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Glacier mass balance and mass balance gradient are fundamentally affected by changes in glacier 3D geometry. Few studies have quantified changing mountain glacier 3D geometry, not least because of a dearth of suitable spatiotemporally distributed topographical information. Additionally, there can be significant uncertainty in georeferencing of historical data and subsequent calculations of the difference between successive surveys. This study presents multiple 3D glacier reconstructions and the associated mass balance response of Kårsaglaciären, which is a 0.89 ± 0.01 km2 mountain glacier in sub‐arctic Sweden. Reconstructions spanning 101 years were enabled by historical map digitisation and contemporary elevation and thickness surveys. By considering displacements between digitised maps via the identification of common tie‐points, uncertainty in both vertical and horizontal planes were estimated. Results demonstrate a long‐term trend of negative mass balance with an increase in mean elevation, total glacier retreat (1909–2008) of 1311 ± 12 m, and for the period 1926–2010 a volume decrease of 1.0 ± 0.3 × 10–3 km3 yr–1. Synthesising measurements of the glaciers’ past 3D geometry and ice thickness with theoretically calculated basal stress profiles explains the present thermal regime. The glacier is identified as being disproportionately fast in its rate of mass loss and relative to area, is the fastest retreating glacier in Sweden. Our long‐term dataset of glacier 3D geometry changes will be useful for testing models of the evolution of glacier characteristics and behaviour, and ultimately for improving predictions of meltwater production with climate change.  相似文献   

天山东部冰川积雪中大气粉尘的沉积特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对我国天山东部三个研究点乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川、奎屯哈希勒根51号冰川和哈密庙尔沟平顶冰川积雪中大气粉尘沉积进行了分析研究。微粒特征分析表明,自西向东随着研究点地理环境的变化,积雪中不溶微粒的质量浓度、沉积通量和体积粒径分布众数都表现出增高趋势:奎屯哈希勒根51号冰川最小,乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川次之,哈密庙尔沟平顶冰川最大;三个研究点粒径0.57〈d〈26μm微粒的平均质量浓度分别是969μg/kg、1442μg/kg、3690μg/kg,年均沉积通量分别是58.2μg/cm^2、72.1μg/cm^2、73.8μg/cm^2。表明,哈密冰川受粉尘源影响较大.而乌鲁木齐河源与奎屯河源区受影响则相对较小。雪坑微粒浓度剖面和离子相关性分析表明,天山东部冰川积雪中污化层富含亚洲粉尘的富Ca^2+、Na^2+矿物;微粒体积一粒径分布众数介于3-22μm.粒径分布显示了单结构模式。研究区最近4年积雪的污化层剖面揭示了春季零星的粉尘浓度峰值以及沉积数量上较大的年际变化,意味着天山东部雪冰中粉尘沉积对大气环境变化的敏感性。  相似文献   

One of the main controls on the net mass change of land‐terminating Arctic glaciers is the magnitude and distribution of snow accumulation. In Dickson Land, region of Svalbard with the greatest distance to the sea, the issue has not been receiving much scientific attention for decades. In this paper, new snow accumulation data are presented from Svenbreen in Dickson Land from end‐of‐winter surveys. The measured winter balance was 0.42 ± 0.15 m w.e. in 2010, 0.50 ± 0.10 m w.e. in 2011 and 0.62 ± 0.10 cm w.e. in 2012. Snow depth and water equivalent have been analysed in the background of altitude, slope and aspect extracted from the digital elevation model of the glacier. On steep northern slopes (>15°) accumulation was the highest, whereas it was decreased on southern slopes with moderate inclination (9–12°). Elevation, which on many glaciers proved to be highly correlated with snow depth, explained only 17–34% of snow depth variability due to complex interplay between local climate and geometry of a small valley.  相似文献   

文章研究了欧亚春季雪盖对印度洋偶极子的影响。研究发现,欧亚春季雪盖与印度洋偶极子关系密切,两者之间存在显著的反相关关系。欧亚春季雪盖异常导致夏季赤道印度洋垂直纬向环流以及印度洋和欧亚大陆之间的垂直经向环流发生异常,是欧亚春季雪盖与印度洋偶极子存在反相关关系的主要原因。欧亚春季雪盖异常可能是印度洋偶极子发生的一个重要的外在诱发因子。  相似文献   

Glacier mass balance studies in the low latitudes are rare and glaciological methods and terminology are basically adapted from mid- and high latitude conditions. The low latitudes are considered to be the tropics and, to some extent, the adjoining dry subtropics. The outer tropics are proposed as an intermediate zone with tropical character during the humid season and subtropical character during the dry season. Delimitations as well as respective climate and glacier regimes are discussed in order to distinguish them from each other and from the mid-latitudes. Different sensitivities of the glaciers can be expected and promise, in turn, a complex climatological interpretation of glacier fluctuations. For this, detailed mass balance studies on low latitude glaciers are required. The respective discussion is concentrated on the Peruvian Cordillera Blanca whose topographical setting provides both spatial and temporal subdivisions in humid and dry regimes in one region. However, theoretical considerations and field experience show problems for the determination of mass balance variables in the Cordillera Blanca and the low latitudes in general. The absence of annual temperature variations hinders the development of impermeable layers which can be identified as annual reference layers and which prevent meltwater from percolating into the firn body. Thus, a combination of ablation measurements and the application of the flux divergence method for the determination of accumulation is proposed.  相似文献   

The most labour-intensive and time-consuming part of many mass balance programmes is the acquisition of snow depth data. The standard technique, which involves probing the snow cover at intervals along a series of profiles, generally by an individual on skis, may involve more than 300 discrete measurements along a total of more than 20 km of profiling at a single glacier. Kinematic surveying with a global positioning system (GPS) in differential mode provides much more information about changes of glacier surface level and snow thickness between surveys. The positions of a large number of points can be fixed in a relatively short time by GPS surveying, and the technique is usable in adverse weather conditions. With real-time kinematic GPS surveying, it is possible to return to the same positions (longitude, latitude) during successive field programmes, and a previously followed route can be retraced precisely. GPS surveying facilitates the production of accurate glacier maps for mass balance programmes. Data obtained by snow depth probing and GPS surveying in 1995 at Austre Okstindbreen, the largest glacier of the Okstindan area, Norway (66°N), indicate that repeated GPS surveys are likely to provide a large amount of information on withinyear and between-year changes of surface topography and are not subject to the errors in mass balance calculations which arise from probing snow depths along selected profiles. Kinematic GPS surveying of several glaciers within an area would overcome the difficulties arising when mass balance studies are confined to a single glacier within a particular area.  相似文献   

利用1961-2003年青海南部牧区气象台站观测的气温、降水、积雪资料,用气候诊断方法分析了该地区积雪等气候要素的年代际演变特征以及雪灾变化的成因。结果表明:20世纪60-90年代冬季,青南牧区中雪和大雪出现的站次以及雪灾出现的站次有逐步增多的趋势,降雪量和地表平均积雪量每10 a分别增加1.454 mm、9.861cm,单站积雪量在4 100 m左右的高度上增加比较明显,冬季降雪和积雪增加的趋势和新疆完全一致。典型多(少)雪年500 hPa高度距平场高原西部与中国东部地区为“- ”(“ -”)型。未来10 a冬季积雪增多的趋势仍将维持,雪灾发生的几率仍然偏大。  相似文献   

西藏高原近40年积雪日数变化特征分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用近40 年(1971-2010 年) 西藏高原积雪日数资料, 分析了西藏高原积雪的时空分布特征。分析表明:藏东北部、南部边缘地区积雪较多, 年积雪日数在60 d 以上。近40 年来, 西部和东南部积雪日数呈显著减少的趋势, 除东南部各站、聂拉木和昌都积雪日数减少明显, 聂拉木减幅最大, 达到-9.2 d/10a, 其它各站地区积雪的变化趋势并不显著。西藏各区域积雪日数出现了准2 年、准4 年、准8 年、准14 年和准17~18 年的年代际周期, 南部边缘地区、东北部和西部地区积雪日数以10 年以下的周期为主。各区域积雪日数与冬季平均气温有明显的负相关, 但降水与积雪的相关在那曲中西部地区、沿江一线、东北部和南部边缘地区表现为明显的正相关。  相似文献   

古尔班通古特沙漠积雪覆盖、沙尘天气特征及其相互关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用TERRA/MODIS MOD10A2雪盖产品数据和地面观测积雪日数、冻土深度和沙尘天气日数等数据,从不同时间尺度分析古尔班通古特沙漠地表积雪覆盖与沙尘天气的特征及其相互关系。结果表明:①沙尘天气主要发生在4—10月,春季(4—5月)沙尘天气最多,夏秋季逐渐减少。从年际变化看,20世纪80年代前,沙尘天气发生日数呈逐年增加趋势,而积雪日数增减波动较大,二者间关系不明显,80年代后,沙尘天气逐年减少,积雪日数呈波动增加趋势。②冬春季积雪覆盖率、≥1 cm积雪日数、≥5 cm积雪日数、≥10 cm积雪日数与翌年春季沙尘天气发生均呈显著负相关关系,冬春季≥1 cm积雪日数每超过常年平均积雪日数1 d,翌年春季沙尘天气日数则减少4.3 d,而平均冻土深度与沙尘天气呈显著正相关关系。③积雪覆盖使沙漠地表形成冷源性下垫面和近地层逆温层结,增加了大气稳定度,同时春季积雪消融增加了土壤湿度,为荒漠植被生长提供充足的水分,使表层土壤为强风提供沙尘的可能性降低,从而对沙尘天气的发生起到阻碍、消弱作用。  相似文献   

A glacier mass balance model that requires only low-altitude precipitation and temperature observations and the glacier's areaaltitude distribution is presented as an alternative to direct field measurements. Input to the model for South Cascade Glacier are daily weather observations at stations 30–60 km from the glacier and at altitudes 1300 to 1500 m lower than the glacier. The model relies on the internal consistency of mass balance variables that are generated by simulation using the low-altitude weather data. The daily values of such balance variables as snowline altitude, zero balance altitude, glacier balance, balance flux and the accumulation area ratio are correlated throughout the ablation season using two-degree polynomial regressions to obtain the lowest fitting error. When the minimum average error (or maximum R 2) is attained, the generated balances and other variables are considered to be real. A simplex optimization technique is used to determine the optimal coefficient values that are used in algorithms to convert meteorological observations to snow accumulation and snow and ice ablation. The independently produced simulation results for the 1959–1996 period are compared with balances measured at the glacier. The agreement between annual balances for individual years is fair and between long-term volume changes measured by the geodetic method is excellent.  相似文献   

Snow cover influences the thermal regime and stability of frozen rock walls. In this study, we investigate and model the impact of the spatially variable snow cover on the thermal regime of steep permafrost rock walls. This is necessary for a more detailed understanding of the thermal and mechanical processes causing changes in rock temperature and in the ice and water contents of frozen rock, which possibly lead to rock wall instability. To assess the temporal and spatial evolution and influence of the snow, detailed measurements have been carried out at two selected points in steep north‐ and southfacing rock walls since 2012. In parallel, the one‐dimensional energy balance model SNOWPACK is used to simulate the effects of snow cover on the thermal regime of the rock walls. For this, a multi‐method approach with high temporal resolution is applied, combining meteorological, borehole rock temperature and terrain parameter measurements. To validate the results obtained for the ground thermal regime and the seasonally varying snowpack, the model output is compared with near‐surface rock temperature measurements and remote snow cover observations. No decrease of snow depth at slope angles up to 70° was observed in rough terrain due to micro‐topographic structures. Strong contrasts in rock temperatures between north‐ and south‐facing slopes are due to differences in solar radiation, slope angle and the timing and depth of the snow cover. SNOWPACK proved to be useful for modelling snow cover–rock interactions in smooth, homogenous rock slopes.  相似文献   

Small mountain glaciers have short mass balance response times to climate change and are consequently very important for short‐term contributions to sea level. However, a distinct research and knowledge gap exists between (1) wider regional studies that produce overview patterns and trends in glacier changes, and (2) in situ local scale studies that emphasise spatial heterogeneity and complexity in glacier responses to climate. This study of a small glacier in central Austria presents a spatiotemporally detailed analysis of changes in glacier geometry and changes in glaciological behaviour. It integrates geomorphological surveys, historical maps, aerial photographs, airborne LiDAR data, ground‐based differential global positioning surveys and Ground Penetrating Radar surveys to produce three‐dimensional glacier geometry at 13 time increments spanning from 1850 to 2013. Glacier length, area and volume parameters all generally showed reductions with time. The glacier equilibrium line altitude increased by 90 m between 1850 and 2008. Calculations of the mean bed shear stress rapidly approaching less than 100 kPA, of the volume–area ratio fast approaching 1.458, and comparison of the geometric reconstructions with a 1D theoretical model could together be interpreted to suggest evolution of the glacier geometry towards steady state. If the present linear trend in declining ice volume continues, then the Ödenwinkelkees will disappear by the year 2040, but we conceptualise that non‐linear effects of bed overdeepenings on ice dynamics, of supraglacial debris cover on the surface energy balance, and of local topographically driven controls, namely wind‐redistributed snow deposition, avalanching and solar shading, will become proportionally more important factors in the glacier net balance.  相似文献   

Glacier mass balance is more sensitive to warming than cooling, but feedbacks related to the exposure of previously buried firn and ice in very warm years is not generally considered in sensitivity studies. A ground‐penetrating radar survey in the accumulation area of Rolleston Glacier, New Zealand shows that five years of previous net accumulation was removed by melt from parts of the glacier above the long‐term equilibrium line altitude during a single negative mass balance year. Rolleston Glacier receives a large amount of accumulation from snow avalanches, which may temporarily buffer it from climate warming by providing additional mass that has accumulated at higher elevations, effectively increasing the elevation range of the glacier. However, glaciers reliant on avalanche input may have high sensitivity to climatic variations because the extra mass is concentrated on a small part of the glacier, and small variations in avalanche input could have a large impact on overall glacier accumulation. Further research is needed to better estimate the amount and spatial distribution of accumulation by avalanche in order to quantify the climate sensitivity of small avalanche‐fed glaciers.  相似文献   

We present a radiocarbon data set of 71 samples of wood and peat material that melted out or sheared out from underneath eight presentday mid‐latitude glaciers in the Central Swiss Alps. Results indicated that in the past several glaciers have been repeatedly less extensive than they were in the 1990s. The periods when glaciers had a smaller volume and shorter length persisted between 320 and 2500 years. This data set provides greater insight into glacier variability than previously possible, especially for the early and middle Holocene. The radiocarbon‐dated periods defined with less extensive glaciers coincide with periods of reduced radio‐production, pointing to a connection between solar activity and glacier melting processes. Measured long‐term series of glacier length variations show significant correlation with the total solar irradiance. Incoming solar irradiance and changing albedo can account for a direct forcing of the glacier mass balances. Long‐term investigations of atmospheric processes that are in interaction with changing solar activity are needed in order to understand the feedback mechanisms with glacier mass balances.  相似文献   

卡鲁雄曲是喜马拉雅that坡唯一具有长期常规水文气象观测资料的冰川流域.根据中国冰川水文和气候的分布特征,可推导出一组以水文、气象观测数据计算流域冰川平均物质平衡的公式.据此恢复了1983-2006年卡鲁雄曲流域冰川平均物质平衡各分量的逐年值序列,并用SPSS软件对计算结果进行r统计分析.结果表明:1983-2006年的24 a里,卡鲁雄曲流域的冰川消融逐步加剧:多年平均值为-136.3 mm/a,前12 a(1983-1994年)多年平均值为-83.61 mm/a,后12 a(1995-2006年)多年平均值为-188.98 mm/a,且1986、1998和2005年出现较大的波动,冰川物质平衡值分别为:149.19mm、-654.36 mm和-316.43 mm.通过对影响冰川物质平衡动态变化的影响因素进行分析,发现冰川物质平衡变化主要由强烈消融期(5-9月)的平均温度决定,二者的相关系数达到-0.786,并具有很好的线性关系:MB=-331.8T_(5-9)+2683.5.  相似文献   

Rockfalls are dominant in the rock slopes and rock ridge morphodynamics in high mountain areas and endanger people who pass along or stay there, as well as infrastructure that host them (cable cars, refuges). Risks are probably greater now because of fast permafrost degradation and regression of surface ice, two consequences of the atmospheric warming of the last decades. These two commonly associated factors are involved in the instability of rock slopes by modifying the mechanical behaviour of often ice‐filled rock fractures and the mechanical constraints in the rock masses. This paper examines over 15 years the instability of the lower Arête des Cosmiques on the French side of the Mont Blanc massif. Its vulnerability is due to the presence of a high‐capacity refuge on its top (3613 m a.s.l.). In 1998, a part of the refuge was left without support when a collapse of 600 m3 occurred immediately below it. Since this date, reinforcement work has been carried out in this area, but the whole ridge has been affected by around 15 relatively shallow rockfalls. Through a multidisciplinary approach, this article assesses the role of the cryospheric factors in the triggering of these rockfalls.  相似文献   

高寒草地春季积雪融水和雨水混合补给径流模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍SCS降雨径流方程的基本原理,基于该方程的使用范围存在一定的局限性,在原方程框架的基础上,对集水区的补给水量计算和土壤持水量估算进行修正,以适应高寒地区积雪融水和雨水混合补给以及有冻土层存在的径流模拟。利用修正的径流方程对新疆托木尔峰地区阿托依纳克草场集水区的日径流量进行模拟计算,结果通过Nash and Sutcliffe目标函数的检验,流域日径流量模拟取得较好的结果,CR=97.68%。表明利用积雪的能量平衡和修正的SCS径流方程来模拟高寒草地积雪融水和雨水混合补给径流是可以实现的。  相似文献   

利用两种卫星影像合成并引入冰川积雪区的方法,对西昆仑山玉龙喀什河流域2000-2013 年MOD10A2积雪数据进行去云处理,分析不同海拔高度积雪的年内和年际变化特征及趋势,结合气象要素,分析其分布变化原因。结果表明:① 低山区(1650-4000 m)积雪年内变化为单峰型,补给期为冬季,而高山区(4000~6000 m)存在“平缓型”春季补给期和“尖峰型”秋季补给期两个峰值;② 就年际变化而言,低、高山区平均、最大积雪面积呈微弱增加趋势,高山区最小积雪面积显著增加,倾向率为65.877 km2/a;③ 就季节变化而言,春、夏、冬三季低、高山区积雪面积年际变化呈“增加—减少—增加”趋势,秋季高山区积雪面积则呈“增加—减少”趋势,而低山区积雪面积在2009 和2010 年异常偏大,其他年份面积变化不大;④ 在低山区,气温是影响春、夏两季积雪面积变化的主因,气温和降水对秋季积雪面积变化的影响相当,而冬季积雪面积变化对降水更敏感;在高山区,夏季积雪面积变化对气温更敏感,而冬、春季积雪面积变化主要受降水影响。  相似文献   

利用塔克拉玛干沙漠大气环境观测试验站西站10 m梯度探测系统气象和辐射观测数据,分析了塔中积雪下垫面地表反照率、土壤温度、土壤湿度的变化特征及其相互关系。结果表明:塔中积雪覆盖期间地表反照率0.18~0.97,日均值为0.60;有积雪覆盖的地表反照率日变化更偏向反"J"型,呈现出上午大于傍晚的形态,平均早晚较差为0.13;积雪使0~40 cm深度土壤温度下降,积雪消融后土壤湿度增大使各层土壤温度趋于接近,并使0、10、20 cm深度的土壤温度日变幅呈减小趋势,减小幅度分别为41%、39%、39%;积雪地表反照率与地表温度表现出负相关关系,反照率越高地表温度越低,二者相关系数为-0.71;积雪地表反照率与5 cm深度土壤湿度负相关,高地表反照率对应低土壤湿度,低地表反照率对应高土壤湿度,二者相关系数为-0.74。  相似文献   

Terminus geometry, ice margins, and surface elevations on Rabots glaciär were measured using differential GPS during summer 2011 and compared with those similarly measured in 2003. Glacier length over the eight years decreased by ~105 m corresponding to 13 m a?1, a rate consistent with ice recession over the last several decades. Measured changes in surface elevations show that between 2003 and 2011 the glacier's volume decreased by ~27.6 ± 2.6 × 106 m3, or 3.5 ± 0.3 × 106 m3 a?1. This compares favorably with an estimate of ?28.1 ± 2.6 × 106 m3 based on a mass‐balance approach. The rate of volume loss appears, however, to have significantly increased after 2003, being substantially greater than rates determined for the intervals 1959–80, 1980–89, and 1989–2003. This increase corresponds to a sustained interval of more negative summer balances. Previous work suggests that as of 2003 Rabots glaciär had not yet completed its response to a ~1°C warming that occurred c. 1900, and thus the current marked increase rate of ice loss might reflect the effect of recent, or accelerated regional warming that occurred during the last decade superimposed on its continued response to that earlier warming.  相似文献   

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