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This paper reports the results of petrographic and geochemical studies of the Miocene-Pleistocene volcanic rocks that accompanied the formation of the deep-water basins of the Sea of Japan and Sea of Okhotsk. The geochemical types of these rocks, their geodynamic settings, and their derivation from different magmatic sources were determined. The marginal-sea basaltoids of the Sea of Japan are derivatives of fluid-enriched mantle (EMI), while the volcanics of the Kurile basin were generated from mantle enriched in continental crust (EMII). In spite of the different conditions of their genesis, they share some common geochemical features, in particular, their calc-alkaline signatures. These traces of the influence of sialic crust on magma generation confirm the development of the basins of both these seas on continental basement.  相似文献   

Most sedimentary basins contain saline pore water. Saline formation waters can form during burial diagenesis as the result of normal processes of water/rock interaction involving incongruent halite dissolution, bittern salt destruction, and albitization of detrital plagioclase. The kinds of Na-Ca-Cl saline formation waters typical of sedimentary basins can also result from modification of surficial brines formed by the precipitation of NaCl from evaporated seawater. As the porosity of rocks is reduced during burial, discharge of saline formation waters contributes to crustal chloride cycling, and helps explain riverine chloride loads. During burial, the dissolution of metastable detrital minerals derived from crustal rocks in corrosive, saline water transfers incompatible elements such as Li and B from the igneous crust to the sedimentary crust. Similarly, albitization transfers Ca from the crustal silicate (igneous) mineral reservoir to the crustal carbonate and aqueous (sedimentary) reservoirs. Metamorphism and then melting of albite-enriched rocks accounts for the elevated sodium contents of igneous rocks relative to sedimentary rocks. In this way average sediments have become enriched through time in Ca, Cl, Br, S, Li, and B, and depleted in Na relative to average igneous crust.  相似文献   

The analysis of the available seismological data on the Sea of Japan region made it possible to prepare the first complete unified catalog of earthquakes with M ? 3.0 and h ? 60 km for the period of 1975–2010. Four maps of epicenters for different depth intervals (0–10, 11–20, 21–30, and 31–60 km) and three sublatitudinal sections 1° wide are constructed. The analysis includes the structural features and the probable tectonic nature of the seismoactive zone along the underwater margin or borderland of the Japan-Sakhalin island arc: the regional or, more exactly, megaduplex of compression faults determined by the crust sliding in the back part of the frontal deep-seated thrust. The crustal seismicity in the southeastern margin of the Korean Peninsula (the Sino-Korean Shield) is likely related to the Tsushima and Ullyndo faults. It is assumed that it may provoke block, potentially thsunamigenic landslides in the southern and eastern cirques of the Ullyndo Basin incised into the underwater delta of the Huanghe River.  相似文献   

Newly obtained petrological and geochemical data on Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic volcanic complexes in the Japan, Okhotsk, and Philippine marginal seas of the Pacific Ocean made it possible to specify the types and characteristics of various stages of volcanism in the seas, trace the evolutionary history of the volcanic processes, and identify the geodynamic environments in which the deep-sea basins were formed, as well as to distinguish inherent features in the evolution of marginal seas in the continent-ocean transition zone in the Central Asian sector of the Pacific Ocean. These features imply that the processes that formed this zone in the region were similar. Significant differences revealed between the zones in the region were predetermined, first of all, by the different types of the Earth’s crust that was involved in the major tectonic-magmatic processes and participated in the generation of the magmatic melts.  相似文献   

Large-scale geological maps available for individual areas in the Central Sakhalin Fault zone and geological-geophysical maps of Sakhalin and surrounding sea areas were analyzed to elucidate the tectonic evolution of the fault zone determined by movements of crustal blocks due to the opening of rift basins. Changes in the direction of horizontal compression in the Sakhalin fold system from diagonal (NW-SE) to near-latitudinal resulted in the transformation of near-meridional right-lateral strike-slip faults into reversed faults in the Late Miocene. This allows Sakhalin faults to be interpreted as a zone of recent right-lateral shear between Eurasian and Sea of Okhotsk plates.  相似文献   

A seismic experiment with six explosive sources and 391 seismic stations was conducted in August 2001 in the central Japan region. The crustal velocity structure for the central part of Japan and configuration of the subducting Philippine Sea plate were revealed. A large lateral variation of the thickness of the sedimentary layer was observed, and the P-wave velocity values below the sedimentary layer obtained were 5.3–5.8 km/s. P-wave velocity values for the lower part of upper crust and lower crust were estimated to be 6.0–6.4 and 6.6–6.8 km/s, respectively. The reflected wave from the upper boundary of the subducting Philippine Sea plate was observed on the record sections of several shots. The configuration of the subducting Philippine Sea slab was revealed for depths of 20–35 km. The dip angle of the Philippine Sea plate was estimated to be 26° for a depth range of about 20–26 km. Below this depth, the upper boundary of the subducting Philippine Sea plate is distorted over a depth range of 26–33 km. A large variation of the reflected-wave amplitude with depth along the subducting plate was observed. At a depth of about 20–26 km, the amplitude of the reflected wave is not large, and is explained by the reflected wave at the upper boundary of the subducting oceanic crust. However, the reflected wave from reflection points deeper than 26 km showed a large amplitude that cannot be explained by several reliable velocity models. Some unique seismic structures have to be considered to explain the observed data. Such unique structures will provide important information to know the mechanism of inter-plate earthquakes.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of Middle Paleozoic, Late Paleozoic, Early Cretaceous, and Early—Late Cretaceous granitoid complexes from two Pacific marginal seas. The granitoid complexes are subdivided into two large groups: (1) mantle-crust derivatives, including andesite differentiates, and (2) crustal palingenetic granites. In terms of formation depth, they are subdivided into abyssal, mesoabyssal, and hypabyssal granites, with decreasing depth from the old to young complexes. It was established that the granitoids of different genesis have peculiar geochemical features. The granitoids of distinguished genetic types differ in the content and proportions of alkalis, primarily, K, as well as Rb, Sr, and Ba. The palingenetic granites show the predominance of K over Na and are classified as high-K calc-alkaline rocks, whereas andesitic derivatives correspond to the calc-alkaline rocks. The former are characterized by the higher Rb and Ba contents, which is related to the geochemical affinity of these elements to K. In contrast, the Okhotsk Sea rocks are characterized by the predominance of Na over K, the elevated Sr content, and the lower Ba and Rb contents. In terms of geodynamic setting, the studied granitoids fall in the field of volcanic arcs and syncollisional rocks. The latters are represented by the palingenetic granitoids of the Sea of Japan.  相似文献   

构造应力对裂缝形成与流体流动的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
裂缝是低渗透储层流体流动的主要通道,控制了低渗透油气藏的渗流系统。低渗透储层裂缝的形成与流体密切相关,高流体压力引起岩石内部的有效正应力下降,导致岩石剪切破裂强度下降,使岩石容易产生裂缝。高孔隙流体压力还造成某一点的应力摩尔圆向左移动,可以使其最小主应力(σ3)由压应力状态变成拉张应力状态,从而在岩石中形成拉张裂缝。裂缝的渗透性受现今应力场的影响,通常与现今应力场最大主压应力近平行分布的裂缝呈拉张状态,连通性好,开度大,渗透率高,是主渗透裂缝方向。构造应力对沉积盆地流体流动的影响主要表现在三个方面:(1)构造应力导致的岩石变形,不仅提供了流体流动的通道,而且还改变了岩石的渗透性能;(2)在构造强烈活动时期,构造应力的快速变化是流体流动的重要驱动力;(3)岩石中应力状态影响多孔介质的有效应力,从而影响介质中的渗流场。当作用在含流体介质上的构造应力发生改变时,岩石孔隙体积变小,构造应力首先由岩石的骨架来承担;当岩石孔隙体积减小到一定程度时,构造应力由孔隙流体来承担,从而影响岩层渗流场的变化。  相似文献   

The opening of the Sea of Japan began with the bulge at the margin of the Asian continent at 21 Ma. Crustal subsidence and basaltic eruption prior to Kuroko deposit formation appear to represent the opening event. Between 16.5 to 15.5 Ma was the most probable time of the counterclockwise rotation of NE Japan. Kuroko ore formation is believed to have taken place between 15.4 and 15.2 Ma based on geological evidence and fossil ages. It is proposed that Kuroko deposits formed in a weakly extensional environment at the waning stage of opening of the Sea of Japan. This may be the only model which can account for the occurrence and simultaneous formation of Kuroko deposits in Japan. The process can be ascribed to decreasing porosity of the crust due to the stress change, most commonly from extensional to compressional.  相似文献   

The mineral and chemical compositions and physical properties of diatomaceous clayey–siliceous sediments in the Sea of Okhotsk are studied. Absolute masses of silica accumulation are determined. Their compositional model based on the silica content is similar to that of Late Jurassic and Olenekian–middle Anisian cherts of the Sikhote Alin region. The thickness of the Holocene siliceous unit and the absolute mass of siliceous deposits depended on bioproductivity in the upper water column and the seafloor topography. Absolute masses of SiO2 am (0.05–5.7 g cm–2 ka–1) and SiO2 fr (0.5–11.6 g cm–2 ka–1) are minimal on seamounts and maximal in depressions near foothills. These values match absolute masses of SiO2 fr accumulations in Triassic and Late Jurassic basins of the Sikhote Alin region (0.33–3 g cm–2 ka–1). Comparison of the composition and absolute masses of silica shows that Triassic and Late Jurassic siliceous sequences of Sikhote Alin could be accumulated in the marginal marine basin near a continent.  相似文献   

北太平洋及东亚地区在始新世左右发生了一系列重大地质事件:日本海发生开裂;日本西南和中国板块北部发生顺时针旋转(>20°);NNW向运动的太平洋板块突然改变方向开始NWW向运动;郯庐断裂带由强烈断陷造成快速冷却事件;渤海湾盆地出现地幔热异常开始形成裂谷系;阿尔金断裂开始脉冲式走滑;贝加尔湖裂谷开始形成。这些重大地质事件的发生都与日本海陨击事件相关。  相似文献   

The tectonic evolution history of the South China Sea(SCS) is important for understanding the interaction between the Pacific Tectonic Domain and the Tethyan Tectonic Domain,as well as the regional tectonics and geodynamics during the multi-plate convergence in the Cenozoic.Several Cenozoic basins formed in the northern margin of the SCS,which preserve the sedimentary tectonic records of the opening of the SCS.Due to the spatial non-uniformity among different basins,a systematic study on the various basins in the northern margin of the SCS constituting the Northern Cenozoic Basin Group(NCBG) is essential.Here we present results from a detailed evaluation of the spatial-temporal migration of the boundary faults and primary unconformities to unravel the mechanism of formation of the NCBG.The NCBG is composed of the Beibu Gulf Basin(BBGB),Qiongdongnan Basin(QDNB),Pearl River Mouth Basin(PRMB) and Taixinan Basin(TXNB).Based on seismic profiles and gravity-magnetic anomalies,we confirm that the NE-striking onshore boundary faults propagated into the northern margin of the SCS.Combining the fault slip rate,fault combination and a comparison of the unconformities in different basins,we identify NE-striking rift composed of two-stage rifting events in the NCBG:an early-stage rifting(from the Paleocene to the Early Oligocene) and a late-stage rifting(from the Late Eocene to the beginning of the Miocene).Spatially only the late-stage faults occurs in the western part of the NCBG(the BBGB,the QDNB and the western PRMB),but the early-stage rifting is distributed in the whole NCBG.Temporally,the early-stage rifting can be subdivided into three phases which show an eastward migration,resulting in the same trend of the primary unconformities and peak faulting within the NCBG.The late-stage rifting is subdivided into two phases,which took place simultaneously in different basins.The first and second phase of the early-stage rifting is related to back-arc extension of the Pacific subduction retreat system.The third phase of the earlystage rifting resulted from the joint effect of slab-pull force due to southward subduction of the proto-SCS and the back-arc extension of the Pacific subduction retreat system.In addition,the first phase of the late-stage faulting corresponds with the combined effect of the post-collision extension along the Red River Fault and slab-pull force of the proto-SCS subduction.The second phase of the late-stage faulting fits well with the sinistral faulting of the Red River Fault in response to the Indochina Block escape tectonics and the slab-pull force of the proto-SCS.  相似文献   

The results of the geochemical studies of the Late Oligocene-Pleistocene volcanic rocks that accompanied the formation of the deep-water basins of the Seas of Japan and Okhotsk are presented. These rocks have an initially mantle origin that is a derivative of a single source—spinel perodotites. They formed as a result of the partial melting of secondary plumes located in the head part of the major mantle plume. This plume rose very closely to the surface in the area of the Japanese (Central) basin, where the marginal-sea basaltoids with chemical properties of HIMU (OIB) sources were established. The continental lithosphere (the upper mantle and the crust) was involved in the magma formation in the area of the Kuril basin and the Vityaz Ridge at the earliest rifting stage in the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene and at the final stage in the Pliocene-Pleistocene.  相似文献   

This study presents the analysis of correlation between trace element compositions of caustobioliths (oils, coals, oil and black shales), upper and lower continental crust, and living matter. It was shown that trace element concentrations in coals and oil shales have the better correlation with the upper crustal values, whereas trace elements in oils correlate well with the lower crustal values. The statistically significant, yet poorer correlation was observed for trace element compositions of oils and living matter as compared to correlations between oils and lower crust. The results suggest that oils are compositionally more homogeneous on a basin scale and possibly have more heterogeneous composition in different petroleum basins. A suite of characteristic trace elements (Cs, Rb, K, U, V, Cr, and Ni) that was used for analysis allowed a consistent interpretation of the relative upper and lower crustal contributions to the trace element composition of oils.  相似文献   

The biofacies analysis of benthic foraminifers in sediments of the Sea of Okhotsk paleobasin revealed the presence of typical abyssal species in their Oligocene-Miocene assemblages that are missing in the Pliocene and Pleistocene section. The development of the abyssal fauna in the Sea of Okhotsk was determined by its relatively large depths (>2000 m) and intense water exchange with the Pacific Ocean. The Sakhalin folding phase at the Neogene-Quaternary transition resulted in the uplifting of the Japan-Kurile cordillera and separation of deep basins of the Japan and Okhotsk seas from the ocean, which was responsible for the formation of unfavorable conditions for migration and existence of the Pacific abyssal fauna. The taxonomic similarity and general tendencies in the development of the Neogene benthic foraminifers common for the Japan and Okhotsk seas imply the lack of narrow and shallow thresholds between these basins similar to the present-day Nevel’skoi, La Pérouse, and Sangar straits. Such bottom topography stimulated the intense northward water flow, which determined the similarity between the benthic foraminiferal assemblages of the Japanese and Okhotsk paleobasins.  相似文献   

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