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吴卓  戴尔阜  林媚珍 《地理研究》2018,37(11):2141-2152
在全球气候变化和人类活动的影响下,森林生态系统结构、功能以及空间格局都将发生不同程度的变化。明晰景观尺度上未来森林的动态变化,对森林可持续发展具有重要意义。选择江西省泰和县为研究区,综合利用土地利用模型(CA-Markov)和森林景观动态模型(LANDIS-II),并结合生态系统过程模型(PnET-II),模拟气候变化、土地利用、采伐以及综合情景下未来40年(2010-2050年)阔叶林、针叶林的面积及生物量变化。结果表明:① 气候变化对森林面积影响较小,采伐使森林面积显著减少,土地利用变化使森林面积的变化更加剧烈;② 针叶林和阔叶林对不同干扰方式的响应表现出较强差异,针叶林对采伐的响应更加剧烈;③ 多模型综合模拟方法有助于区域森林管理,为南方红壤丘陵区森林结构优化和功能提升提供科学建议。  相似文献   

基于PI指数模型的南方典型红壤丘陵区稻田土壤肥力评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过田间采样和室内分析的方法,对南方典型红壤丘陵区稻田土壤44个样品进行检测分析,以pH、有机质、全氮、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾为评判指标,运用PI指数模型法对水稻土的肥力质量进行综合评价,探讨该区域的土壤养分肥力水平以及水稻产量与土壤肥力的关系。研究结果表明:(1) 本实验区水稻土有机质含量丰富,供氮能力较高,土壤为弱酸性与中性土壤,较适合水稻生长,但其供磷与供钾水平相对较低。(2) 各样品肥力指数与实际产量之间的相关系数为0.736**,即水稻产量对土壤肥力呈极显著正相关关系。  相似文献   

以土地利用变化和气候变化为特征的全球和区域环境变化及其影响已经成为国际社会和公众关注的焦点,同时也是土地科学、全球变化科学和全球生态学关注的关键问题。由于土地、气候和森林生态系统之间存在着复杂而密切的关系,土地利用变化和气候变化将不可避免地对森林结构和功能产生重要影响。如何采用合理的适应措施降低这些变化可能带来的损失,是目前全球变化研究亟待解决的问题之一。因此,研究土地利用和气候变化对森林的单独及综合影响具有重要的科学意义。本文综合利用基于主体的土地利用模型(ABM/LUCC)、生态系统过程模型(PnET-II)以及森林景观动态模型(LANDIS-II)构建了综合模拟研究框架,选择森林类型多样且具有长期观测数据积累的江西省泰和县为研究区,模拟并对比了土地利用和气候变化组合情景下未来森林地上总生物量的变化差异。结果表明:① 土地利用变化对泰和县森林地上总生物量的影响比气候变化所带来的影响更加显著。研究区森林地上总生物量在有土地利用变化干扰的情景下与RCP 2.6、RCP 4.5和RCP 8.5单独的气候情景下相比分别减少33.13%、32.92%和32.42%;② 尽管未来气候变化可能有利于森林地上总生物量的积累,但土地利用变化将使森林地上总生物量显著减少,并将抵消气候变化带来的正效应;③ 本文提出的综合模拟研究框架可以很好地模拟土地利用和气候变化对森林生态系统的影响,可为提升和优化人工林结构和功能、开展可持续森林管理提供科学建议。  相似文献   

典型红壤丘陵区土地利用空间优化配置   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
张红旗  李家永  牛栋 《地理学报》2003,58(5):668-676
选择具有红壤丘陵区典型特征的江西省泰和县千烟洲为研究区域,在分析当前土地利用结构并进行土地适宜性评价的基础上,依据2000年千烟洲试验站研究数据及农户调查资料,将GIS技术与线性规划模型有效地耦合起来,探讨实现典型红壤丘陵区各种具有特定数量、质量的农用土地资源在空间上最优配置的方法与技术。结果表明,优化方案从现状中牧业短缺的粮、果、林结构转化为较为完善的粮、果、牧、林结构,耕地资源利用结构也由重水轻旱、粮作为主、经作为辅的传统生产模式,转变为粮-经-饲并举的三元优化配置结构;同时,由果业和畜牧业共同支撑的优化方案的经济效益明显优于现状,在经济上更具稳定性和可持续性。  相似文献   

红壤丘陵区农业土地利用对土壤肥力的影响及评价   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
秦明周 《山地学报》1999,17(1):71-75
为了解红壤丘陵地区农业土地利用对土壤肥力的影响,分析了1980年与1994年的土壤养分肥力变化特征,揭示了土地利用对土壤肥力的影响,提出应针对红壤区的特点和具体条件,调整和改善当前土地利用方式,发展高效持续土地利用技术,保持和提高土壤肥力。  相似文献   

准确模拟和预测草地地上生物量(Aboveground biomass,AGB)和理论载畜量对于维持草地生态系统平衡、优化放牧管理至关重要。当前很多研究以围栏外草地AGB为基础,估算了青藏高原草地AGB的现存量。但是,牛羊啃食后的草地AGB现存量无法准确评估草地理论载畜量。围栏内草地不受家畜采食影响,其年际变率由环境因子驱动,可视为草地潜在AGB (potential AGB,AGBp),更适用于草地理论载畜量的评估。本研究以青藏高原345个围栏内AGB观测数据为基础,结合气候、土壤和地形数据,利用随机森林算法构建草地潜在地上生物量估算模型,并对当前气候条件(2000-2018年)和未来20年(2021-2040年)4种气候变化情景(SSP1-2.6、SSP2-4.5、SSP3-7.0和SSP5-8.5)下的草地AGBp和高寒草地理论载畜量进行模拟与预测。结果表明:(1)随机森林算法可准确模拟当前气候条件下的青藏高寒草地AGBp(R2=0.76,P<0.001);2000-2018年青藏高寒草地AGBp平均值为102.4 g m-2,时间上增加趋势不明显(P>0.05);AGBp年际波动和生长季降水显著正相关(R2=0.57,P<0.001),和生长季温度日较差显著负相关(R2=0.51,P<0.001)。(2)当前气候条件下,青藏高寒草地平均理论载畜量为0.94 SSU ha-1(standardized sheep unit ha-1);在过去20年约有54.1%草地理论载畜量呈提升状态。(3)和当前相比,未来20年青藏高原中部和北部草地AGBp和理论载畜量呈下降态势。因此,建议未来在厘清气候变化影响下草畜关系的基础上进行有针对性的草牧业规划和管理,以缓解区域气候变化引起的草畜矛盾。  相似文献   

了解降水变化对荒漠草原植物生长发育的影响对于预测荒漠草原植物对气候变化的响应和适应具有重要意义。本文研究了3年的降水量增减(±50%)对乌拉特荒漠草原优势植物骆驼蓬(Peganum harmala)的数量特征(分枝数、果实数和植株密度)、地上生物量(AGB)和功能性状的影响。利用相关分析研究各指标与AGB的相关性,并建立结构方程模型(SEM)来探究降水变化、骆驼蓬的数量特征及功能性状对AGB的影响机制。结果表明:(1)增加50%降水量处理下,骆驼蓬的分枝数、果实数和株高显著提高(P<0.05);减少50%降水量下,AGB、比叶面积(SLA)和株高显著降低(P<0.05),但叶干物质含量(LDMC)显著增加(P<0.05)。(2)生长季前期降水量(EGSP)增多有利于对骆驼蓬分枝和果实的发育,也缓解了年降水量减半对其SLA、LDMC和株高的胁迫。(3)骆驼蓬AGB与分枝数、果实数、植株密度和株高显著正相关(P<0.05),与LDMC和叶片碳含量显著负相关(P<0.05)。(4)SEM表明,增加的年降水量通过增加株高、果实数和植株密度来间接增加AGB,EGSP...  相似文献   

红树林是一种高效率的滨海蓝碳生态系统,准确估算红树林地上生物量对研究碳循环和气候变化十分重要,获取中国红树林地上生物量将具有现实意义和应用价值。遥感技术便捷高效、观测范围广,能够服务于大尺度的生态系统监测。文章使用基于GEDI星载激光雷达反演的森林冠层高度数据和基于异速生长原理构建的红树林“树高-生物量”异速生长方程,估算2019年中国红树林地上生物量,进而分析其数量、空间分布特征及主要影响因素。结果显示,2019年中国红树林地上生物量总量和均值分别约为1 974 827 t和73.0 t/hm2;红树林分布的各省份(地区)的地上生物量均值在53.3~92.1 t/hm2,其中海南省的红树林地上生物量均值最高,达到92.1 t/hm2;中国红树林地上生物量的累积和分布受纬度和人为因素的影响。研究结果能够为后续红树林生态系统碳储量的核算提供数据基础和技术参考,也将有助于中国沿海红树林生态恢复和保护措施的制定,以及控制碳排政策的出台实施。  相似文献   

中国不同气候带各类型森林的生物量和净第一性生产力   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
李高飞  任海 《热带地理》2004,24(4):306-310
根据<中国植被>的区划,将收集的全国984个样点的森林数据归并到5种气候带类型中,计算了各类型森林以及同一类型森林(分人工林和天然林)的生物量和净第一性生产力,还计算了不同气候带森林各器官的平均生物量和净第一性生产力.结果表明,从寒温带到热带各类型森林的生物量和净第一性生产力逐渐增加,天然林的生物量大于人工林生物量;除热带林外,人工林的净第一性生产力大于天然林净第一性生产力.  相似文献   

样方面积和数量对沙柳生物量精度的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究沙柳(Salix Psammophila)灌木种生物量的调查,本文设置了300m~2、200m~2、100m~2、50m~2、10m~2五种样方面积。研究结果,选用100m~2样方面积,其精度达到0.95以上,其调查样方数量比其它样方面积都少。如果调查对象是矮小灌木种,调查样方内又有10株以上的植株,则可采用10m~2样方面积,这样虽然调查样方数量比100m~2面积要增多,但工作效率和经济效益都能达到预期效果。  相似文献   

Vegetation biomass is an important component of terrestrial ecosystem carbon stocks. Grasslands are one of the most widespread biomes worldwideplaying an important role in global carbon cycling. Thereforestudying spatial patterns of biomass and their correlations to environment in grasslands is fundamental to quantifying terrestrial carbon budgets. The Eurasian steppean important part of global grasslandsis the largest and relatively well preserved grassland in the world. In this studywe analyzed the spatial pattern of aboveground biomass(AGB)and correlations of AGB to its environment in the Eurasian steppe by meta-analysis. AGB data used in this study were derived from the harvesting method and were obtained from three data sources(literatureglobal NPP database at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center(ORNL)some data provided by other researchers). Our results demonstrated that:(1) as for the Eurasian steppe overallthe spatial variation in AGB exhibited significant horizontal and vertical zonality. In detailAGB showed an inverted parabola curve with the latitude and with the elevationwhile a parabola curve with the longitude. In additionthe spatial pattern of AGB had marked horizontal zonality in the Black Sea-Kazakhstan steppe subregion and the Mongolian Plateau steppe subregionwhile horizontal and vertical zonality in the Tibetan Plateau alpine steppe subregion.(2) Of the examined environmental variablesthe spatial variation of AGB was related to mean annual precipitation(MAP)mean annual temperature(MAT)mean annual solar radiation(MAR)soil Gravel contentsoil p H and soil organic content(SOC) at the depth of 0–30 cm. NeverthelessMAP dominated spatial patterns of AGB in the Eurasian steppe and its three subregions.(3) A Gaussian function was found between AGB and MAP in the Eurasian steppe overallwhich was primarily determined by unique patterns of grasslands and environment in the Tibetan Plateau. AGB was significantly positively related to MAP in the Black Sea-Kazakhstan steppe subregion(elevation 3000 m)the Mongolian Plateau steppe subregion(elevation 3000 m) and the surface(elevation ≥ 4800 m) of the Tibetan Plateau. Neverthelessthe spatial variation in AGB exhibited a Gaussian function curve with the increasing MAP in the east and southeast margins(elevation 4800 m) of the Tibetan Plateau. This study provided more knowledge of spatial patterns of AGB and their environmental controls in grasslands than previous studies only conducted in local regions like the Inner Mongolian temperate grasslandthe Tibetan Plateau alpine grasslandetc.  相似文献   

本文以欧亚大陆草原为研究对象,收集和整合分析了该区域采用收获法实测的地上生物量数据,探讨了地上生物量的空间分布规律,地上生物量空间格局与环境因子之间的关系。主要结论为:① 欧亚大陆草原地上生物量的空间格局具有复杂的水平和垂直地带性分布规律,具体表现为:随着纬度的升高,海拔的升高,地上生物量都呈开口向下的抛物线变化趋势;随着经度的增大,呈开口向上的抛物线变化趋势。② 欧亚大陆草原地上生物量的空间分布虽然与年平均温度、年总太阳辐射、表层土壤(0~30 cm)的砾石含量、pH和有机碳含量有一定的相关关系,但是,主要受到年总降水量空间变异的影响。③ 欧亚大陆草原地上生物量的空间格局与年总降水量空间变异之间呈现为高斯函数关系,这主要是由青藏高原独特的草原分布与环境因素空间格局特征决定的。  相似文献   

Qianyanzhou is located in the heart of Jitai Basin in Guanxi town, the county seat of Taihe county in Jiangxi province. Qianyanzhou has a subtropical humid climate and exemplifies the geographic and geomorphologic characteristics of red soil hilly regions in southern China. In the early 1980s, to control soil and water loss and problems with grain yields, Qianyanzhou’s researchers proposed an innovative, comprehensive stereoscopic agriculture development mode known as the “Qianyanzhou mode”. This mode included a forest-livestock-food ecosystem, a forest-fruit-economy ecosystem, and a land-water compound stereoscopic system, all located within a watershed. In the Qianyanzhou mode, soil and water loss were completely controlled, thereby promoting environmental conservation and economic development. The state and the society as a whole supported this mode thanks to its far-reaching social impact. In the 21st century, given new societal concerns and continuing economic development, Qianyanzhou mode has been restructured as two ecosystems of forest-fowl and planting-raising circular economies at landscape level, based on an increase in vegetation coverage from 4.3% to more than 80%. These improved modes can significantly enhance the ecosystem, reduce poverty, and to promote the construction of local ecological civilization. This study introduces the Qianyanzhou mode and summarizes its characteristics in different phases. We hope that the information in this study supports improvements to and promotion of the Qianyanzhou mode. We believe the Qianyanzhou mode can play an important role in efforts to modify the agriculture industrial structure, alleviate poverty, and construct ecological civilization.  相似文献   

本文以南方红壤丘陵典型案例区吉泰盆地为例,运用RS和GIS技术,在对典型时段遥感影像进行解译的基础上,采用土地利用程度综合指数、土地利用类型动态度以及土地利用类型变化趋势和状态指数等模型,计算了1995-2006年吉泰盆地土地利用变化数量特征,揭示了南方红壤丘陵地区11年来土地利用变化的时空格局。研究结果表明:①1995-2006年吉泰盆地土地利用结构基本稳定,林地和耕地是该区主要土地利用类型;②11年来吉泰盆地水域和建设用地面积缓慢增长,水域增幅较多,其他地类面积有所下降,草地减幅最大;③林地转化为耕地,耕地转化为水域,以及草地转化为林地是吉泰盆地主要土地利用类型的转移模式,三种类型的转化面积依次为2887.91 hm2、2821.19 hm2和2326.97 hm2。从空间分布上看林地转为耕地模式分布最为广泛,耕地转化为水域分布较松散,草地转林地主要分布在吉泰盆地的北部地区;④动态度和状态指数研究发现,吉泰盆地未利用地的年变化率绝对值最大,林地年变化率最小。在未来的一段时间内,水域和建设用地规模呈增大的趋势,其余地类呈不同程度减少的态势。  相似文献   

沩水流域土地景观格局对河流水质的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
焦胜  杨娜  彭楷  郭谌达  李振民  周怀宇 《地理研究》2014,33(12):2263-2274
以红壤丘陵区沩水流域为研究区域,运用GIS空间分析及统计分析的方法,探讨了流域土地景观格局对河流水质的影响。结果表明:① 林地面积百分比与电导率(COND)、综合污染指数(Pr)相关性指数分别达-1.000、-0.997,呈显著负相关;耕地面积百分比与COND、总磷(TP)及土地利用程度综合指数(La)与COND、Pr呈显著正相关。② 斑块数量(NP)、香农多样性指数(SHDI)与COND、Pr相关性指数均在0.997以上,呈显著正相关;平均斑块面积(AREA_MN)、蔓延度指数(CONTAG)与COND、Pr及最大斑块指数(LPI)与TP呈显著负相关。③ 从时间上看,所选用的大部分土地景观格局指标与pH值、溶解氧(DO)在丰水期与枯水期的相关性状态相反,且枯水期土地景观格局对河流水质的影响较丰水期更为显著。  相似文献   

A precise understanding of the aboveground biomass of desert steppe and its spatio-temporal variation is important to understand how arid ecosystems respond to climate change and to ensure that scarce grassland resources are used rationally. On the basis of 756 ground survey quadrats sampled in western Inner Mongolia steppe in 2005–2011 and remote sensing data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)—the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) dataset for the period of 2001–2011—we developed a statistical model to estimate the aboveground biomass of the desert steppe and further explored the relationships between aboveground biomass and climate factors. The conclusions are as follows: (1) the aboveground biomass of the steppe in the research area was 5.27 Tg (1 Tg=1012 g) on average over 11 years; between 2001 and 2011, the aboveground biomass of the western Inner Mongolia steppe exhibited fluctuations, with no significant trend over time; (2) the aboveground biomass of the steppe in the research area exhibits distinct spatial variation and generally decreases gradually from southeast to northwest; and (3) the important factor causing interannual variations in aboveground biomass is precipitation during the period from January to July, but we did not find a significant relationship between the aboveground biomass and the corresponding temperature changes. The precipitation in this period is also an important factor influencing the spatial distribution of aboveground biomass (R2=0.39, P<0.001), while the temperature might be a minor factor (R2=0.12, P<0.01). The uncertainties in our estimate are primarily due to uncertainty in converting the fresh grass yield estimates to dry weight, underestimates of the biomass of shrubs, and error in remote sensing dataset.  相似文献   

In this study, seasonal variation characteristics of surface soil microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and soil microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN) of an artificial vegetation area located in Shapotou for different time periods were studied using the chloroform fumigation method, and the results were compared with those of near-natural vegetation areas and mobile dunes. Results showed that the MBC and MBN levels in the 0-5 cm soil layer were higher in autumn than in summer and spring. As the prolongation of vegetation restoration raised the MBC and MBN levels in summer and autumn, no clear variation was found in spring. However, the MBC and MBN in 5-20 cm had no obvious seasonal variation. During summer and autumn, the variation trend of MBC and MBN in the vertical direction was shown to be 0-5 〉 5-10 〉 10-20 cm in the vegetation area, while for mobile dunes, the MBC and MBN levels increased as the depth increased. The natural vegetation area was shown to possess the highest MBC and MBN levels, and yet mobile dunes have the lowest MBC and MBN levels. MBC and MBN levels in artificial sand-binding vegetation increased with the prolongation of vegetation restoration, indicating that the succession of sand-binding vegetation will result in the ac- cumulation of soil carbon and nitrogen, as well as the restoration of soil fertility.  相似文献   

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