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We present CCD BVI photometry for the southern open cluster NGC 2489 and its surrounding field. The sample consists of 2182 stars measured in an area of 13.6 × 13.6 arcmin2, extending down to   V ∼ 21.5  . These data are supplemented with CORAVEL radial-velocity observations for seven red giant candidates. A cluster angular radius of 6.7 ± 0.6 arcmin, equivalent to 3.5 ± 0.3 pc, is estimated from star counts carried out inside and outside the cluster region. The comparison of the cluster colour–magnitude diagrams with isochrones of the Padova group yields   E ( B − V ) = 0.30 ± 0.05, E ( V − I ) = 0.40 ± 0.05  and   V − M V = 12.20 ± 0.25  for log   t = 8.70 ( t = 500+130−100 Myr)  and   Z = 0.019  . NGC 2489 is then located at 1.8 ± 0.3 kpc from the Sun and 25 pc below the Galactic plane. The analysis of the kinematical data allowed us to confirm cluster membership for six red giants, one of them being a spectroscopic binary. A mean radial velocity of 38.13 ± 0.33 km s−1 was derived for the cluster red giants. The properties of a sample of open clusters aligned along the line of sight of NGC 2489 are examined.  相似文献   

CCD BVI Johnson–Cousins photometry of the open cluster candidates Pismis 23 and BH 222 is presented. Both the analysis of the colour-magnitude diagrams and star counts performed in the regions of these two objects support their physical reality. For Pismis 23 we derive E(B?V) = 2.0 ± 0.1, E(V?I) = 2.6 ± 0.1, a distance from the Sun d= (2.6 ± 0.6) kpc and an age of (300 ± 100) Myr, while for BH 222 we obtain E(V?I) = 2. 4 ± 0.2, d= (6.0 ± 2.7) kpc and (60 ± 30) Myr. Both objects, located beyond the Sagittarius arm, are among the most reddened and distant open clusters known in the direction towards the Galactic centre.  相似文献   

During two observation periods in 1984 and 1985 we monitored the faint optical counterparts of seven X-ray binaries with a CCD camera attached to the Cassegrain-focus of the 2.2 m telescope at Calar Alto, Spain. The observation periods were 1984, September 25–27, and 1985, August 8–15.The transient sources 4U0042+32 and 4U0115+63 showed no active state.The search for an optical candidate of 4U0142+62 did not reveal any objectm v 24 within the EXOSAT error box.Within the EXOSAT error box of EXO2030+37 the reddest object was found to be very faint in blue in contrast to the blue Palomar plate.The analysis of the other three observed sources 4U1837+04, 1H1929+509, and 4U2129+47 is not yet finalized, but no unexpected bright or faint state of the sources has been found, 4U2129+47 is still in its present low state (m v =18), lasting at least since 1983.Paper presented at the IAU Colloquium No. 93 on Cataclysmic Variables. Recent Multi-Frequency Observations and Theoretical Developments, held at Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg, F.R.G., 16–19 June, 1986.  相似文献   

Umbral fine structures have been observed at 8500 Å using a new CCD detector. Four frames with diffraction-limited seeing were obtained. Between 68 and 91 umbral dots with a brightness contrast greater than 2% were found in each frame, although no dots were found in the darkest part of the umbra. The intrinsic flux of the umbral dots varies widely, indicating that their intrinsic brightness does as well. The mean dot lifetime is estimated as 15 min, although some dots were observed to live more than 2 h. Some of the umbral dots are flowing into the umbra at speeds up to 0.5 km s-1. These dots have higher than average contrast and are associated with penumbral grains.  相似文献   

We present CCD observations for the distant northern open star clusters Berkeley 81, Berkeley 99, NGC 6603 and NGC 7044 in B V I photometric passbands. A total of 9 900 stars have been observed in fields of about 6 × 6 arcmin2 of the sky around the clusters. Colour–magnitude diagrams in V , ( B  −  V ) and V , ( V  −  I ) have been generated down to V  = 22 mag and, for the first time, such diagrams have been produced for the clusters Berkeley 81 and Berkeley 99. The data serve as a base for the study of mass functions and for comparison with theoretical models. Analysis of the radial distribution of stellar surface density indicates that the radius values for Berkeley 81, Berkeley 99, NGC 6603 and NGC 7044 are 2.7, 2.8, 2.8 and 2.2 arcmin respectively. By fitting the latest convective core overshooting isochrones to the colour–magnitude diagram and using its morphological features, reddenings, distances and ages of the star clusters have been determined. Broad but well-defined main sequences with stellar evolutionary effects in the brighter stars are clearly visible in colour–magnitude diagrams of all the clusters under study. Some blue stragglers along with well-developed giant branches and red giant clumps are also clearly seen in all of them. The clusters studied here are located at a distance of ∼ 3 kpc, except for Berkeley 99 which is located at a distance of 4.9 kpc. Their linear sizes lie between 3.8 and 8.0 pc; E ( B  −  V ) values range from 0.3 to 1.0 mag, while their ages are between 0.5 and 3.2 Gyr. Thus the star clusters studied here are of intermediate and high age but are compact and distant objects.  相似文献   

New BVI CCD photometry is presented for 60 RR Lyrae variables in the globular cluster M3. Light curves have been constructed and ephemerides have been (re)-derived for all of them. Four stars (i.e. V29, V136, V155 and V209), although recognized as variables, had no previous period determinations. Also, the period derived for V129 is significantly different from the one published by Sawyer-Hogg. Light curve parameters, i.e. mean magnitudes, amplitudes and rise times, have been derived.   The discussion of these results in the framework of the stellar evolution and pulsation theories will be presented in a forthcoming paper.  相似文献   

CCD images of NGC 7129 were carried out in July 1988. These observations have better spatial resolution than former ones. Several Herbig-Haro objects and reflection nebulae have been observed. Some of these objects are new detections; in addition, we find new structures in previously known NGC 7129 nebulosities.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   

Cepheids, the principal distance indicators, point to the existence of two inner Galactic spiral arms in the immediate solar neighborhood (within 5 kpc). However, the available Cepheids are clearly insufficient for a detailed study of the structure of these arms. Fortunately, southern-sky monitoring (the ASAS project) has led to the discovery of many new variable stars, more than one thousand of which have been identified as possible Cepheids. To improve the classification and to construct reliable light curves for new Cepheids, we have begun their regular photometric observations. Here, we present the first results: 1192 photoelectricBV I c observations were performed for 33 classical Cepheidswith the 76-cm telescope of the South-African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO, the South-African Republic) from December 2006 to January 2008. We provide tables of observations and V light and B-V and V-I c color curves. The new observations together with ASAS-3 data have been used to improve the elements of the light variations.  相似文献   

A new PL-relation (10) — Figure 2 for the Cepheids in the Galaxy, the Magellanic Clouds and M31 has been constructed. On deriving this relation both the period-radius (3) and period-colour relations (7), (8) and (9) are essentially used. The PC-relation (7) determined after the colours of 88 galactic cepheids (Table I), which are obtained from the colour-spectrum relation (6) — Figure 1, common for Cepheids and non-variable supergiants, are used also for the M31 Cepheids, whereas (8) and (9) are for the Large and Small MC Cepheids, respectively, all three PC-relations having a common slope. The comparison of the relations (8) and (9) with (7) shows that the LMC and SMC Cepheids are bluer than the galactic ones with 0m.04 and 0m.19, respectively, probably because of their metal-poor abundance. The places of thes-Cepheids in Figure 2 show that these Cepheids possess a dissimilar PL-relation with a different slope. The reason for such a difference is that thes-Cepheids are first harmonic pulsators. The distance moduli of the three galaxies under discussion are obtained from the PL-relation (10). The colour-coefficient of period-colour-luminosity-relation is briefly discussed. The general conclusion based on a comparison of the PL-relation in the present paper with those by other authors (Table V) is that our PL-relation differs in the zero-point by less than 0m.2; therefore, the manner of constructing the PL-relation by means of PR and PC-relations is reasonable and useful.  相似文献   

Positional and photometric CCD observations of the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 fragments were carried out at the Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory. Up to 15 named fragments were detected and their equatorial coordinates and magnitudes are reported. CCD frames were processed using DAOPHOT II. The internal precision of reference star positions down to 18m is 0.″7 and the mean error of photometry does not exceed ±0.3 mag.  相似文献   

We are conducting a ground-based observational study of distant cometary nuclei with the aim of increasing the current database of physical parameters of individual objects, and to estimate the overall distributions of size, rotation period, axial ratio, and color indices. Additionally, we are obtaining CCD spectroscopy and photometry of established and potential targets of current and future spacecraft missions. The results presented here are derived from CCD imaging obtained using the 2.3-m Bok telescope of Steward Observatory (Arizona), obtained in May 2001, and the 5-m Hale telescope at Palomar Observatory (California), obtained in May 2000 and March 2001. Comets observed include 4P/Faye, 6P/d'Arrest, 22P/Kopff, 36P/Whipple, 50P/Arend, 78P/Gehrels 2, 92P/Sanguin, 107P/Wilson-Harrington, and 128P/Shoemaker-Holt 1-A. Of the nine comets observed, only Comets 4P/Faye and 50P/Arend displayed visible coma activity. We have performed either single R filter or multi-filter (BVRI) measurements on these comets, from which we obtain radius and broadband color estimates as well as Afρ values for the active comets. For selected objects we have performed time-series R filter imaging from which we have derived the rotation period and lower limits on the nuclear axial ratio and density. The radius results obtained are included in the cometary nucleus size distribution estimate by Weissman and Lowry (2003).  相似文献   

From December 2006 to January 2008, we performed 1699 BV I c observations for 46 low-amplitude Cepheids discovered in the course of the ASAS project using the 76-cm telescope of the South-African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO). We provide the tables of observations and V light and B-V and V-I c color curves. These new observations, along with data from the ASAS-3 catalog, have been used to improve the elements of the light variations. Our data allow the number of known Galactic low-amplitude Cepheids to be almost doubled. This makes it possible to increase the number of distance indicators suitable for studying the structure of the inner Galactic arms by almost 15%.  相似文献   

利用视向速度资料和依巴谷星表的自行资料,研究了经典造父变星的银河系运动学问题.采用Ogorodnikov-Milne三维运动学模型,获得银河系旋转速度V0=240.5±10.2km/s(取太阳至银心距离为8.5kpc)同时发现,在太阳附近沿银河系旋转方向存在一种收缩运动,其值((V(/(()/R=-2.60±1.07kms-1kpc-1.本文分析了产生这种收缩运动的原因.另外,得出太阳运动速度S=18.7±0.86km/s向点=54.4°±2.9°=+26.6°±2.6°  相似文献   

Color excesses of 323 fundamental-mode classical cepheids have been taken from the literature and transformed to a single homogeneous system.  相似文献   

Combining Hipparcos proper motions and the radial velocity data, we have studied the Cepheid kinematics on the basis of the three-dimensional Ogorodnikov-Milne model. The results seem to show a slight contracting motion of the Galaxy in the solar neighbourhood, ∂ V θ / ∂θ / R = −2.60 ± 1.07 km s-1 kpc-1, which is along the solar circle. Under the hypothesis of a circular stream model, we have determined the galactic rotation V θ = −240.5 ± 10.2 km s-1 for the classical Cepheids. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We present the results of 3489 astrometric observations for 361 visual double stars performed in 2003–2007 with the 26-inch refractor of the Pulkovo Observatory. The angular separations between the components (ρ) and the position angles (θ) are given. The errors in these quantities are, on average, 0″.009 for ρ and 0°.40/ρ for θ, where ρ is the separation in arcseconds.  相似文献   

We have observed three near-Earth objects(NEOs), 2017 VR12, Camillo and Midas, during 2018.The observations were made with the 1-m telescope, operated by Yunnan Observatories, over two nights.Their precise astrometric positions are derived from 989 CCD observations. The theoretical positions of asteroids are retrieved from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory(JPL) Horizons System and Institut de M′ecanique C′eleste et de Calcul des ′Eph′em′erides(IMCCE). The positions of three asteroids are measured with respect to stars in the Gaia DR2 star catalog. For 2017 VR12, the means(O-C) of right ascension and declination are -0.090′′and-0.623′′respectively based on the published JPL ephemeris, but the corresponding means(O-C) are 3.122′′and-0.636′′based on the published IMCCE ephemeris. The great difference in declination could be explained by several factors.(1) The degraded CCD images caused by the fast apparent motion of the objects lead to a reduction in positioning accuracy.(2) The poor timing system may introduce systematic errors, especially in the high speed direction.(3) The asteroid may be perturbed by Earth when it approaches the Earth too closely. These astrometric results demonstrate that the centroid centering method can reduce the dispersion of non-Gaussian images as compared with the PSF modeling method.For Camillo and Midas, the astrometric results are consistent based on the two ephemerides. Implementing a high-precision timing system, and analyzing some astronomical effects and geometric distortions in CCD images should be carefully considered in future works.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the problems of phasing using light curves and offer an alternate technique using the changes in acceleration to establish the zero point. We give astrophysical justification as to why this technique is useful and apply the technique to a selection of Type II Cepheids. We then examine some limitations of the technique which qualify its use.  相似文献   

BVIJHK period-luminosity relations for classical cepheids in the galaxy and magellanic clouds which pulsate in the fundamental mode are obtained on the basis of four samples. The period-luminosity relations for the BVI bands obtained here are more accurate than the analogous relations existing up to the present. Period-luminosity relations in terms of W functions are also obtained for these samples and have the same accuracy as the currently existing analogous relations.  相似文献   

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