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Common‐midpoint moveout of converted waves is generally asymmetric with respect to zero offset and cannot be described by the traveltime series t2(x2) conventionally used for pure modes. Here, we present concise parametric expressions for both common‐midpoint (CMP) and common‐conversion‐point (CCP) gathers of PS‐waves for arbitrary anisotropic, horizontally layered media above a plane dipping reflector. This analytic representation can be used to model 3D (multi‐azimuth) CMP gathers without time‐consuming two‐point ray tracing and to compute attributes of PS moveout such as the slope of the traveltime surface at zero offset and the coordinates of the moveout minimum. In addition to providing an efficient tool for forward modelling, our formalism helps to carry out joint inversion of P and PS data for transverse isotropy with a vertical symmetry axis (VTI media). If the medium above the reflector is laterally homogeneous, P‐wave reflection moveout cannot constrain the depth scale of the model needed for depth migration. Extending our previous results for a single VTI layer, we show that the interval vertical velocities of the P‐ and S‐waves (VP0 and VS0) and the Thomsen parameters ε and δ can be found from surface data alone by combining P‐wave moveout with the traveltimes of the converted PS(PSV)‐wave. If the data are acquired only on the dip line (i.e. in 2D), stable parameter estimation requires including the moveout of P‐ and PS‐waves from both a horizontal and a dipping interface. At the first stage of the velocity‐analysis procedure, we build an initial anisotropic model by applying a layer‐stripping algorithm to CMP moveout of P‐ and PS‐waves. To overcome the distorting influence of conversion‐point dispersal on CMP gathers, the interval VTI parameters are refined by collecting the PS data into CCP gathers and repeating the inversion. For 3D surveys with a sufficiently wide range of source–receiver azimuths, it is possible to estimate all four relevant parameters (VP0, VS0, ε and δ) using reflections from a single mildly dipping interface. In this case, the P‐wave NMO ellipse determined by 3D (azimuthal) velocity analysis is combined with azimuthally dependent traveltimes of the PS‐wave. On the whole, the joint inversion of P and PS data yields a VTI model suitable for depth migration of P‐waves, as well as processing (e.g. transformation to zero offset) of converted waves. 相似文献
Magnetotelluric inversion for azimuthally anisotropic resistivities employing artificial neural networks 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
An extension of an artificial neural network (ANN) approach to solve the magnetotelluric (MT) inverse problem for azimuthally anisotropic resistivities is presented and applied for a real dataset. Three different model classes, containing general 1-D and 2-D azimuthally anisotropic features, have been considered. For each model class, characteristics of three-layer feed forward ANNs trained through an error back propagation algorithm have been adjusted to approximate the inverse modeling function. It appears that, at least for synthetic models, reasonable results would be obtained by applying the amplitudes of the complex impedance tensor elements as inputs. Furthermore, the Levenberg-Marquart algorithm possesses optimal performance as a learning paradigm for this problem. The evaluation of applicability of the trained ANNs for unknown data sets excluded from the learning procedure reveals that the trained ANNs possess acceptable interpolation and extrapolation abilities to estimate model parameters accurately. This method was also successfully used for a field dataset wherein anisotropy had been previously recognized. 相似文献
Rayleigh wave dispersion can be induced in an anisotropic medium or a layered isotropic medium. For a layered azimuthally anisotropic structure, traditional wave equation of layered structure can be modified to describe the dispersion behavior of Rayleigh waves. Numerical stimulation results show that for layered azimuthal anisotropy both the dispersion velocities and anisotropic parameters depend principally on anisotropic S-wave velocities. The splitting S-wave velocities may produce dispersion splitting of Rayleigh waves. Such dispersion splitting appears noticeable at azimuthal angle 45°. This feature was confirmed by the measured results of a field test. The fundamental mode splits into two branches at azimuthal angle 45° to the symmetry axis for some frequencies, and along the same direction the difference of splitting-phase velocities of the fundamental model reaches the maximum. Dispersion splitting of Rayleigh waves was firstly displayed for anisotropy study in dispersion image by means of multichannel analysis of surface waves, the image of which provides a new window for studying the anisotropic property of media. 相似文献
The azimuthally varying non‐hyperbolic moveout of P‐waves in orthorhombic media can provide valuable information for characterization of fractured reservoirs and seismic processing. Here, we present a technique to invert long‐spread, wide‐azimuth P‐wave data for the orientation of the vertical symmetry planes and five key moveout parameters: the symmetry‐plane NMO velocities, V(1)nmo and V(2)nmo , and the anellipticity parameters, η(1), η(2) and η(3) . The inversion algorithm is based on a coherence operator that computes the semblance for the full range of offsets and azimuths using a generalized version of the Alkhalifah–Tsvankin non‐hyperbolic moveout equation. The moveout equation provides a close approximation to the reflection traveltimes in layered anisotropic media with a uniform orientation of the vertical symmetry planes. Numerical tests on noise‐contaminated data for a single orthorhombic layer show that the best‐constrained parameters are the azimuth ? of one of the symmetry planes and the velocities V(1)nmo and V(2)nmo , while the resolution in η(1) and η(2) is somewhat compromised by the trade‐off between the quadratic and quartic moveout terms. The largest uncertainty is observed in the parameter η(3) , which influences only long‐spread moveout in off‐symmetry directions. For stratified orthorhombic models with depth‐dependent symmetry‐plane azimuths, the moveout equation has to be modified by allowing the orientation of the effective NMO ellipse to differ from the principal azimuthal direction of the effective quartic moveout term. The algorithm was successfully tested on wide‐azimuth P‐wave reflections recorded at the Weyburn Field in Canada. Taking azimuthal anisotropy into account increased the semblance values for most long‐offset reflection events in the overburden, which indicates that fracturing is not limited to the reservoir level. The inverted symmetry‐plane directions are close to the azimuths of the off‐trend fracture sets determined from borehole data and shear‐wave splitting analysis. The effective moveout parameters estimated by our algorithm provide input for P‐wave time imaging and geometrical‐spreading correction in layered orthorhombic media. 相似文献
裂缝储层岩石物理参数的准确获得对地下裂缝预测具有重要意义,而叠前地震反演是获得裂缝岩石物理参数的有效手段.本文从裂缝岩石物理等效模型的构建出发,从测井数据上估测了裂缝岩石物理参数,通过推导含裂缝岩石物理参数的方位各向异性弹性阻抗公式,探讨了基于方位各向异性弹性阻抗的裂缝岩石物理参数地震反演方法.实际工区地震数据应用表明,基于方位各向异性弹性阻抗的裂缝岩石物理参数反演方法合理、可靠,可以降低裂缝岩石物理参数估测的不确定性,为地下裂缝预测提供有力的依据. 相似文献
2.5D modelling approximates 3D wave propagation in the dip‐direction of a 2D geological model. Attention is restricted to raypaths for waves propagating in a plane. In this way, fast inversion or migration can be performed. For velocity analysis, this reduction of the problem is particularly useful. We review 2.5D modelling for Born volume scattering and Born–Helmholtz surface scattering. The amplitudes are corrected for 3D wave propagation, taking into account both in‐plane and out‐of‐plane geometrical spreading. We also derive some new inversion/migration results. An AVA‐compensated migration routine is presented that is simplified compared with earlier results. This formula can be used to create common‐image gathers for use in velocity analysis by studying the residual moveout. We also give a migration formula for the energy‐flux‐normalized plane‐wave reflection coefficient that models large contrast in the medium parameters not treated by the Born and the Born–Helmholtz equation results. All results are derived using the generalized Radon transform (GRT) directly in the natural coordinate system characterized by scattering angle and migration dip. Consequently, no Jacobians are needed in their calculation. Inversion and migration in an orthorhombic medium or a transversely isotropic (TI) medium with tilted symmetry axis are the lowest symmetries for practical purposes (symmetry axis is in the plane). We give an analysis, using derived methods, of the parameters for these two types of media used in velocity analysis, inversion and migration. The kinematics of the two media involve the same parameters, hence there is no distinction when carrying out velocity analysis. The in‐plane scattering coefficient, used in the inversion and migration, also depends on the same parameters for both media. The out‐of‐plane geometrical spreading, necessary for amplitude‐preserving computations, for the TI medium is dependent on the same parameters that govern in‐plane kinematics. For orthorhombic media, information on additional parameters is required that is not needed for in‐plane kinematics and the scattering coefficients. Resolution analysis of the scattering coefficient suggests that direct inversion by GRT yields unreliable parameter estimates. A more practical approach to inversion is amplitude‐preserving migration followed by AVA analysis. SYMBOLS AND NOTATION A list of symbols and notation is given in Appendix D . 相似文献
弱各向异性介质中的P-SV波近似反射系数计算 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
We introduce the Thomsen anisotropic parameters into the approximate linear reflection coefficient equation for P-SV wave in weakly anisotropic HTI media. From this we get a new, more effective, and practical reflection coefficient equation. We performed forward modeling to AVO attributes, obtaining excellent results. The combined AVO attribute analysis of PP and PS reflection data can greatly reduce ambiguity, obtain better petrophysical parameters, and improve parameter accuracy. 相似文献
Dip‐moveout (DMO) correction is often applied to common‐offset sections of seismic data using a homogeneous isotropic medium assumption, which results in a fast execution. Velocity‐residual DMO is developed to correct for the medium‐treatment limitation of the fast DMO. For reasonable‐sized velocity perturbations, the residual DMO operator is small, and thus is an efficient means of applying a conventional Kirchhoff approach. However, the shape of the residual DMO operator is complicated and may form caustics. We use the Fourier domain for the operator development part of the residual DMO, while performing the convolution with common‐offset data in the space–time domain. Since the application is based on an integral (Kirchhoff) method, this residual DMO preserves all the flexibility features of an integral DMO. An application to synthetic and real data demonstrates effectiveness of the velocity‐residual DMO in data processing and velocity analysis. 相似文献
To improve the accuracy of the conventional finite-difference method, finitedifference numerical modeling methods of any even-order accuracy are recommended. We introduce any even-order accuracy difference schemes of any-order derivatives derived from Taylor series expansion. Then, a finite-difference numerical modeling method with any evenorder accuracy is utilized to simulate seismic wave propagation in two-phase anisotropic media. Results indicate that modeling accuracy improves with the increase of difference accuracy order number. It is essential to find the optimal order number, grid size, and time step to balance modeling precision and computational complexity. Four kinds of waves, static mode in the source point, SV wave cusps, reflection and transmission waves are observed in two-phase anisotropic media through modeling. 相似文献
Dipping anisotropic clastic strata are ubiquitous in fold and thrust belts. Geological structures below these strata will be mispositioned laterally and vertically on seismic images if we do not properly correct for seismic anisotropy during migration. The magnitude of this lateral mispositioning of a target structure varies with source‐receiver offset, so reflection points will be smeared in the final stacked image. Raytracing demonstrates the lateral‐position and smear phenomena when imaging structures below tilted transversely isotropic media. Analysis of the raytracing results predicts the quantity of lateral‐position error and reflection‐point smear on a seismic image. We created numerical‐model seismic data to show reflection‐point smear on synthetic seismic images and to evaluate the accuracy of the predictions from raytracing. 相似文献
V. Červený 《Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica》2007,51(3):391-410
The reflection/transmission laws (R/T laws) of plane waves at a plane interface between two homogeneous anisotropic viscoelastic
(dissipative) halfspaces are discussed. Algorithms for determining the slowness vectors of reflected/transmitted plane waves
from the known slowness vector of the incident wave are proposed. In viscoelastic media, the slowness vectors of plane waves
are complex-valued, p = P + iA, where P is the propagation vector, and A the attenuation vector. The proposed algorithms may be applied to bulk plane waves (A = 0), homogeneous plane waves (A ≠ 0, P and A parallel), and inhomogeneous plane waves (A ≠ 0, P and A non-parallel). The manner, in which the slowness vector is specified, plays an important role in the algorithms. For unrestricted
anisotropy and viscoelasticity, the algorithms require an algebraic equation of the sixth degree to be solved in each halfspace.
The degree of the algebraic equation decreases to four or two for simpler cases (isotropic media, plane waves in symmetry
planes of anisotropic media). The physical consequences of the proposed algorithms are discussed in detail.
vcerveny@seis.karlov.mff.cuni.cz 相似文献
A. B. Druzhinin 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1996,148(3-4):637-683
A comprehensive approach, based on the general nonlinear ray perturbation theory (Druzhinin, 1991), is proposed for both a fast and accurate uniform asymptotic solution of forward and inverse kinematic problems in anisotropic media. It has been developed to modify the standard ray linearization procedures when they become inconsistent, by providing a predictable truncation error of ray perturbation series. The theoretical background consists in a set of recurrent expressions for the perturbations of all orders for calculating approximately the body wave phase and group velocities, polarization, travel times, ray trajectories, paraxial rays and also the slowness vectors or reflected/transmitted waves in terms of elastic tensor perturbations. We assume that any elastic medium can be used as an unperturbed medium. A total 2-D numerical testing of these expressions has been established within the transverse isotropy to verify the accuracy and convergence of perturbation series when the elastic constants are perturbed. Seismological applications to determine crack-induced anisotropy parameters on VSP travel times for the different wave types in homogeneous and horizontally layered, transversally isotropic and orthorhombic structures are also presented. A number of numerical tests shows that this method is in general stable with respect to the choice of the reference model and the errors in the input data. A proof of uniqueness is provided by an interactive analysis of the sensitivity functions, which are also used for choosing optimum source/receiver locations. Finally, software has been developed for a desktop computer and applied to interpreting specific real VSP observations as well as explaining the results of physical modelling for a 3-D crack model with the estimation of crack parameters. 相似文献
具有垂直对称轴的横向各向同性介质模型(VTI)是目前各向异性理论研究和多波多分量地震资料叠前成像处理中最常用的一种各向异性模型.VTI介质中反射 P波时距曲线一般不再是双曲线.基于不同的相速度近似公式会得到不同的时距关系式.文中对几种典型的非双曲时距曲线与射线追踪得到的准确时距曲线在不同各向异性强度下进行了对比,结果表明Muir等和Stovas等提出的非双曲时距公式由于过高地考虑了横波垂直速度的影响与精确的时距曲线有很大偏差;Tsvankin等提出的弱各向异性非双曲时距公式在ε-δ<0时误差增大;Alkhalifah等提出的非双曲时距公式在大炮检距任意各向异性强度下都具有较高的精度,适于在实际资料处理中应用. 相似文献
|v|=v 《地震学报(英文版)》1999,12(4):413-418
IntroductionGenerallyspeaking,theinclusionofanisotropy(exceptdeclaration,anisotropyreferstohomogenousanisotropy)rendersthemathematicalformulationquitecomplicated.Snell'Slawisnotanexceptionandthecalculationofreflectionandtransmissionanglesisnotatrivialtask.ThegraphicalapproachestocalculatingreflectionandtransmissionanglesforanisotropicmediawerepresentedbyAuld(1973)andRokhlin,etal(1986).DaleyandHorn(1977,1979)andSlawinski(1996)deriveSnell'slawintheparticularcasesoftransverselyisotropicandelli… 相似文献