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This sketch is based on the following line of thought. If we understand by (physical or dynamical) time the independent variable in the equations of motion, only quantities which are in a strictly linear relationship with this mechanical — physical time should properly be called time. This excludes therefore such concepts as e.g., sidereal time; in general that Earth Rotation Parameter which is one of the angles which define the orientation in space of a coordinate system fixed in a rigid model Earth. The relationships between these Eulerian angles and the ERP which follow from the theory of motion are discussed, also for the case that the reference system is an arbitrary noninertial system whose relationship (as a function of time) with an inertial system is known.  相似文献   

Kucera  T.A.  Aulanier  G.  Schmieder  B.  Mein  N.  Vial  J.-C. 《Solar physics》1999,186(1-2):259-280
A recent 3D magnetic model of filament support (Aulanier and Démoulin, 1998) has shown that specific morphologies derived from the model, based on SOHO/MDI magnetograms, match quite well with the observations of a filament observed in H and Caii lines with the German telescope VTT in Tenerife on 25 September 1996 (Aulanier et al., 1998, 1999a). Some predictions of this model concern the filament channel. To continue the comparison of model and data, we have investigated the same filament region observed in ultraviolet by the SOHO spectrometers SUMER and CDS. The elongated EUV fine structures in the filament channel observed in the Siiv 1393.76 Å line by SUMER have similar orientations and locations to features predicted by the model of Aulanier et al. (1999a). These regions are near the bases of field lines which tangentially join to the photosphere in so called 'bald patches' and are parts of large arcades above the filament channel. In addition, we consider the Siiv Doppler shifts in these structures and compare them to what might be expected from the model field structure. Our study also suggests that the filament has a very low opacity in Siiv, lower than that of the Ov line observed by CDS.  相似文献   

The predictions of an analytical steady thermally forced viscous model for the zonally averaged global circulation of the Martian atmosphere are compared to observations of atmospheric temperatures and eolian feature directions. The temperature of the winter polar atmosphere is a sensitive indicator of the value of the mean eddy diffusivity v of the atmosphere. For global dust storm season, the observed large warming of the atmosphere over the winter (north) pole during the 1977b storm as well as the distribution and azimuths of Type I(b) dust streaks can be well reproduced if v = 107−108cm2sec−1. Observed northeasterly surface winds at high northern latitudes could be produced by plausible fluxes of CO2 from the northern polar cap. The thermal structure at southern latitudes during this storm is satisfactorily produced, but a major discrepancy exists between observations and predictions of the temperature structure at middle northern latitudes. By comparing these results with those from previous inviscid models of the zonal mean circulation on Mars, we suggest v > 107cm2sec−1 at heights above 30 km and v ⪡ 107cm2sec−1 at lower altitudes may yield a meridional circulation which produces the dynamical warming necessary to account for the observed thermal structure at 0.6 mbar at all latitudes. For late southern summer when the dust content of the atmosphere has decreased to levels characteristic of much of the Martian year, the lack of dynamical warming of the winter pole implies v ≤ 106cm2sec−1. In addition, the predicted surface wind azimuths at this season agree well with the observed azimuths of Type I(d) dust streaks, which are observed to form at this season. The observed latitudinal concentration of the streaks is not explained by the model and may require additional processes which have not been included.  相似文献   

In this short paper we reply to the Comment by M.J.T.F. Cabbolet on Villata’s theory of antigravity. The criticisms of methodological and ontological kind presented by that author come from a misinterpretation of some concepts, perhaps due to some lack of clarity or omission of details in Villata’s original article. In order to clarify these points, here we provide additional explanations regarding the assumptions and results of the theory.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the Hubble Space Telescope spectrum of the young star FU Ori in the range 2300–3100 Å. The long-wavelength part of the spectrum is similar to the spectrum of a supergiant with T eff ? 5000–6000 K, but the range of wavelengths shorter than ?2600 Å is dominated by radiation from a region with T eff ? 9000 K. We discuss the possibility of explaining these peculiarities of the spectrum, the Al II] 2669.2 emission line profile, and the results of X-ray observations for FU Ori in terms of an accretion disk model whose thickness increases as the star is approached starting from distances ?1012 cm. Near the star, the disk has the shape of a cone in which only the part of its surface on the far (from the observer) side is visible. The suggested model is a kind of a compromise between the models of a thin α-disk and a supergiant: basically, this is an accretion model, but it resembles a supergiant in observational manifestations. Numerous absorption lines originating in the disk wind are superimposed on the disk spectrum. The wind is a cold (T ? 5000 K), dense (N e ? 1011 cm?3) gas. The number of wind absorption lines in the ultraviolet spectrum of FU Ori increases with decreasing wavelength. This causes a rapid decline in intensity in the short-wavelength part of the spectrum. As a result, the maximum temperature in the disk estimated from low-resolution IUE spectra has been underestimated.  相似文献   

We investigate the “antiglitch” AXP 1E 2259+586 experienced between MJD=56031 and 56045 in the context of the Quark-Nova model in which an AXP is a quark star surrounded by a degenerate Keplerian disk. In a companion paper we assumed the “anti-glitch” to be instantaneous, whereas in this paper we consider the quark star to undergo a period of enhanced spin-down over several days. We find that the Quark-Nova model can account for the spin-down and at the same time the enhanced 2–10 keV observed flux without introducing any new physics to the model.  相似文献   

The author considers a problem of Lyapunov's stability of relative equilibria of a flexible nonstretchable thread attached to the satellite moving in a circular Keplerian orbit in the first approximation. When it is in the position of relative equilibrium, the thread is known to be situated either along the radius vector of the orbit (the radial equilibrium) or along the circular orbit (the tangential equilibrium) and in each case the thread can be in a folded state. The author shows that folded radial equilibria of the thread are always unstable while tangential ones are unstable if the thread is sufficiently short in comparison with the radius of the orbit. The generalized Chetaev functional has been constructed to prove the instability.  相似文献   

TeV γ-ray detections in flaring states without activity in X-rays from blazars have attracted much attention due to the irregularity of these “orphan” flares. Although the synchrotron self-Compton model has been very successful in explaining the spectral energy distribution and spectral variability of these sources, it has not been able to describe these atypical flaring events. On the other hand, an electron–positron pair plasma at the base of the AGN jet was proposed as the mechanism of bulk acceleration of relativistic outflows. This plasma in quasi-thermal equilibrium called Wein fireball emits radiation at MeV-peak energies serving as target of accelerated protons. In this work we describe the “orphan” TeV flares presented in blazars 1ES 1959+650 and Mrk 421 assuming geometrical considerations in the jet and evoking the interactions of Fermi-accelerated protons and MeV-peak target photons coming from the Wein fireball. After describing successfully these “orphan” TeV flares, we correlate the TeV γ-ray, neutrino and UHECR fluxes through interactions and calculate the number of high-energy neutrinos and UHECRs expected in IceCube/AMANDA and TA experiment, respectively. In addition, thermal MeV neutrinos produced mainly through electron–positron annihilation at the Wein fireball will be able to propagate through it. By considering two- (solar, atmospheric and accelerator parameters) and three-neutrino mixing, we study the resonant oscillations and estimate the neutrino flavor ratios as well as the number of thermal neutrinos expected on Earth.  相似文献   

Solar System Research - The “Bumerang” space mission to the satellites of Mars is discussed. The purpose of the mission is to study the satellites and return of soil samples from Phobos...  相似文献   

We search for variable sources, using the data of the surveys conducted on the RATAN-600 radio telescope in 1980–1994 at 3.94 GHz. To test the radio sources of the RCR (RATAN Cold Refined) catalog for variability, we estimated the long-term variability indices V of the studied objects, their relative variability amplitudes V χ , and the χ 2 probabilities p. Out of about two hundred considered sources, 41 proved to have positive long-term variability indices, suggesting that these sources may be variable. Fifteen objects can be considered to be reliably variable according to the χ 2 criterion p > 0.98, three of these sources have χ 2 probabilities p ≥ 0.999. The corresponding probabilities for six sources lie in the 0.95 < p < 0.98 interval, and those of the remaining 20 objects in the 0.73 ≤ p < 0.95 interval. Twenty four of 41 objects are variable or possibly variable in the optical range, and five objects are known variable radio sources. We construct the light curves and spectra for the sources with positive long-term variability indices.  相似文献   

In the Quark–Nova model, Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (AXPs) are quark stars surrounded by a degenerate iron-rich Keplerian ring (a few stellar radii away). AXP bursts are caused by accretion of chunks from the inner edge of the ring following magnetic field penetration. For bright bursts, the inner disk is prone to radiation induced warping which can tilt it into counter-rotation (i.e. retrograde). For AXP 1E2259+586, the 2002 burst satisfies the condition for the formation of a retrograde inner ring. We hypothesize the 2002 burst reversed the inner ring setting the scene for the 2012 outburst and “anti-glitch” when the retrograde inner ring was suddenly accreted leading to the basic observed properties of the 2012 event.  相似文献   

The initiation phase of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) is a very important aspect of solar physics, as these phenomena ultimately drive space weather in the heliosphere. This phase is known to occur between the photosphere and low corona, where many models introduce an instability and/or magnetic reconnection that triggers a CME, often with associated flaring activity. To this end, it is important to obtain a variety of observations of the low corona to build as clear a picture as possible of the dynamics that occur therein. Here, we combine the EUV imagery of the Sun Watcher using Active Pixel System Detector and Image Processing (SWAP) instrument onboard the Project for Onboard Autonomy (PROBA2) with the white-light imagery of the ground-based Mark-IV K-coronameter (Mk4) at Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (MLSO) to bridge the observational gap that exists between the disk imagery of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and the coronal imagery of the Large Angle Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). Methods of multiscale image analysis were applied to the observations to better reveal the coronal signal while suppressing noise and other features. This allowed an investigation into the initiation phase of a CME that was driven by a rising flux-rope structure from a “two-stage” flaring event underlying an extended helmet streamer. It was found that the initial outward motion of the erupting loop system in the EUV observations coincided with the first X-ray flare peak and led to a plasma pile-up of the white-light CME core material. The characterized CME core then underwent a strong jerk in its motion, as the early acceleration increased abruptly, simultaneously with the second X-ray flare peak. The overall system expanded into the helmet streamer to become the larger CME structure observed in the LASCO coronagraph images, which later became concave-outward in shape. Theoretical models for the event are discussed in light of these unique observations, and it is concluded that the formation of either a kink-unstable or torus-unstable flux rope may be the likeliest scenario.  相似文献   

Coesite and stishovite are high-pressure silica polymorphs known to have been formed at several terrestrial impact structures. They have been used to assess pressure and temperature conditions that deviate from equilibrium formation conditions. Here we investigate the effects of nonhydrostatic, dynamic stresses on the formation of high-pressure polymorphs and the amorphization of α-quartz at elevated temperatures. The obtained disequilibrium states are compared with those predicted by phase diagrams derived from static experiments under equilibrium conditions. We analyzed phase transformations starting with α-quartz in situ under dynamic loading utilizing a membrane-driven diamond anvil cell. Using synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction, the phase transitions of SiO2 are identified up to 77.2 GPa and temperatures of 1160 K at compression rates ranging between 0.10 and 0.37 GPa s−1. Coesite starts forming above 760 K in the pressure range between 2 and 11 GPa. At 1000 K, coesite starts to transform to stishovite. This phase transition is not completed at 1160 K in the same pressure range. Therefore, the temperature initiates the phase transition from α-quartz to coesite, and the transition from coesite to stishovite. Below 1000 K and during compression, α-quartz becomes amorphous and partially converts to stishovite. This phase transition occurs between 25 and 35 GPa. Above 1000 K, no amorphization of α-quartz is observed. High temperature experiments reveal the strong thermal dependence of the formation of coesite and stishovite under nonhydrostatic and disequilibrium conditions.  相似文献   

Motivated by some previous works of Rudra et al. we set to explore the background dynamics when dark energy in the form of New Variable Modified Chaplygin gas is coupled to dark matter with a suitable interaction in the universe described by brane cosmology. The main idea is to find out the efficiency of New variable modified Chaplygin gas to play the role of DE. As a result we resort to the technique of comparison with standard dark energy models. Here the RSII brane model have been considered as the gravity theory. An interacting model is considered in order to search for a possible solution of the cosmic coincidence problem. A dynamical system analysis is performed because of the high complexity of the system. The statefinder parameters are also calculated to classify the dark energy model. Graphs and phase diagrams are drawn to study the variations of these parameters and get an insight into the effectiveness of the dark energy model. It is also seen that the background dynamics of New Variable Modified Chaplygin gas is consistent with the late cosmic acceleration. After performing an extensive mathematical analysis, we are able to constrain the parameters of new variable modified Chaplygin gas as m<n to produce the best possible results. Future singularities are studied and it is found that the model has a tendency to result in such singularities unlike the case of generalized cosmic Chaplygin gas. Our investigation leads us to the fact that New Variable Modified Chaplygin gas is not as effective as other Chaplygin gas models to play the role of dark energy.  相似文献   

“Galileo Galilei” (GG) is a small satellite designed to fly in low Earth orbit with the goal of testing the Equivalence Principle—which is at the basis of the General Theory of Relativity—to 1 part in 1017. If successful, it would improve current laboratory results by 4 orders of magnitude. A confirmation would strongly constrain theories; proof of violation is believed to lead to a scientific revolution. The experiment design allows it to be carried out at ambient temperature inside a small 1-axis stabilized satellite (250 kg total mass). GG is under investigation at Phase A-2 level by ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana) at Thales Alenia Space in Torino, while a laboratory prototype (known as GGG) is operational at INFN laboratories in Pisa, supported by INFN (Istituto Nazionale di fisica Nucleare) and ASI. A final study report will be published in 2009.  相似文献   

The term “jumping” Trojan was introduced by Tsiganis et al. (Astron Astrophys 354:1091–1100, 2000) in their studies of long-term dynamics exhibited by the asteroid (1868) Thersites, which had been observed to jump from librations around \(L_4\) to librations around \(L_5\). Another example of a “jumping” Trojan was found by Connors et al. (Nature 475:481–483, 2011): librations of the asteroid 2010 TK7 around the Earth’s libration point \(L_4\) preceded by its librations around \(L_5\). We explore the dynamics of “jumping” Trojans under the scope of the restricted planar elliptical three-body problem. Via double numerical averaging we construct evolutionary equations, which allow analyzing transitions between different regimes of orbital motion.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the dynamics in a central gravity field of two point masses connected by a massless tether (the so called “spring–mass” model of tethered satellite systems). Only the motions with straight strained tether are studied, while the case of “slack” tether is not considered. It is assumed that the distance between the point masses is substantially smaller than the distance between the system’s center of mass and the field center. This assumption allows us to treat the motion of the center of mass as an unperturbed Keplerian one, so to focus our study on attitude dynamics. A particular attention is given to the family of planar periodic motions in which the center of mass moves on an elliptic orbit, and the point masses never leave the orbital plane. If the eccentricity tends to zero, the corresponding family admits as a limit case the relative equilibrium in which the tether is elongated along the line joining the center of mass with the field center. We study the bifurcations and the stability of these planar periodic motions with respect to in-plane and out-of-plane perturbations. Our results show that the stable motions take place if the eccentricity of the orbit is sufficiently small.  相似文献   

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