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Macroalgal wrack deposition along coasts is highly variable but it plays an important role in the structure and function of marine communities. To date, most research has focused on the effects of decomposing wrack as it assimilates into the system but little is known about the immediate effects of wrack when it is first deposited in the habitat. Freshly deposited wrack may either wash away after a short period (1–2 days) or remain in the habitat and decay depending on tide and weather conditions. To understand the effects of this dynamic resource we experimentally manipulated wrack deposits on intertidal mudflats in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia. We conducted two experiments using defaunated patches of wrack (300 g wet weight) that were a mixture of seagrass and macroalgae and measured community responses after 2 days. The first experiment included real and artificial wrack patches to differentiate between taxa that responded to the biological and physical structure of the wrack. The second experiment used multiple wrack patches to investigate responses to a focal wrack patch that was surrounded by varying numbers of wrack additional patches (0, 2 or 4 × 300 g wet weight of wrack). Overall, wrack increased abundances of invertebrates and changed their distributions throughout the wrack and underlying sediment habitat. Mechanisms responsible for immediate taxa responses to the wrack related to the physical structure in the habitat and not biological attributes associated with the real patches. Ostracods and leptostracans were the exception to these patterns with colonization only occurring in real wrack and not the artificial wrack. In the multiple patch experiment the majority of the fauna moved vertically into the wrack from the bare sediment and not between surrounding patches of wrack. We suggest that specific characteristics, such as invertebrate mobility, feeding mode and sensitivity to changes in sediment condition, are important factors that influence individual taxa and overall community responses. Understanding the interactive effects of these characteristics with the characteristics of the wrack (magnitude, frequency, spatial arrangement and composition) is the key to developing predictive models that will inform the management of wrack in marine coastal habitats.  相似文献   

The across shore variability and trophodynamics of meiofauna were studied in a microtidal beach of the Thyrrenian Sea (NW Mediterranean). Two sites were sampled at Collelungo beach (Maremma Park, Italy) subjected to different regimes of sediment erosion and deposition. At each site, four levels were sampled in November 2002 and May 2003 along a transect from the supralittoral zone to the surf zone. Sediment cores were taken down to a depth of 10 cm and meiofaunal abundance and community structure were analyzed and related to the principal trophic resources (quantity and quality of organic matter, chlorophyll a, bacteria density and biomass).Meiofaunal abundance ranged between 14 ind. 10 cm−2 and 716 ind. 10 cm−2 in the top 0–10 cm of sediment. Abundance was lower in the surface (0–2 cm) than in the deeper (5–10 cm) sediment layers but no significant differences were found between the two sites.Multivariate BIOENV analysis showed that dryness, grain size (related to physical processes) and bacterial biomass, were the main variables explaining meiofauna distribution in these beaches. Meiofaunal densities and number of taxa were always higher at the swash level, while lower abundances were observed at the dry sampling level (+5 m). This across shore trend was also observed for the quality of the organic matter (PRT/CHO) and bacterial densities. Nematode assemblage structure at the swash sampling level showed a dominance of non-selective deposit feeders (1B), with Xyalidae as the dominant family (56%), followed by Thoracostomopsidae (14%) and Selachnematidae (12%).According to the findings, physical and biological variables at the swash level create optimal living conditions for the meiobenthos, making the swash a key area within the beach ecosystem, with potential implications within basic and applied ecological studies.  相似文献   

宋慧丽  慕芳红  孙燕  华尔 《海洋学报》2021,43(8):139-151
本研究于2015年12月在濒临渤海的大连夏家河子沙滩和濒临黄海的大连金沙滩采集海洋线虫样品,对两处砂质潮间带海洋线虫群落结构及多样性特征进行了研究。研究结果表明,两处砂质潮间带海洋线虫丰度、优势种、摄食结构及多样性差异显著。夏家河子海洋线虫平均丰度为(592.0±318.9) ind./(10 cm2),金沙滩海洋线虫平均丰度为(54.6±53.8) ind./(10 cm2),显著低于夏家河子。共鉴定海洋线虫43种,共有种13个。夏家河子沙滩海洋线虫优势种为Daptonema sp.1、Daptonema sp.2、Theristus sp.1、Setosabatieria sp.1、Prochromadorella sp.1、Daptonema sp.3、Paracyatholaimus sp.1、Sabatieria breviseta,以非选择性沉积食性线虫为主;金沙滩海洋线虫优势种为Oncholaimus sp.1、Chromadorita sp.1、Theristus sp.2, Neochromadora sp.1、Enoplus sp.1、Prochromadorella sp.1,以杂食性或捕食性线虫为主。两处砂质潮间带海洋线虫种数S、丰富度指数d和香农−威纳多样性指数H'存在极显著的差异,其值均表现为夏家河子显著高于金沙滩。相似性分析结果显示,两处沙滩的海洋线虫群落结构存在显著差异。间隙水pH、沉积物有机质含量及中值粒径是引起海洋线虫群落结构及多样性差异的主要因子,其中,沉积物中值粒径对线虫群落特征的影响最为突出。就两处沙滩潮区差异而言,受沉积物粒径特征及pH的影响,夏家河子海洋线虫群落特征在不同潮区之间也存在差异,其低潮带海洋线虫多样性高于高、中潮带,杂食者和捕食者丰度高,反映其海洋线虫群落结构较复杂。金沙滩不同潮区的环境因子无显著差异,线虫群落结构及多样性潮区差异不显著,较为均一。此外,水动力对海洋线虫群落结构沙滩差异和潮区差异也产生重要影响。一方面,水动力通过影响不同粒径沉积物的沉积影响海洋线虫群落特征;另一方面,水动力可影响线虫的分散性,进而对其潮区分布产生影响。  相似文献   

Abstract. Meiobenthic samples were collected by two different methods from the microtidal coralline sand beach at Gosier, Guadeloupe, West Indies: (I) vertical cores and (2) the K araman /C happuis (KC) technique of digging a hole and filtering the seepage water from the bottom. Nematode species diversity was unaffected by the sampling method, but nematode species composition differed. There was no evidence from statistical analysis to suggest differences in diversity or composition of higher taxa between sampling methods, although gastrotrichs appeared to be underrepresented by the KC technique.  相似文献   

Qualitative and quantitative composition of meiobenthos was studied in Amursky Bay (Peter the Great Bay, the East Sea). Ten taxonomic groups were found, where nematodes were dominant. Density of meiobenthos in ground sediments of the Bay were not uniform, and the average density was measured at 126.4±62.3 ind. m-2. 56 species of nematodes were detected, and dominant species wereSabatieria palmaris, Paracanthonchus macrodon, Sphaerolaimus limosus, S. gracilis andOncholaimium ramosum. Five taxocenes of nematodes were allocated based on the results of cluster analysis and species domination according to density. Low diversity in species composition of nematodes was noted in the northwestern part of the Bay, which is a zone of desalination, and in the eastern part, which is exposed to household drains.  相似文献   

Deep-sea benthic communities and their structural and functional characteristics are regulated by surface water processes. Our study focused on the impact of changes in water depth and food supplies on small-sized metazoan bottom-fauna (meiobenthos) along a bathymetric transect (1200–5500 m) in the western Fram Strait. The samples were collected every summer season from 2005 to 2009 within the scope of the HAUSGARTEN monitoring program. In comparison to other polar regions, the large inflow of organic matter to the sea floor translates into relatively high meiofaunal densities in this region. Densities along the bathymetric gradient range from approximately 2400 ind. 10 cm-2 at 1200 m to approximately 300 ind. 10 cm-2 at 4000 m. Differences in meiofaunal distribution among sediment layers (i.e., vertical profile) were stronger than among stations (i.e., bathymetric gradient). At all the stations meiofaunal densities and number of taxa were the highest in the surface sediment layer (0–1 cm), and these decreased with increasing sediment depth (down to 4–5 cm). However, the shape of the decreasing pattern differed significantly among stations. Meiofaunal densities and taxonomic richness decreased gradually with increasing sediment depth at the shallower stations with higher food availability. At deeper stations, where the availability of organic matter is generally lower, meiofaunal densities decreased sharply to minor proportions at sediment depths already at 2–3 cm. Nematodes were the most abundant organisms (60–98%) in all the sediment layers. The environmental factors best correlated to the vertical patterns of the meiofaunal community were sediment-bound chloroplastic pigments that indicate phytodetrital matter.  相似文献   

We estimated primary and bacterial production, mineral nutrients, suspended chlorophyll a (Chl), particulate organic carbon (POC) and nitrogen (PON), abundance of planktonic organisms, mesozooplankton fecal pellet production, and the vertical flux of organic particles of the central Arctic Ocean (Amundsen basin, 89-88° N) during a 3 week quasi-Lagrangian ice drift experiment at the peak of the productive season (August 2001). A visual estimate of ≈15% ice-free surface, plus numerous melt ponds on ice sheets, supported a planktonic particulate primary production of 50-150 mg C m−2 d−1 (mean 93 mg C m−2 d−1, n = 7), mostly confined to the upper 10 m of the nutrient replete water column. The surface mixed layer was separated from the rest of the water column by a strong halocline at 20 m depth. Phototrophic biomass was low, generally 0.03-0.3 mg Chl m−3 in the upper 20 m and <0.02 mg Chl m−3 below, dominated by various flagellates, dinoflagellates and diatoms. Bacterial abundance (typically 3.7-5.3 × 105, mean 4.1 × 105 cells ml−1 in the upper 20 m and 1.3-3.7 × 105, mean 1.9 × 105 cells ml−1 below) and Chl concentrations were closely correlated (r = 0.75). Mineral nutrients (3 μmol NO3 l−1, 0.45 μmol PO4 l−1, 4-5 μmol SiO4 l−1) were probably not limiting the primary production in the upper layer. Suspended POC concentration was ∼30-105 (mean 53) mg C m−3 and PON ∼5.4-14.9 (mean 8.2) mg N m−3 with no clear vertical trend. The vertical flux of POC in the upper 30-100 m water column was ∼37-92 (mean 55) mg C m−2 d−1 without clear decrease with depth, and was quite similar at the six investigated stations. The mesozooplankton biomass (≈2 g DW m−2, mostly in the upper 50 m water column) was dominated by adult females of the large calanoid copepods Calanus hyperboreus and Calanus glacialis (≈1.6 g DW m−2). The grazing of these copepods (estimated via fecal pellet production rates) was ≈15 mg C m−2 d−1, being on the order of 3% and 20% of the expected food-saturated ingestion rates of C. hyperboreus and C. glacialis, respectively. The stage structure of these copepods, dominated by adult females, and their unsatisfied grazing capacity during peak productive period suggest allochthonous origin of these species from productive shelf areas, supported by their long life span and the prevailing surface currents in the Arctic Ocean. We propose that the grazing capacity of the expatriated mesozooplankton population would match the potential seasonal increase of primary production in the future decreased ice perspective, diminishing the likelihood of algal blooms.  相似文献   

渤海小型底栖动物生物量的初步研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
主要以线虫、桡足类、双壳类、多毛类和动吻5个类群对渤海小型底栖动物的生物量进行了估算,并对其水平分布进行了研究.结果表明,3个航次平均,渤海小型底栖动物年生物量为(干重)0.404g/(m2·a);1998年9~10月和1999年4~5月2个航次中小型底栖动物生物量的水平分布主要表现为渤海中东部和海峡口站位的生物量明显高于其他站位,但在1999年航次,海峡口靠近海岸的站位生物量下降,位于莱洲湾B1站位生物量明显上升.依据小型底栖动物的年生产力P=9B,估算渤海小型底栖动物的年平均生产力为(干重)3.636g/(m2·a).还对渤海小型底栖动物生物量与世界其他海域的进行了比较,认为渤海小型底栖动物生物量的数值与其他海域生物量的数值接近,但略偏低.就不同学者研究所得的线虫平均个体干重进行了比较研究.  相似文献   

Meiobenthos in Nha trang bay of the south China sea (Vietnam)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distribution of the taxonomical composition and the density of meiobenthos depending on the sediment type has been studied in bottom sediments of Nha Trang Bay. The maximal population density and the taxonomical diversity were observed in the silted coarse and heterogeneous sand (1031.4μ419.7 ind. 10 cm-2), whereas the minimal level of density and diversity (588.1μ152.5 ind. 10 cm-2) was in the coarse and heterogeneous sand with shell debris and corals. The correlation between the median diameter of sediment particles and population density of meiobenthos has been revealed (r=0.82, p<0.05). In bottom sediments of Nha Trang Bay, twenty six taxonomic groups of meiobenthos were observed. Nematodes dominated in all sediment types. Representatives of four orders, twenty eight families and ninety seven genera of marine nematodes were identified. The vertical distribution of meiobenthos in different sediment types was considered. A sediment column (10 cm height) was sectioned by five 2 cm portions. In the last layer (8-10 cm) the most number of meiobenthic groups was found in sandy sediments. In the lower layers of silt sediments, only nematodes were found.  相似文献   

Shelf–basin exchange in the western Arctic was evaluated by use of water-column analyses of 228Ra/226Ra ratios and the first measurements of the short-lived 224Ra (T1/2=3.64 d) in the Arctic. During the 2002 shelf–basin interaction (SBI) program, excess 224Ra was detected over the shelf but was not found seaward of the shelf-break. Similarly, the 228Ra/226Ra ratio dropped rapidly from the shelf across the shelf-break. Consequently, the model age gradient (elapsed time since shelf residence) northward across the Chukchi Shelf increased from 1–5 years nearshore to approximately 14 years in surface waters sampled off shelf at the southern margin of the Beaufort Gyre. This steep gradient is consistent with very slow exchange between the Chukchi Shelf and the Beaufort Gyre, whereby Bering Strait inflow is constrained by the Earth's rotation to follow local isobaths and does not easily move into deeper water. The strong dynamic control inhibiting water that enters the system through Bering Strait from flowing north across isobaths also would lead to a long recirculation time of river water emptied into the Beaufort Gyre. Possible mechanisms that can generate cross-shelf currents that break the topographic constraint to follow isobaths, and thereby transport water (and associated properties) off the shelves include wind-induced upwelling/downwelling, meandering jets, and eddies. Evidence of such a process was found during the ICEX project in the Beaufort Sea in April 2003 when excess 224Ra was measured over 200 km from any shelf source. This required an NE offshore flow of 40 cm s−1 assuming that the source water derives from the mouth of Barrow Canyon. A weak northeastward flow was measured using an LADCP within the upper 300 m of the ocean, but was of lower speed than required by the 224Raxs at the time of the ICEX occupation.  相似文献   

The cruise tourism industry in the Canadian Arctic has the potential be an important contributor to the northern economy, but undue complexity in the permitting and regulatory process represents a major barrier to cruise operators and as a result seems to be limiting development potential and other cultural and educational benefits related to tourism in the region. Based on a set of interviews and follow-up interviews with Arctic cruise operators and government permit issuers (n=48), investigative phone calls (n=22), and follow-up verification calls (n=20+), analysis of the management system that currently governs cruise tourism in Arctic Canada is provided including recommendations for improvement. There are currently over 30 permits, approvals, and notification processes for cruise companies operating in the Canadian Arctic (collective called ‘permits and permissions'). Permits and permissions are required for vessel safety, environmental protection, gaining access to national parks, and visiting heritage and archaeological sites among others. They are issued by numerous agencies under multiple jurisdictions and statutes with no integration or organizing system. The result is a process that is overly complex, repetitious, and costly for operators. In comparison, the permitting systems in Greenland and Svalbard are more streamlined, causing some cruise companies to consider abandoning Canadian waters in favour of these less bureaucratic regions. Federal and territorial attention is required to create efficiencies in the cruise permitting process in Arctic Canada if the economic, socio-cultural, and educational benefits of the industry are to be fully realized.  相似文献   

海冰在极地海洋中是个较为独特的生境,海冰卤道系统中的光照强度、温度、盐度和生存空间随着季节更替发生显著变化[1].春天,在北极新冰和多年冰的底部冰藻旺发,随后浮游植物生产力上升[2,3].  相似文献   

大气环流优势模态对北极海冰变化的响应Ⅰ.北极涛动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王宏  周晓  黄菲 《海洋学报》2015,37(11):57-67
利用美国冰雪中心海冰密集度数据,分析了1979-2012年北极海冰面积的时间变化特征,发现北极海冰具有显著的年代际变化特征,分别在1997和2007年前后存在两次年代际转型突变点,相应的大气环流优势模态——北极涛动(AO)也存在显著的时空变化。1979-1996年阶段海冰下降趋势较弱并以较强的年际振荡为主,AO模态较强且显示出低频振荡特征;1997-2006年阶段北极海冰快速减退趋势占优,同时伴随着较弱的年际振荡,AO模态减弱且振荡周期缩短;2007-2012年阶段海冰范围较快下降同时具有极强的年际振荡,方差变化是前两个阶段的2~3倍,AO不仅强度加强,空间结构也发生了变化,极涡中心分别向格陵兰岛和白令海峡一侧延伸,这种结构有利于极地冷空气入侵欧洲和北美。利用ECHAM5大气模式进行的数值试验结果也证实了较强振荡的海冰强迫对AO模态的改变具有决定作用。  相似文献   

北极地区具有丰富的油气资源,但是受极度寒冷气候和广泛分布冰盖的影响,北极是全球地质研究程度最低的地区之一。为此,基于最新地球物理数据,结合文献资料中的地貌、地质、矿产资源资料,编制了北极地区大地构造图(1:500万)。通过系统的编图研究,认为北极地区位于泛大陆腹地,中生代以来的构造演化受到冰岛地幔柱的垂向作用和欧亚-劳伦板块缓慢的顺时针旋转的水平作用共同制约。其构造演化可归纳为3个阶段:(1)早中生代:北亚-北美西北部(远东-科迪勒拉)造山带俯冲-造山增生阶段,古太平洋向北俯冲,古亚洲洋最终关闭,泛大陆最终形成;(2)侏罗纪-白垩纪:伴随着加拿大盆地张开,南阿纽伊洋盆俯冲消亡并形成南阿纽伊缝合带,两者之间在运动学上具有耦合联系,并伴随其间转换断层的调节作用;(3)新生代以来北大西洋中脊持续扩展传播,造成欧亚盆地张开和加科尔洋中脊发育。北极地区处于全球不同构造域之间的桥梁和枢纽。随着北冰洋洋盆伸展作用发展及加科尔洋中脊向南传播,它将西南贯通北太平洋构造域(远东造山带),彻底改变全球中生代以来的构造格局。  相似文献   

北冰洋公海尚处于冰封状态,但气候变暖、海冰加速融化使未来公海出现新渔场成为可能,其战略价值因而得到国际关注。当前,环北极国家已率先展开渔业权益争夺。为分析北冰洋公海渔业事务的国际走势,文章基于博弈论思想,构建非对称懦夫博弈模型及古诺模型来模拟和探究环北极国家在渔业利益争夺中的合作或冲突行为,研究得出:现阶段北冰洋公海渔业权益争端主要表现为渔业管理权的争夺,在该博弈中,非北冰洋沿岸国采取退让策略,沿岸国采取进攻策略,可以达到进化稳定均衡;一旦公海具备捕鱼条件,争端将演化为开发模式选择的博弈,此时,北冰洋沿岸国采取合作开发策略可以有效保护公海渔业资源,并实现国家的长期利益。  相似文献   

Sediment core samples were collected from 17 stations in the middle and eastern Chukchi Sea during the sixth Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition(CHINARE-Arctic) in summer 2014.The samples were analyzed for composition,abundance,biomass,vertical distribution,size spectra,and ecological indexes of meiofauna.A total of 14 meiofauna taxa were detected,and the free-living marine nematodes comprised the most dominant taxon,accounting for 97.21% of the average abundance.The abundance and biomass of meiofauna were within ranges of(218.12±85.83)-(7 239.38±1 557.15) ind./(10 cm~2) and(130.28±52.17)-(3 309.56±1 751.80) μg/(10 cm~2),with average values of(2 391.90±1 966.19) ind./(10 cm~2) and(1 549.73±2 042.85) μg/(10 cm~2)(according to dry weight)respectively.Furthermore,91.26% of the individuals were distributed in the top layer of 0-5 cm of surface sediment,and 90.84% had sizes of 32-250 μm.Group diversity index of meiofauna in the survey area was low,and the variation of abundance was the main difference in meiofauna communities among all stations.Abundance and biomass of meiofauna were not significantly correlated with environmental factors except concentration of nutrient Si in bottom seawater.Abundance of meiofauna in shallow water of marginal seas in the Pacific sector of the Arctic Ocean is likely at a same level and higher than that in most of China sea areas,suggesting that the shallow water of the summer Chukchi Sea is a continental shelf area with rich resources of meiofauna.The Chukchi Sea is important for studying the ecosystem of the Arctic Ocean and environmental responses.However,studies on meiofauna in the Chukchi Sea are still not enough,and in the future,natural and human disturbances may increase due to global warming,the Arctic channel opening,and other factors.Thus,more studies on meiofauna should be required,in order to know more about how the Arctic benthic community would alter.  相似文献   

The Maldivian archipelago comprises some of the most characteristic and significant world atoll systems, but the meiobenthic assemblages of these islands continue to be largely unknown. To investigate variations in meiofaunal spatial distribution and biodiversity in back‐reef platforms, three transects were studied, two at Felidhoo (the north and east sides) and one at South Malé. The sedimentological features of the samples obtained were also analyzed to further current knowledge on the relationships that exist between sediments and meiofauna. Our results reveal that the meiofaunal assemblage at these locations is well diversified and includes 20 major taxa. Nematodes and copepods are dominant, together forming 68% of the total meiofauna, followed by platyhelminthes, polychaetes and ostracods. The nematode assemblage is very rich and composed of 34 families and 123 genera – 96 of which (78%) set new records for the Maldives. The structures of the meiofaunal and nematode assemblages are relatively similar on the ‘large‐scale’ level (i.e. when the different platforms are compared) and reveal a low β‐diversity. However, significant dissimilarities were detected within each platform, emphasizing that such ‘small‐scale’ differences are the main factors determining the structure of the meiofauna and, in particular, the nematode assemblages. Although significant differences were not detected between the transects, greater levels of dissimilarity were recognized at North Felidhoo. Here, the building of inclined deposit layers plays a significant role in increasing the heterogeneity of the platform habitats and sediments, confirming the great importance of sediment granulometry as an environmental variable. Indeed, a close relationship is observed between meiofauna (especially for the nematodes) and grain size, which appears to control the structure, diversity and trophic composition of the Maldivian meiofauna assemblages, thus highlighting the high biodiversity existing in the medium‐coarse sands.  相似文献   

The results on the uniaxial compressive strength of Arctic summer sea ice are presented based on the samples collected during the fifth Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition in 2012(CHINARE-2012). Experimental studies were carried out at different testing temperatures(-3,-6 and-9°C), and vertical samples were loaded at stress rates ranging from 0.001 to 1 MPa/s. The temperature, density, and salinity of the ice were measured to calculate the total porosity of the ice. In order to study the effects of the total porosity and the density on the uniaxial compressive strength, the measured strengths for a narrow range of stress rates from 0.01 to 0.03 MPa/s were analyzed. The results show that the uniaxial compressive strength decreases linearly with increasing total porosity, and when the density was lower than 0.86 g/cm3, the uniaxial compressive strength increases in a power-law manner with density. The uniaxial compressive behavior of the Arctic summer sea ice is sensitive to the loading rate, and the peak uniaxial compressive strength is reached in the brittle-ductile transition range. The dependence of the strength on the temperature shows that the calculated average strength in the brittle-ductile transition range, which was considered as the peak uniaxial compressive strength, increases steadily in the temperature range from-3 to-9°C.  相似文献   

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