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Paul A. Simon 《Solar physics》1979,63(2):399-410
The relationship between the geomagnetic activity of the three years preceding a sunspot minimum and the peak of the next sunspot maximum confirms the polar origin of the solar wind during one part of the solar cycle. Pointing out that the polar holes have a very small size or disappear at the time of the polar field reversal, we suggest a low latitude origin of the solar wind at sunspot maximum and we describe the cycle variation of solar wind and geomagnetic activity. In addition we note a close relationship between the maximum level of the geomagnetic activity reached few years before a solar minimum and its level at the next sunspot maximum. Studying separately the effects of both the low latitude holes and the solar activity, we point out the possibility of predicting both the level of geomagnetic activity and the sunspot number at the next sunspot maximum. As a conclusion we specify the different categories of phenomena contributing to a solar cycle. 相似文献
In this paper we carry out an analysis of the spatial–temporal line-of-sight velocity variations measured in the chromospheric (H, H) and photospheric (Fei 6569 Å, Fei 4864 Å, Nii 4857 Å) lines at the base of 17 coronal holes. Time series of a duration from 43 to 120 min were recorded with the CCD line-array and the CCD matrix. Rather frequently we observed quasi-stationary upward flows with a measured velocity of up to 1 km s–1 in the photosphere and up to 4–5 km s–1 in the chromosphere (equivalent radial velocity of up to 3 km s–1 and up to 12–15 km s–1 accordingly) near dark points on the chromospheric network boundary inside polar CH. Line-of-sight velocity fluctuation spectra contain meaningful maxima in the low-frequency region clustering around the values 0.4, 0.75, and 1 mHz. Usually, the spatial localization of these maxima mutually coincides and, in our opinion, coincides with the chromospheric network boundary. Acoustic 3- and 5-min oscillations are enhanced in the coronal hole region and reach 1 km s–1 in the photosphere and 3–4 km s–1 in the chromosphere. These oscillations are not localized spatially and are distinguished throughout the entire region observed. 相似文献
The propagation and dissipation of acoustic waves in the lower solar atmosphere is studied. The level of shock formation is computed for various initial conditions. It is shown that shocks form rather low in the atmosphere and that this result does not depend critically on the assumed initial conditions. 相似文献
We investigate the regime of chromospheric oscillations at the bases of coronal holes and compare them with the oscillations
in the quiet chromosphere outside coronal holes using time series of spectrograms taken at different times in eight quiet
regions on the Sun. As the oscillation parameter being studied, we have chosen the central intensity of the chromospheric
Ca II K and H and 849.8-nm lines. The intensity measurements at all spatial points (along the spectrograph slit) have been
subjected to a standard Fourier analysis. For the identified areas of the networks, cells, and network boundaries, we have
calculated the integrated oscillation powers in several frequency bands. For all frequency bands, the powers of the intensity
oscillations at the formation level of the Ca II resonance doublet line cores have been found to be enhanced at the bases
of coronal holes approximately by a factor of 1.5. For the “three-minute” band, this enhancement is more pronounced in the
network than in the cell, while the opposite is true for the “five-minute” band. The power in the five-minute band is higher
than that in the three-minute one both at the bases of coronal holes and outside them, but this ratio in the network for a
coronal hole is higher (1.40 ± 0.25 and 1.30 ± 0.10). We interpret this fact and the fact that the power of the three-minute
oscillations for nonmagnetic regions changes with height differently at the base of a coronal hole and outside it as an increase
in the importance of magnetoacoustic portals at the chromospheric base of the coronal hole. 相似文献
N. N. Stepanian S. V. Kuzin V. G. Fainshtein G. V. Rudenko V. M. Malashchuk V. A. Perebeinos N. I. Shtertser R. K. Zhigalkin I. A. Zhitnik A. A. Pertsov 《Solar System Research》2008,42(1):83-89
The relationship between two classes of coronal holes and high-speed quasi-stationary streams of solar wind at the Earth’s orbit is investigated. “Open” coronal holes, whose area is invariable or increases with the height over the solar surface, are rated in the first class, and “closed” coronal holes with areas decreasing with the height are referred to as second-class holes. The parameters of the coronal holes are determined from IR and EUV images and spectroheliograms. It is shown that most open coronal holes can be associated with high-speed solar-wind streams, while most closed coronal holes exhibit a much lower correlation with such streams. 相似文献
《Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics》1982,6(3):192-198
We investigate the possibility of an additional acceleration of the high speed solar wind by whistler waves propagating outward from a coronal hole. We consider a stationary, spherically symmetric model and assume a radial wind flow as well as a radial magnetic field. The energy equation consists of (a) energy transfer of the electron beam which excites the whistler waves, and (b) energy transfer of the whistler waves described by conservation of wave action density. The momentum conservation equation includes the momentum transfer of two gases (a thermal gas and an electron beam). The variation of the temperature is described by a polytropic law. The variation of solar wind velocity with the radial distance is calculated for different values of energy density of the whistler waves. It is shown that the acceleration of high speed solar wind in the coronal hole due to the whistler waves is very important. We have calculated that the solar wind velocity at the earth's orbit is about equal to 670 km/sec (for wave energy density about 10?4 erg cm?3 at 1.1R⊙). It is in approximate agreement with the observed values. 相似文献
The trapping of energetic electrons and protons in a simple, arched magnetic field imbedded in the lower solar atmosphere was considered. The lifetime of electrons with kinetic energies up to about 1.5 MeV was found to be completely determined by the motion of the mirror points, provided the gyro-synchrotron loss can be neglected. The same motion also influences the lifetimes of more energetic electrons, up to 10 MeV. This was not found to be the case for protons in the range from 1 MeV to 100 GeV. Some fluid and streaming instabilities were also considered; they pull the particles upward, raise their mirror points, and increase their lifetime. The emission of gyro-synchrotron radiation and bremsstrahlung in this model has been related to observations. Using the duration of non-thermal X-ray peaks given by Kane (1969), the altitude of injection of energetic particles was estimated. 相似文献
The space and time distribution properties of solar coronal holes (CH) are investigated. The data of the catalogue UAG-102, supplemented up to 1995, and synoptic H-charts of Solar Geophysical Data are used. It was found that both the polar and equatorial CH can be divided into two subclasses. The properties of time classes are discerned. Statistical weights of the recurrent CH are accounted, which allow to determine the character of rotation of the different classes of CH with more accuracy. It was shown that the equatorial CH with long lifetimes possess differential rotation that is similar to sunspot groups, and the long-living polar CH rotate as a rigid body. A conclusion about the existence of two types of large-scale solar magnetic fields is made. 相似文献
Yu. G. Kopylova A. V. Melnikov A. V. Stepanov Yu. T. Tsap T. B. Goldvarg 《Astronomy Letters》2007,33(10):706-713
The dispersion properties of the sausage eigenmodes of oscillations in a thin magnetic flux tube are numerically analyzed in terms of ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). The period of the modes accompanied by the emission of MHD waves into the surrounding medium, which leads to acoustic damping of oscillations, is determined by the radius of the tube, not by its length. The dissipation of the sausage oscillations in comparatively high (?0.7R ⊙) and tenuous (?6 × 108 cm?3) coronal loops is considered. Their Q factor has bound found to be determined by the acoustic damping mechanism. The ratio of the plasma densities outside and inside the loop and the characteristic height of the emission source have been estimated by assuming the quasi-periodic pulsations of meter-wavelength radio emission to be related to the sausage oscillations. 相似文献
Observations indicate that Ellerman bombs (EBs) and chromospheric microflares both occur in the lower solar atmosphere,and share many common features,such as temperature enhancements,accompanying jet-like mass motions,short life-time,and so on.These strongly suggest that EBs and chromospheric microflares could both probably be induced by magnetic reconnection in the lower solar atmosphere.With gravity,ionization and radiation considered,we perform two-dimensional numerical simulations of magnetic reconnecti... 相似文献
Giancarlo Noci 《Solar physics》1973,28(2):403-407
It is shown that the constancy of the ratio between conductive flux and pressure squared as one goes from quiet regions to holes (regions of exceptionally low density and temperature) in the solar corona, observed in the case of the first well-studied coronal hole, implies that a strong solar wind is likely to originate in coronal holes.On leave of absence from Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Florence, Italy. 相似文献
N -body simulations are an important tool in the study of formation of large-scale structures. Much of the progress in understanding the physics of galaxy clustering and comparison with observations would not have been possible without N -body simulations. Given the importance of this tool, it is essential to understand its limitations as ignoring these can easily lead to interesting but unreliable results. In this paper, we study the limitations due to the finite size of the simulation volume. In an earlier work, we proposed a formalism for estimating the effects of a finite box size on physical quantities and applied it to estimate the effect on the amplitude of clustering, mass function. Here, we extend the same analysis and estimate the effect on skewness and kurtosis in the perturbative regime. We also test the analytical predictions from the earlier work as well as those presented in this paper. We find good agreement between the analytical models and simulations for the two-point correlation function and skewness. We also discuss the effect of a finite box size on relative velocity statistics and find the effects for these quantities scale in a manner that retains the dependence on the averaged correlation function . 相似文献
David F. Webb Patrick S. MciIntosh Jerome T. Nolte Craig V. Solodyna 《Solar physics》1978,58(2):389-396
The positions of X-ray coronal transients outside of active regions observed during Skylab were superposed on H synoptic charts and coronal hole boundaries for seven solar rotations. We confirmed a detailed spatial association between the transients and neutral lines. We found that most of the transients were related to large-scale changes in coronal hole area and tended to occur on the borders of evolving equatorial holes.Skylab Solar Workshop Post-Doctoral Appointee, 1975–1977. 相似文献
A coronal hole was observed for three days of its passage near the central meridian of the Sun. Spectrograms containing strong lines of ionized calcium were obtained. The central intensities of the Ca II H, K, and λ849.8 nm lines in the region of the coronal hole and in the quiet-Sun region outside its boundaries were measured. Only the line profiles that were confidently identified as being undisturbed even by weak flocculi were selected. All profiles were averaged in each of the two chromospheric network components (network and cell), and the average profiles were calculated using all of the available data (network+cell). Small differences were found between the central intensities of the Ca II H and K lines inside and outside the coronal hole, with the hole being brighter than the quiet region. A detailed statistical analysis shows that these small differences are real at high confidence levels owing to the large sample sizes. A difference of the same sign is slightly noticeable in the infrared line, but its confidence level is less than 90%. The chromosphere in the coronal hole is brightened by the cell alone; in the network, the chromospheric foot of the coronal hole does not differ from the quiet region. Comparison with the results of other authors obtained from observations in higher atmospheric layers suggests that the network also contains a brightness peak that subsequently gives way to a characteristic depression, but it lies higher than that in the cell. 相似文献
We present two-dimensional observations of the quiet Sun at 73.8, 50.0, and 38.5 MHz obtained with the Clark Lake Radioheliograph during the sunspot minimum period of September 1986. The observed peak brightness temperatures during the entire period of sunspot minimum are found to be extremely low, lying in the range (0.6 × 105 K – 2.5 × 105 K). It is shown that these low values cannot be explained by the generally adopted models for N
and T
in a homogeneous corona. The effect of scattering by random density fluctuations is introduced in order to decrease the values of predicted T
. The value of peak T
is computed as a function of relative r.m.s. density fluctuations = <N
; and it is found that should be in the range from 0.07 to 0.19, 0.1 to 0.25, and 0.15 to 0.35, respectively, at 38.5, 50.0, and 73.8 MHz, respectively, to explain the observed low brightness temperatures.On leave from Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, India. 相似文献
Using KPNO helium 10830 Å synoptic charts of Carrington rotations 1716 through 1739, and by assembling a time sequence representing single latitude zone, rotational properties of coronal holes for five zones of latitudes (±10°, ±20° – ±40°, and ±40° – ±60°) have been examined. It seems that the rotation period of coronal holes is a function of latitude, thus reflecting differential rotation of coronal holes. 相似文献
In this paper we give an explanation for a control mechanism for velocityV of solar wind (SW) streams for coronal holes (CHs) based on the idea suggested by Rudenko and Fainshtein (1993). In accordance with that idea, the difference of values ofV in high-speed SW streams from different CHs is due to the spread in magnitude of magnetic fieldB
a in the region of acceleration of such streams near the Sun. In this case, with increasing magnitude ofB
a, there is an increase in velocity of the high-speed stream.Through calculations of the coronal magnetic field (potential-field approximation) it is shown that on the source surface the magnetic field B
s, averaged over the cross-section of the magnetic tube from a CH, can vary for different tubes over a wide range and correlates quite well with the area of this tube's base as well as depending on the radial component of the magnetic field at the base of the tube on the source surface B
or.It is found that the value of superradial divergence of the magnetic tube from a CH depends not only on the area of its base (as shown in prior work) but also on B
or. A positive correlation at the Earth's orbit between velocityV of the high-speed SW and the radial component of the magnetic field in the region of this stream is detected, which agrees indirectly with theV-control mechanism under discussion. 相似文献
J. D. Bohlin 《Solar physics》1977,51(2):377-398
The disk boundaries of coronal holes have been systematically determined from XUV observations taken during the manned Skylab missions (June 1973–January 1974). The resulting Atlas was used to find the sizes, global distributions, differential rotation rates, growth/decay rates and lifetimes of holes during this period. The polar cap holes together covered 15% of the Sun's total surface area, a number which remained surprisingly constant throughout Skylab despite the fact that each pole was independently evolving in time. Lower latitude holes contributed another 2 to 5%. The anomalous differential rotation law derived for a large north-south hole by Timothy et al. (1975) has been confirmed. However, other Skylab holes were too low in latitude to demonstrate the generality of this result. The average growth/decay rate for holes was 1.5 × 104 km2 s-1, in excellent agreement with the value used by Leighton (1964) for his successful treatment of the surface transport of solar magnetic fields. The lifetimes of lower-latitude holes are found to regularly exceed 5 solar rotations, in good agreement with the lifetimes of recurrent geomagnetic storms with which holes are now known to be associated. 相似文献