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A generalized pushover analysis (GPA) procedure is developed for estimating the inelastic seismic response of structures under earthquake ground excitations. The procedure comprises applying different generalized force vectors separately to the structure in an incremental form with increasing amplitude until a prescribed seismic demand is attained for each generalized force vector. A generalized force vector is expressed as a combination of modal forces, and simulates the instantaneous force distribution acting on the system when a given response parameter reaches its maximum value during dynamic response to a seismic excitation. While any response parameter can be selected arbitrarily, generalized force vectors in the presented study are derived for maximum interstory drift parameters. The maximum value of any other response parameter is then obtained from the envelope of GPAs results. Each nonlinear static analysis under a generalized force vector activates the entire multi‐degree of freedom effects simultaneously. Accordingly, inelastic actions develop in members with the contribution of all ‘instantaneous modes’ in the nonlinear response range. Target seismic demands for interstory drifts at the selected stories are calculated from the associated drift expressions. The implementation of the proposed GPA is simpler compared with nonlinear response history analysis, whereas it is less demanding in computational effort when compared with several multi‐mode adaptive nonlinear static procedures. Moreover, it does not suffer from the statistical combination of inelastic modal responses obtained separately. The results obtained from building frames have demonstrated that GPA is successful in estimating maximum member deformations and member forces with reference to the response history analysis. When the response is linear elastic, GPA and response spectrum analysis produce identical results. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the new trend of seismic design methodology, the static pushover analysis is recommended for simple or regular structures whilst the time‐history analysis is recommended for complex structures. To this end, the applicable range of the pushover analysis has to be clarified. This study aims at investigating the applicability of pushover analysis to multi‐span continuous bridge systems with thin‐walled steel piers. The focus is concentrated on the response demand predictions in longitudinal or transverse directions. The pushover analysis procedure for such structures is firstly summarized and then parametric studies are carried out on bridges with different types of superstructure‐pier bearing connections. The considered parameters, such as piers' stiffness distribution and pier–0.5ptdeck stiffness ratio, are varied to cover both regular and irregular structures. Finally, the relation of the applicability of pushover analysis to different structural formats is demonstrated and a criterion based on the higher modal contribution is proposed to quantitatively specify the applicable range. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The accuracy of the three‐dimensional modal pushover analysis (MPA) procedure in estimating seismic demands for unsymmetric‐plan buildings due to two horizontal components of ground motion, simultaneously, is evaluated. Eight low‐and medium‐rise structures were considered. Four intended to represent older buildings were designed according to the 1985 Uniform Building Code, whereas four other designs intended to represent newer buildings were based on the 2006 International Building Code. The median seismic demands for these buildings to 39 two‐component ground motions, scaled to two intensity levels, were computed by MPA and nonlinear response history analysis (RHA), and then compared. Even for these ground motions that deform the buildings significantly into the inelastic range, MPA offers sufficient degree of accuracy. It is demonstrated that PMPA, a variant of the MPA procedure, for nonlinear systems is almost as accurate as the well‐known standard response spectrum analysis procedure is for linear systems. Thus, for practical applications, the PMPA procedure offers an attractive alternative to nonlinear RHA, whereby seismic demands can be estimated directly from the (elastic) design spectrum. In contrast, the nonlinear static procedure specified in the ASCE/SEI 41‐06 Standard is demonstrated to grossly underestimate seismic demands for some of the unsymmetric‐plan buildings considered. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The modal pushover analysis (MPA) procedure, presently restricted to one horizontal component of ground motion, is extended to three‐dimensional analysis of buildings—symmetric or unsymmetric in plan—subjected to two horizontal components of ground motion, simultaneously. Also presented is a variant of this method, called the practical modal pushover analysis (PMPA) procedure, which estimates seismic demands directly from the earthquake response (or design) spectrum. Its accuracy in estimating seismic demands for very tall buildings is evaluated, demonstrating that for nonlinear systems this procedure is almost as accurate as the response spectrum analysis procedure is for linear systems. Thus, for practical applications, the PMPA procedure offers an attractive alternative whereby seismic demands can be estimated directly from the (elastic) design spectrum, thus avoiding the complications of selecting and scaling ground motions for nonlinear response history analysis. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The increasing popularity of simplified nonlinear methods in seismic design has recently led to many proposals for procedures aimed at extending pushover analysis to plan asymmetric structures. In terms of practical applications, one particularly promising approach is based on combining pushover analysis of a 3D structural model with the results of linear (modal) dynamic analysis. The effectiveness of such procedure, however, is contingent on one fundamental requirement: the elastic prediction of the envelope of lateral displacements must be conservative with respect to the actual inelastic one. This paper aims at verifying the above assumption through an extensive parametric analysis conducted with simplified single‐storey models. The main structural parameters influencing torsional response in the elastic and inelastic range of behaviour are varied, while devoting special attention to the system stiffness eccentricity and radius. The analysis clarifies the main features of inelastic torsional response of different types of building structures; in this manner, it is found that the above‐mentioned method is generally suitable for structures characterized by moderate to large torsional stiffness, whereas it cannot be recommended for extremely torsionally stiff structures, as their inelastic torsional response almost always exceeds the elastic one. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An envelope‐based pushover analysis procedure is presented that assumes that the seismic demand for each response parameter is controlled by a predominant system failure mode that may vary according to the ground motion. To be able to simulate the most important system failure modes, several pushover analyses need to be performed, as in a modal pushover analysis procedure, whereas the total seismic demand is determined by enveloping the results associated with each pushover analysis. The demand for the most common system failure mode resulting from the ‘first‐mode’ pushover analysis is obtained by response history analysis for the equivalent ‘modal‐based’ SDOF model, whereas demand for other failure modes is based on the ‘failure‐based’ SDOF models. This makes the envelope‐based pushover analysis procedure equivalent to the N2 method provided that it involves only ‘first‐mode’ pushover analysis and response history analysis of the corresponding ‘modal‐based’ SDOF model. It is shown that the accuracy of the approximate 16th, 50th and 84th percentile response expressed in terms of IDA curves does not decrease with the height of the building or with the intensity of ground motion. This is because the estimates of the roof displacement and the maximum storey drift due to individual ground motions were predicted with a sufficient degree of accuracy for almost all the ground motions from the analysed sets. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This work focuses on the modelling issues related to the adoption of the pushover analysis for the seismic assessment of existing reinforced concrete (RC) structures. To this purpose a prototype reference structure, one of the RC shear walls designed according to the multi‐fuse concept and tested on shaking table for the CAMUS project, is modelled at different levels of refinement. The meso‐scale of a stiffness‐based fibre element and the micro‐scale of the finite element (FE) method are herein adopted; in the latter separate elements are adopted for the concrete, the steel and the steel–concrete interface. This first of the two companion papers presents in detail the wall under study, illustrating the design philosophy, the geometry of the wall, the instrumentation set‐up and the test programme. The two modelling approaches are then described; the most important points in terms of element formulation and constitutive relations for materials are presented and discussed for each approach, in the light of the particular design of the wall and of its experimental behaviour. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An Erratum has been published for this article in Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn. 2004; 33:1429. Based on structural dynamics theory, the modal pushover analysis (MPA) procedure retains the conceptual simplicity of current procedures with invariant force distribution, now common in structural engineering practice. The MPA procedure for estimating seismic demands is extended to unsymmetric‐plan buildings. In the MPA procedure, the seismic demand due to individual terms in the modal expansion of the effective earthquake forces is determined by non‐linear static analysis using the inertia force distribution for each mode, which for unsymmetric buildings includes two lateral forces and torque at each floor level. These ‘modal’ demands due to the first few terms of the modal expansion are then combined by the CQC rule to obtain an estimate of the total seismic demand for inelastic systems. When applied to elastic systems, the MPA procedure is equivalent to standard response spectrum analysis (RSA). The MPA estimates of seismic demand for torsionally‐stiff and torsionally‐flexible unsymmetric systems are shown to be similarly accurate as they are for the symmetric building; however, the results deteriorate for a torsionally‐similarly‐stiff unsymmetric‐plan system and the ground motion considered because (a) elastic modes are strongly coupled, and (b) roof displacement is underestimated by the CQC modal combination rule (which would also limit accuracy of RSA for linearly elastic systems). Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In a companion paper two different modelling approaches have been described, operating at the meso‐scale of the fibre elements and at the micro‐scale of the finite element (FE) method. The aim of this paper is to explore the efficiency of these models in the pushover analysis for the seismic assessment of existing reinforced concrete (RC) structures. To this purpose a prototype reference structure, one of the RC shear walls designed according to the multi‐fuse concept and tested on shaking table for the CAMUS Project, is modelled at different levels of refinement. At the micro‐scale the reinforcement and anchorage details are described with increasing accuracy in separate models, whereas at the meso‐scale one single model is used, where each element represents a large part of the structure. Static incremental non‐linear analyses are performed with both models to derive a capacity curve enveloping the experimental results and to reproduce the damage pattern at the displacement level where failure is reached. The comparison between experimental and numerical results points out the strong and weak points of the different models inside the procedure adopted, and the utility of an integration of results from both approaches. This study confirms, even for the rather difficult case at study, the capability of the pushover in reproducing the non‐linear dynamic response, both at a global and a local level, and opens the way to the use of the models within a displacement‐based design and assessment procedure. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

With the availability of spatially distributed data, distributed hydrologic models are increasingly used for simulation of spatially varied hydrologic processes to understand and manage natural and human activities that affect watershed systems. Multi‐objective optimization methods have been applied to calibrate distributed hydrologic models using observed data from multiple sites. As the time consumed by running these complex models is increasing substantially, selecting efficient and effective multi‐objective optimization algorithms is becoming a nontrivial issue. In this study, we evaluated a multi‐algorithm, genetically adaptive multi‐objective method (AMALGAM) for multi‐site calibration of a distributed hydrologic model—Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), and compared its performance with two widely used evolutionary multi‐objective optimization (EMO) algorithms (i.e. Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm 2 (SPEA2) and Non‐dominated Sorted Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA‐II)). In order to provide insights into each method's overall performance, these three methods were tested in four watersheds with various characteristics. The test results indicate that the AMALGAM can consistently provide competitive or superior results compared with the other two methods. The multi‐method search framework of AMALGAM, which can flexibly and adaptively utilize multiple optimization algorithms, makes it a promising tool for multi‐site calibration of the distributed SWAT. For practical use of AMALGAM, it is suggested to implement this method in multiple trials with relatively small number of model runs rather than run it once with long iterations. In addition, incorporating different multi‐objective optimization algorithms and multi‐mode search operators into AMALGAM deserves further research. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An overview of the applicability of a typical single‐mode pushover method (the N2 method) and two typical multi‐mode pushover methods (the modal pushover analysis (MPA) and incremental response spectrum analysis (IRSA) methods) for the analysis of single column bent viaducts in the transverse direction is presented. Previous research, which was limited to relatively short viaducts supported by few columns, has been extended to longer viaducts with more bents. The single‐mode N2 method is accurate enough for bridges where the effective modal mass of the fundamental mode is at least 80% of the total mass. The applicability of this method depends on (a) the ratio of the stiffness of the superstructure to that of the bents and (b) the strength of the bents. In short bridges with few columns, the accuracy of the N2 method increases as the seismic intensity increases, whereas in long viaducts (e.g. viaducts with lengths greater than 500 m) the method is in general less effective. In the case of the analyzed moderately irregular long viaducts, which are common in construction design practice, the MPA method performed well. For the analysis of bridges where the modes change significantly, depending on the seismic intensity, the IRSA method is in principle more appropriate, unless a viaduct is torsionally sensitive. In such cases, all simplified methods should be used with care. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Numerous structures have been designed and built without taking earthquake ground motions or outdated seismic design codes into account. In order to improve the seismic performance of existing structures, many retrofit approaches based on performance‐based design have been developed. However, some of these approaches are inapplicable due to structural limitations or because they were developed with the assumption of single‐degree‐of‐freedom, which does not take higher modes into account. To overcome the limitations of these traditional methods, a multi‐performance‐based control design (MPBCD) methodology has been proposed by integrating a decentralized semi‐active control algorithm, magnetorheological dampers, and an advanced multi‐objective optimization method to provide various sets of retrofit control designs to satisfy multiple target performances under multiple seismic intensities without changing structural cross‐section sizes or material properties. This MPBCD method provides engineers with numerous sets of control designs (i.e., control device layouts with control design parameters) to help them select proper control designs to retrofit existing building structures and improve seismic performance. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Traditional pushover analysis is performed subjecting the structure to monotonically increasing lateral forces with invariant distribution until a target displacement is reached; both the force distribution and target displacement are hence based on the assumption that the response is controlled by a fundamental mode, that remains unchanged throughout. However, such invariant force distributions cannot account for the redistribution of inertia forces caused by structural yielding and the associated changes in the vibration properties, including the increase of higher‐mode participation. In order to overcome such drawbacks, but still keep the simplicity of using single‐run pushover analysis, as opposed to multiple‐analyses schemes, adaptive pushover techniques have recently been proposed. In order to investigate the effectiveness of such new pushover schemes in assessing bridges subjected to seismic action, so far object of only limited scrutiny, an analytical parametric study, conducted on a suite of continuous multi‐span bridges, is carried out. The study seems to show that, with respect to conventional pushover methods, these novel single‐run approaches can lead to the attainment of improved predictions. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The piecewise linear (‘multilinear’) approximation of realistic force‐deformation capacity curves is investigated for structural systems incorporating generalized plastic, hardening, and negative stiffness behaviors. This fitting process factually links capacity and demand and lies at the core of nonlinear static assessment procedures. Despite codification, the various fitting rules used can produce highly heterogeneous results for the same capacity curve, especially for the highly‐curved backbones resulting from the gradual plasticization or the progressive failures of structural elements. To achieve an improved fit, the error introduced by the approximation is quantified by studying it at the single‐degree‐of‐freedom level, thus avoiding any issues related to multi‐degree‐of‐freedom versus single‐degree‐of‐freedom realizations. Incremental dynamic analysis is employed to enable a direct comparison of the actual backbones versus their candidate piecewise linear approximations in terms of the spectral acceleration capacity for a continuum of limit‐states. In all cases, current code‐based procedures are found to be highly biased wherever widespread significant stiffness changes occur, generally leading to very conservative estimates of performance. The practical rules determined allow, instead, the definition of standardized low‐bias bilinear, trilinear, or quadrilinear approximations, regardless of the details of the capacity curve shape. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The study presented in this paper addresses the issue of engineering validation of Graves and Pitarka's (2010) hybrid broadband ground motion simulation methodology with respect to some well‐recorded historical events and considering the response of multiple degrees of freedom (MDoF) systems. Herein, validation encompasses detailed assessment of how similar is, for a given event, the seismic response due to comparable hybrid broadband simulated records and real records. In the first part of this study, in order to investigate the dynamic response of a wide range of buildings, MDoF structures are modeled as elastic continuum systems consisting of a combination of a flexural cantilever beam coupled with a shear cantilever beam. A number of such continuum systems are selected including the following: (1) 16 oscillation periods between 0.1 and 6 s; (2) three shear to flexural deformation ratios to represent respectively shear‐wall structures, dual systems, and moment‐resisting frames; and (3) two stiffness distributions along the height of the systems, that is, uniform and linear. Demand spectra in terms of generalized maximum interstory drift ratio (IDR) and peak floor acceleration (PFA) are derived using simulations and actual recordings for four historical earthquakes, namely, the 1979 Mw 6.5 Imperial Valley earthquake, 1989 Mw 6.8 Loma Prieta earthquake, 1992 Mw 7.2 Landers earthquake, and 1994 Mw 6.7 Northridge earthquake. In the second part, for two nonlinear case study structures, the IDR and PFA distributions over the height and their statistics, are obtained and compared for both recorded and simulated time histories. These structures are steel moment frames designed for high seismic hazard, 20‐story high‐rise and 6‐story low‐rise buildings. The results from this study highlight the similarities and differences between simulated and real records in terms of median and intra‐event standard deviation of logs of seismic demands for MDoF building systems. This general agreement, in a broad range of moderate and long periods, may provide confidence in the use of the simulation methodology for engineering applications, whereas the discrepancies, statistically significant only at short periods, may help in addressing improvements in generation of synthetic records. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper proposes a systematic comparison between two methods of analysis that are well established in the field of earthquake engineering: nonlinear dynamic analysis and nonlinear static procedure (NSP), applied to the out‐of‐plane seismic response of two masonry façades representative of many ancient Italian churches. The comparison is based on extensive numerical analyses, which focus on the flexural and torsional mechanisms, while the in‐plane damage mechanisms and the possible detachment between the façade and the lateral walls because of a poor connection have been presently disregarded. The computations, both in the static and in the dynamic field, are based on a rigid body and spring model specifically implemented for this issue, computationally efficient and equipped with a realistic model of damage and hysteresis at the mesoscale. An innovative aspect of this study is the heuristic modelling of three‐wythe masonry, to include some typical texture effects on the macroscale nonlinear response. For each façade, two different masonry textures were considered, performing extensive dynamic analyses that offered a detailed overview about the performance under earthquakes of different intensities. In parallel, NSP and the classical N2‐based seismic assessment were applied. A critical discussion and comparison of the results of the two methods is presented to rationally appraise limits and opportunities. In particular, flexural and twisting out‐of‐plane mechanisms were clearly appraised in the dynamic field, whereas NSPs were not always able to describe the collapse, because they missed the partial failures determined by higher vibration modes, as could be expected. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nonlinear static procedures, which relate the seismic demand of a structure to that of an equivalent single‐degree‐of‐freedom oscillator, are well‐established tools in the performance‐based earthquake engineering paradigm. Initially, such procedures made recourse to inelastic spectra derived for simple elastic–plastic bilinear oscillators, but the request for demand estimates that delve deeper into the inelastic range, motivated investigating the seismic demand of oscillators with more complex backbone curves. Meanwhile, near‐source (NS) pulse‐like ground motions have been receiving increased attention, because they can induce a distinctive type of inelastic demand. Pulse‐like NS ground motions are usually the result of rupture directivity, where seismic waves generated at different points along the rupture front arrive at a site at the same time, leading to a double‐sided velocity pulse, which delivers most of the seismic energy. Recent research has led to a methodology for incorporating this NS effect in the implementation of nonlinear static procedures. Both of the previously mentioned lines of research motivate the present study on the ductility demands imposed by pulse‐like NS ground motions on oscillators that feature pinching hysteretic behaviour with trilinear backbone curves. Incremental dynamic analysis is used considering 130 pulse‐like‐identified ground motions. Median, 16% and 84% fractile incremental dynamic analysis curves are calculated and fitted by an analytical model. Least‐squares estimates are obtained for the model parameters, which importantly include pulse period Tp. The resulting equations effectively constitute an R ? μ ? T ? Tp relation for pulse‐like NS motions. Potential applications of this result towards estimation of NS seismic demand are also briefly discussed. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Real‐time hybrid simulation (RTHS) is a powerful cyber‐physical technique that is a relatively cost‐effective method to perform global/local system evaluation of structural systems. A major factor that determines the ability of an RTHS to represent true system‐level behavior is the fidelity of the numerical substructure. While the use of higher‐order models increases fidelity of the simulation, it also increases the demand for computational resources. Because RTHS is executed at real‐time, in a conventional RTHS configuration, this increase in computational resources may limit the achievable sampling frequencies and/or introduce delays that can degrade its stability and performance. In this study, the Adaptive Multi‐rate Interface rate‐transitioning and compensation technique is developed to enable the use of more complex numerical models. Such a multi‐rate RTHS is strictly executed at real‐time, although it employs different time steps in the numerical and the physical substructures while including rate‐transitioning to link the components appropriately. Typically, a higher‐order numerical substructure model is solved at larger time intervals, and is coupled with a physical substructure that is driven at smaller time intervals for actuator control purposes. Through a series of simulations, the performance of the AMRI and several existing approaches for multi‐rate RTHS is compared. It is noted that compared with existing methods, AMRI leads to a smaller error, especially at higher ratios of sampling frequency between the numerical and physical substructures and for input signals with high‐frequency content. Further, it does not induce signal chattering at the coupling frequency. The effectiveness of AMRI is also verified experimentally. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An improvement is first suggested to the modal pushover analysis (MPA) procedure for bridges initially proposed by the writers (Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn. 2006; 35 (11):1269–1293), the key idea being that the deformed shape of the structure responding inelastically to the considered earthquake level is used in lieu of the elastic mode shape. The proposed MPA procedure is then verified by applying it to two actual bridges. The first structure is the Krystallopigi bridge, a 638 m‐long multi‐span bridge, with significant curvature in plan, unequal pier heights, and different types of pier‐to‐deck connections. The second structure is a 100 m‐long three‐span overpass bridge, typical in modern motorway construction in Europe, which, although ostensibly a regular structure, is found to exhibit a rather unsymmetric response in the transverse direction, mainly due to torsional irregularity. The bridges are assessed using response spectrum, ‘standard’ pushover (SPA), and MPA, and finally using non‐linear response history analysis (NL‐RHA) for a number of spectrum‐compatible motions. The MPA provided a good estimate of the maximum inelastic deck displacement for several earthquake intensities. The SPA on the other hand could not predict well the inelastic deck displacements of bridges wherever the contribution of the first mode to the response of the bridge was relatively low. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The modal pushover‐based scaling (MPS) procedure, currently restricted to symmetric‐plan buildings, is extended herein to unsymmetric‐plan buildings. The accuracy of the extended MPS procedure was evaluated for a large set of three‐degree‐of‐freedom unsymmetric‐plan structures with variable stiffness and strength. The structures were subjected to nonlinear response history analysis considering sets of seven records scaled according to the MPS procedure. Structural responses were compared against the benchmark values, defined as the median values of the engineering demand parameters due to 30 unscaled records. This evaluation of the MPS procedure has led to the following conclusions: (i) the MPS procedure provided accurate estimates of median engineering demand parameter values and reduced record‐to‐record variability of the responses; and (2) the MPS procedure is found to be much superior compared to the ASCE/SEI 7‐10 scaling procedure for three‐dimensional analysis of unsymmetric‐plan buildings. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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