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We study cosmic microwave background (CMB) secondary anisotropies produced by inhomogeneous reionization by means of cosmological simulations coupled with the radiative transfer code crash . The reionization history is consistent with the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe Thomson optical depth determination. We find that the signal arising from this process dominates over the primary CMB component for   l ≳ 4000  and reaches a maximum amplitude of   l ( l + 1) Cl /2π≃ 1.6 × 10−13  on arcmin scales (i.e. l as large as several thousands). We then cross-correlate secondary CMB anisotropy maps with neutral hydrogen 21-cm line emission fluctuations obtained from the same simulations. The two signals are highly anticorrelated on angular scales corresponding to the typical size of H  ii regions (including overlapping) at the 21-cm map redshift. We show how the CMB/21-cm cross-correlation can be used: (i) to study the nature of the reionization sources; (ii) to reconstruct the cosmic reionization history; (iii) to infer the mean cosmic ionization level at any redshift. We discuss the feasibility of the proposed experiment with forthcoming facilities.  相似文献   

One of the most sought-after signatures of reionization is a rapid increase in the ionizing background (usually measured through the Lyα optical depth towards distant quasars). Conventional wisdom associates this with the 'overlap' phase when ionized bubbles merge, allowing each source to affect a much larger volume. We argue that this picture fails to describe the transition to the post-overlap Universe, where Lyman-limit systems (LLSs) absorb ionizing photons over moderate length-scales  (≲20–100   Mpc)  . Using an analytic model, we compute the probability distribution of the amplitude of the ionizing background throughout reionization, including both discrete ionized bubbles and LLSs (parametrized by an attenuation length, which we impose rather than attempt to model self-consistently). We show that the overlap does not by itself cause a rapid increase in the ionizing background or a rapid decrease in the mean Lyα transmission towards distant quasars. More detailed seminumeric models support these conclusions. We argue that the rapid changes should instead be interpreted as evolution in the attenuation length itself, which may or may not be directly related to overlap.  相似文献   

The introduction of low-frequency radio arrays is expected to revolutionize the study of the reionization epoch. Observation of the contrast in redshifted 21-cm emission between a large H  ii region and the surrounding neutral intergalactic medium (IGM) will be the simplest and most easily interpreted signature. However, the highest redshift quasars known are thought to reside in an ionized IGM. Using a semi-analytic model we describe the redshifted 21-cm signal from the IGM surrounding quasars discovered using the i -drop-out technique (i.e. quasars at   z ∼ 6  ). We argue that while quasars at   z < 6.5  seem to reside in the post-overlap IGM, they will still provide valuable probes of the late stages of the overlap era because the light-travel time across a quasar proximity zone should be comparable to the duration of overlap. For redshifted 21-cm observations within a 32-MHz bandpass, we find that the subtraction of a spectrally smooth foreground will not remove spectral features due to the proximity zone. These features could be used to measure the neutral hydrogen content of the IGM during the late stages of reionization. The density of quasars at   z ∼ 6  is now well constrained. We use the measured quasar luminosity function to estimate the prospects for discovery of high-redshift quasars in fields that will be observed by the Murchison Widefield Array.  相似文献   

We assess the effect of a population of high-redshift quasars on the 21-cm power spectrum during the epoch of reionization. Our approach is to implement a seminumerical scheme to calculate the three-dimensional structure of ionized regions surrounding massive haloes at high redshift. We include the ionizing influence of luminous quasars by populating a simulated overdensity field with quasars using a Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithm. We find that quasars modify both the amplitude and shape of the power spectrum at a level which is of the same order as the fractional contribution to reionization. The modification is found both at constant redshift and at constant global neutral fraction, and arises because ionizing photons produced by quasars are biased relative to the density field at a level that is higher than stellar ionizing photons. The modification of the power spectrum is likely to be small, rendering the effect of quasars difficult to isolate. However, we find the modification of the power spectrum by quasars to be at a level that is comparable to the precision expected for future low-frequency telescopes. Correct interpretation of observations will therefore require the effect of quasars to be considered, and our results imply that quasar ionization will need to be included in detailed modelling of observed 21-cm power spectra.  相似文献   

We present a calculation of the blazar contribution to the extragalactic diffuse γ -ray background (EGRB) in the EGRET energy range. Our model is based on inverse-Compton scattering as the dominant γ -ray production process in the jets of flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) and BL Lac objects, and on the unification scheme of radio-loud AGN. According to this picture, blazars represent the beamed fraction of the Fanaroff–Riley radio galaxies (FR galaxies).
The observed log  N –log  S distribution and redshift distribution of both FSRQs and BL Lacs constrain our model. Depending slightly on the evolutionary behaviour of blazars, we find that unresolved AGN underproduce the intensity of the extragalactic background radiation. With our model only 20–40 per cent of the extragalactic background emission can be explained by unresolved blazars if we integrate to a maximum redshift of Z max=3. For Z max=5, blazars could account for 40–80 per cent of the EGRB. Roughly 70–90 per cent of the AGN contribution to the EGRB would result from BL Lacs. While the systematic uncertainties in our estimate for the FSRQ contribution appear small, in the case of BL Lacs our model parameters are not consistent with the results from studies in other wavelength regimes, and therefore may have larger systematic uncertainties. Thus we end up with two possibilities, depending on whether we underpredict or overpredict the BL Lac contribution: either unresolved AGN cannot account for the entire EGRB, or unresolved BL Lacs produce the observed background.
We predict a significant flattening of the γ -ray log  N –log  S function in the next two decades of flux below the EGRET threshold.  相似文献   

提供一个基于光变曲线的长γ暴光度的估计量.对BASTE记录到的12个已知红移的γ暴,利用时域上的时变分析方法计算了各暴的功率密度谱,用功率密度的峰值P表征光变曲线变化的剧烈程度.通过拟合发现在共动坐标系P与γ暴的各向同性峰值光度L之间存在着相关关系.这是继Norris等和Reichart等发现时间延迟与光度、变化率与光度的相关性之后又一个γ暴时变特征量与其光度之间的相关关系.  相似文献   

The brightness temperature fluctuations in the 21-cm background related to the neutral hydrogen distribution provide a probe of the physics related to the era of reionization, when the intergalactic medium changed from being completely neutral to partially ionized. We formulate statistics of 21-cm brightness temperature anisotropies in terms of the angular power spectrum, the bispectrum, and the trispectrum. Using the trispectrum, we estimate the covariance related to the power spectrum measurements and show that correlations resulting from non-Gaussianities are below a per cent, at most. While all-sky observations of the 21-cm background at arcminute-scale resolution can be used to measure the bispectrum with a cumulative signal-to-noise ratio of the order of a few tens, in the presence of foregrounds and instrumental noise related to first-generation interferometers, the measurement is unlikely to be feasible. For most purposes, non-Gaussianities in 21-cm fluctuations can be ignored and the distribution can be described with Gaussian statistics. Because 21-cm fluctuations are significantly contaminated by foregrounds, such as galactic synchrotron or low-frequency radio point sources, the lack of significant non-Gaussianity in the signal suggests that any significant detection of non-Gaussianity could be the result of foregrounds. Similarly, in addition to the frequency information that is now proposed to separate 21-cm fluctuations from foregrounds, if the non-Gaussian structure of foregrounds is known a priori, this additional information could potentially be used to reduce the confusion further.  相似文献   

This work presents a possible luminosity estimator for long γ-ray bursts (GRBs) based on their light curves. We use the method of variability analysis in the time domain to calculate the power density spectrum (PDS) for each of the 12 GRBs with known redshifts observed by CGRO/BATSE. The peak of the power density spectrum P is a measure of the intensity of variability of the given light curve and a strong correlation is found between P and the isotropic peak luminosity L of the GRB. It is a successor to the lag-luminosity relation of Norris et al. (2000) and the variability-luminosity relation of Reichart et al. (2001).  相似文献   

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