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西藏生态脆弱区人为作用对生态退化的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
西藏是典型的生态脆弱区,西藏生态具有自然基础不稳定性和对外力干预的敏感性特点。本文从阐述西藏生态的敏感性入手.在辨识生态退化的人为作用方式的基础上,探讨了生态敏感性、人为作用与生态退化之间的关系及人为作用机理.进一步利用典型相关分析方法,在西藏自治医县域尺度上就人为活动对生态退化影响的强度进行了量化分析。得出了三点结论:1)人为作用通过生态敏感性而使生态趋于退化。2)人为因子与生态敏感性之间的作用不是简单的加和,而是一种乘数效应。3)总人口是生态退化的最显著的人为因子。  相似文献   

通过对其群落特征和生境特点的对比分析,阐述了西藏那曲地区天然草地主要类型、分布规律,提出了那曲地区草地退化过程及各类型之间的动态关系;最后分析了草地退化机理及原因.  相似文献   

对科尔沁沙地围封草地和放牧草地群落的种类组成、结构和多样性等特征进行比较研究。结果表明:(1)围封草地盖度、密度、地上生物量、高度均优于放牧草地(P<0.01)。与放牧相比,围封使植被盖度、密度、高度和地上生物量分别提高了237%、429%、77%和218%,植物群落结构得到明显改善。(2)与放牧草地相比,围封草地物种数增加了69%,多年生草本、灌木类种数和重要值均高于放牧草地。放牧草地的优势植物种依次是大果虫实(Corispermum macrocarpum)、狗尾草(Setaria viridis)、差巴嘎蒿(Artemisia halodendron),重要值占72%;而围封草地优势植物种依次是达乌里胡枝子(Lespedeza davurica)、糙隐子草(Cleistogenes squarrosa)、虎尾草(Chloris virgate)和画眉草(Eragrostis pilosa),重要值占57%,大果虫实、狗尾草和差巴嘎蒿逐渐处于群落的次要地位,取而代之的是与其环境条件相匹配的优质豆科和禾本科植物。围封使物种组成多样化,科属组成复杂化,优势物种发生了变化,群落结构和功能得到改善,沙地植被得以恢复。(3)围封草地的Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数、Margalef指数、均匀度指数均大于放牧草地。围封增加了群落的物种多样性,群落的稳定性得以提高。  相似文献   

藏北地区草地退化的时空分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 Introduction Commonly known as the “Weather System Sensitive Spot”, “Watertower of China” and “Rivershed”, the Naqu Prefecture of Northern Tibet is the source region of such major rivers as the Yangtze, the Nujiang and the Lancang in China (Gansu  相似文献   

红树林是热带和亚热带的重要滨海湿地类型,在维护海岸生态平衡方面有独特的作用。国内外学者对人为干扰红树林湿地进行了广泛研究,这些人为干扰可分为6个类型,包括具有显性影响的土地利用转化、城市化及工业化、木材及薪材过度利用和具有隐性影响的污染物排放、林内挖捕、林内禽畜放养。具有显性影响的干扰类型较容易得到重视与研究,具有隐性影响的干扰类型往往被忽视,而这些隐性影响也严重地危害红树林湿地的健康。针对这些人为干扰,提出了保护滨海红树林湿地的有效管理措施。  相似文献   

本研究探讨了不同人为干扰程度下米槠林地的土壤水分物理性质。结果表明,随着人为干扰强度的增加,容重呈现明显的增加的趋势,人促更新林容重大于其他林分,天然林容重最小。天然林转变为天然更新林,非毛管孔隙度增加2.39%,而转变为人促更新林非毛管孔隙度减少了1.01%;毛管孔隙度和总孔隙度的变化趋势一致,天然林转为天然更新林、人促更新林均减少。天然林的毛管持水量、最小持水量、最大持水量均最大。这表明随着人为干扰程度增加,对土壤水分物理性质影响越大。  相似文献   

气候变化对中亚草地生态系统碳循环的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
韩其飞  陆研  李超凡 《干旱区地理》2018,41(6):1351-1357
准确评估草地生产力、碳源/碳汇功能,分析气候变化对草地生态系统碳循环的影响,对于草地资源的合理开发和有效保护至关重要。选取对气候变化以及人类干扰高度敏感的中亚干旱区草地生态系统为研究对象,利用Biome-BGC模型,模拟分析其NPP、NEP的年际变化趋势及其空间分布格局。结果显示:(1)1979-2011年中亚地区草地生态系统NPP年平均值为135.6 gC·m-2·a-1,且随着时间的推移呈现出波动下降的趋势,下降速率为0.34 gC·m-2·a-1。(2)NEP的年平均值为-8.3 gC·m-2·a-1,表现为碳源,且该值随着时间的推移呈现出波动上升的趋势,上升速率为0.58 gC·m-2·a-1。(3)NPP高值区域在降水较为丰富的天山山脉附近以及哈萨克斯坦北部。(4)NPP的年际变化与降水量的年际变化趋势基本一致,相关系数为0.52;NPP与温度的相关系数为-0.28,未达到显著相关水平。本研究实现了Biome-BGC模型在中亚干旱区草地生态系统的应用,对评价干旱区草地生态系统碳源/碳汇功能及其在全球碳循环和全球变化中的作用、实现中亚草地生态系统的可持续利用、完善区域和全球碳循环理论体系具有重要意义。  相似文献   

对滨海湿地生态系统的主要人为干扰方式进行了系统辨识,详细阐述了不同人为干扰方式对滨海湿地生态系统结构、功能及服务的影响。综合分析了人为干扰造成的滨海湿地生态系统的结构改变、功能破坏、服务减少,其中,城市化、工业化进程干扰对滨海湿地生态系统的影响最为严重,并提出了滨海湿地保护对策。  相似文献   

从牧户角度,通过牧户调查、遥感数据、自然要素和社会经济要素综合分析,研究生态移民政策和牧户的响应情况及原因,对以后的人地和谐共处具有借鉴作用.以黄河源区玛多县牧户调查为例,利用1977~2004年三期草地退化数据、近28年气象数据、1988~2004年放牧压力数据、两年的PRA牧户访谈共144户的资料,通过综合分析,得出以下结果:(1)玛多县草地普遍发生退化现象,两期退化草地占总草地面积比重均在43%以上,并且退化呈加快趋势,冬春草场退化情况最为严重.(2)草地退化是气候干暖化和草地载畜超载共同造成的.(3)移民政策和牧户社会经济情况的对比利益差异,导致移出的牧户以老年牧户、无畜/少畜户为主,分别占移民户总数48.5%和68.3%,牲畜多的、中青年牧户普遍不愿移民.而且,移民户中,一证多户中的部分户移民占所有移民户54.5%.移民牧户结构的上述特征导致通过移民实现草地载畜量明显减少的目标难以实现.  相似文献   

泰山景观人为干扰的程度及其影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭泺  余世孝 《山地学报》2005,23(3):367-373
利用1986年和2001年两期TM影像,在GIS支持下,采用人为影响程度的比重和景观指数等多指标比重分析法以及人为影响类型极性分析法,对泰山景观的人为影响程度和景观结构变化作用方向进行定量描述。结果表明,人为影响类型极性分析法可以较理想地定量描述景观结构变化作用的方向和程度。在泰山风观区,景观人为综合极性影响可以划分为5个大类,影响程度可以划分为3个级别。15a来人为综合影响为正极性作用方向,其中Ⅱ级中度影响区影响系数最小,是泰山生态安全决策必须首先重视的区域。  相似文献   

To understand the effects of grazing activities and climate change on sandy grassland ecosystems in northern China, a livestock field grazing and enclosure experiment was conducted from 1992 to 2006 in Horqin Sand Land, Inner Mongolia. The results showed that sustained heavy grazing resulted in serious degradation of the vegetation; moderate grazing can maintain vegetation stabilization; and light grazing can promote rapid restoration of degraded vegetation. The livestock productivity was the highest in the moderate grazing grassland, and sustained heavy grazing resulted in rapid decrease of the livestock productivity. Heavy grazing can cause a retrogressive succession of grassland vegetation, whereas moderate and light grazing may promote progressive succession of plant species. The effects of changing climate on succession processes were not significant in the short term; a warm-humid climate is favorable to restoration of degraded vegetation, whereas a sustained warm-drought climate may result in degradation of grassland vegetation. Heavy livestock grazing should be stopped for the sustainable use of grassland; the proper grazing intensity for sandy grassland is two to three sheep or sheep equivalents per hectare in Inner Mongolia.  相似文献   

To understand the effects of animal grazing activities and climate change on sandy grassland vegetation in northern China, a field grazing and protected enclosure experiment was conducted from 1992 through 2006 in Horqin Sand Land, Inner Mongolia. The results showed that (1) the grazing was primary responsible for changes of the vegetation richness and diversity in the grazing grassland and that changing climate was the main reason for changes in the species richness and diversity in the grassland protected from grazing; (2) light and moderate grazing can promote restoration of the richness and the diversity in the degraded grassland, and heavy grazing could result in a decrease of the richness and diversity; (3) heavy grazing can result in significant decrease of the perennial diversity, and moderate and light grazing promotes increase of the perennial diversity; the grazing, whether heavy or moderate and light grazing, was beneficial to increase of the annual diversity; (4) heavy grazing was not beneficial to diversity of Graminean and Chenopodiaceae, and moderate and light grazing was favorable the diversity of Compositae and Chenopodiaceae; (5) the warm-humid climate was favorable to increase of the richness and the diversity, and the warm-drought climate could result in decease of the richness and the diversity; (6) increased precipitation was favorable to perennial diversity and the diversity of Graminean, Leguminosae, and Compositae, and decreased precipitation had few effects on the annual diversity and Chenopodiaceae diversity.  相似文献   

Taoer River Basin, which is located in the west of Northeast China, is an agropastoral ecotone. In recent years, the hydrological cycle and water resources have changed significantly with the deterioration of the environment. Many water problems such as river blanking, wetland shrinking and salinization have occurred in this region. All of these phenomena were directly caused by changes in stream flow under climate variability and human activities. In light of the situation, the impact of climate variability and human activities on stream flow should be identified immediately to identify the primary driving factors of basin hydrological processes. To achieve this, statistical tests were applied to identify trends in variation and catastrophe points in mean annual stream flow from 1961 to 2011. A runoff sensitive coefficients method and a SIMHYD model were applied to assess the impacts of stream flow variation. The following conclusions were found: 1) The years 1985 and 2000 were confirmed to be catastrophe points in the stream flow series. Thus, the study period could be divided into three periods, from 1961 to 1985 (Period I), 1986 to 2000 (Period II) and 2001 to 2011 (Period III). 2) Mean annual observed stream flow was 31.54 mm in Period I, then increased to 65.60 mm in Period II and decreased to 2.92 mm in Period III. 3) Using runoff sensitive coefficients, the contribution of climate variability was 41.93% and 43.14% of the increase in stream flow during Periods II and III, suggesting that the contribution of human activities to the increase was 58.07% and 56.86%, respectively. 4) Climate variability accounted for 42.57% and 44.30% of the decrease in stream flow, while human activities accounted for 57.43% and 55.70% of the decrease, according to the SIMHYD model. 5) In comparison of these two methods, the primary driving factors of stream flow variation could be considered to be human activities, which contributed about 15% more than climate variability. It is hoped that these conclusions will benefit future regional planning and sustainable development.  相似文献   

气候变化和人类活动对干旱区植被生产力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在全球变化的背景下,植被生产力发生了一系列的变化,如何定量的评估中国西北干旱区气候变化和人类活动对植被生产力的影响,对于应对气候变化,促进"一带一路"生态建设以及美丽中国建设具有重要的意义。以新疆为研究区,以植被净第一性生产力(NPP)作为评价指标,分析了2001—2016年气候变化和人类活动对植被恢复和退化的影响。结果表明:(1)从2001—2016年,植被NPP有明显变化趋势的面积占植被覆盖区总面积的34.02%,其中30.58%的面积呈现恢复趋势,3.44%的面积呈现退化趋势,NPP平均每年增加634 Gg C·a-1(Gg=109 g)。(2)由人类活动和气候变化引起植被恢复的面积占植被NPP变化总面积的42.03%和30.58%;在上述两个区域,NPP平均每年增加量分别为319 Gg C·a-1和59 Gg C·a-1。由人类活动和气候变化引起植被退化的面积占NPP变化总面积的57.63%和19.45%;其中,在上述两个退化区域,NPP平均每年分别减少68 Gg C·a-1  相似文献   

This study selected vegetation cover as the main evaluation index, calculated the grassland degradation index (GDI) and established the remote sensing monitoring and evaluation system for grassland degradation in Northern Tibet, according to the National Standard (GB19377-2003), based on the remote sensing data such as NDVI data derived from NOAA/AVHRR with a spatial resolution of 8 km of 1981-2000, from SPOT/VGT with a spatial resolution of 1 km of 2001 and from MODIS with a spatial resolution of 0.25 km of 2002-2004 respectively in this area, in combination with the actual condition of grassland degradation. The grassland degradation processes and their responses to climate change during 1981-2004 were discussed and analyzed in this paper. The result indicated that grassland degradation in Northern Tibet is very serious, and the mean value of GDI in recent 20 years is 2.54 which belongs to the serious degradation grade. From 1981 to 2004, the GDI fluctuated distinctly with great interannual variations in the proportion of degradation degree and GDI but the general tendency turned to severe-grade during this period with the grassland degradation grade changed from light degraded to serious degraded in Northern Tibet. The extremely serious degraded and serious degraded grassland occupied 1.7% and 8.0% of the study area, the moderate and light degraded grassland accounted for 13.2% and 27.9% respectively, and un-degraded grassland occupied 49.2% of the total grassland area in 2004. The grassland degradation was serious, especially in the conjunctive area of Naqu, Biru and Jiali counties, the headstream of the Yangtze River lying in the Galadandong snow mountain and glaciers, the area along the Qinghai-Tibet highway and railway, and areas around the Tanggula and Nianqingtanggula snow mountains and glaciers. So the snow mountains and glaciers as well as their adjacent areas in Northern Tibet were sensitive to climate change and the areas along the vital communication line with frequent human activities experienced relatively serious grassland degradation.  相似文献   

气候和人类活动对黄河中游区间产流量变化的贡献率   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王随继  李玲  颜明 《地理研究》2013,32(3):395-402
黄河中游产流量在过去几十年发生了明显减小的变化趋势,鉴于迄今有关气候及人类活动对该区产流量减小的影响比重仍存争议,本研究利用累积距平方法分析了研究区近60年来的产流量变化趋势,识别出1971年和1985年两个拐点年份,利用累积量斜率变化率分析方法(SCRCQ)估算了降水量和人类活动在产流量变化中的贡献率。与基准时期1950-1970年(TA)相比,在不考虑蒸散量影响的情况下,降水量和人类活动对黄河中游区间产流量变化的贡献率在1971-1985年(TB)分别为25.94%和74.06%,在1986-2009年(TC)分别为25.13%和74.87%;如果考虑蒸散量的影响,则人类活动的贡献率在TB和TC时期分别增大到91.74%和93.41%。显然,人类活动是该区间地表产流量减小的最重要影响因素。人类活动对黄河中游区间产流量变化的主要影响方式是拦蓄滞留,这些拦蓄滞留的水量大多数最终通过蒸散作用而从地表径流循环进入大气循环,即人类活动改变了部分水循环的途径。  相似文献   

It is important to study the contributions of climate change and human activities to cropland changes in the fields of both climate change and land use change. Relationships between cropland changes and driving forces were qualitatively studied in most of the previous researches. However, the quantitative assessments of the contributions of climate change and human activities to cropland changes are needed to be explored for a better understanding of the dynamics of land use changes. We systematically reviewed the methods of identifying the contributions of climate change and human activities to cropland changes at quantitative aspects, including model analysis, mathematical statistical method, framework analysis, index assessment and difference comparison. Progress of the previous researches on quantitative evaluation of the contributions was introduced. Then we discussed four defects in the assessment of the contributions of climate change and human activities. For example, the methods were lack of comprehensiveness, and the data need to be more accurate and abundant. In addition, the scale was single and the explanations were biased. Moreover, we concluded a clue about quantitative approach to assess the contributions from synthetically aspect to specific driving forces. Finally, the solutions of the future researches on data, scale and explanation were proposed.  相似文献   

Grassland degradation in Altay Prefecture is of considerable concern as it is a threat that hinders the sustainable development of the local economy and the stable operation of the livestock industry. Quantitative assessment of the relative contributions of climate change and human activities, which are considered as the dominant triggers of grassland degradation, to grassland variation is crucial for understanding the grassland degradation mechanism and mitigating the degraded grassland in Altay Prefecture. In this paper, the Carnegie-Ames-Stanford Approach model and the Thornthwaite memorial model were adopted to simulate the actual net primary productivity (NPPA) and potential net primary productivity (NPPP) in the Altay Prefecture from 2000 to 2019. Meanwhile, the difference between potential NPP and actual NPP was employed to reflect the effects of human activities (NPPH) on the grassland. On this basis, we validated the viability of the simulated NPP using the Pearson correlation coefficient, investigated the spatiotemporal variability of grassland productivity, and established comprehensive scenarios to quantitatively assess the relative roles of climate change and human activities on grassland in Altay prefecture. The results indicate three main points. (1) The simulated NPPA was highly consistent with the MOD17A3 dataset in spatial distribution. (2) Regions with an increased NPPA accounted for 70.53% of the total grassland, whereas 29.47% of the total grassland area experienced a decrease. At the temporal scale, the NPPA presented a slightly increasing trend (0.83 g C m?2 yr?1) over the study period, while the trends of NPPP and NPPH were reduced (?1.31 and ?2.15 g C m?2 yr?1). (3) Compared with climate change, human activities played a key role in the process of grassland restoration, as 66.98% of restored grassland resulted from it. In contrast, inter-annual climate change is the primary cause of grassland degradation, as it influenced 55.70% of degraded grassland. These results could shed light on the mechanisms of grassland variation caused by climate change and human activities, and they can be applied to further develop efficient measures to combat desertification in Altay Prefecture.  相似文献   

Impact of climate change on Tibet tourism based on tourism climate index   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zhong  Linsheng  Yu  Hu  Zeng  Yuxi 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(12):2085-2100
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Climate change is an important factor affecting the sustainable development of tourist destinations. Based on the monthly observation data of the main...  相似文献   

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