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Recently, Ras Sudr (the delta of Wadi Sudr) area received a great amount of attention due to different development expansion activities directed towards this area. Although Quaternary aquifer is the most prospective aquifer in Ras Sudr area, it has not yet completely evaluated. The present work deals with the simulation of the Quaternary groundwater system using a three-dimensional groundwater flow model. MODFLOW code was applied for designing the model of the Ras Sudr area. This is to recognize the groundwater potential as well as exploitation plan of the most prospective aquifer in the area. The objectives were to determine the hydraulic parameters of the Quaternary aquifer, to estimate the recharge amount to the aquifer, and to determine the hydrochemistry of groundwater in the aquifer. During this work, available data has been collected and some field investigation has been carried out. Groundwater flow model has been simulated using pilot points’ method. SEAWAT has been also applied to simulate the variable-density flow and sea water intrusion from the west. It can be concluded that: (1) the direction of groundwater flow is from the east to the west, (2) the aquifer system attains a small range of log-transformed hydraulic conductivity. It ranges between 3.05 and 3.35 m/day, (3) groundwater would be exploited by about 6.4 × 106 m3/year, (4) the estimated recharge accounts for 3 × 106 m3/year, (5) an estimated subsurface flow from the east accounts for 2.7 × 106 m3/year, (6) the increase of total dissolved solids (TDS) most likely due to dilution of salts along the movement way of groundwater from recharge area to discharge area in addition to a contribution of sea water intrusion from the west. Moreover, it is worth to note that a part of TDS increase might be through up coning from underlying more saline Miocene sediments. It is recommended that: (1) any plan for increasing groundwater abstraction is unaffordable, (2) reliable estimates of groundwater abstraction should be done and (3) automatic well control system should be made.  相似文献   

The present work deals with the groundwater aquifer of the Lower Cretaceous sandstone and its sustainable development in Sinai. The studied aquifer system is the most promising groundwater system in Sinai due to its wide extension, hug storage, and good quality. The objective of this paper aims to elucidate the hydrogeological characteristics of the Lower Cretaceous aquifer. The aquifer system occurs under confined conditions. The top surface of the Lower Cretaceous dips steeply towards the southwest direction with step faults. The average sand percent of the penetrated aquifer attains 54%. The main direction of groundwater flow is generally from southwest and locally is concentric to the center of study area related to the influence of the graben block. The aquifer has a hydraulic gradient generally reaches 0.0011 m/m and attains 0.0028 in central portion of study area. The aquifer parameters (effective porosity, transmissivity, and hydraulic conductivity) increase towards the northeast direction with increasing of the sand percentage. Durov diagram plot revealed that the groundwater has been a final stage evolution represented by a NaCl water type. The groundwater salinity increases towards the central of study area coinciding with groundwater flow. The groundwater salinity of the Lower Cretaceous aquifer is brackish water and varies from 2,510 to 5,256 ppm and unsuitable for drinking and domestic purposes.  相似文献   

The occurrence of fluoride in ground water is the focus of the public and has attracted the attention of many scientists all over the world due to its importance in public health. Deficiency or increase of fluoride uptake is considered a public health problem due to the narrow permissible limit which should not exceed 1.5 mg/l according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The range of fluoride tolerance and toxicity is narrow. Deviation from the optimal levels therefore results in dental health effects such as caries and fluorosis. Many studies have found fluorosis to be invariably associated with high concentrations of fluoride in drinking water. Fluorosis is a considerable health problem in many areas of the world including Brazil, China, East Africa, Ghana, India, Kenya, Korea, Malawi, Mexico, Pakistan, South Africa, southeastern Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Taiwan, Tanzania, and Turkey. Fluoride in groundwater of Quaternary aquifer of the Nile Valley, Egypt, does not gain the attention of the authors in the Nile Valley which makes the public health status of fluoride is not certain. The present work aims at investigating the fluoride concentration of Quaternary groundwater aquifer at Luxor as a representative area of the Nile Valley to be a base line for subsequent studies and criteria for public health. Ground water samples were collected from Quaternary groundwater aquifer at Luxor area, Egypt and analyzed for the purpose of investigating fluoride content. The results showed that fluoride concentration in the study area ranges between 0.113 and 0.452 with an average of 0.242 mg/l. Sources of fluoride in the study area can result from the natural dissolution from fluoride-rich minerals, fertilizers and from groundwater recharge. It is worth mentioning that low fluoride content in the study area is considered a public health threat specially limited growth, fertility, and dental caries. Corrective measures should be taken to avoid the public health impacts of fluoride deficiency at Luxor area as well as similar areas in the Nile Valley. A public health program should be initiated to account for the deficiency of fluoride in groundwater and deal with the other supplementary fluoride sources in food or fluoridation of drinking water supplies.  相似文献   

The integration of geophysical data with direct hydrogeological measurements can provide a minimally invasive approach to characterize the subsurface at a variety of resolutions and over many spatial scales. The field of hydrogeophysics has attracted much attention during the last two decades. In this domain, the geophysical data inverted to geophysical models are interpreted in terms of the hydrogeology to serve as a basis for the definition of hydraulic models in the areas of interest. The hydraulic conductivity (K) value measured in a reference borehole has been combined with the electrical conductivity obtained from nearby geo-electromagnetic sounding data in the Cenomanian (Upper Cretaceous) aquifer, central Sinai, Egypt. The resulting relation was interpreted with Dar Zarrouk parameters to infer the transmissivity variations at other vertical electrical sounding locations, where K values are unknown. Coincident transient electromagnetic data have been adopted to increase accuracy while interpreting the aquifer geoelectrical properties. The results indicate that the transmissivity values in the aquifer of interest vary from 2,446 to 9,694 m2/day, and K varies from 12.9 to 57.0 m/day throughout the studied area.  相似文献   

The Quaternary coastal plain aquifer down gradient of the Wadi Watir catchment is the main source of potable groundwater in the arid region of south Sinai, Egypt. The scarcity of rainfall over the last decade, combined with high groundwater pumping rates, have resulted in water-quality degradation in the main well field and in wells along the coast. Understanding the sources of groundwater salinization and amount of average annual recharge is critical for developing sustainable groundwater management strategies for the long-term prevention of groundwater quality deterioration. A combination of geochemistry, conservative ions (Cl and Br), and isotopic tracers (87/86Sr, δ81Br, δ37Cl), in conjunction with groundwater modeling, is an effective method to assess and manage groundwater resources in the Wadi Watir delta aquifers. High groundwater salinity, including high Cl and Br concentrations, is recorded inland in the deep drilled wells located in the main well field and in wells along the coast. The range of Cl/Br ratios for shallow and deep groundwaters in the delta (∼50–97) fall between the end member values of the recharge water that comes from the up gradient watershed, and evaporated seawater of marine origin, which is significantly different than the ratio in modern seawater (228). The 87/86Sr and δ81Br isotopic values were higher in the recharge water (0.70,723 < 87/86Sr < 0.70,894, +0.94 < δ81Br < +1.28‰), and lower in the deep groundwater (0.70,698 < 87/86Sr < 0.70,705, +0.22‰ < δ81Br < +0.41‰). The δ37Cl isotopic values were lower in the recharge water (−0.48 < δ37Cl < −0.06‰) and higher in the deep groundwater (−0.01 < δ37Cl < +0.22‰). The isotopic values of strontium, chloride, and bromide in groundwater from the Wadi Watir delta aquifers indicate that the main groundwater recharge source comes from the up gradient catchment along the main stream channel entering the delta. The solute-weighted mass balance mixing models show that groundwater in the main well field contains 4–10% deep saline groundwater, and groundwater in some wells along the coast contain 2–6% seawater and 18–29% deep saline groundwater.A three-dimensional, variable-density, flow-and-transport SEAWAT model was developed using groundwater isotopes (87Sr/86Sr, δ37Cl and δ81Br) and calibrated using historical records of groundwater level and salinity. δ18O was used to normalize the evaporative effect on shallow groundwater salinity for model calibration. The model shows how groundwater salinity and hydrologic data can be used in SEAWAT to understand recharge mechanisms, estimate groundwater recharge rates, and simulate the upwelling of deep saline groundwater and seawater intrusion. The model indicates that most of the groundwater recharge occurs near the outlet of the main channel. Average annual recharge to delta alluvial aquifers for 1982 to 2009 is estimated to be 2.16 × 106 m3/yr. The main factors that control groundwater salinity are overpumping and recharge availability.  相似文献   

The Sinai Peninsula has a triangular shape between the African and Arabian Plates and is bounded from the western and eastern borders by the Gulf of Suez and Gulf of Aqaba–Dead Sea rift systems, respectively. It is affected by strong and destructive earthquakes (e.g., March 31, 1969 and November 22, 1995) and moderate earthquakes (m b?>?5) throughout its history. After the installation of the Egyptian National Seismic Network (ENSN), a great number of earthquakes has been recorded within and around Sinai. Consequently, the seismogenic source zones and seismotectonic behavior can be clearly identified. Available data, including both historical and instrumental (1900–1997), have been collected from national and international data centers. While the data from 1998 till December 2007 are gathered from ENSN bulletins. The seismogenic source zones that might affect Sinai Peninsula are defined more precisely in this work depending on the distribution of earthquakes, seismicity rate (a value), b value, and fault plane solution of the major earthquakes. In addition, the type of faults prevailed and characterized these zones. It is concluded that the Gulf of Aqaba zone–Dead Sea transform zone, Gulf of Suez rift zone, Cairo–Suez District zone, and Eastern Mediterranean dislocation zone represent the major effective zones for Sinai. Furthermore, there are two local seismic zones passing through Sinai contributing to the earthquake activities of Sinai, these are the Negev shear zone and Central Sinai fault (Themed fault) zone. The source parameters, a and b values, and the maximum expected moment magnitude have been determined for each of these zones. These results will contribute to a great extent in the seismic hazard assessment and risk mitigation studies for Sinai Peninsula to protect the developmental projects.  相似文献   

Wadi El-Natrun area has recently undergone extensive urban and agricultural expansion. Due to the absence of natural surface irrigation supplies, the only source of water in the area is the Pliocene groundwater aquifer. As a result, secondary salinization from increased abstractions is the major threat to the groundwater aquifer. There is a dire need for efficient strategies to ensure long-term sustainability of the area’s productive agriculture. These strategies should be based on scientific spatio-temporal monitoring and analysis of the groundwater conditions that is also lacking. To capture the spatio-temporal variability in groundwater conditions, field measurements of total dissolved solids, electrical conductivity, pH, temperature, and water level as well as lab-based ionic composition were performed on 47 groundwater samples collected during 2006 and 2007. Determinations of the hydrochemical characteristics, water types, salt assemblages, and the sodium adsorption ratio were carried out on the samples. Reference data sets recorded in 1973 and 1997 were available for the area and were used to monitor the changes occurred in these periods. Geographic information system (GIS) was appraised for mapping and for integrated analysis of the different layers. Remotely sensed change detection techniques were applied to the Landsat TM and the ETM + imageries and used to highlight the extensive reclamation and urbanization and to find key trends for the alterations in the groundwater conditions and their spatial association with land covers. Results revealed a topographic depression-induced flow pattern, predominance of leaching and dissolution processes, the presence of saline lakes, over-pumping from the Pliocene aquifer, and temporal changes in land uses are the main factors combined to control the spatio-temporal variability in the groundwater. Results also clarified the presence of two: northwestern and southeastern zones that varied distinctively in their hydrodynamic and hydrochemical characteristics. The northwestern zone showed an average water level decline of 15 m, the water of which is brackish (av. 2,037 mg/l) with dominant Na+, Cl and SO4 2− ions. The groundwater of this zone is characterized by high to very high salinity hazard and high to very high alkali hazard and is not recommended for irrigation on soils with poor drainage and without proper management for salinity control. The southeastern zone showed water level decline less than 2 m, the water of which is fresh (av. 424 mg/l) with major Na+, HCO3 , Cl, and SO4 2− ions, and quality suitable for irrigation with medium to high salinity and low to medium alkali hazards. The article represents the first step towards an integrated management of Wadi El-Natrun groundwater resources within a GIS framework.  相似文献   

Hydrogeophysical investigations of the Pleistocene aquifer at the Kom Hamada area, Egypt, have been conducted to determine the characteristics of groundwater. The main water-bearing formations in the study area are composed of Quaternary deposits. Water samples were taken and chemically analyzed at 29 sites. The constructed iso-salinity contour map of the study area showed an increase in salinity from 451.75 mg/l at eastern parts to 1,091.85 mg/l at western parts. The groundwater of the study area showed a hydrochemical evolution from Ca–HCO3 at the eastern side to Na–Cl at the western side. Some of groundwater constituents have high concentration values exceeding the safe limit for drinking. Eighteen vertical electrical soundings (VES) were conducted in the study area. These soundings were conducted near existing wells to obtain layer parameters of the various penetrated layers and to calculate the petrophysical characteristics of the aquifers. The resistivity of the first water-bearing layer ranges between 34 and 47 Ω m. The thickness of this layer ranges between 26 and 79 m. This layer represents the first aquifer, where it is followed by another water-bearing layer with resistivity ranges between 29 and 62 Ω m and extends downward. The two aquifers are hydraulically connected. Variation of the resistivities of these two water-bearing layers is mainly due to the lithological variation. The resistivity values along with the TDS values of the two water-bearing layers indicate fresh to brackish water types.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to delineate the pollution vulnerability of the Quaternary aquifer in two areas, Imbaba and Shobra El-Khima, near Cairo, Egypt. Environmental isotopes combined with hydrochemistry were used for this purpose. The groundwater in the Imbaba area (average total dissolved solids about 900 mg/L; sodium/chloride, sulfate, and bicarbonate water types) is more mineralized than groundwater in the Shobra El-Khima area (average total dissolved solids 500 mg/L; calcium and sodium/bicarbonate water type). A high nitrate content and significant mineralization in the groundwater are probably due to contamination of recharge to the aquifer by irrigation drainage, deteriorated sewage networks, and septic tanks. The deuterium and oxygen-18 compositions of the groundwater are depleted compared to Nile River water, which is the main source of aquifer recharge. This less isotopically enriched water probably represents older Nile water recharge that flooded the region before construction of the Aswan High Dam in 1963, or it is a mixture of a young water and originally deposited paleowater that was in deeper horizons at a time of cooler and more humid climate. Intensive pumping has moved the paleowater higher in the aquifer. Groundwater in the Shobra El-Khima area has higher residence time, based on the tritium concentration, than groundwater in the Imbaba area. The percentage of the isotopically depleted water equals 75% in the Shobra El-Khima and 35% in Imbaba, and the thickness of the clay cap above the aquifer is 38 m in Shobra El-Khima and 20 m in Imbaba. These factors are indicative of the rate of recharge to the aquifer and were used to evaluate the pollution vulnerability in the two areas. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

There are two main granitic rocks cropping out in the study area:1) the syn-orogenic granites are moderately weathered,jointed,exfoliated and characterized by low relief.These rocks are subdivided into tonalite and granodiorite.They are essentially composed of plagioclase,quartz,biotite,hornblende and potash feldspar;and 2) the post-orogenic granites,characterized by high relief terrain and represented by monzogranite,syenogranite and alkali granite.The monzogranites suffered hydrothermal alteration in particular along joints,faults,shear zones and fractures,which recorded the highest values of radioactivity,reflecting the role of post-magmatic alteration processes in the enhancement of radioactivity.The hydrothermal alteration(desilicification and hematitization) resulted in the formation of mineralized(altered) granites.The altered granites are enriched in TiO 2,Al 2 O 3,FeO T,MnO,MgO,Na 2 O,Rb,Sr,Y,Zr,Zn,Ga and Co and depleted in SiO 2,CaO,P 2 O 5,Nb,Pb,Cu,Ni and Cr relative to the fresh monzogranite.The investigated granites contain basic xenoliths as well as pockets of pegmatites.Perthites,quartz,plagioclase and sometimes biotite,represent the essential constituents.Some accessory minerals like zircon are metamicted reflecting their radiogenic nature.The alkali granites are characterized by the presence of aegirine,rebeckite and arfvedsonite.Both syn-and post-orogenic granites show some variations in their bulk chemical compositions.The older granitoids are metaluminous and exhibit characteristics of I-type granites and possess an arc tectonic environment.On the other hand,the younger granites are peraluminous and exhibit the characteristics of post-collisional granites.It is interpreted that radioactivity of the studied rocks is mainly controlled by both magmatic and post-magmatic activities.Frequently,the post-orogenic granites host zoned and unzoned pegmatite pockets.Some of these pockets anomalously attain high radioactivity.The syenogranites and the pegmatites are characterized by high contents of SiO 2 and K 2 O and low CaO and MgO.They have transitional characters from highly fractionated calc-alkaline to alkaline.The alkali granites related to A2-subtype of A-type granites.The post-orogenic granites were originated from magma of dominant crustal source materials and related to post-collisional setting under extensional environment.  相似文献   

武毅  孙银行  李凤哲 《中国岩溶》2011,30(3):278-284
针对西南岩溶地区表层带岩溶水、管道型岩溶水(溶洞、暗河、管道等)、构造裂隙岩溶水等不同类型地下水赋存介质特点,通过适宜的地球物理方法使用条件以及找水特点的分析,提出不同含水介质中寻找地下水地球物理勘查要解决的地质问题、拟采用的综合物探方法,分别总结出了它们的电性参数(或曲线)的响应特征,形成了不同含水介质的地球物理勘查技术组合方案。最后通过实例验证其实用性,并对在西南岩溶地区地下水地球物理勘查工作中积累的技术经验进行了总结。   相似文献   

Blasband  B.  Brooijmans  P.  Dirks  P.  Visser  W.  White  S. 《Geologie en Mijnbouw》1997,76(3):247-266
In the late Precambrian history of the Wadi Kid area in the Sinai, Egypt, two deformation phases are clearly recognized. The first phase, D1 (pre-620 Ma), produced a steep regional foliation, axial planar to upright F1 folds, in rocks of a lower-greenschist grade. This compressional phase of deformation is interpreted in terms of subduction in an island-arc setting. The second phase, D1 (post-620 Ma), is mainly expressed by the widespread development of sub-horizontal mylonitic zones with a total thickness of 1.5 km. Shear sense indicators give a consistent regional transport direction to the northwest, with local indications of reversal to the southeast. This event is associated with regional LP/HT metamorphism, indicative of high thermal gradients. Because of the LP/HT metamorphism, the change in geochemical nature of the granitoids, and the orientation of the dykes, we interpret the mylonitic zones as low-angle normal shear zones related to core-complex development during an extensional event with the transport reversal being induced by doming. We postulate that orogenic collapse was responsible for the transition from the D1 compressional phase to the D1 extensional phase.  相似文献   

El Shalal-Kema area is located east of Aswan town and Nile River. The Quaternary sediments (unconsolidated material of sands, gravels, and clays intercalation) represent the main aquifer in the studied area. Its water is under unconfined condition, and the water table is shallow (vary from 7.5 to 16.3 m). The concerned aquifer is recharged mainly from Aswan Dam Lake, from the excess irrigation water and from septic tanks, where the area is not served by sewage system. The direction of the groundwater movement is generally from south to north. The transmissivity values of the Quaternary aquifer (from three pumping tests) are relatively high (vary from 1,996 to 3,029 m2/day). The exploitation of groundwater is carried out where there is continuous withdrawal for industrial and domestic uses with a total average quantity of groundwater of 71,304 m3 per day (25.67 million m3 per year). The hydrochemical characteristics of the Quaternary aquifer is studied based on the chemical analysis of 29 groundwater and four surface water samples collected from different sites. The chemical composition of the groundwater is dominated by calcium Ca2+ from the cations and bicarbonate (HCO 3 ? ) from the anions, and the order of cation abundance is Ca2+ > Na+ > Mg2+ > K+ and HCO 3 ? > SO 4 2? > Cl? among the anions. The groundwater types are normal chloride water, normal sulfate water, and normal carbonate water. The hypothetical salt combination revealed the presence of different salts arranged in terms of their predominant as Ca(HCO3)2, Mg(HCO3)2, NaCl, Na2SO4, MgSO4, KCL, NaHCO3, MgCl2, CaSO4, and K2SO4. The analytical measurements to the NO2 and NH3 reveal that their values decrease in summer and increase in winter due to the stoppage of pumping which leads to the increase of the wastewater quantities that reach the groundwater. The chemical and microbiological analyses show that the aquifer in this area is contaminated with fecal and disease-causing bacteria. The main cause of this contamination is the outflow from the septic tanks; therefore, the construction of sewage network is a vital solution. Chlorination is important to disinfect the groundwater at the tanks before its distribution to the houses.  相似文献   

Geological, petrological and geochemical studies indicated that there are two distinct types of granitoid rocks: older quartz diorites to granodiorite assemblage and younger granitoids, the latter occurring in two phases. The older granitoids have a meta-aluminous chemistry and a calc-alkaline character, with high MgO, Fe2O3, TiO2, CaO, P2O5, Sr and low SiO2, K2O, and Rb. Their major and trace elements data, together with low 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios (0.7029±0.0008) are indicative of I-type affinities. The second-...  相似文献   

Strongly deformed and locally migmatized gneisses occur at several places in the southern Eastern Desert of Egypt and in Sinai and have variously been interpreted as a basement to Pan-african (900 to 600 Ma) supracrustal and intrusive assemblages. A suite of grabbroic to granitic gneisses was investigated in the Hafafit area, which constitutes an I-type calc-alkaline intrusive assemblage whose chemistry suggests emplacement along an active continental margin and whose granitoid members can be correlated with the so-called Older Granites of Egypt.207Pb/206Pb single zircon evaporation from three samples of the Hafafit gneisses yielded protolith emplacement ages between 677 ± 9 and 700 ± 12 Ma and document granitoid activity over a period of about 23 Ma. A migmatitic granitic gneiss from Wadi Bitan, south-west of Ras Banas, has a zircon age of 704 ± 8 Ma, and its protolith was apparently generated during the same intrusive event as the granitoids at Hafafit. Single zircons from a dioritic gneiss from Wadi Feiran in south-west Sinai suggest emplacement of the protolith at 796 ± 6 Ma and this is comparable with ages for granitoids in north-east Sinai and southern Israel. None of the above gneisses is derived from remelting of older continental crust, but they are interpreted as reflecting subduction-related calc-alkaline magmatism during early Pan-african magmatic arc formation.  相似文献   

Groundwater resources in the Sohag area, Egypt are currently threatened by contamination from municipal and industrial activities, and agricultural pesticides. To cope with the growing population, there has been development in the desert zone on both sides of the Nile Valley including agricultural investment areas, wastewater disposal sites, new urban areas, and industry. Use of agrochemicals in the old cultivated and newly reclaimed lands and wastewater disposal sites in the study area represent the most hazardous contamination sources. Prevention of contamination and management of the Quaternary aquifer is urgently needed. To address vulnerability assessment of the Quaternary aquifer, the Generic and Pesticide DRASTIC GIS-based models have been used. The Generic DRASTIC index ranged between 94 and 189, and the Pesticide DRASTIC index ranged between 94 and 226. The results showed that 83% of the Quaternary aquifer is characterized by the high and very high vulnerability classes to municipal, industrial and agricultural pesticides contamination. It was found that nearly all the development projects are located in the very high vulnerability class areas. Management alternatives for the Quaternary aquifer may be improved by application of these models, allowing sensitive groundwater sources to be protected for continuing use in the future.  相似文献   

Summary At the northeastern flank of Gebel Yelleq, northern Sinai, pure limestones of Upper Cretaceous age were subjected to a thermal overprint, caused by a c. 80m thick Tertiary olivine dolerite sill. Metasomatic supply of Si, Al, Fe, Mg and Ti was greater to the c. 7m wide upper than to the c. 25m wide lower thermal aureole. The greater width of the lower aureole is possibly due to a longer duration of the thermal overprint at this contact. Mineral assemblages in both aureoles are (from the contact outward):(i) clinopyroxene + garnet ± wollastonite + calcite(ii) garnet ± wollastonite + calcite;(iii) wollastonite + calcite.In places, late stage xenoblasts of apophyllite and witherite overgrow these assemblages. Garnets are grandites to melanites with Grs56–86Adr14–42Sch0–2Sps0–0.2Prp0 in the lower, and Grs29–94Adr5–64Sch0–12Sps0–0.2Prp0–1.7 in the upper aureole. Close to the upper contact, clinopyroxene is virtually pure diopside with X Mg = Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) = 0.97–1.0, whereas clinopyroxenes farther away from the upper contact and in the lower aureole have X Mg-values of 0.49 and 0.53, respectively.The minimum temperatures reached during contact metamorphism in the upper and lower aureole are defined by the lower stability limit of wollastonite. The temperatures are inferred with a calculated T-X(CO2) projection in the system CMASCH and are estimated at c. 290 °C and 380 °C for X(CO2) values of 0.05 and 0.25, respectively. A pressure of roughly 100 bar is estimated for the lower dolerite-limestone contact. As indicated by one-dimensional thermal modelling, a maximum temperature of 695 °C was attained at this contact, assuming a magma temperature of 1150 °C. Further modelling results indicate (i) wollastonite, which occurs first 13 m away from the lower contact, formed at a maximum temperature of c. 575 °C, (ii) there, wollastonite formation lasted for approximately 170 years and, (iii) at the outer rim of the lower aureole, the maximum temperature reached was 480 °C, and temperatures sufficient for wollastonite formation lasted for about 140 years.  相似文献   

Precambrian granites of the Sharm El-Sheikh area in south Sinai, Egypt belong to collisional and post-collisional Magmatism (610–580 Ma). The granites are widely distributed in the northern part of the Neoproterozoic Arabian-Nubian Shield. South Sinai includes important components of successive multiple stages of upper crust granitic rocks. The earliest stages include monzogranite and syenogranites while the later stages produced alkali feldspar granites and riebeckite-bearing granites. Numerous felsic, mafic dikes and quartz veins traverse the study granites. Petrographically, the granitic rocks consist mainly of perthite, plagioclase, quartz, biotite and riebeckite. Analysis results portray monzogranites displaying calc-alkaline characteristics and emplaced in island-arc tectonic settings, whereas the syenogranites, alkali-feldspar granites and the riebeckite bearing-granites exhibit an alkaline nature and are enriched in HFSEs similar to granites within an extensional regime. Multi-element variation diagrams and geochemical characteristics reinforce a post-collision tectonic setting. REEs geochemical modeling reveals that the rocks were generated as a result of partial melting and fractionation of lower crust basaltic magma giving rise to A1 and A2 subtype granites. They were subsequently emplaced within an intraplate environment at the end of the Pan-African Orogeny.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with the radioactivity and mineralogy of the younger granites and pegmatites in the Wadi Haleifiya area, southeastern Sinai Peninsula, Egypt. The area is occupied by metasediments, migmatites, older and younger granites. Most of these rocks, especially granites, are dissected by mafic and felsic dykes as well as pegmatites. The younger granites are represented by three main varieties: monzogranites, syenogranites and alkali feldspar granites. The monzogranite consists essentially of quartz, plagioclase, potash feldspar and biotite with minor musco-vite. Iron oxide, titanite, zircon and allanite are the main accessory minerals. Syenogranite is massive, medium- to coarse-grained and commonly exhibits equigranular and hypidiomorphic textures. It is made up essentially of potash feldspar, quartz, plagioclase and biotite. Iron oxides, allanite, epidote, titanite, and zircon are accessory minerals. The alkali feldspar granite consists mainly of perthite, quartz, alkali amphibole (arfvedsonite and riebekite), biotite, sub-ordinate plagioclase and aegirine. Iron oxide, zircon and apatite are accessory minerals, whereas chlorite and sas-surite are secondary minerals. The altered monzogranite and pegmatite recorded high radioelement contents. The eU reaches up to 120 (av.=82×10-6) in the altered monzogranite and up to 55 (av.=27×10-6) in the pegmatites. The high radioactivity in the altered monzogranite is due to the presence of thorite, uranothorite and metamict zircon. In the pegmatites, it is re-lated to the presence of uranophane, uranothorite, thorite, zircon, samarskite, monazite, xenotime, magnetite, ilmen-ite, hematite and rutile.  相似文献   

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