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INTRODUIONThe Haikou Bay is an imPOrtant hay in Hainan Pmeince. Investigatnin of water qualitywas carried out three times every y6ar to understand the vatying trend of water quality fOr tak-ing pmpr countereres. betimes we may ee comParison conclustons of poIluting degreein Water Quality Monitoring Bulletin Of HaikOu Bay. But the comParison conclusbo is notreareable because the ocean is a complicated system with the interaction of wind, current,wave, tide, biolOgy, chemistry and so …  相似文献   

A comparative study between waterlogged and reflooded intertidal sediments was undertaken in March and June 1999 through statistical analysis of selected sediment parameters (biota, salinity, O2, Eh), pool sizes and benthic fluxes of nutrients (NH4+, NO2-, NO3-) and nitrification rates. In March samples, absence of polychaetes and oligochaetes from upper sediment horizons were due to erosional events sweeping away surface sediments. Presence of richer annelid assemblages in June samples indicated more stable hydrodynamic conditions that favoured the development of benthic microalgae biofilms. Dewatering of sediments during a 3-day emersion period promoted a salinity rise on top layers, migration of pore water ions towards the sediment surface, and created sediment fissures that accelerated water exchange on reflooding. Reflooded and waterlogged sediment systems were comparable with respect to the release of NH4+ to overlying water but were different with respect to nitrification rates. Sediment-water NH4+ fluxes were higher (P = 0.011) in March (3.3 mmol m(-2) day(-1) compared to June (1.4 mmol m(-2) day(-1) due to higher macrofauna biomasses and lower benthic microalgae concentrations in March samples. Potential nitrification rates (range from 19 to 60 mmol NO3- (-2) day(-1)) were not statistically different between March and June. A thinner oxic layer in reflooded compared with waterlogged systems reflects a decrease of O2 diffusion into sediment at high salinities which resulted in the fall of the actual nitrification rates (P < 0.05). Our data suggest that long term dessication of intertidal sediments may depress the nitrification process at the ecosystem level.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONWith the development of economy and the exploitation of coastal resources, the coastal en-vironment of the northern part of China was seriously damaged, especially in the Jiaozhou Bay.More attention was paid to this phenomenon. Five comprehensive investigations on theecological dynamics of the Jiaozhou Bay were carried out from March to November of 1995. Theaim is to study the annual variation characteristics of the ecosystem dynamics of the Jiaozhou Bay.Yu Guangyao et al.…  相似文献   

Melting icebergs are a mobile source of fresh water as well as a sink of latent heat. In most global climate models, the spatio-temporal redistribution of fresh water and latent heat fluxes related to icebergs is parameterized by an instantaneous more or less arbitrary flux distribution over some parts of the oceans. It is uncertain if such a parameterization provides a realistic representation of the role of icebergs in the coupled climate system. However, icebergs could have a significant climate role, in particular during past abrupt climate change events which have been associated with armada’s of icebergs. We therefore present the interactive coupling of a global climate model to a dynamic thermodynamic iceberg model, leading to a more plausible spatio-temporal redistribution of fresh water and heat fluxes. We show first that our model is able to reproduce a reasonable iceberg distribution in both hemispheres when compared to recent data. Second, in a series of sensitivity experiments we explore cooling and freshening effects of dynamical icebergs on the upper Southern Ocean and we compare these dynamic iceberg results to the effects of an equivalent parameterized iceberg flux.In our model without interactive icebergs, the parameterized fluxes are distributed homogeneously South of 55°S, whereas dynamic icebergs are found to be concentrated closer to shore except for a plume of icebergs floating North–East from the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. Compared to homogeneous fluxes, the dynamic icebergs lead to a 10% greater net production of Antarctic bottom water (AABW). This increased bottom water production involves open ocean convection, which is enhanced by a less efficient stratification of the ocean when comparing to a homogeneous flux distribution.Icebergs facilitate the formation of sea-ice. In the sensitivity experiments, both the fresh water and the cooling flux lead to a significant increase in sea-ice area of 12% and 6%, respectively, directly affecting the highly coupled and interactive air/sea/ice system. The consequences are most pronounced along the sea-ice edge, where this sea-ice facilitation has the greatest potential to affect ocean stratification, for example by heat insulation and wind shielding, which further amplifies the cooling and freshening of the surface waters.  相似文献   

I~IOWIn winter, on the impacts Of the Chriolis force and the current along the shore of the EastChina ho, the residual current from the Changjiang River flows south along the shore and enters the ~ Bay in the north, then it moves out of the bay in the south and flows southin the East China Sea (Su and Wang, 1989; Zhu and Shen, 1997). In recent years, scholars have made further analyse on obSerVed date, and have obtained more profound viewson the residual current and mass transport (Pn …  相似文献   

-The applicability of the doubie-layer model for 210Pb chronology in coastal marine environments was discussed,which is successfully used in the study of mixing rates and sedimentation rates in Meizhou Bay. Differences among sedimentation rates deduced from 210Pb, 210Po, and 137Cs were compared. Mixing rates in the sediment surface layer were determined by means of excess 234Th.  相似文献   

The standing crop and primary production of benthic microalgae on tidal flats have seasonally been observed in the Sanggou and Jiaozhou Bays of the northern China coast during 1999 - 2000. The results show that the annual primary productions of benthic microalgae on tidal flats in the two bays are 2 532 and 7 542 tons carbon, which would be able to support 3.1 x 103 and 9.2 x 103 tons shellfish meat, respectively. The nature of sediment is essential for governing the biomass and primary production of benthic microalgae on tidal flats. The biomass and primary production of benthic microalgae on tidal flats with muddy sediments are higher than those with sandy sediments, which resulted from higher nutrient concentration and lower grazing pressure. That is the reason why in comparison with Xiangshan Bay the standing crop and production of benthic microalgae on tidal flats of the Sanggou and Jiaozhou Bays are low. Light was a key factor controlling vertical distribution of biomass and production of benthic  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(2):179-190
The annual cycle of temperature, salinity and nutrients of surface waters (up to 100 m depth) was studied from June 1991 to December 1995 in a cross-shelf section over the continental shelf waters off Santander (southern Bay of Biscay). The time series showed that the temperature followed the expected seasonal warming and cooling pattern, which determines a seasonal process of stratification and mixing of the water column. The stratification period occurs annually between May and October in a layer of about 50 m depth from the neritic station beyond to the shelf-break. In the period between November and April the water column remained mixed. During spring and summer low salinity values were found in the surface due to continental runoff and advection from oceanic waters. In late autumn and winter, the salinity pattern was governed by an influx of salty water associated with the poleward current. As in other temperate latitudes, nitrates showed the highest values in winter throughout the water column and the lowest values at the surface during the stratified period. Wind-induced upwelling events were observed mainly in summer, which are characterised by low temperatures (< 12°C), high salinity and nutrient concentrations. The inter-annual variability of temperature showed a warming trend in the upper layers but this sign was not found at 100 m depth. In salinity a decreasing trend was observed throughout the water column, and this feature corresponds to the relaxing of the high salinity anomaly detected in the North Atlantic at the beginning of the 1990s. Both trends were coherent in the cross-shelf section from the coast to the slope.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton species composition, biomass, and rates of primary production were determined at two sites within Kenepuru Sound, New Zealand, in spring, summer, and autumn of 1982–83. Microflagellates and ultraplankton (< 5–10 μm) were numerically very abundant on each occasion and small gymnodinoid nanno‐planktonic (< 10–15 μm) dinoflagellates were likewise always a common component of the populations. The dinoflagellate, Prorocentrum gracile, made a substantial contribution to the total biomass in summer. The diatom community changed from mainly small chain forming species (Chaetoceros spp., Leptocylindricus spp.) in spring to small solitary centric and pennate forms (Nitzchia longissima, Coscinodiscus spp.) in summer, to a diversity of larger taxa (Coscinodiscus concinnus, Eucampia zoodiacus) in autumn. The autotrophic ciliate Mesodinium rubrum was a particularly important member of the autumn photo‐autotrophic assemblage. Both phytoplankton biomass and productivity increased from spring to autumn. In situ rates of primary production ranged from 15 to 1420 mgC m‐2h‐1 and chlorophyll a concentrations ranged from 6.9 to 258.5 mgChl a m‐2. A gross primary production rate, in summer, was estimated at 0.57 gC m‐2 d‐1. Phytoplankton production and biomass appeared to be related to dissolved inorganic nutrient concentrations as a result of variations in the freshwater inflow. A tentative comparison between the rates of phytoplankton and cultivated mussel production is made.  相似文献   

In April, 1985, scientists from China and Canada made a marine enclosed ecosystem experiment cooperatively in Xiamen. The experiment was carried out in the plastic bags in a shorebased tank. To the bags, heavy metals (Cu, Hg, Zn, Pb and Cd) were added quantitatively and their effects on the primary productivity were studied. The results show that the effects of low level metal mixture (Cu 3.5-10.0, Hg 0.2-1.0, Pb 0.3-1.5, Zn 3.5-17.5,  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》1987,20(3):265-276
The vertical distribution of natural fluorescence was investigated at one location in Sagami Bay, Japan. Natural fluorescence showed low values in surface seawater, increasing with depth. Linear relations were observed between natural fluorescence and nutrients, such as phosphate and nitrate. It is suggested that natural fluorescence resulting from marine humic substances can behave in a manner similar to phosphate and nitrate in the water column.Linear relations with negative slopes were found between salinity and natural fluorescence at several locations in Tokyo Bay, Japan. This indicates that natural fluorescence in this area results from terrestrial humic substances and is dispersed mainly by mixing of water masses. Fluorescence and absorption spectra of the seawater in Tokyo Bay showed spectra similar to sedimentary fulvic acid from Tokyo Bay. Fluorescence/absorbance ratios were nearly constant for the seawater samples in Tokyo Bay.  相似文献   

-On the basis of the data obtained from the surveys in the Bohai Sea during 1982-1983, this paper analysed and discussed the distribution and seasonal variation of primary productivity in the Bohai Sea, and the correlations between the primary productivity and environmental factors. The organic carbon production and prospect of fishery production in the waters of this sea are estimated. It is shown that, there exists production patential in the Bohai Sea, the primary production is 112 gC/ (m2 ?a)the production of organic carbon being 10 million ton per year, the fishery yields 1 million ton and the maximum catch of sea products 0. 5 million ton. The results of the investigation can serve as the basic data for the exploitation, utilization and management of the fishery resources in the Bohai Sea.  相似文献   

A 3-D numerical model is set up in a large domain covering the Hang zhou Bay and the Changjiang Estuary based on the ECOM model in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates.The numerical schemes for baroclinic pressure gradient (BPG) terms and convective terms are improved in the paper according to the characteristics of velocity field and mass transport in the area.The model is validated by the simulations of residual current and salinity transport in the Hangzhou Bay and the Changjiang Estuary.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONResidualcurrentanditsimpactonmasstransportareimportanttothestudyofcoastalen vironment.Althoughlotsofresearcheshavebeendoneontheresidualcurrentandmasstrans portintheHangzhouBayandtheChangjiangEstuary (Cao ,1 989;CaoandFang ,1 986 ;Chenetal.,1 992 ;HuandH…  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of investigations of the consequences of the storms on the Pacific coast of Shikotan Island that occurred on October 7–10, 2006 and January 6–8, 2007. These storms and their impact on the coastal zone can be considered as extreme events for the last 40–50 years. The heights and flooding area of the storm surges within bay coasts of different types were measured. The coastal relief’s changes are described. During the storms, a cover of deposits was formed having a size of up to 30 m outside the beach zone and up to 52 m in the near-mouth zones. The grain-size composition of the storm deposits is analyzed and their difference from other coastal facies, including tsunami sands, are established.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the dispersion of particulate wastes derived from marine fish farming and correlate the data with the impact on the seabed. Carbon and nutrients were correlated with the physico-chemical parameters of the sediment and the benthic community structure. The sedimentation rates in the benthic system were 1.09, 0.09 and 0.13 g m?2 day?1 for particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate organic nitrogen (PON) and total phosphorus (TP), respectively. TP was a reliable parameter for establishing the spatial extent of the fish farm particulate wastes. Fish farming was seen to influence not only physico-chemical and biological parameters but also the functioning of the ecosystem from a trophic point of view, particularly affecting the grazers and the balance among the trophic groups. POC, PON and TP sedimentation dynamics reflected the physico-chemical status of the sediment along the distance gradient studied, while their impact on the benthic community extended further. Therefore, the level of fish farm impact on the benthic community might be underestimated if it is assessed by merely taking into account data obtained from waste dispersion rates. The benthic habitat beneath the fish farm, Ma?rl bed, was seen to be very sensitive to aquaculture impact compared with other unvegetated benthic habitats, with an estimated POC-carrying capacity to maintain current diversity of 0.087 g C m?2 day?1 (only 36% greater than the basal POC input). Environmental protection agencies should define different aquaculture waste load thresholds for different benthic communities affected by finfish farming, according to their particular degree of sensitivity, in order to maintain natural ecosystem functions.  相似文献   

We investigate the air pollution in the central European part of Russia during the 2010 summer fires. The results of ground-based (Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP), Moscow State University (MSU), and Zvenigorod Scientific Station (ZSS)) and satellite (MOPITT, AIRS, of Terra and Aqua satellites) measurements of the total content and concentration of carbon monoxide (CO), as well as MODIS data on the spatial and temporal distribution of forest and peat fires obtained from Terra and Aqua satellites, are presented. A comparison between similar situations in 2010 and 2002 revealed the causes of higher pollution levels in 2010. The use of trajectory analysis, detailed space imagery, and model calculations made it possible to reveal the location of peat fires and their contribution to the air pollution over the Moscow megalopolis. Fireemission estimates were obtained using two independent methods.  相似文献   

Trends of dissolved oxygen content of the surface and bottom layers of the northern Adriatic Sea are analysed for the period 1911–1984. An increase in the surface layer and a decrease in the bottom layer are observed in all seasons except winter. Although the oxygen content of the water column as a whole has not changed significantly, it is inferred, from the increasing difference between the surface and the bottom layer, that the primary productivity of the northern Adriatic Sea is increasing. As the average midsummer oxygen content of the bottom layer decreases, the frequency of mass mortality in the benthic fauna is expected to increase, especially in the northern and western subareas.  相似文献   

The results of Russian climate studies conducted in 2007–2010, which are based on the review prepared for the National Report on Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences submitted to the 25th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (Melbourne, June 28–July 7, 2011), are presented. The features of climate anomalies in Russian regions are discussed within the scope of general tendencies of global and regional climate changes on the basis of data obtained from observations, reanalysis, and model simulations in comparison with paleoreconstructions.  相似文献   

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