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Continental (fluvial) strata of the Pinjor Formation (Siwalik Group), northwestern Himalayas, India, contain an invertebrate trace fossil assemblage containing Planolites beverleyensis, Palaeophycus isp., Scoyenia gracilis, Taenidium barretti and other undifferentiated traces. The traces are found in an \(\sim \)26 m thick interval of alternating pinkish red siltstone, which is intercalated with mudstone, and thickly-bedded buff and greenish coloured sandstone. These sediments are interpreted as the deposits of floodplains and channel-bars of fluvial environments and low-energy overbank floodplain deposits. The trace fossils studied here are the first well documented ichnofossil assemblage from the vast, late Cenozoic Siwalik depositional system. They are not only of palaeoenvironmental significance, but they add to the growing ichnofossil database in facies of fluvial origin and should be an impetus to further ichnological studies of the Siwalik Group.  相似文献   

Smaller foraminifers from Upper Yakhtashian and Bolorian deposits of the stratotype area (Pamir, Darvaz, Tajikistan) are investigated. Four assemblages are defined. The first assemblage is from Chalaroschwagerina vulgaris-Pamirina darvasica Zone. The second assemblage found in the transitional Yakhtashian-Bolorian beds includes Globivalvulina, Palaeotextulariidae, Hemigordiidae, and Glomospira, associated with the first Pachyphloia and Langella forms. Characteristic taxa of third assemblage from the Misellina (Brevaxina) dyhrenfurthi Zone are Geinitzinidae, Globivalvulina, Palaeotextulariidae, Glomospira, and rare Pachyphloia. The forth assemblage of Hemigordiidae, Pachyphloia, Palaeotextulariidae, Geinitzinidae, Pseudoagathammina is identified in the M. (Misellina) parvicostata Zone. The assemblages were compared with concurrent analogs from China, Japan, and Russia. New species and subspecies Glomospira paleograndis sp. nov., G. darvasica sp. nov., Agathammina darvasica sp. nov., Pachyphloia darvasica sp. nov., Nodosinelloides cubanicus elongatus subsp. nov., and Hemigordius saranensis darvasicus subsp. nov. are described.  相似文献   

A biometric study of Chattian–Early Aquitanian taxa from shallow marine transgressive carbonate deposits in the Oligo-Miocene sedimentary basin of Kirkuk, Iraq, provides new insight into their taxonomy, stratigraphy, and palaeobiogeography. Their evolution is based on a distinct change in general nepiont morphology, which agrees with the principle of nepionic acceleration. Each Miogypsinoides group is represented by more than one lineage. We demonstrate for the first time the parallel evolution of Miogypsina and Miogypsinoides in the late Chattian of north-eastern Iraq. We assign specimens into two lineage groups: Miogypsinoides formosensis of the Late Chattian, with smaller embryon and longer post-embryonic spirals, which evolved into Miogypsinoides bantamensis of the Early Aquitanian; and Miogypsinoides sivasensis, with shorter spirals and larger embryon, originally found in late Chattian to Early Aquitanian deposits. This group evolved into large embryon and longer post-embryonic spiral specimens of the upper Azkand Formation, assigned to Miogypsinoides dehaartii and associated with Miogypsina gunteri-basraensis and M. gunteri due to their peculiar morphological features. Miogypsina specimens are related to Miogypsina basraensis, which have much smaller embryon dimensions. This part of the sequence corresponds to Ms. formosensis and is overlain by a Miogypsina ex. interc. gunteri-basraensis succession, a composite species that evolved to Miogypsina gunteri, the most common Miogypsinids taxon in the carbonate upper Azkand Formation, thereby acting as a reference for the evolution of this taxon and its transition to M. ex. interc. tani-gunteri. Miogypsinoides evolution in the Iraqi sedimentary basin is similar to Western Tethys evolution yet differs from Indo-Pacific evolution.  相似文献   

The taxonomic composition of the palynological assemblage of the Dongning Formation is supplemented. The palynological assemblage corresponds to those from the Lipovtsy Formation (Aptian) in the Razdolnaya Basin of Primorye (Russia) and the Muling Formation (Aptian) in the Jixi Basin of eastern Heilongjiang (China). It is found that the age of the Dongning Formation is Aptian. The palynological assemblage is characterized by dominance of spores of Gleicheniaceae; they are accompanied by spores of Cyatheaceae. The most important feature of the palynological assemblage of the Dongning Formation is the presence of angiosperm pollen (Tricolpites sp., T. micromunus, T. vulgaris, Retitricolpites georgiensis, R. vulgaris, Clavatipollenites hughesii, Quercites sparsus, Fraxiniopollenites variabilis).  相似文献   

The coal-bearing sequences of Barakar and Raniganj formations exposed in Bina and Jhingurdah open-cast collieries, respectively, are analysed for their macro- and miofloral content. The sediment successions primarily comprise of sandstones, shales, claystones and coal seams. In addition to the diverse glossopterid assemblage, four palynoassemblage zones, namely Zones I and II in Bina Colliery and Zones III and IV in Jhingurdah Colliery, have also been recorded in the present study. The megafossil assemblage from the Barakar strata of Bina Colliery comprises of three genera, namely Gangamopteris, Glossopteris and cf. Noeggerathiopsis. Palynoassemblage-I is characterised by the dominance of non-striate bisaccate pollen genus Scheuringipollenites and subdominance of striate bisaccate Faunipollenites and infers these strata to be of Early Permian (Artinskian) age (Lower Barakar Formation). The palynoassemblage has also yielded a large number of naked fossil spore tetrads, which is the first record of spore tetrads from any Artinskian strata in the world and has a significant bearing on the climatic conditions. The palynoassemblage-II is characterised with the dominance of Faunipollenites over Scheuringipollenites and is indicative of Kungurian age (Upper Barakar Formation). The megafossil assemblage from the Raniganj Formation of Jhingurdah Colliery comprises of five genera with 26 species representing four orders, viz., Equisetales, Cordaitales, Cycadales and Glossopteridales. The order Glossopteridales is highly diversified with 23 taxa and the genus Glossopteris, with 22 species, dominates the flora. The mioflora of this colliery is represented by two distinct palynoassemblages. The palynoassemblage-III is correlatable with the palynoflora of Early Permian (Artinskian) Lower Barakar Formation. The assemblage suggests the continuity of older biozones into the younger ones. The palynoassemblage-IV equates the beds with composition V: Striatopodocarpites–Faunipollenites–Gondisporites assemblage zone of Tiwari and Tripathi (1992) of Late Permian (Lopingian) Raniganj Formation in Damodar Basin. The FAD’s of Alisporites, Klausipollenites, Falcisporites, Arcuatipollenites pellucidus and Playfordiaspora cancellosa palynotaxa in this assemblage enhance the end Permian level of the Jhingurdah Top seam, as these elements are the key species to mark the transition of Permian into the Lower Triassic.  相似文献   

The present megafloral assemblage recorded from the Barakar sediments of Dholpahar section along Singda rivulet near Gopal Prasad Village in Talcher Basin comprises of equisetaceous stems, Gangamopteris buriadica, Palaeovittaria kurzii and 19 species of the genus Glossopteris. Record of Gangamopteris, Palaeovittaria and many narrow mesh forms of Glosspteris viz., G. angustifolia, G. churiensis, G. communis, G. recurva, G. spatulata, G. stenoneura, G. tenuifolia, G. vulgaris and G. zeilleri from two older fossiliferous horizons demonstrates that these fossils were preserved during Lower Barakar sedimentation. The report of middle and broad mesh forms of Glossopteris viz., G. barakarensis, G. browniana, G. indica, G. intermittens, G. karharbariensis, G. nakkarea, G. oldhamii, G. taeniensis and G. retifera in the youngest fossiliferous horizons reveals that these fossils were preserved during the deposition of Upper Barakar sediments. The continuation of some of the Karharbari plant fossils in the early phase of Barakar Formation and their disappearance in the flora of Late Barakar suggests a shift in the climatic setup. Palaeoclimate and palaeovegetation of this area are also summarised in this study. Moreover, the fossil assemblages of different fossiliferous beds of Dholpahar section demonstrate the evolution of midrib and meshes in different reticulate leaves.  相似文献   

Conodonts from the deposits of the Mosolovian Regional Stage (Middle Devonian) of the Voronezh Anteclise are studied on the basis of the data from six boreholes. Three assemblages are recognized. The index species of the lowermost assemblage is Icriodus formosus Naz. The index species of the middle assemblage are I. formosus Naz. and Pseudobipennatus ziegleri Kon. et Kim, as well as I. arkonensis Stauff. and I. jejunus Naz. This assemblage is the most diverse and is recognized in all boreholes. The deposits containing this assemblage correspond to the maximum of the Nara transgression. The upper assemblage is also recognized in all the studied boreholes. Its index species is Ps. ziegleri Kon. et Kim. The Mosolovian Regional Stage is assigned to the kockelianus Zone. The distribution diagrams of species in the most diverse middle assemblage support the hypothesis that, in the southeastern regions of the Voronezh anteclise, the depth was greater than in its western part. The characteristic conodont species are shown in the plates.  相似文献   

The microfossil assemblages of subsurface Carboniferous rocks from Faghur-1x were examined and identified. Their biostratigraphical and paleoenvironmental importance were investigated. The assemblage included well-preserved foraminifera like Omphalotis omphalota, Omphalotis sp. 2, Omphalotis sp. 3, Paraarchaediscus stilus, Paraarchaediscus koktjubensis, Archaediscus krestovnikovi, Archaediscus complanatus, Archaediscus inflatus, Archaediscus karreri, Diplosphearina inequalis, Eotubertina sp., Tetrataxis conica, Cribrostomum lecomptei, Palaeotextularia angulata, and Palaeotextularia longiseptata. This foraminiferal association indicates the late Viséan-early Serpukhovian. The other microfossils are gastropods, brachiopods, ostracods, crinoidal ossicles, frond-like fenestrate bryozoan types and stick-like colonies, echinoderms, microproblematica like Draffania biloba and algal Calcisphaera and the dasyclad Koninckopora. This microfossils assemblage points to the deposition in a restricted to open platform in a lagoonal framework environment. The Tehenu Basin is the eastern segment of northern African Sahara basins that provided refuge for the foraminiferal genera through the mass extinction events during the glacial Viséan-Serpukhovian times. However, its foraminiferal associations have lower diversities than the western basins, which indicate that it was more readily affected by the mass extinction event.  相似文献   

The present paper examines the coralline algal assemblage recovered from the Holocene sediments of Agatti Island, Lakshadweep, India. The assemblage comprises nine species of coralline algae which include Amphiroa fragilisma, Lithophyllum nitorum, Lithophyllum incrustans, Lithoporella melobesioids, Spongites sp., Porolithon craspedium, Aethesolithon problematicum, Clathromorphum parcum, Melobesoideae gen. et spec. indet. Clathromorphum parcumis an endophytic coralline alga reported for the first time from the Indian subcontinent. Out of these, seven species belong to the family Corallinaceae and the two represent the family Hapalidiaceae of the class Rhodophyceae. Coralline algal association of this area is dominated by Lithophylloideae, Melobesioideae and Mastophoroideae which include encrusting to fragmented growth forms. The associated branching corals are well developed and adapted to shallow, warm water, low turbid, protected lagoonal environment.  相似文献   

A rich assemblage of palynomorphs including miospores and megaspores has been recorded from the bore core no. IBKAN-2 drilled at a depth of 17.80m in Kuraloi Block-A, south-west part of the Ib-River Coalfield, Jharsuguda district, Odisha. The miofloral assemblage recovered shows prominence of cingulate, zonate, taeniate, non-striate and non saccate palynotaxa which indicate an early Triassic age and is comparable with the palynoassemblages of the same age known from the Damodar basin, India. The megaspore assemblage includes eight genera and fifteen species namely, Banksisporites karanpuraensis, B. indicus, B. utkalensis, Banksisporites sp., Barakarella pantii, Barakarella sp., Biharisporites spinosus, Biharisporites sp., Erlansonisporites triassicus, Erlansonisporites cf. erlansonii, Erlansonisporites sp. Jhariatriletes sp., Singhisporites sp., Ramispinatispora sp. and Talchirella trivedii. Records of megaspores are sparse in the early Triassic of Gondwana basins of India. The present study records the first occurrence of miospores and megaspores from the early Triassic of Mahanadi basin besides substantiating the earlier data.  相似文献   

Upper Cretaceous pelagic deposits outcropping in the Maçka (Trabzon) region include radiolarians and pelagic foraminifera. The Çatak Group represented by the volcano-sedimentary successions consists of three formations having different properties. Two sections, ÇTK1 and ÇTK2, are selected from the Çe meler and Elmalι Dere formations, respectively, establishing the biostratigraphy of outcropping sedimentary units. A total of 17 species of Whiteinella, Helvetoglobotruncana, Marginotruncana, Dicarinella, Praeglobotruncana, Archaeoglobigerina and Hedbergella demonstrating the early Turonian–Coniacian are established in the ÇTK1 stratigraphic section. The early Turonian radiolarian fauna consisting of Halesium sexangulum Pessagno, 1971, Crucella cachensis Pessagno, 1971, Stichomitra communis Squinabol, 1903 is also defined in the same section. A total of 30 species of Crucella, Halesium, Pessagnobrachia, Patulibracchium, Alievium, Archaeospongoprunum, Dicyomitra, Stichomitra, Diacanthocapsa, Dactiyliodiscus, Amphipydax, Pseudoaulophocus, Acaeniotyle, Archaeodictyomitra, Actinomma, Xitus, Neosciadocapsidae characterizing the early and late Turonian, as well as the Coniacian–early Santonian are recognized from red-coloured pelagic limestones of the ÇTK2 section. Also, planktonic foraminifera species of Marginotruncana, Hedbergella, Heterohelix, Globotruncana, Globotruncanita, Archaeoglobigerina, Dicarinella characterizing the Coniacian–Santonian are described in the thin sections of the same samples. The age of red-coloured limestones is identified as the Coniacian–Santonian benefit from radiolarians and pelagic foraminifera. Consequently, radiolarians and pelagic foraminifera within sedimentary successions of the investigation area are distributed in two intervals that coincide with the early Turonian–Coniacian and Coniacian–Santonian intervals.  相似文献   

The Jahrum Formation (Upper Paleocene to Middle Eocene) is composed of carbonate and dolomitic carbonate rocks in the Zagros Basin. The Zagros is located at the boundary between the Arabian and Eurasian lithosphere plates and represent the orogenic response to a collision between Eurasia and advancing Arabia during the Cenozoic. The study area is located in the northern part of Kuh-E-Tudej, ~175 km southeast of Shiraz in the Folded Zagros Zone. The Jahrum Formation at Kuh-E-Tudej, with a thickness of 190 m, consists of medium to massive bedded limestone. The following foraminiferal index species are identified in the studied section: Fallotella alavensis, Kathina sp., Miscellanea sp., Lockhartia sp.,Orbitolites shirazeinsis, Nummulites sp., Opertorbitolites sp., Dictyoconus cf. egyptiensis, Orbitolites cf. complanatus, Dictyoconus sp., Coskinolina sp., Somalina stefaninii, Discocyclina sp., Praerhapydionina sp., Coskinolina cf. liburnica, Nummulites cf. globulus, Nummulites cf. aturicus, and Alveolina sp. The age of the studied sediments ranges from Upper Paleocene to Middle Eocene. The microbiostratigraphic studies revealed four biozones based on the foraminifers identified in the studied section.  相似文献   

The Maastrichtian regressive sequence of the Hekimhan-Malatya area in Eastern Turkey consists of dolomitic limestones, limestones and calcareous mudstones which are dominated by rudists and Loftusia (foraminifera) assemblages. Several Loftusia species indicating middle to late Maastrichtian age such as Loftusia anatolica Meriç, L. baykali Meriç, L. coxi Henson, L. harrisoni Cox, L. minor Cox and L. morgani Douvillé have been recorded. Other benthic foraminifers present include Orbitoides medius d’ Archiac, Omphalocyclus macroporus (Lamarck), Laffitteina conica Drooger, Laffitteina mengaudi (Astre) and Laffitteina oeztuerki Inan. The rudists are abundant in the dolomitic limestones in the study area. The genus Miseia Patrulius is dominant and represented by Miseia bilacunosa Özer and Miseia hekimhanensis Karacabey-Öztemür. The Loftusia species and the Rudists assemblage indicates middle to late Maastrichtian age for the formation. The paleobiogeographic distribution of the assemblage has been discussed taking this find into account.  相似文献   

This article describes a complete sedimentary succession of an ancient macrotidal tide-dominated estuarine system based on the detailed outcrop study. The Eocene siliciclastic sedimentary facies of Ameki Group in the south-eastern Nigeria provides a record of the sedimentary response to an initial regression, followed by marine incursion (transgression) into the Niger Delta Basin. These sedimentary successions are analogues to the subsurface petrolific Niger Delta lithostratigraphic units. Seven facies associations (FA 1 to FA 7) are documented in the study area and the sediments are interpreted as fluvial channel, tidally influenced fluvial channel, tidal channel, tidal flats, supratidal, tidal sand bar and estuarine embayment (open estuarine) deposits. The occurrence of low diversity ichnofaunal assemblages and/or localised high-density monospecific ichnofossil assemblages indicates brackish-water condition typical of estuarine settings. The suites of assemblages include Scoyenia, Skolithos, Cruziana, mixed Skolithos-Cruziana, Glossifungites, Psilonichnus and Teredolites ichnofacies. A complete depositional sequence is encountered in the Eocene Ameki Group which consists of the lowstand, transgressive, highstand and falling stage systems tracts. This depositional succession was most probably controlled by relative sea level changes, sediment supply, accommodation and regional tectonics which affected the development of Niger Delta Basin.  相似文献   

A new taxon, ?Crassodontidanus gen. nov. of Hexanchiformes (cow sharks) from the Jurassic of Germany is described. It is characterized by peculiar teeth combining apomorphic (serrated mesial cutting edge of the main cusp) and plesiomorphic features (deep root with convex mesial and distal margins in labial and lingual views; protruding lingual root bulge). This character combination readily distinguishes members of the new taxon from all other known extant (Heptranchias, Hexanchus, Notorynchus) and extinct (?Gladioserratus, ?Notidanodon, ?Notidanoides, ?Pachyhexanchus, ?Paraheptranchias, ?Weltonia) hexanchiforms. Currently, two species, ?C. serratus (type species; Late Jurassic, Late Kimmeridgian of Nusplingen, South Germany) and ?C. wiedenrothi (Early Jurassic, Early Pliensbachian of Gretenberg (Hanover), North Germany) are assigned to this taxon. ?Crassodontidanus gen. nov. is member of ?Crassonotidae fam. nov. and sister to ?Notidanoides Maisey, 1986 and ?Pachyhexanchus Cappetta, 1990. We consider ?Notidanus amalthei Oppel, 1854 from the Pliensbachian of South Germany, ?Notidanus insignis Seguenza, 1887 from the Oxfordian of Sicily (Italy) and ?Notidanus wagneri Agassiz, 1843 from the Early Tithonian of Solnhofen (South Germany) nomina dubia and nomina nuda, respectively. The family ?Crassonotidae comprises plesiomorphic hexanchiforms ranging from the Sinemurian (Early Jurassic) to the Hauterivian (Early Cretaceous).  相似文献   

The surroundings of Solothurn (NW Switzerland) have been known for their fossil marine turtles since the beginning of the nineteenth century. In more recent history, access to the fossil bearing layers i.e. the Rätschenbank (Kimmeridgian, Late Jurassic) has not been possible until 1986 when one of the old quarries in the area re-opened. A series of excavations from 1986 to 1989 provided new material and a unique opportunity to re-investigate the fish fauna of the Solothurn Turtle Limestone that has not been dealt with since Agassiz (1833–1844). Examination and classification of the Solothurn specimens, mainly jaw fragments and teeth, furnished 11 species in 6 major groups: chimaeras (Ischyodus), selachians (Hybodus, Paracestracion, Asteracanthus), semionotids (Lepidotes), pycnodontids (Gyrodus, Proscinetes), caturids and oligopleurids (Caturus, Callopterus, Ionoscopus), and aspidorhynchids (Belonostomus).  相似文献   

Suraqalatia brasieri n.gen., n.sp. from the family Dicyclinidae Loeblich and Tappan 1964 occurs on the Maastrichtian carbonate platform of northern Iraq. The new genus is recognizable by its large very compressed conical test, up to 55–70 mm in diameter, to 0.3–1.6 mm in thickness, planspiral cooling having very small proloculus in the initial part and later circular chambers including numerous chamberlets with an agglutinated wall. Suraqalatia brasieri n.gen., n.sp. is associated with textulariids, miliolids and rotaliids as Loftusia elongata Cox, L. morgani Douvillé, Orbitoides medius d’Archiac, O. megaloformis Papp & Kupper, O. gruenbachensis Papp, O. apiculatus Schlumberger, Omphalocyclus macroporus (Lamarck), Siderolites calcitrapoides Lamarck, Sirtina orbitoidiformis Brönnimann & Wirz. The associated macrofauna comprises large and rich giant rudists (Preradiolites sp.), other bivalves (Gryphaea sp. and Glycymeris sp.), gastropods (Acteonella sp.), echinoderms and corals. The fauna indicates shallow marine carbonate platform conditions within the Maastrichtian green house. It is also worth mentioning that the new genus has only been recorded from the Maastrichtian age.  相似文献   

Numerous plant remains as the imprints of lycopsid strobili and stems and the sporadic imprints of articulate stems were first found in the Upper Carboniferous deposits from the Western Slope of the Southern Urals (Karantrav Settlement area). The brief stratigraphic characteristic of the studied locality is given. The studied plant assemblage is represented by Lepidodendron ophiurus Brongniart, L. vaselgense Anikeeva et O. Orlova, sp. nov., Lepidodendron sp., Lepidostrobus tevelevii O. Orlova, Mamontov et Anikeeva, sp. nov., L. ronnaensis Bek et Oplustil, Knorria sp., Calamites sp., and Mesocalamites ramifer (Stur) Hirmer. In-situ microspores of the Lycospora type were discovered in the sporangia of some strobili of the genus Lepidostrobus. Four lycopsid species (two are new) were described.  相似文献   

Outcropped of the Kuhbanan Formation at Dahu, near Zarand, about 63 km north of Kerman, Iran contains peri-Gondwana trilobites. In this study, 185 trilobite samples including six species and genera were identified and described from Dahu section. This trilobite’s assemblage including Redlichia noetlingi, Redlichia sp., Kermanella kuhbananensis, Kermanella lata lata, Kermanella lata minuta, Iranoleesia pisiformis, and Iranaspis sp. based on occurrence of the trilobite fauna a late Early to Middle Cambrian (Series 2–3) is suggested for this strata. These trilobite fauna help confirm conclusions from recent geological studies that place the Kerman Basin of Iran during the Cambrian.  相似文献   

The age of the marine Nodular Limestone Formation of the Bagh Group is refined at Substage level through ammonoid and inoceramid index taxa. The study is based on the fresh collections from three well-defined successive intervals (Lower Karondia, Upper Karondia and Chirakhan members) of this formation having excellent exposures in different localities of the Narmada Basin, central India. The first record of the widely distributed Turonian ammonoid genera Spathites Kummel and Decker and Collignoniceras Breistroffer from the Nodular Limestone Formation constrained its age exclusively to Turonian. The Early Turonian species Spathites (Jeanrogericeras) aff. revelieranus (Courtiller) and Mytiloides labiatus (Sclotheim) occur in the lower part, while the Middle Turonian marker Collignoniceras cf. carolinum (d’Obrbigny) and Inoceramus hobetsensis (Nagao and Matsumoto) occurs in the upper part of the Karondia Member. The record of the index species Inoceramus teshioensis (Nagao and Matsumoto) in association with Placenticeras mintoi Vredenburg from Chirakhan Member allows a definite Late Turonian age. The present contribution is an attempt to resolve the controversies in the age of the Nodular Limestone Formation and also demarcation of the three divisions (Early, Middle and Late) of the Turonian Stage in the Narmada Basin, central India.  相似文献   

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