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Optical dating, sedimentological analysis and soil profile development have been used to develop a chronology for, and an understanding of, the geomorphic evolution of the Holocene coastal plain between Otaki and Te Horo, North Island of New Zealand. The coastal plain has prograded 0·48 m a?1 since sea‐levels reached their post‐glacial maximum 6500 years ago. Dune development on the plain, which is dependent on the supply of sediment suitable for dune building, has been episodic. Three periods of dune activity have been identified – the Foxton, Motuiti and Waitarere phases – the last two of which are believed to have resulted from anthropogenic activities. The dunes north of the Otaki River and south of Mangaone Stream are typical of a coastal dune system that extends from Patea in the north to Paekakariki in the south. However, this system is disrupted by the Otaki River and the gravels it delivers to the coastal zone. Immediately south of the river mouth the dunes are significantly smaller, coarser, and contain significantly more magnetic material. The character of the landforms is the result of: the reworking of the last glacial deposits; ongoing coastal progradation; variation in the input of sediment suitable for dune formation; the change in beach character because of gravel input; and the position of the Otaki River mouth. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the quest for extending the upper age limit of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of quartz, it was shown that violet stimulated luminescence (VSL) may be a promising candidate. However, difficulties in the application of the single aliquot regenerative dose (SAR) protocol for VSL has been reported in previous studies. In this study, a set of experiments was carried out to investigate the behaviour of the VSL signal under different measurement conditions with the aim to improve the SAR VSL protocol in terms of passing the procedural tests of the SAR protocol, i.e., recycling ratio, recuperation and dose recovery. The validity of an optimised SAR protocol was then evaluated on four coarse-grained quartz samples from Sardinia, for which previously reported OSL and post-IR IRSL ages are available. Our result showed that all measured aliquots meet the recuperation, recycling ratio and dose recovery criteria, indicating that the proposed protocol is suitable for the studied samples. The obtained VSL and reference ages agree within uncertainty (2σ) for most of the samples except one sample with a largest expected equivalent dose of ∼320 Gy, for which the VSL significantly (∼50%) underestimates despite satisfactory dose recovery result. This underestimation is most likely due to trapping sensitivity change between the natural and all subsequent regenerated VSL signals induced by the first preheating in the SAR procedure, which is likely dose dependent. To minimise sensitivity change, the sensitivity-corrected multiple aliquot regenerative dose (SC-MAR) protocol was applied. The SC-MAR protocol yields VSL ages in agreement with reference ages for two samples (1σ); the other two samples show overestimation. We show that the observed age overestimation can be explained by incomplete resetting of the natural signal after 7 days SOL2 exposure used for the SC-MAR procedure. Bleaching experiments confirm variable bleaching behaviour among different samples. However, it is unclear whether this different bleaching behaviour arises from measuring samples with different bleaching histories, mineralogical compositions, or VSL source trap properties.  相似文献   

Obtaining good quality soil loss data from plots requires knowledge of the factors that affect natural and measurement data variability and of the erosion processes that occur on plots of different sizes. Data variability was investigated in southern Italy by collecting runoff and soil loss from four universal soil‐loss equation (USLE) plots of 176 m2, 20 ‘large’ microplots (0·16 m2) and 40 ‘small’ microplots (0·04 m2). For the four most erosive events (event erosivity index, Re ≥ 139 MJ mm ha?1 h?1), mean soil loss from the USLE plots was significantly correlated with Re. Variability of soil loss measurements from microplots was five to ten times greater than that of runoff measurements. Doubling the linear size of the microplots reduced mean runoff and soil loss measurements by a factor of 2·6–2·8 and increased data variability. Using sieved soil instead of natural soil increased runoff and soil loss by a factor of 1·3–1·5. Interrill erosion was a minor part (0·1–7·1%) of rill plus interrill erosion. The developed analysis showed that the USLE scheme was usable to predict mean soil loss at plot scale in Mediterranean areas. A microplot of 0·04 m2 could be used in practice to obtain field measurements of interrill soil erodibility in areas having steep slopes. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates a spatially distributed application of a field‐scale annual soil loss model, the modified‐MMF (MMMF), to a large watershed using hydrological routing techniques, remote sensing data and geospatial technologies. In this study, the MMMF model is implemented after incorporating the corrections suggested in recent literature along with appropriate modifications of the model to suit the agro‐climatological conditions prevailing in most parts of India. Sensitivity analysis carried out through an Average Linear Sensitivity approach indicates that the model outputs are highly sensitive to soil moisture (MS), bulk density (BD), effective hydraulic depth (EHD), ground cover (GC) and settling velocity for clay (VSc). During calibration and validation, the performance evaluation statistics are mostly in the range of very good to satisfactory for both runoff and soil loss at the watershed outlet. Even spatial validation of the results of intermediate processes in the water phase and the sediment phase, although qualitative, seems to be reasonable and rational. Furthermore, the soil erosion severity analysis for different land‐uses existing in the watershed indicates that about 90% of the watershed area, especially that occupied by agricultural lands, is vulnerable to the long‐term effects of soil erosion. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The cartography of erosion risk is mainly based on the development of models, which evaluate in a qualitative and quantitative manner the physical reproduction of the erosion processes (CORINE, EHU, INRA). These models are mainly semi‐quantitative but can be physically based and spatially distributed (the Pan‐European Soil Erosion Risk Assessment, PESERA). They are characterized by their simplicity and their applicability potential at large temporal and spatial scales. In developing our model SCALES (Spatialisation d'éChelle fine de l'ALéa Erosion des Sols/large‐scale assessment and mapping model of soil erosion hazard), we had in mind several objectives: (1) to map soil erosion at a regional scale with the guarantee of a large accuracy on the local level, (2) to envisage an applicability of the model in European oceanic areas, (3) to focus the erosion hazard estimation on the level of source areas (on‐site erosion), which are the agricultural parcels, (4) to take into account the weight of the temporality of agricultural practices (land‐use concept). Because of these objectives, the nature of variables, which characterize the erosion factors and because of its structure, SCALES differs from other models. Tested in Basse‐Normandie (Calvados 5500 km2) SCALES reveals a strong predisposition of the study area to the soil erosion which should require to be expressed in a wet year. Apart from an internal validation, we tried an intermediate one by comparing our results with those from INRA and PESERA. It appeared that these models under estimate medium erosion levels and differ in the spatial localization of areas with the highest erosion risks. SCALES underlines here the limitations in the use of pedo‐transfer functions and the interpolation of input data with a low resolution. One must not forget however that these models are mainly focused on an interregional comparative approach. Therefore the comparison of SCALES data with those of the INRA and PESERA models cannot result on a convincing validation of our model. For the moment the validation is based on the opinion of local experts, who agree with the qualitative indications delivered by our cartography. An external validation of SCALES is foreseen, which will be based on a thorough inventory of erosion signals in areas with different hazard levels. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Coastal Cordillera of central Chile is naturally sensitive to soil erosion due to moderate to steep slopes, intense winter rains when the vegetation cover is scarce, and deeply weathered granitic rocks. In 1965, 60 per cent of its surface was moderately to very severely eroded. Today this process is still largely active, but no data are currently available to evaluate the real extent, distribution and severity of soil degradation on a regional scale. This information is vital to support efficient soil conservation plans. A multi‐scale approach was implemented to produce regional land degradation maps based on remote sensing technologies. Fieldwork has shown that the surface colour or ‘redness’ and the density of coarse fragments are pertinent erosion indicators to describe a typical sequence of soil degradation in the context of mediterranean soil developed on granitic materials and micaschists. Field radiometric experiments concluded that both factors influence the reflectance of natural surfaces and can be modelled using radiometric indices accessible from most satellites operating in the optical domain, i.e. redness index and brightness index. Finally the radiometric indices were successfully applied to SPOT images to produce land degradation maps. Only broad classes of erosion status were discriminated and the detection of the degradation processes was only possible when most of the fertile layer had already been removed. This technology provides decision‐making information required to develop regional soil conservation plans and to prioritize actions between catchment areas, especially in vast inter‐tropical regions where spatialized data are not always readily available. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Interpreting rainfall‐runoff erosivity by a process‐oriented scheme allows to conjugate the physical approach to soil loss estimate with the empirical one. Including the effect of runoff in the model permits to distinguish between detachment and transport in the soil erosion process. In this paper, at first, a general definition of the rainfall‐runoff erosivity factor REFe including the power of both event runoff coefficient QR and event rainfall erosivity index EI30 of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is proposed. The REFe factor is applicable to all USLE‐based models (USLE, Modified USLE [USLE‐M] and Modified USLE‐M [USLE‐MM]) and it allows to distinguish between purely empirical models (e.g., Modified USLE‐M [USLE‐MM]) and those supported by applying theoretical dimensional analysis and self‐similarity to Wischmeier and Smith scheme. This last model category includes USLE, USLE‐M, and a new model, named USLE‐M based (USLE‐MB), that uses a rainfall‐runoff erosivity factor in which a power of runoff coefficient multiplies EI30. Using the database of Sparacia experimental site, the USLE‐MB is parameterized and a comparison with soil loss data is carried out. The developed analysis shows that USLE‐MB (characterized by a Nash–Sutcliffe Efficiency Index NSEI equal to 0.73 and a root mean square error RMSE = 11.7 Mg ha?1) has very similar soil loss estimate performances as compared with the USLE‐M (NSEI = 0.72 and RMSE = 12.0 Mg ha?1). However, the USLE‐MB yields a maximum discrepancy factor between predicted and measured soil loss values (176) that is much lower than that of USLE‐M (291). In conclusion, the USLE‐MB should be preferred in the context of theoretically supported USLE type models.  相似文献   

The Atlantic coast of Galicia (NW Spain) is a high-energy environment where shingle beaches are currently developing. These coarser sediments alternate with sandy deposits which are also considered as beaches typical of a low-energy environment. The physical association of both types of sediment with contrasted sedimentary significance raises problems of interpretation. The study of four outcrops of fossil aeolianites on this coast has allowed us to reconstruct their evolution from the end of the Upper Pleistocene to the present day. Their chronology, estimated by optically stimulated luminescence between 35 and 14 ky at the end of the last glaciation (MIS2), coincides with a local sea level 120 m below the present one. This implies a coastline shifted several kilometres from its current location and the subaerial exposure of a wide strip of the continental shelf covered by sands. The wind blew sand to form dunes towards the continent, covering the coastal areas, which then emerged with no other limitation than the active river channels. Sea-level rise during the Holocene transgression has progressively swamped these aeolian deposits, leaving only flooded dunes, relict coastal dunes and climbing dunes on cliffs up to 180 m high. The aeolian process continued as long as there was a sandy source area to erode, although accretion finished when the sea reached its current level (Late Holocene). Since then, the wind turned from accretion to erosion of the dunes and sand beaches. This erosion exposes the older shingle beaches (probably of Eemian age) buried under the aeolian sands, as well as old, submerged forest remains and megalithic monuments. The destruction of sand beaches and dunes currently observed along the Galician coast is linked, according to most researchers, to anthropogenic global warming. However, their management should consider these evolutive issues.  相似文献   

The arid Qaidam Basin is the largest (~3.88 × 104 km2) basin on the north‐eastern Tibetan Plateau. Wind erosion in the area has been regarded as an important trigger for intra‐basin tectonic balance upheaval, geomorphologic development and as a major supplier of dust to the Chinese Loess Plateau downwind. An initial estimate of the rate of wind erosion (Kapp et al., 2011) based on geological cross‐sections has suggested up to 3.2 × 104 km3 of sediments has been deflated over the past 2.8 Ma, lowering the landscape by an average of 0.29 mm/yr. In this paper we re‐evaluate this estimate by dating surface crusts present on three playas within the basin. Understanding the development of these playas is crucial to assessing the overall role of the wind in shaping the regional landscape because they are typically capped with a thick salt crust which effectively protects them from wind erosion. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and U‐series dating from a pit section and from the top of a deep drill core, together with results from magnetostratigraphy and a climate proxy record correlated to the marine oxygen isotope record, are used here to determine the age of the playa plains and suggest that the salt crusts have an age of c. 0.1 Ma. This young age and the wide distribution of resistant thick salt crusts of the playa plains indicate a much lower degree of wind erosion than previously suggested. The crusts protect the surface from significant surface erosion (including sediment exhumation and unloading) and whilst some wind erosion does occur, it is unlikely to be sufficient to trigger tectonic uplift of the basin or to be a major dust source for the Loess Plateau as previously suggested. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fallout radionuclides (FRNs) 137Cs and 210Pb are well established as tracers of surface and sub‐surface soil erosion contributing sediment to river systems. However, without additional information, it has not been possible to distinguish sub‐surface soil erosion sources. Here, we use the FRN 7Be (half‐life 53 days) in combination with 137Cs and excess 210Pb to trace the form of erosion contributing sediment in three large river catchments in eastern Australia; the Logan River (area 3700 km2), Bowen River (9400 km2) and Mitchell River (4700 km2). We show that the combination of 137Cs, excess 210Pb and 7Be can discriminate horizontally aligned sub‐surface erosion sources (rilled and scalded hillslopes and the floors of incised drainage lines and gully ‘badland’ areas) from vertical erosion sources (channel banks and gully walls). Specifically, sub‐surface sources of sediment eroded during high rainfall and high river flow events have been distinguished by the ability of rainfall‐derived 7Be to label horizontal soil surfaces, but not vertical. Our results indicate that in the two northern catchments, erosion of horizontal sub‐surface soil sources contributed almost as much fine river sediment as vertical channel banks, and several times the contribution of hillslope topsoils. This result improves on source discrimination provided previously and indicates that in some areas erosion of hillslope soils may contribute significantly to sediment yield, but not as topsoil loss. We find that in north‐eastern Australia, scalded areas on hillslopes and incising drainage lines may be sediment sources of comparable importance to vertical channel banks. Previous studies have used the combination of 137Cs, excess 210Pb and 7Be to estimate soils losses at the hillslope scale. Here, we show that with timely and judicious sampling of soil and sediment during and immediately after high flow events 7Be measurements can augment fallout 137Cs and 210Pb to provide important erosion source information over large catchments. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Modifications are made to the revised Morgan–Morgan–Finney erosion prediction model to enable the effects of vegetation cover to be expressed through measurable plant parameters. Given the potential role of vegetation in controlling water pollution by trapping clay particles in the landscape, changes are also made to the way the model deals with sediment deposition and to allow the model to incorporate particle‐size selectivity in the processes of erosion, transport and deposition. Vegetation effects are described in relation to percentage canopy cover, percentage ground cover, plant height, effective hydrological depth, density of plant stems and stem diameter. Deposition is modelled through a particle fall number, which takes account of particle settling velocity, flow velocity, flow depth and slope length. The detachment, transport and deposition of soil particles are simulated separately for clay, silt and sand. Average linear sensitivity analysis shows that the revised model behaves rationally. For bare soil conditions soil loss predictions are most sensitive to changes in rainfall and soil parameters, but with a vegetation cover plant parameters become more important than soil parameters. Tests with the model using field measurements under a range of slope, soil and crop covers from Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire, UK, give good predictions of mean annual soil loss. Regression analysis of predicted against observed values yields an intercept value close to zero and a line slope close to 1·0, with a coefficient of efficiency of 0·81 over a range of values from zero to 38·6 t ha?1. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Processes of soil erosion and sediment transport are strongly influenced by land use changes so the modelling of land use changes is important with respect to the simulation of soil degradation and its on‐site and off‐site consequences. The reliability of simulation results from erosion models is circumscribed by considerable spatial variation in many parameters. However, most of the currently widely used erosion models at the mesoscale are semidistributed, which leads to difficulties in incorporating a high degree of spatial information, especially land use information, so that the effects of land use changes on soil erosion have hitherto not been investigated in detail using these models. In this article, a grid‐based distributed erosion and sediment transport model is introduced, which simulates the spatial pattern of erosion and deposition rates and sediment transport processes in river channels. In this model, land use affects soil erosion through altering soil loss and influencing sediment delivery. Simulated soil erosion for events recorded in 1989 and 1996 in the Lushi basin in China was analyzed by comparing it with historical land use maps. The results indicated that even relatively minor land use changes had a significant effect on regional soil erosion rates and sediment transport to rivers. The average erosion rate increased from 1989 to 1996, after the transformation of forest to farmland. The results of the study suggest that the proposed soil erosion model can be applied in similar river basins. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines the changes from 1955 to 2002 in soil erosion and deposition due to changes in land‐use patterns in the semi‐arid territory of Craco, which is characterized by landsliding and badland erosion. The area underwent continuous degradation during the last century due not only to its lithological vulnerability but also to the anthropic pressure favoured by the introduction of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) measures, which has led to the reclamation of scrub lands and badlands for durum wheat cultivation. Our analysis integrates the Unit Stream Power Erosion Deposition (USPED) model with a geographic information system (GIS) to quantify erosion risk and predict deposition patterns. Soil data, land use inventory, digital elevation data and climatic atlases were used as resource data sets to generate USPED factor values. The obtained results correlate well with field measured erosion data by other researchers. In the investigated 47 years, stable areas decreased by about 280 ha (3·8% of the total surface area), largely attributable to the increase of the low and moderate erosion intensity without significant change in sedimentation. Results from this study have implications related to understanding the geomorphic response of sites that were abandoned following remodelling due to the application of the F measure of Regulation CEE 2078/92. The average annual erosion rates estimated for abandoned and remodelled sites are respectively 15·99 and 10·64 t ha?1, meaning that the total amount of erosion in 20 years could be estimated at around 100 t ha?1. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil microtopography is a property of critical importance in many earth surface processes but is often difficult to quantify. Advances in computer vision technologies have made image‐based three‐dimensional (3D) reconstruction or Structure‐from‐Motion (SfM) available to many scientists as a low cost alternative to laser‐based systems such as terrestrial laser scanning (TLS). While the performance of SfM at acquiring soil surface microtopography has been extensively compared to that of TLS on bare surfaces, little is known about the impact of vegetation on reconstruction performance. This article evaluates the performance of SfM and TLS technologies at reconstructing soil microtopography on 6 m × 2 m erosion plots with vegetation cover ranging from 0% to 77%. Results show that soil surface occlusion by vegetation was more pronounced with TLS compared to SfM, a consequence of the single viewpoint laser scanning strategy adopted in this study. On the bare soil surface, elevation values estimated with SfM were within 5 mm of those from TLS although long distance deformations were observed with the former technology. As vegetation cover increased, agreement between SfM and TLS slightly degraded but was significantly affected beyond 53% of ground cover. Detailed semivariogram analysis on meter‐square‐scale surface patches showed that TLS and SfM surfaces were very similar even on highly vegetated plots but with fine scale details and the dynamic elevation range smoothed out with SfM. Errors in the TLS data were mainly caused by the distance measurement function of the instrument especially at the fringe of occlusion regions where the laser beam intersected foreground and background features simultaneously. From this study, we conclude that a realistic approach to digitizing soil surface microtopography in field conditions can be implemented by combining strengths of the image‐based method (simplicity and effectiveness at reconstructing soil surface under sparse vegetation) with the high accuracy of TLS‐like technologies. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Site‐average values of local gradient, defined as the steepest slope angle measured at a point, are a powerful predictor of long‐term rates of soil loss as measured by erosion pins on the non‐channel floor portions of ten badland study sites in the Karoo area of South Africa. Local gradient may be easily measured using a smartphone clinometer. The successful use of local gradient here is in strong contrast to the previous failure of other site‐specific attributes, including other measures of gradient and relief, to explain between‐site variation in erosion rate on these study sites. Each measurement of local gradient may be thought of as a sample of the site's microtopography. Microrelief is a strong determinant of the emergent patterns of inter‐channel overland flow, and hence of the patterns of inter‐channel erosion by flow. Local gradient changes most rapidly during the initial stages of channel incision. When channels are established, local gradient changes more slowly leading to almost‐parallel retreat of channel sidewalls. A sensitivity analysis suggests that measurements of local gradient are not all equal with regard to prediction of long‐term erosion rate. A greater share of predictive power is contributed by measurements made on very steep or vertical channel side wall areas, and a lesser share is contributed by measurements made on interfluves. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sediment, nutrients and pollutants discharged from sheet and interrill erosion areas by rain‐impacted flows may influence water quality in streams and rivers. The depth of water on the soil surface influences the capacity of raindrop impacts to detach soil material underlying rain‐impacted flows, and a number of so‐called process‐based and mechanistic models erroneously use equations on the basis of the effect of water depth on splash erosion to account for this effect. Also, a number of these models require complex mathematical solutions to make them operate and can only predict sediment composition and discharges well if many of their parameters are calibrated specifically to the situations where they are being applied. Experiments with rain‐impacted flows, where flow depth and velocity over eroding surfaces have been controlled, have been reported in the literature and provide more appropriate equations to account for the drop size – flow depth interactions that affect detachment and transport of particles in rain‐impacted flows. There is a need to develop modeling approaches that rely on relevant data obtained under well‐controlled flow conditions where flow depths and velocities are known. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

On the Chinese Loess Plateau, serious slope and gully erosion have caused a decrease in soil water capacity and fertility, which has resulted in vegetation degradation and a reduction in agricultural productivity. Great efforts have been made to restore vegetation to control soil erosion, but the efficiency of artificial revegetation is not satisfactory. Natural revegetation is an alternative. However, while soil seed banks are an essential source for natural revegetation, their composition and distribution on eroded slopes remains unknown. In addition, whether or not seed loss during soil erosion limits vegetation colonization is also unknown. In this work, soil seed bank composition and distribution were studied in three situations. Specifically, three main microsites were selected as sampling plots: fish‐scale pits, as artificial deposited micro‐topography; under tussocks, as trap microsites; and open areas, as eroded areas. Soil samples were collected at depths of 0–2 cm, 2–5 cm and 5–10 cm. The soil seed bank was identified using germination experiments, and a total of 34 species were identified. The dominant species in the soil seed bank were annual/biennial herbs with an average proportion more than 90% and density reaching 19,000 seeds m‐2. The pioneer species Artemisia scoparia was especially abundant. The dominant later successional species, such as Lespedeza davurica, Artemisia giraldii, Artemisia gmelinii, Stipa bungeana and Bothriochloa ischcemum, were present in the soil at a density that ranged from 38 to 1355 seeds m‐2. Compared with the eroded open areas, the fish‐scale pits retained a higher density of seeds, and the tussocks retained a larger number of species. However, there was no serious reduction of the soil seed bank in the erosion areas. The present study indicates that, on these eroded slopes, the soil seed bank is not the key factor limiting the colonization of natural vegetation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Deciphering the complex interplays between climate, uplift and erosion is not straightforward and estimating present‐day erosion rates can provide useful insights. Glaciers are thought to be powerful erosional agents, but most published ‘glacial’ erosion rates combine periglacial, subglacial and proglacial erosion processes. Within a glaciated catchment, sediments found in subglacial streams originate either from glacial erosion of substratum or from the rock walls above the glacier that contribute to the supraglacial load. Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides (TCN) are produced by interactions between cosmic ray particles and element targets at the surface of the Earth, but their concentration becomes negligible under 15 m of ice. Measuring TCN concentrations in quartz sand sampled in subglacial streams and in supraglacial channels is statistically compliant with stochastic processes (e.g. rockfalls) and may be used to discriminate subglacial and periglacial erosion. Results for two subglacial streams of the Bossons glacier (Mont Blanc massif, France) show that the proportion of sediments originating from glacially eroded bedrock is not constant: it varies from 50% to 90% (n = 6). The difference between the two streams is probably linked to the presence or absence of supraglacial channels and sinkholes, which are common features of alpine glaciers. Therefore, most of the published mean catchment glacial erosion rates should not be directly interpreted as subglacial erosion rates. In the case of catchments with efficient periglacial erosion and particularly rockfalls, the proportion of sediments in the subglacial stream originating from the supraglacial load could be considerable and the subglacial erosion rate overestimated. Here, we estimate warm‐based subglacial and periglacial erosion rates to be of the same order of magnitude: 0.39 ± 0.33 and 0.29 ± 0.17 mm a?1, respectively. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Landscape evolution and surface morphology in mountainous settings are a function of the relative importance between sediment transport processes acting on hillslopes and in channels, modulated by climate variables. The Niesen nappe in the Swiss Penninic Prealps presents a unique setting in which opposite facing flanks host basins underlain by identical lithologies, but contrasting litho‐tectonic architectures where lithologies either dip parallel to the topographic slope or in the opposite direction (i.e. dip slope and non‐dip slope). The north‐western facing Diemtigen flank represents such a dip slope situation and is characterized by a gentle topography, low hillslope gradients, poorly dissected channels, and it hosts large landslides. In contrast, the south‐eastern facing Frutigen side can be described as non‐dip slope flank with deeply incised bedrock channels, high mean hillslope gradients and high relief topography. Results from morphometric analysis reveal that noticeable differences in morphometric parameters can be related to the contrasts in the relative importance of the internal hillslope‐channel system between both valley flanks. While the contrasting dip‐orientations of the underlying flysch bedrock has promoted hillslope and channelized processes to contrasting extents and particularly the occurrence of large landslides on the dip slope flank, the flank averaged beryllium‐10 (10Be)‐derived denudation rates are very similar and range between 0.20 and 0.26 mm yr?1. In addition, our denudation rates offer no direct relationship to basin's slope, area, steepness or concavity index, but reveal a positive correlation to mean basin elevation that we interpret as having been controlled by climatically driven factors such as frost‐induced processes and orographic precipitation. Our findings illustrate that while the landscape properties in this part of the northern Alpine border can mainly be related to the tectonic architecture of the underlying bedrock, the denudation rates have a strong orographic control through elevation dependent mean annual temperature and precipitation. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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