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The classical aquitard-drainage model COMPAC has been modified to simulate the compaction process of a heterogeneous aquitard consisting of multiple sub-units (Multi-COMPAC). By coupling Multi-COMPAC with the parameter estimation code PEST++, the vertical hydraulic conductivity (K v) and elastic (S ske) and inelastic (S skp) skeletal specific-storage values of each sub-unit can be estimated using observed long-term multi-extensometer and groundwater level data. The approach was first tested through a synthetic case with known parameters. Results of the synthetic case revealed that it was possible to accurately estimate the three parameters for each sub-unit. Next, the methodology was applied to a field site located in Changzhou city, China. Based on the detailed stratigraphic information and extensometer data, the aquitard of interest was subdivided into three sub-units. Parameters K v, S ske and S skp of each sub-unit were estimated simultaneously and then were compared with laboratory results and with bulk values and geologic data from previous studies, demonstrating the reliability of parameter estimates. Estimated S skp values ranged within the magnitude of 10?4 m?1, while K v ranged over 10?10–10?8 m/s, suggesting moderately high heterogeneity of the aquitard. However, the elastic deformation of the third sub-unit, consisting of soft plastic silty clay, is masked by delayed drainage, and the inverse procedure leads to large uncertainty in the S ske estimate for this sub-unit.  相似文献   

弱透水层是含水层系统的重要组成部分。弱透水层的渗透系数K_v和弹性贮水率值S_(ske)对研究地面沉降及地下水资源评价具有重要的意义。在相邻含水层降深随时间周期性波动的条件下,推得了超固结弱透水层中无量纲形式的降深解析解,并基于该解析解进一步得到了超固结弱透水层累计变形量随时间变化的理论曲线。由于弱透水层的低渗透性,其变形总是滞后于相邻含水层的降深变化。根据弱透水层变形的滞后时间与含水层降深波动半周期的关系,提出了一种用以确定超固结弱透水层垂向渗透系数和弹性贮水率的方法,该方法对于弹性变形的超固结土具有很好的适用性。使用该方法之前,首先要根据分层标和水位资料确定含水层降深的变化周期以及弱透水层变形的滞后时间。应用该方法确定了上海地区f_(10-7)分层标处第2弱透水层的水力参数为K_v=4.12×10~(-10)m/s,S_(ske)=1.07×10~(-4) m~(-1)。经实例计算结果具有一定的可靠性。  相似文献   

Field and laboratory methods have been used to determine the hydraulic properties in a multiple-layer aquifer–aquitard system that is hydrologically connected to a river. First, hypothetical pumping tests in aquifer–aquitard systems were performed to evaluate the feasibility of MODFLOW-PEST in determining these parameters. Sensitivity analyses showed that: the horizontal hydraulic conductivity in the aquifer has the highest composite sensitivity; the vertical hydraulic conductivity has higher composite sensitivity than the horizontal hydraulic conductivity in the aquitard; and a partial penetration pumping well in an aquifer layer can improve the quality of the estimated parameters. This inverse approach was then used to analyze a pumping-recovery test conducted near the Platte River in southeastern Nebraska, USA. The hydraulic conductivities and specific yield were calculated for the aquitard and aquifer. The direct-push technique was used to generate sediment columns; permeameter tests on these columns produced the vertical hydraulic conductivities that are compatible with those obtained from the pumping-recovery test. Thus, the combination of the direct-push technique with permeameter tests provides a new method for estimation of vertical hydraulic conductivity. The hydraulic conductivity, determined from grain-size analysis, is smaller than the horizontal one but larger than the vertical one determined by the pumping-recovery test.  相似文献   

The firstin situ stress measurements in India were carried out in 176 m deep borehole by employing deep-hole wireline hydraulic fracturing equipment. The results reveal that the direction of maximum compression is oriented at N 35° E, and the existence of high-near-surface horizontal stresses compared with the overburden pressure. This can be attributed to the continuing convergence of Indian and Eurasian plates. Earthquakes experienced near Hyderabad could be due to refracturing of some NNE or NE trending mineralized fractures which persistently occur in the area, as these fractures are critically oriented with respect to the present-day stress field.  相似文献   

Observations from earthquakes over the past several decades have highlighted the importance of local site conditions on propagated ground motions. Downhole arrays are deployed to measure motions at the ground surface and within the soil profile, and also to record the pore pressure response within the soft soil profiles during excitation. The degradation of soil stiffness as excess pore pressures are generated during earthquake events has also been observed. An inverse analysis framework is developed and demonstrated to directly extract soil material behavior including pore water pressure (PWP) generation from downhole array measurements that can then be readily used in 1D nonlinear site response analysis. The self‐learning simulations (SelfSim) inverse analysis framework, previously developed for total stress site response analysis, is extended to extract PWP generation behavior of the soil in addition to cyclic response during ground shaking. A Neural Network based constitutive model is introduced to represent PWP generation during cyclic loading. A new analysis scheme is introduced that can use data from co‐located piezometer and accelerometer sensors. The successful performance of the proposed framework is demonstrated using four synthetic vertical array recordings. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

弱透水层释水变形伴随着水力参数(渗透系数K和贮水率Ss)的瞬态变化,传统的“移动窗口”式反演方法假定每个反演窗口的初始状态是静态的,这与弱透水层释水变形存在明显滞后效应的实际情况不符。本文提出了在高维参数反演优化情境下,时间域上模型参数的动态变化可与空间域上模型参数的一维非均质性等价,因而可用地质统计反演方法可用于识别弱透水层瞬态K和Ss的新思路,实现了该方法在水文地质领域的创新性应用。以上海越流含水层系统为例,运用似线性地质统计反演算法,高精度地拟合了F16分层标处的长观变形数据,获取了原位透镜体状弱透水层K和Ss的瞬态特征。反演结果显示,观测时段内K的变幅为1. 02×10-5~5. 89×10-4 m/a,平均值为1. 38×10-4 m/a,Ss的变幅为4. 34×10-4~6. 02×10-3 m-1,平均值为2. 65×10-3 m-1。基于反演所得参数瞬态特征,分析原位弱透水层在1994年前后分别以弹性和塑性变形为主,弱透水层K呈现与含水层水位相反的季节性变化特征,该现象可能与渗流力作用下细粒物质在含水层与弱透水层透镜体交界面附近的对孔隙的阻塞和疏通作用有关。该方法可获取完整观测时段内水文地质参数的动态变化轨迹,在计算评价地表水 地下水交互领域的河床渗透性、原位修复领域的渗透反应墙渗透性等的动态演化特征方面具有潜在的应用价值,并可作为构建水文地质领域、岩土工程等领域有关本构模型的有效辅助手段。  相似文献   

Summary Practitioners of the hydraulic fracture stress measurement technique commonly estimate the hydraulic fracture tensile strength as the difference between the initial formation breakdown pressure and the fracture reopening pressure. This method, first suggested by Bredehoeft et al. (1976), was developed with the assumption that the stress state in the cracked formation is identical to the stress state in the uncracked formation. In this paper, a relationship for the fracture reopening pressure based on Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics is developed that takes the hydraulically induced fracture into account. Situations in which the Bredehoeft technique can be appropriately applied are presented.  相似文献   

An aggregate of piezoelectric minerals may itself be piezoelectric if the minerals are suitably aligned. Thus quartz-bearing rocks may be piezoelectric, since quartz is one such mineral. It has been shown that some rocks do possess this effect, termed a piezoelectric fabric (Bishop, 1981). The type of piezoelectric fabric may be determined by matching experimental data to theoretical models of piezoelectric fabrics. These theoretical models of pure quartz aggregates are derived by considering the symmetry of the preferred crystallographic directions of the aggregate grains. From the symmetry, the piezoelectric matrix of the model may be determined. The best-fitting model and the orientation of its fabric is obtained by equating the experimental data to each model in turn. For each model, the best fitting fabric orientation is determined by using an inversion routine. If the experimental data are due to a piezoelectric fabric and not to some random or nonpolar distribution of grains, the fabric type (c-axis point maximum or large-circle girdle) and its orientation with respect to the specimen may be determined. The positions and polarities of the quartz a-axes are also specified. A statistical examination of results from a quartz-mylonite shows that the problem of piezoelectric model fitting is well posed, in that the Eulerian angles that specify the fabric orientation are fairly independent important parameters and a sufficiently close fit of the model to the data can be obtained to determine the fabric.  相似文献   

Tidal-signal attenuations are analyzed to compute hydraulic diffusivities and estimate regional hydraulic conductivities of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer, Territory of Guam (Pacific Ocean), USA. The results indicate a significant tidal-damping effect at the coastal boundary. Hydraulic diffusivities computed using a simple analytical solution for well responses to tidal forcings near the periphery of the island are two orders of magnitude lower than for wells in the island’s interior. Based on assigned specific yields of ~0.01–0.4, estimated hydraulic conductivities are ~20–800 m/day for peripheral wells, and ~2,000–90,000 m/day for interior wells. The lower conductivity of the peripheral rocks relative to the interior rocks may best be explained by the effects of karst evolution: (1) dissolutional enhancement of horizontal hydraulic conductivity in the interior; (2) case-hardening and concurrent reduction of local hydraulic conductivity in the cliffs and steeply inclined rocks of the periphery; and (3) the stronger influence of higher-conductivity regional-scale features in the interior relative to the periphery. A simple numerical model calibrated with measured water levels and tidal response estimates values for hydraulic conductivity and storage parameters consistent with the analytical solution. The study demonstrates how simple techniques can be useful for characterizing regional aquifer properties.  相似文献   

高渗压小水力梯度岩石渗透性测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐德敏  黄润秋  虞修竟 《岩土力学》2010,31(4):1103-1107
对低渗透岩石的渗透性测试一般采用瞬时压力脉冲法,但该方法不能真实模拟野外高孔隙水压力、小水力梯度的现场实际条件,而且试验存在较大误差。为此开发研制了一套新型高压渗透仪,在渗透出水端安装了管路过滤器、调速阀两种器械元件,可手动任意调控流量大小,而流量大小采用精确测量渗出水体积变化量表示。试验只要保证进水端水压不变,当调控的水流量与试样的渗流量达到平衡时,则会在出水端形成一个稳定的水压值。该套试验设备不但可对圆柱体试样进行渗透性、力学特性测试,而且还可以对方柱体试样进行渗透性测试,实现了对岩石实际所处应力、高孔隙水压力环境的真实模拟。实测检验理论技术可行,达到了满意的试验效果。  相似文献   

孔隙水压作用下岩样加载破坏过程的数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用自主开发的岩石破坏过程渗流与应力耦合分析软件F-RFPA^2D,通过对孔隙水压作用下岩石试件加载破坏过程的数值模拟,研究了孔隙水压力对岩石强度、应力-应变曲线和破坏模式的影响,再现了受压试件在孔隙水压力作用下破坏过程及其逐步演变的应力场和渗流场。结果表明,孔隙水压力对岩石变形、破裂过程及其破坏模式有很大影响。  相似文献   

刘晓磊  贾永刚  郑杰文 《岩土力学》2015,36(11):3055-3062
黄河口海床特殊的工程地质性质与复杂的工程动力稳定性问题,均与海床沉积物在波浪荷载作用下的孔压动力响应密切相关。在现代黄河水下三角洲潮间带岸滩选择4个典型研究点,现场模拟波浪作用对原状海床沉积物实施循环加载,利用孔隙水压力观测、沉积物强度测试、样品采集与实验室土工测试等方法手段,测定黄河口原状海床沉积物在循环荷载作用不同阶段的孔压响应与强度变化。研究发现,黄河口原状海床沉积物在经历循环加载过程中,典型的超孔压响应可分为逐渐累积、部分消散、快速累积、累积液化和完全消散5个阶段,分别对应沉积物强度的衰减、增大、衰减、丧失和恢复过程,沉积物的粒度组成与结构性强弱决定了超孔压的具体响应模式。波浪导致原状海床液化深度受沉积物的干密度、孔隙比、饱和度等初始物理性质影响显著,细颗粒组分的相对含量高低也在很大程度上控制着沉积物的液化特性。  相似文献   

A regional lacustrine aquitard covers the main aquifer of the metropolitan area of Mexico City. The aquitards hydraulic conductivity (K) is fundamental for evaluating the natural protection of the aquifer against a variety of contaminants present on the surface and its hydraulic response. This study analyzes the distribution and variation of K in the plains of Chalco, Texcoco and Mexico City (three of the six former lakes that existed in the Basin of Mexico), on the basis of 225 field-permeability tests, in nests of existing piezometers located at depths of 2–85 m. Tests were interpreted using the Hvorslev method and some by the Bouwer-Rice method. Results indicate that the distribution of K fits log-Gaussian regression models. Dominant frequencies for K in the Chalco and Texcoco plains range between 1E–09 and 1E–08 m/s, with similar population means of 1.19E–09 and 1.7E–09 m/s, respectively, which are one to two orders of magnitude higher than the matrix conductivity. In the Mexico City Plain the population mean is near by one order of magnitude lower; K=2.6E–10 m/s. The contrast between the measured K and that of the matrix is attributed to the presence of fractures in the upper 25–40 m, which is consistent with the findings of previous studies on solute migration in the aquitard.
Resumen El acuífero principal del Área Metropolitana de la Ciudad de México está recubierto por un acuitardo regional lacustre, cuya conductividad hidráulica es fundamental para evaluar la protección natural de las aguas subterráneas contra los contaminantes presentes en superficie y su respuesta hidráulica. Este estudio analiza la distribución y variación de dicha conductividad en las llanuras de Chalco, Texcoco y Ciudad de México (tres de los seis lagos que existían al principio en la Cuenca de México) a partir de 225 ensayos de campo en piezómetros múltiples existentes, ubicados entre 2 y 85 m de profundidad. La interpretación de los ensayos se ha realizado mediante el método de Hvorslev y—algunos—el de Bouwer-Rice. Los resultados indican que la distribución de la conductividad se ajusta a modelos de regresión lognormales. Las frecuencias dominantes en las Llanuras de Chalco y Texoco están comprendidas entre 1–9 y 10–8 m/s, con medias de población similares de 1.19×10–9 y 1.70×10–9 m/s, respectivamente, que son dos órdenes de magnitud mayores que el valor de la matriz. En el Llano de México, la media es casi un orden de magnitud inferior (2.60×10–10 m/s). Se atribuye este contraste entre la conductividad hidráulica medida y la de la matriz a la presencia de fracturas en el tramo superior situado entre 25 y 40 m, cosa que es coherente con estudios previos de migración de solutos en el acuitardo.

Résumé Un imperméable régional dorigine lacustre recouvre le principal aquifère de la zone urbaine de la ville de Mexico. La conductivité hydraulique K de cet imperméable est fondamentale pour évaluer la protection naturelle de laquifère, contre les différents contaminants présents en surface, et sa réponse hydraulique. Cette étude analyse et les variations de K dans les plaines de Chalco, Texcoco et Mexico (trois des six anciens lacs qui existaient dans le Bassin de Mexico), sur la base de 225 essais de perméabilité sur le terrain, réalisés en grappes dans des piézomètres existants entre 2 et 85 m de profondeur. Les essais ont été interprétés avec la méthode de Hvorslev et certains avec la méthode de Bouwer-Rice. Les résultats indiquent que la distribution de K sajuste à des modèles de régression log-gaussiens. Les valeurs de K les plus fréquentes dans les plaines de Chalco et de Texcoco sont entre 1E–09 et 1E–08 m/s, avec des moyennes similaires de 1.19E–09 et 1.7E–09 m/s respectivement, qui sont dun ou deux ordres de grandeurs supérieures à la conductivité de la matrice. Dans la plaine de Mexico, la moyenne est proche dun ordre de grandeur en moins, avec 2.6E–10 m/s. Ce contraste entre le K mesuré et celui de la matrice est attribué à la présence de fractures dans les 25–40 m supérieurs, ce qui est en accord avec les études précédentes sur la migration de solutés au travers de limperméable.

In probabilistic stability analyses of concrete dams founded on rock, the uplift pressure is often a parameter of major importance. In previous literature, it has been suggested that assessing uplift with pore pressure measurements, instead of using empirical assumptions, could improve the calculated dam safety. This paper presents a coherent methodology to investigate whether incorporating pore pressure measurements has any impact on the calculated dam safety, based on Bayesian linear regression of pore pressure data in combination with series-system and the first-order reliability method. The study concludes that the probability of sliding failure is closely related to the probability of an extreme increase in uplift. Hence, measured uplift should only be incorporated while this probability remains sufficiently small, which requires proper programs both for uplift monitoring and for maintenance of drains and grout curtains.  相似文献   

Water outbursts from the floor during underground mining, and those from the surrounding rock mass of tunnels, involve the basic principle of hydraulic fracturing. Based on the hydraulic-fracturing mechanism, considered to be dependent on the coupling between seepage and damage, it is deemed that the variation of the pore-fluid pressure coefficient must be taken into account during this coupled process, in order to correctly establish the crack propagation mechanism during hydraulic fracturing. The coupled seepage-damage model is validated using numerical simulations of hydraulic fracturing around one hole and three holes; the model may also enable scientific and reasonable explanation of the dominance of hydraulic gradient on the crack propagation path in permeable rock. Finally, the water outburst from the floor at a coal mining site in Hebei Province, China, is numerically simulated, and the coupled seepage and damage mechanism during the mining-induced rock failure is clarified. The numerical simulation implies that the seepage-damage is the main mechanism for controlling the water outburst. Therefore this mechanism should be considered in the numerical simulation to understand the essence of water outburst induced in mines.  相似文献   

本文采用施压条件下有机磷溶液渗透通过粘性土层的试验,模拟有机磷越流通过弱透水层的过程,研究其迁移的衰减规律、降解转化的机理以及各种因子的影响规律。研究发现,进水的浓度越小,pH值越大,土层中的磷酸酶降解转化有机磷的效果越好;土层对有机磷的吸附量随着进水pH的增大而增大,进水浓度的减小而减小;对于酸性进水而言,粘性土层对有机磷的阻滞作用与进水浓度关系不大,较倚重于进水pH值的升高。  相似文献   

Shallow clay-rich aquitards limit groundwater recharge to underlying aquifers, but they also protect the aquifers from contamination. The bulk hydraulic conductivity of such shallow aquitards can range from less than 1 mm/year to more than 100 m/year and may be much greater than the hydraulic conductivity of small intact samples of the aquitard material. This enhanced hydraulic conductivity diminishes the qualities of the aquitards for the protection of underlying aquifers but allows a higher rate of recharge. For aquifers that are overlain by aquitards, management and protection of groundwater resources may be critically dependent on reliable determinations of aquitard permeability. A variety of methods for determining bulk hydraulic conductivities of shallow clay aquitards is available; each has drawbacks and advantages, and each is based on simplifying assumptions. These methods include slug tests, pumping tests, response of the aquitard to mechanical loading, and analysis of natural pore-pressure fluctuations. Several of the commonly used methods require an independent measurement of specific storage. Laboratory methods for determining specific storage are probably not representative of in situ conditions and may lead to overestimation of aquitard permeability. Much of the theory developed to date depends on the assumption that horizontal displacement of the solid material is negligible, and this may not be a valid assumption for highly deformable media such as clay aquitards. However, with judicious selection of the most suitable methods for a particular site, good test design, careful instrumentation, and respect for the underlying assumptions, reliable determinations of aquitard permeability can be obtained. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

与传统的砂岩、泥岩不同,缝洞型碳酸盐岩具有较强的非均质性及各向异性,因此利用传统的方法对其进行孔隙压力预测尤为困难。利用声学信息进行孔隙压力预测是一种有效的预测方法,研究孔隙压力对碳酸盐岩储层声学特性的影响,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。通过对孔洞发育程度不同的缝洞型碳酸盐岩进行不同孔隙压力下的声学实验测试,在实验的基础上,分析了不同孔隙流体压力条件下岩心的声波时差、衰减系数、时频特性,得到了孔隙压力与不同类型碳酸盐岩纵横波时差及衰减系数之间的关系;探讨了孔隙压力对不同类型碳酸盐岩纵横波在时域及频域上的影响。此研究为利用声学特性对碳酸盐岩储层孔隙压力预测提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

孔隙水压力变化规律是饱和粉土体宏观变形细观结构研究的基础。以阳光新城工程为例,采用现场试验方法对长螺旋CFG桩施工时的孔隙水压力(简称孔压)变化进行了监测,并根据监测结果对施工过程的孔隙水压力(简称孔压)变化进行了阶段划分。研究结果,长螺旋CFG桩施工过程中孔压变化规律与常规的剪切液化观点相悖,抽吸与窜孔对孔隙水压力变化影响显著,并解释了产生这种现象的原因。孔压极大值和极小值在一定范围内产生累加效应,表现为非对称性,而变化的幅度值呈近似对称性。根据幅度值大小确定了长螺旋CFG桩施工时的影响范围,其值与小孔扩张理论比较吻合。  相似文献   

The deviatoric stress produced in a large-volume, high-pressure apparatus of the girdle-anvil type has been estimated from the density of free dislocations induced in natural olivine single crystals (initial density of 2×106 cm?2). Experiments at maximum pressure P=40 kbar and temperature T=1050°C for t=1 h in NaCl cell assemblies and various P-T paths yield specimens whose dislocation densities are unchanged from this initial value, implying that the deviatoric stress was less than 140 bar. In BN cell assemblies, the recovered specimen from high P-T experiments exhibit much higher densities of dislocations (~109 cm?2) which have been produced by steady-state plastic deformation of the olivine crystals under a deviatoric stress of ~3 kbar. This value of deviatoric stress in BN has been corroborated by observations of the subgrain size and recrystallized grain size in specimens of longer run duration (3 h).  相似文献   

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