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机器学习在滑坡的易发性评价中面临两个难点,一是评价指标的客观量化,二是训练样本的选择。鉴于此,采用频率比法实现了评价指标的客观量化,利用k均值聚类算法实现了非滑坡样本数据的筛选。结果表明,以k均值聚类算法筛选非滑坡为前提,神经网络的训练精度由73%提升到了97%,支持向量机的训练精度由75%提升到了96%。基于GIS平台,将神经网络和支持向量机模型计算的全区易发性指数按自然断点法分为五个区域,分区图与历史灾害点的叠加分析统计结果显示,神经网络在全局范围内的评价结果优于支持向量机模型,全局精度分别为76%和74%。研究结果可为南江县的防灾减灾工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Zhang  Tingyu  Fu  Quan  Wang  Hao  Liu  Fangfang  Wang  Huanyuan  Han  Ling 《Natural Hazards》2022,110(2):823-846
Natural Hazards - Landslide hazards have attracted increasing public attention over the past decades due to a series of catastrophic consequences of landslide occurrence. Thus, the mitigation and...  相似文献   

Machine learning is currently one of the research hotspots in the field of landslide prediction. To clarify and evaluate the differences in characteristics and prediction effects of different machine learning models,Conghua District, which is the most prone to landslide disasters in Guangzhou, was selected for landslide susceptibility evaluation. The evaluation factors were selected by using correlation analysis and variance expansion factor method. Applying four machine learning methods namely ...  相似文献   

Hazards and disasters have always negative impacts on the way of life.Landslide is an overwhelming natural as well as man-made disaster that causes loss of natural resources and human properties throughout theworld.The present study aimed to assess and compare the prediction efficiency of different models in landslide susceptibility in the Kysuca river basin,Slovakia.In this regard,the fuzzy decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory combining with the analytic network process(FDEMATEL-ANP),Na?ve Bayes(NB)classifier,and random forest(RF)classifier were considered.Initially,a landslide inventory map was produced with 2000 landslide and nonlandslide points by randomly dividedwith a ratio of 70%:30%for training and testing,respectively.The geospatial database for assessing the landslide susceptibility was generated with the help of 16 landslide conditioning factors by allowing for topographical,hydrological,lithological,and land cover factors.The ReliefF methodwas considered for determining the significance of selected conditioning factors and inclusion in the model building.Consequently,the landslide susceptibility maps(LSMs)were generated using the FDEMATEL-ANP,Na?ve Bayes(NB)classifier,and random forest(RF)classifier models.Finally,the area under curve(AUC)and different arithmetic evaluation were used for validating and comparing the results and models.The results revealed that random forest(RF)classifier is a promising and optimum model for landslide susceptibility in the study area with a very high value of area under curve(AUC=0.954),lower value of mean absolute error(MAE=0.1238)and root mean square error(RMSE=0.2555),and higher value of Kappa index(K=0.8435)and overall accuracy(OAC=92.2%).  相似文献   

三峡库区滑坡灾害分布广、数量多、规模大、危害严重,因此开展滑坡灾害易发性评价对该地的地灾防治与处理具有重要参考意义。本文提取了地层岩性、地质构造、坡度、坡向、曲率、斜坡形态、植被指数、水系等17 个因子,选用逻辑回归模型、支持向量机模型、集成学习的梯度提升迭代决策树模型和深度学习中的长短期记忆神经网络与卷积神经网络耦合模型四个机器学习模型进行滑坡灾害易发性评价,选取最优评价模型,完成三峡库区的易发性分区评价,总结研究区易发性空间区划特性。对比四种模型的AUC(Area Under Curve)精度可以得出结论:GBDT模型(Gradient Boosting Decision Tree Model)的AUC精度相对较高,优于其他三个模型,更适合三峡库区的滑坡易发性研究。GBDT的易发性评价结果显示:研究区内极高易发性区域和高易发性区域主要集中于渝东、鄂西一带以及长江沿岸和支流沿岸。研究结果是对整个库区的易发性进行评价,可为后续库区的防灾减灾提供参考。  相似文献   

Akinci  Halil  Zeybek  Mustafa 《Natural Hazards》2021,108(2):1515-1543
Natural Hazards - Landslide susceptibility maps provide crucial information that helps local authorities, public institutions, and land-use planners make the correct decisions when they are...  相似文献   

基于Mamdani FIS模型的滑坡易发性评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张纫兰  王少军  李江风 《岩土力学》2014,35(Z2):437-444
滑坡的形成是众多非线性关系的影响因子相互作用的结果,传统滑坡预测方法需要大量实地勘查数据。利用Mamdani FIS(模糊推理系统)模型对三峡库区巴东-秭归段进行滑坡易发性预测,并对结果进行评价。通过地理信息系统(geographic information system,GIS)、遥感(remote sensing,RS)技术和区域地质背景资料获取地形类、生态环境类和地质背景类共3类7种滑坡影响因子,建立了192条相关的推理规则,在Matlab平台下基于Mamdani FIS模型得到研究区滑坡易发性预测指数,并生成滑坡易发性区划图。预测结果的受试者工作特征曲线下的面积值为82.8%,显示滑坡评估效果良好。结果证明,与其他模型相比,基于空间信息技术的Mamdani FIS模型,利用其非线性分析能力和基于专家意见的推理规则,评估滑坡易发性时不需要先验知识支撑,简化了模型使用时对数据的要求。另外,该模型只需通过专家意见改变推理规则就可以应用于不同的地质地理环境区域,显示其较强的适应性。  相似文献   

对于滑坡易发性预测中的水系、公路和断层等线状环境因子,现有研究大多采用缓冲分析提取距离线状因子的距离.但缓冲分析得到的线距离属于离散型变量,带有大小不等的随机波动性且对点或线要素的误差较为敏感,导致滑坡易发性建模精度下降.提出了使用水系和公路的空间密度等连续型变量改进线状环境因子的适宜性.以江西省安远县为例,选取高程、...  相似文献   

Landslide is considered as one of the most severe threats to human life and property in the hilly areas of the world. The number of landslides and the level of damage across the globe has been increasing over time. Therefore, landslide management is essential to maintain the natural and socio-economic dynamics of the hilly region. Rorachu river basin is one of the most landslide-prone areas of the Sikkim selected for the present study. The prime goal of the study is to prepare landslide susceptibility maps(LSMs) using computer-based advanced machine learning techniques and compare the performance of the models.To properly understand the existing spatial relation with the landslide, twenty factors, including triggering and causative factors, were selected. A deep learning algorithm viz. convolutional neural network model(CNN) and three popular machine learning techniques, i.e., random forest model(RF), artificial neural network model(ANN), and bagging model, were employed to prepare the LSMs. Two separate datasets including training and validation were designed by randomly taken landslide and nonlandslide points. A ratio of 70:30 was considered for the selection of both training and validation points.Multicollinearity was assessed by tolerance and variance inflation factor, and the role of individual conditioning factors was estimated using information gain ratio. The result reveals that there is no severe multicollinearity among the landslide conditioning factors, and the triggering factor rainfall appeared as the leading cause of the landslide. Based on the final prediction values of each model, LSM was constructed and successfully portioned into five distinct classes, like very low, low, moderate, high, and very high susceptibility. The susceptibility class-wise distribution of landslides shows that more than 90% of the landslide area falls under higher landslide susceptibility grades. The precision of models was examined using the area under the curve(AUC) of the receiver operating characteristics(ROC) curve and statistical methods like root mean square error(RMSE) and mean absolute error(MAE). In both datasets(training and validation), the CNN model achieved the maximum AUC value of 0.903 and 0.939, respectively. The lowest value of RMSE and MAE also reveals the better performance of the CNN model. So, it can be concluded that all the models have performed well, but the CNN model has outperformed the other models in terms of precision.  相似文献   

利用机器学习模型进行滑坡易发性评价时,不同的超参数设置往往会导致评价结果的不同.采用贝叶斯算法对4种常见机器学习模型(逻辑回归LR、支持向量机SVM、人工神经网络ANN和随机森林RF)的超参数进行了优化,探索了该算法对滑坡易发性机器学习模型的优化效果.以湘中地区4县(安化县、新华县、桃江县和桃源县)滑坡易发性评价为例说...  相似文献   

In recent years,landslide susceptibility mapping has substantially improved with advances in machine learning.However,there are still challenges remain in landslide mapping due to the availability of limited inventory data.In this paper,a novel method that improves the performance of machine learning techniques is presented.The proposed method creates synthetic inventory data using Generative Adversarial Networks(GANs)for improving the prediction of landslides.In this research,landslide inventory data of 156 landslide locations were identified in Cameron Highlands,Malaysia,taken from previous projects the authors worked on.Elevation,slope,aspect,plan curvature,profile curvature,total curvature,lithology,land use and land cover(LULC),distance to the road,distance to the river,stream power index(SPI),sediment transport index(STI),terrain roughness index(TRI),topographic wetness index(TWI)and vegetation density are geo-environmental factors considered in this study based on suggestions from previous works on Cameron Highlands.To show the capability of GANs in improving landslide prediction models,this study tests the proposed GAN model with benchmark models namely Artificial Neural Network(ANN),Support Vector Machine(SVM),Decision Trees(DT),Random Forest(RF)and Bagging ensemble models with ANN and SVM models.These models were validated using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve(AUROC).The DT,RF,SVM,ANN and Bagging ensemble could achieve the AUROC values of(0.90,0.94,0.86,0.69 and 0.82)for the training;and the AUROC of(0.76,0.81,0.85,0.72 and 0.75)for the test,subsequently.When using additional samples,the same models achieved the AUROC values of(0.92,0.94,0.88,0.75 and 0.84)for the training and(0.78,0.82,0.82,0.78 and 0.80)for the test,respectively.Using the additional samples improved the test accuracy of all the models except SVM.As a result,in data-scarce environments,this research showed that utilizing GANs to generate supplementary samples is promising because it can improve the predictive capability of common landslide prediction models.  相似文献   

Gao  Zemin  Ding  Mingtao 《Natural Hazards》2022,113(2):833-858
Natural Hazards - Landslides in mountain settlements are among the most widespread and dangerous geohazards. In this study, we aimed to assess landslide susceptibility using Wenchuan, southwest...  相似文献   

In this paper, an M–EEMD–ELM model (modified ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD)-based extreme learning machine (ELM) ensemble learning paradigm) is proposed for landslide displacement prediction. The nonlinear original surface displacement deformation monitoring time series of landslide is first decomposed into a limited number of intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) and one residual series using EEMD technique for a deep insight into the data structure. Then, these sub-series except the high frequency are forecasted, respectively, by establishing appropriate ELM models. At last, the prediction results of the modeled IMFs and residual series are summed to formulate an ensemble forecast for the original landslide displacement series. A case study of Baishuihe landslide in the Three Gorges reservoir area of China is presented to illustrate the capability and merit of our model. Empirical results reveal that the prediction using M–EEMD–ELM model is consistently better than basic artificial neural networks (ANNs) and unmodified EEMD–ELM in terms of the same measurements.  相似文献   

The major scope of the study is the assessment of landslide susceptibility of Flysch areas including the Penninic Klippen in the Vienna Forest (Lower Austria) by means of Geographical Information System (GIS)-based modelling. A statistical/probabilistic method, referred to as Weights-of-Evidence (WofE), is applied in a GIS environment in order to derive quantitative spatial information on the predisposition to landslides. While previous research in this area concentrated on local geomorphological, pedological and slope stability analyses, the present study is carried out at a regional level. The results of the modelling emphasise the relevance of clay shale zones within the Flysch formations for the occurrence of landslides. Moreover, the distribution of mass movements is closely connected to the fault system and nappe boundaries. An increased frequency of landslides is observed in the proximity to drainage lines, which can change to torrential conditions after heavy rainfall. Furthermore, landslide susceptibility is enhanced on N-W facing slopes, which are exposed to the prevailing direction of wind and rainfall. Both of the latter geofactors indirectly show the major importance of the hydrological conditions, in particular, of precipitation and surface runoff, for the occurrence of mass movements in the study area. Model performance was checked with an independent validation set of landslides, which are not used in the model. An area of 15% of the susceptibility map, classified as highly susceptible, “predicted” 40% of the landslides.  相似文献   

利用证据权法实现滑坡易发性区划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
依托“5.12”特大地震的抗震救灾工作,以汶川地震12个极重灾县市为研究对象,在1:5万滑坡详细调查、编录和遥感影像解译的基础上,利用DEM数据,ETM影像及基础地质数据,使用证据权法完成了研究区滑坡易发性评价因子的提取与制图以及相关性统计分析,实现了1:5万的滑坡易发性区划。  相似文献   

我国滑坡灾害分布范围广,危害严重。区域滑坡危险性评价一直都是滑坡灾害防灾减灾的重要内容之一。近年来,随着大数据和人工智能技术的飞速发展,机器学习技术逐渐在滑坡灾害危险性评价方面得到广泛应用,并取得了较好效果。在大量研读文献的基础上,系统阐述了基于机器学习技术的滑坡危险性评价方法研究现状。综述从评价因子选择与量化归一化、数据清洗与样本集构建、模型选取与训练评价等三个关键环节对现有研究成果进行分析评述,最后对机器学习滑坡危险性评价方法的发展趋势提出讨论意见。  相似文献   

This study compares the predictive performance of GIS-based landslide susceptibility mapping (LSM) using four different kernel functions in support vector machines (SVMs). Nine possible causal criteria were considered based on earlier similar studies for an area in the eastern part of the Khuzestan province of southern Iran. Different models and the resulting landslide susceptibility maps were created using information on known landslide events from a landslide inventory dataset. The models were trained using landslide inventory dataset. A two-step accuracy assessment was implemented to validate the results and to compare the capability of each function. The radial basis function was identified as the most efficient kernel function for LSM with the resulting landslide susceptibility map showing the highest predictive accuracy, followed by the polynomial kernel function. According to the obtained results, it concluded that using SVMs can generally be considered to be an effective method for LSM while it demands careful consideration of kernel function. The results of the present research will also assist other researchers to select the best SVM kernel function to use for LSM.  相似文献   

Ye  Peng  Yu  Bin  Chen  Wenhong  Liu  Kan  Ye  Longzhen 《Natural Hazards》2022,113(2):965-995

The rainfall can contribute significantly to landslide events, especially in hilly areas. The landslide susceptibility map (LSM) usually helps to mitigate disasters. However, how to accurately predict the susceptibility of landslides is still a difficult point in the field of disaster research. In this study, five advanced machine learning technologies (MLTs), including the Light Gradient Boosting Machine, extreme gradient boost, categorical boosting (CatBoost), support vector machine, and random forest, are utilized to landslide susceptibility modeling and their capabilities are compared through evaluation indicators. The northern part of Yanping, Fujian Province, China, is selected as the research object, because this area experienced mass landslide events due to extremely heavy rainfall in June 2010, resulting in many casualties and a large number of public facilities destroyed. The influencing factors for landslides, namely topographic, hydrological, geologic and human activities, are prepared from various data sources based on the availability. Through the analysis of the actual situation in the study area, 13 suitable landslide condition factors are considered and the availability of relevant factors is checked according to the multicollinearity test. The landslide inventory including 631 samples in this study area is obtained from historical information, satellite data in Google earth and performed field surveys. The landslide inventory is randomly divided into two datasets for model training and testing with a 7:3 ratio. The area under the curve of ROC, accuracy rate, Kappa index and F1 score are applied to compare the MLTs capabilities. In this paper, the results of factor importance analysis show that the first three important condition factors are the distance to faults, the distance to drainages and the slope. According to the LSMs, in the study area, the central and western regions are at high and very high landslide susceptibility levels, while almost all the eastern and northeastern regions are at medium and low landslide susceptibility levels. The CatBoost model is a very promising technology in landslide research according to the evaluation results, which means that for landslide susceptibility research, gradient boosting algorithms may get more accurate results and show better prospects in the future. Finally, the results of this paper will contribute to environmental protection to a certain extent.


准确认识并确定滑前地质模型,是分析滑坡在外部营力作用下变形机理,讨论滑坡形成机制的基础所在.以鲜水河断裂带老虎嘴滑坡为例,提出了滑坡滑前地质模型重建要素,包括地质要素、形态要素、环境要素三个主要方面.提出了滑前地质模型重建的方法与流程,即现今滑坡特征分析、滑前地形恢复、滑前滑坡边界确定、地质要素重建、环境要素重建、滑前地质模型重建.通过对老虎嘴滑坡滑前地质模型重建,获取了滑前地形地貌、剪出口位置、滑体结构等一系列滑坡分析所需参数.结果验证了本文研究方法的可行性和准确性,为研究强活动断裂带滑坡易发性提供了依据.  相似文献   

Xiao  Ting  Yin  Kunlong  Yao  Tianlu  Liu  Shuhao 《中国地球化学学报》2019,38(5):654-669

Landslide susceptibility mapping is vital for landslide risk management and urban planning. In this study, we used three statistical models [frequency ratio, certainty factor and index of entropy (IOE)] and a machine learning model [random forest (RF)] for landslide susceptibility mapping in Wanzhou County, China. First, a landslide inventory map was prepared using earlier geotechnical investigation reports, aerial images, and field surveys. Then, the redundant factors were excluded from the initial fourteen landslide causal factors via factor correlation analysis. To determine the most effective causal factors, landslide susceptibility evaluations were performed based on four cases with different combinations of factors (“cases”). In the analysis, 465 (70%) landslide locations were randomly selected for model training, and 200 (30%) landslide locations were selected for verification. The results showed that case 3 produced the best performance for the statistical models and that case 2 produced the best performance for the RF model. Finally, the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used to verify the accuracy of each model’s results for its respective optimal case. The ROC curve analysis showed that the machine learning model performed better than the other three models, and among the three statistical models, the IOE model with weight coefficients was superior.


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