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Fishery-dependent and fishery-independent distribution analyses together reveal four discrete areas of white stumpnose Rhabdosargus globiceps abundance between Port Nolloth and the Kei River off the Cape Province of South Africa: the Western Cape (Saldanha Bay), the South-Western Cape, the Southern Cape and the South-Eastern Cape. On the basis of migratory patterns determined from tagging and catch data, and on differences in growth rate and size-at-maturity, it is concluded that these areas of abundance represent four separate stocks. Each stock apparently disperses offshore in winter (to c. 130 m depth) and concentrates inshore (<60 m depth) in response to ocean ographic patterns during summer. Growth rate and size-at-50% maturity (L 50) increased clinally from the South-Eastern Cape through to the South-Western Cape, and in all three regions males matured at larger size than females. Sizes at maturity for male and female R. globiceps were respectively 18.6 and 15.3 cm (fork length, FL) in the South-Eastern Cape, 22.1 and 18.1 cm in the Southern Cape and 24.3 and 23.6 cm in the South-Western Cape. The fitted Von Bertalanffy growth equations for the three regions were: Lt = 349 (1?e?0.114(t+3.60)) mm for the South-Eastern Cape; Lt = 337 (1?e?0.207(t+1.05)) mm for the Southern Cape; and Lt = 379 (1?e?0.290(t+0.16)) mm for the South-Western Cape. Maximum ages recorded in each region were 21 years for the South-Western Cape, 20 years for the Southern Cape and 10 years for the South-Eastern Cape. Lack of older fish in the South-Eastern Cape sample, attributed to inadequate sample size, has probably resulted in overestimates of both L and K in this region. Spawning is from August to February, with a peak in spring (September–November). Early juvenile R. globiceps recruit into estuarine and surf-zone marine nursery areas at around 2–5cm (±3 months), but move progressively farther offshore with growth; those trawled deeper than 50 m east of Cape Agulhas were predominantly adults (20–35 cm FL). Because of cooler water temperatures west of Cape Agulhas, adults there are found from the surf zone to depths of only 20 m in summer.  相似文献   

Acoustic telemetry and standard tag-recapture were used to determine the home range and residency of juveniles and sub-adults of Diplodus sargus and Diplodus vulgaris in the Ria Formosa (Portugal) coastal lagoon. Maximum time between recaptures for the standard tag-recapture method was 128 days for D. sargus and 30 days for D. vulgaris. The majority of the fish were recaptured in the vicinity of the tagging location. Fish tagged with acoustic transmitters had a maximum period of time between first and last detections of 62 days for D. sargus and 260 days for D. vulgaris. Minimum convex polygons areas ranged between 148?024 m2 and 525?930 m2 for D. sargus and between 23?786 m2 and 42?134 m2 for D. vulgaris. Both species presented a high residency index between first and last detections. Two D. sargus tagged with acoustic tags were recaptured by fishermen outside the coastal lagoon at distances of 12 km and 90 km from the tagging position, providing evidence that this species leaves the Ria Formosa during the winter time for the adjacent coastal waters. The results of this study reinforce the importance of Ria Formosa as a nursery for D. sargus and D. vulgaris in the south coast of Portugal.  相似文献   

Rhabdosargus holubi is a small (maximum weight=2.4?kg) yet important fishery species in the estuaries of the south-east coast of South Africa. Little is known of its biology and specifically its growth rate, which is essential for sustainable management of the fishery. We examined and counted the opaque zones in the sectioned otoliths of 134 R. holubi to determine its age and growth parameters. The otoliths from two recaptured fish marked with oxytetracycline confirmed that one opaque zone was deposited annually. The species reached a maximum age of 18 years and growth was adequately described by a von Bertalanffy growth function of the form: Lt = 358.1 (1 – e?0.24(t+0.77)) mm fork length. There were no significant differences between any of the male and female growth parameters (likelihood ratio test: p = 0.3). The growth was slow (omega index: ω = 86.56); however, despite this, the unique life history of R. holubi may provide a degree of resilience to heavy fishing pressure in estuaries.  相似文献   

Recruitment of early life stages into estuaries is an integral part of the life cycle of many marine fish species. Although estuaries are naturally environmentally dynamic, they also are subject to anthropogenic disturbances, including land use and climate change, which may affect recruitment. Rhabdosargus holubi is an endemic marine-spawning species predominantly associated with freshwater-rich estuaries which serve as nursery areas for postflexion larvae and juveniles. This study assessed the effect of environmental variables on the dynamics of recruitment of R. holubi larvae and juveniles into the Swartkops and Sundays estuaries, South Africa. Over a period of two years, fyke nets were set at each estuary mouth to monitor movement into the estuaries at each tidal phase over a 24 h cycle during two sampling sessions per season. Rhabdosargus holubi larvae recruited into estuaries primarily in summer and autumn and during the ebb tide at night, while juvenile movements showed no pattern. Salinity, turbidity and temperature were significantly important factors affecting R. holubi recruitment, with pH having no significant effect. Turbidity and salinity are affected by rainfall and freshwater abstraction which may thus influence recruitment. Rhabdosargus holubi is dependent on estuaries, so a combination of future changes in turbidity, salinity and temperature due to predicted climate change may place populations at risk.  相似文献   

Timing, microhabitat selection and behavior from the onset of settlement to recruitment to the adult population of juvenile fishes of the genus Diplodus (Pisces: Sparidae) were investigated along a rocky coastline in the Central Mediterranean Sea. The settlement periods in Diplodus sargus and Diplodus annularis were concentrated in spring, between late May and early June, and the recruits leave the nursery grounds in late September–October. Juvenile fishes of Diplodus puntazzo and Diplodus vulgaris showed a partial time overlapping, sharing the same zones in winter and early spring, from February to May. Multiple correspondence analysis showed that sea breams settle in well‐defined habitats. The smallest juveniles of D. sargus and D. puntazzo settled primarily in the shallowest sheltered pebbly areas, located in sciaphilous crannies covered by red algae. Diplodus vulgaris settlers were observed on a wider range of substrata: rock on sand, gravel and pebbles without algal cover or large boulders, generally in deeper waters. The intermediate‐size juveniles of D. sargus, D. puntazzo and D. vulgaris showed a preference for rocky substrata with substantial algal cover, with arborescent structures (Phaeophyceae). Diplodus annularis juveniles showed high fidelity to seagrass beds (Posidonia oceanica). The home range increased over time in all species, highlighting a loss of substrate specificity: larger juveniles were even observed in deeper and different microhabitats outside nursery grounds. This study suggests that shallow infra‐littoral rocky communities with photophilic algae play a key role in recruitment of sparid fishes, affecting the distribution and abundance of juvenile fishes and therefore determining the renewal of populations and the structure of adult assemblages.  相似文献   

Fishery independent biomass surveys and commercial linefish catch returns were used to elucidate the spatial patterns of carpenter Argyrozona argyrozona distributed along the South African continental shelf. Two distinct areas of abundan ce ere determined, one on the central and the other on the eastern Agulhas Bank. Tagging studies revealed little exchange between them. Nurseries were identified in Algoa Bay on he eastern Agulhas Bank and on the central Agulhas Bank (CAB). Early juveniles (<100mm total length) on the CAB were found offshore in the vicinity of the Alphard Bank. They were found to move inshore with growth and then back offshore as they approached maturity. Juveniles in Algoa Bay dispersed both eastwards and westwards with growth. Otoith readability and growth rates varied between regions, with fish from the Eastern Cape (Port Elizabeth and Port Alfred combined) having the lowest average percentage error (4.82 vs 5.33 and 7.03) and the slowest growth rates. Size-at-50 % mturity (L50) varied regionally, female fish in the Eastern Cape maturing at a smaller size (L50 = 206mm fork length) than in the Tsitsikamma National Park (L50 = 292mm) or the CAB (L50 = 267mm). Mass-at-length varied between regions, with carpenter in the Park having the highest mass-at-length and those in the Eastern Cape having the lowest. Based on the distribution of carpenter, variability in otolith readability, mass-at-length, variation in growth and size-at-maturity, it is concluded that carpenter exist as two separate stocks and should be managed accordingly.  相似文献   

Due to the presence of the complex life cycles involving a benthic adult and a pelagic larval phase, the study of benthic community dynamics cannot ignore investigations of the processes occurring in the water column. Current investigations focus mainly on larval dispersal from an evolutionary and a biogeographic perspective, taking into account also population connectivity, conservation planning and coastal management. In the present paper we underline the need to improve knowledge of the main traits of marine invertebrate life cycles, highlighting the limits and challenges of current approaches. Firstly, we summarized the changing approaches within community studies, following the paradigm shifts found in recent marine ecological research, from supply‐side ecology to connectivity, and involving the concepts of open and closed populations. Secondly, we analysed the main larval traits influencing dispersal, paying particular attention to pelagic larval duration in light of the few available data for connectivity studies. The difficulty in estimating many of the main traits of larval ecology make numerical simulation fundamental for a better understanding of the relationship between propagule dispersal and seawater dynamics, both being highly variable. We conclude that some essential biological information is still lacking for the proper integration of the modeling approaches. Thus it is necessary to further investigate the life‐cycle traits and physiological and ecological characteristics of each species, an approach known as autecology or natural history. All too frequently modern ecologists ignore such reductionist approaches, although they are essential for a full understanding of processes, such as connectivity and metapopulation dynamics.  相似文献   

The sagittal otoliths of Lophius upsicephalus, although extremely variable in shape, were found to be the only structures suitable for age estimation. The annuli are multi-ringed zones separated by "wider than normal" opaque zones. They are difficult to interpret, especially those of fish older than nine years. Periodicity of annulus formation could not be determined by standard methods. By inference, annulus formation could be related to feeding habits and reproductive seasonality. The growth in length (sexes combined) is best described by

Length-at-age = 733,7 (1 – e?0,1054 (t + 1,879))mm.

There is a significant difference in growth by mass between the sexes. The respective equations describing growth by mass (in g) for males and females are:

Weight-at-age = 8616 (1 – e?0,1054 (t + 1,879))2,805 and

Weight-at-age = 9499 (1 – e?0,1054 (t + 1,879))2,890.  相似文献   

Although Macrobrachium petersi has nine larval stages, only stage I and a minimal number of stage II M. petersi larvae were caught in the Keiskamma estuary. Stage I larvae undergo a vertical migration at night which is markedly influenced by salinity, especially under stratified conditions. Larvae remain in the water column on the ebb tide, a behavioural pattern which effectively carried them to favourable salinities for growth and development. Stage I larvae show an association with salt front regions. The sudden decline in larval abundance from stage I to stage II downstream from the front suggests a change from a pelagic to an epibenthic existence. Later larval stages failed to appear in the plankton. However, post-larvae were caught in the estuary and a juvenile migration from the estuary to freshwater was monitored.  相似文献   

A dry (1979–1980) and a wet (1980–1981) season had a marked effect on the freshwater inflow into the Keiskamma estuary. Under low inflow conditions, which results in elevated salinities in the upper reaches, an upstream migration of adult Macrobrachium petersi (Hilgendorf) to freshwater takes place. During periods of increased river inflow adult M. petersi move downstream to the more saline reaches of the estuary. These two migratory responses have been interpreted as (a) a breeding migration under high inflow conditions which ensures that larvae are in close proximity to salinities that favour growth and development, and (b) an adult upstream migration back to freshwater to escape elevated estuarine salinities as a result of the low freshwater inflow.  相似文献   

White stumpnose Rhabdosargus globiceps is the main target of the linefishery in Saldanha Bay. Increased fishing pressure over the last three decades, particularly by the recreational sector, has led to concerns regarding sustainability of the local white stumpnose stock. The fishery was exceptionally productive between 2006 and 2008, with an estimated annual catch of 141.2 tonnes (t). Only 3% of boat outings surveyed were commercial boats targeting white stumpnose, yet this sector accounted for 39.3 t (31%) of the average annual catch. The recreational boat sector accounted for most of the catch (70.0 t), and the recreational shore sector the least (31.9 t). Commercial boat catch per unit effort (CPUE; 3.7 fish angler–1 h–1) was more than 10 times that of recreational boats (0.3 fish angler–1 h–1). White stumpnose catch length-frequency differed significantly (p < 0.01) between the fishing sectors, with the commercial sector retaining larger fish (34.7 cm [SD 5.9]) than the recreational boat (33.9 cm [SD 5.9]) and shore (30.4 cm [SD 5.8]) sectors. A decline in commercial CPUE (2000–2015) of approximately 40% and a concomitant severe decline (>95%) in survey data for juvenile white stumpnose CPUE (2007–2016) indicate that the current rate of exploitation is not sustainable. Recovery of the white stumpnose stock will require a decrease in fishing mortality. Possible management regulations include sector-specific effort limitations, extending the ‘no take’ marine protected area, reducing the recreational-sector bag limit to 5 fish person–1 day–1, implementing a commercial-sector bag limit, and increasing the minimum size limit to 30 cm TL.  相似文献   

The distribution patterns of saury eggs, larvae and early juveniles have been investigated over the continental shelf off the South-Western Cape from August 1977 to August 1978. Young saury tend to occupy water of 18°C or warmer in all seasons and are found offshore of the Benguela oceanic front when inshore upwelling is evident. Their distribution in the region appears to be linked to seasonal hydrography. Spawning in the study area occurs mainly between Cape Columbine and Cape Point, and to a lesser extent east of Cape Point. The ratio of large larvae and early juveniles to small larvae is greater off the West Coast than off the South Coast. Most spawning appears to take place in summer, with a peak abundance of larvae and early juveniles towards the end of this season. Instantaneous natural mortality was calculated: 5 – 30 mm, Z = 0,14·day?1; 30 – 100 mm, Z = 0,02·day?1. There is therefore a marked but unexplained decline in mortality shortly after the transition from the larval to the juvenile phase.  相似文献   

Mysid shrimps are an important component of estuarine food webs because they play a key role in energy transfer as intermediate prey. We investigated the seasonal, tidal and depth specific variation in the diet of the estuarine mysids Neomysis integer and Rhopalophthalmus tartessicus and explored its implications for the planktonic community structure of a temperate estuary (Guadalquivir Estuary, SW Spain). Neomysis integer is an opportunistic omnivore feeding mainly on mesozooplankton and on members of the detrital–microbial loop, shifting prey seasonally according to availability. In contrast, R. tartessicus showed a more carnivorous diet and shifted its target prey during seasons of low resource availability. Despite statistically significant differences in diet composition, both species shared prey of similar size, particularly juvenile Mesopodopsis slabberi, the most abundant mysid species in this estuary, and copepods. Although these similarities imply inter-specific resource competition, their co-existence is achieved by niche partitioning and spatial segregation: the higher osmoregulatory capacity and foraging plasticity of N. integer confers a broader niche breadth for this species allowing N. integer to inhabit the more stressful oligohaline region of the estuary where R. tartessicus cannot survive. We propose that this mechanism relaxes the potential for competition between N. integer and R. tartessicus.  相似文献   

The life cycle of the semiterrestrial mangrove crab Ucides cordatus includes pelagic larvae that are released into estuarine waters during the wet season and who may thus encounter potentially stressful low and variable salinity conditions. The effect of salinity on the survival of the zoea larvae, the number of zoeal stages and the duration of development from hatching to megalopa was experimentally studied by rearing larvae from the Caeté estuary, Northern Brazil, in seven salinity treatments (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30). For a better interpretation of the laboratory results, estuarine salinities were measured over five consecutive years during the species' reproductive season. The survival of the zoea larvae varied significantly with salinity, while the number of stages and the duration of their development remained constant. Development to megalopa took 20.77 ± 1.57 days and comprised five zoeal stages with ZI and ZII being euryhaline and later stages stenohaline. The newly hatched larvae stayed alive for up to 6 days in freshwater (average 4.32 ± 0.82 days), but did not moult to the second zoeal stage. ZII larvae first occurred from salinity 5 onwards and later zoeal stages at all tested salinities ≥10. However, the larvae only survived to megalopa at salinities ≥15, with highest numbers at salinity 30 (72%) and lowest at 15 (16%). Lethal salinities ≤10 occurred frequently in the estuary during the reproductive season. This suggests a need for larval export to offshore and thus more saline waters to allow for significant larval survival and maintenance of viable populations of this commercially important species. A regional rather than local approach for management is suggested due to the likelihood of long distance larval dispersal by offshore currents.  相似文献   

Fiddler crabs are known as the most conspicuous bioturbating animals in mangrove forest, which by their burrowing activities promote nutrient cycling in ecosystems. Mangroves, crabs and bacteria are connected in the form of positive feedback loop, whereby an increase in the activity of any participant will tend to increase the activity of all others as well. Population structure, growth, mortality, recruitment, biomass and production of fiddler crabs as dominant species of deposit-feeder crabs have been investigated from May 2005 to March 2006 in the Sirik mangrove estuary in the eastern part of Strait of Hormuz. Ten 1 m2 squares of the substrate were randomly sampled during low tide. There was a significant change in organic content in the sampling area during study period. The sex ratio was significantly deviated from 1:1 ratio in large sizes, where males were dominated year around. Fiddler crabs showed seasonal growth pattern during a year, which the maximum growth was observed during autumn and early summer and ceased during winter by low temperature. Growth parameters were estimated by Appeldoorn's method and fitted with seasonalized von Bertalanffy growth models. The Kimura likelihood ratio test revealed significant differences in the overall growth curves between males and females, originated from the differences in kk and LL between sexes. Males were found to exhibit higher growth rate and larger size than females, this could be attributed to the higher investment of energy for reproduction in females. Reproduction was restricted to spring and early summer, while recruitment occurs at the end of summer. Total annual production of males and females was 37.90 and 10.05 g dry weight/10 m2 respectively and major production took place during early summer. Because of impact of temperature on the activity of fiddler crabs in subtropical regions, density of crabs has significant positive correlation with temperature (P < 0.01), while growth rate shows significant negative correlation with organic matter of sediment (P < 0.05). In conclusion these crabs showed lower mortality and production rate with the seasonal growth and recruitment in comparison with tropical species.  相似文献   

Sand smelt, Atherina boyeri, is a very abundant, widespread, locally harvested species, able to successfully survive and reproduce over a wide range of abiotic conditions and aquatic ecosystem types. In the North Sea and in the Mediterranean Sea transitional ecosystems its life history is well known, but very little information is available about the influence of intra-ecosystemic abiotic gradients on micro-scale patterns of distribution, body size and condition of individuals. In a small non-tidal Mediterranean lagoon, the cohorts' structure and evolution of sand smelt was described and the temporal and spatial variability of abundance, size structure and body condition was addressed. The study was carried out at the Acquatina lagoon (Lecce, Italy) where four stations, situated in two habitat types along a confinement gradient, were sampled twice per month for one year with fyke nets. The abundance of collected individuals was very high throughout the sampling period, with a peak in Summer and a constant decrease afterwards. Measured Standard Length ranged from 20 to 90 mm and the majority of individuals were estimated to be within 2 years old. The confined station resulted more abundantly colonized, especially by smaller size classes, and characterized by a narrower size frequency distribution. Also relative body condition showed significant spatial variations, with larger individuals having a better condition than smaller ones where optimal temperature and dissolved oxygen levels were available. Size-specific temporal patterns of body condition followed the seasonal climatic oscillations and the species' cycle of growth and reproduction, with larger individuals reaching higher fatness than smaller ones during Autumn and Winter, thus having more chances to survive and contribute to the reproductive effort. The results of the present study emphasised that, even at a very small scale, the presence of strong environmental gradients can drive movements, habitat preference and condition of individuals and thus promote an intra-ecosystemic spatial heterogeneity comparable to that observed between ecosystems at the land–ocean or geographical scale.  相似文献   

Several hybridisation events have been recorded in marine fish, yet there is little information for southern African species. Here we present evidence for hybridisation within the genus Chrysoblephus (Sparidae), by analysing a fish caught off KwaZulu-Natal, off the east coast of South Africa. We utilise three mitochondrial (16S, COI and Cyt b) and four nuclear markers (1st intron of the S7 ribosomal protein gene, Tmo-4C4, Histone 3 and 18S rRNA) to resolve the hybrid parentage. MtDNA analyses support C. anglicus as the maternal lineage. Analyses of the Tmo-4C4 gene and the first intron of the S7 gene show six and four heterozygous positions for the hybrid fish respectively. The heterozygous positions are shared by C. anglicus and C. puniceus, which suggests C. puniceus to be the paternal lineage, with the hybrid being a first generation cross. Morphologically, the hybrid mostly resembles C. puniceus, with some meristic counts overlapping with other sparid species. Interestingly, only two of the four nuclear markers show variation within the sparids sampled in this study; 1 160 bp of 18S rRNA and Histone 3 were invariable even between the genera Chrysoblephus, Gymnocrotaphus, Petrus and Pachymetopon, suggesting conserved nuclear evolution or a rapid speciation within this group of endemic fishes.  相似文献   

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