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Global warming and 21st century drying   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Global warming is expected to increase the frequency and intensity of droughts in the twenty-first century, but the relative contributions from changes in moisture supply (precipitation) versus evaporative demand (potential evapotranspiration; PET) have not been comprehensively assessed. Using output from a suite of general circulation model (GCM) simulations from phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, projected twenty-first century drying and wetting trends are investigated using two offline indices of surface moisture balance: the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) and the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI). PDSI and SPEI projections using precipitation and Penman-Monteith based PET changes from the GCMs generally agree, showing robust cross-model drying in western North America, Central America, the Mediterranean, southern Africa, and the Amazon and robust wetting occurring in the Northern Hemisphere high latitudes and east Africa (PDSI only). The SPEI is more sensitive to PET changes than the PDSI, especially in arid regions such as the Sahara and Middle East. Regional drying and wetting patterns largely mirror the spatially heterogeneous response of precipitation in the models, although drying in the PDSI and SPEI calculations extends beyond the regions of reduced precipitation. This expansion of drying areas is attributed to globally widespread increases in PET, caused by increases in surface net radiation and the vapor pressure deficit. Increased PET not only intensifies drying in areas where precipitation is already reduced, it also drives areas into drought that would otherwise experience little drying or even wetting from precipitation trends alone. This PET amplification effect is largest in the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes, and is especially pronounced in western North America, Europe, and southeast China. Compared to PDSI projections using precipitation changes only, the projections incorporating both precipitation and PET changes increase the percentage of global land area projected to experience at least moderate drying (PDSI standard deviation of ≤?1) by the end of the twenty-first century from 12 to 30 %. PET induced moderate drying is even more severe in the SPEI projections (SPEI standard deviation of ≤?1; 11 to 44 %), although this is likely less meaningful because much of the PET induced drying in the SPEI occurs in the aforementioned arid regions. Integrated accounting of both the supply and demand sides of the surface moisture balance is therefore critical for characterizing the full range of projected drought risks tied to increasing greenhouse gases and associated warming of the climate system.  相似文献   

The spatiotemporal variations of long-term values of annual precipitation, annual radiation balance, and radiation index of dryness by the middle of the 21st century as compared with the last two decades of the 20th century were investigated using the results of numerical simulations based on the atmosphere-ocean general circulation models (AOGCMs). According to the model scenarios, the variations of moistening conditions follow the arid and arid-humid combined types. All models predict the significant moistening reduction in the south of European Russia by the middle of the 21st century. Studied is the reaction of boundaries of moistening zones in subboreal flat landscapes of Russia to the climate change. It is demonstrated that in spite of different directions of the spatial shift of moistening zone boundaries predicted by the climate models, these changes remain within the interannual selective variability.  相似文献   

The conditional probabilistic scenario analysis combines statistical methods of uncertainty analysis at parameter level with storylines which recognize the deep uncertainty that exists for several underlying trends. The model calculations indicate that cumulative 21st century emissions could range from 800 to 2500 GtC in the absence of climate policy. This range originates partly from the underlying storylines, and partly from the probabilistic analysis. Among the most important parameters contributing to the uncertainty range are uncertainty in income growth, population growth, parameters determining energy demand, oil resources and fuel preferences. The contribution of these factors is also scenario-dependent.  相似文献   

The characteristics of cyclones and anticyclones (number, pressure in the center, and duration) over the territory of Siberia (50°-70° N, 60°-110° E) in 1976-2011 obtained using surface weather charts are investigated. The relationship between the variability of these characteristics and the variability of surface air temperature is revealed.  相似文献   

Arctic climate change in the Twenty-first century is simulated by the Community Climate System Model version 3.0 (CCSM3). The simulations from three emission scenarios (A2, A1B and B1) are analyzed using eight (A1B and B1) or five (A2) ensemble members. The model simulates a reasonable present-day climate and historical climate trend. The model projects a decline of sea-ice extent in the range of 1.4–3.9% per decade and 4.8–22.2% per decade in winter and summer, respectively, corresponding to the range of forcings that span the scenarios. At the end of the Twenty-first century, the winter and summer Arctic mean surface air temperature increases in a range of 4–14°C (B1 and A2) and 0.7–5°C (B1 and A2) relative to the end of the Twentieth century. The Arctic becomes ice-free during summer at the end of the Twenty-first century in the A2 scenario. Similar to the observations, the Arctic Oscillation (AO) is the dominant factor in explaining the variability of the atmosphere and sea ice in the 1870–1999 historical runs. The AO shifts to the positive phase in response to greenhouse gas forcings in the Twenty-first century. But the simulated trends in both Arctic mean sea-level pressure and the AO index are smaller than what has been observed. The Twenty-first century Arctic warming mainly results from the radiative forcing of greenhouse gases. The 1st empirical orthogonal function (explains 72.2–51.7% of the total variance) of the wintertime surface air temperature during 1870–2099 is characterized by a strong warming trend and a “polar amplification”-type of spatial pattern. The AO, which plays a secondary role, contributes to less than 10% of the total variance in both surface temperature and sea-ice concentration.  相似文献   

Change in climate variability in the 21st century   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
As climate changes due to the increase of greenhouse gases, there is the potential for climate variability to change as well. The change in variability of temperature and precipitation in a transient climate simulation, where trace gases are allowed to increase gradually, and in the doubled CO2 climate is investigated using the GISS general circulation model. The current climate control run is compared with observations and with the climate change simulations for variability on three time-scales: interannual variability, daily variability, and the amplitude of the diurnal cycle. The results show that the modeled variability is often larger than observed, especially in late summer, possibly due to the crude ground hydrology. In the warmer climates, temperature variability and the diurnal cycle amplitude usually decrease, in conjunction with a decrease in the latitudinal temperature gradient and the increased greenhouse inhibition of radiative cooling. Precipitation variability generally changes with the same sign as the mean precipitation itself, usually increasing in the warmer climate. Changes at a particular grid box are often not significant, with the prevailing tendency determined from a broader sampling. Little change is seen in daily persistence. The results are relevant to the continuing assessments of climate change impacts on society, though their use should be tempered by appreciation of the model deficiencies for the current climate.  相似文献   

21st century climate change in the Middle East   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined the performance and future predictions for the Middle East produced by 18 global climate models participating in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report. Under the Special Report on Emission Scenarios A2 emissions scenario the models predict an overall temperature increase of ~1.4 K by mid-century, increasing to almost 4 K by late-century for the Middle East. In terms of precipitation the southernmost portion of the domain experiences a small increase in precipitation due to the Northward movement of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone. The largest change however is a decrease in precipitation that occurs in an area covering the Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey, Syria, Northern Iraq, Northeastern Iran and the Caucasus caused by a decrease in storm track activity over the Eastern Mediterranean. Other changes likely to impact the region include a decrease of over 170,000 km2 in viable rainfed agriculture land by late-century, increases in the length of the dry season that reduces the length of time that the rangelands can be grazed, and changes in the timing of the maximum precipitation in Northern Iran that will impact the growing season, forcing changes in cropping strategy or even crop types.  相似文献   

The observed intensity, frequency, and duration (IFD) of summer wet spells, defined here as extreme events with one or more consecutive days in which daily precipitation exceeds a given threshold (the 95th percentile), and their future changes in RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 in the late 21st century over China, are investigated by using the wet spell model (WSM) and by extending the point process approach to extreme value analysis. Wet spell intensity is modeled by a conditional generalized Pareto distribution, frequency by a Poisson distribution, and duration by a geometric distribution, respectively. The WSM is able to realistically model summer extreme rainfall spells during 1961–2005, as verified with observations at 553 stations throughout China. To minimize the impact of systematic biases over China in the global climate models (GCMs) of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5), five best GCMs are selected based on their performance to reproduce observed wet spell IFD and average precipitation during the historical period. Furthermore, a quantile–quantile scaling correction procedure is proposed and applied to produce ensemble projections of wet spell IFD and corresponding probability distributions. The results show that in the late 21st century, most of China will experience more extreme rainfall and less low-intensity rainfall. The intensity and frequency of wet spells are projected to increase considerably, while the duration of wet spells will increase but to a much less extent. The IFD changes in RCP8.5 are in general much larger than those in RCP4.5.  相似文献   

Compared are the estimates or regional changes in temperature and precipitation on the territory of Russia for two methods of the spatial averaging of meteorological station data, one of which is adapted to the sparse observational network and takes account of the station weights proportional to the area of their influence. Considered are several variants of the zoning with the separation of the different number of regions. Formulated is a criterion of the zoning adequacy to the problem of the revelation and analysis of regional climate changes. Estimated is the representativeness of the network of observations of temperature and precipitation for separate regions. Presented are the estimates of regional trends of air temperature and precipitation for the century interval and for the recent decades obtained on the basis of the full archive of available data for the zoning attached to the administrative division of the Russian Federation into the federal districts.  相似文献   

观测表明近百年全球在变暖,特别是自1970年以来更加明显,相应海平面上升、冰雪融化、异常与极端天气以及气候事件频发,给社会与经济造成极大影响。值得注意的是,在21世纪的未来80年是否会继续保持增暖的趋势,以及这种变暖在历史上的地位和从古气候暖期所获得的启示,本文将集中在这个问题上。  相似文献   

With down-scaled output from two General Circulation Models (the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, or GFDL, and the Parallel Climate Model, or PCM) and two emissions scenarios (A2 and B1), we project future trends in temperature and precipitation for the Tahoe basin. With the GFDL, we also project drought conditions and (through the use of a distributed hydrologic model) flood frequency. The steepest trend (GFDL with A2) indicates a 4–5°C warming by the end of the 21st century. Trends in annual precipitation are more modest with a dip in the latter half of the 21st century indicated by the GFDL/A2 case, but not the others. Comparisons with the Palmer Drought Severity Index show that drought will increase, in part due to the declining role of the snowpack as a reservoir for soil moisture replenishment. Analysis of flood frequency for the largest watershed in the basin indicates that the magnitude of the 100-yr flood could increase up to 2.5-fold for the middle third of the century, but decline thereafter as the climate warms and dries. These trends have major implications for the management of land and water resources in the Tahoe basin, as well as for design and maintenance of infrastructure.  相似文献   

Human activities affect the impact of the nitrogen cycle on both the environment and climate. The rate of anthropogenic nitrogen fixation from atmospheric N2 may serve as an indicator to the magnitude of this impact, acknowledging that relationship to be effect-dependent and non-linear. Building on the set of Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenarios developed for climate change research, we estimate anthropogenic industrial nitrogen fixation throughout the 21st century. Assigning characteristic key drivers to the four underlying scenarios we arrive at nitrogen fixation rates for agricultural use of 80 to 172 Tg N/yr by 2100, which is slightly less to almost twice as much compared with the fixation rate for the year 2000. We use the following key drivers of change, varying between scenarios: population growth, consumption of animal protein, agricultural efficiency improvement and additional biofuel production. Further anthropogenic nitrogen fixation for production of materials such as explosives or plastics and from combustion are projected to remain considerably smaller than that related to agriculture. While variation among the four scenarios is considerable, our interpretation of scenarios constrains the option space: several of the factors enhancing the anthropogenic impact on the nitrogen cycle may occur concurrently, but never all of them. A scenario that is specifically targeted towards limiting greenhouse gas emissions ends up as the potentially largest contributor to nitrogen fixation, as a result of large amounts of biofuels required and the fertilizer used to produce it. Other published data on nitrogen fixation towards 2100 indicate that our high estimates based on the RCP approach are rather conservative. Even the most optimistic scenario estimates that nitrogen fixation rate will remain substantially in excess of an estimate of sustainable boundaries by 2100.  相似文献   

21世纪平流层温度变化和臭氧恢复   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
胡永云  夏炎  高梅  吕达仁 《气象学报》2008,66(6):880-891
温室气体增加和可能的臭氧恢复将是影响21世纪平流层温度变化的两个主要因素。温室气体增加的辐射效应将导致平流层变冷,而臭氧恢复将导致平流层变暖。为探讨平流层温度在这两种相反因素作用下的变化趋势,研究中使用了观测的臭氧和温度资料以及4个有代表性的IPCC AR4海气耦合的全球环流模式的模拟结果(GISS-ER、GFDL CM20、NCAR CCSM3和UKMO-HadCM3)。观测分析结果表明,在近10年来臭氧柱含量和平流层低层温度均有升高的趋势,平流层中层温度仍然延续20世纪后20年的变冷趋势。IPCC-AR4的模拟结果表明,单纯温室气体增加将造成平流层变冷。可是,在同时考虑温室气体增加和臭氧层恢复的情况下,模拟结果表明平流层中上层仍将维持变冷的趋势,而下层则存在变暖的趋势,但几个模式给出的变暖趋势有差别。UKMO-HadCM3给出的模拟结果是在3种温室气体排放情况下平流层低层均呈现较强的变暖趋势,变暖的层次可达40 hPa;GFDL-CM20和NCAR-CCSM3给出的变暖趋势较弱一些,并且变暖主要位于60 hPa以下的层次。  相似文献   

21世纪中国东北地区气候变化预估   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
利用各国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第4次科学评估报告中全球气候系统模式组考虑人类排放情景的计算结果,计算与分析了多个气候模式对21世纪中国东北地区气候变化的集成预估结果。多模式集成预估结果表明:到21世纪后期,由于人类排放增加的影响,中国东北地区气温将可能较目前变暖3.0℃或以上,降水将可能增加。需要注意这种气候变化对中国东北地区社会经济的长远影响。  相似文献   

Pacific Northwest (PNW) hydrology is particularly sensitive to changes in climate because snowmelt dominates seasonal runoff, and temperature changes impact the rain/snow balance. Based on results from the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR4), we updated previous studies of implications of climate change on PNW hydrology. PNW 21st century hydrology was simulated using 20 Global Climate Models (GCMs) and 2 greenhouse gas emissions scenarios over Washington and the greater Columbia River watershed, with additional focus on the Yakima River watershed and the Puget Sound which are particularly sensitive to climate change. We evaluated projected changes in snow water equivalent (SWE), soil moisture, runoff, and streamflow for A1B and B1 emissions scenarios for the 2020s, 2040s, and 2080s. April 1 SWE is projected to decrease by approximately 38–46% by the 2040s (compared with the mean over water years 1917–2006), based on composite scenarios of B1 and A1B, respectively, which represent average effects of all climate models. In three relatively warm transient watersheds west of the Cascade crest, April 1 SWE is projected to almost completely disappear by the 2080s. By the 2080s, seasonal streamflow timing will shift significantly in both snowmelt dominant and rain–snow mixed watersheds. Annual runoff across the State is projected to increase by 2–3% by the 2040s; these changes are mainly driven by projected increases in winter precipitation.  相似文献   

The energy contribution of anthropogenic climatic fluctuations has been estimated to a gain of 15–20 TW, in comparison with a gain or deficit of 100–300 TW from natural processes responsible for the observed climatic fluctuations of the last 200 years. A dominant role of an increase of CO2 by a factor 2–5 in the next century, accompanied by side effects acting in the same direction, seems to be most likely. Under the assumption of constant natural factors anthropogenic warming and its effects on the Arctic sea-ice may successively lead to climatic states as in 1931–60, in the early Middle Age (900–1200) and in the climatic optimum period ca. 5000 BP. Finally it may result in a complete destruction of the Arctic sea-ice with a drastic shift of all climatic belts towards north, extending even to the interior Tropics.  相似文献   

Summary The first GCM climate change projections to include dynamic vegetation and an interactive carbon cycle produced a very significant amplification of global warming over the 21st century. Under the IS92a business as usual emissions scenario CO2 concentrations reached about 980ppmv by 2100, which is about 280ppmv higher than when these feedbacks were ignored. The major contribution to the increased CO2 arose from reductions in soil carbon because global warming is assumed to accelerate respiration. However, there was also a lesser contribution from an alarming loss of the Amazonian rainforest. This paper describes the phenomenon of Amazonian forest dieback under elevated CO2 in the Hadley Centre climate-carbon cycle model.  相似文献   

Arctic climate change in 21st century CMIP5 simulations with EC-Earth   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
The Arctic climate change is analyzed in an ensemble of future projection simulations performed with the global coupled climate model EC-Earth2.3. EC-Earth simulates the twentieth century Arctic climate relatively well but the Arctic is about 2 K too cold and the sea ice thickness and extent are overestimated. In the twenty-first century, the results show a continuation and strengthening of the Arctic trends observed over the recent decades, which leads to a dramatically changed Arctic climate, especially in the high emission scenario RCP8.5. The annually averaged Arctic mean near-surface temperature increases by 12 K in RCP8.5, with largest warming in the Barents Sea region. The warming is most pronounced in winter and autumn and in the lower atmosphere. The Arctic winter temperature inversion is reduced in all scenarios and disappears in RCP8.5. The Arctic becomes ice free in September in all RCP8.5 simulations after a rapid reduction event without recovery around year 2060. Taking into account the overestimation of ice in the twentieth century, our model results indicate a likely ice-free Arctic in September around 2040. Sea ice reductions are most pronounced in the Barents Sea in all RCPs, which lead to the most dramatic changes in this region. Here, surface heat fluxes are strongly enhanced and the cloudiness is substantially decreased. The meridional heat flux into the Arctic is reduced in the atmosphere but increases in the ocean. This oceanic increase is dominated by an enhanced heat flux into the Barents Sea, which strongly contributes to the large sea ice reduction and surface-air warming in this region. Increased precipitation and river runoff lead to more freshwater input into the Arctic Ocean. However, most of the additional freshwater is stored in the Arctic Ocean while the total Arctic freshwater export only slightly increases.  相似文献   

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