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In December 2007, the Mila region of northeastern Algeria experienced thousands of microearthquakes (0.8????Md????3.9) recorded by eight temporary stations, in addition to permanent stations. Most of the events were too small to be located precisely, but a set of 122 precisely located events shows an alignment of epicenters, extending mainly in a horizontal band at about 1?C2?km depth in a NNW?CSSE direction and concentrated in a small area, 3?km southeast of Jebel Akhal, a small rocky hill between the Beni Haroun dam/reservoir and the Oued Athmania reservoir. The reservoirs are connected by pipelines, and a pumping station ensures water can be transferred between them at transient pressures of up to 80?bars. During the pumping in 2007, only 45?% of the transferred water (~600,000?m3 per day) was recovered at the Oued Athmania reservoir, and a large amount of the slightly pressurized water leaked through defective joints in a tunnel that passes through the Jebel. This water penetrated deeply into the soil with the assistance of preexisting fractures, faults, and karsts. Nine days after the first pumping started, a local increase in pore fluid pressures at shallow depths triggered seismicity southeast of Jebel Akhal, where the faults were probably close to failure. The focal mechanisms show a near vertical N?CS strike-slip fault plane under regional NW?CSE tectonic compression. One of the fault plane solutions is consistent with the NNW?CSSE direction along which the seismic events are aligned. Furthermore, a long-term comparison of the seismic activity in the region versus water levels behind the dam and the pumping of water shows that the earthquake swarm was a one-off event related to the pumping operation.  相似文献   

The early diagenetic characteristics of pyrite formation processes in a Miocene freshwater sequence of mixed sediments (coal fragments in clays, sandstones or shales) alternating with continuous brown coal layers was investigated. Based on abundant minerals, the following main sedimentary environments were distinguished: the illite-montmorillonitic (I-M), calcitic (Ct) and coal-forming environment (CL). For these hydrogeochemically differing environments the effects of limiting factors on the pyrite formation process (availability of sulphate and Fe, amount of organic matter and participation of organic sulphur) were assessed by correlation analysis. Significant differences in the effects of these limiting factors in the particular environments were observed. These differences were explained taking in account the different oxidative activity, Fe-complex and surface complex forming properties of humic substances in dependence of pH of environment and the abundance of sorptionally active clay minerals. In environments having a relatively low pH and containing clay minerals (I-M- and CL-environments) the oxidative activity of humic substances (Hs) on pyrite precursors was greatly prevented however pyrite formation depended on reactive Fe availability as the consequence of complex formation. On the contrary, in environments with a relatively high pH, as it was the calcitic, the oxidative activity of Hs was greatly enhanced, thus oxidizing the sulfur precursors of pyrite. The oxidation degree of organic matter was probably also a consequence of the differing activity of the humic electron-acceptors.  相似文献   

为研究长江中下游红土剖面中粘土矿物的特征及其成因意义, 对安徽宣城红土剖面中粘土矿物进行深入、系统的X射线衍射分析.结果表明, 宣城剖面各土壤层中粘土矿物成分基本一致, 主要为蛭石、伊利石、高岭石, 以及粘土矿物过渡相. 由采自剖面上部样品的X射线衍射图可知, 经乙二醇饱和后7 ?衍射峰可分解为7.15、7.60和7.92 ?三部分, 表明除了高岭石(7.15 ?)外, 还存在高岭晶层含量分别为~80%和~95%的2种高岭-蒙脱石过渡相, 并以前者为主; 剖面下部样品在乙二醇饱和后, 7 ?衍射峰可分解为7.16、7.79和8.35 ?等3个衍射峰, 其中8.35 ?峰衍射强度很小, 表明除了高岭石外, 样品中存在高岭晶层含量为~90%和~43%的高岭-蒙脱石过渡相, 后者含量甚少.甲酰胺饱和结果表明, 高岭-蒙脱石混层粘土矿物相中高岭晶层为埃洛石相.加热试验的衍射图中10 ?衍射峰强度明显增强, 证实高岭相中含有一定数量的来源于绿泥石风化的蒙脱石间层; 而10 ?衍射峰的低角度一侧没有出现拖尾现象, 则指示高岭-蒙脱石混层矿物中的蒙脱石不是简单的羟基间层蒙脱石.此外, 红土剖面中还普遍出现过渡性粘土矿物伊利石-蒙脱石混层和伊利石-蛭石混层粘土矿物.大量过渡性粘土矿物相的出现, 从成土作用的角度上说明红土沉积物经历了沉积-风化、以及多期风化作用叠加, 而且在沉积-风化成土过程中, 气候环境变化于强烈化学风化的温暖、季节性干旱和强烈风化淋滤的温暖而更加潮湿的条件.蛭石-伊利石混层粘土矿物仅发育于红土剖面上部, 表明总体上剖面上部的化学风化程度低于剖面下部.   相似文献   

In Alborz Mountains, the thickness of sediments in Member 2 of the Mila Formation (Middle Cambrian) underwent dramatic and abrupt deformations, which were accompanied by normal and reverse faults and asymmetrical folds. These deformed sediments are covered by parallel beds both in the upper and lower sides. The existence of such extension and compression structures adjacent to each other indicates the influence of non-tectonic factors in their evolution. These deformations induced by downslope gliding of sediment packages are fully compatible with the dislocation model of Farrell (J Struct Geol 6:727–736, 1984) and Farrell and Eaton (1987). Moreover, the occurrence of synsedimentary deformations in a vast area in Alborz Mountains reinforces the probability of the impact of seismic shocks in their formation. In fact, incessant seismic events in the Middle Cambrian led to numerous submarine slumpings in the sediments of Member 2 of the Mila Formation.  相似文献   

李勇成  张志鹏  陈绍友 《探矿工程》2008,35(2):75-76,71
以广东LNG珠江南岸盾构中遇到的复杂地层掘进情况为例,研究探讨了泥水平衡盾构机在粘土层中掘进问题,参照实际情况从不同环节给出解决措施,有效地提高了该底层下的作业速度.  相似文献   

<正>The role of authigenic clay growth in clay gouge is increasingly recognized as a key to understanding the mechanics of berittle faulting and fault zone processes,including creep and seismogenesis,and providing new insights into the ongoing debate about the frictional strength of brittle fault(Haines and van der Pluijm,2012).However,neither the conditions nor the processes which  相似文献   




滑坡易发性评价是滑坡早期预警的基础,为了探索适用于秦岭山区的区域滑坡易发性评价方法,本文在陕西凤县1:5万详细调查的基础上,针对山区地质灾害调查的特点,对传统信息量模型进行改进,利用ArcGIS软件基于改进的信息量模型完成了凤县滑坡易发性评价。结果显示:凤县地质灾害分布主要与植被覆盖率、河流侵蚀和人类工程活动相关。根据评价结果将凤县滑坡易发性划分为四个等级:高易发区面积165 km2,占全县总面积的5.2%;中易发区面积686 km2,占21.5%;低易发区面积1195 km2,占37.5%;基本安全区面积1141 km2,占35.8%。根据此评价结果,为陕西凤县土地利用规划和滑坡防治提供依据,并为秦岭山区的区域滑坡易发性评价提供思路和方法。  相似文献   

利用电子探针检测安徽凤阳石英岩中的含铁矿物,测量由相同矿区的石英岩加工而成的不同粒度石英砂的Fe2O3质量分数(w(Fe2O3))与磁化率。结果表明:石英岩中有磁铁矿、黄铁矿、黑云母与白云母等多种含铁矿物。这些含铁矿物主要充填在石英颗粒孔隙中,粒度大多小于0.1 mm。而石英砂中的w(Fe2O3)普遍很低(小于0.1%),其磁化率主要受磁铁矿控制。并且不同粒度的石英砂中w(Fe2O3)与磁化率存在较大差异,当石英砂中的w(Fe2O3)大于0.01%时,由Fe2+、Fe3+磁性离子含量决定磁化率大小,两者存在强正相关关系。这也反映出了石英岩的铁含量与磁化率之间的关系。因此,磁化率可作为石英岩铁含量的替代性指标。  相似文献   

通过岩石薄片、铸体薄片、扫描电镜、压汞分析及粘土矿物X衍射分析等资料,从储层的岩性、成岩作用、孔隙类型及影响孔隙结构的因素方面,对阿尔及利亚三叠盆地泥盆系Siegenian组储层的微观特征及成岩作用对其影响进行了研究。研究结果表明,该储层以石英细砂岩、粉砂岩为主,成分成熟度高。储集空间主要有原生粒间孔、粒内溶孔、粒间溶孔、铸模孔、胶结物内溶孔及构造裂缝6种,主要以次生溶蚀孔隙为主,且首次在研究区发现了石英溶蚀孔,并研究了碱性流体的来源。孔隙结构以细孔、细喉-微喉型为主,少量中孔细喉型和微孔微喉型。成岩作用类型多样,在区内发现了碱性溶蚀作用。成岩作用对储层发育具有重要的影响,压实、胶结作用是导致孔隙度和渗透率降低的主要因素,溶蚀作用是区内储层改善的最重要的成岩作用类型。X区块勘探程度低,明确其储层微观特征有利于X区块的进一步勘探开发。  相似文献   

In the context of nuclear waste disposal in clay formations, laboratory experiments were performed to study at reduced scale the excavation damaged zone (EDZ) induced by the construction of galleries in the Boom clay formation. For this purpose, thick-walled hollow cylindrical samples were subjected (after recovery of in situ stress conditions) to a decrease in the inner confining pressure aiming at mimicking a gallery excavation. X-ray computed tomography (XRCT) scans of the specimens were carried out through the testing cell before and after the mechanical unloading and allowed to quantify the displacements undergone by the clay as a result of the mechanical unloading. The deformation of the hollow cylinders and the inferred extent of the damaged zone around the central hole are found to depend on the orientation of the specimen with respect to the bedding planes and show a great similarity with in situ observations around galleries and boreholes at Mol URL in the Boom clay formation. In the experiments performed on samples cored parallel to the bedding, the damaged zone is not symmetrical with respect to the hole axis and extends more in the direction parallel to the bedding. It is the same for the radial convergence of the hole walls which is larger in the direction parallel to bedding than in the perpendicular one. In contrast, a test on a sample cored perpendicularly to the bedding did not show any ovalisation of the central hole after the mechanical unloading. These observations confirm the significance of the pre-existing planes of weakness (bedding planes) in Boom clay and the need for a correct consideration of the related mechanical anisotropy.  相似文献   

从1981年开始,历时4年,笔者对福建省下二叠统龙岩组2937个粘土样品进行了测试,从而对闽西南凹陷带龙岩组粘土的沉积规律及含煤沉积的物质来源有了新的认识,并对传统的存在闽东南华夏古陆的观点提出不同看法。  相似文献   

陈涛  王河锦 《地球科学》2008,33(5):716-722
为了解天津蓟县长城系串岭沟组地层中混层粘土矿物的组成和结构特征, 利用X射线粉晶衍射(XRD) 和高分辨透射电镜(HRTEM) 对其进行了深入研究.通过对比该区粘土矿物的自然干燥片、Ca离子饱和片、Ca饱和的乙二醇膨胀片、加热到375℃和550℃的乙二醇膨胀片获取的XRD衍射峰, 确定该区混层粘土矿物为伊利石/蒙脱石(I/S) 不规则混层矿物和绿泥石/蒙脱石(Chl/S) 不规则混层矿物.从高分辨透射电镜观察到I/S规则及不规则混层的晶格条纹像以及Chl/S不规则混层的晶格条纹像, 揭示了该区I/S混层和Chl/S混层的层间堆跺结构特征.该研究为蓟县中元古界典型剖面提供了重要的混层粘土矿物的结构信息.   相似文献   

甘肃陇南武都区泥石流易发性评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章分析了甘肃陇南市武都区泥石流形成的自然环境背景、发育特征及易发性。通过野外实地考察,查明了泥石流的发育情况,在此基础上,采用模糊物元可拓方法对泥石流的易发性进行了评价。分析表明,研究区的泥石流具有分布密度高、冲沟及坡面泥石流成片发育、北岸泥石流较南岸发育且粘性泥石流所占比例大于南岸的发育特征;选取岩性、沟床比降、山坡坡度、完整系数、发育程度、降水、断层密度7个因子构建泥石流易发性评价指标体系。通过易发性评价,研究区104条泥石流沟中,66条为高易发性,占总数的63.5%;32条为中等易发性,占总数的30.8%;6条为低易发性,占总数的5.7%。  相似文献   

四川广安地区侏罗系粘土矿物类型主要为绿泥石、高岭石、伊蒙混层和伊利石;同一口井随着深度的增加,伊利石、绿泥石含量增加,伊蒙混层中的蒙脱石混层比降低。粘土矿物特征与储集层物性的相关性分析认为:伊蒙混层含量、伊利石含量均与储集层孔渗性能呈负相关,绿泥石与高岭石含量与储集层孔渗性呈正相关;通过对伊蒙混层中蒙脱石的混层比的计算,大多数为有序混层,说明该区凉高山组处于生油高峰期,这与岩石中TOC(%)介于0.8与1.3,Ro(%)介于0.7与1.2相吻合。  相似文献   

Hydrothermal alteration, involving chiefly chlorite and illite, is extensively distributed within host rocks of the Pleistocene Hishikari Lower Andesites (HLA) and the Cretaceous Shimanto Supergroup (SSG) in the underground mining area of the Hishikari epithermal gold deposit, Kagoshima, Japan. Approximately 60% of the mineable auriferous quartz‐adularia veins in the Honko vein system occur in sedimentary rocks of the SSG, whereas all the veins of the Yamada vein system occur in volcanic rocks of the HLA. Variations in the abundance and chemical composition of hydrothermal minerals and magnetic susceptibility of the hydrothermally altered rocks of the HLA and SSG were analyzed. In volcanic rocks of the HLA, hydrothermal minerals such as quartz, chlorite, adularia, illite, and pyrite replaced primary minerals. The amount of hydrothermal minerals in the volcanic rocks including chlorite, adularia, illite, and pyrite as well as the altered and/or replaced pyroxenes and plagioclase phenocrysts increases toward the veins in the Honko vein system. The vein‐centered variation in mineral assemblage is pronounced within up to 25 m from the veins in the peripheral area of the Honko vein system, whereas it is not as apparent in the Yamada vein system. The hydrothermal minerals in sandstone of the SSG occur mainly as seams less than a few millimeters thick and are sporadically observed in halos along the veins and/or the seams. The alteration halos in sandstone of the SSG are restricted to within 1 m of the veins. In the peripheral area of the Honko vein system, chlorite in volcanic rocks is characterized by increasing in Al in its tetrahedral layer and the Fe/Fe + Mg ratio toward the veins, while illite in volcanic rocks has relatively low K and a restricted range of Fe/Fe + Mg ratios. Temperature estimates derived from chlorite geothermometry rise toward the veins within the volcanic rocks. The magnetic susceptibility of tuff breccia of the HLA varies from 21 to less than 0.01 × 10?3 SI within a span of 40 m from the veins and has significant variation relative to that of andesite (27–0.06 × 10?3 SI). The variation peripheral to the Honko vein system correlates with an increase in the abundance of hematite pseudomorphs after magnetite, the percentage of adularia and chlorite with high Fe/Fe + Mg ratios, and the degree of plagioclase alteration with decreasing distance to the veins. In contrast, sedimentary rocks of the SSG maintain a consistent magnetic susceptibility across the alteration zone, within a narrow range from 0.3 to 0.2 × 10?3 SI. Magnetic susceptibility of volcanic rocks of the HLA, especially tuff breccia, could serve as an effective exploration tool for identifying altered volcanic rocks.  相似文献   

四川广安地区侏罗系粘土矿物类型主要为绿泥石、高岭石、伊蒙混层和伊利石;同一口井随着深度的增加,伊利石、绿泥石含量增加,伊蒙混层中的蒙脱石混层比降低。粘土矿物特征与储集层物性的相关性分析认为:伊蒙混层含量、伊利石含量均与储集层孔渗性能呈负相关,绿泥石与高岭石含量与储集层孔渗性呈正相关;通过对伊蒙混层中蒙脱石的混层比的计算,大多数为有序混层,说明该区凉高山组处于生油高峰期,这与岩石中TOC(%)介于0.8与1.3,Ro(%)介于0.7与1.2相吻合。  相似文献   

对六盘山以西132 m水洛红黏土剖面磁化率各向异性特征的研究表明,水洛红黏土剖面记录的14.8~8.7 Ma沉积序列受到了同沉积时期不同程度的应力作用,磁化率各向异性变化特征对应于应力作用强度较弱的初期和应力作用强度有所加强的中期。进一步分析发现,14.8~11.0 Ma之间显示出3次应力增强和后续应力减弱交替变化的特点,这一应力作用事件可能与青藏高原东北缘在此阶段强烈构造活动的区域应力传递相关,而11.0~8.7 Ma期间存在一个相对较强的应力作用事件,可能是对局部地区应力增强事件的响应。  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The work presents the first results on the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility in Hooker Island basaltoids; this anisotropy is related to the direction of motion of the...  相似文献   

The Upper Emsian to Frasnian Ia-Ib strata of the Marhouma area (or “km 30” outcrop), exposed in the Ougarta Range (SW Algeria) belong to the Chefar El Ahmar Formation. On the basis of distinct lithological and palaeontological features, this formation is subdivided into three members (Lower Marly Limestones Member, Middle Marly Limestones Member, and Upper Marly Limestones Member). The studied beds show low to moderate diversity of trace fossil assemblage which contains thirteen ichnotaxa: Chondrites intricatus, Chondrites isp., Chondrites cf. targionii, Circulichnis cf. montanus, Cochlichnus isp., Neonereites biserialis, Neonereites multiserialis, Nereites isp., Palaeophycus isp., Planolites isp., Thalassinoides isp., Zoophycos aff. cauda-galli, and Zoophycos isp. A. The two latter ichnotaxa are the most common trace fossils in the assemblage and occur at three different levels showing different bioturbation intensities. The first Zoophycos-bearing level (Zl 1) is characterised by an overall high bioturbation intensity reflecting a very high oxygenation rate and nutrient supply, allowing the development of large and dense Zoophycos specimens. The second Zoophycos-bearing level (Zl 2) has a considerable reduction of bioturbation intensity as compared to the previous level, with an abundance of Chondrites, which is probably due to radical palaeoecological changes that suggests dysoxic and stressful conditions. The third Zoophycos-bearing level (Zl 3) is characterised by an overall moderate bioturbation intensity. The distribution of trace fossils was influenced by lithology, sedimentation rate, energy level (storm events), bottom oxygenation, and nutrient supply. The lithofacies and trace fossils of the Chefar El Ahmar Formation both indicate a depositional environment fluctuating from the lower shoreface to lower offshore zone.  相似文献   

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