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Summary The magnetic fabric of the Yampi Sound hematite ore bodies of Cockatoo and Koolan Island in Western Australia has been determined with a low field torque meter in an attempt to investigate the origin of the ores. The ore bodies are conformable with a ferruginous sedimentary sequence, which has been folded into overturned synclines and anticlines. Each ore body shows a consistent distribution of the principal susceptibility axes due to a preferred alignment of the trigonal axes of hematite, but the magnetic fabric is not related to the sedimentary structure of the ores. For the Cockatoo Island ore body the magnetic fabric indicates the presence of an axial plane foliation within the ore, suggesting that the preferred crystalline alignment is caused by arecrystallization of hematite during the folding of the sediments. The magnetic fabric of the ore bodies on Koolan Island is not related to either bedding or axial planes. This can be explained by assuming that the hematite recrystallized during an earlier stage of the folding process and that then the limbs of the fold were rotated into their present position. High field torque measurements on several ore specimens indicate a preferred crystalline alignment of hematite of about 25%. The ferruginous sediments of Cockatoo Island show a composite fabric caused by the superposition of two foliations, one being the bedding plane and the other the axial plane foliation impressed during the folding of the sediments.  相似文献   

Summary The high field torque curves of hematite bearing rocks are not caused by directional differences in the energy of magnetization to saturation, but rather by the couple between the ferromagnetic moment and the applied field. An expression, derived for the high field torque curve of a single crystal of hematite, whose basal plane makes an arbitrary angle with the plane of rotation of the applied field, is found to be in excellent agreement with experiment. Furthermore it is shown that the Fourier spectrum of hematite bearing rocks should in general contain significant higher harmonics and that therefore the high field method is not particularly suitable for determining the preferred crystalline alignment of hematite bearing rocks.  相似文献   

The cleavage origin in rocks ranging from unmetamorphosed sediments, through slates to phyllites of the Nízký Jeseník Mts. (northern Moravia, Czechoslovakia), which show a range of deformation styles, from undeformed through fracture and slaty cleavage to the development of metamorphic foliation, was studied by means of magnetic anisotropy. These studies have shown that the fracture cleavage probably originated during a post-plastic rock deformation. Therefore the orientation of the fracture cleavage with respect to the strain-tensor components cannot be studied by means of magnetic anisotropy. The magnetic fabric of rocks with slaty cleavage was generated through componental movements during the ductile rock deformation. The slaty cleavage developed perpendicularly to the maximum shortening direction. In the rocks exhibiting macroscopically observable marks of slippage along the slaty cleavage, the slippage probably took place after the slaty cleavage developed, when the rock ductility was lower. The metamorphic foliation developed from the slaty cleavage in the course of continuous strain.  相似文献   

Susceptibility anisotropies in the form of vertically prolate ellipsoids have been reported in many deep-sea sediment cores. The results of the present investigation suggest that these anisotropies may not describe the original magnetic fabric of deep-sea sediment, but are more likely due to either a measurement effect or to deformation of the sediment during coring. Anisotropy measurements made on a spinner magnetometer sometimes were found to be greatly affected by the shape of the sample. This apparent “sample-shape effect” was not observed on a low-field torque meter. The anisotropy of samples taken near the base or the top of some piston cores often reflects sediment disturbance during the coring operation. Most samples of deep-sea sediment examined had weak anisotropies that could be interpreted as due to normal depositional processes, including bioturbation. The best-fitting susceptibility ellipsoids were usually oblate with near vertical minimum susceptibility axes.  相似文献   

Helicopter electromagnetic (HEM) systems are commonly used for conductivity mapping and the data are often interpreted using an isotropic horizontally layered earth model. However, in regions with distinct dipping stratification, it is useful to extend the model to a layered earth with general anisotropy by assigning each layer a symmetrical 3 × 3 resistivity tensor. The electromagnetic (EM) field is represented by two scalar potentials, which describe the poloidal and toroidal parts of the magnetic field. Via a 2D Fourier transform, we obtain two coupled ordinary differential equations in the vertical coordinate. To stabilize the numerical calculation, the wavenumber domain is divided into two parts associated with small and large wavenumbers. The EM field for small wavenumbers is continued from layer to layer with the continuity conditions. For large wavenumbers, the EM field behaves like a DC field and therefore cannot be sensed by airborne EM systems. Thus, the contribution from the large wavenumbers is simply ignored. The magnetic fields are calculated for the vertical coaxial (VCX), horizontal coplanar (HCP) and vertical coplanar (VCP) coil configurations for a helicopter EM system. The apparent resistivities defined from the VCX, VCP and HCP coil responses, when plotted in polar coordinates, clearly identify the principal anisotropic axes of an anisotropic earth. The field example from the Edwards Aquifer recharge area in Texas confirms that the polar plots of the apparent resistivities identify the principal anisotropic axes that coincide well with the direction of the underground structures.  相似文献   

Summary Relations for computing the minimum amplitudes of ground vibrations which generate oscillations of the gravity meter reading beam at the limit of the resolution of the optical system, have been derived. The minimum amplitudes in the ground displacement period range of0.1 to10 s, for the assumed values of the fundamental parameters of quartz gravity meters (i.e. the periods and damping constants of the pendulum and the mechanico-optical magnification of the pendulum deflections), range from tenths of a micrometre to units of micrometres. Larger displacement amplitudes, due to, e.g., earthquakes and traffic, disrupt gravity measurements.  相似文献   

根据扬子江航道上一系列磁测及验证结果,指出在不同介质中的相似磁性物体所引起的磁场强度会产生一定的变化,实例说明:这一现象可能对磁法勘查带来的影响.文章没有对不同介质中磁性体磁场的变化机制进行讨论.  相似文献   

Summary An induced anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility results from the domain alignment which is produced by treating stationary specimens in a strong alternating field. Appreciable domain re-orientation occurs in fields as low as 50 oersteds and the effect must therefore normally be an important part of the process of alternating field demagnetization. Induced anisotropy has been measured in a number of igneous rocks with a range of palaeomagnetic stabilities and in magnetite powders of controlled grain sizes, dispersed in plaster or kaolin specimens which were mechanically deformed to produce instrinsic magnetic anisotropy by grain alignment. The saturation magnitude of the induced anisotropy is not a function of grain size but the saturating field required increases with decreasing grain size. In the larger grains, induced anisotropy is a function of grain orientation.  相似文献   

Summary The changes of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility of igneous rocks, induced by a magnetic field, are studied. It is proved that changes in the degree of anisotropy of susceptibility and of the orientation of the susceptibility ellispoid of specimens occur due to the configuration of the domain structure under the effect of the magnetic field. The influence of this effect on the total anisotropy of rocks depends on the degree of anisotropy due to the shape factor and on the stability of the domain structure. A model concept is presented, explaining the qualitatively different pattern of the changes of the anisotropy of susceptibility under the effect of the magnetic field in various directions of the specimens.  相似文献   

Azimuthally averaged power spectra are widely used in the Curie point depth (CPD) estimation with the implicit assumption that the magnetization distribution is random and uncorrelated. However, the marine magnetic anomalies are caused by bands of normal and reverse magnetization and show obvious trends. To investigate the effects of the anisotropy of marine magnetic anomalies on the CPD estimates, we develop 3D fractal striped magnetization models to produce lineated marine magnetic anomalies for the first time. We analyze the spectra anisotropy of the lineated magnetic anomalies of the synthetic fractal striped magnetization models and investigate its effects on the CPD estimates. The synthetic models and actual data show that the spectra of the lineated marine magnetic anomalies are directionally anisotropic. The amplitude response is strong and the slope of the logarithmic spectrum is large in a direction perpendicular to the stripes of magnetic anomalies, whereas the amplitude response is weak and the slope of the logarithmic spectrum is small in a direction parallel to the stripes of magnetic anomalies. The depth estimates in the perpendicular direction are close to the actual values, whereas the depths estimates in the parallel direction are significantly lower than the actual values. The actual marine magnetic anomalies of the South China Sea exhibit an anisotropic power spectrum that is consistent with the spectral anisotropy of magnetic anomalies of the synthetic fractal striped magnetization models.  相似文献   

Measurements of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) of natural lavas have shown that AMS varies with depth within a lava flow. We have investigated the reasons for such variation by studying the effects of temperature and strain rate on the AMS of recent lava in the laboratory. Samples of lava from Kilauea were melted and subjected to a range of strain rate and cooling histories. The results show that the degree of anisotropy is a function of both the thermal and shearing history of a sample. High degrees of anisotropy were found only in samples that were deformed at temperatures close to those encountered during eruption and then rapidly quenched. Lavas subjected to similar shear stresses at high temperatures had low degrees of anisotropy if allowed to cool down slowly without further deformation. Additionally, lava subjected to complex shearing yield a lower degree of anisotropy even when high strain rates were imposed on it. These results lead to the conclusion that only the last phase of deformation is detectable using AMS and that high strain rates will not result in high degrees of anisotropy if either deformation ends while lava is still fluid or if the orientation of the maximum shear stress varies with time. The relation between the orientation of the principal susceptibilities and that of shear is less sensitive to variation on shear with time. Consequently, flow directions can be inferred confidently with this type of measurements.  相似文献   

Summary Using four samples of basaltic rocks from the Bohemian Massif, Nos 201, 202, 206 and 218, the curves of rotational moments in a magnetic field of 4 × 105 A/m were studied as a function of the degree of oxidation of titanomagnetites. The amplitudes of the individual harmonics were determined by harmonic analysis for samples oxidized to various degrees. It was found that the proportion of the harmonic A 1 withsin increases with the degree of oxidation. Simultaneously, the anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility changes in a field of 60 A/m and the structure changes from linearly parallel to plane parallel.  相似文献   

The magnetic anisotropy of several artificially constructed samples has been measured with different types of instruments in several laboratories. Susceptibility bridge determinations have given consistent results, but the magnitude of the anisotropy determined by the Digico anisotropy delineator is incorrect. For future measurements with this instrument it is necessary to make either a simple calibration change or to make a minor change in the associated computer program. A set of equations for correcting the old published data is given.  相似文献   

Summary The theory of multivariate statistical processing of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, measured on a group of specimens, originating from a single geological body (outcrop, locality, etc.), is described. The result of the processing is an estimate of the mean normalized tensor and the estimates of the principal susceptibilities, derived from it, together with the respective intervals of confidence, and the estimates of the principal directions with the respective regions of confidence. An anisotropy test for a group of specimens is proposed. The function of the ANS21 computer program employed is briefly described and an example of its output plot is presented.Dedicated to RNDr. Jan Pícha, CSc., on his 60th Birthday  相似文献   

祁连山山间盆地内的新生代沉积物是研究新生代以来祁连山构造演化的重要材料.本文以位于祁连山中部祁连盆地内的新生代沉积物为研究对象,利用磁性地层学方法结合碎屑颗粒裂变径迹定年方法获取其沉积时代框架,在此基础上,结合岩性变化与沉积环境变迁分析祁连山构造演化历史.野外实测剖面显示该盆地内的第三系可划分为下部砾岩组和上部砂岩组两大岩性单元.古地磁结果显示砾岩组的沉积时代约为10-14.3 Ma.砾岩组沉积大约在14.3 Ma开始形成,指示祁连山14.3 Ma以来构造活动变强烈.磁组构结果显示砾石组顶部沉积形成时的受力方向与现今祁连盆地周缘断层分布所指示的应力方向一致,表明这些断层大约在10 Ma附近开始活动.我们的结果揭示祁连山中部山脉14.3 Ma以来尤其在10 Ma附近构造活动较强烈.这与过去低温热年代学所获得的祁连山山体的快速冷却年龄及祁连山两端大型盆地内的第三系所记录的构造事件发生的时间基本吻合.而砂岩组的古地磁结果并未通过褶皱检验,其古地磁记录发生了后期重磁化,无法获得地层的准确沉积年龄.  相似文献   

The influence of magnetic interactions on the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) have been largely studied by several theoretical models or experiments. Numerical models have shown that when magnetostatic interactions occur, the distributions of particles over the volume rather than their individual orientations control the AMS. We have shown recently from a comprehensive rock magnetic study and from a theoretical 2-dimensional (2-D) model that single domain particles closely packed in globule aggregates could produce strong local random interaction magnetic fields which could influence the magnetic susceptibility and decrease the degree of anisotropy. In this paper, we first present in detail this 2-D theoretical model and then we extend it to the 3-D case. The possible distribution function of the magnetostatic interaction fields comprises two extreme states: it is either isotropic or ordered. The former case corresponds to the thermal-demagnetized state while the second case corresponds to the alternating field (AF) demagnetized state. We show that when easy axes of magnetization are not uniformly distributed, the degree of anisotropy decreases as the interaction field increases in both AF- and thermal-demagnetized states in 2-D and 3-D geometry. Thus we conclude that random magnetic fields generated by a random arrangement of magnetic particles over the sample volume decrease the degree of anisotropy of AMS and may alter the magnetic fabric.  相似文献   

各向异性标准化方差计算重磁源边界   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在重磁源边界定位方法中,传统的梯度方法易受干扰的影响使计算的边界混乱,而且在弱异常处由于叠加异常的影响很难识别场源边界.本文首先利用坐标旋转构造了各向异性高斯函数,提出了各向异性标准化方差计算重磁源边界的方法.理论分析与模型实验详细阐明了该方法的数学含义,并通过干扰分析验证了方法的稳定性与有效性,结合中扬子地区航磁异常处理实例,表明通过计算各向异性标准化方差,可以有效地确定重磁源边界,尤其对微弱异常能够实现较好的边界定位,计算的边界分辨率高且信息丰富,有利于资料的综合解释.  相似文献   

Ionosphere-magnetosphere disturbances at high latitudes, e.g. magnetic substorms, are accompanied by energetic particle precipitation and strong variations of the ionospheric electric fields and currents. These might reasonably be expected to modify the local atmospheric electric circuit. We have analysed air-earth vertical currents (AECs) measured by a long wire antenna at Esrange, northern Sweden during 35 geomagnetic substorms. Using superposed epoch analysis we compare the air-earth current variations during the 3 h before and after the time of the magnetic X-component minimum with those for corresponding local times on 35 days without substorms. After elimination of the average daily variation we can conclude that the effect of substorms on AEC is small but distinguishable. It is speculated that the AEC increases observed during about 2 h prior to the geomagnetic X-component minimum, are due to enhancement of the ionospheric electric field. During the subsequent 2 h of the substorm recovery phase, the difference between substorm and quiet atmospheric currents decreases. The amplitude of this substorm variation of AEC is estimated to be less than 50% of the amplitude of the diurnal variation in AEC during the same time interval. The statistical significance of this result was confirmed using the Van der Waerden X-test. This method was further used to show that the average air-earth current and its fluctuations increase during late expansion and early recovery phases of substorms.  相似文献   

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