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Phytoplankton chlorophyll concentrations in the Delaware estuary range over two orders of magnitude and display several maxima over the seasonal cycle. These maxima were found to be regulated both spatially and temporally by light availability. Both the spring chlorophyll maximum, which reaches 50–60 μg chlorophyll l?1 during a Skeletonema costatum dominated bloom, and transient fall blooms (15–20 μg l?1) are focused in mid-estuary. These blooms are regulated spatially by settling out of suspended sediment below the turbidity maximum and both spatially and temporally by physical factors (e.g. river flow) that cause vertical stratification in mid-estuary. In freshwater regions, chlorophyll concentrations display seasonal periodicity correlated with solar irradiance; summer chlorophyll concentrations average 30 μg l?1. These freshwater and mid-estuarine biomass maxima may be correctly predicted using a steady-state light-limitation model. In contrast, summer chlorophyll concentrations in the lower estuary remain below 10 μg l?1 and are not correctly modeled, despite minimum turbidity, and non-nutrient limiting conditions. These chlorophyll concentrations appear to be regulated by a combination of light availability and grazing.Although extremely high anthropogenic nutrient inputs in the freshwater region of the Delaware River provide non-limiting nutrient concentrations throughout the estuary, regulation of phytoplankton growth by light-limitation restricts chlorophyll concentrations below the nuisance levels found in many eutrophic systems.  相似文献   

From July to November 1988, a major electromagnetic (EM) experiment, known as EMRIDGE, took place over the southern end of the Juan de Fuca Ridge in the northeast Pacific. It was designed to complement the previous EMSLAB experiment which covered the entire Juan de Fuca Plate, from the spreading ridge to subduction zone. The principal objective of EMRIDGE was to use natural sources of EM induction to investigate the processes of ridge accretion. Magnetotelluric (MT) sounding and Geomagnetic Depth Sounding (GDS) are well suited to the study of the migration and accumulation of melt, hydrothermal circulation, and the thermal evolution of dry lithosphere. Eleven magnetometers and two electrometers were deployed on the seafloor for a period of three months. Simultaneous land-based data were made available from the Victoria Magnetic Observatory, B.C., Canada and from a magnetometer sited in Oregon, U.S.A.Changes in seafloor bathymetry have a major influence on seafloor EM observations as shown by the orientation of the real GDS induction arrows away from the ridge axis and towards the deep ocean. Three-dimensional (3D) modelling, using a thin-sheet algorithm, shows that the observed EM signature of the Juan de Fuca Ridge and Blanco Fracture Zone is primarily due to nonuniform EM induction within the ocean, associated with changes in ocean depth. Furthermore, if the influence of the bathymetry is removed from the observations, then no significant conductivity anomaly is required at the ridge axis. The lack of a major anomaly is significant in the light of evidence for almost continuous hydrothermal venting along the neo-volcanic zone of the southern Juan de Fuca Ridge: such magmatic activity may be expected to have a distinct electrical conductivity signature, from high temperatures, hydrothermal fluids and possible melt accumulation in the crust.Estimates of seafloor electrical conductivity are made by the MT method, using electric field records at a site 35 km east of the ridge axis, on lithosphere of age 1.2 Ma, and magnetic field records at other seafloor sites. On rotating the MT impedance tensor to the principal axis orientation, significant anisotropy between the major (TE) and minor (TM) apparent resistivities is evident. Phase angles also differ between the principal axis polarisations, and TM phase are greater than 90° at short periods. Thin-sheet modelling suggests that bathymetric changes accounts for some of the observed 3D induction, but two-dimensional (2D) electrical conductivity structure in the crust and upper mantle, aligned with the ridge axis, may also be present. A one-dimensional (1D) inversion of the MT data suggests that the top 50 km of Earth is electrically resistive, and that there is a rise in conductivity at approximately 300 km. A high conductivity layer at 100 km depth is also a feature of the 1D inversion, but its presence is less well constrained.  相似文献   

The influence of climate variability on the diversity and distribution patterns of zooplankton communities was investigated in the Mondego estuary (Portugal) during four consecutive years characterized by highly variable precipitation and, consequently, river flow regime. Monthly samples were collected along the estuarine gradient at five sampling stations. Seasonal, inter-annual and spatial distributions were evaluated by multivariate analyses and three diversity indices were applied (Species number, Shannon Diversity and Average Taxonomic Distinctness). A two-year drought period presented significant differences in salinity values, especially in 2005 (extreme drought event). During the study period, copepoda was the main dominant group and Acartia tonsa the most abundant species, with the exception of autumn 2006, where high abundances of the cladoceran Penilia avirostris were noticed. Multivariate analysis indicated that zooplankton communities changed from a pre- to a post-drought period indicating the influence of hydrological parameters in communities' structure. The dry period was associated with an increase in zooplankton density, a reduction in seasonality and higher abundance and prevalence of marine species throughout the year. Seasonally, winter/spring communities were distinct from those in summer/autumn. Spatially, salinity-associated differences between upstream and downstream communities were reduced during the drought years, but during the post-drought year, these differences were detected again.  相似文献   

For a better understanding of the phosphorus dynamics and bioavailability in temperate climates, sequential chemical extraction techniques were used to study sediment P-pools distribution and relative importance in a eutrophicated estuary.Results indicate a shift in importance from the iron-bound P fraction to the CaCO3-bound P fraction with increasing salinity, which suggests a decrease in bioavailable P from the most inner part of the estuary seaward, as the CaCO3 associated P is believed to be less available for organisms. Salt marsh plants also influence sediment P speciation, through higher organic P fractions (mainly humic acid associated P) when compared to non-vegetated sediments. The ratio of iron-bound P to iron-oxyhydroxides may be used as an indicator of P availability, since it reflects the number of available P sorption sites in the metal oxides. This ratio was lowest in the intermediate zone of the estuary (13.7) when compared to the outer site (29.6) and the upper site (26.1), suggesting saturation of sorption sites. Co-incident with this, the intermediate site is characterized by the occurrence of macroalgal blooms during summer. In the present case, superficial sediments in the Mondego estuary do not show a clear seasonal trend, either in total amounts of exchangeable P or P speciation. Pools of exchangeable P in the surface sediment were 30 times higher than the annual net-export of P (14 ton year−1) from the estuary. The annual P release from the sediment appears diminutive in comparison with the pool-size. Management measures to reduce nutrient input into coastal water systems should therefore consider that phosphorus availability may persist as a result of sediment supply, even after reducing the external point sources.  相似文献   

Recent variations in the precipitation regime across southern Europe have led to changes in river fluxes and salinity gradients affecting biological communities in most rivers and estuaries. A sampling programme was developed in the Mondego estuary, Portugal, from January 2003 to December 2008 at five distinct sampling stations to evaluate spatial, seasonal and inter-annual distributions of fish larvae. Gobiidae was the most abundant family representing 80% of total catch and Pomatoschistus spp. was the most important taxon. The fish larval community presented a clear seasonality with higher abundances and diversities during spring and summer seasons. Multivariate analysis reinforced differences among seasons but not between years or sampling stations. The taxa Atherina presbyter, Solea solea, Syngnathus abaster, Crystallogobius linearis and Platichthys flesus were more abundant during spring/summer period while Ammodytes tobianus, Callionymus sp., Echiichthys vipera and Liza ramada were more abundant in autumn/winter. Temperature, chlorophyll a and river flow were the main variation drivers observed although extreme drought events (year 2005) seemed not to affect ichthyoplankton community structure. Main changes were related to a spatial displacement of salinity gradient along the estuarine system which produced changes in marine species distribution.  相似文献   

Zooplankton and nekton at 2000 m depth in the axial valley of Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge, show marked variability in abundances in a plane at 20 m above bottom. A remotely operated vehicle flew a gridded rectangle 3.2×0.5 km that included two large high-temperature and two small low-temperature vent fields. Numbers of zooplankton, jellyfish, shrimp and fish were recorded with a video camera, and the abundance patterns were examined with the program SADIE©. Each organism group displayed a distinctive distribution pattern. Abundance gaps over the high-temperature fields were significant and, for the more abundant copepods, were related to the locations of individual smokers. Pelagic shrimp and macrourid fish abundances were correlated and concentrated around the northern high temperature field. Distinct aggregations of zooplankton and nekton were correlated with the fluid indicators from both the low temperature diffuse effluent and the focused high temperature vents. Patterns were likely established by organism choice that forms aggregations and gaps, and by physical processes that entrain passive particles near vigorous smoker plumes. While enhanced plankton and nekton numbers were not observed over the vent fields, overall abundances in the axial valley may be sustained by production transported from the vent fields on the seafloor.  相似文献   

A 3D,time-dependent,baroclinic,hydrodynamic and salinity model was implemented and applied to the Oujiang River estuarine system in the East China Sea.The model was driven by the forcing of tidal elevations along the open boundaries and freshwater inflows from the Oujiang River.The bottom friction coefficient and vertical eddy viscosity were adjusted to complete model calibration and verification in simulations.It is demonstrated that the model is capable of reproducing observed temporal variability in the water surface elevation and longitudinal velocity,presenting skill coefficient higher than 0.82.This model was then used to investigate the influence of freshwater discharge on residual current and salinity intrusion under different freshwater inflow conditions in the Oujiang River estuary.The model results reveal that the river channel presents a two-layer structure with flood currents near the bottom and ebb currents at the top layer in the region of seawater influenced on north shore under high river flow condition.The river discharge is a major factor affecting the salinity stratification in the estuarine system.The water exchange is mainly driven by the tidal forcing at the estuary mouth,except under high river flow conditions when the freshwater extends its influence from the river’s head to its mouth.  相似文献   

Between 2003 and 2006, a severe drought occurred throughout the Mondego River catchment's area, inducing lower freshwater flows into the estuary. As a consequence, both 2004 and 2005 were considered as extreme drought events. From June 2003 to June 2006, the fish assemblage of the Mondego Estuary was sampled monthly in five stations during the night, using a 2 m beam trawl. Fish abundance was standardized as the number of individuals per 1000 m2 per season and the assemblage was analyzed based on ecological guilds: estuarine residents, marine juveniles, marine adventitious, freshwater, catadromous and marine species that use the estuary as a nursery area. A total of 42 species belonging to 23 families were identified, with estuarine residents and nursery species dominating the fish community. Variations in the fish community were assessed using non-metric MDS, being defined as three distinct periods: summer and autumn 2003, 2004/2005 and winter and summer 2006. The main drought-induced effects detected were the depletion of freshwater species and an increase in marine adventitious in 2004/2005, due to an extended intrusion of seawater inside the estuary and a significant reduction in abundance during the driest period of estuarine resident species. Nevertheless, from the management point of view, it could be stated that although some variations occurred due to environmental stress, the main core of the Mondego Estuary fish community remained relatively unchanged.  相似文献   

方涛  刘凯  冯志华  李游 《海洋科学》2019,43(12):67-73
2017年4月作者对海州湾临洪河口海域16个站位的常规理化因子以及浮游植物粒级结构进行了采样和分析,结果表明:调查海域盐度和温度均值分别为35.2和11.2℃,均由近岸到外海逐渐增大;悬浮物质量浓度在3.4 mg/L~137.6 mg/L变化,均值为22.8 mg/L,由近岸到外海逐渐减少,水体逐渐清澈; pH均值为8.29,近岸低,外海高; DO均值为9.8 mg/L, COD在0.34 mg/L~6.55 mg/L变化,均值为3.42mg/L,DO和COD分布规律不明显;浮游植物粒级组成以微型与小型浮游植物为主,其叶绿素a质量浓度平均值与范围分别为1.48μg/L(0.68μg/L~3.13μg/L)、9.14μg/L(2.69μg/L~25.50μg/L),且呈现自沿岸河口向外海逐渐递减的趋势;而微微型浮游植物叶绿素a质量浓度平均值仅为0.27μg/L,且分布较不规律;小型浮游植物对浮游植物总生物量的贡献率最大,高达83.89%,微型及微微型浮游植物的贡献率分别为13.60%和2.52%;在相关性分析中,各项环境因子对小型浮游植物的分布有较大的影响,其中悬浮物、pH与小型浮游植物叶绿素a浓度表现出显著相关(P0.05),溶解氧、盐度与小型浮游植物叶绿素a质量浓度呈极显著相关(P0.01),微型、微微型浮游植物的分布与各项环境因子的相关性不明显。  相似文献   

A comparison is made between a set of current measurements in a section across the Strait of Juan de Fuca and those recorded further upstream at Race Rocks at a single depth. No outstanding common qualitative features are noted. Cross spectra reveal a low correlation for the subtidal current and suggest an intensification of the diurnal modulation of the flow at Race Rocks. The high correlation in the tidal bands allows to calculate this portion of the tidal current at Race Rocks which is coherent with the one sensed across the section.  相似文献   

The estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) that develops in the lower salinity areas of macrotidal estuaries has been considered as an important nursery for many fish species. Mysids are one of the dominant organisms in the ETM, serving as a key food source for juvenile fish. To investigate the horizontal distribution and population dynamics of dominant mysids in relation to the fluctuation of physical conditions (temperature, salinity, turbidity, and freshwater discharge), we conducted monthly sampling (hauls of a ring net in the surface water) along the macrotidal Chikugo River estuary in Japan from May 2005 to December 2006. Hyperacanthomysis longirostris was the dominant mysid in the estuary, usually showing peaks of density and biomass in or close to the ETM (salinity 1–10). In addition, intra-specific differences (life-cycle stage, sex, and size) in horizontal distribution were found along the estuary. Larger males and females, particularly gravid females, were distributed upstream from the center of distribution where juveniles were overwhelmingly dominant. Juveniles increased in size toward the sea in marked contrast with males and females. The findings suggest a possible system of population maintenance within the estuary; gravid females release juveniles in the upper estuary, juveniles grow during downstream transport, young males and females mature during the upstream migration. Density and biomass were primarily controlled by seasonal changes of temperature, being high at intermediate temperatures (ca. 15–25 °C in late spring and fall) and being low at the extreme temperatures (ca. 10 °C in midwinter and 30 °C in midsummer). High density (up to 666 ind. m−3) and biomass (up to 168 mg dry weight m−3) of H. longirostris were considered to be comparable with those of copepods in the estuary.  相似文献   

The Juan de Fuca Eddy is a seasonal, counter-clockwise gyre off the mouth of the Strait of Juan de Fuca between Washington, USA and British Columbia, Canada that may provide favorable feeding habitat for juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) during their early marine existence. In late September 2002, physical and biological sampling was conducted along two transects of the eddy region. Surface rope trawling was conducted to capture juvenile salmon and other nekton, along with bongo and neuston net tows to examine potential mesozooplanktonic salmon prey. Presence of the Juan de Fuca Eddy was confirmed with vertical water profiles. In addition, nutrient and chlorophyll a concentrations collected from 3-m depth were within the range observed in previous studies within the eddy region. In the mesozooplankton community, euphausiids, chaetognaths, and decapod megalopae were common. In the diet of juvenile coho salmon, euphausiids and decapod megalopae were dominant by percent number, and larval and juvenile fish were dominant by percent weight. Feeding intensity (percent body weight) based on stomach contents was variable, but not significantly different among stations. To compare the Juan de Fuca Eddy region with an upwelling area, we sampled along a transect off La Push (LP), Washington, USA which is south of the eddy. The eddy region was found to be less productive than the LP transect. Nutrients were lower, chlorophyll a concentrations were higher, and zooplankton abundance was generally higher along the LP transect than in the eddy region. In addition, more juvenile coho salmon were captured from the LP transect than the eddy region. Prey items in stomachs of salmon from the LP transect were heterogeneous compared to those from the eddy region. Feeding intensity along the LP transect was slightly lower and more variable than in the eddy region, and differences in feeding intensity among LP stations were significant. In addition, feeding intensities among stations nested within regions were significantly different.  相似文献   

基于收集到的东太平洋海隆北段Juan de Fuca Ridge热液活动区的高精度多波束声纳数据,应用加权移动平均算法, 生成典型的高精度海底DTM;应用声纳图像处理技术,生成高分辨率海底声纳镶嵌图,并对其海底地形及海底声学图像进行 处理和分析。通过处理与分析,对JFR热液区海底地形地貌特征有了初步认识,对于我国大洋调查和海底热液区探测具有一 定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

The vestimentiferan tubeworm Ridgeia piscesae is an ecosystem-structuring organism in the hydrothermal vent environments of the Northeast Pacific. During this study, a single representative aggregation of the long-skinny morphotype of R. piscesae from the main endeavor segment was monitored for 3 yr before being collected in its entirety with a hydraulically actuated collection device manipulated in situ by a research vehicle. Vestimentiferan growth rates in this aggregation were determined by staining the exterior of the tubes and measuring newly deposited tube sections. The average growth rate of R. piscesae in this aggregation was very low in both years of the growth study (3.2 mm yr−1). Although the incidence of plume damage from partial predation was very high (>95%), mortality was very low (<4% yr−1). The distribution and the very tight clustering of recently recruited individuals indicated gregarious settlement behavior that is hypothesized to be partly due to biotic cues from settled larvae. Coupled measurements of vent fluid sulfide concentration and temperature were used to calculate the exposure of the vestimentiferans to sulfide from short- and long-term temperature monitoring. Plume-level temperature records indicate that most of the time individuals in this aggregation were exposed to extremely low levels of vent fluid, and therefore sulfide (<0.1 μM), while their posterior sections were consistently exposed to sulfide concentrations in the 100 μM range. A rootball-like structure formed the common base of the aggregation. In contrast to the anterior sections of the tubeworm tubes, the portions of the tubes within the “rootball” were freely permeable to sulfide. The results of this study show that R. piscesae, unlike vestimentiferans from the East Pacific Rise, can survive and grow in areas of low diffuse vent flow with very low plume-level exposure to sulfide. We propose that this morphotype of R. piscesae has the ability to acquire sulfide from sources near their posterior ends, similar to some species of cold seep vestimentiferans from the Gulf of Mexico. The ability of this single species of vestimentiferan to survive low exposure to vent flow with low mortality coupled with sulfide uptake across posterior tube sections may help explain the occurrence of a single vent vestimentiferan species in a wide variety of habitat conditions at hydrothermal vent sites in the Northeast Pacific.  相似文献   

三峡库区蓄水后夏季长江口及其邻近水域粒级叶绿素a   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
了解长江口水域富营养化现状对浮游植物的影响及浮游植物对长江口水域富营养化现状的指示作用,根据2004年8月30日~9月4日在长江口水域进行的多学科综合调查结果,报道了调查区叶绿素a的空间分布及其粒级组成特征,并初步研究了其与环境因子的关系。叶绿素a浓度在长江河道内和口门外水域浓度变化范围分别为0.40~2.13mg.m-3,0.48~4.89mg.m-3,平均值分别为1.09mg.m-3,1.70mg.m-3;与三峡库区蓄水前相比叶绿素a浓度偏低,高值区向口门方向西移,其水平分布与浮游植物丰度分布基本一致。垂直方向上叶绿素a浓度峰值出现在20m以上水层,与浮游植物丰度垂向分布有一定的差异。在调查水域<20μm粒径叶绿素a的平均浓度比>20μm粒径叶绿素a要高。统计分析表明磷酸盐与叶绿素a浓度呈显著的正相关,是控制浮游植物生长的重要因子。  相似文献   


We evaluate a set of current measurements done in a section of the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The flow is of estuarine character, the upper layer flow usually being directed seaward. The RMS value of steady current exceeds its mean value appreciably in the upper layer; it also exceeds the mean near the bottom. The near‐surface currents do change their direction on occasions and can run landward for over five consecutive days, especially in the southern part of the channel. The lower layer flow (landward) and the upper layer flow (seaward) varied in magnitude from 90 to 160 thousand m3/sec, and their fluctuations were in phase; their difference, the net flow, is of the order of 5% to 10% of these flows and could not be calculated with any confidence. Tidal motion is barotropic in the section, with some deformation in the vertical caused by bottom friction and internal stresses. The M2 tide in the system Juan de Fuca‐Georgia Strait can be represented by a standing Kelvin wave influenced by friction. The K1 tide can also be represented by a standing Kelvin wave if some leakage is allowed in the northern end of Georgia Strait. Topographic effects mask the Coriolis influence on the intensity of tidal currents.  相似文献   

长江口上升流区营养盐的分布及其通量的初步估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2004年5月份长江口调查资料,分析了春季长江口上升流现象及其对营养盐分布的影响;初步估算了春季上升流的营养盐通量。结果表明:在春季,低温、高盐、低溶解氧的上升流稳定存在于122°20′~123°00′E,31°00′~32°00′N海区的10m 层和底层之间,并可以涌升到10m 层以上海区。上升流为上层海区输入了丰富的 PO_4-P 和相对低浓度的 NO_3-N 和 SiO_3-si。对上升流营养盐通量的计算表明,春季上升流中磷酸盐输送通量远高于长江径流输入,可能会成为影响该海区磷酸盐分布以及浮游植物生长的一个值得关注的因素:而氮和硅营养盐则不如长江径流输入量大。  相似文献   

泉州湾河口湿地鸟类的种类组成与分布   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文根据1988-1999年进行4次泉州湾河口湿地鸟类调查资料,研究了泉州湾河口湿地自然概况,首次报道了该区鸟类13目30科108种,指出泉州湾河口地区鸟类栖息地面临的威胁因素,建议建立泉州湾河口湿地保护区以保护该区的自然生态系统和鸟类资源。  相似文献   

Estuaries are used as nursery grounds by numerous marine species despite being usually subject to strong anthropogenic disturbances. Abundances of marine recruits (fish and crustacean decapods) and their main prey (mysids) were monitored by monthly sampling, from June 1997 to February 2009, in the lower reaches of the Guadalquivir estuary (SW Spain). During that period, unusually high and persistent turbidity events (HPTEs) were observed twice. Both HPTEs started with strong and sudden freshwater discharges after relatively long periods of very low freshwater inflow. Data from this time-series were used to test the hypothesis that HPTEs may negatively impact the nursery function of estuaries either by decreasing prey availability or by decreasing survival/arrival of marine recruits. During HPTEs, the commonest mysid (Mesopodopsis slabberi), a key species in the estuarine food web, showed a significant decrease in abundance. Likewise, some marine recruits that prey on M. slabberi and whose peaks of abundance within the estuary occur in summer–autumn (Engraulis encrasicolus and Pomadasys incisus) were less abundant during HPTEs. It is also suggested that HPTEs might have triggered a shift in the distribution of the most euryhaline prey (Neomysis integer) and predator (Dicentrarchus punctatus and Crangon crangon) species, towards more saline waters. This could have contributed to an increase in the inter-specific competition (for food/habitat) within the estuarine nursery area. The results discussed in this study call attention to the need to reduce as much as possible the anthropogenic pressures that may stimulate the occurrence of high and persistent turbidity events (HPTEs) in order to preserve the nursery function of temperate estuaries.  相似文献   

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