. Strandline elevations descend eastward along the Murman coast. Observed emergence trends suggest the greatest regional Late Weichselian glacier load over the west-central Kola Peninsula rather than in the southern Barents Sea.  相似文献   

Several Eemian (Mikulino) marine deposits are known from the northwestern part of Russia and from Estonia. The best-known deposits are situated at Mga, Russia and at Prangli, Estonia. Two new sites with clayey and silty deposits covered by till were studied for pollen and diatoms at Peski, Russia and Põhja-Uhtju, Estonia. At Peski, the deposit representing the Eemian Interglacial is 3.8 m thick at the depth of 13.4–9.6 m above present sea-level. At Põhja-Uhtju, the deposit representing the Eemian is 3.5 m thick at the depth of 47.9–51.4 m below present sea-level. Although Peski is situated at a higher altitude than Põhja-Uhtju at present, the diatom stratigraphy at these sites indicates deeper and more saline conditions in the Peski area than at Põhja-Uhtju during the Eemian. This result is similar to some previous studies, which indicate, that although the Russian deposits (e.g. Peski, Mga) are now at a higher altitude than those in Estonia (Põhja-Uhtju and Prangli), the diatoms in the Russian deposits are indicative of a considerable depth of water during the time of deposition. These deposits suggest that the Eemian shore levels ascend from Estonia eastwards, while the Late Weichselian and Holocene shorelines tilt downwards in the same general direction. The present material from Estonia and northwestern part of Russia shows marked differences between the Eemian and Late Weichselian/Holocene crustal deformations, which probably resulted from different ice loads during the final glaciation phases and probably also from different deglaciation patterns during the Saalian and Late Weichselian.  相似文献   

Th/U dating and radiocarbon dating of 'old' shells are discussed, and amino acid ratios from shells are used as a method of relative-age dating. The Svalbard area has been completely covered by an extensive ice sheet at leats once. New data from Sjuøyane indicate that such glaciation took place in the Early Weichselian. The Middle Weichselian was a period of interstadial conditions. Series of beaches of assumed Middle Weichselian age occur in several places in western Spitsbergen while no such beaches are known in the eastern part of the archipelago. The maximum glaciation in the Late Weichselian is assumed to have taken place about 18,000 B.P. In the western part of Spitsbergen, the Late Weichselian glaciation was limited and local, while the eastern part of the archipelago was covered by an ice sheet. Kongsøya has a pattern of Holocene shoreline displacement which indicates that the centre of this ice sheet was east of kong karts Land.  相似文献   

Late Weichselian deglaciation in the Oslofjord area, south Norway   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The older 'moraine lines' outside the Ra Moraine in the outer Oslofjord area have been correlated with events in Bohuslän, Sweden. Recent radiocarbon datings in the vicinity of the Ra Moraine and a radiocarbon dated sea-level curve for the Ski area show that the Ra Moraine was formed during the Early Younger Dryas, whereas the Ski Moraine was formed at the end of the Younger Dryas chronozone. An equidistant shoreline diagram together with a large number of marine limit observations have been used to establish the position of the glacier front during Late Younger Dryas and Early Preboreal chronozones. Reconnaissance mapping indicates a fairly regular recession with many short stops during the Bølling, Older Dryas and Allerød chronozones; at least two readvances to the Ra Moraine before 10,600 years B.P.; a rapid recession during the Middle Younger Dryas and a number of ice-front oscillations at the end of the Younger Dryas chronozone.  相似文献   

The Late Quaternary ( c . 130,000–10,000 BP) glacial history of the central west coast of Jameson Land, East Greenland, is reconstructed through glacial stratigraphical studies. Seven major sedimentary units are described and defined. They represent two interglacial events (where one is the Holocene). one interstadial event and two glacial events. The older interglacial event comprises marine and fluvial sediments, and is correlated to the Langelandselv interglacial, corresponding to oxygen isotope sub-stage 5e. It is followed by an Early Weichselian major glaciation during the Aucellaelv stade, and subsequently by an Early Weichselian interstadial marine and deltaic event (the Hugin Sø interstade). Sediments relating to the Middle Weichselian have not been recognized in the area. The Hugin Sø interstade deposits have been overrun by a Late Weichselian ice advance, during the Flakkerhuk stade, when the glacier, which probably was a thin, low gradient fjord glacier in Scoresby Sund, draped older sediments and landforms with a thin till. Subsequent to the final deglaciation, some time before 10,000BP, the sea reached the marine limit around 70 m a.s.l., and early Holocene marine, fluvial and littoral sediments were deposited in the coastal areas.  相似文献   

On the basis of studies of many stratigraphical profiles, together with radiocarbon dates, Thorium-Uranium dates and amino-acid dates, the following preliminary stratigraphy is proposed: (1)Late Weichselian. Stavanger Stadial. The glacier covered the coast and deposited the upper drift sheet. - (2) Middle Weichselian.(a)Sandnes Interstadial (30,000?-39,000 years B.P.). Thick units of marine deposits underlie the Stavanger Stadial drift. The lithology, the foraminiferal fauna, the molluscan fauna and the pollen flora all record cold, partly near-ice environment during their deposition. Elements of a boreal type foraminiferal fauna suggest that certain phases of the Sandnes Interstadial could have been slightly warmer. The shore level was very high. (b) Jæren Stadial (40,000? 1000 years B.P.). Tills and glaciomarine deposits at several locailites are correlated with a Jæren Stadial. (c) Nygaard Interstadial (41,000–50,000? years B.P.). Marine deposits representing a low shore-level phase, record cool to cold conditions. - (3)Early Weichselian. (a) Karmøy Stadial (older than 47,000 years B.P.). Gravelly and very bouldery tills at low stratigraphical levels in several prifles are correlated with a Karmøy Staidial.(b) Older deposits. Marine deposits which lie below the Karmøy Stadial till and on top of Eemian deposits at Bø II on Karmøy are being studies.  相似文献   

The Quaternary stratigraphy in Finland is discussed on the basis of an example from the Oulainen area of Ostrobothnia. Organogenic deposits found beneath till at this site are correlated with the Eemian Interglacial on biostratigraphical evidence. This is confirmed by TL dates of 97,000 ± 18,000 B.P. and 150,000 ± 30,000 B.P., whereas a finite radiocarbon date of 63,200 +5500 -3200 B.P. is probably too young. Correlation of the Weichselian stratigraphy is based on deep-sea oxygen isotope data, in which the variations in isotope ratios are assumed to reflect global changes in climate and fluctuations in the volume of the ice-caps. It is concluded on the latter grounds that Finland must have been free of ice at two periods during the Early Weichselian but at least for the most part covered by ice thereafter up to the final deglaciation. The sediments attributed to the only known Weichselian interstadial in Finland, the Perapohjola Interstadial, are taken to correspond most probably to the Brørup, although some may represent the Odderade, Information on the Weichselian till stratigraphy in the Oulainen area is largely confined to the deglaciation phase, the relatively complex nature of which suggests that complete reconstruction of the earlier phases of the Weichselian in an area such as Finland, located towards the centre of the ice sheet, is scarcely feasible by the methods currently available.  相似文献   

A 20 m thick shallow marine sequence, capped by a Late Weichselian lodgement till, is exposed for 200111 along the river in Linnedalen on the west coast of Svalbard. Five formations are recognized: Formation A, the oldest, consists of a shallow marine, proglacial fan, of channelized sandy turbidites, possibly fed from an ice-contact deposit. Formation B, a sequence of proglacial channels and ice-rafted debris, was formed during a small oscillation of the glacier. Formation C, a prograding, storm-dominated shoreline sequence, was formed during a sea level fall, assumed to be a result of glacio-isostatic uplift.
Formation D, a lodgement till formed during the last glacier advance in Linnedalen and formation E, a coarsening upwards sequence, were formed during the post-glacial sea level fall. The subtill sequence (fm. A, B and C) is dated to between 40,000BP (radiocarbon dates) and 120,000BP (thermoluminescence and amino acid D/L ratios). The glacier front was 10 km downvalley during deposition of formations A and B, relative to the present glacier terminus, and more than 12km during the late Weichselian maximum.  相似文献   

Winterfeld, M., Schirrmeister, L., Grigoriev, M. N., Kunitsky, V. V., Andreev, A., Murray, A. & Overduin, P. P. 2011: Coastal permafrost landscape development since the Late Pleistocene in the western Laptev Sea, Siberia. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2011.00203.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. The palaeoenvironmental development of the western Laptev Sea is understood primarily from investigations of exposed cliffs and surface sediment cores from the shelf. In 2005, a core transect was drilled between the Taymyr Peninsula and the Lena Delta, an area that was part of the westernmost region of the non‐glaciated Beringian landmass during the late Quaternary. The transect of five cores, one terrestrial and four marine, taken near Cape Mamontov Klyk reached 12 km offshore and 77 m below sea level. A multiproxy approach combined cryolithological, sedimentological, geochronological (14C‐AMS, OSL on quartz, IR‐OSL on feldspars) and palaeoecological (pollen, diatoms) methods. Our interpretation of the proxies focuses on landscape history and the transition of terrestrial into subsea permafrost. Marine interglacial deposits overlain by relict terrestrial permafrost within the same offshore core were encountered in the western Laptev Sea. Moreover, the marine interglacial deposits lay unexpectedly deep at 64 m below modern sea level 12 km from the current coastline, while no marine deposits were encountered onshore. This implies that the position of the Eemian coastline presumably was similar to today's. The landscape reconstruction suggests Eemian coastal lagoons and thermokarst lakes, followed by Early to Middle Weichselian fluvially dominated terrestrial deposition. During the Late Weichselian, this fluvial landscape was transformed into a poorly drained accumulation plain, characterized by widespread and broad ice‐wedge polygons. Finally, the shelf plain was flooded by the sea during the Holocene, resulting in the inundation and degradation of terrestrial permafrost and its transformation into subsea permafrost.  相似文献   

Pasanen, A., Lunkka, J. P. & Putkinen, N. 2009: Reconstruction of the White Sea Basin during the late Younger Dryas. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2009.00128.x. ISSN 0300‐9483 The Weichselian Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS) in the White Sea Basin retreated from its maximum position to the Kalevala end moraine between 17 000 and 11 500 years ago. Even though the deglaciation history is relatively well known, the palaeoenvironments in front of the ice sheet are still poorly understood and partly controversial. In the present paper, we use geomorphological, sedimentological and ground‐penetrating radar survey methods to study glaciofluvial plains and shorelines at the Kalevala end moraine. These data are used to define the shoreline gradient for the area and to numerically reconstruct the palaeotopography and the area and volume of the water body in the White Sea Basin during the late Younger Dryas 11 500 years ago. The results indicate that at three sites glaciofluvial plains represent Gilbert deltas deposited to the same water level next to the ice margin. Using the shoreline gradient of 0.42 m/km, it is shown that the water body in the White Sea Basin was extensive and relatively deep, inundating large, currently onshore, areas on the western side of the White Sea and the Arkhangelsk area to the east. The ice margin terminated in the White Sea, which was connected to the Barents Sea via the Gorlo Strait and separated from the Baltic drainage basin to the south.  相似文献   

Late Weichselian glacier limits for the Forlandsundet area, western Spitsbergen are reconstructed from the stratigraphic distribution of tills and deglacial deposits, variations in the altitude of the marine limit, distribution of pre-Late Weichselian raised beach deposits, and the rare occurrence of moraines and striated bedrock. The Late Weichselian glaciation was primarily a local event with fjord outlet-glaciers expanding no more than 15 km beyond their present position; cirque glaciers were similar to their neoglacial limits. A previously reconstructed ice sheet centered over the Barents Shelf had little direct influence on the glaciation of the Forlandsundet area. Glacier retreat began at or prior to 10.5 ka ago and possibly as early as 13 ka ago with fjords mostly, and perhaps rapidly deglaciated by 10 to 9 ka ago.  相似文献   

The Lower Carboniferous Pen-y-Holt Limestone of South Wales comprises about 300m of interbedded wackestones and lime mudstones. The wackestones are interpreted as relatively distal ‘turbidite-like’ storm-generated deposits and the lime mudstones as background deposits. The storms had a periodicity of about one per 9000–18000 years. They were deposited in a deep-ramp carbonate environment at least 20–30km from the ancient shoreline and in about 100m water depth, and therefore probably below wave base. The ramp is estimated to have had an average slope angle of 0·5–1·0 degree. Unlike other previously described carbonate or siliciclastic storm deposits, the Pen-y-Holt Limestone storm deposits are totaly mud-supported and generally lack internal sedimentary structures, yet contain large bioclasts such as crinoid ossicles. The simultaneous deposition of lime mud and crinoid ossicles from a storm-generated turbidity current is hydrodynamically untenable. Thin-section evidence however, suggests that the lime mud may have originally been deposited as peloids which have since been largely destroyed during diagenesis. Peloids and crinoid ossicles, it is suggested, could have been transported by the same current.  相似文献   

Pollen analysis from Sandvikvatn has elucidated the local Late Weichselian vegetational and climatic history since deglaciation about 14,000 B.P. The pleniglacial period, the first of three climatic main periods and ending c. 13,600 B.P., is an Artemisia -dominated pioneer vegetation on disturbed mineral soils. The Late Weichselian Interstadial (13,600-11,000 B.P.) comprises a Salix -shrub consolidation phase and, from 12,900 B.P., a birch-forest optimum phase. In the Younger Dryas Stadial (11,000–10,100 B.P.) the Artemisia -dominated pioneer vegetation returns. Three climatic oscillations are demonstrated at intervals of about 500 years within the Interstadial. The oldest two, about 12,500 and 12,000 B.P., could both have been connected with the 'Older Dryas'. Cold winters and strong winds, causing soil erosion and drought, are suggested as important factors during the climatic periods unfavourable to woody vegetation. In the pleniglacial and Younger Dryas periods the winds are assumed to be katabatic. During the whole Late Weichselian southern species dominate locally. A northwards spread is demonstrated for the majority of the local late-glacial taxa, including the endemic Primula scandinavica and also Papaver radicatum and Aconitum , both previously discussed as part of the hypothesis of Weichselian ice-free refugia.  相似文献   

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