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When integrating a perturbed two-body problem, very often the propagation of the numerical error is reduced by using a new time variables defined by dt/ds=|q| n , (|q| is the radial distance,t the time). This paper introduces a time element for such transformations, i.e., a new variablet n is defined so that dt n/ds=1+ (perturbing terms) andt=F n(tn), whereF n is a known function. The time element equation should be useful in reducing the error in the determination of the timet.F n is given explicitly forn=1, 3/2, 2, 5/2 and 3, and a general expression is given for other values.The work was performed while the author was an NRC Senior Research Associate, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md., U.S.A.  相似文献   

The Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) gives us a chance to investigate the theoretical Neupert effect using the correlation between the thermal-energy derivative and the nonthermal energy, or the thermal energy and the integral nonthermal energy. Based on this concept, we analyze four M-class RHESSI flares on 13 November 2003, 4 November 2004, 3 and 25 August 2005. According to the evolution of the temperature [T], emission measure [EM], and thermal energy [E th], each event is divided into three phases during the nonthermal-energy input [ \frac dEnthdt\frac {\mathrm{d}E_{\mathrm{nth}}}{\mathrm{d}t} in the units of erg s−1]. Phase 1 is identified as the interval before the temperature maximum, while after the thermal-energy maximum is phase 3, between them is phase 2. We find that these four flares show the Neupert effect in phase 1, but not in phase 3. The Neupert effect still works well in the second phase, although the cooling becomes slightly important. We define the parameter μ in the relation of \fracdEthdt=m\fracdEnth(t)dt\frac{\mathrm {d}E_{\mathrm{th}}}{\mathrm{d}t}=\mu\frac{\mathrm{d}E_{\mathrm {nth}}(t)}{\mathrm{d}t} or Eth(t0)=mò0t0\fracdEnth(t)dt dtE_{\mathrm{th}}(t_{0})=\mu\int_{0}^{t_{0}}\frac{\mathrm{d}E_{\mathrm{nth}}(t)}{\mathrm{d}t}\,\mathrm{d}t when the cooling is ignored in phase 1. Considering the uncertainties in estimating the energy from the observations, it is not possible to precisely determine the fraction of the known energy in the nonthermal electrons transformed into the thermal energy of the hottest plasma observed by RHESSI. After a rough estimate of the flare volume and the assumption of the filling factor, we investigate the parameter μ in these four events. Its value ranges from 0.02 to 0.20, indicating that a small fraction (2% – 20%) of the nonthermal energy can be efficiently transformed into thermal energy, which is traced by the soft X-ray emission, and the bulk of the energy is lost possibly due to cooling.  相似文献   

Adiabatic indices for a non-dissipative anisotropic convecting plasma are analyzed, and general expressions for the effective adiabatic index and the partial adiabatic indices parallel (γ) and perpendicular (γ) to the magnetic field are obtained. It is shown that, in the general case, the value of the effective adiabatic index is not an universal constant and depends on the plasma temperature anisotropy and on the properties of the plasma motion. The values of γ and γ are shown to be independent of the plasma parameters being completely determined by the characteristics of the plasma flow.  相似文献   

An approximate formula is derived for the refractive index of a whistler-mode wave propagating in a hot anisotropic plasma with wave normal angle close to the resonance cone angle (θR). Approximations used during the derivation are generally satisfied for magnetospheric conditions. It is pointed out that the derived formula can be considered to be complementary to the corresponding formula for quasilongitudinal whistler-mode propagation in a hot anisotropic plasma which was derived by Sazhin and Sazhina (1982). The limits of applicability of a cold plasma model when determining the height of generation of saucer emissions and V-shaped hiss are discussed.  相似文献   

A short derivation is given of the regularized equations of motion for the perturbed two-body problem. This method is then applied to the slightly modified time transformation dt/ds=r/ω.  相似文献   

Stray bodies orbiting a planet or the Sun are removed by collisions with larger objects or by expulsion from the system. However, their rate of removal generally cannot be described by the simple exponential law used to describe radioactive decay, because their effective half-life lengthens with time. Previous studies of planetesimals, comets, asteroids, meteorites, and impact ejecta from planets or satellites have fit the number of survivors S vs elapsed time t using exponential, logarithmic, and power laws, but no entirely satisfactory functional form has been found yet. Herein we model the removal rates of impact ejecta from various moons of Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune. We find that most situations are fit best by stretched exponential decay, of the form S(t)=S(0)exp(−β[t/t0]). Here t0 is the time when the initial population has declined by a factor of e≈2.72, while the dimensionless exponent β lies between 0 and 1 (often near 1/3). The e-folding time S−1[dS/dt] itself grows as the [1−β] power of t. This behavior is suggestive of a diffusion-like process.  相似文献   

We follow up the work of Fung and Young (1982) to derive explicit expressions for the power emitted and the power observed per unit solid angle along the direction of the group velocity in an anisotropic plasma. We have deduced the ratio of the time interval during which the energy is emitted and the corresponding time interval during which the energy is received in this anisotropic case. Our result obtained is consistent to the basic well-known concept of group-ray propagation in a plasma.  相似文献   

We investigate the radiative and conductive cooling in the solar flare observed by RHESSI on 2005 September 13. The radiative and conductive loss energies are estimated from the observations after the flare onset. Consistent with previous findings, the cooling is increased with time, especially the radiation becomes remarkable on the later phase of flare. According our method, about half of thermal energy is traced by RHESSI soft X-rays, while the other half is lost by the radiative (∼38%) and conductive (∼9%) cooling at end of the hard X-rays in this event. The nonthermal energy input of P nth (inferred from RHESSI hard X-ray spectrum) is not well correlated with the derivative of thermal energy of \fracdEthdt\frac{\mathrm{d}E_{\mathrm{th}}}{\mathrm{d}t} (required to radiate the RHESSI soft X-ray flux and spectrum) alone. However, after consideration the radiation and conduction, a high correlation is obtained between the derivative of total thermal energy ( \fracdEth+Erad+Econddt\frac{\mathrm{d}E_{\mathrm{th}}+E_{\mathrm{rad}}+E_{\mathrm{cond}}}{\mathrm{d}t}) and nonthermal energy input (P nth) from the flare start to end, indicating the relative importance of conductive and direct radiative losses during the solar flare development. Ignoring the uncertainties to estimate the energy from the observations, we find that about ∼12% fraction of the known energy is transferred into the thermal energy for the 2005 September 13 flare.  相似文献   

The author's model for anisotropic solar cosmic ray propagation gives 2 coupled, partial differential equations for the intensity and anisotropy of solar cosmic rays propagating with finite speed V in an inhomogeneous medium. The model is used to study the effect of the solar shell on solar cosmic ray propagation. It predicts an exponential decay, regardless of the observer's position. It predicts that when the observer is near the center of the shell, t D/t 0 20 to 30, (t D= decay time, t 0 = onset time) and A m(anisotropy) 15%, if t m/t 0 3 to 5 (t m= time of maximum), consistent with observations of relativistic particles on Feb. 23, 1956. When the observer is between the shell and the sun, the model predicts that oscillations might be observed near maximum intensity. When the observer moves away from the sun and the shell, the propagation is diffusive, but there is an increasingly large persistent anisotropy which serves as a measure of the width of the shell.  相似文献   

Particle stirring in turbulent gas disks: Including orbital oscillations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe the diffusion and random velocities of solid particles due to stochastic forcing by turbulent gas. We include the orbital dynamics of Keplerian disks, both in-plane epicycles and vertical oscillations. We obtain a new result for the diffusion of solids. The Schmidt number (ratio of gas to particle diffusivity) is Sc≈1+(Ωtstop)2, in terms of the particle stopping time tstop and the orbital frequency Ω. The standard result, Sc=1+tstop/teddy, in terms of the eddy turnover time, teddy, is shown to be incorrect. The main difference is that Sc rises quadratically, not linearly, with stopping time. Consequently, particles larger than 10 cm in protoplanetary disks will suffer less radial diffusion and will settle closer to the midplane. Such a layer of boulders would be more prone to gravitational collapse. Our predictions of RMS speeds, vertical scale height and diffusion coefficients will help interpret numerical simulations. We confirm previous results for the vertical stirring of particles (scale heights and random velocities), and add a correction for arbitrary ratios of eddy to orbital times. The particle layer becomes thinner for teddy>1/Ω with the strength of turbulent diffusion held fixed. We use two analytic techniques—the Hinze–Tchen formalism and the Fokker–Planck equation with velocity diffusion—with identical results when the regimes of validity overlap. We include simple physical arguments for the scaling of our results.  相似文献   

In a simple approximation, the evolution of a stellar system can be described in terms of the solutions to a diffusion equation for motion in a harmonic potential. This paper presents a discussion and characterization of the normal modes for this equation. These solutions are of particular interest in that they provide a simple example of the interplay between dynamical and relaxation phenomena. For the case of a large system, in which the relaxation timet r is much greater than the dynamical timet d,there exists a well-defined sense in which the effects of relaxation may be viewed as a perturbation of motion in the fixed field: the dynamical effects give rise to a purely oscillatory behavior, whereas collisions among stars provide a dissipative mechanism that drives the system towards the unique isothermal equilibrium. Alternatively, the presence of the fixed potential serves to alter the e-folding time for the various modes. In the limit thatt r t d , all characteristic relaxation times are essentially doubled. This suggests a danger in the use of velocity space equations to model the effects of evaporation.  相似文献   

Sommaire Les lois du mouvement dans une variété riemannienneV 4 peuvent être déduites d'un principe de moindre action. Nous établissons dans cet article l'équivalence des relations ds=0 et dL=-L k dk, où ds 2=L 2 est une métrique riemannienne et d k /dt une fonction homogène de degré 1 des variables dx i/dt qui définit un espace de Weyl. Ce théorème permet de ramener une théorie de jaugen à un principe de moindre action. Il peut être utilisé dans la théorie de la double métrique de Dirac, obtenue en choissant la théorie des grands nombres comme condition de jauge. Une fibration de l'espace physiqueV 3 basée sur le théorème de Huyghens permet de déduire les propriétés dynamiques des particules des propriétés des photons dansV 3, et constitue en ce sens une unification des propriétés dynamiques des particules.
The laws of motion in a RiemannianV 4 manifold can be deduced from the principle of least action. We state in this work the equivalence between the equations ds=0 and dL=-L k dk, where ds 2 =L 2 is the Riemannian metric and d k /dt the homogeneous functions of first degree of the dx i/dt which define a Weylian space. This theorem can then reduce a gauge theory to a principle of least action. It can be used in the double metric theory of Dirac, obtained by means of the Large Number Hypothesis as a gauging condition. A fibration of the physical spaceV 3 based on Huyghens' theorem allows the deduction of the dynamical properties of particles by means of the properties of photons inV 3, and constitutes in this way an unification of the dynamical properties of particles.

We have used Yohkoh and GOES X-ray observations to investigate flares with a long rising phase. We have found that a characteristic feature of such flares is a long time interval, Δ t ≥ 20 min, between the temperature maximum and the maximum of the emission measure. We have carried out detailed analysis for 10 limb flares of this type. Time variation of the heating function, EH(t), has been determined for their loop-top X-ray kernels. The time variation of EH(t), together with the temperature–density diagnostic diagrams, have been used to explain the large value of the time interval, Δ t. The main point is that for these flares the heating function EH(t) decreases so slowly after the temperature maximum, that for the long time, Δ t, the energy flux reaching flare foot points is sufficient to maintain significant chromospheric evaporation. Investigation of the flare evolution in the temperature–density diagnostic diagrams allowed us to work out a new method of determination of the density for flare kernels. This method can be applied to all the kernels for which their altitudes can be estimated. The advantage of this method is that for the density determination it is not necessary to assume what is the extension of the emitting plasma along the line of sight.  相似文献   

As compared with the Mount Wilson Magnetic Classification (MWMC), effective distance (d E) is a useful parameter because it gives a quantitative measure of magnetic configuration in active regions. We have analyzed magnetograms of 24 active regions of different types with MWMC. We have studied the evolution of magnetic fields of five active regions using d E, total flux (F t) and tilt angle (Tilt) quantitatively. Furthermore, 43 flare-associated and 25 CME-associated active regions have been studied to investigate and quantify the statistical correlation between flares/CMEs and the three parameters. The main results are as follows: (1) There is a basic agreement between d E and MWMC. (2) The evolution of magnetic fields can be described in three aspects quantitatively and accurately by the three parameters, in particular by d E on the analysis of δ-type active regions. (3) The high correlation between d E and flares/CMEs means that d E could be a promising measure to predict the flare-CME activity of active regions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we solve the field equations in metric f(R) gravity for Bianchi type VI 0 spacetime and discuss evolution of the expanding universe. We find two types of non-vacuum solutions by taking isotropic and anisotropic fluids as the source of matter and dark energy. The physical behavior of these solutions is analyzed and compared in the future evolution with the help of some physical and geometrical parameters. It is concluded that in the presence of isotropic fluid, the model has singularity at [(t)\tilde]=0\tilde{t}=0 and represents continuously expanding shearing universe currently entering into phantom phase. In anisotropic fluid, the model has no initial singularity and exhibits the uniform accelerating expansion. However, the spacetime does not achieve isotropy as t→∞ in both of these solutions.  相似文献   

The Newtonian differential equations of motion for the two-body problem can be transformed into four, linear, harmonic oscillator equations by simultaneously applying the regularizing time transformation dt/ds=r and the Kustaanheimo-Stiefel (KS) coordinate transformation. The time transformation changes the independent variable from time to a new variables, and the KS transformation transforms the position and velocity vectors from Cartesian space into a four-dimensional space. This paper presents the derivation of uniform, regular equations for the perturbed twobody problem in the four-dimensional space. The variation of parameters technique is used to develop expressions for the derivatives of ten elements (which are constants in the unperturbed motion) for the general case that includes both perturbations which can arise from a potential and perturbations which cannot be derived from a potential. These element differential equations are slightly modified by introducing two additional elements for the time to further improve long term stability of numerical integration.Originally presented at the AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialists Conference, Vail, Colorado, July 1973  相似文献   

Based on data from the SONG and SPR-N multichannel hard electromagnetic radiation detectors onboard the CORONAS-F space observatory and the X-ray monitors onboard GOES satellites, we have distinguished the thermal and nonthermal components in the X-ray spectrum of an extreme solar flare on January 20, 2005. In the impulsive flare phase determined from the time of the most efficient electron and proton acceleration, we have obtained parameters of the spectra for both components and their variations in the time interval 06:43–06:54 UT. The spectral index in the energy range 0.2–2 MeV for a single-power-law spectrum of accelerated electrons is shown to have been close to 3.4 for most of the time interval under consideration. We have determined the time dependence of the lower energy cutoff in the energy spectrum of nonthermal photons E γ0(t) at which the spectral flux densities of the thermal and nonthermal components become equal. The power deposited by accelerated electrons into the flare volume has been estimated using the thick-target model under two assumptions about the boundary energy E 0 of the electron spectrum: (i) E 0 is determined by E γ0(t) and (ii) E 0 is determined by the characteristic heated plasma energy (≈5kT (t)). The reality of the first assumption is proven by the fact that plasma cooling sets in at a time when the radiative losses begin to prevail over the power deposited by electrons only in this case. Comparison of the total energy deposited by electrons with a boundary energy E γ0(t) with the thermal energy of the emitting plasma in the time interval under consideration has shown that the total energy deposited by accelerated electrons at the beginning of the impulsive flare phase before 06:47 UT exceeds the thermal plasma energy by a factor of 1.5–2; subsequently, these energies become approximately equal and are ~(4–5) × 1030 erg under the assumption that the filling factor is 0.5–0.6.  相似文献   

Aschwanden  Markus J.  Alexander  David 《Solar physics》2001,204(1-2):91-120
We present an analysis of the evolution of the thermal flare plasma during the 14 July 2000, 10 UT, Bastille Day flare event, using spacecraft data from Yohkoh/HXT, Yohkoh/SXT, GOES, and TRACE. The spatial structure of this double-ribbon flare consists of a curved arcade with some 100 post-flare loops which brighten up in a sequential manner from highly-sheared low-lying to less-sheared higher-lying bipolar loops. We reconstruct an instrument-combined, average differential emission measure distribution dEM(T)/dT that ranges from T=1 MK to 40 MK and peaks at T 0=10.9 MK. We find that the time profiles of the different instrument fluxes peak sequentially over 7 minutes with decreasing temperatures from T≈30 MK to 1 MK, indicating the systematic cooling of the flare plasma. From these temperature-dependent relative peak times t peak(T) we reconstruct the average plasma cooling function T(t) for loops observed near the flare peak time, and find that their temperature decrease is initially controlled by conductive cooling during the first 188 s, T(t)∼[1+(tcond)]−2/7, and then by radiative cooling during the next 592 s, T(t)∼[1−(trad)]3/5. From the radiative cooling phase we infer an average electron density of n e=4.2×1011 cm−3, which implies a filling factor near 100% for the brightest observed 23 loops with diameters of ∼1.8 Mm that appear simultaneously over the flare peak time and are fully resolved with TRACE. We reproduce the time delays and fluxes of the observed time profiles near the flare peak self-consistently with a forward-fitting method of a fully analytical model. The total integrated thermal energy of this flare amounts to E thermal=2.6×1031 erg. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1014257826116  相似文献   

Two theorems concerning the propagation of electromagnetic radiation which interacts with matter through elastic electron scattering in arbitrary gravitational fields allow to draw conclusions relevant to the thermal history of the 3 °K microwave background: Provided, a thermalization at some instant t = t1 in the past has established at this time a Planckian photon distribution function (possibly with the temperature T depending on the propagation direction and on space coordinates), then (i) the Planckian distribution is preserved in a first approximation, if the deviation of the actual distribution from an isotropic Planckian remains always small; and (ii) in the Rayleigh-Jeans domain the Planckian shape is preserved independent of the degree of radiation anisotropy. Due to thermalizing action of electron scattering in ionized intergalactic and pre-galactic matter the observed degree of anisotropy in the 3 °K microwave background may be smaller as is expected for collisionless radiation propagating in a given geometry. To study this effect, the equation of radiative transfer with an electron scattering term is integrated in an anisotropic universe of the Heckmann-Schücking type (Bianchi type I), starting from an early optically thick epoch (corresponding to a radiation temperature T = 5000 °K) prior to plasma recombination. With the quadrupole anisotropy of the order of 2 · 10−3 found by Partridge and Wilkinson in the Rayleigh-Jeans domain, metric anisotropy parameters ranging from a = 380 to 900 years are derived, if the re-ionization of intergalactic matter sets in at redshift values ranging from zr = 0 to zr = 8.  相似文献   

X-ray bursts observed for energies lower than 25 keV are usually interpreted as being produced by a thermal plasma with several million degrees of temperature.A small number of events recorded at Arcetri by real time telemetry of SOLRAD 9 satellite agrees with a thermal interpretation and gives temperatures ranging between 10 × 106 and 30 × 106K and emission measures, N e 2 dV, between 1047 and 1048 cm–3.An impulsive event recorded on January 7, 1969 shows an anomalous behaviour. In this case the emission has been attributed to bremsstrahlung radiation from electrons with a power law energy distribution dN = KE - dE. The values of the spectral index and of the emission measure are given.A tentative interpretation of the event is suggested and the way to produce non-relativistic electrons with a power law energy distribution is investigated.  相似文献   

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