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The range expansion patterns of Spartina alterniflora and the roles which sexual reproduction and asexual propagation play in range expansion were investigated at the Chongming Dongtan nature reserve in the Yangtze Estuary, China. Two range expansion patterns of S. alterniflora at its advancing fronts could be found (1) S. alterniflora–mudflat front (S–M) and (2) S. alternifloraScirpus mariqueter–mudflat front (S–S–M). One feature revealed by this study was that a flush of seedling recruitment and establishment in spring was a crucial way for S. alterniflora to colonize new habitats and achieve a fast rate of range expansion. The mean number of seedlings recruited at the S–M front was much higher than that at the S–S–M front. Once established, the survivorship of seedlings was high, both at the S–M and S–S–M fronts. The established seedlings formed new tussocks quickly by vegetative tillering and growth of rhizomes and these finally merged into dense meadows. The mean distance of range expansion of S. alterniflora, after one growing season at the S–M front, was 25.4 ± 3.1 m yr−1 and 2.7 ± 0.5 m yr−1 at the S–S–M front. Sexual reproduction by seedlings and asexual propagation by tillering and growth of rhizomes were the two main means by which S. alterniflora could maintain a fast rate of range expansion on the salt marshes of the Yangtze Estuary. The colonization behaviors of S. alterniflora on advancing fronts differed as a reaction to various external and internal factors. The impact of abiotic and biotic factors governing the range expansion of S. alterniflora and its implications for the spatial structure of tidal wetlands are discussed.  相似文献   

Control and eradication of the exotic and invasive plant Spartina alterniflora within the Chongming Dongtan nature reserve, Shanghai, China, is vital for the management and conservation of the saltmarshes. A demonstration project was established using waterlogging and cutting to control this invasive species. Results from 2007 to 2008 showed that, although the managed waterlogging significantly reduced biomass and seed production of S. alterniflora at an early stage, the species subsequently showed rapid adaptation to the long-term waterlogging stress. Thus, managed waterlogging alone was insufficient for the effective eradication of S. alterniflora. However, managed waterlogging for around 3 months, combined with cutting the above-ground part of S. alterniflora at a key stage (flowering period in July), controlled and eradicated the plant successfully. Both the above-ground and below-ground parts of S. alterniflora were killed and the plants began to decompose after 3 months. Furthermore, there was no re-growth of the emergent part of S. alterniflora in the following years. However, once the impounded water was released restoring the natural hydrodynamic regime of the saltmarshes, the seeds and seedlings of S. alterniflora reinvaded the controlled site from the neighboring areas and the S. alterniflora community was re-established. Thus, after eradication of S. alterniflora, control measures should be maintained to prevent the re-establishment of S. alterniflora. The results of this demonstration project indicate a potentially useful and effective approach for the control and management of large-scale invasion by S. alterniflora on saltmarshes in the Yangtze Estuary, China.  相似文献   

为探讨外来引种的互花米草(Spartina alterniflora Loisel)在我国海湾的扩展过程,根据1989-2010年遥感影像和野外观测数据,对罗源湾互花米草的分布特征进行分析,结果显示,对该区互花米草近20 a的扩展过程划分为3个阶段:前5 a其沿着高潮带平行于海岸线呈带状扩展;之后5 a在中潮带向湾内快速拓殖;后10 a则扩展缓慢,种群内部的空隙地逐渐被米草覆盖。截至2010年,罗源湾互花米草的总面积约为741.13 hm2。受潮滩环境分带性影响,罗源湾互花米草在高潮带平行于海岸线的扩展速度明显大于垂直于海岸线的扩展速度;在中潮带的快速扩展过程中互花米草倾向于先在潮沟两侧分布,这可能与归槽水和滩面摩阻作用有关,相比较,互花米草在浅洼地的扩展较滞后,该区域随着滩面的淤高过程逐渐被米草覆盖。在其整个扩展过程中,由于互花米草对潮流及悬浮颗粒的阻滞作用,使得其扩展前缘米草斑块和连续种群之间的光滩区成为悬浮颗粒及米草种子容易沉降的区域,互花米草易朝向该区域扩展。  相似文献   

本文以SPOT6 高空间分辨率遥感影像为数据源,通过植被覆盖度和地上生物量两个参数进行滩涂湿地入侵种互花米草植株高度的估算研究。结果表明,三沙湾滩涂湿地互花米草植株高度平均值为2.04 m,以1~2 m和2~3 m植株为主要分布高度,分布面积分别为6.83 km2和10.31 km2,占研究区互花米草总面积的33.83%和51.06%,小于1 m和大于3 m的互花米草仅占9.26%和5.84%。估算值与真实值之间的均方根误差为0.204,绝对误差为0.04~0.37 m。该方法是对高空间分辨率光学影像应用研究的重要尝试,其反演方法具有较好的可行性,可较为准确的获取滩涂湿地植株高度信息。  相似文献   

Biological invasions represent one of the significant components of global change. A comparative study of invaders and co-occurring natives is a useful approach to gaining insights into the invasiveness of exotic plants. Spartina alterniflora, a C4 grass, is a widespread invader in the coastal wetlands in China and other regions of the world. We conducted a comparative study of S. alterniflora and native C3 species, Phragmites australis and Scirpus mariqueter, in terms of their gas exchange and efficiencies in resource utilization. We tested the hypothesis that S. alterniflora has growth-related ecophysiological advantages over the natives in its non-native range, which result in its rapid growth and enhance its invasiveness. Photosynthesis, leaf area index (LAI), specific leaf area (SLA), and the efficiency of resource use (light, water, and nitrogen) were examined monthly for eight months in 2004. Overall, S. alterniflora had greater LAI, higher maximal net photosynthetic rate (Amax), and longer growing season than those of the native species. On average, the efficiencies of S. alterniflora in light, water, and nitrogen utilization were respectively 10.1%, 26.1%, and 33.1% higher than those of P. australis, and respectively 70.3%, 53.5%, 28.3% higher than those of S. mariqueter. However, SLA of S. alterniflora was significantly lower than those of P. australis and S. mariqueter. Although there was no general pattern in the relationship between invasiveness and plant photosynthetic types, in this study, most of the ecophysiological characteristics that gave S. alterniflora a competitive advantage in the Yangtze River estuary were associated with photosynthetic pathways. Our results offer a greater understanding of the relationship between invasiveness and plant photosynthetic type. Our results also indicate that LAI and the length of the photosynthetic season, which vary with habitats, are also important in invasion success.  相似文献   

The Bahía Blanca Estuary (38° 50′ S, and 62° 30′ W) presents salt marshes where interactions between the local flora (Sarcocornia perennis) and fauna (Chasmagnathus granulatus) generate some kind of salt pans that alter the normal water circulation and condition its flow and course towards tidal creeks. The crab–vegetation dynamics in the salt marsh presents variations that cannot be quantified in a reasonable period of time. The interaction between S. perennis plant and C. granulatus crab is based on simple laws, but its result is a complex biological mechanism that causes an erosive process on the salt marsh and favors the formation of tidal creeks. To study it, a Cellular Automata model is proposed, based on the laws deduced from the observation of these phenomena in the field, and then verified with measurable data within macroscale time units. Therefore, the objective of this article is to model how the interaction between C. granulatus and S. perennis modifies the landscape of the salt marsh and influences the path of tidal creeks. The model copies the basic laws that rule the problem based on purely biological factors.The Cellular Automata model proved capable of reproducing the effects of the interaction between plants and crabs in the salt marsh. A study of the water drainage of the basins showed that this interaction does indeed modify the development of tidal creeks. Model dynamics would likewise follow different laws, which would provide a different formula for the probability of patch dilation. The patch shape can be obtained changing the pattern that dilates.  相似文献   

Biological invasion has received considerable attention recently because of increasing impacts on local ecosystems. Expansion of Spartina alterniflora, a non-native species, on the intertidal mudflats of Jiuduansha Shoals at the Yangtze River Estuary is a prime example of a spatially-structured invasion in a relatively simple habitat, for which strategic control efforts can be modeled and applied. Here, we developed a Cellular Automata (CA) model, in conjunction with Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems, to simulate the expanding process of S. alterniflora for a period of 8 years after being introduced to the new shoals, and to study the interactions between spatial pattern and ecosystem processes for the saltmarsh vegetation. The results showed that the CA model could simulate the population dynamics of S. alterniflora and Phragmites australis on the Jiuduansha Shoals successfully. The results strongly support the hypothesis of space pre-emption as well as range expansion with simple advancing wave fronts for these two species. In the Yangtze River Estuary, the native species P. australis shares the same niche with the exotic species S. alterniflora. However, the range expansion rate of P. australis was much slower than that of S. alterniflora. With the accretion of the Jiuduansha Shoals due to the large quantity of sediments deposited by the Yangtze River, a rapid range expansion of S. alterniflora is predicted to last for a long period into future. This study indicated the potential for this approach to provide valuable insights into population and community ecology of invasive species, which could be very important for wetland biodiversity conservation and resource management in the Yangtze River Estuary and other such impacted areas.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of parasitism and certain environmental factors on the shell size of Heleobia australis (Hydrobiidae, Cochliopinae). We report sporocysts and metacercariae of Microphallus simillimus (Microphallidae, Trematoda) parasitizing the gonad and digestive gland of H. australis specimens from two sites of Bahía Blanca estuary, Argentina. The prevalence of infection was significantly higher (34.17% in winter and 68.14% in late spring) in snails from the outer estuary at Site 2 than in those from the inner estuary at Site 1 (5.88% and 4.71% respectively). The only known definitive host for this digenean is the white-backed stilt Himantopus melanurus (Recurvirostridae, Aves), most abundant in the estuary during winter. Parasitism by M. simillimus causes variations in the shell dimensions of H. australis, the shells of infected snails being narrower than those of uninfected snails. Snails from Site 2 were found in general to be significantly smaller than those at Site 1, possibly as a result of differences in environmental factors such as the degree of exposure to wave energy, the allocation of energy to reproduction rather than growth (induced by predation and/or parasitic castrators) and anthropogenic stressors.  相似文献   

Concentrations of total recoverable inorganic tin (TRISn), monomethyltin (MeSn3+), dimethyltin (Me2Sn2+), trimethyltin (Me3Sn+) and (3-dimethylsulphonio)propionate (DMSP) were determined in leaves of Spartina alterniflora from three sites in the Great Bay estuary (NH) from 8 May to 15 September 1989. Total methyltin concentration increased from 8·9 ng g−1 (fresh weight) on 8 May to 472 ng g−1 on 23 May, decreased to 52 ng g−1 on 7 June and 16ng g−1 on 20 June, and remained low until the last sample on 18 September. Statistical calculations showed that methyltin concentrations varied significantly with sampling week, but not with site. DMSP concentrations showed very different behaviour. During the same sampling period DMSP concentrations varied only from 7·5 to 26 μmol g−1 (fresh weight). DMSP concentrations varied significantly for site, but not sampling week.  相似文献   

The secondary production of mobile invertebrate fauna in the Laminaria hyperborea (Gunn.) Foslie kelp forest increases with wave exposure level. This faunal group has a key function in transferring kelp carbon to higher levels in the food web. By using a size-frequency method the calculated production was 68 (±18) g D.W. m−2 yr−1 (±S.E.) at low, 250 (±57) at medium and 308 (±64) at high exposure levels. The calculations included 30 macrofauna species, which accounted for 96% of the specimens registered, with Gastropods, amphipods and bivalves being the most abundant taxa. The calculated secondary production is high, but comparable to that previously reported from other macrophyte systems and was 3%, 8% and 8% of the total primary production at low, medium and high exposure levels, respectively. Our results indicate that large quantities of Laminaria kelp are exported from the system, although the production of sessile animals was not taken into account. The most important factor in determining faunal densities and secondary production was probably habitat size but at low exposure levels the percentage of egg-carrying crustacean females and juveniles were lower than at medium and high exposure levels, thereby indicating lower fitness for animals at low exposure stations.  相似文献   

为探究强壮箭虫(Sagitta crassa)在黄河口及其邻近水域的时空分布特征及其与生物和非生物环境等因子的关系,本文依据2013—2014年在黄河口及其邻近水域6个航次的调查数据,采用丛生指标(I)、聚块性指标(A)和负二项分布参数的倒数(CA)等聚集指标,分析了强壮箭虫的空间分布特征;应用广义可加模型(GAM)研究了强壮箭虫密度的时空分布和环境因子的关系。结果表明,黄河口及其邻近水域强壮箭虫平均密度为21.85 ind/m3,春、秋季高,冬、夏季低;其密度的空间分布以黄河入海口附近水域为密集中心,向远岸水域逐渐降低;强壮箭虫在黄河口及其邻近水域的聚集特征随密度的变化存在两次聚集和两次扩散;水深、表层水温和浮游桡足类密度是影响其密度时空分布的主要因子,总偏差解释率为55.11%,强壮箭虫密度随水深的增加而减小,随表层水温的升高先增加后减小,随桡足类密度的增加而增加。强壮箭虫密度受黄河口及其邻近水域环境因子变动的影响,具有明显的季节变化和空间分布规律。  相似文献   

高雪  陈新军  余为 《海洋学报》2017,39(6):55-61
柔鱼(Ommastrephes bartramii)是西北太平洋重要的经济头足类之一,科学预测柔鱼资源丰度有利于其合理的开发和利用。研究结合1998-2008年北太平洋柔鱼生产统计数据和产卵场环境及其气候因子,使用灰色关联分析和灰色预测建模的方法,对产卵期内(1-4月)影响柔鱼冬春生群体资源丰度(CPUE)的产卵场环境以及气候指标进行分析,并建立柔鱼冬春生群体资源丰度的预报模型。结果表明,产卵期内影响柔鱼冬春生群体资源丰度的因子依次是:3月份产卵场平均海表面温度SST(average sea surface temperature)、1月份太平洋年代际震荡指数PDO(Pacific Decadal Oscillatio index),4月份Niño3.4指标和4月份平均叶绿素浓度Chl a(average chlorophyll a concentration)。灰色预报模型分析表明,基于3月份SST、1月份PDO和4月份Chl a的GM(1,4)模型有着较好的预测效果,其预测准确率在80%以上,可用于西北太平洋柔鱼冬春群体资源丰度的预测。  相似文献   

The Bungo Channel in southwestern Japan receives both warm, called Kyucho, and cold deep-water intrusions (bottom intrusion) from the Pacific Ocean. Abundances of Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, and eukaryotic picophytoplankton were monitored from 18 July to 17 August 2001 to clarify whether advected picophytoplankton from the Pacific Ocean can grow in the channel or not. Synechococcus cells were further discriminated into low- and high-PUB types according to their fluorescence property in flow cytometry. From 18 to 25 July, the water temperature decreased by 3 °C at a 5-m depth at all stations, indicating the occurrence of a bottom intrusion. From 25 July to 4 August, a Kyucho occurred and the water temperature rapidly increased. From 4 to 17 August, a bottom intrusion and a Kyucho both occurred twice, although the intensities were smaller than those occurring until 4 August. From 18 to 30 July, the abundance of both Prochlorococcus and a high-PUB type of Synechococcus drastically decreased because of a bottom intrusion; however, the abundances rapidly increased due to the advection by a Kyucho. These advected cells increased from 4 to 17 August in the channel and Kitanada Bay. Changes in the abundance of low-PUB type of Synechococcus and eukaryotic picophytoplankton were less noticeable than those in the abundance of Prochlorococcus and high-PUB type. The present study demonstrated that oceanic picophytoplankton advected by the Kyucho could grow in the channel. However, abundances of low-PUB type and eukaryotic picophytoplankton increased higher than those of Prochlorococcus and high-PUB type did. Thus, these oceanic phytoplankters will be excluded when Kyucho does not occur for a long time. The co-occurrence of various types of picophytoplankton found in the channel is probably achieved by both Kyucho event and their growth capability in the channel.  相似文献   

The partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) were monitored in shallow coastal waters located inside and outside giant kelp beds (Macrocystis pyrifera) located in the Kerguelen Archipelago (Southern Ocean). Photosynthesis and respiration by microplankton and kelp lead to marked pCO2 and DIC diel cycles. Daily variations of pCO2 and DIC are significant in the spring and summer, but absent in the winter, reflecting the seasonal cycle of biological activity in the kelp beds. If the kelp beds seem to favour the onset of phytoplankton blooms, most of the primary production inside the kelp beds is due to the kelp itself. The primary production of Macrocystis kelp beds in the Sub-Antarctic high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll (HNLC) waters off the Kerguelen Archipelago is elevated and closely linked to light availability. This production is significant from October to March and reaches its climax in December at the solar radiation maximum.  相似文献   

This study aimed to elucidate Dotilla myctiroides (H. Milne-Edwards) food resources and how the soldier crab influences the organic matter composition on the intertidal flat. A preliminary assessment of D. myctiroides size, sex, and population distribution was conducted to clarify the characteristics of the inhabiting population. Overall, D. myctiroides size and abundance was normal across the tidal flat area. Comparison of different sediment types from the soldier crab habitat (surface sediments, igloos, burrow lining, burrow pellets, feeding pellets, and feces) using the fatty acid (FA) analysis technique revealed D. myctiroides removes organic matter via the significantly lower contributions of polyunsaturated FAs, essential FAs, and dinoflagellates in the feeding pellets. Dotilla myctiroides tissue analysis of the hepatopancreas and hindgut in individuals that had been starved for 24 h confirmed not only the consumption of dinoflagellates, but diatoms and macroalgae as well. In addition, the FA metabolism within the digestive system implied the ability of the soldier crab to synthesize highly unsaturated FAs (HUFAs) such as 20:4n–6, 20:5n–3 and 22:6n–3.  相似文献   

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