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The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) has been studied in a 120 km long, Early Cretaceous tholeiitic dyke swarm emplaced during the early stages of rifting and opening of the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. The vertical dykes filled a set of E-trending fractures that cut the structural grain of the Precambrian basement of northeastern Brazil at a high angle. These strongly magnetic rocks contain pseudo-single domain, Ti-poor magnetite and secondary maghemite as revealed by thermomagnetic and hysteresis data. The contribution of the paramagnetic and the high coercivity antiferromagnetic fractions to the bulk susceptibility is less than 1.2%. The dykes generally show well-clustered AMS principal directions. The plunge of the magnetic lineation varies from nearly subvertical in the center of the swarm to horizontal in the west. The strike of the magnetic foliation is generally oblique to the dyke wall and exhibits a curved trend at the regional scale. This fabric pattern suggests that the magma source that fed the dykes was situated in the center of the swarm, which is presently below Tertiary sandstones.  相似文献   

Since most volcanic eruptions are fed by dykes, any assessment of volcanic hazards in an area must include an evaluation of the probability of injected dykes either reaching the surface or becoming arrested. Composite volcanoes are normally composed of alternating stiff (high Young's modulus) and soft (low Young's modulus) layers. Numerical models indicate that during unrest periods with magma-chamber inflation, the local stresses in composite volcanoes commonly prevent dyke-fed eruptions: while the stresses in the stiff layers may favour dyke propagation and seismogenic faulting, the local stresses in the soft layer remain seismically quiet and favour dyke arrest. Geodetic and field studies also indicate that most dykes never reach the surface, and that only a small fraction of the magma volume injected from a chamber erupts at the surface. I propose that for a dyke-fed eruption to occur, all the layers along the potential pathway of the dyke must have local stresses that favour magma-driven extension-fracture propagation. Thus, the stress field along the pathway must be homogenised. To cite this article: A. Gudmundsson, C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

Interaction of a fast shock wave generated during a supernova explosion with a magnetized star-companion of the supernova precursor produces a current sheet. We consider an evolution of this current sheet and show that a singularity (shock) is formed in finite time within the ideal magnetohydrodynamics framework. Charged particles (electrons) are accelerated in the vicinity of the singularity, and their distribution function has a plateau up to the energies of the order of 104 mc 2. These fast particles radiate in the γ-range in the strong magnetic field of the current sheet (B ≃ 106 G). Radiation is concentrated within a narrow angle around the current sheet, Δθ ≃ 3 × 10−4, and its spectrum has the maximum at several hundreds of keV. Presented calculations confirm the model of cosmological GRBs proposed earlier by Istomin & Komberg.  相似文献   

A supernova explosion in a close binary system in which one of the components is a compact magnetized object (neutron star or white dwarf) can form a narrow “tail” with length l t ~109 cm, width h t ~108 cm, and magnetic field B t ~106, due to the resulting shock wave flowing around the magnetosphere of the compact object. The energy released by the reconnection of magnetic field lines in this tail can accelerate electrons to relativistic speeds (γ≈104), creating the conditions required for powerful synchrotron radiation at energies from hundreds of keV to several MeV, i.e., for a gamma-ray burst (GRB). The duration of this radiation will depend on the power of the shock that forms during the supernova. If the shock is not sufficiently powerful to tear off the magnetosphere tail from the compact object, the duration of the GRB will not exceed l t /V A ≤1 s, and the conditions necessary for an “afterglow” at softer energies will not arise. If the shock is more powerful, the tail can be torn from the magnetosphere, forming a narrow ejection, which is perceived in its relativistic motion toward the observer(Γ~104) as an afterglow whose duration grows from tens of seconds at gamma-ray energies to tens of days in the optical. This may explain why afterglows are observed only in association with long GRBs (T 90>10 s). Very short GRBs (T 90<0.1 s) may be local, i.e., low-power, phenomena occurring in close pairs containing compact, magnetized objects, in which there is again an interaction between the magnetosphere of the compact object and a shock wave, but the shock is initiated by a flare on the companion, which is a red-dwarf cataclysmic variable, rather than by a supernova.  相似文献   

The effect of the discrete structure of the halo on local oscillations of a galactic disk is analyzed. Such effects have much in common with dynamical friction. Gaseous and stellar disks are considered; in both cases, some leading spiral density waves are unstable. Bending oscillations of the disk can also be unstable when the disk interacts with the halo.  相似文献   

大兴安岭北部扎兰屯脉岩群的地球化学特征及其地质意义   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
在内蒙古扎兰屯东侧出露一群中性岩脉,产在晚石炭世扎兰屯花岗岩体中,脉岩岩性为闪长玢岩,似斑状结构,斑晶为斜长石、碱性长石、角闪石、辉石和石英,基质为细粒状的上述矿物及玻璃质.其锆石U-Pb LA-ICP-MS谐和年龄为120.6±4.7Ma,基质40Ar/39Ar坪年龄为122.2±0.6Ma,侵位时代可确定为早白垩世.脉岩的SiO2含量为56.88%~61.69%,Al2O3含量为15.83%~19.29%,全碱含量较高,为5.32%~8.37%.稀土元素总量为121.4×10~144.1×10-6,轻重稀土分馏系数较大,(La/Yb)N值为6.24~10.40.富集大离子亲石元素(LILE),亏损重稀土元素(HREE).δEu表现为弱的负异常(0.92~0.79).在同位素地球化学方面,具有正的εNd(t)值(+3.06)和较低的初始87Sr/86Sr值(0.7047~0.7053);岩石铅同位素均一,具幔源特征.综合考虑脉岩年代学和地球化学研究结果,本文认为研究的脉岩形成于伸展背景下重熔的新底侵玄武质下地壳的岩浆侵入作用.  相似文献   

The sedimentary humic acid or its acid-hydrolysate, consisting of various amino acids, was found effective in dissolving unusually large quantities of metals (up to 682 mg/g of organic matter) from their insoluble salts. The presence of humic acid in the reaction media which had favorable conditions for the precipitation of metals as carbonates, hydroxides or sulfides, prevented the formation of insoluble metal salts. Infrared analysis suggests that the metals added to various anionic systems and humic acid do not react with the anion. The most likely mechanism of reaction appears to be a complex formation between metals and organic matter which keeps the metal in solution.The enhanced solubility and consequent decrease in precipitation of metals under the influence of humic compounds, as evidenced in these studies should play a leading role in the accumulation of metals in sedimentary deposits.  相似文献   

The Mid-Cretaceous Verkhoyansk-Chukchi Tectonic Domain is characterized by fanlike diverging systems of tectonic sheets and imbricate thrusts verging to the two framing continents. The Verkhoyansk and New Siberian-Chukchi-Brooks Fold-Thrust systems of the deformed margins of the Siberian and Hyperborean-North American continents, respectively, adjoin the inner Verkhoyansk-Kolyma Collision System. The above fold-thrust systems include the Verkhoyansk and Colville foredeeps coeval with thrusting. The Verkhoyansk-Kolyma Fold-Nappe System is composed of Cambrian to Upper Jurassic oceanic, marginal-sea, and island-arc complexes and bounded by a collision suture consisting of the Kolyma Loop abutted on the South Anyui segment along a left-lateral strike-slip fault. The inner root zone and the outer zone of nappes overthrusting the adjacent continents are distinguished in the suture. Several levels of structural unconformities, olistostrome-molasse sequences, and zones of amphibolite-greenschist metamorphism coeval with thrusting correspond to particular stages in the evolution of the Verkhoyansk-Kolyma System. The Neoproterozoic and Early Paleozoic oceans closed during the Baikalian and Caledonian orogenies. The Alazeya-South Anyui-Angayucham ocean that evolved from the Devonian to the Late Jurassic was subject to gradual closure against the background of trilateral compression during convergence of the Siberian and Hyperborean-North American cratons and accretion and collision along the Pacific margin. The fold-nappe structure of the Verkhoyansk-Kolyma Orogen and the boundary collision suture were disturbed by left-lateral strike-slip faults during Mid-Cretaceous compression, and the South Anyui segment of the suture was displaced to the northwest along the strike-slip fault. The Mid-Cretaceous Orogeny at the Pacific margin gave rise to meridional compression of its back zone and latitudinal squashing of the Verkhoyansk-Kolyma Orogen with formation of the Kolyma and Kobuk looplike limitations.  相似文献   

The paper considers some petrological and geochemical aspects of the formation of oceanic plagiogranites (OPG)—felsic intrusive rocks, which were found in the plutonic complexes of modern mid-ocean ridges (MOR) and ophiolites of paleo-collisional zones. Based on the multi-equilibrium clinopyroxene-orthopyroxene-amphibole-plagioclase geothermobarometry, typical OPG found in gabbros and peridotites were formed at temperatures of 820–850°C and pressure of 2–2.5 kbar. Close temperature estimates (825 ± 50°C) were obtained from literature data on Ti content in zircon, with allowance for lowered TiO2 activity in the rock. Under these P-T parameters, OPG can be generated only in the presence of fluid of water activity $ \left( {a_{H_2 O} } \right) $ \left( {a_{H_2 O} } \right) close to 0.9. OPG and associated recrystallized gabbroids contain high-temperature hornblende with significant Cl content (0.5–2 wt %). In addition, the plagiogranites are characterized by particular geochemical features such as extremely high Na2O/K2O (up to 135), sharp LREE enrichment ((Ce/Yb)cn and (La/Sm)cn up to 10 and 4, respectively), and elevated 87Sr/86Sr ratio relative to DMM. All these facts point to the key role of hydrothermal fluid, the seawater derivative, in the OPG formation. The fluid with $ a_{H_2 O} = 0.9 $ a_{H_2 O} = 0.9 (approximately 28 wt % NaCl) could be produced from seawater due to hydration reactions at the higher lower temperature horizons of oceanic crust in the course of its percolation to the OPG generation areas. The formation of plagiogranites in the MOR oceanic core complexes possibly reflects the fundamental feature of oceanic accretion: practically simultaneous (at the geological time scale) proceeding of exogenic (neptunic) and endogenous (plutonic) processes.  相似文献   

A classification of dilational fracture geometry is proposed. It applies to structures that can be characterized by the combination of a fracture system and a dilation vector field. The classification is illustrated with examples of igneous dykes, pegmatites, and pseudotachylites. Segmentation in the form of offsets, jogs, or bifurcations is common to most fracture systems. Four basic types of dilational fracture systems are distinguished on the basis of the geometry of segmentation. These are: irregular, braided, en-echelon, and zigzag. Zigzag fracture systems are further differentiated. They consist of newly formed, obliquely dilated fractures or, alternatively, of pre-existing planes in the host-rock that are reactivated by oblique dilation. This paper is the first to actually report an igneous zigzag-dyke involving newly formed fractures.Rotation of the regional stress field in the direction of propagation leads to en-echelon segmentation. Braided fracture systems reflect high local stress-intensities, probably related to propagation rate. Two possibilities exist for the formation of zigzag dykes consisting of newly formed fractures that are obliquely dilated. They may form by extreme interaction of tensile fracture segments in a regional stress field with a low differential stress. Alternatively, they may form in a regional stress field with high differential stress through the propagation of shear fractures.Segmentation of dykes, characterized by offsets, is common. Such segmentation can be the result of protrusions of the fracture termination. Offsets also occur where a dyke cuts an older planar structure. Such offsets are the result of the local inhibition of fracture propagation. The resulting apparent offset can lead to a misinterpretation of relative age.Apophyses form as a result of the dilation of a segmented fracture system.
Zusammenfassung Eine Klassifizierung der Geometrie von Dilatationsbrüchen wird vorgeschlagen. Sie wird angewendet auf Strukturen die charakterisiert werden können als die Kombination eines Bruchsystems und eines Dilatationsvektorfeldes. Die Klassifizierung wird illustriert durch Beispiele von magmatischen Gängen, Pegmatitien und Pseudotachyliten. Segmentierung in Form von Versätzen, Stoßfugen oder Gabelungen sind häufig in vielen Bruchsystemen. Vier Grundtypen von Dilatationsbruchsystemen können an Hand der Segmentierungsgeometrie unterschieden werden, diese sind: Unregelmäßige -, verzweigte -, kulissenförmige — und zick-zack Typen. Die Zickzack-Bruchsysteme werden weiter untergliedert. Sie bestehen aus neu gebildeten sich schief ausdehenden Brüchen, oder aber aus bereits bestehenden Flächen des Muttergesteins, welche von der schiefen Erweiterung reaktiviert wurden. Dies ist die erste Veröffentlichung, die von magmatischen Zickzack-Gängen berichtet, die neu geformte Brüche entwickeln.Die Rotation des regionalen Spannungsfeldes in Fortplanzungsrichtung führt zu einer kulissenartigen Segmentierung. Verzweigte Bruchsysteme spiegeln hohe lokale Spannungsintensitäten wieder, die in Bezug zur Fortpflanzungsrate stehen. Es bestehen zwei Möglichkeiten für die Bildung von Zickzack-Gängen die aus neugebildeten Brüchen bestehen die sich schief ausgedehnt haben. Sie können sich bilden bei extremen Wechselwirkungen von Dehnungsbruchsegmenten in einem regionalem Spannungsfeld mit einer geringen differentialen Spannung. Andererseits können sie sich auch unter einem regionalen Spannungsfeld mit hohen differentialen Spannungen, durch das Fortschreiten von Scherbrüchen bilden.Häufig findet sich eine Segmentierung von magmatischen Gängen, welche durch Versätze charakterisiert ist. Diese Segmentierung kann das Resultat von Vorsprüngen des Bruchendes sein. Versätze können auch vorkommen wo ein Gang eine ältere ebene Struktur durchschneidet. Diese Versätze treten auf, wenn die Bruchfortpflanzung lokal behindert wird. Der resultierende scheinbare Versatz kann zu Mißdeutungen des relativen Alters führen.Apophysen bilden sich als ein Resultat von Ausdehnungen des segmentierten Bruchsystems.

Résumé Cette note propose une classification des fractures de dilatation, basée sur leur géométrie. Elle s'applique aux structures que l'on peut caractériser par la combinaison d'un système de fractures et d'un champ de vecteurs de dilatation. Elle est illustrée par des exemples de dykes magmatiques, de pegmatites et de pseudotachylites. La plupart des systèmes de fractures présentent ordinairement une segmentation sous la forme de rejets, de coudes ou de bifurcations. Sur la base de la géométrie de la segmentation, on peut distinguer quatre types fondamentaux de systèmes de fractures de dilatation: les systèmes irrégulier, anastomosé, en échelon et en zig-zag, ce dernier pouvant être à son tour subdivisé. Ces systèmes mettent en jeu soit une fracturation nouvelle à dilatation oblique, soit une réactivation par dilatation oblique de plans préexistants. La présente note signale pour la première fois un dyke magmatique en zig-zag impliquant des fractures nouvelles.La rotation du champ de contraintes régional dans la direction de propagation engendre la segmentation en échelon. Les systèmes de fractures anastomosées traduisent des contraintes locales élevées, probablement en relation avec le taux de propagation. Il existe deux possibilités dans la formation de dyke en zig-zag correspondant à des fractures nouvelles à dilatation oblique. Ils peuvent résulter d'une interaction intense de tronçons de fractures de tension dans un champ de contraintes régional à faible gradient. Ils peuvent aussi se former dans un champ à gradient de contrainte élevé, par la propagation de fractures de cisaillement.La segmentation de dykes avec rejets est une disposition fréquente. Elle peut résulter d'une irrégularité de l'extrémité des fractures. Elle peut aussi se produire lorsqu'un dyke coupe une ancienne structure plane. De tels rejets sont l'expression d'un empêchement local à la propagation de la fracture. Le rejet apparent qui en résulte peut conduire à une interprétation erronée de l'âge relatif. Les apophyses se forment par dilatation d'un système segmenté de fractures.

. , 720°, 820°, 920°, 8 . , 50% 50% . , , , , . . 700° 2 , 900°. ( ) . , 900°. , 50% , - .

Dykes are an essential element in building oceanic crust, most prominent in sheeted dyke complexes in the upper crust. Since dykes alter the magnitude and orientation of the local stress field, they cannot be treated as passive infillings of extensional fractures.We use a quasi-static, iterative 2-D boundary element method allowing for a wholesale movement of fluid-filled fractures. Effects of stress and pressure gradients, buoyancy and enclosed fluid mass are considered. The implications of the dyke-induced stress field are analysed combining the simulation of fracture propagation with computation of dyke interaction. Dyke interaction occurs by the adaptation of ascending dykes to the stress field caused by previous fractures arrested in the crust and leads to focussing and crossing of dykes. Examples for applications are introduced, concerning e.g. the generation of a magma chamber and the formation of the sheeted dyke complex. Our main results are that the interaction between dykes can be considerable and that the most important controlling factor is stress. The interaction is small when the horizontal tensional stress is large compared to the pressure in the dyke head. Otherwise, dykes tend to attract each other and to form centres of high dyke density or sill layers.  相似文献   

新疆克拉玛依中基性岩墙群的地质地球化学和K-Ar年代学   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
新疆克拉玛依中基性岩墙群出现在后碰撞花岗岩(锆石U-Pb年龄约为300~320Ma)及其下石炭统火山岩-硅质岩围岩之中,空间分布受区域构造裂隙控制,总体走向以280°~300°为主,K-Ar表观年龄为241.3~271.5Ma。岩墙群属于亚碱性系列,根据岩性和Mg#的不同,可分为辉绿岩岩墙、高Mg#闪长玢岩岩墙和低Mg#(石英)闪长玢岩岩墙等三组。主元素、稀土元素和其他微量元素等资料表明,形成岩墙群的岩浆起源于亏损地幔,由部分熔融作用形成的原始玄武质岩浆在侵位过程中发生了分离结晶作用,但同时还受到同化混染作用的影响,致使克拉玛依岩墙群具有较典型的AFC过程的成因特征。克拉玛依岩墙群形成于新疆北部后碰撞伸展构造环境,是幔源岩浆活动的产物,因而可以作为地壳垂向生长的标志之一。  相似文献   

中亚造山带西南缘的东准噶尔地区出露大量晚古生代花岗岩,是揭示该造山带地壳演化的良好对象.在东准噶尔北缘乌伦古西北的阿克吉拉识别出一套走向与区域构造线总体垂直的晚古生代花岗质岩墙,其时代和成因研究对深入理解本区的构造演化具有重要意义.SHRIMP锆石U-Pb测年结果显示其侵位于晚二叠世(266±2 Ma).岩石地球化学组...  相似文献   

斜锆石U-Pb定年是基性岩墙时代确定的有效方法。前人对太行岩墙群高分异组岩墙(Ti O2通常1%,Mg O一般6%)进行了较多的定年,但缺少对低分异组岩墙(Ti O2约为1%,Mg O6%)的高精度测年。两者年龄是否一致是讨论两组岩墙是否来源于同一岩浆的基本前提。本研究对华北太行岩墙群丰镇地区低、高分异组代表性岩墙进行了斜锆石离子探针207Pb/206Pb定年。结果表明,低分异组车道沟岩墙207Pb/206Pb平均年龄为1768±4Ma(n=9,MSWD=2.1);而高分异组酸刺湾岩墙斜锆石207Pb/206Pb年龄可以分为两组,加权平均值分别为1780±3Ma(n=8,MSWD=0.65)和1760±3Ma(n=5,MSWD=1.7)。斜锆石成分分析表明,酸刺湾岩墙两组年龄对应的矿物成分存在差异,如晚期斜锆石比早期更富Ti,Zr/Hf比值变化范围相对较小。据此认为,酸刺湾岩墙两组斜锆石可能结晶于岩浆不同阶段:早期(~1780Ma)的斜锆石可能结晶于成分更加原始的岩浆,很可能形成于岩浆房中;晚期(~1760Ma)的斜锆石可能结晶于成分更加演化的岩浆,可能是岩浆通道(岩墙)或岩浆房中。Zr/Hf值与单点年龄的负相关趋势可能记录了单斜辉石的结晶过程。已有的太行岩墙群U-Pb年代学结果集中于1785~1760Ma。我们的研究认为,太行岩墙群岩浆房存在了约20Myr,即岩浆房形成于~1785Ma,岩墙就位于1785~1760Ma。  相似文献   

Summary The late Proterozoic Curaçâ mafic dyke swarm is one of the more alkaline swaams of the Brazilian Precambrian. Intea-dyke chemical variations are characterised by higher abundances of incompatible elements in dyke margins than in the dyke centres, a feature that may have resulted from flowage differentiation, from progressive evacuation of liquids from zoned magma chambers, or possibly through dynamic melting of an uprising diapir. Inter-dyke chemical differences are best interpreted by different extents of melting of a mantle source with a small modal proportion of garnet. This source was heterogeneous and had the trace element compositions of ocean island basalts with Dupal and non-Dupa' characteristics. The emplacement of the Curaçá dykes from 650–700 Ma may have been facilitated by the extensional tectonics perpendicular to the collision zone between the São Francisco craton and the Pernambuco-Alagoas massif during the evolution of the Sergipano orogen. The energy in the system was insufficient to promote much melting of, or interaction with, the continental lithosphere or overlying crust.
Petrogenese des jung-proterozoischen mafischen Gangsystems von Curaca, Brasilien: Asthenosphärischer Magmatismus im Zusammenhang mit kontinentaler Kollision
Zusammenfassung Im jung-proterozoischen alkali-betonten mafischen Gangsystem vom Curaca im brasilianischen Präkambrium zeigen chemische Variationen innerhalb eines Ganges höhere Gehalte an inkompatiblen Elementen an den Gangrändern als in den Zentren. Diese Erscheinung könnte auf Differentiation während der Fließbewegungen zurückgehen, aber auch auf schrittweise Entfernung von Schmelzen aus zonierten Magmenkammern, oder möglicherweise auch auf dynamisches Schmelzen eines aufsteigenden Diapirs. Chemische Unterschiede zwischen einzelnen Gängen können am besten durch verschiedene Rate der Aufschmelzung einer Mantelquelle mit einem geringen Modalanteil von Granat erklärt werden. Diese Quelle war heterogen und hatte den Spurenelementgehalt von ozeanischen Inselbasalten mit Dupal und Non-Dupal Charakteristiken. Die Platznahme der Gänge von Curaca hat zwischen 650 und 700 Ma stattgefunden; sie wurde durch Dehnungstektonik senkrecht zu der Kollisionszone zwischen dem Sao Francisco Kraton und dem Pernambuco-Alagoas Massiv, während der Entwicklung des Sergipano Orogens, gefördert. Die im System vorhandene Energie war nicht ausreichend, um umfangreiche Schmelzvorgänge von, oder Interaktion mit der kontinentalen Lithosphäre, oder der überlagernden Kruste zu verursachen.

With 13 Figures  相似文献   

Permo-Triassic magmatism is widespread in the eastern North Patagonian Massif and has been related to the Gondwanide orogeny. Although a magmatic arc setting is widely accepted for the Permian plutonic rocks, the origin and geotectonic setting for the Triassic plutonic and volcanic rocks are still unknown. A NW-SE Triassic dyke swarm composed of andesites and latites with minor rhyolites was previously described in the Sierra Grande – Rincon de Paileman area. The dyke swarm was associated with extensional tectonics which was linked to a postorogenic process.In this paper we present new geochemical data of the rocks that form the swarm. Trachyandesites and rhyolites were separated based on their geochemical characteristics. Both groups may be considered originated from different sources. On the other hand, the content of incompatible elements (LILE and HFSE) indicates a strong relation between the swarm and an active continental margin. The samples also show a transitional signature between continental-arc and postcollisional or anorogenic settings.The new geochemical data on the dyke swarm support the idea of a magmatism that was linked to a postorogenic extensional tectonic regime related to a continental magmatic arc. Such an extension started in the Paleopacific margin of Pangea during the Anisian and might indicate the beginning of the Pangea break-up.  相似文献   

Os isotope ratios in pyrrhotite-bearing pelitic rocks of the ∼1.85 Ga Virginia Formation are variable, with perturbations linked to the emplacement of the ∼1.1 Ga Duluth Complex. Pyrrhotite in footwall rocks of the contact aureole show evidence for a mixing event at 1.1 Ga involving a low 187Os/188Os fluid. However, because rocks with perturbed pyrrhotite Os isotope ratios occur 1½ km or more from the Duluth Complex, the fluid is unlikely to have been of magmatic origin. Fluid inclusions in layer-parallel quartz veins provide evidence of the involvement of a boiling fluid at temperatures between ∼300 and 400 °C. Analyses of fluid inclusions via LA-ICP-MS show that the fluids contain up to 1.7 wt% Na, 1.1 wt% K, 4330 ppm Fe, 2275 ppm Zn, and 415 ppm Mg. The veins also contain pyrite or pyrrhotite, plus minor amounts of chalcopyrite, bornite, pentlandite, and sphalerite. The Re-Os isotopic ratios of pyrite from the veins indicate that they crystallized from low 187Os/188Os fluids (<0.2). δ18O values of vein quartz range from 7.7‰ to 9.5‰, consistent with an origin involving fluid with a relatively low δ18O value between 2‰ and 5‰. Meteoric water with such a low δ18O value could have interacted with the igneous rocks of the Complex and would have acquired Os with a low 187Os/188Os ratio. Strongly serpentinized olivine-rich rocks of the Complex are commonly characterized by such low δ18O values and we propose that the fluid involved in serpentinization was also responsible for the perturbation of the Os isotopic system recorded by pyrrhotite in the Virginia Formation. Two important observations are that only pyrrhotite-bearing assemblages in the contact aureole show isotopic perturbation and that intervals showing Os exchange are spatially restricted, and not uniformly distributed. Os exchange and mixing has occurred only where temperatures were sufficient to convert pyrite to pyrrhotite, and where time-integrated water-rock ratios in the aureole were high enough to provide a supply of Os.Troctolitic and gabbroic rocks of the Partridge River Intrusion, Duluth Complex, are characterized by Os isotope ratios that are indicative of variable degrees of crustal contamination (γOs values of ∼0-543). Xenoliths of carbonaceous and sulfidic pelitic rocks of the Virginia Formation found in the igneous rocks provide evidence that Os was released by organic matter and pyrite in the sedimentary rocks and assimilated by mantle-derived magma. However, residual pyrrhotite produced as a result of pyrite breakdown in the xenoliths is characterized by 187Os/188Os ratios that are much lower than anticipated and similar to those of pyrrhotite in the contact aureole. The Os exchange and addition shown by pyrrhotite in the xenoliths highlight an unusual cycle of Re-Os liberation during devolatilization, kerogen maturation, and pyrite to pyrrhotite conversion (processes that contribute to magma contamination), followed by Os uptake by pyrrhotite during back reaction involving magma and/or fluid characterized by a relatively low 187Os/188Os ratio. The extreme Os uptake recorded by pyrrhotite in the xenoliths, as well as the lesser degree of uptake recorded by pyrrhotite in the contact aureole, is in line with the high Os diffusivity in pyrrhotite experimentally determined by Brenan et al. (2000). Our data confirm that Os isotope ratios in pyrrhotite-bearing rocks may be readily perturbed. For this reason caution should be exercised in the interpretation of Os isotope ratios in rocks where pyrrhotite may be the primary host of Os.  相似文献   

千里山-贺兰山地区分布着两组岩墙:一组北东走向,侵入古元古代变质基底岩系,见被晚前寒武系黄旗口组不整合截切,称为千里山岩墙群;一组北西走向,侵入基底岩系,见侵入黄旗口组,被石炭系不整合截切,称为贺兰山岩墙群。一条千里山岩墙分选出斜锆石,二次离子探针Pb-Pb定年获得813±7Ma的年龄(207Pb/206Pb平均年龄;MSWD=0.63,n=6),代表岩墙侵位时代。一条贺兰山岩墙分选出锆石,二次离子探针U-Pb定年获得最小一组年龄~370Ma(206Pb/238U年龄),近似代表岩墙侵位时代或者略大于侵位时代。千里山岩墙为拉斑玄武岩系列,以高TiO_2(2.7%~3.7%)和Fe_2OT_3(13.4%~17.0%)为特征;贺兰山岩墙为(弱)碱性系列,低TiO_2(1.0%~1.5%)和Fe_2OT_3(5.5%~12.4%)为特征。两者均显示轻稀土和大离子亲石元素富集,高场强元素相对亏损的特征;贺兰山岩墙群的富集和亏损特征均更为明显((La/Yb)N:贺兰山岩墙群2.0~5.5;千里山岩墙群1.9~2.4)。这些特征说明岩浆可能起源于交代的岩石圈地幔或者岩浆受到过地壳物质的混染。黄旗口组-王全口组-正目关组与上覆寒武系地层以及下伏千里山岩墙群的地质关系说明这些地层应该形成于新元古代晚期(810~541Ma)。千里山-贺兰山地区基底属于西华北克拉通的一部分,其以西是阿拉善地块;后者的构造归属长期存在争议。鉴于阿拉善地块发育同时期、岩浆性质基本相似的岩浆岩(狼山地区双峰式火山岩系;龙首山地区镁铁-超镁铁岩),考虑到两地的晚太古代-古元古代基底特征的相似性,我们认为阿拉善地块和千里山-贺兰山地块可能属于同一克拉通,同时经历新元古代中期伸展-裂谷事件。  相似文献   

The 1.78 Ga Xiong'er Volcanic Province (XVP) and coeval North China giant mafic Dyke Swarm (NCDS) are the most important magmatic events occurring after the amalgamation of the North China craton (NCC). The XVP consists of 3–7 km of extrusive volcanics and some feeder dykes/sills located along the southern margin of the NCC and extending over an area > 0.06 M km2. Compositions vary from basalt to rhyolite, but are predominantly intermediate in terms of silica content. There are also minor sedimentary intercalations and pyroclastic units. The sedimentary interlayers indicate an environment changing from continental-facies to oceanic-facies up-section. The XVP is characterized by fractional crystallization from an EM I type mantle source, and both continental arc (Andean-type) and rift environments have been proposed. The NCDS is widespread in the central NCC with an outcrop area > 0.1 M km2, and are exposed at variable depths up to 20 km (deepest in the north). Dyke compositions vary from basalt to andesite and dacite, but are dominantly mafic, and comprise two series of magmatism. Previous studies revealed that the NCDS recorded assimilation and fractional crystallization of an EM I type magma source, with a minor DM contribution in the younger magmas. Both syn-collisional and intra-continental anorogenic environments have been proposed. Spatial and petrogenic correlations suggest a cogenetic relationship between the NCDS and XVP, and considered together, they define a Large Igneous Province (LIP) of > 0.1 M km2 in area and > 0.1 M km3 in volume, which is also notable for its continuous compositional range from mafic to felsic (with no gap at intermediate compositions). The petrology is explained by a common magma source that undergoes a silica-poor and iron-enriched fractionation trend at depth followed by a silica-rich and iron-poor fractionation trend in shallow-level magma conduits (dykes) and surface lavas. A mantle plume is favored as the cause of this  1.78 Ga North China LIP.  相似文献   

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