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Roads have been widely studied as sources of runoff and sediment and identified as pollutant production sources to receiving waters. Despite the wealth of research on logging roads in forested, upland settings, little work has been conducted to examine the role of extensive networks of rural, low‐volume, unpaved roads on water quality degradation at the catchment scale. We studied a network of municipal unpaved roads in the northeastern US to identify the type and spatial extent of ‘hydro‐geomorphic impairments’ to water quality. We mapped erosional and depositional features on roads to develop an estimate of pollutant production. We also mapped the type and location of design interventions or best management practices (BMPs) used to improve road drainage and mitigate water quality impairment. We used statistical analyses to identify key controls on the frequency and magnitude of erosional features on the road network, and GIS to scale up from the survey results to the catchment scale to identify the likely importance of unpaved roads as a pollutant source in this setting. An average of 21 hydro‐geomorphic impairments were mapped per kilometer of road, averaging 0.3 m3 in volume. Road gradient and slope position were key controls on the occurrence of these features. The presence of BMPs effectively reduced erosion frequency. Scaled up to the watershed and using a conservative estimate of road–stream connectivity, our results for the Winooski River watershed in the northeastern US suggest that roughly 16% and 6% of the average annual sediment and phosphorus flux, respectively, of the Winooski River may be derived from unpaved roads. Our study identifies an under‐appreciated source of water quality degradation in rural watersheds, provides insights into identifying ‘hot spots’ of pollutant production associated with these networks, and points to effectiveness of design interventions in mitigating these adverse impacts on water quality. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lakes are common in glaciated mountain regions and geomorphic principles suggest that lake modifications to water and sediment fluxes should affect downstream channels. Lakes in the Sawtooth Mountains, Idaho, USA, were created during glaciation and we sought to understand how and to what extent glacial morphology and lake disruption of fluxes control stream physical form and functions. First, we described downstream patterns in channel form including analyses of sediment entrainment and hydraulic geometry in one catchment with a lake. To expand on these observations and understand the role of glacial legacy, we collected data from 33 stream reaches throughout the region to compare channel form and functions among catchments with lakes, meadows (filled lakes), and no past or present lakes. Downstream hydraulic geometry relationships were weak for both the single catchment and regionally. Our data show that downstream patterns in sediment size, channel shape, sediment entrainment and channel hydraulic adjustment are explained by locations of sediment sources (hillslopes and tributaries) and sediment sinks (lakes). Stream reaches throughout the region are best differentiated by landscape position relative to lakes and meadows according to channel shape and sediment size, where outlets are wide and shallow with coarse sediment, and inlets are narrow and deep with finer sediment. Meadow outlets and lake outlets show similarities in the coarse‐sediment fraction and channel capacity, but meadow outlets have a smaller fine‐sediment fraction and nearly mobile sediment. Estimates of downstream recovery from lake effects on streams suggest 50 per cent recovery within 2–4 km downstream, but full recovery may not be reached within 20 km downstream. These results suggest that sediment sinks, such as lakes, in addition to sources, such as tributaries, are important local controls on mountain drainage networks. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The coupling relationships between hillslope and channel network are fundamental for the understanding of mountainous landscapes' evolution. Here, we applied dendrogeomorphic methods to identify the hillslope–channel relationship and the sediment transfer dynamics within an alpine catchment, at the highest possible resolution. The Schimbrig catchment is located in the central Swiss Alps and can be divided into two distinct geomorphic sectors. To the east, the Schimbrig earth flow is the largest sediment source of the basin, while to the west, the Rossloch channel network is affected by numerous shallow landslides responsible for the supply of sediment from hillslopes to channels. To understand the connectivity between hillslopes and channels and between sources and sink, trees were sampled along the main Rossloch stream, on the Schimbrig earth flow and on the Rossloch depositional area. Geomorphic observations and dendrogeomophic results indicate different mechanisms of sediment production, transfer and deposition between upper and lower segments of the channel network. In the source areas (upper part of the Rossloch channel system), sediment is delivered to the channel network through slow movements of the ground, typical of earth flow, shallow landslides and soil creep. Contrariwise, in the depositional area (lower part of the channel network), the mechanisms of sediment transfer are mainly due to torrential activity, floods and debris flows. Tree analysis allowed the reconstruction of periods of high activity during the last century for the entire catchment. The collected dataset presents a very high temporal resolution but we encountered some limitations in establishing the source‐to‐sink connectivity at the catchment‐wide scale. Despite these uncertainties, for decennial timescales the results suggest a direct coupling between hillslopes and neighbouring channels in the Rossloch channel network, and a de‐coupling between sediment sources and sink farther downstream, with connections possible only during extraordinary events. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although the channel morphology of upland fluvial systems is known to be strongly controlled by sediment supply from hillslopes, it is still difficult to isolate this effect from the other controlling factors of channel forms, such as the sediment transport capacity (depending notably on the size of the catchment) and local conditions (e.g. confinement, riparian vegetation, valley-floor slope). The rivers in New Caledonia offer an interesting field laboratory to isolate the morphological effect of contrasted sediment supply conditions. Some of these rivers are known to be highly impacted by the coarse sediment waves induced by the mining of nickel deposits that started in the early 1870s, which was particularly intensive between the 1940s and 1970s. The propagation of the sediment pulses from the mining sites can be traced by the presence of wide and aggraded active channels along the stream network of nickel-rich peridotite massifs. A first set of 63 undisturbed catchments in peridotite massifs distributed across the Grande Terre was used to fit a classic scaling law between active channel width and drainage area. A second set of 86 impacted sites, where the presence of sediment waves was clearly attested by recent aerial imagery, showed systematically wider active channels, with a width ratio around 5 (established from the intercept ratio of width–area power laws). More importantly, this second set of disturbed sites confirmed that the residual of active channel widths, computed from the scaling law of undisturbed sites, is statistically positively related to the catchment-scale relative area of major mining sediment sources. It is therefore confirmed that the characterization of sediment supply conditions is crucial for the understanding of spatial patterns of active channel width, and this should be more thoroughly considered in morphological studies of rivers draining environments with contrasted geomorphic activities on hillslopes. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Connectivity describes the efficiency of material transfer between geomorphic system components such as hillslopes and rivers or longitudinal segments within a river network. Representations of geomorphic systems as networks should recognize that the compartments, links, and nodes exhibit connectivity at differing scales. The historical underpinnings of connectivity in geomorphology involve management of geomorphic systems and observations linking surface processes to landform dynamics. Current work in geomorphic connectivity emphasizes hydrological, sediment, or landscape connectivity. Signatures of connectivity can be detected using diverse indicators that vary from contemporary processes to stratigraphic records or a spatial metric such as sediment yield that encompasses geomorphic processes operating over diverse time and space scales. One approach to measuring connectivity is to determine the fundamental temporal and spatial scales for the phenomenon of interest and to make measurements at a sufficiently large multiple of the fundamental scales to capture reliably a representative sample. Another approach seeks to characterize how connectivity varies with scale, by applying the same metric over a wide range of scales or using statistical measures that characterize the frequency distributions of connectivity across scales. Identifying and measuring connectivity is useful in basic and applied geomorphic research and we explore the implications of connectivity for river management. Common themes and ideas that merit further research include; increased understanding of the importance of capturing landscape heterogeneity and connectivity patterns; the potential to use graph and network theory metrics in analyzing connectivity; the need to understand which metrics best represent the physical system and its connectivity pathways, and to apply these metrics to the validation of numerical models; and the need to recognize the importance of low levels of connectivity in some situations. We emphasize the value in evaluating boundaries between components of geomorphic systems as transition zones and examining the fluxes across them to understand landscape functioning. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The nature of catchment‐scale sediment (dis)connectivity is the primary influence on sediment delivery to trunk streams and controls the particle size distribution of channel bed sediments. Here, we examine the distribution of major sediment buffers (floodplains, terraces, alluvial fans, trapped tributary fills), barriers (weirs), and effective catchment area (i.e. sediment contributing area) to characterize the potential for coarse sediment (dis)connectivity in 20 tributaries of Lockyer Creek, in the Lockyer Valley, SEQ. We then analyse the distribution of trunk stream sedimentary links to determine how certain tributaries or disconnecting features (buffers and barriers) influence downstream patterns of bed sediment fining along Lockyer Creek. We find that buffering increases downstream in the Lockyer Valley, and that tributary position and shape influence the space available for sediment buffering. Correspondingly, the spatial extent of sediment buffers impacts the distribution of effective catchment area, which influences the sedimentological significance of individual tributaries. Tributary sediment connectivity, the extent of overbank flows (floodwater zones), and weir locations all exert an additional influence on the distribution of sediment links along the trunk stream. These controls are related to the physiographic and climatic setting of the Lockyer Valley, and anthropogenic influences in this system. We conclude that controls on sediment connectivity and bed load sediment characteristics are highly variable between catchments, and that sediment (dis)connectivity merits equal consideration with tributary basin/channel size when determining controls on tributary–trunk stream relationships and channel sediment regime. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Restoration approaches such as dam removal and channel reconstruction have moved beyond the realm of small streams and are being applied to larger rivers. This development has substantial economic and ecological implications but may test gaps in our understanding of larger river systems and of restoration science. We examine how information about historical ranges of geomorphic variability can inform stream restoration in the context of the Clark Fork River, Montana, focusing on a study reach where one of the largest restoration projects to date was implemented, upstream of the recently removed Milltown Dam. Analysis of historical sources and aerial photographs of the Clark Fork River's pre‐mining, mining, and more recent history suggest that a wandering channel pattern has persisted despite variations in sediment supply and transport capacity. Predictive metrics for channel pattern also suggest a wandering pattern, transitional between braided and meandering, in this geomorphic setting. These analyses suggest that the creation of a single‐thread meandering channel, which incorporates structures to limit erosion and channel movement, is inconsistent with the historical range of variability in this reach. The perils of restoring channels to a condition different than the historical range of variability for their geomorphic setting were illustrated on the Clark Fork by flood‐induced avulsions of the restored channel that occurred soon after project construction. Application of an experimental approach to restoration, founded on the method of multiple working hypotheses, provides a means for embracing uncertainty, can maximize the potential for site‐specific restoration success, and can foster advances in restoration science. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Gravel road surfaces can be a major source of fine sediment to streams, yet their contribution to channel reach sediment balances remains poorly documented. To quantify the input of road surface material and to compare this input with natural sediment sources at the reach scale, suspended sediment dynamics was examined and a 16‐month sediment balance was developed for a ~35 channel‐width (approx. 425 m) reach of the Honna River, a medium‐size, road‐affected stream located in coastal British Columbia. Of the 105 ± 33 t of suspended material passing through the reach, 18 ± 6% was attributed to the road surface. The high availability of sediment on the road surface appears to limit hysteresis in road run‐off. During rainstorms that increase streamflow, road surface material composed 0.5–15% of sediment inputs during relatively dry conditions from April to the end of September and 5–70% through wetter conditions from October to the end of March, but our data do not show evidence of major sediment accumulation on the riverbed in the reach. A comparison of modelled sediment production on the road surface with observed yields from drainage channels suggests that (1) during low intensity rainfall, ditches and drainage channels may trap sediment from road run‐off, which is subsequently released during events of greater intensity, and/or (2) production models do not effectively describe processes, such as deposition or erosion of sediment in ditches, which control sediment transport and delivery. Our findings further emphasize the risk of unpaved roads in polluting river systems and highlight the continued need for careful road design and location away from sensitive aquatic environments. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Previous work on stream channels in upland areas of Britain has demonstrated a close control over channel morphology and stability by the rate of coarse sediment supply from the hillslopes of the catchment. Streams fed by large amounts of coarse sediment develop unstable, wide, often braided channels, whereas those with limited coarse sediment supply develop stable, much narrower, often meandering channels. The sediment supply from hillslopes is controlled by thresholds of hillslope stability, storm event frequency, and the coupling between the hillslopes and the channel. Climatically-induced changes in any of these three factors may have implications for channel morphology and stability. This paper examines these implications in British upland fluvial systems, with particular reference to the Howgill Fells, Cumbria, in the contexts of the adjustment of stream channels to sediment supply from erosional gully systems, and their response to and recovery from major flood events.  相似文献   

High and moderate severity wildfires should increase sediment production from unpaved roads due to the increased surface runoff from upslope, and increase road–stream connectivity due to the decrease in downslope surface roughness as well as the increase in surface runoff and erosion. Because no study has documented these effects, we surveyed road surface erosion features and quantified road–stream connectivity as a function of fire severity and road segment characteristics. The data were collected one year after the High Park wildfire from 141 hydrologically distinct road segments along 6.8 km of an unpaved road west of Fort Collins, Colorado. Road segments below areas burned at high and moderate severity had significantly more rills than road segments below areas that burned at low severity. Road segment slope was an important control on the proportion of segment length with rills, and the strength of the relationship between road segment slope and the amount of rilling increased with burn severity. Flatter road segments tended to capture the sediment eroded from upslope burned areas. In areas burned at high and moderate severity all of the road segments had drainage features extending to a stream, and 78% of the segments in areas burned at low severity also were connected. These exceptionally high rates of road–stream connectivity are attributed to the increased runoff from upslope, the segment‐scale collection and funneling of hillslope and road surface runoff to a single drainage point, and the reduced infiltration and trapping capacity of the burned area below the road. The results show the need to either outslope the roads or increase the frequency of constructed drainage features after wildfires, particularly for steeper road segments in areas burned at high or moderate severity. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Understanding patterns of expansion, contraction, and disconnection of headwater stream length in diverse settings is invaluable for the effective management of water resources as well as for informing research in the hydrology, ecology, and biogeochemistry of temporary streams. More accurate mapping of the stream network and quantitative measures of flow duration in the vast headwater regions facilitate implementation of water quality regulation and other policies to protect waterways. We determined the length and connectivity of the wet stream and geomorphic channel network in 3 forested catchments (<75 ha) in each of 4 physiographic provinces of the Appalachian Highlands: the New England, Appalachian Plateau, Valley and Ridge, and Blue Ridge. We mapped wet stream length 7 times at each catchment to characterize flow conditions between exceedance probabilities of <5% and >90% of the mean daily discharge. Stream network dynamics reflected geologic controls at both regional and local scales. Wet stream length was most variable at two Valley and Ridge catchments on a shale scarp slope and changed the least in the Blue Ridge. The density and source area of flow origins differed between the crystalline and sedimentary physiographic provinces, as the Appalachian Plateau and Valley and Ridge had fewer origins with much larger contributing areas than New England and the Blue Ridge. However, the length and surface connectivity of the wet stream depended on local lithology, geologic structure, and the distribution of surficial deposits such as boulders, glacially derived material, and colluival debris or sediment valley fills. Several proxies indicate the magnitude of stream length dynamics, including bankfull channel width, network connectivity, the base flow index, and the ratio of geomorphic channel to wet stream length. Consideration of geologic characteristics at multiple spatial scales is imperative for future investigations of flow intermittency in headwaters.  相似文献   

严珍珍  张怀  范湘涛  杜小平  石耀霖 《地震》2013,33(4):105-114
在活动构造区, 河流地貌对构造活动具有明显的响应, 地貌形态和水系形态能够很好地记录构造活动信息。 基于地貌演化理论, 考虑断层的左旋错动作用及降雨等因素, 利用数值模拟方法, 定量研究河流形态在断层水平错动及流水侵蚀内外力作用下的动力学演变过程。 初步的计算结果显示了河流形态与断层走滑运动的耦合效应。 断层发生水平左旋滑动促使该处河道两侧的陡坎发生相对错动, 形成弯转水系, 伴随河流的侧向侵蚀作用, 河道上下游连续被拓宽, 河道下游右侧堆积了较厚的沉积物, 而河道上游左侧由于受到较强流水侵蚀作用很难堆积沉积物。 分别对河道上游和河道下游的横剖面形态进行对比分析, 表明由于断层水平错动效应, 使得河道下游两侧呈现不对称特征, 而河道上游依然保持着明显对称性。 同时, 河道剖面形态对断层水平错动作用有积极的响应, 由于断层持续左旋走滑运动, 断层处剖面的高程突然增加, 坡度也随之突然变陡。 数值模拟结果与实际地质考察结果有着很好的一致性, 证明了理论和数值模型的可靠性。  相似文献   

A bank and floodplain sediment budget was created for three Piedmont streams tributary to the Chesapeake Bay. The watersheds of each stream varied in land use from urban (Difficult Run) to urbanizing (Little Conestoga Creek) to agricultural (Linganore Creek). The purpose of the study was to determine the relation between geomorphic parameters and sediment dynamics and to develop a floodplain trapping metric for comparing streams with variable characteristics. Net site sediment budgets were best explained by gradient at Difficult Run, floodplain width at Little Conestoga Creek, and the relation of channel cross‐sectional area to floodplain width at Linganore Creek. A correlation for all streams indicated that net site sediment budget was best explained by relative floodplain width (ratio of channel width to floodplain width). A new geomorphic metric, the floodplain trapping factor, was used to compare sediment budgets between streams with differing suspended sediment yields. Site sediment budgets were normalized by floodplain area and divided by the stream's sediment yield to provide a unitless measure of floodplain sediment trapping. A floodplain trapping factor represents the amount of upland sediment that a particular floodplain site can trap (e.g. a factor of 5 would indicate that a particular floodplain site traps the equivalent of 5 times that area in upland erosional source area). Using this factor we determined that Linganore Creek had the highest gross and net (floodplain deposition minus bank erosion) floodplain trapping factor (107 and 46, respectively) that Difficult Run the lowest gross floodplain trapping factor (29) and Little Conestoga Creek had the lowest net floodplain trapping factor (–14, indicating that study sites were net contributors to the suspended sediment load). The trapping factor is a robust metric for comparing three streams of varied watershed and geomorphic character, it promises to be a useful tool for future stream assessments. Published 2012. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

Flow diversions are widespread and numerous throughout the semi‐arid mountains of the western United States. Diversions vary greatly in their structure and ability to divert water, but can alter the magnitude and duration of base and peak flows, depending upon their size and management. Channel geometry and riparian plant communities have adapted to unique hydrologic and geomorphic conditions existing in the areas subject to fluvial processes. We use geomorphic and vegetation data from low‐gradient (≤3%) streams in the Rocky Mountains of north‐central Colorado to assess potential effects of diversion. Data were collected at 37 reaches, including 16 paired upstream and downstream reaches and five unpaired reaches. Channel geometry data were derived from surveys of bankfull channel dimensions and substrate. Vegetation was sampled using a line‐point intercept method along transects oriented perpendicular to the channel, with a total of 100 sampling points per reach. Elevation above and distance from the channel were measured at each vegetation sampling point to analyze differences in lateral and vertical zonation of plant communities between upstream and downstream reaches. Geomorphic data were analyzed using mixed effects models. Bankfull width, depth, and cross‐sectional area decreased downstream from diversions. Vegetation data were analyzed using biological diversity metrics, richness, evenness and diversity, as well as multivariate community analysis. Evenness increased downstream from diversions, through reduced frequency of wetland indicator species and increased frequency of upland indicator species. Probability of occurrence for upland species downstream of a diversion increases at a greater rate beginning around 0·5 m above active channel. The results suggest that channel morphology and riparian plant communities along low‐gradient reaches in montane environments in the Colorado Rocky Mountains are impacted by diversion‐induced flow alteration, with the net effect of simplifying and narrowing the channel and homogenizing and terrestrializing riparian plant communities. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

High-resolution topographic models have revolutionized monitoring of river changes by comparing sequential river topographic surveys (i.e. change detection). Nevertheless, much more may be obtained from this innovative quantification of changes. In this paper, we enhance the interpretation of geomorphic processes by presenting a new method for understanding of sources and sinks of sediment, river sediment transfers and functional sediment connectivity. Repeat digital elevation models (DEMs) obtained by photogrammetry were used to quantify topographic change after two floods by creating a DEM of difference (DoD) of a 6.5 km-long reach of Rambla de la Viuda stream, an ephemeral gravel-bed river in eastern Spain. The proposed method involved dividing the channel into 10 m-long longitudinal strips that were used to systematically draw boundaries between the erosional and depositional areas of the DoD. The analysis objectively: (i) drew a series of erosional and depositional segments, from 120 to 1360 m in length; (ii) estimated ranges of source-to-storage sediment transport distances, 320–670 m in the upstream and middle reaches and up to 2030 m in the lower reach; and (iii) obtained values of functional connectivity (i.e. the ratio between the sediment exported (erosion) and retained (deposition), ranging from 103 to 10−3). The variability in these three parameters along the river was found to be related to the level of channel disturbance by in-stream mining during the 1990s and 2000s. Additionally, this method indicates that the main process responsible for self-adjustment of the present morphosedimentary conditions is intra-reach erosion of banks and channel beds. Thus, this study proposes a new methodology to characterize morphological change, sediment transfer and connectivity that may serve as environmental indicators of the hydromorphological integrity of rivers with potential application to the European Water Framework Directive. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Geomorphic effectiveness has been an influential concept in geomorphology since its introduction by Reds Wolman and John Miller in 1960. It provided a much needed framework to assess the significance of an event by comparing event magnitude to the resultant geomorphic effects. Initially, this concept was applied primarily in river channels, under the linear assumption that geomorphic responses to similarly sized flood events will be consistent. Numerous authors have since attempted to quantify a direct, proportional relationship between event magnitude and different forms of geomorphic response in a variety of geomorphic settings. In doing so, these investigations applied an array of metrics that were difficult to compare across different spatiotemporal scales, and physiographic and geomorphic environments. Critically, the emergence of other geomorphic concepts such as sensitivity, connectivity, thresholds, and recovery has shown that relationships between causes (events) and geomorphic effects (responses) are often complex and non‐linear. This paper disentangles the complex historical development of the geomorphic effectiveness concept and reviews the utility of various metrics for quantifying effectiveness. We propose that total energy (joules) is the most appropriate metric to use for quantifying the magnitude of disturbance events (cause) and volumetric sediment flux associated with landform modification is the most appropriate metric for quantifying geomorphic effects. While both metrics are difficult to quantify, they are the only ones which facilitate comparison across a range of spatiotemporal scales (comparability) in a variety of geomorphic environments (flexibility). The geomorphic effectiveness concept can continue to be useful provided that geomorphologists use flexible and comparable metrics. Today, geomorphologists are better prepared to consider the influence of non‐linear processes on determinations of geomorphic effectiveness, allowing investigators to not only determine if a disturbance event was effective but also to explain why or why not. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Geomorphic river design strives for natural resilience by encouraging geomorphic form complexity and morphological processes linked to greater habitat diversity. Increasing availability of high-resolution topographic data and spatial feature mapping methods provide advantages for morphological analysis and river restoration planning. We propose and evaluate an approach to quantifying topographic variability of geomorphic form and pixel-level surface roughness resulting from channel planform geometry differences using spatially continuous variety computation applied to component metrics including flow direction, aspect and planform curvature. We define this as the geomorphic form variation (GFV) approach and found it scalable, repeatable and a multi-stage analytical metric for quantifying physical aspects of river-bed topographic variability. GFV may complement process-based morphological feature mapping applications, hydraulic assessment indices and spatial habitat heterogeneity metrics commonly used for ecological quality evaluation and river restoration. The GFV was tested on controlled synthetic channels derived from River Builder software and quasi-controlled sinuous planform flume experiment channels. Component variety metrics respond independently to specific geometric surface changes and are sensitive to multi-scaled morphology change, including coarser-grained sediment distributions of pixel-level surface roughness. GFV showed systematic patterns of change related to the effects of channel geometry, vertical bed feature (pool-bar) frequency and amplitude, and bar size, shape and orientation. Hotspot analysis found that bar margins were major components of topographic complexity, whereas grain-scale variety class maps further supported the multi-stage analytical capability and scalability of the GFV approach. The GFV can provide an overall variety value that may support river restoration decision-making and planning, particularly when geomorphic complexity enhancement is a design objective. Analysing metric variety values with statistically significant hotspot cluster maps and complementary process-based software and mapping applications allows variety correspondence to systematic feature changes to be assessed, providing an analytical approach for river morphology change comparison, channel design and geomorphic process restoration.  相似文献   

Dam removal can generate geomorphic disturbances, including channel bed and bank erosion and associated abrupt/pulsed release and downstream transfer of reservoir sediment, but the type and rate of geomorphic response often are hard to predict. The situation gets even more complex in systems which have been impacted by multiple dams and a long and complex engineering history. In previous studies one-dimensional (1-D) models were used to predict aspects of post-removal channel change. However, these models do not consider two-dimensional (2-D) effects of dam removal such as bank erosion processes and lateral migration. In the current study the impacts of multiple dams and their removal on channel evolution and sediment delivery were modeled by using a 2-D landscape evolution model (CAESAR-Lisflood) focusing on the following aspects: patterns, rates, and processes of geomorphic change and associated sediment delivery on annual to decadal timescales. The current modeling study revealed that geomorphic response to dam removal (i.e., channel evolution and associated rates of sediment delivery) in multiple dam settings is variable and complex in space and time. Complexity in geomorphic system response is related to differences in dam size, the proximity of upstream dams, related buffering effects and associated rates of upstream sediment supply, and emerging feedback processes as well as to the presence of channel stabilization measures. Modeled types and rates of geomorphic adjustment, using the 2-D landscape evolution model CAESAR-Lisflood, are similar to those reported in previous studies. Moreover, the use of a 2-D method showed some advantages compared to 1-D models, generating spatially varying patterns of erosion and deposition before and after dam removal that provide morphologies that are more readily comparable to field data as well as features like the lateral re-working of past reservoir deposits which further enables the maintenance of sediment delivery downstream.  相似文献   

The sediment connectivity concept is particularly suitable for tackling complex, multidisciplinary questions through systems thinking. However, it is unclear how to directly measure connectivity, and so proxy variables are often applied by indices to provide estimates. In this study, we critically evaluate a broad range of connectivity indices encompassing structural and functional connectivity as well as hillslope channel coupling. We then discuss their role in providing a more holistic estimation of connectivity within the Tahoma Creek Watershed, WA. Of the 14 km of channel below the glacier front, the upper 6 km (0–6 km) are coupled to the adjacent hillslopes. Coupled reaches correspond to regions with a high proportion of area contributing sediment and relatively high connectivity values, where all measures decrease in the downstream direction. A significant transition occurs near river kilometer 6. Here the valley bottom abruptly widens, deposition occurs, and the hillslopes become decoupled from the active channel. This transitional reach is also identified as a geomorphic hotspot based on the network structure. The lower 8 km of channel downstream of this reach are largely depositional and percent contributing area and connectivity values remain low, eventually reaching a minimum. Despite their limitations, we found each method to provide unique and useful information regarding connectivity. The effect of scale and event magnitude on connectivity is illustrated. We also found vegetation, topographic characteristics, and network structure to be important in high-gradient glacio-volcanic landscapes. The choice of an index will depend on the research objectives, data availability, and the proxy variables that best describe the variability within the defined area.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is integral to fluvial biogeochemical functions, and wetlands are broadly recognized as substantial sources of aromatic DOM to fluvial networks. Yet how land use change alters biogeochemical connectivity of upland wetlands to streams remains unclear. We studied depressional geographically isolated wetlands on the Delmarva Peninsula (USA) that are seasonally connected to downstream perennial waters via temporary channels. Composition and quantity of DOM from 4 forested, 4 agricultural, and 4 restored wetlands were assessed. Twenty perennial streams with watersheds containing wetlands were also sampled for DOM during times when surface connections were present versus absent. Perennial watersheds had varying amounts of forested wetland (0.4–82%) and agricultural (1–89%) cover. DOM was analysed with ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration, and bioassays. Forested wetlands exported more DOM that was more aromatic‐rich compared with agricultural and restored wetlands. DOM from the latter two could not be distinguished suggesting limited recovery of restored wetlands; DOM from both was more protein‐like than forested wetland DOM. Perennial streams with the highest wetland watershed cover had the highest DOC levels during all seasons; however, in fall and winter when temporary streams connect forested wetlands to perennial channels, perennial DOC concentrations peaked, and composition was linked to forested wetlands. In summer, when temporary stream connections were dry, perennial DOC concentrations were the lowest and protein‐like DOM levels the highest. Overall, DOC levels in perennial streams were linked to total wetland land cover, but the timing of peak fluxes of DOM was driven by wetland connectivity to perennial streams. Bioassays showed that DOM linked to wetlands was less available for microbial use than protein‐like DOM linked to agricultural land use. Together, this evidence indicates that geographically isolated wetlands have a significant impact on downstream water quality and ecosystem function mediated by temporary stream surface connections.  相似文献   

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