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Small euhedral chromite crystals are found in olivine macrophenocrysts (Fo80–84) from the basaltic andesites (150 ppm Cr) erupted in 1943–1947, and in orthopyroxene macrophenocrysts of the andesites (75 ppm Cr) erupted in 1947–1952. The majority of the chromite octahedra are 5–20 μm in diameter, and some are found in clusters and linear chains of three or more oriented chromite crystals. The composition of the majority of the chromite grains within olivine and orthopyroxene macrophenocrysts is Fe2+/(Fe2++Mg)=0.5–0.6, Cr/(Cr+Al)=0.5–0.6 and Fe3+/(Fe3++Al+Cr)=0.2–0.3. The chromite crystals in contact with the groundmass are larger, subhedral, and grade in composition from chromite cores to magnetite rims. Comparison of the composition of chromite with those of other volcanic rocks shows that the most primitive Paricutin chromite is richer in total iron and higher in Fe3+/(Fe3++Al+Cr) than primary chromite in most lavas. The linear chains of oriented chromite octahedra are found in olivine and orthopyroxene macrophenocrysts, and in the groundmass. These chromite chains are thought to result from diffusion-controlled crystallization because of the very high partition coefficient (1000) of Cr between chromite and melt. We conclude that chromite was a primary phase in the lavas at the time of extrusion and that magnetite only crystallized after extrusion during cooling of the lava flows. The presence of chromite microphenocrysts in andesitic lavas containing as little as 70 ppm Cr can be explained by dissolved H2O in the melt depressing the liquidus temperature for orthopyroxene such that chromite becomes a liquidus phase. The influence of dissolved H2O can also explain the lack of plagioclase macrophenocrysts in most of the lavas and the relatively high partition coefficient (20) of Ni between olivine and melt and the high partition coefficient (40) of Cr between orthopyroxene and melt. The liquidus temperature of the basaltic andesite is estimated to have been less than 1140°C, assuming H2O>1 wt.%, and the log fO2 to have been above that of the QFM buffer. The chromite and orthopyroxene liquidus temperature of the andesites, assuming H2O>1 wt.%, is estimated to have been 1100°C or less. The derivation of the later andesites from the earlier basaltic andesites has been explained by a combination of fractional crystallization of olivine, orthopyroxene and plagioclase, and assimilation of xenoliths. The significantly lower Cr, Ni and Mg of the andesites may have been in part due to the separation of olivine macrophenocrysts plus enclosed chromite crystals from the earlier basaltic andesites.  相似文献   

Geomorphology has increasingly considered the role of biotic factors as controls upon geomorphic processes across a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. Where timescales are long (centennial and longer), it has been possible to quantify relationships between geomorphic processes and vegetation using, for example, the pollen record. However, where the biotic agents are fauna, longer term reconstruction of the impacts of biological activity upon geomorphic processes is more challenging. Here, we review the prospect of using environmental DNA as a molecular proxy to decipher the presence and nature of faunal influences on geomorphic processes in both present and ancient deposits. When used appropriately, this method has the potential to improve our understanding of biotic drivers of geomorphic processes, notably fauna, over long timescales and so to reconstruct how such drivers might explain the landscape as we see it today. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Concern among geomorphologists that the discipline's visibility and impact are becoming suppressed are reflected in a series of recent Earth Surface Exchanges (ESEX) commentaries by Tooth et al. This paper from the British Society for Geomorphology (BSG) Communicating Geomorphology Fixed‐Term Working Group (FTWG) reports initial findings from an online survey of BSG members alongside an empirical assessment of the term's prominence in academic output: international peer‐reviewed journals, undergraduate Geoscience degrees in world‐leading institutions and the UK Research Excellence Framework (REF) impact statements. Our observations indicate the scientific standing of the discipline has been retained but the term itself is less widely utilised and we offer a series of suggestions actionable by the geomorphology community. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The geomorphological and morphometric analysis of the sea floor topography surrounding the Aeolian Islands, South Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy, provides insights into the relationships between the volcanological evolution of the islands and their tectonic features. We constructed geomorphological maps of the submarine portions of the seven large edifices constituting the islands on the basis of a DEM with a 5 m resolution step. These maps include constructional and destructional landforms such as submarine volcanic vents located west of Lipari and north of Alicudi, and hummocky surfaces recognised north of Lipari and Salina. The latter landforms, together with the occurrence of large scars affecting the main edifices on land, suggest that sector collapses affected some islands. Geomorphological data indicate that the location of subaerial and submarine vents is strongly controlled by local tectonic structures striking WNW-ESE (Alicudi-Filicudi sector), NNW-SSE (Salina-Lipari-Vulcano sector) and NE-SW (Panarea-Stromboli sector). The islands can be divided into two groups on the basis of some morphometric parameters: a first group with a pancake-like shape, Dp/D (abrasion platform diameter/basal diameter) higher than 0.40 and H/D (total height/basal diameter) lower than 0.13, and a second group with a conical shape, characterised by Dp/D lower than 0.34 and H/D higher than 0.14. These ratios and other morphometric parameters reflect the different volcanological and structural evolution of the Aeolian Islands. The pancake-like shaped complexes have been created, in addition to their submarine stage, by extrusive and highly explosive activity, whereas the cone-shaped edifices have been characterised by effusive or moderate explosive activity.Editorial responsibility: C Kilburn  相似文献   

This discussion paper addresses the role of geomorphology in designating UNESCO World Heritage properties. Two of the defined criteria employed in the process are explicitly relevant to geomorphology. Criterion (vii) emphasizes the occurrence of superlative natural phenomena, while criterion (viii) directly refers to landforms and on‐going surface processes, along with historical geological values. Superlative natural phenomena may be singular features, but in recent nominations the focus has tended to be on geomorphic diversity over limited areas. Overall, this is a criterion significantly influenced by subjective judgement. The significance of landforms, as included in the wording of criterion (viii), may be considered in three ways. Landforms may be significant for the science of geomorphology itself, and/or for other natural science disciplines, particularly biology and ecology, and/or be of wider cultural significance, including for history, architecture, general landscape aesthetics, art, or religion, underpinning cultural developments. To better determine the conditions to be fulfilled by a property to be considered as geomorphologically significant at the highest global level required for World Heritage listing seems a timely and useful exercise. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to point out the advantages of multipoles for the exploration of the very near subsurface (0–3 m) by continuous profiling. We propose a new geometry with eight poles for a MUltipole Continuous Electrical Profiling (MUCEP) measuring system, where the array has a V-shape and is thus called ‘Vol-de-canards’. A series of criteria including 3D numerical simulations are performed (direct and inverse modelling) to determine the optimal geometry and to compare its performance (in terms of depth of investigation and resolution of the geometry of the targets) with the other arrays (quadrupoles or rectangular-type multipoles). This multipole was built together with a real-time acquisition system. The multidepth maps obtained confirm the characteristics predicted by numerical simulations.  相似文献   

In the north Tyrrhenian region and adjoining shores of Alpine Corsica and central Italy, four magmatic phases (15–14; 8–6; 5–2; and 1.3–0.1 Ma) are present which consist prevailingly of either old acidic and lamproitic rocks or young (1.3–0.1 Ma) basic volcanics with potassic–ultrapotassic affinity (the rocks of the K and HK series of the Roman province, and the kamafugitic rocks). Composition, age and location of the igneous phases reveal a geochemical polarity oriented from west to east. The episodes of magmatic activity reflect the evolution of the geodynamic environment (ensialic plate convergence): backarc stretching and attenuation of an Alpine orogenic wedge were accompanied by the eastward roll-back and progressive steepening of the descending Adria plate. The latter process led to enhanced metasomatic modifications of the mantle wedge composition and to eruption of the large volumes of KS and HKS volcanic rocks in central Italy (0.6–0.1 Ma).  相似文献   

In a review of the role of plants in river systems, Gurnell (2014) explains how living riparian vegetation can moderate and manipulate river environments by trapping sediment and promoting longer‐term stability. Although the review concentrates on perennial plants in the humid temperate zone, this commentary acts as a reminder that some plants in other kinds of fluvial environment do not act in this way. This is done by describing how Impatiens glandulifera (Himalayan Balsam), a highly invasive annual plant that is now found in many countries on three separate continents, may significantly increase soil erosion along riverbanks and the riparian zone of inland watercourses. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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