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The Ezop-Yam-Alin zone was studied with emphasis on the geology, composition, and age of its felsic volcanic and intrusive rocks. All these rocks are moderately enriched in Rb (84–268 ppm), Ba (240–881 ppm), Th (10.5–17.9 ppm), and REE and depleted in Nb (5–12 ppm), Ta (0.5–1.2 ppm), and Zr (92–175 ppm). The age dates obtained by U-Pb (94.8 ± 2.2 Ma) and Rb-Sr (95.2 ± 0.69 Ma) methods for the granites of the Ezop Complex correspond to the Cenomanian.  相似文献   

Detailed geochemical, isotopic, and geochronological studies were carried out on felsic volcanic rocks from the southern part of the North Baikal volcanoplutonic belt. U-Pb zircon dating showed that the rocks previously ascribed to a single stratigraphic unit (Khibelen Formation of the Akitkan Group or the Khibelen Complex) have significant age differences. The Khibelen Formation was found out to include both the oldest dated rocks (1877.7 ± 3.8 Ma) of the North Baikal belt and the younger volcanic rocks (1849 ± 11 Ma). Two other dated volcanic rocks have intermediate ages (1875 ± 14 and 1870.7 ± 4.2 Ma). It was established that the volcanic rocks from various areas in the southern part of the North Baikal belt not only have different ages but also differ in geochemical and isotopic signatures. In particular, the felsic volcanic rocks from various sites show the following variations in trace-element composition: from 220–280 to 650–717 ppm Zr, from 8–12 to 54–64 ppm Nb, and from 924–986 to 1576–2398 Ba. The ?Nd obtained for felsic volcanic rocks and comagmatic granitoids from various areas in the southern part of the North Baikal belt vary, respectively, from ?1.7 to ?2.8 and from ?8.0 to ?9.2. Based on geochemical and isotopic signatures, the felsic volcanic rocks in various areas of the southern part of the North Baikal volcanoplutonic belt were formed via the melting of a Mesoarchean crustal source of tonalite composition with contribution of variable amounts of juvenile mantle material at different magma generation conditions. Isotopic data indicate that the contribution of juvenile mantle material to their sources varied from ~33–40 to 77–86%. The maximal calculated temperatures of the parent melts for felsic volcanic rocks were 908–951°C, and the lowest temperatures were 800–833°C. The geochemical signatures of dacites with an age of 1877.7 ± 3.8 Ma such as high Th (46–51 ppm) and La (148–178 ppm) contents indicate that these rocks, along with Mesoarchean granitoid and juvenile mantle material, contain an upper crustal component with high Th and LREE contents. Extremely low Y and Yb contents in these dacites implies their formation at pressures of ~ 12–15 kbar in equilibrium with garnet-bearing residue. These rocks were presumably formed in the collisional-thickened crust at the earliest stages of its collapse, possibly during syncollisional collapse, with additional hear input to the lower crust. Other felsic rocks are geochemical analogues of A-type granites and were formed during the subsequent stages of collapse (post-collisional collapse).  相似文献   

New age data are reported for the magmatic rocks from the western flank of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic belt consisting of the Ul’ya and Kuidusun volcanic zones. Four U-Pb SHRIMP zircon dates within 106-90 Ma were obtained for the upper part of the Emanrin Formation and the lower part of the Ul’ya Group of the Ul’ya volcanic zone. Large Verkhneallakh and Atarbai subvolcanic intrusions from the Kuidusun volcanic zone were dated using the Rb-Sr method at 115–107 Ma and 85 Ma, respectively. U-Pb dating of zircon microsamples from adamellites and diorites of the Sizindzha Massif yielded, respectively, ages of 91 and 90 Ma. New geochronological data indicate that the Selitkan-Sungari and Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic belts are coeval and can be united in a common Okhotsk-Sungari system of volcanic belts and zones (megabelt).  相似文献   

The Dalma volcanic belt of the Singhbhum Precambrian terrain in eastern India is developed along the median zone of a linear basin flanked by Archaean cratonic basement to the south. The lavas, in a low grade metamorphic environment, preserve a strong compositional bimodality, with highly magnesian picritic volcanics developed at the base and low-K basalt flows above, constituting the bulk of the lava pile. The ultrabasic lavas have low concentrations of immobile incompatible elements, ratios of which are probably controlled by the source character. Dalma mafic flows are closely comparable in geochemical character to modern day mid-oceanic ridge basalts (MORB) with a dominance of light-REE-depleted basalts and ferrobasalts. However, in terms of certain element ratios (Th/Ta), deviation from MORB characteristics toward island arc tholeiites is apparent. In this respect the Dalma basalts appear to have a modified MORB composition and the closest chemical analogy may be basalts from back-arc basins, i. e. a supra-subduction zone environment. The bimodality of ultrabasic and mafic lavas is reminiscent of Archaean komatiitic provinces. The geochemical signature of the Dalma lavas, and the geological framework of the terrain, strongly point to a marginal basin domain developed in this crustal segment during the Proterozoic.
Zusammenfassung Der Vulkangürtel von Dalma liegt in der präkambrischen Region Singhbhum in Ostindien. Aufgeschlossen ist der Dalma-Gürtel im mittleren Bereich eines geradlinigen Bekkens, das im Süden durch Basement des Archaikums begrenzt wird. Die Laven befinden sich in einer geringmetamorphen Umgebung und weisen eine bimodale Zusammensetzung auf. An der Basis sind Magnesium-reiche und darüber Kalium-arme Basalte entwickelt, die repräsentativ für den Durchschnitt der Laven sind. Die ultrabasischen Laven enthalten niedrige Konzentrationen an immobilen nicht kompatiblen Elementen, deren Verhältnis wahrscheinlich von den Eigenschaften der Lavaquelle gesteuert wird. Der geochemische Charakter der mafischen Dalma-Vulkanite entspricht weitgehend den heutigen Basalten der ozeanischen Rücken (MORB). Dabei dominieren leicht abgereicherte REE-Basalte sowie eisenreiche Basalte. Vergleicht man allerdings Elementverhältnisse wie das von Th/Ta, wird eine Abweichung von dem typischen MORB-Charakter hin zu Inselbögen-Tholeiten deutlich. Berücksichtigt man diese Beobachtungen, scheinen die Dalma-Basalte eine modifizierte MORB-Zusammensetzung zu haben, die in ihrem Chemismus am ehesten den Basalten von Back-Arc-Becken, z. B. in einem Gebiet einer Supra-Subduktionszone, zu entsprechen. Die Bimodalität der ultrabasischen und mafischen Laven erinnert an archaische komatiitische Regionen. Die geochemische Zusammensetzung der Dalma-Laven sowie der geologische Rahmen des Gebietes deuten auf ein randliches Becken hin, das sich während des Proterozoikums entwickelt haben könnte.

Résumé La ceinture volcanique de Dalma, dans le Précambrien de Singhbhum (Inde Orientale) est située dans la partie médiane d'un bassin linéaire bordé au Sud par un socle cratonique archéen. Les laves se trouvent dans un environnement de faible degré de métamorphisme et présentent une composition nettement bimodale: volcanites picritiques très magnésiennes à la base, surmontées de coulées basaltiques pauvres en K, qui constituent l'essentiel de l'ensemble. Les laves ultrabasiques montrent de faibles concentrations en éléments immobiles incompatibles dont les rapports sont probablement déterminés par le caractère de la source. Les coulées basiques de Dalma sont très comparables, dans leurs propriétés géochimiques, aux basaltes récents des rides océaniques (MORB), avec une dominante de basaltes pauvres en terres rares légères et de ferro-basaltes. Toutefois, les rapport de certains éléments (Th/Ta) font apparaître, par rapport au MORB, une déviation vers les tholéiites d'arcs insulaires. A ce point de vue, les basaltes de Dalma montrent une composition de MORB modifée et une analogie avec les basaltes de bassins d'arrière-arc, c'est-à-dire en situation de supra-subduction. La bimodalité laves ultrabasiques/laves basiques est une réminiscence des provinces komatiitiques archéennes. Le signalement géochimiques des laves de Dalma et leur situation géologique plaident en faveur d'un domaine de bassin marginal développé dans ce segment central au cours du Protérozoïque.

, . , , . , , . , , . , . : MORB. , . , , .: /, MORB . , , , MORB, , .: . . , , .

Aeolian sands are widespread in the European sand‐belt. While there is a consensus about the timing of increased aeolian activity and, in contrast, of surface stabilization during the Lateglacial, knowledge about Holocene aeolian dynamics is still very sparse. It is generally assumed that aeolian processes have been closely connected to human activities since at least the Neolithic period. A compilation of 189 luminescence dates from aeolian sands of Holocene age and 301 14C‐dates from palaeo‐surfaces, comprising palaeosols, buried peats and archaeological features from the whole sand‐belt, is plotted as histograms and kernel density plots and divided into sub‐phases by cluster analysis. This is also done separately for the dates from the areas west and east of the river Elbe. Our results show that aeolian activity did not cease with the end of the Younger Dryas but continued in the whole European sand‐belt until the Mid‐Atlantic (c. 6500 a BP), presenting evidence of vegetation‐free areas at least at the local scale. During the subsequent time period evidence of aeolian sedimentation is sparse, and surface stabilization is indicated by a cluster of palaeo‐surfaces ascribed to the early Subboreal (c. 5000 cal. a BP). The agglomeration of luminescence ages around 4000 years is probably connected with intensified land use during the Late Neolithic. Younger phases of aeolian sedimentation are indicated by clusters of luminescence ages around 1800 years, a group of luminescence ages from the Netherlands and NW Germany around 900 years, and a group of ages around 680 years in Germany. Among the dates from palaeo‐surfaces, clusters were identified around 2700, 1300 and 900 cal. a BP as well as around 690 cal. a BP in the western part and 610 cal. a BP in the eastern part of the sand‐belt. The clusters within the luminescence ages and the 14C‐dates coincide with phases where increased human impact can be deduced from archaeological and historical sources as well as from environmental history.  相似文献   

First U-Pb zircon isotopic dates were obtained for rocks from the Devonian volcanic belt in Kazakhstan. The granodiorites of the Zhabden Massif (Karamendinskii Complex) were dated at 391 ± 1 Ma. The Sm-Nd isotopic system of a whole-rock granodiorite sample (?Nd = 2.5) suggests a high percentage of mantle material in the initial granite melt, which is in good agreement with known data on granitoids in neighboring territories in Kazakhstan. With regard for the isotopic dates obtained for the granodiorites, the material of their source was separated from the mantle at 946 Ma.  相似文献   

Extensive magmatic activity developed at the northwestern part of the Anatolian block and produced basaltic lavas that are situated along and between the two segments of the North Anatolian Fault zone. This region is a composite tectonic unit formed by collision of continental fragments after consumption of Neotethyan ocean floor during the late Cretaceous. Northwestern Anatolian basalts and evolved lavas exhibit both tholeiitic and calc-alkaline characteristics. Mafic lavas are moderately enriched in LILE (except depleted part of Yuvacık and İznik samples) and depleted in HFSE (but not Zr, Hf) relative to primitive mantle values, suggesting derivation from a MORB-like mantle source that is unexpected in this subduction environment. Sr and Nd isotopes are close to the mantle array and vary beyond analytical error (87Sr/86Sr 0.70404–0.70546, 143Nd/144Nd 0.51270–0.51289). These geochemical features may result from two possible processes: (1) melting of a MORB-like mantle source that was modified by subduction-released fluids and melts or (2) modification of mafic liquids derived from a dominantly MORB-like source by crustal or lithospheric mantle material. Geochemical characteristics of the lavas (e.g., Ba/Rb, Rb/Sr, Ba/Zr, 87Sr/86Sr, Sr/P) vary systematically along the fault zone from east to west, consistent with a decrease in the degree of melting from east to west or a change in the nature of the source composition itself. Thus, the difference in incompatible elements and Sr–Nd isotopic ratios seems to result from small-scale mantle heterogeneity in a post-collisional tectonic environment.  相似文献   

Plagiogranites and conodonts from chert intercalations in basalts of the ophiolite association in the Tekturmas zone of Central Kazakhstan were subjected to the U?Pb geochronological and stratigraphic investigations, respectively. The age of plagiogranite crystallization is estimated to be 489 ± 8 Ma corresponding to the stratigraphic interval spanning from the uppermost Upper Cambrian to the lower Tremadocian. Conodonts from cherts of the Kuzek Formation are distributed along the section interval from the uppermost part of the Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) to the lower part of the Sandbian (Upper Ordovician), which corresponds to the period of 457?460 Ma. It is revealed that the formation of the ophiolite section in the Tekturmas zone was a multistage process lasting from the Late Cambrian to the initial Late Ordovician.  相似文献   

Field observations together with petrochemical and geochemical data were used to develop the scheme and sequence of the formation of the Selitkan Zone, the largest volcanoplutonic zone of the Mongol-Okhotsk orogenic belt. Geochemically, this zone is subdivided into essentially andesite and rhyolite sequences associated with plutonic counterparts. All the rocks show negative Nb and Ta anomalies, enrichment in LREE and large ion lithophile elements (Ba, Rb, K, Th, U). They were presumably formed in a subduction setting in three stages: the amagmatic, magmatic andesitic, and magmatic rhyolitic. The entire process of the formation of the Selitkan volcanoplutonic zone lasted for 5 Ma.  相似文献   

通过野外地质调查及室内综合研究,进一步阐明浙江遂昌柘岱口地区碎斑熔岩地质特征及成因.宏观上划分了碎斑熔岩相带,查明了碎斑熔岩时空分布及与围岩的接触关系;微观上通过岩石地球化学、同位素年代学及锆石饱和温度计算等方法研究该碎斑熔岩.研究区碎斑熔岩受控于柘岱口-湖山NE向大型火山构造洼地复活型破火山,具有侵出-溢流特点,为复合穹丘状地质体.岩浆演化在时空上具有连续性,具有分异岩浆“溢流侵出-侵入”过程.岩石具有典型的连续不等粒碎斑结构和珠边结构,富碱,K2O+Na2O为8.54%~9.25%,A/CNK为0.88~1.04,为准铝质钾玄岩系列,富集Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf等高场强元素和Rb、Sr、Ba、Th等大离子亲石元素.岩石成岩温度为803℃~884℃,具有高温浅成特点.全岩Rb-Sr等时线年龄为123 Ma,为早白垩世中期九里坪期岩浆活动的产物,是壳幔混合Ⅰ型碎斑熔岩,属于活动大陆边缘靠板内的构造环境.  相似文献   

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