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利用元素分析仪和原子吸收光谱仪分析了褶纹冠蚌(Cristaria plicata Leach)的四个不同培育阶段的珍珠的十三种元素的含量,以期从连续动态的角度探讨珍珠的形成机制。结果表明,随着育珠时间的延长,珍珠中Ca元素的含量是逐渐增加的,C和H元素的含量则是逐渐下降的。在微量元素中,Na、Cu、Zn、Mg和Sr的含量比较高,其中Na在晚期的珍珠中的含量显著高于早期的珍珠,而CuZn、Mg等其它微量元素则是在早期珍珠中的含量明显高于晚期珍珠,它们随着育珠时间的延长呈指数下降。  相似文献   

企鹅珍珠贝附壳珍珠的培育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以7种聚乙烯塑料核型为珠核,正常壳形与二壳隆起的畸形企鹅珍珠贝为手术贝,培育附壳珍珠。养殖6个月,结果表明:壳形正常的育珠贝成活率为73.3%~93.8%,成珠率55.0%~82.0%;畸形贝成活率为60%,成珠率53.3%。统计分析表明:珠核高度是影响育珠贝成活率和成珠率的主要因素,珠核越高,育珠贝成活率和成珠率越低。畸形贝与正常壳形贝成活率和成珠率存在极显著差异(P<0.01),畸形贝不宜用作手术贝。  相似文献   

在水温为21.4℃—31.2℃,盐度为27.2‰—36.3‰的环境条件下,进行了企鹅珍珠贝培育附壳珍珠的研究。经287天的育珠,成活率87.5%。在收获的15个母贝中,植入直径为7~10mm的珠核47粒,佛像模型2个;收获附壳珍珠40颗,佛像2个,留核率达85.7%。其中商品珠35颗,商品珠率为83.3%。在商品珠中,珠色为银白色的16颗,占45.7%;金黄色的16颗(包括1佛像),占45.7%;污斑珠3颗,占8.6%。珍珠直径超过11mm的有5颗,10.0~10.9mm的有19颗,9.0~9.9mm的有9颗,8.0~8.9mm的仅1颗。抽测珍珠5颗,珠层厚度最大者862.5μm,最薄者562.5μm。  相似文献   

淡水有核珍珠大面积养殖技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在33.3hm2的育珠水体中,选择2龄三角帆蚌作手术贝,采用外套膜错位排列的方法,每只母蚌植入直径6~7mm珠核10粒进行育珠试验。结果表明,经2~3a的育珠,育珠蚌成活率75%,留核率45%~75%,优质珠率40%,经济效益是普通无核珍珠的3倍以上,并且收珠后的育珠蚌可以再次植核育珠。1991-2001年,试验结果以广东绍河珍珠有限公司建立的养殖基地在福建、江西、安徽、浙江和江苏等地进行示范和推广,推广面积2000hm2,取得良好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

在海区中养殖珍珠常受到台风、淡水、低温等自然灾害的影响和敌害生物的侵袭,使育珠贝大量死亡。在岸上水槽系统,在人为控制的条件下养殖海水珍珠——工厂化育珠,则可避免上述的影响。本文介绍工厂化培育海水珍珠的试验设施、育珠试验、试验结果与评价。  相似文献   

The growth of peripheral ports to dominant hubs has been well documented in North America and Europe,and has led to the elaboration of several theoretical models.However,although changes in containerization growth have been taking place in the South and East Asia in recent years,particularly in China,only a few studies have fo-cused on this region.The Pearl(Zhujiang) River Delta(PRD) has a typical port system with hub and peripheral ports,and provides an excellent case for studying the Peripheral Challenge.This paper introduces the theoretical evidence of the Hayuth model and analyzes the evolution of the container port system in the PRD with five phases:1) phase I:preconditions for change and phase II:initial container port development in the 1970s and early 1980s;2) phase III:diffusion,consolidation,and port concentration in the middle and late 1980s;3) phase IV:the load center in the 1990s;and(4) phase V:the Peripheral Challenge since the late 1990s.The results illustrate that the Shenzhen port presents mounting challenges to the Hong Kong port,descending from a transshipment hub of China to a regional load center of Southeast China.Furthermore,this paper explores five points that have led to the evolution of the port system in the PRD:1) competition in the regional port systems;2) different interested parties;3) shift of investment strategies of in-ternational terminal operators;4) integration of shipping networks and reorganization of carriers;and 5) cost-based competition.  相似文献   

企鹅珍珠贝人工养殖及育珠的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在幼贝中间养成中采用柱形笼养殖法,母贝的养成中采用穿耳开放式养殖法,与全程采用锥形笼的传统式养殖方法相比较,进行企鹅珍珠贝人工养殖。结果表明:采用本技术养殖企鹅珍珠贝,在幼贝中间养成阶段,比传统养殖的壳高生长速率提高32·1%(P<0·05),壳长生长速率提高30·3%(P<0·01),成活率提高36%(P<0·01);母贝养成阶段,比传统养殖的壳高生长速率提高28·1%(P<0·05),壳长生长速率提高26·7%(P<0·01),成活率提高18·3%(P<0·01)。同时进行企鹅珍珠贝人工培育游离珠实验,植核贝在休养期和育珠期存活率分别为71·2%和54·3%,留核率分别为29·6·6%和21·0%,成珠率58·6%,优质珠比例为26·7%。  相似文献   

Reference values of erythrocyte sedimentation rate(ESR)are the key to interpret ESR blood test in clinic.The common local reference ESR values are more accuracy in blood test that are established with natural geographical factors by using the multiple linear regression(MLR)model and the artificial neural network(ANN).These knowledge-based methods have limitations since the knowledge domains of ESR and natural geographical factors are limited.This paper presents a new cases-depended model to establish reference ESR values with natural geographical factors and location using case-based reasoning(CBR)since knowledge domain of ESR and geographical factors is weak.Overall 224 local normal ESR values of China that calculated from 13623 samples were obtained,and the corresponding natural geographical factors and location that include altitude,sunshine hours,relative humidity,temperature,precipitation,annual temperature range and annual average wind speed were obtained from the National Geomatics Center of China.CBR was used to predict the unseen local reference ESR values with cases.The average absolute deviation(AAD),mean square error(MSE),prediction accuracy(PA),and Pearson correlation coefficient(r)between the observed and estimated data of proposed model is 33.07%,9.02,66.93% and 0.78,which are better than those of ANN and MLR model.The results show that the proposed model provides higher prediction accuracy than those of the artificial neural network and multiple linear regression models.The predicted values are very close to the observed values.Model results show significant agreement of cases data.Consequently,the model is used to predict the unseen local reference ESR with natural geographical factors and location.In spatial,the highest ESR reference areas are distributed in the southern-western district of China that includes Sichuan,Chongqing,Guangxi and Guizhou provinces,and the reference ESR values are greater than 23 mm/60 min.The higher ESR reference values are distributed in the middle part and northern-eastern of China which include Hubei,Henan,Shaanxi,Shanxi,Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces,and the reference ESR values are greater than 18 mm/60min.The lowest ESR reference values are distributed in the northern-western of China that includes Tibet and Xinjiang,and the reference ESR values are lower than 5 mm/60min.  相似文献   

地理信息数据库法律保护问题初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对地理信息数据库是数据库的一种特殊形式 ,阐述了地理信息数据库获得著作权保护的法律依据以及世界部分国家数据库的法律保护及数据库特殊权利保护。通过对数字环境下我国数据库著作权保护面临问题的分析 ,寻求地理信息数据库的法律保护形式。  相似文献   

地理信息系统不仅发展成为一门成熟的技术科学 ,而且已成为一个新兴的产业 ,在测绘、地质矿产、农林水利、环境监测、区域开发等领域发挥越来越重要的作用。利用地球信息科学领域积累的大量的 GIS数据 ,进行其出版可视化技术研究与实践 ,不仅能够满足 GIS空间数据的出版要求 ,同时对于最大限度地利用 GIS数据资源、避免基础数据的重复投入和提高地图生产效率有着重要的现实意义。本文论述了地理空间数据的类型、关系、矢量数据结构及其在电子出版系统中共享的制约因素 ,讨论了 GIS空间数据在电子出版系统中可视化技术实现的基本方法 ,在实践的基础上提出了两种企业级解决方案。  相似文献   

The Multi-angle imaging spectroradiometer(MISR) land-surface(LS) bidirectional reflectance factor(BRF) product(MILS_BRF) has unique semi-simultaneous multi-angle sampling and global coverage. However, unlike on-satellite observations, the spatio-temporal characteristics of MILS_BRF data have rarely been explicitly and comprehensively analysed. Results from 5-yr(2011–2015) of MILS_BRF dataset from a typical region in central Northeast Asia as the study area showed that the monthly area coverage as well as MILS_BRF data quantity varies significantly, from the highest in October(99.05%) through median in June/July(78.09%/75.21%) to lowest in January(18.97%), and a large data-vacant area exists in the study area during four consecutive winter months(December through March). The data-vacant area is mainly composed of crop lands and cropland/natural vegetation mosaic. The amount of data within the principal plane(PP)±30°(nPP) or cross PP ±30°(nCP), varies intra-annually with significant differences from different view zeniths or forward/backward scattering directions. For example, multiple off-nadir cameras have nPP but no nCP data for up to six months(September through February), with the opposite occurring in June and July. This study provides explicit and comprehensive information about the spatio-temporal characteristics of product coverage and observation geometry of MILS_BRF in the study area. Results provide required user reference information for MILS_BRF to evaluate performance of BRDF models or to compare with other satellite-derived BRF or albedo products. Comparing this final product to on-satellite observations, what was found here reveals a new perspective on product spatial coverage and observation geometry for multi-angle remote sensing.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Proteinisanimportantnutritionalingredientofaquaticfeed .Thehighproteinneedsoffish ,shrimpandmostotheraquaticanimalsissuppliedmainlybyfishmeal (WilliamsandBarlow ,1996 ) .Recently ,thefishmeal,asamainproteinsourceofaquaticfeedisshort suppliedintheinternationalmarketanditspriceisbecominghigherandhigher .Therefore ,itisnecessarytofindsubstitutesoffishmealasaproteinsourceofaquaticfeed . Someotheranimalby productmealssuchasmeatandbonemeal (MBM )andpoultryby productmeal(PBM )ha…  相似文献   

通过实验研究,用甲苯磺酸作催化剂的呋喃树脂自硬砂与稀土镁作催化剂生产的球铁件,通常在其铸件表层出现异常组织。提出导致异常组织产生的原因,同时又降低了试件的冲击值,并且采用反应型或屏蔽型涂料将可防止球铁件表层异常组织缺陷,为生产性能良好的球铁件提供技术依据。  相似文献   

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